2021 Fmea Template

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formula student electric

Formula Imperial2021 - FMEA

Car Number Exx

University Inventive Thinkers State University

This template contains two of examples of how to fill out the FMEA. Furthermore, it contains a number of failure modes which are
both starting points and examples for the failures to be covered in your team's FMEA. NOTE: Not every given failure may apply
to every team's system. The given failures may also be incomplete with respect to your specific system. Add failures to
the list, if appropriate for your system.

Change the two complete examples given, i.e. No.1 and 2, to suit your system. Add missing failure modes with respect to your
car's system. Be as complete as possible, adding any failures that affect the safety of your car, the driver, or other persons. Before
submitting your FMEA please make sure it is complete. This way you will avoid unnecessary delays and queries. Please have a
look at the document "How to pass ESF&FMEA" in the "Rules&Important Document, before filling out the FMEA form.

Edit the coloured cells to your specific data and reset the cell colour to white
Only add additional failures at the end of the list to keep the numbering scheme of the original template. This makes reviewing the
document much easier and thus faster. Do not delete any failures, if they do not apply to your system. Just write "Does not apply."
or similar with a short reason why.

Do not change the template's format!

Seite 1
FMEA definitions of column headers and Key for Severity, Occurance and Detection ratings

Rating Severity (Sev) Occurrence (Occ) Detection (Det)

1 No injuries may be Failure occurrence Certain detection of
caused, but general is very unlikely the failure
safety is affected by this
2 Light injuries may be Relatively few High chance of
caused by this failure failure occurrence detecting this failure
3 Medium injuries may be Occasional failure Medium chance of
caused by this failure occurrence detecting this failure
4 Heavy injuries may be Frequent failure Low chance of
caused by this failure occurrence detecting this failure
5 Fatal injuries may be Persistent failure Failure cannot be
caused by this failure occurrence detected

Component/Item The system or component that is affected

Function What the system or component does
Failure Mode The method by which the component fails
Failure Cause The root cause of the failure
Failure Effect Local What happens locally to the component as a consequence of the failure
Failure Effect Global What happens to other systems or the rest of the vehicle as a consequence of the failure
Sev The severity rating - see table above
Severity Reasoning Your reasoning for the severity rating that is given
Occ The likelihood of the occurrence - see table above
Occurrence Reasoning Your reasoning for the occurance rating that is given
Failure Detection How will the failure be detected - what are the systems on the car that detect this
Det The rating for failure detection - see table
Detection Reasoning Your reasoning for the failure detection rating
Risk Calculated automatically from Sev, Occ and Det
Failure Handling - Vehicle Once a failure has been detected, what is the immediate reaction of the ECU / BMS and the driver to
Failure Handling - Team How do you determine what has failed and what type of action is taken to remedy this? What precau
ce of the failure

ect this

CU / BMS and the driver to mitigate the risk

remedy this? What precautions do you take whilst doing this?
formula student electric
Formula Imperial 2018 FMEA

Car No.: Exx University: Inventive Thinkers State University Contact: Electra Watt, [email protected]
FMEA No.: Component/Item Function Failure Mode Failure Cause Failure Effect Sev Severity Reasoning Occ Occurrence Reasoning Failure Detection Det Detection Reasoning Risk Failure Handling - Vehicle Failure Handling - Team Comments
Local Global

1 Tractive System Wiring Energy transfer Positive pole lost isolation to Wiring insulation Potentially dangerous Possible chassis reference 4 Burns by electric arc, bruises 2 All wire insulations chosen with Insulation resistance 1 IMD detects every isolation 8 Isolation Lost Alarm enabled. Appropriate procedure to be
GLVS degradation condition if operator voltage potential change and fractures caused by respect to the environment, monitoring system. failure to the chassis, since the IMD opens the AIRs through the executed once the car back in
touches the negative pole uncontrolled muscle additional thermal oder chassis is connected to control Shutdown Circuit the PIT to restore the isolation.
of the battery and the movement due to the electric mechanical protection attached system ground Fault to be identified and
chassis shock. Ventricular fibrillation where needed, all wires are rectified before enabling the
not likely with DC voltages securely attached and AIRs. Insulating gloves to be
up to 600V, therefore not professionaly built to lower the used
severity 5 risk of damages by vibrations

2 Tractive System Wiring Energy transfer Negative pole lost isolation Wiring insulation Potentially dangerous Possible chassis reference 4 Burns by electric arc, bruises 2 All wire insulations chosen with Insulation resistance 1 IMD detects every isolation 8 Isolation Lost Alarm enabled. Appropriate procedure to be
to the GLVS degradation condition if operator voltage potential change and fractures caused by respect to the environment, monitoring system. failure to the chassis, since the IMD opens the AIRs through the executed once the car back in
touches the positive pole of uncontrolled muscle additional thermal oder chassis is connected to control Shutdown Circuit the PIT to restore the isolation.
the battery and the chassis movement due to the electric mechanical protection attached system ground Fault to be identified and
shock. Ventricular fibrillation where needed, all wires are rectified before enabling the
not likely with DC voltages securely attached and AIRs. Insulating gloves to be
up to 600V, therefore not professionaly built to lower the used
severity 5 risk of damages by vibrations

3 Tractive System Wiring Energy transfer Open/live tractive system

connections when switching
on the tractive system

4 HVD / Tractive System Energy transfer HVD / Tractive System

Connectors Connectors become lose
while driving and eventually
open up, exposing live

5 Tractive System Fusing Protection of tractive system Overcurrent is higher than

wiring the maximum switch off
current of the used fuse

6 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell temperature above data

sheet specification for

7 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell temperature above data

sheet specification for
8 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell voltage above data
sheet specification
9 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell voltage below data
sheet specification
10 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell current above data
sheet specification for

11 Accumulator Energy Storage Cell current above data

sheet specification for

12 Accumulator Energy Storage Cooling system (water, air,

oil) fails
13 Accumulator Energy Storage Accumulator is crushed /
cells are mechanically

14 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Sensor 1 and Sensor 2

deliver different position

15 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Sensor 1 or Sensor 2 signal

(analog or digital) not

16 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Sensor 1 or Sensor 2

17 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Signal connection (analog
or digital) to Sensor 1 or
Sensor 2 broken

18 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Pedal stuck at maximum

torque position
19 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Digital communication
between sensors and
receiving ECU is corrupted
(e.g. bits change due to

20 Torque Encoder Signaling the pedal position Signal connection (analog

or digital) between
implausibility check ECU
and inverter is broken

21 Accumulator Insulation Disconnecting the Single Accumulator

Relay(s) accumulator Insulation Relay short-circuit

22 Accumulator Insulation Disconnecting the Both Accumulator Insulation

Relay(s) accumulator Relay short-circuit

FMEA: Page 4+1

formula student electric
23 Accumulator Insulation Disconnecting the Single Accumulator
Relay(s) accumulator Insulation Relay control
connection lost

24 Accumulator Insulation Disconnecting the Both Accumulator Insulation

Relay(s) accumulator Relay control connection

25 Pre-Charge Relay Pre-Charging the Pre-Charge Relay short

intermediate circuit circuit
26 Pre-Charge Relay Pre-Charging the Pre-Charge Relay control
intermediate circuit connection lost
27 Pre-Charge Resistor Pre-Charging the Pre-Charge Resistor broken
intermediate circuit / open circuit
28 Discharge Relay Discharging the intermediate Discharge Relay short
circuit circuit
29 Discharge Relay Discharging the intermediate Discharge Relay control
circuit connection lost
30 Discharge Resistor Discharging the intermediate Discharge Resistor broken /
circuit open circuit
31 Motor Controller / Inverter Controlling the motor power Motor Controller output
stage short-circuit
32 Motor Controller / Inverter Controlling the motor power Motor Controller control
connection lost
33 Motor Controller / Inverter Controlling the motor power Motor Controller does not
react plausible to control

34 Motor Controller / Inverter Controlling the motor power Cooling system (water, air,
oil) fails
35 Motor Resolver Measures angular motor Motor position resolver
position failed
36 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device
Device the tractive system lost connection to reference

37 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device

Device the tractive system lost connection to HV+

38 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device

Device the tractive system lost connection to HV-

39 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device

Device the tractive system lost power supply

40 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device

Device the tractive system has a general fault

41 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Connection between

Device the tractive system Insulation Monitoring Device
and powerstage to open the
shutdown circuit is broken

42 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Powerstage

Device the tractive system (relay/transistor) to open the
shutdown circuit is broken

43 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device

Device the tractive system not installed
44 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator AMS Master has a general
Management System condition fault (CPU/Software

45 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator AMS Slave has a general

Management System condition fault (CPU/Software

46 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Temperature Sensor is

Management System condition faulty
47 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Signal connection to
Management System condition temperature sensor is

48 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Voltage sense input is

Management System condition broken
49 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Voltage sense wire is
Management System condition broken
50 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Overcurrent in the voltage
Management System condition sense wire
51 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Signal Connection between
Management System condition AMS Master and Slave is

52 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Powerstage

Management System condition (relay/transistor) to open the
shutdown circuit is broken

53 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Connection between AMS

Management System condition and powerstage to open the
shutdown circuit is broken

54 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator AMS lost power supply

Management System condition
55 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Cell balancing powerstage
Management System condition has a short circuit

FMEA: Page 5+1

formula student electric
56 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator Digital communication
Management System condition between AMS master and
slave is corrupted (e.g. bits
change due to EMI)

57 Accumulator Monitoring the accumulator AMS not installed

Management System condition
58 Tractive System Active Displaying the status of the Light emitting device broken
Light tractive system
59 Tractive System Active Displaying the status of the Circuitry erroneos
Light tractive system
60 Tractive System Active Displaying the status of the Voltage sense connection to
Light tractive system HV+ or HV- broken

61 Tractive System Active Displaying the status of the Tractive system active light
Light tractive system lost power supply
62 Accumulator Indicator Shows, if more than 60VDC Signal connection to HV+ or
exist behind the AIRs HV- lost

63 Accumulator Indicator Shows, if more than 60VDC Lost power supply

exist behind the AIRs

64 Accumulator Indicator Shows, if more than 60VDC Circuitry erroneos

exist behind the AIRs

65 Ready-To-Drive-Sound Indicating that the vehicle is Speaker/noise producing

ready-to-drive device broken
66 Ready-To-Drive-Sound Indicating that the vehicle is Circuitry erroneos
67 Ready-To-Drive-Sound Indicating that the vehicle is Signal connection to ECU
ready-to-drive indicating ready-to-drive-
mode broken

68 Ready-To-Drive-Sound Indicating that the vehicle is Ready-To-Drive-Sound

ready-to-drive module not installed
69 Ready-To-Drive-Sound Indicating that the vehicle is Ready-To-Drive-Sound
ready-to-drive module lost power supply

70 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Brake Pedal Sensor broken
Device between brake pedal sensor
and power delivered to the

71 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Signal connection (analog

Device between brake pedal sensor or digital) to Brake Pedal
and power delivered to the Sensor broken

72 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Motor current sensor broken
Device between brake pedal sensor
and power delivered to the

73 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Signal connection (analog

Device between brake pedal sensor or digital) to motor current
and power delivered to the sensor broken

74 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Brake system plausibility

Device between brake pedal sensor device lost power supply
and power delivered to the

75 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Powerstage

Device between brake pedal sensor (relay/transistor) to open the
and power delivered to the shutdown circuit is broken

76 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Connection to powerstage

Device between brake pedal sensor to open the shutdown circuit
and power delivered to the is broken

77 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Brake system plausibility

Device between brake pedal sensor device not installed
and power delivered to the

78 Brake-Over-Travel- Detecting an over-travelling Electrical Connection to

Switch brake pedal shut-down circuit broken
79 Brake-Over-Travel- Detecting an over-travelling Switch broken / does not
Switch brake pedal switch
80 ShutDown Button Opening the shutdown Electrical Connection to
circuit, when pushed shut-down circuit broken
81 ShutDown Button Opening the shutdown Button broken / does not
circuit, when pushed switch
82 Cockpit-mounted Opening the shutdown Electrical Connection to
ShutDown Button circuit, when pushed shut-down circuit broken
83 Cockpit-mounted Opening the shutdown Button broken / does not
ShutDown Button circuit, when pushed switch
84 Tractive System Master Switches off the tractive Switch broken / does not
Switch system switch
85 Grounded Low-Voltage Switches off the GLVS Switch broken / does not
System Master Switch switch

86 Inertia Switch Opens the shut down circuit Electrical Connection to

in case of a crash shut-down circuit broken
87 Inertia Switch Opens the shut down circuit Switch broken / does not
in case of a crash switch

FMEA: Page 6+1

formula student electric
88 Inertia Switch Opens the shut down circuit Inertia Switch not installed
in case of a crash
89 Tractive System Carrying the current tractive Connection to HV+ or HV-
Measurement Points system voltage for easy broken

90 LV-DC/DC converter Converts TS voltage to DC/DC draws to much

GLVS voltage current
91 LV-DC/DC converter Converts TS voltage to DC/DC drains the HV-
GLVS voltage battery
92 LV-DC/DC converter Converts TS voltage to DC/DC overheats
GLVS voltage
93 LV-DC/DC converter Converts TS voltage to GLVS short circuit
GLVS voltage
94 GLV System Supply Supplies the GLV with GLV System voltage
energy critically low
95 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Vehicle Dynamics Function /
Function / ECU requested motor torque ECU has a general fault

96 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Vehicle Dynamics Function /

Function requested motor torque ECU circuitry is erroneous

97 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Vehicle Dynamics Function /

Function requested motor torque ECU signal connection to
steering wheel sensor is

98 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Steering wheel sensor is

Function requested motor torque faulty
99 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Vehicle Dynamics Function /
Function requested motor torque ECU signal connection to
acceleration sensor is

100 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Acceleration sensor is faulty

Function requested motor torque
101 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Vehicle Dynamics Function /
Function requested motor torque ECU signal connection to
wheel speed sensor is

102 Vehicle Dynamics Additional influence on Wheel speed sensor is

Function requested motor torque faulty
103 Regenerative Braking Controls regenerative Regenerative Braking
Function / ECU braking Function / ECU has a
general fault

104 Regenerative Braking Controls regenerative Associated sensors fail

Function / ECU braking
105 Regenerative Braking Controls regenerative Connection to associated
Function / ECU braking sensors fails
106 Regenerative Braking Controls regenerative Rear wheel regenerative
Function / ECU braking braking is activated at high-
speed by mistake

107 Charger Controls charging the Connector is live when not

accumulator connected
108 Charger Controls charging the Accumulator fault which can
accumulator be detected by the AMS

FMEA: Page 7+1

Rev Date Name Changes
2 2/9/2015 C.Powers FMEA rows 62/63/64. 40VDC changed to 60VDC.
3 9/29/2016 D.Jones Updated for 2017 issue, replaced all instances of 2015 with 2017
4 12/20/2017 D.Jones Updated for 2018 issue, date changes only


Rules definition of HV is now >60V DC
For new competition year.
For new competition year.

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