Degradation of Silicon Two-Barrier Thin
Degradation of Silicon Two-Barrier Thin
Degradation of Silicon Two-Barrier Thin
Institute of Radiation Problems Ministry of Science and Education, Baku, Azerbaijan.
[email protected]
Developed two - barrier structures with a nanostructured base based on silicon. Exposed to
gamma radiation at the 60Co facility and analyzed the photoelectric properties of the resulting
structures and proved that the use of these structures improves the photoelectric properties of
traditional photovoltaic structures and creates a high integral sensitivity in the short-wavelength
region of the spectrum. The effect of ionizing and penetrating gamma radiation on the
photoelectric and photoluminescent parameters of the studied two-barrier structural converters
has been studied. The main role in the photoelectric losses of the structures under study is played
by oxygen-containing centers (V2+O and V+O). With a further increase in the radiation dose, an
irreversible decrease in photosensitivity occurs due to a significant increase in the resistance of
the base.
Key words: silicon two barrier structures, p-n junctions, Schottky barriers, ionizing radiation,
effect radiation, photoelectric parameters,
The effect of gamma radiation on the mechanism of current generation and transfer in a barrier
structure of the Schottky type and in p-n junctions has been studied. It has been established that
the two-barrier structure makes it possible to improve the electrophysical parameters of the
photoconverting structure. Photoconverters with high sensitivity in the short-wavelength region
of the spectrum with a nanostructured base based on silicon. An increase in speed and an
increase in spectral sensitivity is one of the important factors.
During its existence, silicon photoconverters were the most important type of photoconverters.
To improve the photoelectric properties in the region of spectral sensitivity, some changes were
made in the structure of the photoconverter, which led to an increase in the value of the
photocurrent in the short-wavelength region of the spectrum. Recently, the applied methods [1-4]
have been widely implemented. An example is the structure of the Verizon group; pulling fields,
etc., based on the low rate of explosive recombination. In this case, such a possibility, but in a
planar version, can be created due to the field of the p-n-junction, which work in parallel
implementation of the p-n-junction and the Schottky barrier. The study of the optical properties
of thin silicon films from the dependence (α h ν )2 makes it possible to determine the band gap
[5-7] for each film. In all the studied films, the coefficient of the optical absorption edge is
described by the relation:
where, α=5∙104÷105 cm-1. E0- optical band gap for each film. B - coefficient of proportionality.
The value of B is determined by extrapolating
depending on hν for each sample.
The value of B at x = 0 ÷ 1 is from 527 to 343 eV-1, cm1/2, respectively, E0 =1,14 ⋯ 1,86 eV
for films with Au-(p-n-)Si.
The quadratic dependence (2) obtained theoretically for a model of Tauc [8,9], which
describes the density of states of the mobility gap.
where, ❑ex- the frequency of the exciting radiation;
ν❑- frequency fluorescent light.
When excited photoluminescence monochromatic radiation is most likely the appearance of a
low-frequency fluorescent light, although it is possible and the emergence of a high-frequency
(anti-Stokes) radiation. Spectral rules of photoluminescence due to the fact that the absorption of
the exciting photon with energy.
where, h - Planck constant;
v B- the frequency of the exciting radiation,
( 4)
where, vl- fluorescent light frequency.
The energy difference Wb – Wl spent on various processes in the material, in addition to
photoluminescence. In cases where a photon energy of the exciting radiation is added to some of
the energy of the thermal motion of the phosphor particles
where, a - coefficient depending on the nature of the phosphor;
k - is Boltzmann constant;
T - absolute temperature of the phosphor, there is anti-Stokes photoluminescence.
We have obtained and studied the features of two-barrier structures from the dimension base,
created on the same plane. The advantages over traditional compositions are shown. To create
planarphotodetectors with internal amplification, a structure with an Au-Si Schottky barrier was
created. A p-n-type structure on a silicon substrate is used as the starting material.
Features of two-barrier structures created on one plane are for the first time received and studied.
It is shown advantages before traditional structures. For creation of photodetectors of planar
execution with internal strengthening Au-Si Schottky barrier is created. As an initial material the
structure р - n - type on a silicon substrate is used (fig.1)[10,11].
The realization of management by current by means of light was enabled by selection of supply
voltage of K-E in such a way that collector transition is closed, and emitter — is open, at free
base. Under the influence of light in it electrons and holes are generated. At collector transition
there is a division electronic hole couples which have reached owing diffusions of border
transition. Holes are thrown by a field of transition to a collector, increasing own current, and
electrons remain in base, lowering its potential [12,13].
Fig.1. The dependence of reflection, absorption and conductivity of the metal (Au) thickness in
the structure.
when an additional forward voltage appears at the emitter junction, which enhances the injection
of holes from the emitter into the base. The injected holes, reaching the collector junction, cause
an additional increase in the collector current. Since the total collector current is proportional to
the internal gain, the increase in spectral sensitivity is as high as 100 mA/W.
The purpose of work consists in studying of influence of a charging condition of no equilibrium
vacancies on processes occurring during radiation and silicon heat treatment with Nn =1016сm3,
and also clarification of the mechanism of increase in integrated sensitivity of two-barrier
structures of rather ordinary photo diodes.
In fig. 2 spectral characteristics of two-barrier structure before radiation are shown, at the room
temperature at the return tension of Ucont. = 0V, and Ucont. = 0,5V. From drawing it is visible that
with growth of the enclosed return shift on p-n- transition photocurrent increases what to lead to
photosensitivity growth, at an optimum choice of the return tension on p-n- structure
At further increase in Ucont spectral sensitivity falls. Such behavior of Sλ connected with growth
of area of a volume charge and improvement of coefficient of collecting of photocarriers. With a
further growth of Ucont because of overlapping of zones, photoinjectionofBSh is blocked and the
structure works in a mode of one photo diode (fig. 2).
The structure was irradiated at T=300 K in gamma quanta of Co 60. Isochronous (30 min.)
annealing of radiation defects was carried out in the range of temperatures of Ta = 200-450 K.
Fig.3. The dependence of the gathering of the wavelength of incident radiation:
1. double-barrier structure; 2.Schottky barrier; 3.p-n- junction.
The analysis VAC (fig. 3) and spectral characteristics showed that recombination currents
increase in process of increase in a dose of radiation. Annealing of diodes leads to decrease in
recombination currents. At Ta temperature ≈ 300◦C there is an annealing and reorganization of
divakansion to formation of the V2 complexes + O, and at Ta = 350 ◦C the A-centers (V + O) and
complexes (V2 + O) are actively annealed. The analysis of change of a current ofthroughBSh
and n-p- transition showed distinction of influence of annealing near a surface and in the depth
of a crystal(fig.4).
Fig.4. Dependence of the spectral sensitivity of the structure the applied reverse bias the p-n-
It can be explained with growth of a photo response of BSh connected with accumulation of a
charge and improvement of coefficient of collecting.
In fig. 5 curves of spectral dependence of photocurrent before and after radiation scale are
represented at various doses and after annealing at T=400oC within 30 min. Annealing influences
spectral characteristics slightly. With dose increase the radiation scale growth of photocurrent
In fig. luminescence spectra of samples irradiated with gamma rays spectral rules of
photoluminescence due to the fact that the absorption of the exciting photon with energy.
Thus, it is possible to claim that the main role in electric losses the studied silicon structures is
played by the oxygen-containing centers (V2+O and V + O). At increase in a dose of radiation
and increase in temperature of annealing, feature VAC and spectral characteristics are caused by
change of resistance of n-Si (basic area of structure), the caused accumulation (at increase in a
dose) or disappearance and reorganization (when annealing) radiation defects. It is known that
the speed of capture by defect of electrons and (or) holes first of all depends on the section of
capture and the provision of power level in the forbidden zone. These parameters in fact are the
"individual" characteristic of defect.
When annealing structures there is a reorganization of dot radiation defects and their
disappearance. Thus mainly there is an accumulation of the same defects. Comparison to literary
data shows that the main role in photo-electric losses of the studied structures is played by the
oxygen-containing centers (V2+O and V+O). At further increase in a dose of radiation there is
an irreversible reduction of photosensitivity due to significant increase in resistance of base.
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Разработаны и проанализированы двухбарьерные структуры на основе кремния с
высокой интегрированной чувствительностью в ближнем диапазоне. Влияние гамма-
излучения на механизм токопереноса в структурах типа барьера Шоттки и в p-n-
переходах. Показано, что двухбарьерная структура позволяет улучшить
фотоэлектрические параметры обычных детекторов. Изучено влияние гамма-излучения на
возникновение механизма тока в структуре в целом и в барьере Шоттки на р-п-переходах
в отдельности. Также исследовано влияние радиации на фотоэлектрические и
фотолюминесцентные параметры двухбарьерной структуры. Показано, что две барьерные
структуры могут улучшить фотоэлектрические параметры обычных детекторов.
Разработан фотоприемник на основе кремния с повышенной интегральной
чувствительностью в коротковолновой области спектра. Исследовано влияние
радиационной шкалы на механизм токов как по структуре типа барьера Шоттки, так и по
р-п-переходам. Показано, что двухбарьерные структуры позволяют улучшить
фотоэлектрические параметры традиционных детекторов и целесобразно установка
солнечных батареии на морских буровых установках. Исследовано влияние радиации на
фотоэлектрические и фотолюминесцентные параметры двухбарьерных структур.