The Causes and Effects of The Keys Missed in The Main Hoist Gear Reducer On The Ladle Cranes
The Causes and Effects of The Keys Missed in The Main Hoist Gear Reducer On The Ladle Cranes
The Causes and Effects of The Keys Missed in The Main Hoist Gear Reducer On The Ladle Cranes
The Causes and Effects of the Keys Missed in the Main Hoist Gear Reducer on the Ladle Cranes
Wen-Kuei Chiu
Ladle crane is definitely one of the most common and important handling facility to transport hot metal in steel making plant.
Especially, main hoist mechanism plays an important role to prevent the ladle with hot meatal from dropping during
operation. Regular inspection about main hoist gear reducer includes gear tooth wearing, vibration, lubricant contamination,
bearing temperature, and synchronization of the dual driver. In 2016, there was a special case take place within the main hoist
gear reducer, the key of a drum gear was missing. Fortunately, a maintenance force noticed an abnormal sign, the temperature
difference between the two bearings of input shaft in the gear reducer are over 3 degrees in Celsius. Maintenance staff
decided to open the cover of gear reducer to replace the bearing. It was found that keys in the main hoist reducer were either
shifted or missing and staggers between keyseats and keyways. In order to know what caused the failures and how to
improve it, we tried to analyze it from design, operation, and maintenance.
Figure 3. The key of the 2nd pinion in north was Figure 4. The key of the drum gear in north was
missing, keyway and keyseat staggered. missing, keyway and keyseat staggered.
Figure 5. The key of the 2nd gear in north shifted. Figure 6. The key of the 2nd gear in south shifted.
Keys are used to transmit torque from a rotating machine element to the shaft. Gravity and centrifugal force act on keys when
the shafts are rotating. Setscrews, press fit or closed keyseats are usually designed to prevent keys from shifting. To move the
keys during operation, it shall satisfy the following conditions.
1. Axial force acts on the key.
2. The axial constraints of the key are not able to restrict it to move.
From the figurers above, we see the keyseats of the gear shafts are open type designs and there are no setscrews. What we
have to do first is to verify that the keys are loose fit in the keyseats and keyways.
Key Keyway
b h Close Fit Normal Fit
Size b1,b2
Position b1 and b2 b1 b2
(bXh) C
Nom. Nom. Tolerance Nom. Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
(P9) (N9) (js9)
2nd Pinion 40X22 40 0 22 0 1.00~ 40 -0.026 0
-0.062 -0.130 1.20 -0.088 -0.062 ±0.031
Drum Gear 45X25 45 25 45
0 0 1.60~ -0.032 0
2nd Gear 56X32 56 32 56 ±0.037
-0.074 -0.160 2.00 -0.106 -0.074
F r m 2 r mg cos (1)
F t mg sin (2)
When a key is rotating to the top of a shaft, i.e. θ=180°, it can be moved with a minimum acceleration rate.
a 0 g 1 . 18 m / s 2 (6)
To check the design data, acceleration rate and deceleration rate of the main trolley drivers and brakes are 0.25 m/s2 and
0.056 m/s2 individually. Even if the main trolley is decelerated by the drivers and brakes simultaneously, the inertial force is
still not great enough to move the keys.
The master switch of the main hoist is a 5-stage design to control the hoist speed. Generally, a ladle is hoisted or lowered
slowly at the 1st stage speed and quickly at the 5th stage speed. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stage speeds are interim, rarely last over 1
second during operation. By measuring vibration of the main hoist reducer, we found the maximum vibration velocity occurs
when it was hoisting or lowering at the 4th stage speed. Figure 8 shows vibration velocities of the main hoist gear reducer at
different positions with rated load at the 4th and 5th stage speed. With frequency analysis of vibration, shows as figure 9, it
verify resonance occurs at the meshing frequency of drum gears at the 4th stage speed. To compare the axial acceleration rates
of the main hoist reducer at the 4th stage speed due to vibration with friction, shown as table 2, it shows the acceleration rate
of the northern 2nd pinion is not sufficient to move the key. Furthermore, vibration is a kind of movement back and forth
rapidly. Even though it is great enough to move the keys of the 2nd gear and the drum gear, it is not able to push the keys out
of the keyseats at a frequency of 25 Hz.
Figure 8. Vibration velocities of the main hoist gear reducer during operation
Table 2. Axial vibration of the main hoist reducer with rated load at 4th stage speed
Axial vibration Minimum axial acceleration rate to
Velocity Acceleraiton Rate overcome friction (eq. 5, θ=180° )
2nd Pinion North 13.5 mm/s 2.12 m/s2 <3.35 m/s2
nd 2
2 Gear North 12.5 mm/s 1.91 m/s >0.62 m/s2
nd 2
2 Gear South 5.8 mm/s 0.91 m/s >0.62 m/s2
Drum Gear North 13.5 mm/s 2.12 m/s >1.08 m/s2
MV (7)
Where F is bumper force; M is the weight of main trolley; stroke of the main trolley bumper, S, is 150 mm; rated speed of the
main trolley is V=40 m/min=0.67 m/s. When the main trolley hits the dual bumpers at rated speed, keys in the main hoist
reducer will move. It can be verify as below.
V 2
a 1 . 5 m / s 2 g 0 1 . 18 m / s 2
Furthermore, as the main trolley hits the bumpers with a velocity V> (2Sgμ0)0.5 =0.59 m/s=35.7 m/min, the keys will move.
While there are no limit switches furnished to slow down the trolley before it hit the bumpers, the keys may run out from the
The drum shall be driven through gears pressed and keyed on each shafts and pinions/gears of the main hoist reducer. If a key
is missing and the allowable torque due to press fit between gear and shaft is lower than the torque of the driver, they will
slide against each other. The keyway and keyseat will be staggered.
Table 4. Allowable torques between gears and shafts with rated load at rated speed
Shaft Diameter Out Diameter of Interference Length of Normal stress Allowable Torque Safety Factor
dF (mm) Boss dAa (mm) U (μm) Seam l (mm) P (kg/mm2) Trr (kg-cm) Trr/Tr
2 nd
165 Max 93 4.87 287,145 1.69
Pinion 0.093
512 Avg. 60.5 115 3.01 177,766 1.05
(r6) 0.068 Min 28 1.16 68,387 0.4
355 165 2.64 454,077
Max 113 550,269 0.95
1744 20 4.62 96,192
2nd 235 355 165 1.7 293,299
Gear 0.113
Avg. 75.5 355,241 0.61
1744 20 2.98 61,942
(r6) 0.084
355 165 0.76 130,722
Min 38 158,414 0.27
1744 20 1.33 27,692
Figure 14. Adhesive wear on the inner surface of the Figure 15. Adhesive wear on the inner surface of the
northern 2nd gear boss southern 2nd gear boss
Table 5. Allowable torques between the hub and the boss with rated load at rated speed
Shaft Diameter Out Diameter of Interference Length of Normal stress Allowable Torque Safety Factor
dF (mm) Boss dAa (mm) U (μm) Seam l (mm) P (kN) Trr (kg-cm) Trr/Tr
Drum Max 35 9,112 5,294,434 1.93
950 1150 235
Gear Min 20 5,096 2,960,979 1.08
Table 6. Allowable torques between hubs and bosses with rated load at rated speed
Shaft Diameter Out Diameter of Interference Length of Normal stress Allowable Torque Safety Factor
dF (mm) Boss dAa (mm) U (μm) Seam l (mm) P (kg/mm2) Trr (kg-cm) Trr/Tr
355 165 4.05 695,516
Max 169 842,885 1.46
1744 20 7.08 147,339
2 Gear
235 355 165 3.11 533,838
Avg 131.5 647,647 1.12
(s6) 1744 20 5.43 113,809
355 165 2.17 372,160
Min 94 450,999 0.78
1744 20 3.79 78,839
355 165 5.46 936,954
Max 225 1,135,440 1.97
2 Gear
235 1744 20 9.53 198,486
355 165 4.51 775,277
(t6) Avg 187.5 939,513 1.63
0.196 1744 20 7.89 164,236
355 Min 150 165 3.57 613,599 743,585 1.29
The root cause of shifted or missing keys is loose fit between keys and keyseats due to poor processing or assembling. When
the main trolley hits the bumpers without adequate deceleration, the keys will move in the axial direction and run out of the
To improve this problem is to make sure the interference of fit between the keys and keyseats follow the origin design.
Besides, modify the keyseats from open type to close one for new gear shafts, and set a stop for the used shafts with open
keyseats. Furthermore, modify the tightness of the 2nd gear from H7/r6 to H7/s6 or H7/t6.
The keyseats of used gears and shafts were worn out. To save maintenance cost, shafts shall be removed without scratching
the hole of the gear. The keyways of the 2nd pinion and gear shall be enlarged or milled a new one in the opposite position.