10 - 12 Fancy Yarn-1
10 - 12 Fancy Yarn-1
10 - 12 Fancy Yarn-1
Fancy yarn: A fancy yarn is a yarn that is made with a distinctive irregular profile or a
construction that differs from basic single and folded yarns, the objective of which is to enhance
the aesthetics of the end product with respect to visual and textural properties.
Fancy yarn deviates from the normal yarns. These deviations occur mainly due to introduction
of deliberate, decorative discontinuities in the form of color, structure or both.
The fancy effect can be optioned with two ways:
- By twisting and doubling technique
- With spun effect by means of fibers
Let us now consider the basic principles for producing structured effects, with regard to the
conventional method. The spun-effects method is based on similar principles. A suitable way to
start is to refer to the general structure of a fancy yarn. Most consist of two or more of the
following components as illustrated in Figure.
3. Gimp yarn: A gimp yarn is a compound yarn consisting of a twisted core with an effect
yarn wrapped around it so as to produce wavy projections on its surface. This structure
is shown in figure.
4. Loop yarn: A loop yarn has core with an effect yarn wrapped around it and overfed so as
to produce nearly circular projection on its surface. Figure shows the structure of a loop
yarn, in this case somewhat simplified by showing the core as two straight bars. In
reality, the core, which for a loop yarn always consists of two yarns twisted together,
which can entrap the effect yarn.
5. Snarl yarn: Like the loop yarn, the snarl yarn has twisted core, although, again for the
sake of simplicity, the core has been shown in figureas two parallel bars. A snarl yarn is
one which displays ‘snarls’ or ‘twists’ projecting from the core. It is produced by similar
method to the loop yarn, but uses a lively, high twist yarn and a somewhat greater
degree of overfeed as the effect yarn.The required size and frequency of the snarls may
be obtained by careful control of the details of overfeed and spinning tension, and by
the level of twist in the effect yarn.
6. Knop yarn: A knop yarn is one that contains prominent bunches of one or more of its
component threads, arranged at regular or irregular intervals along its length.
7. Diamond yarn: A diamond yarn is produced by folding a coarse single yarn or roving with a fine
yarn or filament having contrasting color using S-twist, and cabling it with a similar fine yarn
using Z-twist. Multi-fold or ‘cabled’ yarns may be made by extending and varying this technique,
to bring about a wide range of effects. Clearly, a true diamond yarn would show some
compression effect upon the thick yarn from the thin ones, an effect which in the interests of
clarity is not provided in