2021 Fmea Template
2021 Fmea Template
2021 Fmea Template
This template contains two of examples of how to fill out the FMEA. Furthermore, it contains a number of failure modes which are
both starting points and examples for the failures to be covered in your team's FMEA. NOTE: Not every given failure may apply
to every team's system. The given failures may also be incomplete with respect to your specific system. Add failures to
the list, if appropriate for your system.
Change the two complete examples given, i.e. No.1 and 2, to suit your system. Add missing failure modes with respect to your
car's system. Be as complete as possible, adding any failures that affect the safety of your car, the driver, or other persons. Before
submitting your FMEA please make sure it is complete. This way you will avoid unnecessary delays and queries. Please have a
look at the document "How to pass ESF&FMEA" in the "Rules&Important Document, before filling out the FMEA form.
Edit the coloured cells to your specific data and reset the cell colour to white
Only add additional failures at the end of the list to keep the numbering scheme of the original template. This makes reviewing the
document much easier and thus faster. Do not delete any failures, if they do not apply to your system. Just write "Does not apply."
or similar with a short reason why.
Seite 1
FMEA definitions of column headers and Key for Severity, Occurance and Detection ratings
ect this
Car No.: Exx University: Inventive Thinkers State University Contact: Electra Watt, [email protected]
FMEA No.: Component/Item Function Failure Mode Failure Cause Failure Effect Sev Severity Reasoning Occ Occurrence Reasoning Failure Detection Det Detection Reasoning Risk Failure Handling - Vehicle Failure Handling - Team Comments
Local Global
1 Tractive System Wiring Energy transfer Positive pole lost isolation to Wiring insulation Potentially dangerous Possible chassis reference 4 Burns by electric arc, bruises 2 All wire insulations chosen with Insulation resistance 1 IMD detects every isolation 8 Isolation Lost Alarm enabled. Appropriate procedure to be
GLVS degradation condition if operator voltage potential change and fractures caused by respect to the environment, monitoring system. failure to the chassis, since the IMD opens the AIRs through the executed once the car back in
touches the negative pole uncontrolled muscle additional thermal oder chassis is connected to control Shutdown Circuit the PIT to restore the isolation.
of the battery and the movement due to the electric mechanical protection attached system ground Fault to be identified and
chassis shock. Ventricular fibrillation where needed, all wires are rectified before enabling the
not likely with DC voltages securely attached and AIRs. Insulating gloves to be
up to 600V, therefore not professionaly built to lower the used
severity 5 risk of damages by vibrations
2 Tractive System Wiring Energy transfer Negative pole lost isolation Wiring insulation Potentially dangerous Possible chassis reference 4 Burns by electric arc, bruises 2 All wire insulations chosen with Insulation resistance 1 IMD detects every isolation 8 Isolation Lost Alarm enabled. Appropriate procedure to be
to the GLVS degradation condition if operator voltage potential change and fractures caused by respect to the environment, monitoring system. failure to the chassis, since the IMD opens the AIRs through the executed once the car back in
touches the positive pole of uncontrolled muscle additional thermal oder chassis is connected to control Shutdown Circuit the PIT to restore the isolation.
the battery and the chassis movement due to the electric mechanical protection attached system ground Fault to be identified and
shock. Ventricular fibrillation where needed, all wires are rectified before enabling the
not likely with DC voltages securely attached and AIRs. Insulating gloves to be
up to 600V, therefore not professionaly built to lower the used
severity 5 risk of damages by vibrations
34 Motor Controller / Inverter Controlling the motor power Cooling system (water, air,
oil) fails
35 Motor Resolver Measures angular motor Motor position resolver
position failed
36 Insulation Monitoring Monitoring the insulation of Insulation Monitoring Device
Device the tractive system lost connection to reference
61 Tractive System Active Displaying the status of the Tractive system active light
Light tractive system lost power supply
62 Accumulator Indicator Shows, if more than 60VDC Signal connection to HV+ or
exist behind the AIRs HV- lost
70 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Brake Pedal Sensor broken
Device between brake pedal sensor
and power delivered to the
72 Brake System Plausibility Checking for implausibility Motor current sensor broken
Device between brake pedal sensor
and power delivered to the