Application of A Microstructural Model For Predicting Notch Fatigue Limits Under Mode I Loading PDF
Application of A Microstructural Model For Predicting Notch Fatigue Limits Under Mode I Loading PDF
Application of A Microstructural Model For Predicting Notch Fatigue Limits Under Mode I Loading PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Microstructural fracture mechanics provides a description of short crack growth that accounts for the
Received 13 March 2008 interaction between the crack and microstructural barriers. An application to notched components sub-
Received in revised form 22 September jected to mode I loading is presented here. The techniques described are applied to a circular notch. The
fatigue limit has been predicted for different materials and a wide range of hole radii. The predictions are
Accepted 25 September 2008
Available online 7 October 2008
quite close to the experimental results. Discussion and comparison of the results with those calculated
with other methods are presented.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Short crack
Microstructural barrier
Fatigue limit
1. Introduction and their heuristic extension to mode I loading. Finally the rigorous
application of the model to mode I loading and the numerical tech-
Fatigue failure in industrial components takes place mainly at nique used to solve the resulting equations will be discussed.
stress concentrations. Methods for predicting fatigue failure must
take their effect into account. There have been many proposals to
2. Model of short fatigue crack growth
tackle this problem, beginning with the pioneering work of Neuber
[1] and Peterson [2] until the recent interpretation of the critical
Building upon the classical work of Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden
distance proposed by Taylor [3]. They all can be included in the
[5] on the representation of a crack and its associated plastic zones
classical fatigue techniques, which correlate stress or strain at
by means of dislocations, Navarro and de los Rios [6–8] developed
the notch area with the number of cycles to failure: the S–N curve
a model for fatigue microcracks growing in plain infinite bodies. It
introduced by Wöhler [4]. They are phenomenological approaches
was assumed that plastic displacement takes place in rectilinear
which do not model the crack, even when its growth is the ulti-
slip bands cutting across the grains of the material. The simplifica-
mate cause of failure. From a different point of view and since
tion of reducing the crack and the plastic zones to a single line
the beginning of the eighties of the last century, some theories of
seems appropriate in the early stages of fatigue failure since it is
short crack growth have been developed, which try to extend frac-
now well-known that the fatigue limit in metallic materials is a
ture mechanics down to the regime where the cracks have the size
threshold condition for the propagation of short cracks growing
of the material microstructure. The present work is included in this
within a few grains. Experimental evidence has shown that in plain
kind of theories. It describes a microstructural fracture mechanics
specimens subjected to uniaxial loads near the fatigue limit cracks
model which is applied to predict fatigue failure at notches under
form on persistent slip bands and grow along them. Thus, it makes
mode I loads. In what follows the microstructural model in which
sense to consider that dislocations are constrained (e.g. by stacking
the work is based will be briefly described. Then the first applica-
fault energy) to remain on their original planes and pile up against
tions of the model to the notch problem, developed prior to this
grain boundaries, giving rise to rectilinear slip bands extending
work, will be discussed. Basically they consist of analytical solu-
through the first few grains.
tions for elliptical notches under antiplane shear mode (mode III)
The microcrack nucleates in the grain which presents the most
favourable size and crystallographic orientation for the formation
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954487311; fax: +34 954487295. of persistent slip bands. Within the first grain the plastic zone
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Navarro). spreads from the crack tip to the first microstructural barrier
0142-1123/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
944 V. Chaves, A. Navarro / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 943–951
(e.g. the grain boundary), where it will be stopped until the local
stress at the barrier is high enough for activating plastic slip in
the following grain. The calculation of the stress acting upon the
barrier is thus of fundamental importance in this framework. It will
be shown below that it depends on the applied stress and on the
relative position of the crack tip with respect to the barrier, in such
a way that the nearer the crack tip is to the barrier, the higher the
stress acting upon it is. The fatigue limit is the threshold applied
stress below which plastic slip in the next grain will not be acti-
vated even when the crack itself reaches the boundary. In this case,
Fig. 2. Crack, plastic zone and barrier in a polycrystalline infinite body modelled
the crack becomes non-propagating. If, on the other hand, the ap- with dislocations.
plied stress is above the fatigue limit, plastic slip will be promoted
in the following grain once the crack tip is sufficiently close to the
barrier. In this case, the process of spreading up to the next grain dislocations f ðfÞ. The problem has an analytical solution obtained
and blocking is repeated at every successive grain. Thus the plastic by using the inversion theorem presented by Muskhelishvili [9].
zone is thought to grow in jumps. An oscillating crack propagation In the case where a function f ðfÞ bounded at both ends of the do-
rate with smaller and smaller oscillations is predicted, which main is sought, the solution is [10]:
seems to be in agreement with the experimental evidence.
The crack, the plastic zones and the barriers are modelled by a 1 1 1 n1 f 1 1 þ n1 f
f ðfÞ ¼ ðr 2 r 1 Þ cosh n f cosh n þf
continuous distribution of dislocations. The situation is illustrated p2 A 1 1
in Figs. 1 and 2 (where edge dislocations are shown). A polycrystal-
1 1 n f
1 1 þ n2 f
þ ðr3 r2 Þ cosh n f cosh n þf ð2Þ
line infinite body with average grain size D and a crack of length 2a 2 2
is subjected to a uniform applied stress at infinity. A distribution of
screw dislocations subjected to an external shear stress syz ¼ s at And the existence condition ensuring that no singularities ap-
infinity would model a state of antiplane strain and the crack pear in the stress field is:
opened in mode III. The analysis for a distribution of edge disloca- 1 1 p
tions under shear stress sxy ¼ s at infinity leads to a state of plane ðr2 r1 Þ sin n1 þ ðr3 r2 Þ sin n2 þ ðs r3 Þ ¼ 0 ð3Þ
strain and the crack opened in mode II. Edge dislocations with Bur-
The stress r3 required to maintain equilibrium for each position
ger’s vectors perpendicular to the plane of the crack subjected to a
of the crack tip is thus given by
tensile stress ryy ¼ r represents a crack opened in mode I. The
equations determining the dislocation distribution are the same 1 h p i
1 1
in the three cases, except for the value of the constant A given be- r3 ¼ ðr2 r1 Þ sin n1 r2 sin n2 þ s ð4Þ
cos1 n2 2
low. The distribution of dislocations is odd in x, both for edges and
screws, but for the latter there is no traction across the surface As the crack grows, i.e. n1 increases, the stress r3 at the barrier
x ¼ 0. Therefore, in the antiplane mode III case, the solution for must increase to keep the balance. The stress r3 reaches its peak
x > 0 can be used to represent the state of a semi-infinite body value when the crack has grown up to the barrier. Considering a
with a free surface at x ¼ 0. freely slipping crack ðr1 ¼ 0Þ and the crack tip positioned just at
The stresses r1 ; r2 ; r3 represent the resistance to the movement the border of the barrier ðn1 ¼ n2 ¼ ðiD=2Þ=ðiD=2 þ r0 ÞÞ the follow-
of dislocations in the crack, plastic zone and barrier, respectively. ing maximum value is obtained:
The microstructural barrier is modelled as a small region of length 1 p
r0 ðr 0 DÞ, which might be the typical size of the grains interface
r3 ¼ s ð5Þ
arccosðn2 Þ 2
or the distance to the dislocations sources in the next grain. The
equation of the equilibrium of dislocations is a Cauchy-type inte- This equation provides the key for calculating the fatigue limit
gral equation. Its expression, in terms of the non-dimensional vari- for mode III loading. The study of the fatigue limit under mode I
ables x; f, is as follows: loading, however, calls for the consideration of a slightly different
Z problem, an edge short crack growing from the surface, which can
1 f ðfÞdf ðs rf Þ be modelled by means of a distribution of edge dislocations with
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
p 1 xf pA Burger’s vector perpendicular to the crack plane and sustaining a
tensile stress ryy ¼ r (see Figs. 3 and 4). In this case the influence
where A ¼ Gb=2p for screw dislocations and A ¼ Gb=2pð1 mÞ for
of the free boundary gives rise to additional terms in the equilib-
edge dislocations. rf is the friction stress, which takes values
rium equation:
r1 ; r2 ; r3 in each zone. The unknown function is the density of
Fig. 1. Crack, plastic zone and barrier in a polycrystalline infinite body. Fig. 3. Crack, plastic zone and barrier in a semi-infinite body subjected to mode I.
V. Chaves, A. Navarro / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 943–951 945
When the problem of a crack in a notched component subjected Once the set of integral equations is numerically solved it is
to mode I loading is analyzed by the continuous dislocations tech- possible to obtain a relationship between the applied stress r
nique, a singular integral equation is obtained which does not and the stress at the barrier ri3 for each notch geometry, expressed
seem amenable to close-form analytical solution. The kernel of in general through the variables K t , q and a. This relationship de-
the equation has a Cauchy term, coming from the interaction pends on the microstructural variables of the problem, the grain
among dislocations, and there are also inverse quadratic and cubic size D and the ‘‘width” of the barrier r0 , as well as on the crack
terms, similar to those in Eq. (6), coming from the interaction with length i. The relationship can be written as:
the free surface of the notch. In general the equation is of the type:
ri3 ¼ uðD; i; r0 ; K t ; q; aÞr ð16Þ
Z 1
½ry ðxÞ rf ðxÞ 1
¼ f ðfÞKðx; fÞdf If the value of the applied stress r at which the stress at the bar-
pA p 1 rier ri3 reaches the critical stress that makes the crack propagate
Z 1
1 1 into the next grain is named rNLi , then one has:
¼ f ðfÞ þ K 0 ðx; fÞ df ð14Þ
p 1 xf
ri3 ¼ mi sic ¼ mi sc ¼ uðD; i; r0 ; K t ; q; aÞrNLi ð17Þ
with jxj < 1. Kðx; fÞ ¼ 1=ðx fÞ þ K 0 ðx; fÞ is the so-called kernel of
the equation and will adopt different expressions depending on The critical values s can be related to the plain fatigue limit
mi ic
the geometry of the solid and the notch. For the particular case of through Eqs. (10) and (12). The fatigue limit rNFL for the notched
a crack in a semi-infinite plate the kernel was shown in Eq. (6). component can, thus, be expressed as:
But the presence of the notch further complicates the matter. For ( 12 )
the notch geometry discussed in this work its expression will be N
p D mi 1
r ¼ max r
FL Li ¼ max k rFL ;
given further down. The term ry ðxÞ is the stress induced at the crack 4 r0 m1 uðD; i; r0 ; K t ; q; aÞ
line by the external applied load r (as in Bueckner’s superposition i ¼ 1; 3; 5; . . . ð18Þ
principle [19]). Its value depends on the applied load and the geom-
etry of the solid and the notch. The term rf ðxÞ is the friction stress, Alternatively, it might just be easier to read rLi directly from the
with different values for the crack, the plastic zone and the barrier, experimental Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram and obtain:
as explained above. ( 12 pffi )
A numerical integration technique has been applied in the pres- N
p D 1
r ¼ max r
FL Li ¼ max k rLi i ;
ent case, based on the method developed by Erdogan, Gupta and 4 r0 uðD; i; r0 ; K t ; q; aÞ
Cook [20]. The usual procedure for solving regular integral equa-
i ¼ 1; 3; 5; . . . ð19Þ
tions employs quadrature formulae for calculating integrals, reduc-
ing them to an addition of terms [21]. The method of Erdogan, The algorithm for calculating the notch fatigue limit would then
Gupta and Cook, which invokes some special properties of the consist of the following steps:
orthogonal polynomials used in the quadrature, can be applied to
obtain quadrature formulae for the singular terms of the integral Given the notch geometry ðK t ; q; aÞ, the material properties
equations, yielding a system of algebraic equations of the type: ðD; r0 ; rFL Þ and the applied load, writing the equilibrium equa-
tions for the crack and the barrier in the presence of the notch.
½ry ðvk Þ rf ðvk Þ X N
1 This requires the knowledge of the kernel for the particular
¼ Wðuj Þ/ðuj Þ þ K 0 ðvk ; uj Þ ð15Þ
pA j¼1
vk uj geometry (see below). The equations can be written for a generic
length of the crack iD=2; i ¼ 1; 3; 5; . . ..
where the unknown function /ðuj Þ is evaluated at the integration Solving the integral equation (e.g., by using the modified numer-
points uj within the definition interval and the equations are only ical method of Erdogan et al. as described above) for successive
valid at the collocation points vk . Both the uj ’s and the vk ’s corre- crack lengths iD=2ði ¼ 1; 3; 5; . . .Þ. This provides the numerical
spond to the zeros of the appropriate Jacobi polynomials [20]. relationship between the applied stress r and the stress at the
Wðuj Þ are the weights of the quadrature. The specific values of barrier ri3 for each i, Eq. (16).
vk ; uj ; Wðuj Þ, as well of the number of collocation and integration Obtaining the values of mi or of rLi ði ¼ 1; 3; 5; . . .Þ by using the
points, depend on the kind of solution sought, bounded or un- Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram of the material. If the experimen-
bounded at the interval ends. For the present case, interest lies in tal diagram were not available the value of rLi could be approx-
the bounded solution. The standard method of integration [20] imated by means of the following equation proposed by
was originally devised for calculating stress intensity factors in lin- Vallellano [15,17]:
ear elastic fracture mechanics problems, where no plastic zones or pffiffiffiffiffi
barriers exist and therefore unbounded solutions capable of captur- rLi ¼ rFL h i1 ð20Þ
ðiD=2Þf þ ða0 Þf ðD=2Þf
ing the 1= r singularity in the stress field at the crack tip were
sought. The straightforward application to the present problem
meets with some difficulties, arising from the inherent jump in where a0 ¼ ½K th1 =rFL 2 =p. A value 2:5 for the exponent f has
the value of the friction stress, which induces logarithmic singular- proved appropriate for a range of materials [15].
ities at the crack tip and plastic zone-barrier interfaces [22,23]. To Obtaining the notched fatigue limit rNFL by calculating the max-
solve this limitation the interval of integration is divided in imum of the sequence rNLi as expressed in Eqs. (18) and (19).
subintervals, placing the singularities at their ends. For the study
of fatigue limits, since the crack tip is just touching the barrier, only 4. Application to a circular notch
two subintervals are required, one for the crack and another for the
barrier. The solution from both subintervals must be coupled by As a first application of the proposed methodology, a circular
imposing continuity of the plastic displacement at their common notch (K t ¼ 3, q ¼ a ¼ R), as shown in Fig. 6, has been chosen. It
point and, in this case, this provides the equation to calculate ri3 . is a circular hole in an wide plate subjected to pull–push loading.
The values of the unknown function required at the end of the sub- The objective is to obtain the fatigue limit as a function of the ra-
intervals may be obtained by using the extrapolation formulae dius R. The analytical solution of the problem of a dislocation in
introduced by Krenk [24]. an infinite plate located near a circular hole is known and this
V. Chaves, A. Navarro / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 943–951 947
Z Rþa
1 1
½r ðx^ Þ r1 ¼ f1 ð^f1 ÞKð^x1 ; ^f1 Þd^f1
pA y 1 p R
Z Rþc
þ f3 ð^f3 ÞKð^x1 ; ^f3 Þd^f3 ð24Þ
p Rþa
Z Rþa
1 1
½r ðx^ Þ r3 ¼ f1 ð^f1 ÞKð^x3 ; ^f1 Þd^f1
pA y 3 p R
Z Rþc
þ f3 ð^f3 ÞKð^x3 ; ^f3 Þd^f3 ð25Þ
p Rþa
greatly simplifies the obtention of the kernels of the equilibrium ^f1 ¼ ðu1 þ 1Þ n c þ R
equations. n
Fig. 7 shows a sketch of the problem modelled by means of dis- ^x1 ¼ ðv1 þ 1Þ c þ R ð26Þ
locations. The case of two small cracks of length a growing from 1n
^f3 ¼ ðu3 þ 1Þ þ n c þ R
diametrically opposed locations is considered. Symmetry with re- 2
spect to the vertical-axis is assumed to simplify the problem.
The stress r is the remotely applied stress while ry ð^ xÞ is the ^x3 ¼ ðv3 þ 1Þ þ n c þ R
stress that would appear at the crack line if the crack were not
there [19]. To obtain this stress, the classical solution for the hoop Now the method of Erdogan, Gupta and Cook [20] can be ap-
stress rhh around a circular hole in an infinite body subjected to plied to transform the integral equations in a set of algebraic equa-
tension and particularized to the plane y ^ ¼ 0 is used [25]: tions. The quadratures employed in each subinterval are shown in
" 2 4 # Table 1. They have been chosen to account for singular behaviour
r R R
ry ð^xÞ ¼ 2þ
^x P R ð21Þ of the dislocation density at the crack-barrier joint and bounded
2 behaviour at the other two ends. It must be pointed out that the
quadrature used for the crack region represents only an approxi-
The kernel K c ð^
x; ^fÞ for a crack emanating from a circular hole in
mate solution since it does not capture the right behaviour of the
an infinite body can be obtained from the classical solution of Dun-
crack faces at the mouth, which are overconstrained to remain par-
durs and Mura [26,27]:
allel, something which is physically not possible. Hills [27,28] has
" #
1 ^f ð^f2 R2 ÞR2 ^f2 ^f2 R2 discussed this problem of the quadrature for the surface-breaking
K c ð^x; ^fÞ ¼ crack. Although more appropriate quadrature schemes are avail-
^x ^f ^x^f R 2 ^fð^x^f R2 Þ2 R2 ^x^f R2
able for this solution, it has not been deemed necessary to use
^f2 R2 1 R2 them since according to Dewynne, Hills and Nowell [28], the influ-
þ þ þ 3 R 6 ^x; ^f 6 R þ c ð22Þ
^x2^f ^x ^x ence of this incorrect representation at the crack mouth does not
appreciably affect the calculated values for the stress intensity fac-
The kernel for the two opposing cracks is as follows: tor at the crack tip. Translating this to the present framework, one
does not expect any significant influence on the calculations of the
Kð^x; ^fÞ ¼ ½K c ð^x; ^fÞ K c ð^x; ^fÞ ð23Þ friction stress r3 at the barrier. There is also another approxima-
tion involved in the fact that the real singularity at the point where
The integral equations defining the equilibrium of a generic dis- the friction stress experiences the jump, which is logarithmic, is
location located at ^x for each one of the two subintervals, crack and pffiffiffi
represented by the quadrature as a 1= r singularity. Tests done
barrier, is given by (variables with subindex 1 refer to the crack and with this procedure on infinite problems where analytical solu-
3 refer to the barrier): tions are available for comparison have shown the error to be neg-
ligible, though.
The resulting equations are:
1 XN
2ð1 þ u1j Þ n
½ry ðv1k Þ r1 ¼ Kðv1k ; u1j Þ /1 ðu1j Þ
pAc j¼1
2N þ 1 2
2ð1 u3j Þ 1n
þ Kðv1k ; u3j Þ /3 ðu3j Þ;
2N þ 1 2
k ¼ 1; 2; . . . N ð27Þ
Table 1
Quadratures for the crack and the barrier.
Fig. 7. Infinite plate with a circular hole subjected to tension modelled with Barrier f3 ðu3 Þ ¼ x3 ðu3 Þ/3 ðu3 Þ x3 ðu3 Þ ¼ 1u3
W 3 ðu3 Þ ¼ 2ð1u3Þ
1þu3 2Nþ1
948 V. Chaves, A. Navarro / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 943–951
and Kt 1
Kf ¼ 1 þ ð33Þ
1 þ a=R
1 X
2ð1 þ u1j Þ n
½r ðv Þ r3 ¼ Kðv3k ; u1j Þ /1 ðu1j Þ
pAc y 3k j¼1
2N þ 1 2 where the material constant ‘‘a” has dimensions of length and, for a
given material, depends essentially on the critical depth below the
2ð1 u3j Þ 1n surface at which the stress is measured [2,14]. It has been adjusted
þ Kðv3k ; u3j Þ /3 ðu3j Þ;
2N þ 1 2 to best fit a large set of experimental data on notch sensitivities. In
the case of steels, its value can be obtained from the graph proposed
k ¼ 1; 2; . . . N ð28Þ
by Langer [29], which relates it to the ultimate tensile strength of
where the integration and collocation points are, respectively: the material. Alternatively, the SAE and ASM Fatigue Handbooks
[30,31] provide the following practical empirical relationship:
2j 1 2j 1:8
u1j ¼ cos p ; u3j ¼ cos p j ¼ 1; 2; . . . N 2069
2N þ 1 2N þ 1 a ¼ 0:0254 ð34Þ
2k 2k 1
v1k ¼ cos p ; v3k ¼ cos p k ¼ 1; 2; . . . N ð29Þ
2N þ 1 2N þ 1 for ‘‘a” in mm and rUTS , the ultimate tensile strength, in MPa. No
clear relationship of this kind seems to be in usage for aluminium
If the friction stress at the crack r1 is considered to be zero then alloys. A value of a = 0.51 mm for aluminium alloys sheets and bars
this is a system of 2N algebraic equations and 2N þ 1 unknowns, is suggested in Peterson’s stress concentration factors book [32].
which are /1 ðu1j Þ, /3 ðu3j Þ and the stress r3 required to keep the The second method with which comparisons have been made is
equilibrium. One further equation is thus needed and it is obtained the so-called point method introduced by Taylor [3,33]. The idea is
from the coupling of the solutions in the two intervals, expressed essentially that of Peterson: failure will occur if the stress at a dis-
as: tance L=2 from the notch root equals the fatigue limit. The applica-
tion of this criterion directly to a sharp crack, rather than to a
f1 ð1Þ ¼ f3 ð1Þ ð30Þ notch, has allowed Taylor to derive a very simple and practical rec-
Which leads to ipe to obtain the critical distance L for the material in terms of lin-
ear elastic fracture mechanics parameters. It turns out that L
/1 ð1Þ ¼ /3 ð1Þ ð31Þ coincides with the El Haddad’s distance a0 (see below). L is given
The values of the function / at the end-points 1 must be ob- by:
tained by extrapolation, since the solution is given for a discrete 2
1 DK th
set of points not including the extremes of the interval. Krenk’s L¼ ð35Þ
extrapolation formulae [24] may be used, as suggested by Hills
p DrFL
[27], giving: This procedure has extended enormously the field of applicabil-
0 h i 1 0 h i 1 ity of the old ideas of Neuber and Peterson, not only by giving a
2j1 2j1
XN sin 2Nþ1 Np XN sin 2Nþ1 Np practical formula to calculate the critical distances, but also by
@ h i /1 ðu1j ÞA ¼ @ h i /3 ðu3ðNþ1jÞ ÞA
2j1 p 2j1 p advocating the straightforward application of the idea of looking
j¼1 tan 2Nþ1 j¼1 tan 2Nþ1
2 2 at the stresses below the surface by actually doing so (via FEM
ð32Þ for example) rather than resorting to the formulas for K f , which de-
pend on K t , a parameter that in many practical situations can not
The final result is a system of 2N þ 1 algebraic equations and
be easily defined [33].
2N þ 1 unknowns (/1 ðu1j Þ; /3 ðu3j Þ and r3 ).
The results obtained with the approximate equation of Vallel-
In order to perform the numerical calculations for the model, a
lano et al. [17] described earlier have also been used for
value for the barrier length r0 must be specified. Systematic simu-
lations performed with a wide range of ratios r0 =D reveal that the
Fig. 8 shows the experimental results for push–pull tests on a
calculated values of the notched fatigue limit are quite insensitive
CSA G40.11 steel (Table 2) from El Haddad et al. [34] and the
to the particularly chosen value of r0 =D as long as it is sufficiently
small. The deviations are negligible whenever r 0 =D < 10 and we
would expect this ratio to be far smaller in practice. In the calcula-
tions reported here the value of r 0 has been set arbitrarily to 700
Experimental points
r0 ¼ D=30. With respect to the number of equations ð2N þ 1Þ Peterson (a=0.14 mm)
needed in the numerical solution to obtain both a reasonable rate Point method (L=0.24 mm)
600 Vallellano et al.
of convergence and the necessary accuracy, it has been found out Present model
that values of N around 30 give satisfactory results. For example
the results for the fatigue limit obtained with much higher values 500
ΔσFL (MPa)
5. Results
The predictions effected with the present proposal have been
compared with experimental results and with those obtained by
other methods. The first one is based on the idea of notch sensitiv-
ity introduced by Peterson [2]. He assumed that fatigue strength
depended on the stress at a certain depth below the surface. He 100
0.05 0.1 1 10
gave a well-known formula to calculate the fatigue notch factor
R, Radius of the circular hole (mm)
K f (the unnotched fatigue strength divided by the notch fatigue
strength) Fig. 8. Results of El Haddad et al. for the CSA G40.11 steel.
V. Chaves, A. Navarro / International Journal of Fatigue 31 (2009) 943–951 949
Table 2 700
Material properties, CSA G40.11 steel (R = 1). Tests done by El Haddad et al. Experimental points
pffiffiffiffiffi Peterson (a=0.15 mm)
Material rUTS a(MPa) DK th (MPa m) DrFL (MPa) a0 (mm) Point method (L=0.17 mm)
600 Vallellano et al.
CSA G40.11 steel 800 15.9 580 0.24 Present model
Estimated from steels with similar properties.
ΔσFL (MPa)
predictions with the different methods. The specimens are plane 400
ones, 70 mm in width, with circular holes of radii 0.2, 0.48 and
4.8 mm. The material constant for the Peterson’s model is
a = 0.14 mm and for the Point method is L = 0.24 mm. 300
The use of the microstructural model requires also the grain size
and the Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram of the material. The grain
size was not reported in [34] and thus it has to be estimated. This
can be achieved by using the microstructural equation for the
Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram (see [14])1: 100
0.05 0.1 1 10
2 2 R, Radius of the circular hole (mm)
2 DK th m1
D¼ ð36Þ
p DrFL m1 Fig. 9. Results of DuQuesnay et al. for the SAE-1045 steel.
m1 1
Taking a value of ¼ m1 3:1
representative of fully polycrystalline
behaviour for a long crack, the following estimation is obtained:
D = 0.050 mm. Experimental points
El Haddad et al. in their work provide a set of experimental val- Peterson (a=0.51 mm)
Point method (L=0.26 mm)
ues to build the Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram of the material. Be- Vallellano et al.
sides, they propose an equation that accurately interpolates Present model
between these experimental results. The equation is:
DK th
ΔσFL (MPa)
Dr ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð37Þ
pða þ a0 Þ
where a0 ¼ ½DK th1 =DrFL 2 =p. Please note that this is really the same
constant used in Eq. (20). Using this equation to calculate the limit-
ing stress ranges DrLi when the crack is stopped at the ith barrier 100
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