Raw Sau JPEG
Raw Sau JPEG
Raw Sau JPEG
• Uncompressed file format • Standard file format
• Each camera maker has a different • The same filename extension in all
filename extension cameras (.jpg)
• Traditionally needs a viewing/editing • It’s processed by the camera, so it can be
program to be processed (some newer opened/view in any program
cameras offer processing in-camera)
• Large size • Smaller size image format
• Preserves the most amount of information • Because it is so compressed, certain
about an image and contains more colors information is removed from the image.
and dynamic range
• Has to be post-process to get best results, • Capable of displaying millions of colors
the image looks dull without adjustments in a highly compressed file
• Gives extended control over exposure, • Easily post-processed but there will be
colors, saturation, white balance, etc. a small loss in quality over time