Ductile Fracture
Ductile Fracture
Ductile Fracture
Printed in Great Britain. 0 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Carnegie-Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A.
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A.
Abstract-The purpose of this paper is to review ductile fracture of metallic systems. The goal has been
to present both mechanics and microstructural aspects of ductile fracture and to emphasize the interplay
between the approaches. The paper considers first experimental studies and efforts to model the three
stages of ductile fracture: void nucleation, void growth and void coalescence. To make explicit the
necessity of incorporating both mechanics and microstructure in studies of ductile fracture, the fracture
behavior of three different mechanical tests are discussed. These are axisymmetric tensile specimens with
and without notches, plane strain tensile specimens and specimens containing sharp notches used to
measure fracture initiation toughness.
Keywords: Ductile fracture, void nucleation, void growth, void coalescence, tensile ductility, plane strain
tensile, notched tensile, fracture toughness, modeling fracture initiation.
l.A . scanning electron micrograph of the fracture surface of a fracture toughness specimen illustra ting
coallescence. The material is a low alloy steel and the inclusions visible on the fracture su are
manganese sulfides.
formation during creep and irradiation will not be and coalescence-combine to determine these prop-
considered. erties. For ductile fracture, the engineering properties
The locally high levels of plastic deformation asso- are determined by the interaction of stress and strain
ciated with the voids seen in Fig. 1 suggest that fields with the microstructure of the material. Because
ductile fracture requires high levels of energy absorp- ductile fracture involves both mechanics and micro-
tion. However, this is not always the case; various structure a diversity of approaches have been taken
properties, such as tensile ductility or toughness, to its study. One extreme is to use a continuum
associated with energy absorbed during the fracture mechanics approach to model ductile fracture. The
process, can be quite low. For example, even low other is the classic metallurgical approach of varying
strength materials exhibit very low tensile ductilities microstructural features and correlating the changes
if the volume fraction of a void nucleating second in properties with those changes. However, it is clear
phase is sufficiently high. In addition, the fracture that any solution to the problem of ductile fracture
initiation toughness of higher strength materials con- involves both mechanics and microstructural aspects.
taining reasonably low volume fractions of void It is hoped that the interplay between the mechanics
nucleating particles can be quite low even though and microstructural oriented approaches will be ap-
their tensile ductilities might be reasonably high. parent throughout this paper. To reinforce this theme
Moreover, materials which exhibit similar tensile the fracture behavior associated with three different
ductilities may have very different fracture initiation types of mechanical tests will be discussed. These will
toughnesses. Thus, the energy associated with ductile be axisymmetric tensile specimens of different geom-
fracture can vary enormously depending on the mate- etries, plane strain tensile specimens and specimens
rial and the nature of the mechanical test. containing sharp notches used to measure fracture
Over the past 20 yr there has been a large effort to initiation toughness.
improve the properties of engineering alloys failing This review coupled with others will provide the
by ductile fracture and to understand how the three interested reader with a good overview of our present
stages of ductile fracture-void nucleation, growth, understanding of ductile fracture and of current
Ductile fracture 1037
research interests. Review articles on ductile fracture follows reference will be made to a nucleation strain.
include those by Van Stone et al. [23], Rosenfield [24] However, experimental evidence suggests that even
and Hahn et al. [25]. A more mechanics oriented for a fixed matrix material a nucleation strain is
review is presented by Howard and Willoughby [26]. hardly unique and will apparently vary within a
Schwalbe’s article is an excellent source for micro- given distribution of particles and with the stress
structural effects [27]. state.
Most experimental evidence suggests that void
nucleation occurs first at the larger particles within
the particle distribution. This has been observed in
For purposes of discussion the process of ductile copper alloys containing SiO, [8], for constituent
fracture can be divided into three stages: (1) void particles in aluminum alloys [28], for various types
nucleation, (2) void growth, and (3) void co- of inclusions in steels [9,29] in T.D. nickel [30] and
alescence. However, it is difficult to define where one for spheroidized carbides in steels [31]. Thus for
stage ends and the next begins during fracture of given test conditions the larger particles in a given
materials. Even if the material contains only one type distribution are expected to nucleate at lower strains.
of second-phase particle, void initiation will not In addition, replacing one particle distribution
occur simultaneously at all of the particles. Typically with another characterized by a smaller average
voids nucleate at the larger particles first. As the size should increase the strain required for void
fracture process continues, voids nucleated at the nucleation.
larger particles grow while voids are nucleated at the The strain at which void nucleation occurs is
smaller particles. The process becomes even more apparently very dependent on the stress state. Cox
complicated for materials that contain several types and Low have investigated the influence of stress
of second-phase particles. In these materials, voids state on void nucleation at MnS particles in 4340
will often nucleate first at a particular particle type, steel using smooth axisymmetric tensile specimens
and later in the fracture process at another set of and notched tensile specimens [9]. Figure 2 shows
particles. It is often the case that some of the particles the fraction of MnS inclusions with voids as a
may never initiate voids at all, but may affect the function of true plastic strain for the 4340 steel. In
fracture process only indirectly by influencing the the notched specimens, with a higher triaxial stress,
flow characteristics of the matrix. An example of such voids nucleated at lower strains than in the smooth
a complex system is the ultra high strength steel 4340. tensile specimens. Void nucleation in the high purity
This steel contains inclusions, often small undissolved steel, with its smaller average inclusion size, occurred
carbides, and, after tempering at 2OO”C,fine carbides at higher strains than in the commercial purity 4340.
precipitated on tempering. Voids initiate first at the Other evidence for the importance of stress state
inclusions, later in the fracture process at the un- on void nucleation come from studies of the effects
dissolved carbides and perhaps not at all at the of hydrostatic pressure. French and Weinrich [32]
precipitated carbides. While a sharp division between studied void nucleation at cementite particles in a
initiation, growth and coalescence might be some- spheroidized 1050 carbon steel using smooth tensile
what misleading, the following discussion of the specimens uniaxially deformed under superimposed
fracture process will consider the three stages hydrostatic pressure. They found that increasing the
separately. pressure from 0.1 to 300 MPa significantly retarded
void nucleation, but there was little change in the
1I.A Void initiation
II.A.1 Experimental observations. Void initiation F _F
100 -- , I
can occur by decohesion of the particle-matrix 2 . 0 SMOOTH SPECIMENS
interface and by fracture of the particle. For a given ? F A A NOTCHED SPECIMENS
type of particle, particle fracture is favored as the size SOLID SYMBOLS REPRESENT_
= 75
of the particle increases although this is influenced by 5 OPEN SYMBOLS REPRESENT
the shape of the particle, its orientation (if not 4 HIGH PURITY
1 I I I I I I -
0 (I 04). Solution Treat.
lOoF- 50 hrs.
80 I- A (225),800’F- 3 hrs.
0 (2891, 900°F- 3 hrs.
A (2481, lOOO*F-3hrs.
n (3001, 800°F- 100 hrs.
Fig. 3. The per cent of Ti,S inclusions associated with voids as a function of strain for a maraging steel
aged to several different strength levels [29].
strain required for void nucleation as the hydrostatic Al,09 particles. They employed an expression devel-
pressure was increased from 300 to 600 MPa. This oped by Ashby [37] which relates the work of
result suggests that when large stresses are required adhesion (bond strength) and the strain at which
for void nucleation, a simple normal stress criterion decohesion occurs:
may not be adequate to describe the onset of void
nucleation, but rather a criterion based on both
stress and strain may be required [23]. Additional
support for this conclusion comes indirectly from the
work by Coffin and Rogers on the influence of where G is shear modulus, b is Burgers vector, d is
hydrostatic pressure on strip and wire drawing [33]. particle diameter, t is critical strain for separation,
On the other hand, Chen has presented evidence and k is mean particle spacing.
which suggests hydrostatic tension will influence only Specimens prepared by powder metallurgy tech-
void growth, not void formation [34]. niques were cold rolled to 75% reduction, then held
Psioda’s work on a 300 grade maraging steel 30min at 1100°C to equilibrate cavities. Contact
suggests that matrix strength, or perhaps more angles at voids were measured in a high-voltage
correctly the flow characteristics of the matrix, can electron microscope. The work of adhesion was
influence void nucleation [29]. By varying the aging determined from
conditions, the yield strength of the steel could be
varied from 104 to 300 ksi. The percent of T&S w,, = yu(l -cos O),
inclusions in the steel which were associated with
voids is plotted in Fig. 3 as a function of strain for where yu is the surface energy of the matrix (as-
the different strength levels. These data suggest that sumed) and 0 is the contact angle between matrix
void nucleation occurs at lower strains in higher and inclusion. In this and a subsequent study [38] it
strength materials. was found that MO or Cr additions to the iron matrix
It is also believed that the nucleation strain can be produced large improvements in ductility. Additions
influenced by altering the strength of the cohesive of Cr to an F&O% Ni base increased W,, to such
bond between the particle and the matrix. The an extent that no voids were found at A&O3 particles
addition of zinc to copper containing particles of after 75% cold work. A similar effect of Cr in
SiOz was found to reduce the nucleation strain and increasing adhesion between ThO, and Ni was noted
this was attributed to a reduction in the strength of by Franklin et al. [39]. Chromium also increases
the bond between the copper and the SiO, particles significantly the cohesion between ferrite and MnS
[35]. There have been only a few attempts to increase [40]. In a third investigation Easterling et al. strained
the bond strength between metal matrices and inclu- foils in the high-voltage microscope and related flow
sions. Fischmeister et al. [36] examined the effects of stress and ductility to 0 [41]. When 0 was less than
alloying on the bond strength between iron and 10” the material was brittle; high values of 0
Ductile fracture 1039
produced ductile fractures, Sundstrom came to the interface between plate-like carbides and ferrite will
same conclusion on the basis of calculations per- result in decohesion whereas in the absence of such
formed on a plane strain model of Al,O, inclusions impurity segregation particle cracking was observed.
in y Fe [42]. For a large work of adhesion, 2 J rnm2, Void nucleation sites other than second phase
no decohesion occurred. For intermediate values, particles have been observed in many alloy systems.
decohesion was followed by void growth and for a Thompson and Williams [54] observed that relatively
very small work of adhesion, 0.02-0.2 Jmm2, brittle featureless dimples formed in single-phase a Ti-Al
fracture occurred. alloys. There were no void nucleating particles evi-
There is evidence that segregation of impurity dent which led to the suggestion that twin bound-
atoms to the particle-matrix interface can reduce the aries, grain boundaries, vacancy clusters or slip band
strains required for void nucleation. Rellick and intersections may have acted as nucleation sites.
McMahon [43] and Smith and Low [44] have shown Subsequently, Van Stone et al. [55,56] showed that
that trace elements such as phosphorous, antimony void nucleation occurred at twin boundaries in a
and tin segregate to ferrite-carbide interfaces during Ti-5Al-2.5 Sn alloy tested at room temperature and
temper embrittlement of steels. King and Knott have at intense slip band intersections when tested at
shown that temper embrittlement heat-treatment of cryogenic temperatures.
a low alloy steel results in a large reduction in In OFHC copper, Nieh and Nix [57] observed that
toughness even when failure is by dimpled rupture failure occurred by grain boundary void formation
[45]. Hippseley and Druce have investigated the during high-temperature creep tests. Both the grain
influence of temper embrittlement heat treatments on boundary void size and slip band spacing varied
the ductile fracture of the low alloy steel 300M inversely with applied stress. The one-to-one corre-
initially tempered at 650°C for 10 hr [46]. They found spondence between grain boundary void size and slip
that the temper embrittlement treatment significantly band spacing suggested that void nucleation resulted
reduced the strain required for initiation of voids at from the intersection of slip bands with the grain
the carbides. Using Auger techniques they observed boundaries.
strong segregation of phosphorus to the A diversity of void nucleation sites has been ob-
ferrite-carbide interface in the temper embrittled served in a + /I titanium alloys. In aged a + /? alloys,
material. failure often nucleates at cctitanium particles [13-l 51.
Voids can also be initiated by the fracture of The voids which form at these particles result from
second-phase particles. Systems in which fracture of the intersection of planar slip bands in the a particle
second-phase particles have been observed include with the particle-matrix boundary. These voids sub-
constituent particles in aluminium alloys [47], sequently grow along the a boundaries until they
cementite in steels [31], as well as sulfides, and impinge.
Ti(CN) and other inclusions in steels [9,29,48-501. The propensity for voids to nucleate at and grow
Gurland demonstrated that void nucleation occurred along grain boundaries permits a wide range of
by cracking of spheroidized cementite in a 1.05% fracture toughness values to be obtained from ti-
carbon steel under tensile, compressive, and torsional tanium alloys by changing the morphology and dis-
loading [31]. Cracking occurred perpendicular to the tribution of the void nucleating a phase through
direction of the maximum principal strain under all heat-treatment. This is illustrated by the study of
three loading conditions which coincided with the Galda et al. [58], of grain size effects on fracture
direction of the highest tensile stress and the largest toughness of Ti-6A1-4V. They observed one dimple
particles fractured at the lowest strains. Particle along each grain boundary in small grain size samples
fractures are often constrained to the second-phase and more than one dimple along a grain boundary in
particles, but in some cases, cracks are observed to large grain size samples. As a consequence, fracture
run continuously through the particle some distance toughness increased significantly with increased grain
into the matrix. Factors which influence the tendency size in small grain size samples, then exhibited a weak
for void formation by particle cracking include dependence on grain size in large grain size samples.
particle size [31,47], strength of the matrix [29], The transition between a strong and weak grain size
particle shape [51,52], and the strength of the effect appears to correlate with the onset of multiple
matrix-particle bond, which can be altered by segre- void formation along a grain boundary. The rela-
gation of impurity elements. Gangulee and Gurland tively high fracture toughness of titanium alloys
[47] found for a given particle volume fraction and heat-treated to obtain a Widmanstatten structure is
level of applied stress that the fraction of particles derived from fracture along the elongated a platelets
which fractured scaled with the square root of the [59]. Fracture along elongated a platelets results in
average particle diameter. In general, they found that pronounced crack plane deviations (crack path tor-
the fraction of particles which fractured scaled with tuosity). These crack plane deviations require the
~~di’~/f’~ where CTis the true applied stress, d is the crack to travel over a greater distance and require
average particle diameter andfis the particle volume more energy for propagation than compared to crack
fraction (Fig. 4). Restaino and McMahon (531 have growth during flat fracture [14, 15, 591. Void nu-
pointed out that segregation of impurities to the cleation at phase boundaries has been reported in
SYMBOL 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 e l 0
% Si 2.6 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 9.613.2
d 9.4 2.6 3.6 5.1 6.1 6.6 9.6 II.2 12.6 6.9 6.9
Fig. 4. A plot of the fraction of particles which have fractured as function of ~d”‘/f”~, where D is the
true applied stress, d is the particle diameter, and f is the particle volume fraction. The material is an
alum&m alloy containing various amounts of silicon and undissolved silicon particles [47]. (Reprinted
with permission from Trans. metall. Sot. 239, 271 (1967), a publication of the Metallurgical Society,
Warrendale, PA 15086, U.S.A.)
other two-phase alloys such as, for example, dual- that voids formed at slip band intersections or dis-
phase steels [198]. location cell walls during straining.
Voids have also been found to nucleate at sites In this section, experimental studies of void nu-
other than second-phase particles in age hardened cleation at second-phase particles have been sum-
metastable /l titanium alloys. These alloys deform marized. These studies suggest that void nucleation at
inhomogeneously by coplanar slip. As shown by low strains will be favored by large particle size, high
Gysler et al. [16], voids nucleate at slip band inter- interfacial stresses, high matrix strength, weak bond-
sections with grain boundaries and other slip bands ing between the matrix and particle, and high particle
resulting in ductile intergranular and faceted failures. volume fraction. In addition, it has been pointed out
Unless studied in detail, the role of void nucleation that void nucleation does not always occur at second-
at slip band intersections may be overlooked. As phase particles. However, it is emphasized that non-
demonstrated by Williams et al. [17] in a study of particle related void nucleation is not as prevalent
metastable jl titanium alloys, failure appeared to and important as particle related void nucleation.
occur by cleavage at low magnification. However, With the exception of titanium alloys, ductile fracture
examination of TEM replicas at high magnification of engineering alloys usually begins with the initiation
revealed that the “cleavage” facets were covered by of voids at second-phase particles.
parallel rows of small, equiaxed dimples. A similar II.A.2 Modelling void nucleation at particles. The
approach applied to hydrogen-induced faceted frac- experimental results presented in the previous
ture of IN903 [60-62] showed that microvoids also section show that the initiation of voids at second-
formed at slip band intersections. Single crystal phase particles can occur by two mechanisms:
studies [18, 191 found that failure can initiate by (1) decohesion of the particle-matrix interface which
microvoid nucleation at the intersection of intense begins at particular points on the interface or (2) by
shear bands. The use of high voltage electron micro- fracture of the particle. While void nucleation is often
scopy during deformation of 304 stainless steel [20] quantified by a nucleation strain, the nucleation
revealed that failure in this polycrystalline alloy can strain does not appear to be an absolute quantity for
also initiate at slip band intersections. Similar studies a given type of second-phase particle. Factors which
by Robertson and Birnbaum (631 of nickel showed influence the nucleation strain appear to be the
Ductile fracture 1041
strength of the particle-matrix interface, the stress be regarded as the spacing of active slip bands. If void
state, and the flow strength of the matrix. For nucleation is reached at a critical stress u, then this
nucleation by particle-matrix decohesion, there is stress will be achieved at lower strains for larger
substantial evidence which suggests nucleation is particles. Rosenfield [24] has noted that the model
easier at larger particles, although this point is de- does not incorporate other possible effects such as
bated [23,64,65] and Rosenfield [24] has suggested stress state or the stress intensification at the interface
the evidence for this size effect is not unequivocal. In discussed by Gurland and Plateau [66]. Rosentield
addition, there appears to be a second size effect-a [24] suggested the tensile stress at the interface could
transition from void nucleation by particle-matrix result from summing the contributions of several
decohesion to void nucleation by particle fracture. effects.
Both continuum and dislocation approaches have
been taken to modelling void nucleation. Some of a,=a,+qa +a,,
these modelling efforts will be now summarized in a
chronological order. In all of these models the where bT is the stress derived by Ashby, qcr is the
second-phase particle is assumed to be much harder intensification of the stress suggested by Gurland and
than the matrix and to deform only elastically. Plateau and C~ would be the hydrostatic pressure or
Gurland and Plateau appear to be the first to tension. We note here that this list of contributions
model void initiation and their interest was in deter- to the interfacial stress has not been exhausted; other
mining the conditions required for void nucleation by contributions are possible. For example, there could
particle fracture [66]. They suggested a necessary be stresses at the interface generated during heat-
condition for particle fracture was that the strain treatment if the particle and the matrix have different
energy released by particle fracture be greater than coefficients of expansion [67-761. To the best of our
the surface energy of the crack surfaces. Assuming knowledge, such stresses have not been studied with
the stress field of the particle and of the crack had respect to void nucleation.
dimensions of the same magnitude as the particle, Tanaka et al. determined the critical strain for void
they gave an approximate expression of the applied nucleation by decohesion of the particle-matrix inter-
stress, u, required for particle fracture, face for a system consisting of an elastically defor-
ming spherical inclusion and a plastically deforming
1 Ey I’* matrix for the case of uniaxial tension [77]. Their
fJ=-- ,
q0a calculations suggest that for particle diameters
greater than about 500 A, the energy criterion is
where q is a stress concentration factor, a is the satisfied at very low strains. However, it is not clear
particle diameter, E is a weighted average of Young’s whether a purely continuum model can be used at
moduli of the particle and the matrix and y is the such small particle sizes. Tanaka et al. also con-
specific surface energy of the crack within the par- sidered the criterion that void nucleation will occur
ticle. This approach predicts that the stress required when the stress at the interface exceeds a critical level,
for particle fracture will increase with decreasing assumed to be the theoretical strength of the particle
particle size and with the bulk fracture toughness of or matrix, whichever is lower. These calculations
the material constituting the second-phase particle. suggest a critical matrix strain for decohesion which,
Ashby appears to have been the first to propose a unlike the results of Ashby, is independent of particle
model for void nucleation by particle-matrix deco- size.
hesion [37]. Ashby suggested that the most plausible Brown and Stobbs were the next to model void
approach was that particle matrix decohesion would nucleation by decohesion of the particle-matrix inter-
occur when a critical stress was achieved at the face [78]. Like Ashby, their model was derived in the
interface. Ashby, considering a particle engulfed by a context of a study of work hardening. Brown and
slip band, suggested that the loops encircling the Stobbs suggested that void nucleation would not
particle could result, via secondary slip, in an array occur unless the elastic energy stored within the
of prismatic loops. The vacancy loops would result in particle, and presumably lost when void nucleation
tensile stresses on the particle-matrix interface given occurred, was greater than the surface energy associ-
by ated with the formation of the void. They took the
elastic energy stored in the particle as
where c is the plastic strain, R is the radius of the where up*is a measure of the incompatibility between
particle, b is the matrix Burger’s vector and 1 the matrix and particle deformation, p* is the shear
the length of the array of prismatic loops. Ashby modulus of the particle and r,, is the particle radius.
suggested that in considering an array of particles, They took the increase in energy of the system due to
1 could be equated with half the particle planar the formation of the new surfaces of the void and the
spacing, or for widely separated particles, that I could elimination of the matrix-particle interface as 4ny&
JR and N. R. MOODY
where y is yM+ yp - ypM.Thus for void nucleation to negative pressure or hydrostatic component of the
occur stress. As the flow stress in tension is very close to the
mean value of the limits, they suggest
and assuming that the void initiating particles control the models in how they treat the energy criterion.
the flow stress according to There is no agreement between the models as to how
nucleation strain will depend on size.
[ 1,
(a) (b) (cl
--1 dR =-----sinh
(1-n): In we/W = 0.07 In “b/Ly ‘0.25 In WC/Iv = 0.37
R dy 2(1-n)
T, = 4wo T, = 2W, T,=4W,
where 7 is the shear stress in the band, u is the normal Fig. 5. Traces of observed void dimensions and the predic-
stress across it and n is the strain hardening coefficient tions of McClintock’s model. FV, is the initial specimen
thickness and W is the current thickness. r, is the specimen
in 7 = 7g”. In 1971, McClintock [90] published an
width 1911. (Reprinted with permission of Mark Perra,
order of magnitude estimate for the growth of ellip- author.)
soidal holes by taking the averages of the three
principal stresses
the McClintock equations greatly underestimate the
1 dR extent of void growth (Fig. 5), but confirm the
-- =&sinh[(l -n)$],
R dz importance of high stress-triaxiality in void growth
(Fig. 6).
where R is the mean of three semiaxes of the void, CI Another continuum description of void enlarge-
is a constant on the order of unity, 6 is the equivalent ment has been presented by Rice and Tracey [92] and
plastic strain, and a, is the mean stress. further developed by Tracey [93]. Rice. and Tracey
Perra [91] evaluated the McClintock equations considered a spherical void in a rigid-perfectly plastic
with cylinders of graphic embedded in blocks of high material. They found that for the case where the
purity copper. Notched and unnotched plane strain remote strain field consisted of a tensile extension at
tensile specimens were machined from these blocks rate i, that the following was a good approximation
such that the graphite cylinders were aligned perpen- for a wide range of stress states.
dicular to the tensile direction in the centers of the
specimens. The growth of the cylindrical voids was R
- =0.2*3exp[ ++:I,
determined metallographically. Perra’s work suggests iR
1 ,n;_J;r)[d(3
Elliptical cavity
hr A = &36 ) sinh J(3) (u, + ub) (1 -n),/(3)(a,+ ub)
& --[ 2 26 26
Ductile fracture 1045
O_ 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
1 /
Fig. 6. The influence of stress state, triaxility (~,,,,/a) on the E / / j
strain required to extend the internal void over 10% of the
neck of the specimen [91].
ln(R/&) = ac exp(/?a,/a)
E 1
void growth. However, there is some evidence that Fig. 9. Comparison of void lengths and widths as a function
strength level does influence the rate of void growth. of strain for maraging steel in low strength (annealed) and
high strength (aged) conditions [97]. (Reprinted with
Cox and Low have studied the void growth rates
permission from Scripfa Metall. 4, 87 (1970). Pergamon
for voids initiated at large manganese sulfides in 4340 Journals Ltd.)
and at Ti(C, N) particles in a 250 grade maraging
steel [9]. For both steels the rate of void growth
observed in notched tensile specimens were much fracture is void coalescence. In this stage the growing
larger than those observed in axisymmetric tensile voids link together, and actual fracture can proceed,
specimens. Moreover, Cox and Low’s work suggests either stably or unstably. It is useful to consider two
that the rate of growth of the void width is much processes by which growing voids coalesce. The first
lower than the rate of void depth, when stress tri- would occur in a material containing only one
axiality is low. In addition, the voids nucleated at the population of void nucleating particles activated
larger inclusions tended to grow faster. during the fracture process (there may be other
The data of Floreen and Hayden [97] and of Psioda particles but they are bonded to the matrix so
[29] suggest that the void growth rate increases with strongly that they do not nucleate voids). Co-
matrix strength. Floreen and Hayden measured from alescence occurs when the voids nucleated at these
cross-sections of tensile specimens the length (parallel particles impinge. In the second, voids are first
to tensile direction) and width of the 10 largest voids nucleated at particles in a particular particle popu-
as a function of strain for two microstructures. (The lation (the one with particles most weakly bound to
voids presumably nucleated at fractured Ti(C, N) the matrix). These voids grow as the material is
inclusions.) The first microstructure was an annealed plastically deformed. At some point, voids are nu-
condition which had a yield strength of about 135 ksi. cleated at a second particle distribution. These par-
Their paper suggests this was as-received material ticles are generally much smaller, more finely dis-
which is normally heavily overaged. The second persed and more strongly bonded to the matrix, so
microstructure was that obtained by aging to obtain that the strains required to nucleate voids at these
a yield strength of 279 ksi. As shown in Fig. 9, the particles are higher. Thus the voids which form first
void growth is more rapid for the high strength coalesce by the growth and coalescence of the voids
microstructure. Psioda also examined the influence of nucleated at the second particle population. This
yield strength on the rate of growth of voids in a process is often referred to as void sheet coalescence
maraging steel and found the rate increased with [6,22]. Experiments suggest that the coalescence
increasing matrix strength. event is, in general, rapid, occurring over a small
In summary, the continuum predictions for the interval of macroscopic strain [98].
growth of an isolated void predict that the rate of Two mechanisms have been proposed for co-
void growth will increase with void size and that the alescence by void impingement. In the mechanism
growth rates are amplified over imposed strain rates suggested by Cottrell [99], the ligaments between
by a factor rising exponentially as a function of the growing voids would simply neck down to a “point”.
ratio of the mean normal stress to the effective stress. Thus a fracture surface of such a failure would be
These equations are in qualitative agreement with voids of a rather uniform size and spacing with the
experimental observations but underpredict the ex- ridges around the dimples representing material
tent of void growth. drawn to a knife-edge fracture of zero cross-section.
A second mechanism which would result in direct
1I.C Void coalescence impingement of the growing voids is the slipping off
II.C.1 Mechanisms of void coalescence. The final mechanism observed in the tensile fractures of single
step in the idealized three stage process of ductile crystals [loo]. One should be able to distinguish
Ductile fracture 1047
between the slipping off and necking down processes by a void sheet mechanism in which the voids within
by cross-sectioning fracture surfaces. While the au- the sheet were nucleated at carbides precipitated on
thors are unaware of studies of the mechanisms of tempering.
direct void impingement, there exist many examples While it is commonly stated that void coalescence
of direct void impingement. For example, it has been in maraging steels is by direct impingement, Roesch
reported that for certain heat-treatment conditions and Henry [104] have found that once the inter-
the fracture surfaces of maraging steels consist of metallics, precipitated on aging of these steels, reach
equiaxed dimples nucleated at titanium carbides [9]. a critical size they too can nucleate voids. Therefore,
In addition, fractures of spheroidized steels have one would expect in some aging conditions for the
been claimed to be through direct impingement of large voids nucleated at the Ti(C, N) inclusions to
voids nucleated at the carbides [ 101, 1021. An ex- coalesce by a void sheet process where the sheets are
ample of direct void impingement from work by formed by voids nucleated at the intermetallics.
L. Thompson [103], is shown in Fig. 10(a). Here, Low observed in 2000 and 7000 series aluminium
voids nucleated at large inclusions are seen to alloys that the large voids nucleated at constituent
coalesce by direct impingement for a Fe-Mn-Cr particles often coalesced by the formation of void
stainless steel. In Fig. 10(b), the voids nucleated at sheets [28,105, 1061. The void sheets were formed by
large inclusions do not always impinge directly, but the growth and coalescence of voids nucleated at
are often separated by regions of very small dimples. dispersoids, submicron-sized particles introduced in
The classic example of void sheet coalescence by the alloy to control grain growth.
the nucleation of voids at a second particle popu- In addition, void sheet coalescence can connect
lation in a region of shear localization between larger larger voids by nucleating microvoids in processes
particles is of course that of Cox and LOW 191.They which do not require a second particle population.
observed, as shown in Fig. 11, that large voids In a study of hydrogen effects on the y’ strengthened
nucleated at sulfide inclusions in 4340 steel coalesced superalloy IN903, Moody and Greulich observed
that voids nucleated at fractured matrix carbides
(NbC) and coalesced by a void sheet mechanism [60].
Void sheet formation occurred at grain boundary
carbides in uncharged samples and along coplanar
slip bands in hydrogen charged samples. High
magnification fractography and TEM of strained
samples suggested that the voids along the coplanar
slip bands formed at slip band intersections.
Ordinarily void sheet coalescence brings to mind
the classic micrograph in the paper by Cox and Low
[9]. However, Rogers defined the term void sheet
coalescence in rather more general terms [6,22] to
include notch and strain localization effects. Puttick
[5] found in smooth axisymmetric tensile specimens
of OFHC copper that voids form first in the center
of the tensile specimen and coalesce to form an
internal notch (Fig. 12). Rogers observed that the
notch tends to concentrate or localize the defor-
mation at its tip in narrow bands of high shear strain
at an angle of 50”-60” to the transverse plane. Under
the combined action of the applied tensile stress and
the resulting shear strain, “sheets” of voids are
nucleated in these bands, growing until coasescence
(by impingement) occurs, producing local fracture of
the “void” sheet. Thus, the requirement for void
sheet coalescence is that voids nucleate and coalesce
on a nominally 2D surface defined by a region of
strain localization. In general, void sheet coalescence
does not require a second population of void nucle-
Fig. 10. Scanning electron microscope fractographs from ating particles. Void sheet coalescence defined in
Charpy impact specimens of (a) 20Mn-13Cr-O.lN-1 SSi general terms is observed in many different situ-
steel fractured at room temperature, and (b) 16Mn-13Cr ations.
alloy fractured at - 196°C (1031. (Reprinted with permission Examples of void sheet coalescence in which a
from Mechanical Properiies and Phase Transformations in
second particle population is not required are various
Engineering Materials (edited by Antolovich, S. D., Ritchie,
R. 0. and Gerberich, W. W.). The Metallurgical Society, types of grain boundary fracture. Ductile inter-
420 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086, (1985).) granular fracture can occur in steels when they are
1048 W. M. GARFCFQN JR and N. R. MOODY
Fig. 11. Coalescence of two voids by a void sheet mechanism in 4340 steel [9].
overheated [107-1091. Overheating occurs when a it is not clear if shear localization requires microvoid
steel is austenitized at a temperature sufficiently high formation in the region between the larger inclusions.
to dissolve some or all of the sulfide inclusions; on Edelson investigated strain concentration between
quenching, sulfides precipitate at the austenite grain voids by examining copper sheets containing arrays
boundaries. Depending on the relative amounts of of holes which were coated with a strain sensitive
inclusions within the matrix and on the grain bound- birefringent film [ 1141. He examined holes positioned
aries, ductile intergranular fracture can take place along 35” diagonals and holes positioned along 60”
[1lo]. In such situations the toughness is apparently diagonals. He found that in both arrays the local
controlled by the spacing of the particles on the grain plastic strains at the hole edges were much greater
boundary [l 111. Intergranular fractures are also than the macroscopic strain; furthermore, the holes
observed in high strength aluminium alloys [112]. in the 35” diagonal arrays were joined by a path of
Intergranular void sheet coalescence can also re- high strain, almost as high as the highest local strains
sult if there is a precipitate-free zone. Kirman at the edge of the holes. Similar experiments and
investigated the influence of aging on the micro- observations have been made by Bourcier and Koss
mechanisms of ductile fracture of an Al-Mg-Zn [115].
aluminum alloy (7075) [ 1131. He found that when the Various numerical computations tend to corrobo-
alloy was sufficiently overaged, fracture occurred rate these experimental observations. Needleman
intergranularly by the coalescence of voids nucleated [96], Nemat-nasser and Taya [116], and Tvergaard
at grain boundary MgZn, precipitates. The voids [117] have shown in finite element calculations based
nucleated preferentially at the grain boundary pre- on an elastic-plastic matrix with a smooth yield
cipitates due to strain localization in the relatively surface, that neighboring voids become linked by a
soft precipitate-free zone. highly strained region. However, no shear band
II.C.2 Modeling void coalescence by void sheet instability would occur in these materials at realistic
formation. The mechanism of void sheet coalescence strain levels [118]. Tvergaard considered a similar
suggests strong localization of strain between the initial void distribution, but permitted microvoid
larger voids. It is unclear if the void sheets are the nucleation. Using Gurson constitutive equations
product simply of strain localization between the [ 1191for a porous medium, he predicted strain local-
larger voids or microvoids strongly contribute to the ization and microvoid nucleation in a narrow band
localization of flow between the larger voids. Experi- that begins at a large void, and grows into the matrix
ments and continuum calculations suggest that strain in the direction of another large void (selected to be
concentration can occur before microvoids form, but at 40.8” from the initial void [118].
Ductile fracture I1049
Fig. 12. Section through neck of a tensile specimen of copper showing profusion of voids and central crack
in the necked region [5]. (Reprinted with permission from Phil. Mag., Taylor &I Francis, Ltd. (1959).)
III. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES properties (strain to fracture for the tensile specimens
and the critical crack tip opening displacement at
In this section we will discuss the process of ductile fracture initiation in toughness type specimens) can
fracture in the context of specimens often used to be predicated in terms of microstructure and/or
assess fracture behavior. The specimen geometries to continuum treatments of the three stages of the
be discussed are: smooth axisymmetric tensile speci- ductile fracture process.
mens, notched axisymmetric tensile specimens, plane
strain tensile specimens and fatigue precracked speci- IILA Ductility of smooth axisymmetric tensile
mens such as compact tension specimens or three specimens
point bend specimens used to measure fracture initi- The most commonly reported engineering prop-
ation toughness. The topics to be addressed are the erty is the strain to fracture for a smooth axisym-
stress states and strain distributions in the particular metric tensile specimen. The strain to fracture is
geometries, the micromechanisms of the fracture equal to ln(A,/A,) where A, is the initial cross-
process, and finally the extent to which mechanical sectional area and A/ is the smallest cross-sectional
1050 JR and N. R.
area after fracture. Initially the cross-sectional area garded the fracture event to be the growth of this
remains a constant along the specimen length or central flaw [1271.
gauge length. At some strain, the uniform strain, the An important factor in determining the tensile
specimen begins to neck. Beyond the onset of neck- ductility is the volume fraction of particles. Edelson
ing, strain will become concentrated in the necked and Baldwin investigated the effects of independent
region, although plastic deformation occurs through variations of particle volume fraction and size on the
the length of the necked region until late in the tensile properties of copper [128]. The particles
fracture process. The problem of necking of an included voids and particles of molybdenum, lead,
axisymmetric tensile specimen has been assessed by alumina, graphite and iron. They found that tensile
Bridgman [ 1211and subsequently treated numerically ductility depended primarily on the total volume
by Needleman [122], Chen [123], and Norris et al. fraction of particles and voids. Their alloys were
[124]. The analyses suggest that the effective plastic prepared by powder methods and all materials to
strain (cP) is essentially uniform across the neck and which inclusions were deliberately added contained
may thus be calculated from the diameter change of 2% voids. Their plot of tensile ductility as a function
the specimen. The second conclusion is that the ratio of total volume fraction of inclusions and voids in
of the mean normal stress (a,) to the equivalent Fig. 13 largely supports their conclusion. However,
stress (5) increases as the necking progresses. In fact, the data are not totally conclusive as, for example,
at the center of the specimen a,,,/5 can increase from the ductility varies from about 0.15 to 0.5 at an
0.33 to about 0.6 at an equivalent plastic strain of 0.9 inclusion volume fraction of about 0.7. The general
[125]. trend observed by Edelson and Baldwin has been
Studies of the fracture process in smooth axisym- confirmed in investigations of steels [129, 1301 and
metric tensile specimens suggest that voids can ap- for other tensile geometries [130, 1601. However,
pear well before fracture, and their volume fraction while it might be argued that particle spacing does
is highest in the center of the tensile neck. This region not influence tensile ductility, there is little doubt that
is the volume combining both the highest plastic particle shape can be important. For example, in
strain and the highest ratio of 0,/d. The area fraction steels containing inclusions elongated in the rolling
of voids in cross-sectioned specimens decreases as the direction, the tensile ductility depends on how the
distance from the plane of the fracture surface tensile specimen is oriented with respect to the rolling
increases. direction [131, 1321.
There have been a number of studies of the extent The work of Edelson and Baldwin and others
of void growth prior to fracture and of the failure show the smooth axisymmetric tensile ductility will
mechanisms in axisymmetric tensile specimens. decrease with increasing particle volume fraction.
Rogers examined the fracture process in OFHC Continuum treatments of void growth can qual-
copper and observed that voids formed well before itatively explain this trend but they are insufficient to
fracture, with the largest voids at the center of the predict fracture strains. For example, the Rice and
neck [6,22]. His observations suggested that fracture Tracey equation for the growth of an initially
began at the center of the neck by the consolidation spherical void is
of several voids. Complete specimen fracture then
occurred by the propagation of the central crack via dR
either void sheet formation or by slip (ductile cut- - = 0.32 exp(l.5 ~,,,/a) dr,
ting). In a similar manner, Hancock and Mackenzie
examined the fracture behavior of two steels [ 1261
where R is the average radius of the void. On
but related their observations to the true stresses and
integrating with the assumption that stress state
the effective plastic strain (6,). They observed the
remains constant and there is no void nucleation
stress increased monotonically with KPuntil it reached
strain, the fracture strain is given by
a maximum value, then dropped sharply. Metal-
lographic examination of specimens showed that
before this maximum stress was achieved discrete Z, = ln(R,/R,)/O.32 exp(l.5 ~,,,/a),
holes had formed. Beyond the maximum stress, they
observed large central flaws formed either by im- where R, and Riare the final and initial void radii
pingement of some large voids or by the linking respectively and for a smooth axisymmetric tensile
through void sheet coalescence of several voids. specimen a,,,/6 is initially 0.33. In applying this
Therefore, Hancock and Mackenzie took the strain equation we will take 0.32 exp(l.5 a,/e) to be about
at the maximum stress to be the fracture strain. They 0.50. Then, in absence of R//R, measurements from
did not observe how the central flaw propagated the center of the fracture surface, one might take Rf
through the material. However, their measurement to be X,/2, where X0 is some measure of spacing of
of the central flaw size, at what they have defined as the voids or particles. A variety of possible choices
the fracture strain, and their use of these data in of X0 exist [133]. These include the mean free path,
estimating the fracture initiation toughness of the the average nearest neighbor distance on a plane and
steels investigated leaves little doubt that they re- the average nearest neighbor distance in a volume.
Ductile fracture 1051
Fig. 13. A plot of Ekielson and Baldwin’s observations of the influence of void and inclusion volume
fraction on the ductility obtained in smooth axisymmetric tensile specimens [128].(From Bdelson, B. I.
and Baldwin, W. M., Jr., The Effect of Second Phases on the Mechanical Properties of Alloys, Trans.
ASM, 55, 238 (1962). American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH 44073, U.S.A.)
For spherical particles these spacings can be written voids initiated by fracture of matrix carbides in both
as hydrogen charged and uncharged samples. However,
final failure did not occur by impingement of these
i = (4/3) %(l -f)lf voids but by void sheet formation at grain boundary
mean free path, carbides in uncharged samples and at slip band
AZ= 0.72 &f -‘I2 intersections in hydrogen charged samples. The
average nearest neighbor distance on a amount of void sheet formation increased signifi-
plane, cantly with a corresponding decrease in the amount
A3 = 0.89 &f-l” of void growth around the matrix carbides as the
average nearest neighbor distance in a hydrogen concentration increased. To determine the
volume, applicability of void growth equations to calculation
of the fracture strain, the extent of void growth at
where f is the particle volume fraction and & is the failure corresponding to the average-sized matrix
average particle radius [1331. carbide was determined from fracture surface meas-
Calculations of the fracture strain using the Rice urements. The average matrix carbide diameter
and Tracey equation for void growth for these three (6.3 pm) and volume fraction (0.003) were measured
choices of X,, are compared with the Edelson and in a previous study [62].
Baldwin data in Fig. 14. All three spacings give the As shown in Fig. 15(a), a linear relationship exists
observed trend of ductility decreasing with increasing between the measured fracture strain and the loga-
particle volume fraction in the case of voids or rithm of the measured ratio of final void radius to
particles very weakly bound to the matrix. Using the void nucleating carbide radius as predicted by the
average 3D nearest neighbor spacing actually gives a models of McClintock [86], Rice and Tracey [92,93]
reasonable fit to the Edelson and Baldwin data over and Marini et al. [94]. However, the fracture strains
a wide range of volume fractions. predicted from these models differ significantly as
Using actual measurements of R//R,, however, shown in Fig. 15(b). (In addition, the predicted values
it appears that the Rice and Tracey equations for do not include the nucleation strain of 0.08 for the
void growth overestimate the fracture strain. Recent average sized carbide.) Only predictions from the
studies [60-62] of hydrogen effects on the fracture of model of McClintock [86] are in reasonable agree-
the y ’ strengthened superalloy IN903, which failed by ment with measured values. However, this model is
microvoid coalescence illustrates this point. The for cylindrical voids, albeit oriented such that growth
1052 W. M. GARREONJR and N. R. MCXDY
Q 0.1 0.2
Fig, 14. The results of Edelson and Baldwin compared to plots of predicted tensile ductilities using the
Rice and Tracey equation for void growth assuming inclusion spacings of (a) mean free path; (b) average
nearest neighbor distance on a plane; and (c) average nearest-neighbor spacing in a volume.
) (a)
occurs in the transverse direction parallel with the
fracture strain measurements, whereas the voids that
formed around the carbides were spherical. The
spherical void model of Rice and Tracey [92,93] and
the empirical modification of this model by Marini et
al. [94] to account for void interactions overpredict
the fracture strains. These results suggest that
void-void interactions and deformation character
(coplanar slip) may exert a strong influence on void
In (RJR,) Another approach to predicting tensile ductility is
that of Brown and Embury [134]. According to their
approach, they assume that fracture occurs by rup-
(b) ture of the ligaments between voids, which occurs on
1.6 - a single plane when the void length becomes equal to
the spacing between the void nucleating particles
Rice a Trocey (Fig. 16). They assume that the strains associated
with the coalescence process will be small, and ignore
this contribution to the tensile ductility. Beginning
with these assumptions they derive an expression for
the fracture strain c~, as follows:
,=ln($)=ln(l +tg+c.)
0.2 0.3
Ef, measured
taken by the metal in the cross-section at the notch. analysis by Earl and Brown [143] to show that the
Therefore a mass of unstressed material exists above stress state (o,#) varied across the specimen rising
and below the notch. This material in the cross- from l/3 at the notch surface to
section of the notch wants to contract laterally
because of the Poisson effect, but it is constrained by (a,/~?) = l/3 + ln(d/2R + 1)
the material above and below. This constraint causes
both radial and transverse stresses in addition to the at the axis of the specimens, where d is the diameter
stresses along the tensile axis and leads to a triaxial of the specimen at the notch, R is the notch radius
as opposed to uniaxial stress state. This in turn leads and a,,,/5 at the center is used as a measure of stress
to an elevation of the stress-strain curve because triaxiality for the specimen. Thus a,,,/5 ranged from
higher applied stresses in the tensile direction are 0.33 to 1.99. Hancock and MacKenzie used three
needed to reach yielding. It appears that the reduced heats of steel: a steel designated Ql. a heat of
fracture strains are the direct result in the change in HY130, and a heat of electroslag remelted HY130
stress state. As shown in Fig. 17 the reduced tensile (HY 130/ESR). The first two heats contained inclu-
ductility correlates reasonably well with the increased sion stringers while the HYl30/ESR heat did not.
stress triaxiality 11421. They observed that fracture began with the nucle-
While notched tests have been used to provide ation of voids at inclusions which coalesced to form
qualitative information about “notch sensitivity of a large cavity at the center of the neck or notch. Also,
materials”, they have also been used extensively in the strain to fracture decreased rapidly as the stress
studies of ductile fracture and in modelling fracture state parameter a,,,/6 increased as shown in Fig. 18.
initiation ahead of sharp cracks. Our interest here is They also found, as shown in Fig. 18, that in the
what these tests tell us about the mechanisms of presence of inclusion stringers, the ductilities were
ductile fracture. Their importance is that these tensile much lower in the short transverse direction than in
specimens can provide information about the role of the long transverse direction. They concluded that
stress state in the various stages of ductile fracture, void nucleation occurred at very small strains in
nucleation, growth, coalescence and the total strain these materials, with void growth the dominant event
to fracture. leading to failure. Quantitatively, they found that the
Work in this area is most strongly associated with Rice and Tracey equation for void growth
a series of studies by investigators in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the University of dR
Glasgow. In the first paper of this series Hancock - = 0.28 exp(lSa,/C) dE,
and MacKenzie [126] utilized U-notched tensile
specimens. They used an extension of the Bridgman
provides an approximate failure criterion. For a
given steel tested in a given orientation, the fracture
strain could be expressed as
50, n
--- E’= a expt-3o n /2R
\/al 1 LTI
0 I
7 8
9 IO
--- 5’; a exp(-30.,25)
Fig. 19. A drawing of an unnotched plane strain tensile
specimen, with dimensions defined by Corrigan et al. [151].
(Reprinted with permission of the American Welding
PCS. 4,11-o
In applying the Gurson approach to ductile frac- methods have apparently been used to measure
ture in tensile specimens, there have been essentially fracture strains with this test and not all are com-
two approaches. The first is to introduce an in- pletely explained.
homogeneity in the material by introducing a region It appears that the plane strain, strain state is
containing initially a higher void density than the rest susceptible to strain localization. Anand and Spitzig
of the body. Then conditions leading to shear [ 1551 observed, using an age-hardened martensitic
localization within this region are determined. The steel and a specimen similar to that shown in Fig. 19,
second approach is to assume an initially uniform that slip bands formed at about 38” to the load axis
distribution of inclusions or voids and then deter- at strains about a fifth of the eventual fracture strain.
mine the void volume fractions and strains as a With increasing strain the number of slip bands
function of position within the body. Failure then became more numerous, wavy, longer and more
becomes a competition between the development of pronounced (Fig. 20). The fracture path (Fig. 20)
a critical void volume fraction within some region was quite flat and was also about 38” + a few degrees
and strain localization. to the load axis. It is not known if fracture occurred
Yamamoto [146] and Saje et al. [147] have deter- within the fine slip bands but it does appear that a
mined conditions under which planar void in- slant fracture is normally observed for specimens of
homogeneities, which extend through the body, lead the type shown in Fig. 19.
to shear localization. While they observe that planar Clausing [120] determined the strains to fracture
inhomogeneities can become regions of shear local- for a variety of materials using both plane strain
ization in axisymmetric tensile specimens such behav- tensile specimens and smooth axisymmetric tensile
ior is rarely observed. Using a criterion for failure specimens. Comparison of his results, shown in
suggested by Tvergaard [148] that some volume Table 3, show that the ductility was less for the plane
achieve a critical void volume fraction, Tvergaard strain specimens than for the smooth axisymmetric
and Needleman [149, 1501 have shown that void specimens. These data and the fact that the ratio of
coalescence in the center of the neck will precede plane strain and axisymmetric ductilities decreases
macroscopic strain localization in axisymmetric ten- with increasing strength and presumably, therefore,
sile specimens. decreasing work hardening exponent, suggest that
strain state and work hardening capacity could be
1II.C Plane strain tensiles important factors in determining ductility when the
Plane strain tensile samples have no strain along mechanism of fracture is ductile. Needleman and
the width direction. Such specimens can utilize the Rice [199] discuss the results of Clausing and, using
configuration shown in Fig. 19 or they can be yield surfaces with vertices, suggest the ratio of
achieved using U notches of various dimensions. The effective plane strain ductility to the ductility of
ratio of a,,,/~? for the specimen in Fig. 19 is 0.58, but smooth axisymmetric specimens will scale as
this ratio can be raised dramatically by using notched I(3 n)/(l + 3 n)l”*, where n is the work hardening
plane strain tensile specimens, Our interest in plane exponent.
strain tensile specimens is twofold: (1) these samples Numerical studies of the necking of plane strain
have been used in fundamental studies of the fracture tensile specimens by McMeeking and Rice [1561 and
process, and (2) they have been used to provide a Burke and Nix [157], which employed the simplest
measure of the critical fracture strain when modeling smooth yield surface theory of plasticity to character-
fracture initiation ahead of initially sharp but blunt- ize the material behavior, found only continued
ing crack tips. growth of the diffuse neck with no tendency for the
The specimen shown in Fig. 19 was essentially formation of localized shearing (shear bands). How-
developed by Corrigan et al. [151] to investigate the ever, other continuum analyses, adopting a variety of
biaxial strength of welds in heat-treated steel. The assumptions as to material homogeneity and often
plane strain stress state should result in a higher more complex yield surfaces, have shown that the
ultimate tensile strength than that observed for plane strain, strain state is unstable with respect to
smooth axisymmetric tensile specimens. To ensure the localization of plastic flow into shear bands.
that the elevation in ultimate tensile strength reached These analyses include those of Yamamoto [146],
the value expected from continuum analyses and was Saje et al. [147] and Ohno and Hutchinson [158]
independent of specimen thickness, Corrigan et al. which utilized the existence of material in-
required that W > 30 t, B I 3 t and t I 0.6T, where homogeneities (i.e. regions of higher initial void
W, B, t, T are defined in Fig. 19. This specimen, in volume fraction). As summarized by Tvergaard et al.
various forms, has since been used for a number of [159], other work has shown that yield surface vertex
investigations: determination of the yield locus for effects, departures from normality, and dilatational
titanium alloy sheet [152], studies in which the plane plastic flow can all lead to localization of plastic flow
strain tensile ductility was used to provide a measure under conditions of plane strain.
of the fracture strain ahead of crack tips A study by Hancock and Brown [125] of ductile
[120, 153, 1541, and for studies of ductile fracture fracture used both unnotched and notched axisym-
[144, 1451. We note in passing that a variety of metric tensile specimens and unnotched and notched
Ductile fracture
Fig. 20. Plane strain tensile specimen of an aged maraging steel: specimen shown at a strain of 0.15 in
(a) and (b) and at the fracture strain of 0.17 in (c) and (d) [155]. (Reprinted with permission from J. Mech.
Phys. Solids 28, 113 (1980). Pergamon Journals Ltd.)
Table 2. Ductility and void growth in hydrogen charged plane strain tensile specimens. They used finite ele-
IN903 ment calculations to determine both the stress state
Calculated 6, (a,,&) and the strain at the position of fracture
4 initiation. When ~,,,/a at fracture is plotted as a
(meas.) RJR, q,,,/ci A B C function of effective strain at fracture, the data for
0 0.467 2.61 0.489 0.49 1.63 0.69 a particular steel tested in a given orientation fall in
770 0.192 1.63 0.376 0.25 0.98 0.42 a curve as shown in Fig. 21(a). This suggests that
1876 0.173 1.42 0.368 0.18 0.71 0.30
stress state and not the strain state is the important
2900 0.151 1.57 0.358 0.23 0.93 0.39
500 0.142 1.36 0.353 0.16 0.64 0.27 factor in determining the strain to fracture. indeed,
Hancock and Brown state:
A: McClintock: c,=
“A recurrent theme of localization theories is the effect
J(3) 1 of strain state for quite a range of constitutive equations
WWR,) Imsinh&(l -n)+i
and physical mechanisms. However, the experimental
data of Figs 1518 do not bear this out as the data are
B: Rice and Tracey: c,= ln(R,/R,)O.283 exp(l.5 ~,,,/a). well correlated by the stress state parameter (a,/#) for
C: Marim et al.: L,= ln(R,/R,)/0.67 exp(l.5 u,,,/B) (using both axisymmetric and plane states of strain. The
a = 0.67 with volume fraction carbides = 0.003). ductility in plane strain tension is indeed less than that
1058 W. M. GARIUON JR and N. R. M~C~DY
in axisymmetric tension as in Clausing’s (1970) work but portant role in this regard. . . . We find that in plane
this is consistent with the reduction in ductility due to strain bluntly notched specimens, the non-
the increase in triaxiality and its effect on hole growth
proportional loading arising from shear localization
rate, the presence of holes being an essential feature of
all the materials examined in the flow field before failure does lead to significantly earlier fracture strains.” Our
initiation.” conclusion, after reviewing experimental and con-
tinuum studies of plane strain behavior, is that the
Needleman and Tvergaard took up this challenge plane strain tensile specimens of the type shown in
in their 1984 paper [150]. Considering voided ma- Fig. 19 are prone to shear localization. In fact,
terial, a modified Gurson theory and a fracture specimens of this type fail by a nominally flat fracture
criterion that the local void volume fraction exceed a at angle N 35-45” to the load direction even for steels
critical level, they investigated both notched axisym- having yield strengths as low as 250 MPa (36 ksi)
metric and notched plane strain tensile specimens of [160].
geometries similar to those used by Hancock and While smooth and notched axisymmetric tensile
Brown. They were able to duplicate to some degree specimens fail by the formation of an interval cavity
the results of Hancock and Brown (Fig. 21b). They which propagates to the surface, plane strain tensile
concluded that “as long as deviations from constant specimens of the type shown in Fig. 19 tend to fail
triaxiality history are not too great, the onset of first at the surface. These surface initiated cracks
failure, when represented in a plot of stress triaxiality propagate towards the center of the specimen. The
vs effective strain is approximately represented by a apparent signature of this shear localization and
single curve. However, significant deviations from shear fracture is a fracture surface consisting of fine,
this behavior can occur for nonproportional histor- closely spaced, submicron dimples whose widths are
ies, with plastic flow localization playing an im- much larger than their depths. The last region to
Fig. 21. (a) Failure locus for axisymmetric and plane strain tensile specimens reported by Hancock and
Brown for the steel 50D tested in the longitudinal transverse orientation [125]. (Reprinted with permission
from J. Mech. Phys. Solids 31, 1 (1983). Pergamon Journals Ltd.) (b) Failure locus found by Needleman
and Tvergaard assuming failure occurs when the void volume fraction (f) reaches a critical value (f,).
This is for a material in which voids nucleate at strain of 0.3 [150]. (Reprinted with permission from
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 32, 461 (1984). Pergamon Journals Ltd.)
Ductile fracture 1059
Fig. 22. The fracture surface of a plane strain tensile specimen of an ultra-high strength steel (a). The
fracture surfaces at the edge (b) and the center (c) are compared at higher magnification (199).
0.40 -
fracture, the center, exhibits a fracture surface consis-
n HP9-4-20+Ti,Al640AO ting of larger dimples (Fig. 22). As shown in Fig. 23,
: - 0 HP9-4-20 640AO
the area of the fine dimpled region decreases as the
8 HP9-4-20 640-565
plane strain ductility increases. For those more inter-
E 0.30 -
ested in the micromechanisms of fracture of these
specimens, reports by Hahn et al. [161] and by
Clausing [ 1621 are useful.
$ Before ending this section, we would like to men-
2 0.20
tion two papers which provide information as to the
effect of inclusion volume fraction on plane strain
0 tensile ductility. Speich and Spitzig investigated the
L : -\\--
0.10 influence of inclusion volume fraction on the smooth
2 axisymmetric and plane strain tensile ductilities for
;3 4340 steel tempered to several strength levels [ 1301. As
% shown in Fig. 24, neither measure of ductility is
I I I I markedly influenced by inclusion volume fraction at
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 040
the highest strength level. A dependence on volume
EFFECTIVE PLANE STRAIN DUCTILITY fraction appears only as the strength is reduced.
Fig. 23. A plot of the area of fine dimples as a function of Spitzig subsequently investigated the influence of
plane strain ductility for three ultra-high strength steels. inclusion volume fraction and specimen orientation
(a) I2
r \.
0 ESR (O.O02%S)
0 u~0.003-0.022%.51
ESR (0002XS)
U (0.003-0.022968)
A RE 10.003-0.0248s. r0 RE (0.003-0.024%5,
A * 0
0 ” / n
I I 1
Fig. 24. (a) Axisymmetric and (b) plane strain tensile ductilities plotted as a function of inclusion volume
fraction for 4340 steel tempered to the indicated strength levels [130].
on the smooth axisymmetric and plane strain tensile If one begins to deform a specimen containing a
ductilitiesfor a low strength (250 MPa yield strength) sharp crack, linear elastic analysis predicts there will
steel [1601. Figure 25 shows that by using an inclusion be an infinite stress at the crack tip. However, the
projected area per unit volume or a mean local stress at the crack tip does not go to infinity because
inclusion area fraction both the transverse and short plastic deformation occurs, resulting in finite stresses
transverse properties can be placed on the same at the crack tip. The plastic deformation at the crack
curve. tip also has the effect of blunting the crack tip, as
shown in Fig. 26. As we will see crack tip blunting
1II.D Fracture initiation toughness is critical to our understanding fracture initiation
The plane strain fracture initiation toughness, K,=, toughness. The blunting process can be quantified by
is important because it is regarded as a material the crack tip opening displacement, 6, shown in Fig.
property and can be used to predict when fracture 26. The crack tip opening displacement can also be
will occur when a material contains a flaw of a given used as a measure of fracture initiation toughness. In
size (a) and is subjected to known nominal stresses this approach, fracture will initiate when crack tip
(a). Fracture will occur when K,c = K(a, a), where K blunting stops and 6 reaches a critical value (~5,~).
is the stress intensity factor for a given part or 6,c, K, and J,= are related by
specimen containing a crack.
Measurements of K,c are made using specimens
containing very sharp fatigue pre-cracks [163, 1641.
In addition, there are constraints on specimen dimen- J,c = K,,-( 1 - v *)/E (plane strain),
sions and the crack length. These limitations make
it often difficult to obtain or test specimens of the size where a,, is the flow stress and d, is a function of the
required to obtain valid K,= values for materials of ratio a,/E and the work hardening exponent n. It
high toughness. This can be overcome by introducing should be noted that blunting does not necessarily
the J-integral approach [164-1661 in which fracture result in the semicircular crack tip shown in Fig. 26.
initiation occurs when the J integral achieves a Unique solutions for blunting behavior are not
critical value, Jlc. As long as the J,c test is done possible and the blunting profiles shown in Fig. 27
under conditions of small-scale yielding, one can use are among those suggested [168] and observed. The
JIGto calculate the fracture toughness (K,c) one shape of the blunting crack tip is important because
would obtain if sufficiently large samples had been the strain distribution and rate of void growth ahead
tested. These quantities are related by [167] of the crack tip apparently change as the shape is
The levels of stress, strain and the stress state
Jlc = !$ (1 - v*) (plane strain).
(triaxiality) are important factors if fracture ini-
Ductile fracture 1061
1.5 -
1.4 -
1.3 -
1.2 -
1.1 - 02 -
1.0 - -I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I_ 09 - Local area fraction (%I
F 0.6 -
Fig. 25. The transverse and through thickness tensile duc-
tilities of a mild steel containing three sulfur levels plotted
z:: 0.7-
as a function of (a) inclusion volume fraction; (b) inclusion
; projected area per unit volume, A,, on a plane perpendic-
0.6 -
ular to the tensile axis; and (c) mean local area fraction of
sulfide inclusions on a plane perpendicular to the tensile axis
[160]. (Reprinted with permission from Acta Metall. 33, 175
0.4 -
(1985). Pergamon Journals Ltd.)
0.3 -
0 . LO.004 96 S)
results in large plastic strains ahead of the crack tip.
0.2 - II n (0.021% S) The strain decreases to a low value at a distance of
A A (0.0269. 91
0 0 A Tronrverse
about 2 6. The stress increases with X,/6 until X,, is
0.1 -
l ’ h Through--thickness about 2 6; the stress remains high until the end of the
I I I I I I I I I plastic zone and then decreases. The plastic zone
0 0.02 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
.6 , , , , , , , , , , ,
1.2 -
1.0 -
2 o.e-
LJ_ 06-
q .
o q A Transverse
. A
1.2 1.6
% S)
% S)
% S)
(4 +
b _)I 1 J
--- co/E = .0050
- - co/E = .0075
0 I I I 0 I
SHARP NOSE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
must account for the very steep gradients, especially Fig. 28. The stress in the vertical direction (u,,) normalized
the gradient in strain. Such models are numerous, by the yield strength (uO)and the strain ahead of a smoothly
and those by Krafft [170], Hahn and Rosenfield blunting notch in the plane of the crack as a function of X/6
where X is the distance from the initial crack tip and 6 is the
[171], Rice and Johnson [169] and the so-called crack tip opening displacement [168, 1691.
characteristic distance model will be discussed.
When Krafft [170] developed his model, only the
elastic stress distribution ahead of a sharp crack was The strain at which the tensile instability occurred
available. From this he argued that the strain should was taken equal to the work hardening exponent n
decay rapidly ahead of the crack tip. In his approach, and the position of the instability was taken as dT.
he assumed fracture initiation would occur when a The region between the crack tip and dT was termed
tensile instability was reached ahead of the crack tip. the process zone. Krafft calculated d, by requiring
Fig. 29. The equivalent plastic strain and level of triaxiality (~,,,/a) as a function of X/6 [180].
Ductile fracture 1063
--I &2Ro
> h
Fig. 30. Fracture initiation as postulated by Rice and Johnson. An inclusion or pre-existing void of radius
&is positioned a distance X0 ahead of the crack tip. As the inclusion is enveloped by the strain field ahead
of the blunting crack the void grows. Fracture is taken to occur when the ligament between the blunted
crack tip equals the vertical void radius [169].
agreement between measured values of K, and his This model for fracture initiation toughness requires
model. He observed that dr could be much larger some critical fracture strain and some measure of
than the spacing of void nucleating particles, thus he distance. It suggests, as did the model of Krafft, that
did not suggest dT would be the same as inclusion K,c should increase with n, the work hardening
spacing. exponent.
Hahn and Rosenfield, in a 1968 paper, before the In 1972 Rice and Johnson [169] made the first
work of Rice and Johnson, assumed a linear strain explicit connection between 6,c and microstructure.
distribution in the plastic zone [ 1711. This approach Moreover, they obtained their results in context of
predicts the continuum equations for void growth [92,93].
They considered a pre-existing void, or particle
K, = (2Ea,$ 1)“2, weakly bound to the matrix, of radius &,, a distance
X0 ahead of an initially sharp crack, as shown in Fig.
where a,, is the yield strength, 1 is the size of the 30. They calculated numerically the void size as the
plastic zone and ZF is the strain at the crack tip at crack tip blunted. They then assumed fracture to
initiation of fracture. They assumed E/’ could be occur when the ligament between the blunted crack
taken as one-third the tensile strain as measured tip and the void equalled the vertical void radius.
from smooth axisymmetric tensile specimens. They Their numerical results are shown in Fig. 31, where
also found that I, determined by requiring agreement 6,c/X,, is plotted as function of X,/Z&. This allows 6,c
with theory and measured K,c could be expressed as to be written as
a function of n:
t 8,/X, AT FRACTURE 3 I I 1 I ’
I 1 I
Xo’Ro high-strength weldmctok
t”;:$: ,
0 I 1 1 I,
IO 20 30
0 100 150 200
Fig. 31. The quantity 6,c/X,, as determined plotted as a
function X0/R, by Rice and Johnson [169]. *,k
uy /E x IO-’
13 4340 steel
Kf04SC-NI-Cr-MO sfeel 0045 C-NI-Cr-MO steel
0 300 M steel U 2014-T6 aluminum
n 2024-T8Sl aluminum
011 I I I L I I I 1 I
001 01 IO IO
f, , percent
Fig. 32. Intluence of inclusion volume fraction on the fracture toughness of ultra-high strength steels of
comparable yield strengths [25]. (Reproduced with permission from the Annual Reuiew of Maferials
Science, Vol. 2. 0 1972 by Annual Reviews Inc.)
Ductile fracture 1065
5=x&C ot fracture
60- *
1200v (AGED so-3 -
$r% 1050~C
30- 0
20- l
S4OOC o BASE + Ni + Si
IO- BASE + Ni + Si +MoV
1 I I I
OO 25 50 75 100
X,(R,/R,)Ia, &ml
Fig. 38. The critical crack tip opening displacement, a,,-, plotted as a function of XO(RY/R,)Jh, where
X0 is the sulfide spacing and (RJR,) 1R.is the ratio of void to sulfide size evaluated at R.. The dark circles
(a) refer to steels of yield strength greater than 1500 MN/mZ. The open circles (0) refer to HP9-4-20
in the as-quenched condition for three different austenitizing temperatures [176,177,184,186,187].
Modeling data
Pores + inclusions Pores only Inclusions only
Condition Olm) (&/&)I, 2) (&/&)I, 2) (&I&) Ifi
(pores and inclusions) 2.66 2.51 31 1.21 6.78 3.22
Hot isostatically pressed
(inclusions only) - - 6 3.61
(pores only) - - 31 1.99 -
In generalizing the approach at least two factors
should be considered. First, the approach presently
assumes that the rate of void growth with respect to
/ 6 is a constant. It is possible this is not the case. For
20 I /’ example, it may be that the rate of void growth
changes when the blunting behavior changes. In the
as-quenched condition when n = 0.18, the profile of
i’ .
the blunted crack is smooth. When the HP9-4-20 is
tempered at 565”C, n = 0.08 and the crack tip profile
is square. It is possible the rate of void growth ahead
o/ of a smoothly blunting crack tip is greater than the
/ rates of void growth around a crack tip blunting
! I I
OO IO 20 30 40 to a square profile. Second, it is possible that in
X,ln(R,/R,), pm materials of high ductility the voids which coalesce
with the crack tip are not particle nucleated voids, but
Fig. 39. A plot of 6,c as a function of X,ln(R,/R,) for the are super-voids resulting from the coalescence of a
three powder processed blended elemental titanium alloys
described in Table 4 [188]. number of particle nucleated voids.
The foregoing models all address fracture initiation
toughness in terms of a critical distance (which may
properties of a second heat of HP9-4-20 steel it was be in some systems linearly related to a particle
found that in the as-quenched condition its behavior spacing) and some measure of ductility. However,
was consistent with previous data. However, on none of these models describe with any completeness
tempering this heat at 200°C and 565°C S,c increases the fracture process. Fracture initiation can appar-
substantially but there is no increase in (R,/R,)I%, as ently occur via several processes, three of which are
shown in Table 5. Thus, there may be limits in using shown in Fig. 40. First is the internal necking used in
(RY/R,)lRO as a measure of the critical fracture the Rice and Johnson model [169]. This has been
strain; on the other hand, it is possible the approach observed by Ritchie et al. in studies of a low carbon
needs only to be modified. ferritic machining steel [193]. Aravas and McMeeking
Table 5. Mechanical properties and inclusion and void growth data for HP9-4-20
as a function of tempering
Tempering Flow Work
temperatures stress hardening 6,c
(“C) (MN me2) exponent b m) (R,IR,)l,
As-quenched 1398 0.18 15.5 2.50 10.3
200 1394 0.10 41.5 2.50 9.3
565 1313 0.08 91.1 2.50 10.1
Ductile fracture 1069
1 ---- ----R
/ /
x18, 81%7
Fig. 41, A comparison of the strains and the extents of void growth ahead of a blunting crack for the
three indicated blunting geometries [168].
mine whether the rate of void growth above and continuum expressions for void growth provide a
below the plane of the non-smoothly blunting cracks qualitative explanation for experimental results, no-
are smaller or greater than the rate of void growth tably the effects of stress state and particle volume
directly ahead of a smoothly blunting crack. fraction on ductility.
While the importance of particle spacing has been Plane strain tensile specimens are, unlike axisym-
established for certain systems (primarily ultra high metric tensile specimens, prone to shear localization.
strength steels) this important clue to the nature of Cracks initiate at the surface at shear offsets and
the fracture process has yet to be exploited in alloy propagate inward by void sheet formation. Like
design or to be examined in detail. In terms of alloy axisymmetric tensile specimens, the ductility of plane
design it is clear that substantial improvements in strain tensile specimens can be sensitive to particle
toughness can be realized, even at constant inclusion volume fraction. Hancock and Brown [125] suggest
volume fraction, by maximizing the inclusion spacing that the ductility of plane strain tensile specimens is
by making the inclusions as large as possible. For primarily determined by stress-state and thus can be
example, the toughness of the steel AF1410 aged at rationalized in terms of the effect of stress state on the
510°C can be increased from 28 to 66pm by in- void growth rate. Given the tendency of these speci-
creasing the inclusion spacing from 2.3 to 7.6 pm by mens to exhibit flow localization, this conclusion
increasing the average inclusion radius from 0.18 to should be regarded as tentative [150].
0.64pm [199]. If the radius and spacing could be Fracture initiation toughness, unlike tensile duc-
increased to 1.92 and 23 pm respectively, 6,c should tility, is significantly influenced by particle spacing.
increase to almost 200 pm. While the Rice and John- This dependence on particle spacing arises from the
son calculations and the results of Birkle et al. suggest steep gradients in strain, stress, and stress state ahead
6,: will scale as X0 as long as the fine-scale micro- of the crack tip; such gradients are not observed in
structure is constant, there is really no fundamental tensile specimens. Because of this dependence on
understanding of why 6,c (at least over some range) paerticle spacing it is possible to manipulate defects
should be linear in X,. in such a way that two otherwise identical materials
will rank very differently in terms of tensile ductility
1II.E Mechanical properties: summary and fracture initiation toughness.
Fracture of smooth and notched axisymmetric
tensile specimens begins by the coalescence of several
voids in the center of the specimen. Fracture then
occurs by the propagation of this central crack. At While the literature on ductile fracture is exhaus-
this point it is impossible to predict tensile ductilities. tive it is clear that many fundamental issues remain
However, in the absence of nucleation strains, the unresolved. Such issues include basic understanding
Ductile fracture 1071
of the three stages of ductile fracture and our ability spherical particles of a reasonably low volume frac-
to predict measures of ductility and toughness. tion. Experience suggests that increasing the nucle-
Much additional work remains before the nu- ation strain by reducing particle size can also improve
cleation event is understood. For example, while toughness. Therefore, if indeed void nucleation be-
stress state, strength of the interfacial bond between comes more difficult as particle size decreases there
the particle and matrix, matrix flow properties, and will be, at a fixed particle volume fraction, a trade-off
particle volume fraction all appear to be important in between size and spacing. There have been no
determining the nucleation strain for nucleation by attempts to incorporate the nucleation event in
interfacial decohesion, there is no agreement, at least modeling fracture initiation toughness. Other funda-
in terms of modeling, as to the role of particle size on mental problems include explaining the effect of
the nucleation event. Separating nucleation from void particle spacing and how fine-scale microstructure
growth appears to be a major experimental difficulty. influences toughness. Our belief is that the extent of
Our current qualitative understanding of ductile void growth is a convenient method of assessing
fracture is primarily based on continuum descriptions microstructural effects, but if this concept is to be
of the growth of isolated voids. Experimental tests extended the rates of void growth for various blunt-
suggest the McClintock equations for the growth of ing geometries and the possibility of super-void for-
cylindrical voids greatly underestimate the extent of mation at crack tips need to be investigated.
void growth. The Rice and Tracey equation for the Finally, the mechanics community has been ex-
growth of a spherical void appears to hold reasonably tremely active in modeling ductile fracture. Some of
well at small strains in materials containing a small these calculations can be tested. Others are presented
volume fraction of inclusions. In any case, it is in such a way that tests of the predictions and results
unreasonable to apply these continuum models to are difficult. It would be useful to the metallurgist if
large deformations of materials containing even small a greater effort was made to summarize these results
particle volume fractions. in approximate closed form solutions.
Current modeling is inadequate to predict tensile
ductilities. The Rice and Tracey equations for void
Acknowledgements-The authors appreciate the useful dis-
growth using actual void and particle size mea- cussions with R. Asaro, A. W. Thompson and R. Stoltz.
surements over-predict tensile ductility. Attention is Nor would the manuscript have been completed without the
currently being given to how non-uniform particle skill of Marge Cain in preparing the manuscript, or the
distributions influence ductility. But even if this is patience of the editors. The work was supported in part by
the Army Research Office (WMG) and the Department of
successful in the absence of nucleation strains, there
Energy (NRM).
remains the problem of incorporating the nucleation
event in modeling tensile ductility. Here there are
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