Job Chart-1
Job Chart-1
Job Chart-1
Sub: Duties and functions of Revenue Supervisors Revenue Inspectors and Collection
Mohair of Odisha District Revenue Service.
I am directed to say that after the Odisha District Revenue Service (Method of Recruitment
and Conditions of Service) Rules 1983 have come into force, it was considered necessary to
lay down the duties and function of the Revenue Supervisors, Revenue Inspectors and
Assistant Revenue Inspectors under various Acts Rules, Manuals etc. Accordingly,
Government in Revenue Department have been pleased to approve the job Charts for the
above Revenue field staff in Revenue Department letter No. IIE (g)-8/87-38519/R dated
06.07.1987. The copies of these job Charts are sent to you for distribution to all S.D.Os all
Tahasildar serving in your district for guidance of all concerned. These Job Charts are issued
under the authority of Board of Revenue, Odisha.
It may be borne in mind that duties and functions of the Revenue field staff are not
necessarily limited to the specified in this Job Chart. Their service may also be utilized for
any other work concerning Revenue Department in the exigency of public service, at the
discretion of the Collectors.
Yours faithfully,
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1. The post Revenue Supervisor has been created to assist the Tahasildar in routine
Administration of the Tahasil particularly in conducting miscellaneous Enquiries and
the Revenue Supervisor is required to visit the R.I Circles in his charge at least once in
every 10 days to check and supervise the work of the Revenue Inspectors. The salient
items of the job chart of the Revenue Supervisor are specified below.
2. To supervise enumeration work of Revenue Inspectors relating to house damages, area
sand –cast and other damages to life and property in flood, cyclone and accidental fire
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and himself take up enumeration in certain villages as and when directed by Tahasildar
in cases where the calamities wide spread. The Revenue Supervisors should check at
least 25% of the damages list prepared by Revenue Inspector in each village.
3. To ensure timely submission of reports by Revenue Inspectors to Tahasildar.
4. To check up crop cutting reports of the Revenue Inspector not less than 25% of the
affected villages and ensure timely submission of crop cutting reports by Revenue
Inspectors of the Tahasildar.
5. To check the maintenance of the working copy of the RORs and the corrections thereof
on the basis of intimation slips issued from Tahasil Office and the Register No.III A and
to attest the corrections.
6. To check-the maintenance of all registers prescribed for the R.I Circle cent percent and
to attest them to testify their corrections.
7. To check the maintenance of all registers prescribed for the R.I Circle cent percent and
to attest them testify their correction.
8. To supervise and check collection of all types of revenue including water rate made by
Revenue Inspector and accounts thereof and to contact the defaulters to ensure cent
percent collection.
9. To audit the accounts of the R.I Office cent percent as internal auditor and to finalize
annual accounts at the close of the year.
10. To check and finalize the annual verification of account of R.I Circles in the light of the
Saltamami Check Memo and to clarify the accuracy.
11. To inspect R.I Offices as per distribution made in annual programmer of Inspections.
12. To check the assessment of water rate (Both C.B.W. and fluctuating water rate) in the
field with reference to relevant registers and to check the adequacy of water supply with
reference to irrigation Chart.
13. To check the reports of R.I regarding unauthorized use water and to detect such cases
14. To check the work of Revenue Inspectors in relation to implementation of different
revenue laws in the R.I Circle and other Miscellaneous items of work.
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15. To check crop damage statements prepared by Revenue Inspectors on lights, pestilence
or due natural calamities and to check crop cutting experiment conducted by Revenue
16. To attend to all items of work in connection with sale and management of sairats
entrusted under rules and executive instructions and to check the valuation of new
17. To fix up-set price of dead and wind fallen trees as per the monetary limit prescribed
form time to time and to conduct auction sale as may be prescribed.
18. To check ensure that the execution of W/A and other money processes issued to him by
the Certificate Officer.
19. To realize certificate dues in cases involving `.100/-Or less.
20. The Revenue Supervisor should be vigilant and should profitably utilize his tours, to see
that Government properties are safe guarded to take strict notice of the failures and
commissions of the Revenue Inspectors in performing their duties and assignments in
this regard.
21. To discharge such functions as would be required for check and supervision of priority
items of work like census and live stock census etc.
22. To discharge all function in relation to natural calamities vis : flood, cyclone, fire
accidents, droughts etc, as will be entrusted from time to time in addition to super vision
of work of Revenue Inspectors specified.
23. To identify and intimate the Tahasildar the name of persons who are unauthorized doing
money lending business in rural areas.
24. To detect in illegal alienation/ forcible occupation of lands belonging to S.C and S.T by
members of other community and to take steps to file cases before the competent
25. To see that the government lands allotted either for homestead agricultural purpose are
utilized by the allot tee for which it has been given and to report to concerned officers in
case of deviation.
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26. To supervise intensively the work of the R.I and realize certificates involving `.500/- and
after collection send a report to the Certificate Officer who is the Tahasildar for disposal
of certificate cases.
27. To dispose of the undisputed mutation cases as decided in the high level meeting dated
Board of Revenue, Odisha
The main items of job chart of the Revenue Inspector are listed below as entrusted to him
under different Rules.
A.Manual of Tahasil Accounts:
1. To maintain all registers as prescribed in Manual of Tahasil Accounts according to
instructions contained therein.
2. To update Record of Rights and tenant’s ledgers on the basis of intimation slip issued by
the Tahasildar from time to time.
3. To make collection of Land Revenue, Cess and other Government dues and also to
maintain accounts for all such collections in the prescribed manner.
4. To prepare annual accounts at the end of the year in respect of all demands and collections
made by him for verification and acceptance.
5. To maintain sairat register up-to-data and take steps for sale of sairat sources as per Rule
55 of the Manual of Tahasil Accounts and to detect to all new sources for incorporating in
the permanent register of sairats.
6. To submit return No.1 on the 5th day each calendar month as prescribed under Rule 148 of
Chapter VI of the Manual of Tahasil Accounts and such other reports and returns
prescribed form time to time.
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13. To protect government land and to report all cases of unauthorized occupation of
government land in Form “B” to Tahasildar for penal action as provided under the
Odisha prevention of Land Encroachment Act.
14. To cause eviction of encroachment in accordance with the orders passed by the
15. To make collections of all fines and penalties assessed under O.P.L.E. Act, and to
maintain accounts of such demand and collection.
16.To prepare arrear list under Rule 142of Manual of Tahasil Accounts and to file certificate
requisition for collection of all arrear Government dues and to maintain Register No.9
showing their accounts and to ensure that no arrear due is barred by limitation.
17. To make monthly verification of Register No.9 with Register No 10 (certificate case
register) maintained in Tahasil Office t reconcile the discrepancies.
18. To execute warrant of attachment issued for collection of all Government dues as issued
by the Certificate Courts.
19. To function as receiver for attached properties and to maintain accounts on the income of
the attached properties.
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20. To make enquiry and to furnish such information as will be required by the Certificate
Court for expeditious disposal of Certificate Case.
21. To realize certificate dues in cases involving `.20/- or less.
22. To submit report to the Tahasildar for all types of mutation cases as will be called for the
Mutation Officer.
23. To make field enquiry in case of mutation is accordance with orders passed by the
mutation Officer and to prepare sketch map for the holdings covered by mutation case.
24. To correct record-of-rights on the basis of intimation slips issued by the Mutation Court
on disposal of Mutation cases.
30.To make enquiry on claim petitions ‘lied under Section 6,7 and 8(3) of the Estate Abolition
Act as and when asked for by the Tahasildar (O.E.A. Collector) and to report on the same.
31. To report for initiation of proceeding for suo-motu cases for holdings held inchoate not
being able to avail concession under Section 6, 7 and 8(3) of O.E. A. Act.
32. To make correction of record-of-rights and to make entry in the Tenant’s Ledger on the
basis of rent schedule issued by the Tahasildar in O.E.A. cases.
33. To make enquiry in cases of fraudulent leases coming under the purview of section 5(i) of
the O.E.A. Act and to submit report for penal action.
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34. To remain in charge of all boundary pillars and survey marks and maintain a register of
such boundary marks prescribed in the Odisha Land Records Manual.
35. To inspect all survey marks, boundary pillars and O.T Stations and to submit periodical
reports in regard to their existence and conditions.
36. To take steps for maintenance and repair of all boundary pillars including G.T. Stations
by submitting timely report for such repairs.
37. To report all cases of unauthorized conversion of agricultural land for non-agriculture
38.To make enquiry on accretion to the holdings by alluvian or fluvial action under
provisions of Sec. 21of O.L.R. Act and formation of char and Diarha land for settlement
lease by the Tahasildar.
39. To make enquiry and report on cases of illegal transfer by S.T and S.C./u./s 22of O.L.R.
Act and under Regulation 2of 1956 in scheduled area.
40. To make enquiry and report in cases of surrender and abandonment of holing by raiyat
u/s 22- A of O.L.R. Act as and when called for by the Tahasildar.
41. To make restoration of land to S.T. and S.C on execution of order passed by the competent
authority u/s 23of the O.L.R. Act.
42. To function as convenor of Local Committee under the provision of O.L.R. Rules.
43. To detect ceiling surplus land holders and to report land particulars for preparation of
draft statement of surplus land.
44. To enquire and report on application filed u/s 36-A, 36-B and 36-C of O.L.R. Act when
called by the Revenue Officer.
45. To furnish report when called for by the Tahasildar for Settlement of surplus land with
eligible beneficiaries under the provision of O.L.R. Act.
46. To take possession of surplus land as determined under the O.L.R. Act.
47. To furnish reports to Tahasildar where cases of infringement of provisions of O.L.R. Act
comes to his notice and to execute the orders of Tahasildar for implementing the provisions
of the Act.
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48. To take charge of the ceiling surplus land in urban area when transferred to Tahasildar
under the above Act.
49. To detect and maintain a register on the number for concealed informal or oral tenants
and share croppers and report the same to Tahasildar.
50. To enquire and report to the Tahasildar if any allotted-ceiling surplus land has been
transferred by an allottee in contravention of Section 6-A of the O.L.R. Act.
51. To enquire and report on cutting down of trees form any surplus land.
52. To complete and report surplus land of the land of the land owners as a result of
irrigation facilities made available.
53. To demarcate the land of the allottees of ceiling surplus land and to give delivery of
possession of such land as per orders of Tahasildar.
54. To maintain a register of ceiling surplus land allottees indicating there in the persons who
have been given financial assistance and those who have not given said assistance.
55. To enquire and report to the Tahasildar if any ceiling surplus land allottees has been
dispossessed of his land and review the list from time to time.
56. To maintain a register of allottees/grantees of Bhoodan land in respect of which mutation
has been allowed by the Tahasildar.
57. To identify the landless and homestead less persons within his jurisdiction and maintain
two separate registers of such persons and make periodical review of allottees of
Government waste land and ceiling surplus land for agriculture and for homestead
58. To maintain a register showing settlement of encroached land in two parts i.e. (1) showing
settlement of encroached Government land for agriculture purpose and (2) showing
settlement of encroached Government land for house sites.
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62. To take charge of the land reserved for public purposes and other land belonging to
Government on completion of Consolidation proceedings on the orders of Tahasildar.
65. To discharge all functions prescribed in the above rule and to carry out orders passed by
the Tahasildar while implementing the said rule.
66. To discharge the functions of competent authority for grant of permits etc, under Schedule
IV of the said rules.
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70. To report to Tahasildar every case of death of old age pensioner and window pension
and to maintain registers to chart effect.
71. To make crop cutting experiment and to assess crop damage.
72. To enquire and report on the application for issue of Resident/ Nativity/ Identity/ Legal
Heir /Income/ Caste and Solvency Certificate when asked for by the Tahasildar.
73. To discharge duties and functions of emergent nature when required by the Tahasildar
in connection with census, election etc, and to conduct such other miscellaneous duties and
enquiries as will be entrusted by the Tahasildar form time to time.
74. To enquire and detect cases of bonded labour and to report to S.D.O through
Tahasildar for their identification and re-habilitation.
75. To enquire and report to Tahasildar about the cases of unauthorized money lending and
violation of the Odisha Money Lenders Act and to intimate the cases of moratorium under
the Odisha Debt Relief Act and to attend to such enquiries as will be entrusted in connection
the same.
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80. To enquire and report on eye estimation about the number of villages likely to sustain
crop loss more than 50% due to drought and conduct crop cutting experiments and to assess
crop damages in such villages in the prescribed manner.
Fire Accident:
81. To enquire into damages caused to dwelling houses and public institutions gutted by
accidental fire along with loss of human lives, animal and properties immediately after such
occurrence and assist Tahasildar expeditions disbursement of fire relief assistance. To
maintain records up to date and submit reports to Tahasildar on all such matters as
enumerated above expeditiously.
Board of Revenue, Odisha.
୧। ରେନାଣ୍ଟସ ରେଜର ନୂ ତନ ଭାରେ ତିଆରି କରିୋ େରକୟା ଓ ହାେ ଦାେୀ ଦରଜ କରିୋ । ଅସୁେ େଙ୍କା
ଜମକରି େର୍ଷ ରଶର୍ରର େରକୟା ନିର୍ଦ୍ଷାରଣ କରିୋ ।
୨। ପ୍ରଜ୍ଞାପନ ଚିଠା ସମ୍ପୃକ୍ତ ରରଜିଷ୍ଟାରରର ଦରଜ କରିୋ ।
୪। ରରଜିଷ୍ଟର ନଂ III-A,V-A, V-B, VI, VIII, IX, X ଓ XI ରର ସମସ୍ତ େିେରଣୀ ଦରଜ କରିୋ (VII,
IX ରରଜିଷ୍ଟରରର ସଂକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ରିେର୍ଣ୍ଷ Abstract of D.C.B. େୟତୀତ) ।
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୬। ଖଜଣା ଅସୁେ ସମୟ ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକ ଉପସ୍ଥିତରି ର ୋ ଅନୁ ପସ୍ଥିତରି ର ତହସିେଦାରଙ୍କ ଦ୍ଵାରା କ୍ଷମତା
ପ୍ରାପ୍ତରହାଇ ଖଜଣା ରସିଦ କାେିୋ ।
୭। ସାେିଫିକରେ ଚିରକ
ି ୁ େ ି ରରରଜଷ୍ଟ୍ରିରର ସମସ୍ତ େିେରଣୀ ଦରଜ କରିେ।
୧୦। ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକ ନଥିୋ ସମୟରର ସହ-ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକ ମାରନ ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକଠାରୁ ଦାୟିତ୍ଵ ରନଇ
ସମସ୍ତ କାର୍ଯଷୟ ତୁ ୋଇୋ ।
୧୧। ସାେିଫିରକେ ରକଶର ୯ ନମବର ରରଜିଷ୍ଟର ପ୍ରତି ମାସରର ତହସିେ କାର୍ଯଷୟାଳୟର ୧୦ ନମବର ରରଜିଷ୍ଟର
ସହ ରମଳ କରାଇ ତହସିେ କାର୍ଯଷୟାଳୟର ମୁଖୟ କିରାଣୀଙ୍କଠାରୁ ପ୍ରମାଣ ରଦରେ ।
୧୨। ସହ-ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକ ମାରନ ର୍ଯାହା କାମ କରିରେ ରସଥିରର ନିଜର ଦସ୍ତଖତ ରଦରେ ।
୧୬। ଦାଦି ଅସୁେ, ୋକି (D.C. B ) ଖିୋପିକାରୀ (Defaulter List ) ତିଆରି କରିୋ ।
୧୮। ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକଙ୍କୁ ଆଦୟା ରକ୍ଷତ୍ରରର ଜମିଜମାର ସୀମା ନିର୍ଦ୍ଷ।ରଣ, ପରୱ।ନା ଜାରୀ କରିୋ ଇତୟାଦିରର
ସାହାର୍ଯୟ କରିୋ ।
୧୯। ତହସିେଦାର ଏେଂ ରାଜସ୍ଵ ନିରୀକ୍ଷକଙ୍କ ଦ୍ଵାରା ନୟସ୍ତ ସହକାରୀ କାର୍ଯଷୟ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରିୋ ।
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ରମାହିନୀ ରମାହନ ରଥ
ରାଜସ୍ଵ ପର୍ଷଦ, ଓଡିଶା,କେକ