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Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure

Examination for Teachers

By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

11:00 a.m-02:00 p.m

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following question .mark only one answer
for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. Which of the following demonstrate the teacher’s integrity?

a. Innovation C. Moral courage
Entrepreneurship D. Decisive thinking
2. What adjective /s describe /s an ideal teacher ‘s relationship with other government officials?
I . Harmonious
II. Subservient
III. Personal
IV. Professional
a.I and II C .III and IV
b.I and II D. IV only
3. Which is most appropriate as choice of interventions in action research?
a.That they will be supported by ample funds
b.That they are doable
c.That they require many resources
d.That they adopt complex procedures
4. Can a licensed teacher go back to teaching even if he/she has not taught for the past five years?
a.No, unless he/she earns 45 CPD units
b.Yes, if he/she completes additional 6 units of Professional education and 6 units of specialization in
school recognized
c. No, because she left teaching for the past five years.
d. Yes , because he/she has a license
5. Which test is appropriate to for developing student’s ability to organize thoughts and ideas?
a.Fill in the blanks C. Multiple choice
b.E ssay D. True or False
6. Which of the following qualities is MOST becoming of a professional teacher?
a.Love of the profession C. Regularity in discipline
b.F rugality in saving D. Humility in work
7. If you believe in a student-led rather than a teacher- led classroom, which philosophical perspective
will be most useful to you?
a.Traditionalist C. Essentialist
b. Perennialist D. Existentialist
8. What does the madrasah program of the K to 12 Curriculum prove?
a. Gender sensitivity C. Unity
b. Inclusivity D. Exclusivity
9. Which of the following is not deliberately taught in the lesson but will influence the curriculum?
a.Learning peers
b.Choice of methodologies
c.Use of assessment instruments
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

d.Statement of outcomes
10. What numerical grade corresponds to the descriptor Did not meet expectations?
a.Below 75% C. 90%
b.80% D. 85%
11. Research ways that both subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are
positively correlated with teacher’s teaching performance. Based on this finding , which is a logical
recommendation ? A teacher must .
a. Must specialize in at least one subject area
b.Must go through a strong liberal education
c.Have an in-depth knowledge of content and skilled in teaching methodology
d.Must be generalist and expert in the use of appropriate teaching methodology
12. In the X to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, how are science concepts taught in Grade 1 to 2?
a.By the use of Science modules
b.Integrated with English
c.Through the science clubs
d. Integrated in Math subjects
13. If a test item has discrimination index of -.30, what should you do?
a.Re-use it:
b.Discard it,
c.Return it to the date bank of test items,
d.Improve on it.
14. Which instructional process will be most appropriate, If Teacher Olive wants maximum students
interaction in her class of fifty (50) students?
a.After her lecture, she divides the class into small groups to share their reaction to identified issues.
b.She identification students to do class presentation and interrogates the presenters after as class
c.After her lecture, she conducts an open forum.
d.She makes the research on an assigned topic then requires them to share their findings in class.
15.Why did Math teacher choose a web application that helps his students gain Arithmetic through a
game where players earn tokens and feel they are successful through a fun experience?
A. It teaches high skills C. It is engaging
B. It is difficult D. It requires mentorship
16. In introducing a new lesson, what is Teacher Aira trying to determine when she relates a past lesson
to a new lesson.?
A. Learners’ style in knowing
B. Learners/knowledge based
C. Learners’ curiosity to know a new lesson
D. Learners’ motivation to know more
17. What is a form if distance learning that uses computer-networking technology to providing
interaction of teacher to learner?
A. Independent study C. Telescoping
B. Mentorship D. On-line learning
18. Among facets of the “hidden curriculum” that transmit right moral values, the most important by
way of personal influence are .
A. teachers’ attitude and behavior
B. teachers’ peer efforts
C. teacher’s authority over learners
D. teacher’s innovation
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

19. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must be done?

A. Console parents whose children are non-performing by telling them that nobody falls.
B. Announce names attitudes who need to help.
C. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest them then distribute the same according to rank.
D. Explain how the grades were computed.

20. While she is now teaching fourth grade students, Teacher Niks mainly uses drills in order to advance
memory-building for higher test scores.
What principle of leaqrning should teacher Niks be aware of?
a.Learning begins with expected outcomes
b.Learning is an active process
c.Learning is a discovery of meaning
d.Learning is a collaborative process

21. Which of the following is True of the final grade of students, Teacher Niks mainly uses drills in order
to advance memory-building for higher test scores.
What principle of learning should teacher Niks be aware of?
a.The sum of the grades of learning areas are added together
b. General average is computed from learning areas with equal weight
c,Separate grades for learning areas and general average
d.Different weights for each learning areas and for general average

22. Which materials are used for instructional planning of course content and strategies?
A. Exhibits C. Instructional materials
B. Seating arrangement D. Syllabus

23. What is shown by results in a pre-test?

A. Current moral values
B. Present psycho-motor skills
C. Previous knowledge
D. Past experiences

24. Vygotsky says that learning occurs in a social context, Which learning activity is most appropriate?
A. Research
B. Journal entry
C. Peer discussion
D. Individual Powerpoint presentation

25. How can a teacher win the respect of students?

I. Demonstrate competence in facilitating instruction
II. Draw out learning from students rather than feed them learning
III. Treat each student as they are with care for their4 weaknesses
IV. Be model in all aspects of personal and professional life
II, III and IV C. I , II, III, and IV
I, III and IV D. III, and IV

26. To awaken thought among learners, which kind of questioning helps the process of reflection?
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

A. Open-ended question C. Directed question

B. Specific question D. Concrete question

27. The learner’s mind takes in information, processes that information, then uses that information for
learning. Which learning theory is explained?
A. Progressivism C. Behaviorism
B. Cognitivism D. Constructivism

28. How are transition activities best handled?

A. By surprising students on activity transition
B. By simply enforcing the next activity
C. By clustering students in groups
D. By setting instruction for the next activity

29. At what point does the science learner engage is critical thinking?
A. Learning procedures
B. Examining and judging objects
C. Observing objects
D. Gathering evidence

30. What kind of foundation for the curriculum is stablished by asking the school’ mission, vision and
core values?
A. Social C. Philosophical
B. Pedagogical D. Political

31. After a 200-hour sewing course, what is an appropriate outcomes for assessment?
A. Hours Completed C. Pattern of product
B. Pedagogical D. Product sewn

32. Which of the following best describes a 21st century teacher who regular who regularly undertakes
professional training such as teacher who regularly undertakes professional training training such as
teacher seminars and workshops?

Servant leader C. Optimist

Entrepreneur D. Forever Learner

33. Which is/are true of a behaviorist teaching-learning process?

I. Fixed curriculum
II. Repetition
III. Teacher- centered
IV. Passive
I, II, and III C. I and II
III and IV D. I, II, III and IV

34. Which of the following is simulation to abstract the real world in learning?
A. Monopoly C. Role playing
B. Chess D. Scrabble
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

35. What level of the cognitive process is required in writing an essay on the level personality of a fellow
A. Recalling C. Analyzing
B. Creating D. Applying

36. What criterion is teacher Cess focusing on when he evaluated Science essay outputs of his students
for unity, sequencing, and coherence?

Relevance C. Accuracy
Appropriateness D. Organization

37. Which of the following class discussions is most appropriate in integrating the theme of civic literacy
in the basic discipline of history and other GE subjects?

How democracy is vulnerable in corrupt nation

How tribal culture effects religion
How the stock market raises affects health in society
How the coronavirus pandemic affects health in society

38. What is the most essential in the student portfolio?

A. Reflection Journals C. Tests and self-rating
B. Display Photos D. Artistic design

39. Which of the following should be recognized when dealing with cultural diversity among learners?

That inferior cultures should be disregarded

That superior cultures must prevail
That all students are the same in their cultures
That each students is unique in his/her own way
40. Which of the following is an improvement in the physical learning environment of a classroom?
A. More concept Mapping
B. Longer Lesson presentation
C. Better Classroom ventilation
D. More student-teacher interaction

41. Which of the following is the most appropriate message by teachers on the first day of class?
A. That the year will require much discipline and work for all
B. That the year will prove the best and so each must compete for grades
C. That the year will require much work and industry to pass the grade
D. That the year will be a fulfilling experience for new learning
42. After the 1987 Constitution , what is the legal basis that makes teaching a profession and considers
teachers as professionals.
A. R.A. 7640
B. R.A . 7836
C. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
D. P.D. 1006
43. Which of the following ideas is a fallacy of stereotyping that is unfair to student – learners?
a. All students have rights to have rights to be respected.
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. All students require quality instruction .

c. All students can best learn at their own pace.
d. All students from peasant communities are dull
44. Which exemplifies differentiated instruction directed at heterogenous groups in a class?
a. Same task for all groups
b. Different task , appropriate for each group
c. Three different teachers to assess groups
d. Divide class, same tasks
45. In Freud’s theory of Psychoanalysis , which best reflect the ego of a child?
a. Confidence
b. Autonomy
c. Self Identity
d. Trust
46. in Bandura’s social learning theory what is self control over one’s functioning and over events , such
when students maintain their honor grades?
a. Creativity
b. Efficiency
c. Innovation
d. Self efficacy
47. Which question can help develop students creative thinking skills after reading the story of the
Monkey and The Turtle ?
a. Why did the Turtle treat the Monkey that way?
B. Did you find the story interesting ? Explain your answer
C. If you were to re- write the story , how would you end it?
d. Who is wiser- the Monkey or the Turtle? Why?
48. Along Ericson’s psychosocial theory what is displayed by the child in saying
“I do things without worrying about them”?
a. Endurance c. Obedience
B. Discipline d. Autonomy
49. On learning deficiencies, what is learning disability in reading?
a. Dyslexia c. Dysgraphia
b. Dyscalculia d. Dyspepsia
50. How do you classify objective “To identify the parts of the flower” in terms of Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational objectives at the cognitive level?-
a. Analysis
b. Knowledge
c. Application
d. Synthesis
51. What kind of assessment uses a checklist, portfolio rubrics or a rating scale?

A. Informal assessment C. Placement assessment

B. Knowledge D. Alternative assessment

52. Teacher Miguel finds that student Marcia is emotionally insecure. Which of the following is the best
way to assist student Marcia?
A. Align activities to her needs
B. Give her more physical and less mental work
C. Exempts her in some subjects
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

D. Giver her extra assignments

53. According to Robert Cagne’s sequencing, which should be the first step in planning instruction?
A. Plan to motivate
B. Test instruction
C. specify Context
D. Identify learning outcomes

54. What domain of learning covers Teacher Patrick;s effort for students to discover personal values
applicable for life in his lessons?
A. Skills Learning C. Cognitive Learning
B. Affective Learning D. Metacognitive Learning

55. On the variety of the intelligence as dispositions, what is one work inclination of alearner who can
speak and write effectively?
A. To be an economist C. To be a singer
B. To be a journalist D. To be an ecologist

56. There is a gap between words and deeds, and so the teacher needs to exemplify certain
characteristics the most personal of which is .
A. to monitor one’s own behavior
B. to engage in socio-civic projects
C. to keep an open mind
D. to be tolerant of others

57. What is the role of the teacher in the axiom,” Teachers open the door, you enter by yourself?”
A. A s a Lecturer C. As a Facilitator
B. As a Coach D. As a Drill master

58. Which is the equivalent of self- awareness which is basic to social- emotional growth among
A. Trust C. Integrity
B. As a coach D. Ego- esteem

59. Advance organizers use to make connections among various pieces of

information for efficient recall.

A. Elaboration C. Organization
B. Rehearsal D. Visual imagery

60. In preparing instructional materials, what is the primary factor to be considered?

A. The objectives of the Lesson
B. The technology available in the classroom
C. The diversity of the learners
D. The methods and techniques
61. In curriculum -making , what foundation is established by determining the learners needs,culture,
capacity to learn prior to writing a curriculum?
A. Philosophical foundation
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. Psychological foundation
c. Historical foundation
d. Sociological foundation
62. According to progressivist educators like Carl Rogers , what is the essence of creativity among school
learners ?
a. Conformity
b. Novelty
c. Convention
d. Industry
63. Using Johann Friedrich Herbart ‘s approach to lesson delivery , which step is most relevant in
developing the young learners moral consciousness ?
a. Focus son topic of interest.
b. Question the introduced topic.
c. Relate concepts to daily living.
d. Sum the lesson ‘s achievement
64. Of the following , which will you Implement as the most effective strategy for influencing human
emotion for retention and discovery of learning .?
a. Being humorous and light in teaching c. Applying drills to augment retention
b. Using of inspirational tool (book, film ,art etc) d. Using the internet by surfing for information
65. which can be said of Patrick who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in Grammar?
a. He wass among those who failed the test
b. He answered 75 items correctly
c. He performed better than 25% of his classmates
d. He is superior in ranking
66. Teacher Sara hears rumors about a teacher-peer accepting gifts to pass students who deserve to fail
.Which of the following is an acceptable action on the part of Teacher Sara?
a. Discuss the rumor among peers
b. Avoid rumors as these are without proof
c. Send the rumor to the principal
d. Send an anonymous letter to higher authority
67. To what pillar of learning does collaborative project – making belong?
a. Learning to know
Learning to live together
c. Learning to be
d. Learning to do
68. How will you characterize contemporary progressive education?
a. Classic knowledge
b. , Virtue driven
c. Traditional
d. science -based
69. These are examples of scaffolds that the teacher can use to facilitate learning especially for those
who falter or fall behind in class discussions, but NOT to include .
a. Question
b. Cues
c. Drills
d. Prompts
70. Which of the following is TRUE of brainstorming as a group dynamics activity?
a. True ideas surface in discussion
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. Ideas tax the brain

c. No ideas are rejected
d. Best ideas are selected
71. Which of the following issues is appropriate for collaborative action research by teachers in the
a. Poverty in the regional community
b. Political dynasty during elections \
c. Increasing number of student absences
d. Climate change affecting the world
72. At what instance is the teacher a Writer of the curriculum ?
a. Presenting class lessons
b. Preparing lesson plans
c. assessing lesson outcomes
d.Checking lesson exams
73. How is reflection recorded in action research ?
a. Through the curriculum
b. Through a report journal
c. Through a lesson plan
d. Through a syllabus
74. The students score was: 80,83,84,86,87,88,89, what is the score 86?
a. Mean
b. None
c. Median
d. Mode
75. Owing to more flexible instruction such as through group discussion and role playing, how can
seating arrangement be done?
a. Moveable chair arrangement
b. Elimination of chair arrangement
c. Fixed chair arrangement
d. Increased chair arrangement
76. These are rights of the child in indigenous minorities , but NOT to include .
a. to use his / her own language
b. to exempted from formal education
c. to profess his / her religion
d. to enjoy his /her culture
77. Which of the following is NOT relevant to Max Scheler’s hierarchy of spiritual values ? By which
a. Goodness
b. Sin
c. Beauty
d. Truth
78. On DepEd’s emphasis on learning and assessment , which is given the highest percentage
contribution to the grade of students in Grades 1to 10?
a. More stress on student discipling.
b. More importance for performance tasks.
c. More value for written work .
d. More stress on leadership .
79. Scores in a distribution are extreme . Which is TRUE of the score distribution ?
a. The range is low.
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. The rage is zero.

c. The rage is high
d. The scores are close to each other
80. Of the following , what is a good example of “:learning to do” activity in teaching -and- learning?
a. Self – assessment of learning a module
b. Lecture on the topic of patriots
c. Demonstration of baking skills
d. Monitoring of learning drills
81. From the models of the curriculum process , what did the Taba model choose as the beginning of the
curriculum process?
a. Organizing curriculum experiences
b. Fomulating a design
c. . Diagnosing learner’ needs
d. Defining the school agenda
82. Which of the following ideas exemplify stereotyping that is unfair to student -learners?
a. All students can best learn at their on pace
b. All students require quality instruction
c. All students have rights to be respected
d. All students from peasant communities are dull
83. Which of the following characteristics if of primary importance in the choice of instructional aids?
a. Stimulating and colorful
b. Suitable to lesson outcomes
c. Novel and true
d. At par with the grade level
84. what is the primary purpose of a bulletin board sdisplay on national patriots with photos and
biographical text?
a. New information
b. Decorative
c, Linguistic
d. Motivational
85. What does a difficulty index of 10 mean? The test item is .
a. not valid
b not reliable
c. easy
d. Difficult
86. What is the objective of routines for class management?
a. To reward performers
b. To ensure order
c. To eliminate management
d. To punish offenders
87. Learner actively builds knowledge in the process of social interaction . Which learning theory is
a. Constructivism
b. Cognitivism
c. Behaviorism
d. Progressivism
o88. Dyslexia is a severe reading difficulty. A learner who has this should be placed in a .
a. Clinical reading program
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. Remedial reading program

c. Developmental reading program
d. Enrichment reading program
89. Which of the following best exemplifies the application of Gestalt theory on insight learning?
a. Teacher uses powerpoint to teach history
b. Teacher gives quizzes after each history lesson
c. Teacher focuses on people who make history
d. Teacher realates past history to present events
90. How will you characterize a school curriculum which reflects the worlds economic , political and
industrial trends?
a. It is classical
b. It is localized
c. It is process -oriented
D. It is globalist
91. What is the appropriate teaching -learning strategy to respond to cultural diversity among learners?
a. Variety of teaching and assessment methods
b. One set of teaching -learning methods
c. Use of comparative assessment tools
d. Group entire class homogenously
92. What kind of preschool math application or app should teacher Rose use in her kindergarten class?
a. A developmentally appropriate app
b. An easy -access high math app
c. A beautifully designed app
d. A sophisticated app
93. Which of the following is the initial task in preparing a research study?
a. Gathering of evidences
b. Definition of terms
c. Formulation of a problem
d. Analysis of findings
94. Among approaches to child development , which is the basis for Spanish friars in religious schools
using the stick to punish children who misbehave in class?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Social cognitive learning
c. Socio cultural learning
d. Operant conditioning
95. What in the concrete outcomes is outcomes -based education ?
a. Tangible Products of class projects
b, Competencies in knowledge , skills and values
c. Objectives of learning in course lessons
d. Results by way of behavior change in learners
96. Which is TRUE of the Philippine educational system?
a. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private schools in all levels.
b. Full tuition subsidy for students enrolled in the private school in in the private schools in the
basic level
c. Free educationin public elementary and secondary schools.
d. Free educationalin the government schools in all levels.
97. Researchers on the brain tell that brain is more “plastic “ in younger children and potentially more
malleable for rerouting neural circuits. What is an implication on reading disabilities?
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

I. Early identification if reading disabilities is very important.

II. Remediation for reading disabilities must be given as early as possible
III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond remediation.
a. II only
b. Ionly
c. Iand II
d. IIonly
98. Does the solution getting moreb funds directly and immediately solves the problem of a totally
irrelevant school curriculum?
a. Partly yes
b. Partly no
c. No
d. yes
99. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become borderless
primarily due to .
a. ASEAN integration
b. Teacher exchange programs
c. Use of English as a medium of teaching
d. advances in technology
100. What kind of teacher planning establishes general content and is often prepared by a committee of
a. Term planning
b. Weekly planning
c. Course mapping
d. Unit planning
101. After the 1987 Constitution, what is the first legal basis that makes teaching a profession and
considers teachers as professionals?
A. R.A. 7836
B. P.D. 1006
C. R.A. 7640
D. Code of ethics that professional teachers
102. In the context of kinds of test questions, to what does the table of Competencies relate?

A. Sequencing of test items

B. Source of test items
C. Cognitive level of test items
D. Number of test items

103. On contemporary cognitive psychology, learning is proposed to be task-oriented, purposive and

efficient which is same as being .
A. goal- directed C. meaningful
B. situational D. appropriate

104. On the theoreti cal foundation of the curriculum, why is organizing data prior to making general
conclusions important to curriculum planning and designing?
A. This is a way of essentialist philosophy
B. This is the way adopted by classical philosophers
C. This is the easy way to obtain results
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

D. This is the scientific way to a valid curriculum

105. Among thinking skills, Complex-cognitive means ability .

A. to integrative varied information
B. to maintain distinctions
C. to break down varied information
D. to identify and place ideas into categories

106. To be an effective classroom manager, what should be coupled with a friendly attitude?
A. Supervision skills C. Caring attitude
B. Confidence D. Tolerance

107. On principles of teaching- and –Learning, what do behaviorist theorists see as the way to develop
A. Learning by feeling C. Learning by doing
B. Learning by valuing D. Learning by thinking

108. Which one goes with the view that a teacher’s job satisfaction is positively related to his/her
A. A licensed teacher is a productive teacher and a happy teacher.
B. “ A productive teacher is a happy teacher.”
C. An unlicensed teacher is an unproductive teacher and an unhappy teacher
D. ‘’ A happy teacher is a productive teacher.”

109. Of the following, which is most essential to the student portfolio?

A. Reflection journals C. Test and self-rating
B. Display Photo D. Artistic design

110. Which best indicates efficiency in a two-way communication between teacher and students?
A. Defense for ideas C. Ready to talk
B. Ability to explain D. Open to listen

111. What does it mean when a misdemeanor has a ‘’ripple effect’’ on the class?
A. That misbehavior will end
B. That the class will know the misbehavior
C. That the whole class is to be blamed for the misbehavior
D. That in can affect the whole class

112. What principle is behind Vygotsy’s theory in illustrating guidance that leads to independent
performance of students in learning?
A. Apprenticeship C. Motivation
B. Scaffolding D. Fairness

113. Which teacher’s personal trait is demonstrated by being gender sensitive and inclusive towards
A. Passion C. Motivation
B. Efficiency D. Fairness
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

114. What characteristics manifest a teacher’s empathy towards learners/students?

A. Discipline and fortitude C. Strength and conviction
B. Caring and love D. Loyalty and affinity
115. Why are routines helpful for class management?
A. to ensure order C. To reward performers
B. to punish offenders D. To eliminate stress

116. For effective teaching-learning, there is no such things as one-size-fits-all. ‘’ what does this imply?
A. Consider multiple intelligences in teaching.
B. Always end up with a lesson summary.
C. Use performance tests since they are more reliable
D. Allow students to use their cellphone in class.

117. Which of the following is the correct response of the teacher to diversity of learners in the
A. Teacher sees high and low cultures
B. Teacher disregards what is diverse
C. Teacher sees nothing common among students
D. Teacher accepts and values diversity

118. For music appreciation of different musical opochs, which of the following is a most effective
instructional instrument?
A. Discussion C. Models
B. Audio recording D. Photos

119. Which is a good attention getter in introducing a lesson?

A. Relate lesson with anecdotes
B. Reading lesson objectives
C. Assigning reading before the class
D. Revealing lesson conclusions

120. On classroom activities, the following are appropriate for learners who have good verbal- linguistic
skills, but NOT to include .
A. Calculations C. Discussion
B. Journal writing D. Debates

121. Which of the following is an example of formative assessment of students?

A. Psychological test C. Final exam
B. Quizzes D. Placement evaluation

122. What factor should Teacher Cess be careful about when she is teaching in a school for children in a
poverty stricken slum area?
A. Children’s race
B. Children’s socio-economic status
C. Children’s beliefs
D. Children’s ethnicity
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

123. What is the most appropriate role of teachers in the community with respect to their examples and
A. Superiors C. Elders
B. Role models D. Village watchers

124. What is the appropriate teaching-learning strategy to respond to cultural diversity among learners?
A. Use of comparative assessment tools
B. Group entire class homogenously
C. One set of teaching-learning methods
D. Variety of teaching and assessment methods

125. How is the technology behind virtual or cyber learning be best describe?
A. Mechanical Technology C. Psycho-motor technology
B. Analogue technology D. Digital technology

126. How can teachers make parents find reporting of grades of their children meaningful?
A. By comparing grades of individuals students
B. By distributing grade report cards
C. By telling parents the limitations of their children
D. Digital technology

127. Which of the following is an effective reinforcement to conceptual ideas in a lesson?

A. Adding more ideas

B. Relating ideas to real life
C. Mixing ideas together
D. Relating ideas to real life

128. What does basic education in the Philippines encompass?

I. Kindergarten
II. Elementary and secondary education
III. Alternative learning systems for out-of- school learners and those with special need

A. II only C. II and III

B. I, II and III D. I and II

129. Which should be presented first prior to discussing a lesson on Florante at Laura?
A. Lesson sequencing
B. Lesson assessment tools
C. Lesson learning outcomes
D. Lesson method of learning

130. What is Miss Castro focusing on as she evaluated her Kindergarten students picture drawing and
coloring for their design, color choice, and overall apprearance?
A. Organization C. Materials choice
B. Beauty D. Accuracy
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

131. What is the primary purpose of a bulletin board display for Mother’s Day with hearts and love
graphic design?
A. Instructional C. Linguistic
B. Information D. Motivational
132. How many learning areas graded as “ Did not meet expectations” will mean retention in the same
grade level for grades 1-to- 10?
A. Three or more C. One or two
B. Two D. One

133. What teaching- learning approach is adopted in teaching the same major subjects (English, Math,
Science) in K- to- 12 curriculum?
A. Spiral teaching-learning
B. Higher order thinking teaching- learning
C. Differentiated teaching- learning
D. Redundant teaching-learning
134. What are equivalent to standards under the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A. Levels of qualifications
B. Certificates of training
C. Accreditations of school
D. Cost of higher education

135. Which assessment form is consistent with the saying ”The proof of the pudding is in the eating “.?
A. Contrived C. Indirect
B. Traditional D. Athentic

136. What contributed(s) heaviest to the student grade in MAPEH and TLE?
A. Leadership C. Discipline
B. Performance tasks D. Written work

137. What is required in order in order to go up the next grade level for a student who did not meet
expectations in Two learning areas?
A. Pass remedial classes
B. Take remedial classes even without passing them.
C. Reduction to lower level
D. Repeat the whole grade level

138. What facet of teaching- and learning can best draw participation of every student into classroom
A. Dominance of individuals in a group
B. Creative thingking of each participant
C. Reacting to everything
D. Feeling of being part of a group

139. On periods of child development, what feature characterizes the child in the prenatal stage?
A. Language C. Physical growth
B. Locomotion D. Social attachment

140. What is a tool for assessment of Linguistically intelligent learners?

Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

A. Building a model C. Book report

B. Music Listening D. Oral field observation

141. In the Table of Competencies, to what do unit percentages correspond in the context of the
teaching- learning process?
A. Number of subject lessons C. Number study hours
B. Number of test items D. Number of lesson modules

142. What is the basis for ascertaining that a teacher succeeds in her work of educating individual
A. Their acquired competencies
B. Their getting a diploma
C. Their getting out of school
D. Their being praised by parents

143. What is the learning paradigm involved in the school allowing early child learners to join a field trip
to the Manila Zoo?
A. Observation C. Reward
B. Biological D. Punishment

144. The statement ‘’ we don’t live in a vacuum’’ means people are .

A. Nature- bred C. Social beings
B. Biological organisms D. Urban dwellers

145. As an intellectual leader which characteristics trait must a teacher display?

A. Dislikes for teacher organizations C. Is prejudiced toward lazy students
B. Is convinced by illogical arguments D. Researched-based in his lectures

146. Constructivist Teacher Edna asked her students to present a texture story on a modern political
hero in todays millennial society . What kind of pressentatioin does she expect from her students?
a. Script
b. Schema
c. Narrative
d. Advance organizer
147. Which of these enables people to browse documents connected by hypertes links ?
a. Welcome page
b. URL
c. World Wide Web
d. Browser
148. On age period of development at what age should the school teach knowledge and appreciation of
career and professional values
a. About 45- 65 years
b. about 17-45 years
c. From birth to about 18months
d. About 18months to 6 years
`149. As many cultures had different ideas of a teacher which of the following is closest to the idea of a
modern classroom teacher?
a. Preacher
Professional Teachers- Elementary and Secondary Licensure
Examination for Teachers
By: Sir Ronald H. Abesamis, LPT, MAEd, MPA, REB, PhD (Ongoing)

b. Instructor
c. Guru
d. Master
150. Along Bloom’s taxonomy , which cognitive processing is done when the teacher asks students to
rate their work using ascoring rubric?
a. Applying
b Synthesizing
c. Analyzing
d. Evaluating

Motivational Quotes from Sir RONALD ABESAMIS

“If you understand your suffering pain will never be an issue"

"Your dream will find its way when your set your heart to achieve it"
"Made that promise to your self that one day you will be the best self you can ever be"
Pag STRESS ka at HAPPY ka nasa TAMANG PANGARAP ka, pag STRESS ka at DEPRESS ka nasa
“Ang tamang pangarap nararamdam ng puso Hindi dinidikta ng kung sino sinong nguso"
“Hindi mo kailangan maging magaling sa lahat ng bagay kasi mas kailangan mong maging matatag
na tunay buhay”

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