The document outlines a plan for teaching English to students over an academic year. It includes 8 units covering topics like family, food, sports, technology and the environment. Each unit lists the learning objectives, communication skills and a proposed student activity like writing descriptions and messages.
The document outlines a plan for teaching English to students over an academic year. It includes 8 units covering topics like family, food, sports, technology and the environment. Each unit lists the learning objectives, communication skills and a proposed student activity like writing descriptions and messages.
The document outlines a plan for teaching English to students over an academic year. It includes 8 units covering topics like family, food, sports, technology and the environment. Each unit lists the learning objectives, communication skills and a proposed student activity like writing descriptions and messages.
The document outlines a plan for teaching English to students over an academic year. It includes 8 units covering topics like family, food, sports, technology and the environment. Each unit lists the learning objectives, communication skills and a proposed student activity like writing descriptions and messages.
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Școala Gimnazială ”Gheorghe Hariton” Săhăteni, jud.
An școlar 2022-2023
Cadru didactic: Cirstoi iulian
Disciplina: limba engleza
Planificarea activităților curriculare
Nr. Titlul activității Perioada Competențe generale Competențe specifice Activitatea
Crt. 1. Speak in everyday Describe people / characters in a simple Writing a profile of family My family communication way. members. situations. Establish social interaction based on simple conversational formulas { greetings, introductions, thanks ) 2. Write messages in Write short, simple mesages. Writing a text about typical Cooking is fun ! everyday comunication Describe aspects of daily life. British food. situations 3. Understand oral Identify main informationfrom news on Writing a blog entry about a city. Our world ! messages in everyday TV /recorded materials. communications Identify common featuresin own culture situations. and studied culture. 4. Speak in everyday Express an opinion on a problem, with Talking about sports. Sports communication support from the speaker. situations. Participate in conversations planning various activities. 5. Let s watch cartoons ! Understand oral Identify essential information in short Writing a short text about TV messages in everyday recorded excerpts referring to predictible programes. communications everyday aspects, when articulated slowly situations. and clearly. Take part in short verbal exchanges with support from the intelocutor. 6. Speak in everyday Identify essential information in short Writing a description of favourite Parts of the body communication recorded excerpts referring to predictible stars. situations. everyday aspects, when articulated slowly and clearly. Express an opinion on a familiar topic / about a familiar situation. 7. Technology Write messages in Write simple, coherent texts on topics of Writing atext about a new everyday communication interest. device / gadget. situations Manifest the interest for the quality of drafting/ writing. 8. Understand written Guessing the meaning of unknownwords Writing an article about a green Save the planet messages in everyday from the context. building. communication Identify the main aspects of short articles situations. on familiar and actual themes. 9.