AU PAIR Interview Questions
AU PAIR Interview Questions
AU PAIR Interview Questions
🔊 Why did you decide to become an au pair?
Por que você decidiu se tornar uma au pair?
Because I want to have contact with another culture and learn English.
🔊 What characteristics or skills do you feel are most important to have in order to be
a successful au pair?
Que características [personalidade] ou habilidades [capacidade] você acredita que sejam
mais importantes ter para ser uma au pair de sucesso?
In my opinion, an au pair needs to be careful, responsible, lovely, patient and creative.
🔊 What types of rules do you think you will have living with your host family (a
curfew, no drinking, loud music, cleaning up after yourself, etc.)?
Que tipos de regras você acredita que terá vivendo com sua família anfitriã (um toque de
recolher, sem bebida alcoólica], música alta, deixar tudo limpo [após usar], etc)?
I don't think that I will have a curfew (because I won't be out late at night) and I don’t think
that I will need to turn down my music but I do believe that I will have to clean up after
🔊 How do you envision the typical American family (lifestyle, personality, busy,
two-parent family, suburban house, etc.)?
Como você imagina a típica família americana (estilo de vida, personalidade, busy, família
de pai e mãe {tradicional?}, casa de subúrbio, etc)?
I imagine an open-minded American family with a healthy lifestyle that is composed of two
parents living in a suburban house.
- What did you mean by "busy"?
🔊 Describe your ideal host family. How do you see yourself fitting into their lifestyle?
Descreva sua família anfitriã ideal. Como você se vê se adequando ao estilo de vida deles?
A host family would be attentive, thoughtful, cheerful and united. I believe that I would get on
well and develop effective communication with them.
🔊 Please describe what you imagine your typical au pair schedule will be like (e.g.,
wake children up in the morning, make them breakfast, etc.)
Por favor descreva como que você imagina que seu típico cronograma [rotina] será (ex.:
acordar as crianças pela manhã, fazer o café da manhã para elas, etc).
I believe that I will wake the children up, make them breakfast, take them to school, make
their bed and do the laundry. Also, I think I would help the children with their homework, ask
them to brush their teeth and take a shower.
🔊 If you were at the park with your host child, and he/she fell off the swing and
seriously hurt themselves, what would you do?
Se você estivesse no parque com a “criança anfitriã” e ela/e caísse do balanço e se
machucasse seriamente, o que você faria?
First I would check the seriousness of the injury and would call both 911 and the parents if
🔊 What would you do if you were placed with a host family and you did not agree
with their discipline style?
O que faria se você fosse alocada em / designada a uma família anfitriã e não concordasse
com o estilo de disciplina deles?
🔊 If two young host children were fighting over a toy, how would you handle the
Se duas “crianças anfitriãs” estivessem brigando por um brinquedo, como você lidaria com a
I would try to have a fuller grasp of the situation and would offer a more fun alternative for
the toy so that the children could play together.
🔊 What would you do if you were driving and one of your host children took off their
O que você faria se você estivesse dirigindo e uma das “crianças anfitriãs” soltasse o cinto
de segurança?
I would keep calm! I would turn the signal on and try to pull the car over so that I could get out
of it and talk to the child that he/she can't take off the seatbelt. Then, I would continue the trip.
🔊 Most au pairs feel homesick at some point during their program. What will you do
to help yourself feel at home while you are in the United States?
A maior parte das au pairs sente saudade de casa em algum momento durante seu
programa [estadia]. O que você fará para poder se sentir em casa enquanto estiver nos
I will keep in contact with my family in Brazil and recall the good moments I've lived here.
🔊 Besides homesickness, what other challenges do you think you will have as an au
pair and how will you overcome them?
Além de saudade de casa, que outros desafios você acredita / acha que você terá como
uma au pair e como você os superará?
The challenge of fitting into a new environment with its language and culture. I will try to
overcome the best way possible by focusing on the good things that the exchange program
can provide me.