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Ask The Right Question: A Critical Step For Practicing Evidence-Based Laboratory Medicine

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Review Article

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

50(4) 306–314
! The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0004563213476486

Ask the right question: a critical step for practicing

evidence-based laboratory medicine*

Christopher P Price1 and Robert H Christenson2

The purpose of laboratory medicine is to facilitate better decision making in clinical practice and healthcare delivery.
Decision making implies an unresolved issue, problem or unmet need. The most important criterion for any investigation
to be of value in clinical practice is that it addresses an unmet need. The different ways in which laboratory investigations
are utilized in patient care can be represented in the form of questions. It is important that these questions are
articulated to highlight the variables that will impact on the effectiveness of the investigation in the scenario being
considered. These variables include the characteristics of the patient (or population) and clinical setting, the nature of
the decision and action taken on receipt of the test result and the expected outcome. Asking a question is the first step
of the evidence-based laboratory medicine (EBLM) cycle, the other steps being acquiring the evidence, critically apprais-
ing the evidence, applying the evidence and auditing use of the evidence. Getting the question right determines the quality
of the whole process, thus, defines the quality in practice of laboratory medicine. Whilst the main focus of the EBLM
cycle is to provide a strong evidence base for use in clinical practice, it is clear that the five steps are equally applicable in
commissioning, delivery and audit (performance management) of services. Asking the right question is crucial to improv-
ing the quality of evidence, and practice, in laboratory medicine, and should be used in routine laboratory medicine
practice and management throughout healthcare.

Diagnostic tests, evidence-based medicine, laboratory medicine, question formulation, PICO

quotation at the head of this article. Thus to provide
‘A prudent question is one-half of wisdom’. the correct information, laboratory professionals must
Francis Bacon
The care of patients is a multi-professional team Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK
activity with continuing calls for a more integrated 2
Department of Pathology, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
approach to healthcare.1 At the core of this activity Baltimore, MD, USA
are the needs and values of those involved in delivering,
and receiving, care – and the information that is shared *This article was prepared at the invitation of the Clinical Sciences
Reviews Committee of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and
between them; optimizing patient outcomes depends on Laboratory Medicine.
the quality of the information that is available, the plan
for translation of this information into clinical action Corresponding author:
Christopher P Price, Department of Primary Care Health Sciences,
and the effectiveness of communication.2 Asking the University of Oxford, New Radcliffe House, Radcliffe Observatory
right question improves the quality of communication Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK.
between individuals, a point recognized in the Email: [email protected]
Price and Christenson 307

be aware of the questions that are posed by clinicians, and the family what is needed’ (education). Crucially
which can be broadly categorized as those that (i) these authors stressed the importance of employing a
enhance their dialogue with patients and (ii) deliver ‘well-built’ clinical question, now common practice in
the best knowledge on how to effectively deal with a many areas of medicine.18–20
specific clinical situation. For example, patient-care-
giver communication is recognized as an important The evidence-based laboratory medicine
part of the care of patients with cancer.3 Ely et al.4
developed a taxonomy of generic questions asked by
(EBLM) cycle
the primary care physician that could be used to help There are five steps in the practice of evidence-based
understand clinical information needs and improve our medicine proposed by Strauss and Sackett:21 (i) con-
ability to meet those needs and answer such questions. verting the need for information by asking questions
The three most common generic questions reported that are clinically relevant and answerable, (ii) finding
were (i) ‘What is the drug of choice for condition x?’, the best evidence to answer the question, (iii) critically
(ii) ‘What is the cause of symptom x?’ and (iii) ‘What appraising the evidence for its validity and usefulness,
test is indicated in situation x?’. However, the import- (iv) applying the evidence to clinical practice and
ance of asking the right question is not limited to the (v) audit, evaluating your performance. These steps
patient-carer interaction and extends across all aspects have been adapted for use in laboratory medicine as
of healthcare from patient involvement, through edu- the EBLM cycle (Figure 1)13,14 and modified to add
cation, research and clinical practice to management an ‘Analyse’ step between the Appraise and Apply
and policymaking.5–10 step for Laboratory Medicine Best Practice systematic
The Oxford English Dictionary describes a question reviews.15 Christenson et al.15 have advocated the add-
as (i) ‘a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit ition of the ‘Analyse’ element for aggregating the data
information’, (ii) ‘a problem requiring resolution’, or from several studies when ‘Appraise’ has focused on
(ii) ‘a matter or concern depending on conditions’.11 data from individual studies, whereas it can be con-
Therefore, asking a question involves clearly articulat- sidered as part of the ‘Appraisal’ step. The ‘Analyse’
ing the nature of a problem. In medicine, questions step was also introduced by Kingsnorth et al.22; how-
have been described as background questions or fore- ever, they were using an ‘Ask – Acquire/Appraise –
ground questions;12 the former relates to the knowledge Apply – Analyse –Adapt/Adopt’ cycle, in which the
surrounding the problem (and in the context of labora- ‘Analyse’ element was applied to the output from the
tory medicine, e.g. the pathology of the disease), whilst application of the results from the ‘Acquire/Appraise’
the latter relates to the application of the knowledge. step which could be considered as part of the ‘Assess’
An example of the former would be ‘why does the step in the cycle described in Figure 1. The objective of
serum C-reactive protein concentration rise in rheuma- laboratory medicine is to assist in solving clinical prob-
toid arthritis?’ An example of the latter would be ‘will lems and facilitating clinical decision making and so the
the measurement of C-reactive protein be helpful in the use of laboratory medicine is driven by the existence of
diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis?’, or ‘will the meas- a problem, which can be articulated in a question – or a
urement of C-reactive protein be helpful in the manage- problem statement. There are several ways of preparing
ment of rheumatoid arthritis, e.g. for the assessing the a problem statement, probably the simplest being
effectiveness of treatments?’ It is the latter style of ques- (i) what is the problem? This should explain why an
tion that is most important in the delivery of health-
care, including laboratory medicine.13–15 This resonates
with the points made by Glasziou et al.16 that Evidence- PROBLEM
Based Medicine is about ‘. . .. trying to improve the
quality of the information on which decisions are based
. . ..’ and ‘. . .. thinking not about mechanisms but about ASK
outcomes. . ..’.
Richardson et al.17 concluded that the majority of ACQUIRE
questions asked in clinical practice were about (i) ‘how
to gather clinical findings properly and interpret them APPRAISE
soundly’ (clinical evidence), (ii) ‘how to select and inter-
pret diagnostic tests’ (diagnosis), (iii) ‘how to anticipate APPLY
the patients’ likely course’ (prognosis), (iv) ‘how to
select treatments that do more good than harm’ (ther- ASSESS
apy), (v) ‘how to screen and reduce the risk of disease’
(prevention) and (vi) ‘how to teach yourself, the patient Figure 1. The core of the EBLM cycle.
308 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 50(4)

answer is needed; (ii) who has the problem? This should of interest is being compared) and the Outcome
explain who needs the solution, in what clinical setting, expected. This framework can be employed for the dif-
and who will decide the problem has been solved; and ferent ways in which a test may be used, i.e. screening,
(iii) how might the problem be resolved? This will diagnosis (rule-in or rule-out), prognosis, treatment
describe the solution and effectively, the business case (both candidacy for a treatment, optimization of treat-
for its adoption. The exact nature of the question will, ment regimen, monitoring and compliance). However,
however, depend on who is asking the questions, e.g. it is important to recognize that when seeking to estab-
patient, doctor, manager, policymaker, etc. lish the utility of a particular test used to support treat-
ment, e.g. blood glucose, HbA1c, natriuretic peptide, in
order to improve the outcome, the use of the test has to
The structured question be considered in combination with the treatment, i.e. as
Richardson et al.17 outlined the structure of the well a ‘test-and-act’ intervention.24,25 Examples of ques-
formulated question in relation to clinical decision tions, and the PICO elements for the different ways in
making which has subsequently become known as the which test results can be used are given in Table 1. The
PICO framework.12–16,23 The framework is built questions can relate to making clinical decisions, e.g.
around the Patient or population of interest, the regarding screening, diagnosis, prognosis and treat-
Intervention (treatment or diagnostic procedure), the ment; however, in laboratory medicine there can also
Comparator (the procedure with which the intervention be other types of decisions, e.g. related to analytical

Table 1. Types of questions, the generic PICO elements and examples of structured questions relevant to laboratory medicine.

Type of question PICO elements Example of a structured question

Screening P – population considered at risk In males and females considered at risk of developing type 2 dia-
I – potential screening test betes (P), will a measurement of HbA1c (I), compared with the
C – current practice current practice of no testing (C), lead to earlier detection of
O – detection of patients with disease diabetes (O)
Diagnosis P – patient presenting with symptoms In patients with breathlessness presenting in primary care (P), will
I – a proposed test a natriuretic peptide test (I) help to rule-in or rule- out a diagnosis
C – ‘Gold Standard’ reference method of heart failure (O), when compared with the independent opinion
(may be current practice) of two cardiologists (C) (the reference method)
O – diagnostic accuracy of test
Prognosis P – patients with a diagnosis, or population In patients with chronic kidney disease (P), will a serum troponin
I – the test of interest measurement (I) indicate the prognosis for the patient (O)
C – *See footnote
O – mortality
Treatment P – patients with diagnosis In patients with type 2 diabetes (P), will self-monitoring of blood
I – test of interest glucose (I), compared with current practice of periodic testing at
C – no test, i.e. current practice clinician visit (C), lead to a reduction in the HbA1c concentration
O – patient outcome metric (O)
Analytical P – patient group of interest In patients on the ICU (P), will use of a blood glucose method with
I – new method (e.g. better or worse a CV of 2.0% (I), compared with a method with a CV of 4.0% (C)
imprecision, bias, etc.) achieve better glycaemic control, with improved patient morbidity
C – current method in use and mortality (O)
O – patient outcome metric
Operational P – patient group of interest In patients with diabetes (P), will provision of HbA1c testing at the
I – alternative way to deliver test, point of care (I), compared with a central laboratory service (C),
e.g. POCT lead to lower HbA1c results (O)
C – from central laboratory
O – patient outcome metric
Economic P – patient group of interest In women aged 16–35 years (P), will screening for Chlamydia infec-
I – new method tion (I), compared with no screening (C), lead to a reduction in
C – current practice the costs of managing the complications of Chlamydia infection (O)
O – cost of care
*There is no comparator when assessing prognostic accuracy.
Price and Christenson 309

performance, operational or financial decisions. Thus, being a ‘test-and-act’ intervention when evaluating
whilst from a clinical perspective the outcomes will pri- evidence or practice, it is important to ensure that
marily relate to the patient outcome, there are broader both test and treatment are delivered appropriately;
operational and economic outcomes that should also be . In a treatment question, a validated surrogate out-
considered. come measure is often used, e.g. HbA1c in relation to
The PICO framework for the development of a glycaemic control and as a practical alternative to
structured question is also employed in the assessment morbidity and mortality;
of evidence for the development of clinical practice . The analytical question typically examines the effect
guidelines advocated by the GRADE Working of differences in method performance, e.g. impreci-
Group.26 The reader is referred to the discussion by sion or inaccuracy, although the framework can
Brozek et al.27 regarding the GRADE approach to limit elegant construction of the question. In other
grading of evidence for diagnostic tests, and a specific words, in order to investigate the relationship
example is described by Hsu et al.28 between method imprecision (or inaccuracy) and
outcome, it will be necessary to define issues such
as total error (bias þ [2SD]) and therefore a range
Tips on formulating questions of imprecision and bias values should be considered.
This is not an exact science; however, there are a few A relevant analytical question is to define the inter-
points that offer guidance: vention in terms of a particular assay characteristic
compared with current practice. An example is to
. Succinctly describing the patient or population of ask if there will be benefit to patients presenting
interest is vital, as test results change with the evo- with signs and symptoms of cardiac ischaemia by
lution and progression of disease. Failure to do so implementing a high-sensitivity troponin method
risks leaving the study open to patient spectrum bias. with superior imprecision compared to use of con-
For example, it is well known that patients present- temporary sensitive assays that are currently the
ing in primary care, when their condition may not state-of-the-art methodology;
yet be symptomatic or severe, are likely to have a . The operational questions can look at impact on
different spectrum of results compared with those patient outcome or on process outcome, e.g. length
presenting to the Emergency Department when of stay, hospital visits, re-hospitalization, emergency
their condition is urgent (e.g. natriuretic peptide admissions – all valid surrogate process outcomes.
levels in breathless patients).29 Similarly results
may vary according to gender, age or lifestyle. The issues and questions provided above are only
Specifying the characteristics of the patient or popu- intended as examples; further examples can be found
lation is essential; in the included reference.14 It is worth stressing that the
. When asking a question about risk stratification, e.g. objective of the structured question is to improve clarity
assessing prognostic performance of a test, the com- and specificity in the understanding and communica-
parator is not always used. For example, formulat- tion of the problems and their resolution in the various
ing a question about the prognostic value of facets of professional practice.15
increased natriuretic peptide values in a population
will likely not include a comparator. This is because
natriuretic peptide results are a continuous variable
Variants of the PICO
so some of the cohort will have very low values and There have been additions to the PICO framework
others comparatively higher values. Comparing the described, all with the intention of providing greater
different natriuretic peptide ‘dose’ levels in the clarity to articulation of the problem. Sometimes an S
cohort and the association with outcomes will to identify the clinical setting is included in the frame-
serve the comparative function. However, it is fre- work, i.e. PICOS; alternatively this can be included in
quently helpful to indicate whether it is mortality or the description of the patient or population, e.g. a
morbidity that is documented, and at a fixed time patient presenting to primary care, the emergency
(see below for comment on time); room, etc. An additional P for pre-test probability (if
. Outcomes can be considered in terms of impact on that is known) when a test result is used for diagnosis,
the patient, the care delivery process (operational) or i.e. PPICO. A T may be included to emphasize the
the cost (economic); importance of time (PICOT); it may be important to
. As noted earlier when assessing the impact of a test specify time in a number of scenarios, e.g. when a
on outcomes, it is important to remember that the sample is collected in relation to circadian rhythm, or
test does not exist in isolation and is only effective in relation to dosing regimen, or the period of follow-
coupled with the treatment. So, in addition to it up in a prognostic accuracy study. An additional C may
310 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 50(4)

be included in an outcome study to verify that a change should be viewed as a problem resolution cycle and in
in practice has been adopted with the intervention so doing it can be applied to a wide range of activities
being tested, i.e. PICCO. Some of these variants are involving laboratory medicine (Table 2). Thus whilst
more applicable to reviewing evidence rather than the principles of evidence-based medicine (from which
when formulating the question at the outset, e.g. deal- EBLM has evolved) were originally focussed on the
ing with a clinical query. interaction between patient and clinician (and asso-
ciated education and research), this culture of evi-
dence-based practice can be applied to all aspects of
EBLM and relevant questions professional activity in laboratory medicine from stra-
There are five stages in the EBLM cycle, starting with tegic thinking and commissioning of services,30 to daily
asking the question (Figure 1). The basic structure practice, quality improvement31 and organizational

Table 2. Illustrating the range of health professionals asking questions, the settings in which they may be
asked and range of issues being addressed.

Questioner Setting Type of questions

Patient  Home  Use of tests

 Health centre  Meaning of results
 Hospital  Prognosis
Government  Long term planning  Health promotion programmes
 Short term crisis  Screening programmes
 Improving quality
Commissioner/purchaser Annual review and planning cycle  Prioritization of services
Provider organization  Planning  Resource prioritization
 Quality improvement  Resource utilization
 Routine management - Investment
- disinvestment
Clinician/nurse/carer  Primary care  Screening
 Ambulatory care  Diagnosis
 Emergency care  Prognosis
- selection
- optimization
- monitoring
- compliance
Laboratory director  Strategic planning  Choice of tests
 Quality improvement  Appropriate use of tests
 Research and development  Audit of utilization
 Identification of unmet needs
 Study design
 Critical appraisal of evidence
Laboratory manager  Accreditation  Mode of delivery
 Process management  Resource utilization
 Workload management  Health economics of testing
 Financial management  Audit of utilization
Clinical scientist  Duty biochemist  Choice of tests
- clinical queries  Meaning of results
 Background knowledge  Choice of action on results
- aetiology  Appropriate utilization of tests
- risk factors  Improve knowledge
- prevalence - relevance of tests
 Method validation  Intended utility of test
- Imprecision - impact of imprecision
- bias - impact of bias
- interferences  as above
 Research and development
Price and Christenson 311

Commissioning PROBLEM Audit

each step of the EBLM cycle in all of these activities is
management) predicated in each case on the clarity with which the
Seng strategic problem and question to be addressed are articulated.
Idenfy the
direcon and ASK queson
pathway design

Translating EBLM into routine practice

ACQUIRE Crically
A strategy for translating EBLM into routine practice
makes a number of basic assumptions (i) laboratory
Audit pracce medicine is part of a clinical team so test information
can be converted to action; (ii) the main goal is to add
APPLY Modify pracce value to the care pathway; (iii) a test is only used
because there is a problem or unmet need; (iv) the
impact/outcomes ASSESS Apply to pracce result is acted upon at the appropriate time; and
(v) resource utilization is managed across the care path-
Figure 2. Illustrating how asking the right question is the first way. These assumptions may appear obvious but they
step in the practice of EBLM (inner column), and in commis- do not necessarily reflect practice in all health systems,
sioning (left column) and audit (performance management) (right at all times.24 Thus, on the one hand additional testing
column) of laboratory medicine services. is expected as part of junior doctors gaining experience,
whilst on the other hand many health systems manage
laboratory services on a fee-for-service basis, regarding
research32 – as well as personal development through laboratories as profit centres – and in that respect may
education, training and research. The concordance of encourage over-testing. This notwithstanding, the
the steps in the EBLM cycle with the steps in commis- raison d’eˆtre of laboratory medicine should be improv-
sioning and performance management (audit) of diag- ing health outcomes and so the assumptions are appro-
nostic services is illustrated in Figure 2. Thus in the case priate attributes at the core of a laboratory medicine
of audit (the right-hand column), it is important to service. A recent paper makes the same point when
understand the process being audited and so the ques- describing a framework for designing and evaluating
tion is crucial. It is then important to understand the trials for assessing the value of diagnostic tests
evidence base that underpins the utility of the test and opened with the statement ‘The value of a diagnostic
the ‘diagnostic process’ being reviewed, e.g. if auditing test is not simply measured by its accuracy, but depends
the use of a test you need to understand why the test is on how it affects patient health’.33 If the laboratory
being used, the patient characteristics, the clinical setting medicine services are to be innovative, and used cor-
– as well as the decisions and actions informed by the rectly, then the assumptions above should reflect rou-
result. This helps to inform the data collected for tine practice.
the audit. The data are then reviewed in the context of The easiest way to illustrate how EBLM can be
the evidence base and the clinical guideline (protocol) translated into practice is with the introduction of a
for that test’s utility(ies), and practice modified accord- new test. There are a number of generic questions to
ing to the outcome of the data review. This cycle can ask of the requestor at this point, set out below with
then be used to design local performance management some explanatory notes.
and continuous quality improvement initiatives – link-
ing closely to the broader annual review and strategic . Why do you want the test?
planning cycle. The emphasis then transfers to the com- . What will you do with the result?
missioning (left-hand column) cycle, where the use of the . What decision will you make?
laboratory medicine service to address unmet commis- . What action will you take?
sioning or providing needs should be considered, e.g. the . What outcome would you expect?
use of point-of-care testing to address length of stay in . Is the test any good, i.e. is there any evidence
the Emergency Department or in the management of available?
patients with long-term conditions in primary care. . What will be the cost?
Establishing the need is followed by development of . What additional benefits might be expected, and
the business case and specification of the service – where in the care pathway?
informed by the evidence base, including an economic
assessment. Monitoring adoption, in essence perform- The responses to these questions help to (i) establish
ance management of the service, has many of the simila- the nature of the problem or unmet need, (ii) review the
rities to audit as noted earlier. Successful completion of evidence to demonstrate that the need can be met,
312 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 50(4)

(iii) develop the business case and (iv) set out the The core of translating EBLM into routine practice
requirements for adoption and implementation, if the is the link between articulation of the problem (the
business case is successful. The questions are relevant to question), the quality of the evidence, the decision
any number of problems that might be experienced and made on receipt of the result and the action taken.
they reflect the use of the test and the complementary This has then to be evaluated within the context of
activities across the care pathway, with the potential for the delivery and performance management of an inte-
solutions with clinical, operational and/or economic grated healthcare service, i.e. integrated care pathways.
impact. However, insofar as the questions reflect the The practical questions outlined above can be adapted
use of the test across the care pathway they can also to address clinical, operational and economic issues as
be used to inform audit, performance management and outlined in Table 2, across the full spectrum of health-
continuous quality improvement activities. They also care – from policymaking to delivery.
provide a framework for many of the enquiries made
of the laboratory, e.g. to the duty biochemist/doctor
and accessing the knowledge base.
This approach is illustrated in the request for the In routine laboratory practice, it is recognized that (i) the
introduction of natriuretic peptide testing – where the evidence base is poor,34 and (ii) there are many reports
request was made by the local cardiac network man- of both under- and over-utilization of tests; the second
ager.30 The local need was based on a combination of observation is an obvious corollary of the first! Over
poor access to echocardiography for patients present- a decade ago, George Lundberg35 alluded to this prob-
ing in primary care with suspected heart failure and lem when identifying the need for an outcomes agenda
awareness of a revised clinical guideline supported by for laboratory medicine. There is also a recognized prob-
a good evidence base for the use of a natriuretic peptide lem around translation of evidence into routine practice
as the first line test. The PICO question developed is the with the associated transformational change,36 a prob-
second in Table 1. The discussion with stakeholders lem not limited to laboratory medicine.37 The demand
established the requirement and provided the basis of for evidence-based practice extends to laboratory medi-
the answers to the first seven questions outlined above cine as one of the tools for improving the quality of
and enabled the development of the business case for healthcare. The practice of EBLM is the core for all
adoption of the test, as well as the framework for the of the facets of laboratory medicine from commissioning
implementation and performance management of the of a service through to audit and continuous quality
service. This involved details of current practice includ- improvement. The starting point in all cases remains
ing time to diagnosis from initial presentation, cost of identifying unmet needs and the articulation of the prob-
current diagnostic pathway, level of activity, number of lem (the problem statement) through clinical questions.
patients presenting with suspected heart failure,
number of patients on heart failure register and cost Acknowledgements
of natriuretic peptide test. These data together with None.
the evidence from a relevant systematic review29 were
used to model the revised pathway and establish the Declaration of conflicting interests
economic elements of the business case. The core of
the business case was the reduction in time to diagnosis
as well as the additional benefits of a significant reduc-
tion in the requirement for echocardiography and asso- Funding
ciated outpatient clinic visits – the savings being used to This research received no specific grant from any funding
fund the natriuretic peptide service as well as reduction agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
in overall cost to the commissioner/purchaser. The ini-
tial discussion also highlighted additional clinical
Ethical approval
questions around the potential use of the test for
(i) screening women receiving chemotherapy for Not required.
breast cancer and at risk of developing heart failure,
(ii) screening other patient groups at risk of developing Guarantor
heart failure and (iii) guiding therapy in patients diag-
nosed with heart failure. This provided the opportunity
for business cases to be developed including the extent
of the relevant evidence base, to be submitted to the Contributorship
local annual strategic review and prioritization process. The authors contributed equally to the content of this review.
Price and Christenson 313

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