Tools and Techniques For Product Design
Tools and Techniques For Product Design
Tools and Techniques For Product Design
Keywords: For product designers, tools and techniques are essential in driving the design cycle. Nevertheless, their
Product design
employment usually is implicit, while passing over e.g. the design and project environments empowering
their adequate use. This publication presents an overview of approaches in structuring and using tools/
techniques, based on the effectuation of creativity and decision-making in the design environment. In
elaborating on characteristics of tools/techniques and ensuing ways of selecting them, the designer’s
portfolio of tools/techniques is characterised. Representative problems of tool/technique usage are depicted
and contextualised by illustrating their industrial application. Prospects for future developments are also
ß 2014 CIRP.
0007-8506/ß 2014 CIRP.
608 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
ambiguity, their influence on tool/technique employment is [59] and the customer-order decoupling point (see e.g. [139,190,209])
illustrated. To contextualise characterisations of tools/techniques, can be modelled, the adaptability of products can directly be used.
exemplary industrial embedding is described. Based on the over- The third property is the quantity of products.
views given in this publication, future developments will be
proposed and commented upon from the application, research 2. Problem solving, creativity and decision-making
and development viewpoints for tools/techniques.
The design of products is, and will always be, an act of
1.1. Scope craftsmanship. It is characterised by the ability to repeatedly
employ problem solving, creativity and decision-making in a
Although much of the reasoning in this publication is applicable controlled and efficient manner to reach an adequate product
to a wide variety of product types, the background of the work definition. In this, the balance between creativity and systematic
presented here stems from an environment that aims at approaches strongly depends on the type of product (see Fig. 1),
engendering discrete, physical products. For example, the reason- where the difference between routine and non-routine design as
ing might well be applicable to the (integrated) design of services well as between incremental and breakthrough innovations plays an
[166,185,211] or even the processing industry; however, the important role [83,87].
wording and terminology is geared to and based on design cycles
for discrete products. In this, focus is explicitly on the design of 2.1. Creativity
these discrete products, rather than on the ensuing engineering
tasks covered by product development. Irrespective of the context, the team involved and the tools,
Nevertheless, even for these discrete products, the staggering techniques, methods and frameworks that support the design
amount of existing products immediately illustrates that it would be team, it will always be the ingenuity and inventivity of the
an endless task to group products according to ‘classical’ product designers that provide for and ignite the creative sparks that
classification methods (e.g. [132,192]). Even more elaborate decisively discern individual product development cycles. With
classification methods (e.g. [251]) are only appropriate for a specific this, designers are really at the heart of product development. This
domain of the entire range of products. Consequently, another way is all the more true, because the product design cycle consists of a
to classify products is required. Rather than function, geometry, set of activities that has no equivocal starting point; it has a result
material, required processes, etc. this typification is based on more that is not known on beforehand and that is reached by a trajectory
abstract properties of products. However, in this case, a relevant set that is capricious. Therefore, a design cycle thrives on creativity as
of appropriate properties has to be selected, in order to avoid the the main propulsion mechanism, producing the vital incentive for
hazard of arriving at an infinitely large set. In literature, ample the evolution of the product definition that goes with the headway
attention has been paid to this problem, with varying results. An of the product development project. Consequently, creativity is the
important contribution [117] values the mutually independence cause of progress in development cycles, but may simultaneously
constraint of the properties of so-called technical systems. A hamper the predictability thereof.
categorisation of properties and a ‘model of models’ (based on Infused by the unique role it has in development cycles,
[198]) is used to arrive at the co-ordinate system in the model shown literature addresses the phenomenon ‘creativity’ from a variety of
in Fig. 1. viewpoints, ranging from cognitive aspects [33,140], via experi-
Novelty manifests itself in unconventional ideas, features and ence [7,116], team work [250] to educational aspects [61,144] and
conceptual combinations that ‘are not obvious from the state of the investments [229]. Resulting from a detailed study of definitions of
art’, whereas maturity relates to the firmness of a system design. creativity [35] is the definition: ‘‘creativity occurs through a
Complexity is interpreted in direct relation to risk of failure. process by which an agent uses its ability to generate ideas,
Evolution of systems, in terms of the model, tends towards lower solutions or products that are novel and valuable’’.
novelty, higher complexity and higher maturity. What seems to be a common factor in most literature on
Fig. 1b shows an alternative [225] where the evolution of creativity is a focus on its realisation: preconditions, means,
product development is related to the competitive insistence on environment and challenge. Also, the differences between ‘personal’
higher quality, increasing complexity and lower lead times. As the and ‘social’ views on creativity – depending on who perceives the
determination of the quality of products in general is rather newness and usefulness – are recognised [163]. A discernment that
subjective, this property might be a fragile basis to compare and is contributive from the perspective of the overall design cycle is the
classify different (types of) products. Moreover, the lead-time dichotomy between the ‘content’ of creativity and its ‘structure’. It is
probably is more an indication of the production process and its evident that a designer will always observe the coherence between
organisation than of a product. the mechanisms of creativity and the subjects these mechanisms are
These two deficiencies have been overcome by selecting a applied to. Junior designers might explicitly struggle with this split,
different perspective. Reasoning not from the manufacturer, but whereas experienced designers might have grown to implicitly
from the customer, the product can be valued against its direct value the amalgamation of the two.
requirements. This allows for the same approach of independent For design teams, it is impossible to adequately tackle a design
properties, however, the selection of properties is partially cycle and have a meaningful overview over the design tasks if the
different (see Fig. 1c). The first property is complexity, basically content and structure of the work are too intertwined.
indicating the same property as in Figs. 1a and b, but with Creativity is a means to an end: it explores beyond the frontiers
emphasis on the complexity pending the entire product life cycle of the current product definition. The results of such explorations
(i.e. during manufacturing, maintenance, repair, recycling, etc.). Based are contributive, much more than the initiatives that caused those
on the different ways in which customer-supplier relationships results to be achieved. Consequently, creativity is not the only
precondition for progress in development cycles: the possibilities
opened up by creativity must be assessed, elaborated and
incorporated in the overall design cycle to make actual headway.
Moreover, it is the progress in the design cycle that determines if
there is room and demand for a next creative step [248].
The progress in design cycles is characterised by the myriad
decisions taken by members of the design team (and selected other
stakeholders) that subsequently, concurrently, conjointly but also
contradictorily raise the extent and level of the product definition
Fig. 1. Different ways to characterise products. (see Fig. 2 [182]). All these decisions, in a sense, are the building
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Decision-making, not only in general, but also for product 3. The design environment and design methods
design has been the topic of many studies ([5,28,102,227,243]).
Given the complexities sketched in the above, it is understood that Next to all influences that might illustrate the multiplicity of
the many different points of view that exist prevent the emergence challenges encountered by designers, there is one characteristic of
of one unequivocal model for decision-making. As a common design cycles that is preponderant in causing these challenges: the
denominator, formally, decision-making can be regarded as the act fact that in well-nigh all design decisions the designer is dared to
or process of consideration and deciding, resulting in a conclusion simultaneously reach more than one aim. Within the characteri-
or resolution especially as to future action [51]. sation of product complexity, next to the terms complicacy,
In design, the activity of decision-making arises from the need to opacity and interdependency [99], the striving for multiple goals
select the best possible course of action (or a set of optimised has an essential impact. This so-called polytelie [68,184] (literally
actions) from a set of alternatives [124]. Exploration and develop- ‘many goals’) indeed addresses the fact that in every design
ment of alternatives is typically an integral part of the decision- decision usually multiple, and often conflicting, goals exist.
making process. Often this is not a separate step but is intertwined in Frequently, the vast majority of these goals is not even clear or
an iterative decision analysis cycle [63]. Moreover, either explicitly made explicit. Moreover, as it – on beforehand – is usually not even
or implicitly, such cycles adhere to the same principle of PDSA (plan– known which stakeholders will be involved, only the subset of
do–study–act/adjust) [60] that are employed for process improve- identifiable and expected stakeholders (addressing e.g. competi-
ment. This puts design decision-making in the bigger scheme of tors, users and legislators) can be assessed. The outcome of this
management theories. From this viewpoint, it is clear that actions/ assessment is then assumed to represent all identified goals as the
adjustments are only purposeful if they lead to consolidations in the context of any design decision.
design. Additionally, the link between design decisions and This polytelie is an important explanation for the non-linearity of
management allows for dedicated approaches for quality manage- design cycles. Indeed, it already implies that the initial design brief is
ment (e.g. six sigma [234], TQM [162], 8D [203]). probably open to more than one interpretation. What is more, many
The linearity of most decision analysis cycles (see e.g. Fig. 3 design projects do not depart from a requirement specification that
[115]) is appealing; however, due to the fact that in design is correct and complete. At the same time, requirement specifica-
generally no single decision can be seen independent of other tions serve as a reference for judging the available alternatives and,
decisions, they present a straightforwardness that cannot be as such, determine to a large extent the course of design cycles
substantiated. These mutual dependencies add to the already [152,153,254]. Requirement specifications exist in multiple forms,
existing impreciseness and fuzziness in information, criteria and at different levels of detail and with changing degrees of certainty
aims. Research fields like multiple criteria decision-making and ambiguity. In its most essential state, the requirement
(MCDM [242]) specifically focuses on the improvement of specification has a so-called stated purpose as its basis: a predefined,
decision-making in the presence of multiple, generally conflicting formalised and static reference of the development process [173]. It
criteria that can be weighted and used to rank the decision reflects the pre-imposed requirements of (external) stakeholders,
610 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
like law, marketing and safety. In addition, three types of individual design methods for specific conditions and situations
requirements are distinguished: technical specifications, functional to tailoring design methods to the circumstances of a project. In the
specifications and scenario-based specifications [151,173]. The latter case, it might be questionable if the resulting depiction of the
merger of these different requirement specifications is in itself a project still is a formal design method. However, in practice, many
dynamic frame of reference that evolves as the product is being design methods are indeed ‘tweaked’ for better employability;
defined. This provides a benchmark for assessing the current usually this is done implicitly, driven by the experience of the
development cycle and prefacing subsequent development pro- designers involved. A slightly more extreme example of adapting
cesses. the design method to the circumstances is the roadmap concept
With the design environment evolving during design projects, (e.g. [66]), in which the processes in the design cycle are not
the result of a design cycle cannot be assessed unequivocally. That prescribed sequentially; it rather offers a framework of identifiable
being true, the implication is that any systematic plan for product steps providing templates and guides for adequately addressing
design is bound to devaluate in appositeness. Any prescriptive the design cycle. With increasing flexibility, the need for
design approach inherently has subjective aspects – at least in an understanding how knowledge underpins the ability to adapt
implicit manner. Moreover, it is clear that also the reproducibility development cycles increases as well [76,216]. This also addresses
of design decisions and design cycles will suffer from this. decision-making in positioning methods and accompanying tools/
As a consequence, designers cannot comprehensively revert to a techniques, from ‘identification’ and ‘extraction’ to ‘diffusion’ and
set of basic recipes for product design – in an environment that is ‘maintenance’ [31]. To purposefully consider such decisions, it is
unpredictable (presumably erratic) and instigating to subjectivity important to note that the capability to adequately structure the
and directionlessness while being multi-interpretable. This contrib- company’s processes relates to the maturity of innovation
utes to the explanation of why so many design method(ologie)s processes in the company [75,77].
exist. Many of these methods show considerable resemblance, From a different viewpoint, research focusing on descriptive
whereas particularities seem to determine the unique character of design starts from studying what processes, strategies, and
individual methods. This makes the coherence between design problem solving methods designers use [79], aiming to understand
methods difficult to interpret [237]. In many cases, the distinctions the design process from its elementary constituents. Such
between the methods are explicable because of the different approaches might adequately answer the question of how humans
viewpoints that laid the foundation for the development of these create designs, yet they may not be ideal in initiating and
methods. Such different viewpoints are shaped by sets of governing next steps in individual design cycles. In relation to this,
characteristics. There are many clusterings found in literature. An one of the axioms [210] that plays a role in several descriptive
example focusing on engineering design is [253]: Macroeconomic, design approaches is relevant: ‘‘Every design solution (that is,
Microeconomic, Corporate, Project, Personal. Focusing more on an every artefact produced as a result of design) will inevitably change
Industrial Design Engineering application is the set of product equilibrium relationships within its environment and thus create
properties or factors [236]: Design, Production, Sales, Use, Destruc- unforeseen problems.’’ It is striking to see that a change in
tion. equilibrium is almost seen as a preclusion of understanding rather
In striving for completeness, many overviews tend to become than as a driving mechanism in the design cycle.
rather specific [71,119,156]. On the one hand, this may make the list
of properties more useful, but on the other hand, it accordingly 4. Delineation of tools and techniques
narrows its applicability. A compromise distinguishes four different
influence types [184] (see Fig. 4): Product, Organisation, Project, In focusing on the quintessence of tools and techniques as
People. components of design cycles in the design environment (see
Given the diversities of the many existing design methods, also Sections 1 and 3), the adequate demarcation of the notions tool and
many attempts to categorise them exist [79,237]. After all, technique are obvious starting points. From there, the role of tools
different approaches are possible, ranging from developing and techniques in the design cycle can be depicted and valued.
4.1. Definitions verification of drawings. At the same time, the lack of expertise of
designers and the limited ergonomics of CAD software in the 90s
To start from a viewpoint that is not limited by the product made this verification process error-prone. Sometimes, CAD is
design environment, a tool can be defined as: even compared to chess, being a process of ‘moves’ defined and
constrained by the system. Later, designers who previously used
Tool: ‘‘[. . .] 2.a: something (as an instrument or apparatus) used
drawings to communicate with manufacturing departments,
in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a
created 3D models and defined manufacturing strategies with
vocation or profession <a scholar’s books are his tools>. [. . .]’’ [2]
CAM tools. Yet, many manufacturers have continued to work with
Similarly, a technique is defined as: 2D drawings; some still do. Such an example illustrates that
development or implementation of tools/techniques can be
Technique: ‘‘1: the manner in which technical details are
prolonged investments for designers; not only because of skills
treated (as by a writer) or basic physical movements are used
and habits, but also because of validation and robustness of tool/
(as by a dancer); also: ability to treat such details or use such
technique employment.
movements <good piano technique>. 2.a: a body of technical
As a result, working methods for designers changed; also, IT
methods (as in a craft or in scientific research) 2.b a method of
departments developed ‘control systems’ (see also Section 11). In a
accomplishing a desired aim.’’ [1]
sense, such approaches provide the platform based on which the
In a more explanatory way, the notion technique is also designers can employ their expertise, often by deploying tools and
depicted as ‘‘a way of doing something by using special knowledge techniques. Fig. 6, metaphorically, illustrates the intrinsic reading
or skill.’’ [4] or ‘‘A practical manner in which a certain activity is to of systems, tools and techniques.
be executed’’ [22].
Tools are – in the context of design – additionally defined as ‘‘. . .
an implement that you employ to facilitate the use of a method or
an aid to the use of a method.’’ or ‘‘. . . manual or computer based
systematic methods or frameworks that have the potential to
increase efficiency in one or several phases of the product
development process.’’ [188].
In converging to their meaning in design cycles, the dictionary
definitions actually do justice to the denotations that are implicitly
used in literature. For many designers, tools and techniques
conjointly enable them to make headway with the activities they
deploy in design cycles. For that reason, methodology can be
defined as ‘‘a collection of procedures, tools and techniques for
designers to use when designing.’’ [78]. Alternatively, methodolo-
gy ‘‘is used for knowledge about practical steps and rules for the Fig. 6. Illustration of system(s), tools and techniques.
development and design of technical systems, based on the
findings of design science and of practical experience in various It is important to make the relation between tools and
applications.’’ [16]. In this, methods represent logical sequences of techniques explicit. After all, for a designer, these are two
phases in which tasks are completed. Fig. 5 shows that relation in a combined means to the same end. Sometimes they are even
more formalised manner. completely merged and conjointly referred to as e.g. Product
Development Tools [58]. Having access to, or understanding of,
only a tool or only a technique is rather impracticable. Both are
required to execute the task at hand, even if the balance between
tool and technique can vary considerably. The latter is illustrated
by comparing sketching with a pencil, using a drafting tablet or by
a dedicated software tool to capture product concepts. Although
Fig. 5. Relation between design method, activity and tools/techniques. the balance indeed varies, the result may be the same: an adequate
presentation of the designer’s product concept.
Methodologies represent the highest level of abstraction for This implies that rather broad definitions of the notions tool and
conceptualising problem-solving methods. Here [135,195], meth- technique are required here. A basis for this is the definition
odology is defined as a collection of problem-solving methods provided for Product Development Tools [58]: ‘‘. . . are regarded as
governed by a set of principles and a common philosophy for being any artificial means that are available to [and to a certain
solving targeted problems [37]. At the next level of abstraction, a extent used by] manufacturing organisations (and individuals
technique is commonly understood to be a procedure or a set of within it), in order to support them in understanding, establishing,
specific steps for accomplishing a desired outcome [100]. The term executing, and controlling tasks and activities, and solving
technique is then defined as a set of precisely described procedures problems, in the context of product development.’’
for achieving a standard task. At the lowest – most concrete – level It is understood that such an encompassing and compliable
of the classification of design methods the term tool refers to definition does indeed cover all methods, tools and techniques as
instruments or certain tangible aids in performing a task [100]. In referred to in this publication. However, it becomes rather
some cases, a tool is a synonym for a computer software package to prescriptive in nature, thus not aiding the designer in purposefully
support one or more techniques [195]. dealing with tools and techniques. Given the range of available
In the definitions, and in Fig. 5, it seems that tools, techniques tools and techniques, this may seem justified; yet, the same range
and activities are independent entities, which exist in the context calls for effective ways of selecting and implementing them.
of the design method. However, in practice, the (use of) tools and Moreover, the dimensions in which tools and techniques differ are
techniques are fully embedded in and related to the environment manifold: scope, background, aim, flexibility, adaptability and
in which the design cycle is executed. For example, many tools and level of aggregation, to mention just a few. In literature,
techniques are useful because of the systems that are implemented enumerations of individual tools and techniques are given to
in the environment. The notion ‘system’ relates here to, e.g. PLM, characterise the overall impact of tools and techniques (e.g.
ERP, PDM, CAD and similar systems that underlie the work of the [98,112,223]). Although very relevant, they often approach the
designers and are not directly under their range of influence. For topic from one specific setting or perspective, thus not needing to
example, the introduction of 2D CAD heavily influenced the be objective as concerns the dimensions like the ones mentioned
612 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
above. A particular reason for this might be that, more often than observation is that the list in the standard presents skills that are
not, tools and techniques ‘emerge’ from everyday practice or incomparable as concerns level of aggregation; some of the skills
theory and, only at a certain point in time, they are made more address individual techniques, whereas others (e.g. solid model-
explicit and formal. Consequently, many tools and techniques are ling) may cover a large part of the design cycle.
the result of combined collective effort of for example academics From a completely different viewpoint, standards stemming
and professionals [58]; that result is than added to the toolbox of from the product definition itself may influence the process. After
the design community. Such collective efforts can be based on all, many standards (e.g. STEP, IGES, JT) underlie the way in which
short-term results, but often, structural co-operation leads to more information is transferred between tools. All too often, the
strategic solutions. An example of the latter is the fundamental limitations, perspectives and assumptions in the definition of
need to adequately predict helicopter aerodynamics. Here, more these standards have a considerable influence on the work of
than 40 years of joint efforts between universities, research designers. With this, standards turn out to be more than ‘languages
institutes and industry led to the development of aeroelastic to exchange information’; they can become either restrictive or
software suites like Camrad in the US or Host in Europe. they can be seen as the enabling frame. In this, it is relevant to
For the purpose of this publication, it is important to define distinguish between standards that allow to construct content in a
tools and techniques in such a way that justice is done to the flexible manner [108,138], and those that explicitly define how and
unique role of designers and their creativity in the design which content is covered.
environment. Therefore, a definition of ‘tools and techniques’ that
is instrumental in product design cycles, giving the complexities of 4.3. Context
those cycles as described in the previous sections is:
In practice, (industrial) designers use an expanding inventory of
‘‘In product design, the combination of tools and techniques is a
digital and conventional design tools during their design practice
means to apply and exploit the skill and craftsmanship of product
[89,199,202,218], helping them to visualise, communicate and
designers and design teams in order to examine a solution path (or
develop design ideas [89,92]. With an expanding array of tools
alternative) while pursuing a specified aim in the context of a
available, the design practitioner’s understanding of the benefits of
chosen or enforced design method or approach.’’
individual tools is important [64,65,164]. The ability of the
designer, influenced by experience of practice, to use the right
4.2. Standards tool in the conceptualisation, development and detail of design is
critical [230]. The combination of tools and techniques are the
It is clear that mere definitions cannot change the way in which continuation of the craftsmanship of the designer. They allow the
designers use tools and techniques. As with many other constituents designer to interact with the design problem and to give and hold
of the design cycle, formal standards may add relevance to the grip on the project. Obviously, tools and techniques can vary
notions. Nevertheless, the notions tools and techniques are often considerably in scope, impact, preconditions and level of
treated as implicit givens. The most relevant depiction is found in aggregation. Moreover, tools can often be seen as consisting of
ISO/TS 16949:2009 [123]. Stemming from an automotive back- other tools. Equally, a technique might consist of techniques that
ground, (based on ISO 9001:2008 [122]), it simply considers tools on their own are applicable and useful as well. This implies that it is
and techniques to be part of the (human) resources that play a role in impossible to make a hierarchical arrangement of tools and
quality management of the manufacturing of customer-specified techniques that objectively, unambiguously and explicably pegs
parts, for production and/or service. At the same time ([123], Section down an overview that allows designers to purposefully select,, it indeed sees tools and techniques as mechanisms that can value and access those tools and techniques.
be applied by individual designers:
5. Characterisations of tools and techniques
‘‘The organisation shall ensure that personnel with product design
responsibility are competent to achieve design requirements and
In capturing the essence of tools/techniques, it does not make
are skilled in appropriate tools and techniques. Applicable tools and
sense to collect endless lists of existing tools and techniques and
techniques shall be identified by the organisation.’’
attempt to capture their potential contributions from different
The standard does not specify what is exactly meant with perspectives. Not only would such an approach result in
‘applicable’ tools and techniques. Earlier (and now obsolete) incomplete lists, it would also – inevitably – lead to the occurrence
standards like QS-9000 [226] are more elaborate, although here, of unclassifiable tools and techniques, yielding definition issues
the combination of tools and techniques is referred to as skills. that are hardly constructive. This implies that attempts that are
Designers should be qualified in the following skills: based on the typification or classification of product types [193]
can only lead to disputes on hierarchies.
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T). Alternatively, tools and techniques are here grouped according
Quality function deployment (QFD). to their characteristics as concerns their scope, breadth, perfor-
Design for manufacturing (DFM)/Design for assembly (DFA). mance and aim in the design cycle.
Value engineering (VE).
Design of experiments (DOE). 5.1. Position in the design cycle
Failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA/PFMEA, etc.).
Finite element analysis (FEA). An obvious steppingstone for clustering is available according
Solid modelling. to the stage of the design process. The identification of phases in
Simulation techniques. the design cycle is inherent to most design methods; therefore, a
Computer aided design (CAD)/Computer aided engineering wide variety in definitions exists. However, an enumeration that is
(CAE). quite common is [194]: Planning and Clarification/Conceptual
Reliability engineering plans. Design/Embodiment Design/Detail Design.
Such a list is instrumental in clustering the activities in the
Unfortunately, this enumeration is not convincing concerning design cycle. With this, also tools and techniques related to these
contents, completeness or feasibility. Therefore, many companies activities can be grouped. However, because some tools support
have – in their own formulation of their quality management one specific action and some tools support a considerable section
systems – added additional skills for their designers. Obviously, the of the development cycle (see Fig. 6, right side), a classification
completeness of any of such lists is questionable; additionally they scheme that is all too granular would either disregard broadly
might draw on the flexibility of design cycles. Another important employable tools, or continuously duplicate them. Therefore,
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 613
5.4. Scope and target Alternatively, the actions are also referred to as ‘Evaluating,
Validating, Navigating and Unifying’ [101].
Compared to the systems that underlie the design cycle (see Additionally, if designers want to communicate the results of
Section 4), tools and techniques are usually more limited in scope: their deliberations to anyone else or record it for later reference,
they typically relate to more individual activities. However, this then a fifth action is also needed:
does not yield an obvious way to depict the tools and activities.
After all, the use of tools and techniques might cover one or more Document the work.
activities, addressing different aspects from different viewpoints.
Moreover, activities can be considered to consist of other For designers, it is inherently advantageous to employ tools and
activities. This indicates that tools and techniques will be techniques that address a larger part of the design cycle; after all,
interrelated at different levels of aggregation and detail. It also calling forth skills for a limited number of tools and techniques is
implies that the granularity of the design cycle will vary far less complex than doing that for many individual smaller tools
considerably; leading to overlap, gaps, but also to recursivity. and techniques. In the latter case, it is also extremely difficult to
Generally, design tools and techniques are used to support, maintain an overview and to ensure that all activities are based on
improve or enable (the course of) design processes as proposed by the accurate information status and evolvement of the product
design methods. Similarly to design methods, some tools or development. This is also related to the PDSA cycle mentioned in
systems underlie design processes in general (e.g. CAD systems), Section 2.1; from a project management point of view, limiting the
while other tools specialise in facilitating selected parts of the number of tools and techniques that are part of the design cycle is
process. Examples include tools that support a specific design certainly favourable. At the same time, it certainly does not do
method (e.g. ‘Innovation Workbench’ [265] for TRIZ), specific justice to the complexity and dynamics of design trajectories.
design activities (e.g. feature recognition software for production As a side effect, this aspect may also explain the tendency of
preparation activities [PART] [113]) or specific design subjects (e.g. tools/techniques and other (software) systems to slowly expand to
the bearing calculation tools on the website of a manufacturer). incorporate more and more functionality. On the one hand, this is
Depending on factors like the scope, frequency of use and degree of to the benefit of the designer; simultaneously, it may make some
integration in the process, some design tools are useful but solutions top-heavy or it may limit the flexibility of the design
dispensable additions to the course of the design process, while process. As an example, many mainstream CAD software have
others make or break the success of the process. displayed this incessant absorption of functionality that is related
With the different types of activities addressed by designers, to the core of the software. As a consequence, using specifics (e.g.
the type of tools and techniques vary as well. Tools can vary from features or parametric links) related to the software can easily
actual physical tools, via generic implements that are technique- jeopardise interoperability between systems and tools and can also
independent to dedicated software packages that purposively introduce multi-interpretability (e.g. by having both design and
support the related technique [204]. manufacturing features in the same parametric part) [169].
614 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
Returning to the four atomic actions that are mentioned above, 5.6. Direct versus indirect tools and techniques
they are the ‘objective’ activities that together allow designers to
perform ‘subjective’ tasks at a higher level of aggregation in the Next to diverging and converging working methods in design
design cycle. In this respect, ‘subjective’ does not directly refer to cycles, there is also a clear distinction between direct and indirect
the designer having a biased viewpoint, it rather means that – in activities in design cycle. Obviously, that same distinction is
the context of a design cycle – no activity can be seen as separate applicable for tools and techniques. Direct tools and techniques
from all other activities. Therefore, no stakeholder involved can constructively contribute to the design cycle, underpinning activi-
distinguish the object of the activity from its context [161]. What is ties like concept generation or selection of alternatives. Indirect tools
more, the ‘subjective’ activities are actually the activities that and techniques relate more to collateral (yet essential) operations,
designers can constructively use in their projects. Examples are: e.g. related to embedding, recording or communicating.
analyse, underpin, search, validate, simulate, scout, ensure,
instigate and decide. 5.7. Universal tool characteristics
As mentioned before, ‘decide’ is a special item in this list; it
actually is the interface between the items in this list and the Next to explaining the working and effects of tools and
‘objective’ activities. In every step in the design cycle, the techniques, many attempts have been made to capture the
underlying ‘objective’ activities are available to actualise the meaning of tools in terms of characteristics that are – allegedly
evolvement of the product definition by a set of interrelated – independent of the substantive perspective as presented in the
decisions (see also Fig. 7). These linked decisions not only form the previous sections. One of these approaches is based on extensive
‘guiding motif’ of a design cycle, it also brings together all empirical research based on a survey measuring ‘‘designer
stakeholders or actors in that cycle and even in the overlying attitudes towards the character of the tools they use to support
development cycle or supply chain. The so-called ‘actor network’ practice’’ [217]. The result (also based on a.o. [64,130]) is a set of
that depicts all relations [145], gives insight in how the context can so-called universal design characteristics (UDC), giving the
influence individual activities or decisions, allowing designers to characteristics, descriptors and related terms (see Table 1).
constructively employ connections. Without that overview,
Table 1
connections usually contribute to the complexity of a situation.
Universal design characteristics.
Bringing together the individual activities and clusterings
thereof, a generic step model of design team activities results [228] UDC Descriptor Reference Terms
that is instrumental in positioning tools and techniques in the Mode of How the design tool Dorta [64] Self-reflective mode
communication supports communication of Schön [214] Representation,
efforts of the designer (see Fig. 8). In this model, it is evident how design ideas to others. analysis, emergence
How the design tool Goldschmidt [91] Dialogue with self
the separation between ‘diverging’ and ‘converging’ efforts of supports self-reflection and Jonson [130] I-representations
designers are reflected. the emergence of design
Level of detail To what extent the design Brereton [26] Different kinds
tool supports a high or low of information
level of specific detail in the available.
embodiment of ideas. Visser [249] Precision
To what extent the design Goldschmidt [90,91] Less/more specific
tool supports an overall or
artistic impression of
general detail in the
embodiment of ideas.
Fig. 8. Generic step model of design team activities. In a certain sense, the coming about of a technique or tool in
Adapted from [228]. design cycles is the direct consequence of the predilection of
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 615
or they can allow for underpinning and strengthening of existing D-state between the begin state and end state; it therefore
expertise and experience. causes or facilitates the evolvement of the design cycle [154].
Constraints: No matter how purposeful and effective a tool/ However, in many cases, the required functionality and the
technique is, hardly ever will it be possible to exploit its functionality provided will not exactly match. As a result,
functionality to its fullest extent. As with all activities that choosing to use an existing tool/technique might be a
require investments in time or cost, the freedom to operate is compromise to the functionality that is specifically required.
confined [252]. In other words, the usage of a tool/technique is Additionally, functionality that is available in the ‘set’ of tools/
constrained by the time available, determined either by available techniques will bias working methods and even the course of
lead-time or by time allotted. Obviously, also restrictions related design trajectories.
to the available resources (ranging from people to hardware) Equipment (alternatives): Although equipment requirements
apply. Moreover, the type and amount of risk (either technical or may not exceed paper and pencil, other tools/techniques may
commercial) that is involved will certainly impose constraints on require more sophisticated means for execution. Some software
the way in which a tool/technique is selected, implemented, tools impose quite some requirements on e.g. processing power
contextualised as well as on the way in which the outcomes are or storage capacity. Even more, Virtual (or Augmented) Reality
integrated in the overall project. tools may rely on the availability of all kinds of very specific
Complexity: Even for the development of simple products, the hardware [15,183] (e.g. haptic devices [96,114] or even caves
project can be complex; for example because of involvement of [148]); although more flexible, also the employment of synthetic
external organisations like legal experts, approval authorities or environments [152,172] requires considerable consideration.
independent test facilities. Here, complexity of using a tool/ With this, equipment is not merely an out-of-pocket cost in using
technique is related to [99] the sheer number of variables a tool/technique; two other aspects are relevant in this respect.
(complicacy), time-dependency of those variables (dynamics), Firstly, the effectivity and efficiency of using a tool/technique can
the (in)visibility of a subset of the variables (opacity) and the fact directly be related to the equipment selected; i.e. selecting an
that variables can be interrelated (dependency). Next to these, equipment alternative may influence the quality of the outcome
the most relevant contributor to the complexity of a project in a non-linear manner. Secondly, for expensive equipment, the
might be striving for the achievement of multiple, often selection of tools/techniques over multiple projects can have a
conflicting goals simultaneously (polytelie [68]). strategic impact: equipment may be implemented based on
Strategic contribution: Habitually, a tool/technique is employed multiple requests, but availability of equipment may also bias
in more than one project. Consequently, its usage is geared to the selection and employment of tools/techniques.
‘average’ project. In addition, the implementation and experi- Cost: The direct cost for using a tool/technique is related to
ence may be biased by those other projects and by the company labour cost, equipment usage and consumables. Indirect costs
strategy. On the other hand, application of a tool/technique in an relate to, for example, the availability of equipment, licencing
individual project may also contribute to the strategy and and in (building) the expertise to use the tool/technique/
experience in an organisation. equipment combination. Although difficult to address in cost
estimations for a specific project, usually the indirect costs
Aspects inherent to the tool/technique exceed the direct costs by far. From this perspective, employing a
tool/technique often seems relatively economical, yet having the
Begin state: Every tool/technique requires a certain input; if this tool/technique readily available may involve consequential
input is not available, usage of the tool/technique is purposeless expenditures that are hardly visible in a specific project.
or it will render incomplete or unreliable outcomes. This input Time to execute: The time required to execute a tool/technique
may refer to the type or amount of information required, to the is often relatively easy to measure; it is, however, much more
quality of the information, but also to the prerequisites (ranging difficult to determine the time that can or should be dedicated to
from hardware to training) for using the tool/technique. that same execution. This is related to the time available
Assessment of the appropriateness of the begin state is mainly (deadlines), the cost of using the tool/equipment for a period of
based on experience, as obtaining a feasibility study on if and time, but mainly to the, often non-linear, relation between the
how the desired end state can be reached is not only dependent time invested and the quality of the outcome that is obtained.
on the tool/technique, but also on the product under develop- Additionally, the accuracy of estimations for time spent varies
ment and the status of the project and its evolvement. considerably. For example, the time required for a finite element
Consequently, the connection between the project and the analysis may be predicted fairly accurately, whereas the time
tool/technique depends on the alignment between the begin prediction for a purposeful brainstorming session may be less
state and the project progress. More often than not, the project in precise.
itself is leading, whereas it could be more purposeful to explicitly Implementation time: As mentioned, a specific project will
impose constraints on that progress from the begin state that is focus on employing a tool/technique, and any effort related to
required to start using important tools/techniques. making that tool/technique available is seen as supplemental
End state: The reason for using a tool/technique in a design cycle work or as a supraproject (i.e. tactical or strategic) task. This does
is the fact that the outcome makes an adequate contribution to imply that adequate integration of a tool/technique in a company
the product definition, better underpins the product definition, may require more strategic involvement than can be justified
or makes that definition more complete. As such, the D-state is from one specific project. Consequentially, such implementation
the bridge between the begin state and end state. The desired or trajectories may impose quite some overhead on all projects
required end state can be depicted as a requirement specification involved. Depending on the business strategy, this may engender
for the employment of the tool/technique. Depending on the type a rather pragmatic attitude in specific project, causing a tool/
of tool/technique, the processes involved can start from either technique to not be used to its fullest extent. To mention one
side: in case of a brainstorm, the begin state is clear, and the example: for carrying over project results to subsequent projects,
possible outcomes can only be envisaged, leading to an ‘open’ many tools are available; yet, hardly any project leader
process, in which the course of action is the means of control. On encourages spending time on capturing, formalising and
other occasions (e.g. for finite element analyses), there is a better evaluating project results and experiences – despite the
delineated specification of the outcome, from which a ‘closed’ awareness that it would be a strategic benefit.
process results that can be controlled by the reliability of the Installation time: Whereas the implementation time focuses on
outcome. making the functionality of a tool/technique available, the
Functionality: The employment of a tool/technique is justified installation time addresses the time and efforts required to set-
by its function. In a sense, the functionality determines the up the environment in a way that allows for adequate usage of
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 617
the tool/technique. Again, for a brainstorming session this may certification mentioned is used as a measurement of the training
seem futile (albeit getting all required stakeholders in the same level. However, for the large majority of tools, the required level
room can be challenging enough; with technological solutions of training and the impact of the training level are far from clear.
this may be easier [50], yet the installation will take more time), At the same time, there is a tendency to regard tools/techniques
but configuring a Virtual or Augmented Reality environment or a as infallible and definite solution providers, instead of resources
Synthetic Environment for a specific project most certainly in the hands of craftsmen. Irrespective of the validity of this
requires considerable efforts [171,183]. In comparing this to viewpoint, it most certainly diverts from the actual design cycle.
production environments: even if the equipment is available, the Quality: Where quality can be objective and subjective at the
process planning, production planning as well as set-up times same time [200], the different perspectives from Fig. 4 prevent
take considerable energy. from any unequivocal pronouncement on the use of a tool/
Stakeholders: The functionality of tools/techniques can only be technique. For one specific project, the impact and denotation of
unlocked if the appropriate set of stakeholders is part of the a tool/technique is different than for a company or a (group of)
environment. Much of the argumentation in this respect is persons. At first sight, this may render the aspect quality rather
obvious, but when it comes to, for example, using tools/ impracticable. However, it can also be considered the linking pin
techniques to integrate (end) users in the design process, many between different perspectives, i.e. the aspect that connects
pitfalls may be encountered [170,176]. Also in establishing strategic attention for a tool/technique to its tactical and
requirement specifications [173] and in decision-making [51], operation use.
integrating the appropriate type and amount of stakeholders is
non-trivial. 6.4. Relations between aspects of using tools and techniques
Level of expertise: In addition to the type and number of
stakeholders, the capabilities of the stakeholders are relevant. This set of aspects is not a checklist or a blueprint for tool
Setting aside the fact that some approaches have their own selection. Rather, it is the basis to for understanding how tools,
qualifications or certifications (C2C [150], TRIZ [120], Lean six activities and decisions interrelate. To adequately address those
sigma [233]), any tool or technique needs skilled operators. Skills interrelations the basic scheme of Fig. 9 is used, but now with these
in this respect are twofold: both organisational and concerning aspects as the core. Again, without claiming completeness, a
content (see also Section 9). As a metaphor, being able to drive a network is generated from these aspects. In other words, the black
car differs from understanding how a car works. In other words, lines reflect connections from input to output, the red lines are
the value of the tool must be understood separately from its resources or mechanisms and the blue lines are controls. At first
embedding in design cycles. When (end) users are involved as sight, these mutually dependent representations in Fig. 10 merely
stakeholders, another aspect becomes relevant as well: the more seem to give rise to complexity. However, using the approach of
an (end) user is involved in the process, the more he or she will Fig. 9, it actually disentangles activities, tools/techniques and
understand of the design cycle itself. The resulting bias may aspects of the usage thereof.
hamper the process, as the ‘casual’ user grows into a ‘trained’ In this, the resulting overview emerges organically from the
user. In this case, stakeholder expertise can have an explicit variety of input information used. Therefore, the number of
upper threshold for (end) users, where other stakeholders relations is informative as concerns the relative importance of
implicitly aim at growing their expertise. aspects. From Fig. 10, it is clear that a significant role is reserved for
Training: The level of expertise is closely related to the the usual suspects: costs, quality and time (to execute). At the
experience a stakeholder has with using (specific) tools/ same time, they can be related to the other aspects that play a role.
techniques. More often than not, this experience is, for the most
part, obtained while employing the tool/technique. Formal 7. Selection of tools and techniques
training usually gives an explicit start, but actual familiarisation
is a consequence of putting the shoulder to the wheel. This Selection of tools and techniques can be compared to a design
implies that effectivity and efficiency of employing tools/ decision. The selection of the tool or technique will, in itself,
techniques can vary considerably for different stakeholders. influence the entire process as well as its outcome. Moreover, this
Consequently, training levels can have a significant impact on selection often has to be made when the design problem is not
installation time, time to execute, end state and therefore also on even clear, under conditions where multiple stakeholders are
cost. To avoid negative impact on the tool/technique itself, the involved and many criteria simultaneously play a role. Without
618 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
recursively focusing on decision-making in design here, it is ‘prefabricated’ strategy can be a good option. Often, designers
relevant to discern two different ways to reach such decisions follow their own approaches in devising a solution strategy and
[221]: adjoining tools/techniques; simultaneously this may lead to less
overview in a project or amongst members of a design team. If
Process-based evaluation; focuses on ‘how’ the ideation happens, designers indeed go ‘shopping’ for tools/techniques, a catalogue-
i.e. the structure of the process. concept could be applied [117]. They can purposefully select a tool/
Outcome-based evaluation; focuses on the outcome of the technique, if details and descriptions of all aspects of using them
process, i.e. the quality of the outcome achieved. are available. More often than not, establishing such a catalogue is
a less feasible endeavour than expected. Moreover, this approach
However, unlike in ‘standard’ decision-making, in the selection may work for ‘quick-and-dirty’ tools/techniques, but for tools/
of tools and techniques not all alternatives are readily available to techniques that have serious constraints as concerns for example
choose from. First of all, implementation of a specific tool/ investment, installation time, cost etc. selection is much more than
technique combination might not only influence the development singling out a solution in a catalogue. This is all the more true in
cycle under consideration, it can have (strategic) consequences for realising that the understanding of a problem may depend on the
other projects, as well as for the company as a whole. What is more, degree of knowledge of the available solutions [235].
it can be argued that in implementing tools and techniques one
cannot speak of selection as such [184]; there are not many tools 7.1. Requirement specifications; from stated purpose to scenarios
that can be bought ‘off the shelf’ and be introduced without further
notice. In every environment, they have to be implemented in a In comparing the selection of tools and techniques to design
structured and controlled manner, while explicitly paying atten- problems, it is more than probable that the same flaws that are
tion to the way in which the designer’s work might be influenced. often encountered in product design affect the selection process. A
This process, sometimes referred to as the ‘‘tools acquisition typical flaw is the lack of adequate specification of the actual
process’’ [58], has even more influence for large companies with design problem at hand. It will immediately be clear that
many departments and design teams. Other complicating factors insufficient specification of the requirements for a tool/technique
are for example decentralisation of the company, designers with can have far-reaching consequences with significant loss of time
different backgrounds or expertise, experience and habituation as and resources while frustrating everyone involved.
well as conflicting stakeholder interests. In case of introducing new In practice this means that, all too often, the basic idea of where
systems in a company (i.e. CAD, ERP or PDM systems, see Section a tool/technique should be instrumental is clear enough, but that
4), well-nigh all these aspects are involved simultaneously. This further settlement is limited to the mere technical specification.
explains why such an implementation trajectory may span This implies that the usability of the tool is reduced to its
multiple years and can be critical for the operational management quantifiable meta-data (like price, computer platform and number
of a company (see e.g. [23]). The selection of tools and techniques of users/licences), but that the meaning and added value
becomes even more critical if co-operation between organisations disappears from sight.
(possibly decentralised/international) is required. This involves It would be much better if functional specifications would be
agreement on existing tools/techniques, or (joint) commitment for used to express e.g. what the tool/technique should be capable of,
the development thereof. Underestimating the importance of this how flexible and scalable it has to be and what reliability it should
alignment can directly result in significant delays and cost bring under which conditions. The advantage of such specifications
overruns during the integration phase of the product. Moreover, is that they can be tested by dedicated tests or case studies. From
selecting shared yet non-aligned practises can dramatically reduce this, implementation and training can be simplified considerably
the effectivity and efficiency of the design phase in all companies as well.
involved. The best option, however, would be to start from a scenario
Such considerations present companies with a problem that has [173] in which the future use of a tool/technique is depicted. Such a
two faces: on the one hand, pragmatic and agile efficiency is most way of working focuses on the actual aim and denotation of the
useful when aiming at solving a design problem in operational tool/technique, from which the other types of specifications can be
mode. On the other hand, a holistic approach might clearly be to deduced. In addition, scenarios are helpful in training, but
the benefit of more projects or to a larger part of the company. especially in understanding the (strategic) consequences of a
However, such a holistic approach will probably decelerate the tool/technique.
design project that first identified the need for a tool/technique.
Moreover, the scope of an all-in-one approach is often too big to be 7.2. Affordance of tools and techniques
an easy success, due to organisational complexities.
Often, decomposition approaches can help to solve such The word affordance was coined to refer to the actionable
paradoxes. However, a precondition for that is that the tool properties between the world and an actor [86]. Here, affordances
selection process follows a hierarchical decision flow. From the are relationships. They exist naturally: they do not have to be
argumentation in the above, it will be clear that this is usually not visible, known, or desirable. In the context of design objects, the
the case. This is all the more true if company strategy influences notion shifts to understanding how a user manages in a world of
that flow. In other words, selection of tools is indeed comparable to tens of thousands of objects [189], without being trained in the
making design decisions, as it is no longer about the handling of contact with the objects. Essentially, the appearance of the object
standalone optimisation problems, but rather about joint optimi- can provide the critical clues required for its proper operation
sation of a number of individual problems (see e.g. [128]). [247]. Literature gives many examples of how a tool (like a
In selecting tools/techniques, it is obvious that the success of a hammer) can be perceived in different ways (e.g. [12,260]).
tool has lots to do with the choice of an appropriate tool [129]. This Obviously, the same yields true for tools/techniques as used by
appropriateness of tools/techniques is often related to their designers and design teams. These tools/techniques may be
functionality, rather than to the other aspects mentioned in brimming with potential contributions to the design cycle, but
Section 6.3. Consequentially, it is not uncommon that, from this to exploit such offerings to their fullest extent, tools/techniques
selection point of view, tools/techniques are seen as mere building need to expose all capabilities and capacities in such a way that
blocks of the overall design framework. In assuming that this is a designers see them as a continuation of the activities in the design
valid approach, selection can be done by means of, for example, project and its context. Given the fact that many tools and
morphological charts [129]. Another approach is to separate techniques arise from a specific background and context in a
‘designing the design process’ from ‘selection of tools’ [47], from bottom-up manner, this is far from obvious. With all aspects that
which the conclusion is that only in a few situations a totally play a role in the design context, it can be arduous to match
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 619
optimal tool/technique usage to an environment. It at least concepts are used as if they were interchangeable although the
requires that conformance with all aspects as mentioned in literature provides several frameworks to distinguish between them
Section 6.3 and Fig. 10 are addressed. This also assumes that the [56,197,255,259]. Second, uncertainty and ambiguity are considered
usage of tools/techniques can be explicitly embedded in a changing exogenously given variables that managers must react on.
context, where prospective tool users can assess contentual and
organisational implications, while paying sufficient attention to 8.1. Uncertainty
e.g. planning or stakeholder buy-in [256].
Moreover, there are many uncertainties and ambiguities Uncertainty can lead to confusion, but it also provides the
inherent in the usage of tools/techniques themselves [218]. How freedom to employ tools/techniques in creative problem solving. A
will the tool/technique communicate ideas? [64]. How flawless or precondition for this to be true is that the uncertainty is manageable:
equivocal do these communications need to be? [89,214] Is the it must be credible that the uncertainty is ‘closed’ in the sense that it
tool usage aimed at generating a variety of ideas or the progression concerns a lack of knowledge of facts that are indeed obtainable.
of a few? [89,249] What is the level of detail that is required? [26] That is, a designer may be uncertain about whether a new design will
How much commitment to an idea will the use of the tool work, but this uncertainty can be decreased with further analysis
communicate? Obviously, neglecting to consider the character of and experimentation. However, this is often hampered by the
the tool/technique and how this influences practice, may lead to limited time/resources available to product developers.
miscommunication, unsuitable representation of design ideas and Decreasing or removing uncertainties is often a matter of
early fixation [89]. routine work, by generating and evaluating alternatives. In terms
Obviously, the deployment of tools/techniques is different for of tools/techniques, this stresses the relationship between
large companies as compared to small and medium enterprises uncertainties and the requirement specifications. Both address
(SME’s). Without putting aside the complexities encountered in an solution spaces that are confined, where more information can lead
SME, smaller companies usually have ample flexibility in adopting to better, more accurate or more underpinned solutions. Here, a
new tools/techniques, they often do not develop a wide portfolio of better understanding of the solution space can directly improve
techniques themselves and they are limited in tool/technique decision-making [56]. In employing for example ‘what-if’ design
usage mainly by financial reasons. For large companies, the two [62,154], ‘performance indicators’ for the product definition can be
main stakeholders that are concerned with the operational determined without distracting product designers from their core
evolution of design tools inside the company are the design activities. Another way to routinely utilise tools is to check implicit
specialists themselves and IT facilitators. Although they share a consequences of decisions in the background, i.e. to generate
common target – being the overall increase of the company’s warnings if constraints are violated by decisions that may seem
efficiency and effectivity – it is not a given that they go around unrelated. In both cases, it is important not to rely on the
together in achieving that target. An important cause for this is the capabilities of tools to independently influence the design process:
fact that the overall efficiency of the end-to-end design process of a where product designers may not have a complete overview, such
complex product is well-nigh impossible to determine [70,219]. All reliance in the valuation of dependencies can only give illusory
too often, this results in establishing local metrics. Designers certainty.
estimate the benefits of the implementation of a new tool by a
projected reduction of the time spend to perform a task. 8.2. Ambiguity
Alternatively, IT teams are more sensitive to the cost of software
licence, maintenance costs, and obsolescence management [212]. Often, product designers feel confident in counteracting the
Any successful implementation of new tools and techniques will uncertainties they perceive, whilst purposefully distributing part
require a dedicated project organisation in order to identify all the of the available resources/time over the uncertainties that call for
stakes and to make final trade-offs that will contribute to the added elucidation. However, more often than not, indistinctnesses are
value at company level. Benefits have to be clear enough to get the encountered that cannot be dispelled, irrespective of the amount of
agreement of all users and managers to allow for exceptional IT information available. This is the case for situations where it is
expenses or recurrent cost increases. In this, the motivation for even not obvious or predictable which entities/uncertainties play a
managers can only stem from reductions of overall development role [152]. This type of indistinctness is referred to as ambiguity. In
cost, lead-time, risks or workforce. product design, ambiguity relates to the origin of uncertainty; it
addresses the inherent insecurities of e.g. the subjectivity with
8. Uncertainty and ambiguity in using tools and techniques which certain aspects in a design (are assumed to) prevail over
others. An important example is ‘the voice of the customer’. As all
By definition, everything that is ‘not exactly known or decided, market research builds on sets of hypotheses, the research in itself
not definite or fixed’ is uncertain [3]. For product designers, such a will influence the answers. Moreover, answers are quantified
definition is hardly instrumental, as they unremittingly struggle to against that set of hypotheses; therefore, this type of research
make the appropriate decisions that separate them from the usually is about finding indicative solution directions.
envisaged product definition [152]. There are many things that Ambiguity can be described as ‘second order uncertainty’, where
obstruct a design team in making a specific decision. The most there is uncertainty even about the definitions of uncertain states or
obvious is a lack of information. However, equally important is the outcomes. It therefore relates to human definitions and concepts,
observation that design teams establish requirements while rather than objective facts of nature. Obviously, this is inherent to
attempting to fulfil them at the same time (see also Section 3 product design. Given the engineering approach towards uncertain-
and [151]). ty, product developers inherently attempt to capture ambiguity and
Here, the notions uncertainty and ambiguity become relevant, reduce it into uncertainty. The reason for this is that designers, but
as they address different causes for stakeholders to have non- mainly engineers, think they have the adequate tools to fight
concordant and irreconcilable views. Research on (especially uncertainty. However, ambiguity is inherently different from
technical) problem solving, has addressed (already quite early) uncertainty in the sense that uncertainty aims at answering a
the effects of ambiguity and/or uncertainty on the problem-solving question where ambiguity is about determining what the question
process [160,232], the interplay between uncertainty/ambiguity is.
and organisation structure [93,146,147], and the need for different
communication channels under different uncertainty/ambiguity 8.3. Uncertainty, ambiguity and determinism
conditions [9,240,241]. Most empirical work on technical problem
solving has two characteristics in common [215]. First, no explicit In the early stages of problem definition, there is only a broad
distinction between uncertainty and ambiguity is made; the two understanding of the requirement specification. Sometimes, it is
620 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
very difficult to characterise the possible users and use cases of a product designers have to deal with design cycles that no longer
product. Moreover, in both the problem definition phase and in the adhere to concrete and definite causality. For example, if
solution phase of the design process there usually are many computer power is used to perform routine work, the identical
stakeholders. As a consequence, the set of requirements to start question may get different answers over time, simply because
with is nearly always incomplete and even inconsistent. In the more or better information to answer them is available, more
specification of product requirements, even those of low complex- resources are available to find that information, or increased
ity, designers have to cope with the fact that the set of insight in the overall design project can better direct the process.
requirements remains variable during the process. New require- Moreover, the tools/techniques themselves can be inherent
ments may arise and existing ones might changed or be dropped. causes of indeterminism. For example, it is impractical and
Building a product design on such a potentially unsettled basis unfeasible to do the same brainstorming twice, as the process
involves risks. The main initiator of these risks is that product itself will influence the input for any next attempt. Product
designers tend to focus on the solution space as quickly as designers are aware of this; therefore, they will purposely use
possible, whereas paying ample attention to the problem such tools/techniques in a well-balanced manner, adequately
definition phase is often subordinated. Exploring this problem contributing to the evolvement of the product definition.
definition involves multi-stakeholder objectives synchronisation. Objectively and formally managing such creative processes
Subsequently, possible product use scenarios should be evaluated therefore becomes a sheer impossibility. Attempts to objectify
and alternative solution principles should be tested. Because the them (in e.g. market research, or capturing the ‘voice of the
production of physical prototypes is generally costly and time customer’ [34,82,103,118]) are momentous challenges.
consuming, testing is preferably done in virtual worlds where
possible. Virtual environments for the definition and manage- 9. Human factors and education
ment of requirements as well as virtual test beds are becoming
feasible and affordable [50]. They will support the design methods A company has a set of tools at its disposal, but needs prudent
and tools for the future [168,172]. At the same time, designers and judicious deployment of these tools to render their introduc-
have to rely more on a posteriori assessment of their concepts; tion profitable. After all, the tools in themselves are reactive
current simulation tools/techniques are limited in e.g. the actual constituents of development cycles. It is the skill of the person who
generation of feasible geometry; for example because of non- wields the tool that makes it effective. In a similar manner, a
linear physical phenomena. company can pride itself upon the techniques mastered by its
The application of virtual or synthetic environments prevents employees; this mastery does not evolve the product definition.
the traditional engineer from immediately attempting to nullify In a production metaphor, buying a milling machine or robot is
uncertainties and ambiguities. After all, in applying the right tools/ easy compared to its adequate incorporation in the production
techniques, both types of indefiniteness can become valuable environment. In other words, even the best tool/technique is not
means to understand the design process, the project at hand and able to substitute for gaps in technical knowledge and expertise.
the stakeholders involved. Here, different approaches are possible. They represent merely one dimension in the design work, forming
For the earlier phases of product design, ambiguities can be one of the prerequisites for successful work, together with
identified and addressed by studying scenarios in synthetic technical knowledge, experience, talent, ability, perseverance,
environments. Scenarios aim to identify all relevant influences and other personal properties [117].
on product development cycles, while achieving synthesis In terms of Fig. 10, users, level of expertise and training all have
between information, resources and control mechanisms to reach a direct influence on quality, time and cost. Therefore, the user of
adequate solutions. As such, scenarios depict ‘possible futures’, the tool/technique is inextricably wound up with their effectivity
including assumptions and predictions, but also prognoses on how and efficiency. Amongst the preconditions related to this, it at least
the product under design will influence the environment in which implies that the users are able to interact with the tools, i.e.
it will be used [52]. Therefore, scenarios explicitly incorporate understand the benefit, possibilities, demeanour, particularities
contingencies and make pronouncements on aspects that, by and limitations but especially the language of the tool/technique.
definition, are not verifiable or assessable, yet can be agreed upon. This becomes all the more relevant as the designers co-operate in
This approach may attract criticism, although it is exactly what teams. After all, with the different viewpoints involved in design
product designers continuously do, albeit implicitly. Making such teams, a common understanding of the tools/techniques that are
assumptions explicit strongly contributes to the design rationale, applied may be as important as the understanding of the design
as design decisions can be re-assessed later in the project, or in problem itself. This is reflected in any change of design systems or
subsequent projects. This is instrumental in determining e.g. the design tools in large companies: the actual installation of the tools
robustness of a design solution space [56]. This robustness in itself hardly takes any time as compared to the time and efforts spend on
is challenged by the fact that, increasingly, hardly any solution is creating commitment, preparing for changing the working
seen as the ‘final’ solution, but rather as the ‘feasible’ solution that methods and aligning the new system or tool with the company
always allows for improvements [215]. This implies that any state and departmental cultures. Such trajectories may take years, as is
of the product definition represents a temporal status quo; any exemplified by Daimler’s change from Catia to Siemens NX with all
change to this situation will, in itself, reintroduce ambiguity and issues involved [23]. The essence of such trajectories usually is in
uncertainty in the process. This by no means implies that the creating shared understanding among all stakeholders – including
product design process is an uncontrollable game of chances. It e.g. suppliers.
does imply that it is nearly impossible to make exactly the same Any framework for a design project should therefore pay
decision twice, as the environment and conditions that under- attention to a shared vocabulary to facilitate communication
pinned the decision will have changed, e.g. under influence of other [137,187]. Even for small teams, it allows designers to sketch (at
decisions. In other words, product design becomes a process that is intellectual level) immediate and consecutive mini-plans on what
no longer deterministic. and how to do the next action, and create awareness of why it
Traditionally, engineering approaches are assumed determin- should be done that way [57]. Any common framework provides a
istic in nature; identical questions result in identical answers. As means to structure knowledge in a uniform manner, enabling easy
such, a deterministic system is a conceptual model that renders its knowledge access, reproduction, recovering and re-use [68,165];
outcome completely based on causality. In a deterministic system, this is to the benefit of both the current project and for planning,
every action, or cause, produces a reaction, or effect, and every management and execution of future projects [184]. It also forces
reaction, in turn, becomes the cause of subsequent reactions [152]. an understanding, analysis and evaluation of the project on a
However, given the considerations above, product design more and conceptual level [110]. Thus, in everyday practice, the triad tool/
more withdraws from these deterministic characteristics. Therefore, technique/designer upholds the overall knowledge realm in the
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 621
design team, with a clear tendency to include more knowledge 10.1. The Zachman framework
application in the tools. The consequence is that it is important to
evaluate the opportunity to evaluate what kind and level of The Zachman framework (see Fig. 11) is represented in a 6 6
knowledge can be formalised, shared and used in a knowledge matrix, with connections between the cells indicated [94,95]. It
management tool [18,258]. This can have a significant positive describes architectural information with a number of different
influence on innovation and design capacity [257]. subjects along its vertical axis, as it passes through the stages of
With regard to training and education, such knowledge reification from idea to physical reality. All industrial products
initiatives are also relevant, for example to aid in bridging the have similar architectural perspectives [134]: Scope (boundaries)/
gap between novice and experienced designers [220] and allow Requirements (concepts)/Design (logic)/Plan (physics)/Part (con-
them to effectively work together. In addition, cultural aspects can figurations)/Product (instantiations).
play a role in this, especially in decentralised product development
or remote collaborative work [50,85]. In research and education,
such topics are addressed [44–46], although the link with practical
situations in industry is difficult to make.
The human factor goes far beyond the designer as (becoming) a
trained and skilled operator of tools and efficient executor of
techniques. Tools/techniques should facilitate designers in their
work, being subordinate to the goal of the design project. As such,
they should never hamper that process by imposing constraints on
how the project can run, thus frustrating the designers. All too
often, tools/techniques become burdens rather than valuable
assets, especially if designers have to spend effort in using a tool
that does not directly seem to benefit the design project at hand. To
prevent this, it is essential that the designers and the design team
are in control of how and when which tools/techniques are
employed, but that they are also included in discussions on the
usage of tools/techniques across projects. That this approach
Fig. 11. The Zachman framework–Enterprise ontology.
underlines the wilfulness that is seen as typical for designers can
only be instrumental in this respect. To mention just one example:
designers often have difficulties in understanding the point and The manifestations of these architectural perspectives deter-
necessity of adding metadata to their work; at the same time, they mine the types of information described in the framework, being
see the benefit of having metadata. scope contexts, business concepts, system logic, technology
To an increasing extent, non-designers are also becoming part physics, tool components and operations instances, as indicated
of ideation and design cycles. Relevant examples in the context of by the row labels to the far right in the framework.
mass-customisation [49,72] are co-creation [104,179] and ‘voice of In the top row of the framework, scope contexts identify the
the customer’ [6,38] in capturing user intent or behaviour [36,231]. architectural items that form part of the architectural description
Many of these approaches underestimate the difficulties entailed at a strategic level, thereby identifying the boundaries of the
in confronting users explicitly with issues that usually are architecture. The definition of business concepts, including the
inherently implicit. In addition, the skills of the untrained user relations between them, in the second row defines what certain
in interacting with a (software) tool while understanding the architectural terms mean in the context of the specific architecture
essence of the technique are often too limited, whereas training being described. These business concepts form the requirements
them would inadvertently bias the results. To an increasing extent, for the supporting lower architectural levels. In the third row, the
product designers must be aware of the human factors in co- design logic of the enterprise is represented, thereby focusing the
operating with external stakeholders, of which users are only an description of the enterprise architecture on the system level and
example. indicating its internal organisation. The specification of technology
More and more, designers have to be creative experts, skilful in physics in the fourth row puts the architecture description on a
selecting and employing appropriate tools with the right more technical path, by specifying the technological plan that will
participants, in the right phase of the project and an effective be configured to instantiate the enterprise. In the fifth row, the tool
and efficient preparation, while doing justice to cultural and components that form the constituent parts of the technological
intangible influences on the course of that same project. Therefore, specification are configured to produce the operational instance of
designers increasingly withdraw from traditional fields of exper- the enterprise in the sixth row.
tise and become versatile engineers that simultaneously execute
the design process and manage it, while amalgamating all different 10.1.1. Scope of information in the framework
viewpoints involved. This obviously calls for a different way of The scope of information covered by the framework is variable,
educating designers; in academia this need is certainly identified, due to the fact that the underlying logic of the framework can be
and many initiatives are developed [32,43,55,237]. applied to any object [134]. This means that the framework can be
scaled to fit any of the values along the scope dimension of
10. Industrial application architecture frameworks, including industry sector, organisation,
organisational domain, system family and system component. The
Designers and design teams always do their work in a specific precise scope of an implementation of the framework is deter-
environment and context. Such surroundings not only influence mined by the architectural boundaries identified in the first row,
the aim, rationale and starting points of the designers’ work, they and there is therefore a link between the business information the
also have a significant influence on the selection of tools/ framework describes and the scope of the rest of the architecture.
techniques, their operating modes and their impact on design The columns of the framework provide evidence for comprehen-
projects. Given the incredible set of variations in product types, siveness and are labelled ‘‘abstractions’’ that combine to provide
companies and product/market combinations, no enumeration can the total set of relevant descriptive characteristics of the object.
contribute to meaningful understanding of the position of tools/ These abstractions are universal and are common to all industrial
techniques in industry. Therefore, a generic approach as offered by products [134]. The abstraction columns answer the six basic
the Zachman framework [261] is selected to model the application interrogative questions, being what, how, where, who, when, and
of design tools/techniques in industry. why, respectively. The columns correspond to ‘‘the universal set of
622 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
descriptive representations for describing any and all complex recognise and facilitate organisational changes based on the
industrial products’’ [134] and are: lower levels of reification. Research on this type of topic is not
abundant. This is mainly due to its bottom-up basis and the fact
Inventory sets, described in bills of material. that such a basis might conflict with hierarchical principles often
Process flows, described in functional specifications. implicitly applied in enterprise architecting. The sheer techno-
Distribution networks, described in drawings. logical capacity and power embodied by tools/techniques in the
Responsibility assignments, described in operating instructions. hands of capable designers may call for a countermove. Instead of
Timing cycles, described in timing diagrams. aligning the design process to the implementation stemming from
Motivation intentions, described in design objectives. a framework, industrial organisation may be able to more
effectively and efficiently exploit their design capabilities by
10.1.2. Applying Zachman to the design process in an organisation addressing the way in which higher levels of reification can
As mentioned, design tools/techniques cannot be considered in facilitate and give room to the value-adding design works and the
isolation, and the design process as well as where it fits into an tools/techniques that underpin that work.
organisation must be the driver. Using a framework such as
Zachman thus provides a mechanism that ensures that the design 10.2. Industrial embedding
process is considered in a holistic manner. Each tool and design
phase can be mapped to a transformation in the framework, and Given the structuring offered by the Zachman framework,
each design tool can be considered in terms of the interrogatives. design processes in industrial environments can be purposefully
The challenge, however, is to decide to which extent the contextualised. Again, any enumeration is inadequate by defini-
application of the Zachman framework is purposeful. After all, tion; yet the way in which design tools/techniques are employed, is
the framework in itself is a mere tool, with all characteristics illustrative of their interrelation with the organisational environ-
thereof. To put this into perspective, the horizontal dimension ment. Many of such relations conform with the descriptions of
contains the interrogatives, and this is a very complete set, that is Section 6.3 and Fig. 10; industrial examples can demonstrate
useful to apply on any level. Considering a design process, these impacts that go beyond the use of the tools/techniques. In this,
interrogatives can be applied as follows (example on an executive many different dissections of the design process are possible; one
level, see also Fig. 12): example is shown in Fig. 14 [81,121].
The following sections depict a number of industrial examples
of design tools and techniques stemming from an aeronautical
design environment. The examples are described according to
high-level phasing of the design cycle.
The top three levels address the business architecture, while 10.2.2. Functional Design phase
the lower three levels focus on the Information Systems The work of the designer focuses on the functional analysis of
Architecture. Depending on the scope of a design process the product. Especially for innovative products, the Functional
implementation, the latter three levels are easily overseen as Breakdown Structure (FBS) is a definite act of design. In re-design,
less applicable for design tools/techniques. This may be true from the FBS is instrumental in finding design improvements [69]. This
a business perspective, but especially the ways in which these result is the backbone of any Quality Function Deployment
three levels are addressed confront the designer and the design methods (QFD) [175], or System Engineering [213] practices.
team with the practicability of tools/techniques in their everyday The FBS will be also used to perform Functional Hazard Assessment
work. Moreover, in recognising that many tools/techniques have a (FuHA) [74]. Conjointly, these approaches aim to establish a first
bottom-up background, the framework can be applied to specification of the product.
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 623
10.2.3. Conceptual Design facets and life cycle aspect while avoiding building physical mock-
In the design space offered by the specification, the designer – ups, this seemingly more detailed DMU in itself does change
aided by creativity techniques and adjoining problem solving requirements imposed on design techniques. After all, the DMU
techniques – starts the search for technological solutions [80]. can never be more detailed than the current state of the product
Contradictions in the specifications drive the challenges for definition allows for. Together with complexities introduced by
designers, where e.g. weight and safety require trade-offs in configuration management (especially if it is unaligned with
aircraft design. Any product concept has to answer to the DMU), the appropriateness of many analyses techniques is
specifications using realistic technological solutions. To capture equivocal. Consequently, new techniques, methodologies or
such solutions, CAD systems/tools can be used, allowing for customised software have to be developed to exploit the benefits
performance evaluations (based on well-defined geometric data). at operational level.
Analytical techniques or CAE tools aim to evaluate different At the same time, the IT environment in which these systems
concepts and allow for accentuating requirement specifications. and tools are used is changing rapidly. Especially changes as
regards to operating systems and databases can cause a ‘simple’
10.2.4. Embodiment design CAD version evolution to have a total lead-time of several years
The product concept is selected and elaborated, addressing the with investments of several million euros.
simultaneous design of subsystems. Integration checks are based In parallel to the evolution of CAD, the capacity of simulation
on a digital mock-up (DMU) [167], allowing for systematic zonal tools has expanded significantly, driven by changes in hardware
analysis [30], to identify geometrical clashes or undesired physical and by advancements in mechanical-mathematical modelling. At
proximity between systems like pressurised oil pipes and electrical the engineering level this allows for more accurate system
wiring. At system level, all components require geometric simulations, provided that designers have full control over those
definition (again by means of CAD systems/tools) and evaluation simulations. Stated differently: it is not the capacity of the tools
against the specifications in different domains (mechanical, that realises the accuracy, it is the way in which designers interact
electrical etc.). A current trend is to rely more and more on virtual with those tools that allows for efficacious results. As an example:
simulation and testing [169] to early assess product performance. to compute the equivalent Hertz pressure between two compo-
Tools for FMECA (Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis) aim nents, multiple mathematical schemes can be used. Depending on
to effectively and efficiently identify failure modes for any part of the geometry of the contact area and the material properties, some
the system. With this, requirement specifications and design mathematical schemes are inappropriate. As a consequence, new
targets (e.g. weight, cost) are re-adjusted, requiring design review simulation features have to be accompanied by a dedicated
techniques to ensure the overall project validity [149]. validation plan by means of additional or updated techniques
[169]. The cost of such validation plans can easily exceed the cost of
10.2.5. Detailed design the new simulation tool. This is one of the reasons why these kind
To ensure an unambiguous product definition, the detail design of tools have a low penetration rate in industry. Moreover, when
phase aims to fully define all details of (the components and the establishing a technical validation plan, the IT software and
assembly of) the product. Regularly, such a definition allows for hardware evolution must be taken into account; given the
production of the product. Tolerancing activities are employed to volatility of that evolution, it is nearly impossible to arrive at a
guarantee the minimum performance of physical parts of a system. situation that is sufficiently stable, while simultaneously vouching
Here, interactions between production and design emerge, for traceability.
addressing e.g. cost and performance trade-offs. The evolvement
of tolerancing techniques and standards [126], and the fact that 11. Problems with tools/techniques
different mathematical approaches are used to perform tolerance
evaluation implies that tool selection is related to product Designers can rely on a vast array of available tools/techniques
characteristics. Such dependencies emphasises that standards to support them in their work. Despite this (or infused by this), a lot
used for tolerancing must be agreed upon between design of ambiguity is encountered. One of the main reasons for this
organisation and production organisation in order to avoid equivocality is the dualist background of tools/techniques: in
dramatic misunderstandings. general, they stem either from academia or from practice.
For a product design company, usually the underlying backbone In the latter case, they are often the result of ingrained habits in
for the definition of geometry in detail design is the CAD system. a specific environment. Consequently, such tools/techniques are
Depending on the type of industry, different vendors dominate the difficult to transfer to different environments. Setting aside the
market; in aircraft design, many companies have been using the aptitude for different environments, industry is often not inclined
Dassault Systèmes CATIA software for more than 20 years. This to stimulate such transfers. This can be because the possibilities in
provides an adequate case study for illustrating the impact of a ‘marketing’ the tool/technique are simply not recognised or
change in a design tool. To mention just a few examples in the require efforts beyond the interest of the company, because the
evolution from CATIA V4 to V5, the advent of parametric design intellectual property embedded in them prevents the company
capacity brought significant advantages at design team level, but at from exposing them (strategic know-how), or because the
the same time required (re-)definition and (re-)implementation of company’s reputation is not sufficient to actualise and introduce
(company-)specific techniques [169]. Likewise, the ability to create a formal tool/technique [58].
assemblies in the system redefined the notion of assembly itself: it Tools/techniques stemming from an academic background
received a geometry-oriented status (engineering bill of materials), suffer from less practical demerits. Research consistently shows
whereas traditionally a system or traditional BOM (manufacturing that structured and equivocal use of ‘academic’ tools/techniques in
bill-of-materials) approach often prevailed. With this, many industry is traditionally poor [11,57,58,88]. Part of the problem is
specific techniques related to BOM-management, modular product said to be intrinsically related to the poor quality of the tools
architecture [8] and product(ion) structuring required reconsider- delivered by researchers, which are generally seen by practitioners
ation [127]. Consequences of this change reverberate through the as being too theoretical or complicated to understand, while using
entire organisation, influencing e.g. ERP and planning systems. ‘strange’ language and being difficult to implement, use and
Obviously, efforts required are significant, resulting in change evaluate [58].
processes with long lead times, configuration management In summary, these drawbacks actually state that academia
problems and an associated increase of uncertainty [135]. focuses too much on the ‘function of the design tool’, but oversees
Moreover, in the transition to the new version of the CAD system, most of the other aspects that give adequate access to that
more powerful possibilities for DMU became available. Although functionality (see Section 6.3). This puts the developers of tools/
this gives the design team many new options to assess different techniques in a position where they have to demonstrate the scope
624 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
and validity of a tool/technique in terms of scientific proof, and at 12.1. Towards real-time processing
the same time have to substantiate its worthiness for industrial
practice. Consequently, the main question then focuses on who can Despite the last remark of the previous section, evolutionary
build a business case out of such a combination in terms of innovations in both algorithms and hardware will definitely affect
elaborating, implementing, introducing, marketing, supporting the way in which designers will use tools/techniques. For example,
and maintaining a tool/technique. In the future, the amalgamation the ‘time to execute’ – being one of the pivotal elements in Fig. 10,
of academic genericness and industrial applicability will have to will decrease significantly. This allows for quicker results, but also
become the main driver for effective and successful development for different ways of employing tools. Because tools will generate
of tools/techniques. results more quickly, their operation mode will become more
contributive than reactive. With this, designers will more quickly
11.1. Tools/techniques as information processing means gain an overview of the (possible) consequences of their decisions.
This allows them to search for, and assess, more solutions variants,
From a rather abstract viewpoint, design work preponderantly or to foresee path dependencies more quickly in the development
consists of the search for and storage, retrieval, transformation, life cycle. Obviously, this contributes both to design efficiency and
transportation, representation and interpretation of information to design effectivity. Design teams can more quickly determine if
[154]. At the same time, collaboration, particularly in design they ‘do things right’, but also if they ‘do the right things’.
environments, has become an imperative for innovation. Howev- However, the information processing demands imposed on
er, the ‘knowledge explosion’ and abundant connectivity may designers will increase accordingly. This implies that designers
hamper rapid innovation and may lead to communication should be aware of the risk that the core of their work might shift
overflow [67]. (even more) from primary to managerial activities. In itself, such a
Based on this reasoning, tools/techniques in product design are shift will further increase the difficulties in maintaining an
essentially information processing means. After all, all tools/ adequate overview of a design project. With this, the prospective
techniques contribute to the timely, effective and efficient relation between tools/techniques and underlying systems
availability of the appropriate and required information. In that becomes more relevant.
sense, they pave the way for designers, allowing them to spend less
time on basic knowledge work and focus on what they do best: find 12.2. Tailored tools/techniques
creative solutions for the more challenging problems [53].
This, however, permeates the employment of tools/techniques Whenever the management of (outcomes) of tools/techniques
with the same challenges faced by information management is at stake, two different approaches are common: integration and
approaches. This firstly encompasses ‘traditional’ management specialisation. In the integrative approach, tools/techniques are
problems related to e.g. security [19,224], intellectual property combined into sets that are more unequivocal, cover multiple
[97], risk [25] and training [44]. Secondly, often under-prioritised aspects and have aligned interactions with the user – often
by designers, the sheer quality of the information may affect the connected to underlying systems like CAD, PLM etc. At the same
usefulness of the tools/techniques. This addresses the fact that time, however, such sets tend to increase in complexity, run the
generally no tool/technique can produce high-quality output from risk of becoming less flexible and nimble, and usually have a
inferior input. However, more important is the observation that steeper or longer learning curve.
designers often (have to) depend on the reliability of the The required flexibility, configurability and customisation in
information they use in their tools/techniques. Uncertainty and design projects (see Section 3) cause an inclination towards the
ambiguity are often disregarded, possibly because information specialisation approach, in which tools/techniques become smaller
management systems tend to have a rather binary approach to entities in the designer’s ‘toolbox’. With this, the use of tools/
certainty, and many tools/techniques presuppose the existence of techniques can be tailored much more effectively to the design
a fully defined set of information (e.g. a CAD model). project at hand, without involving complex preparation and
From a broader perspective, problems may also relate to the implementation trajectories. In practice this will mean that tools/
workflow related to tools/techniques in the hands of a design team. techniques, but mainly the interfaces between them, will be more
As this workflow is usually process-oriented, a direct link between standardised, rendering a more modular approach feasible. This
the objective goals and – possibly – related processes and activities will allow for more lean and agile application of the tools/
must be made almost instinctively and unconditionally. As a result, techniques. On the one hand, this allows for a closer fit between the
the relationships between production type, product type, envi- set of tools/techniques and the design trajectory, whereas on the
ronment and project management are needlessly aggravated. As it other hand requirements concerning training and expertise
is impossible to foresee all potentially required processes and decrease. Given the reasoning in the above, this might simulta-
interactions, a compromise between being generic and being neously increase the burden of ‘tool management’ in design
meticulous has to be found. This often leads to precedence projects, but as the ‘ease-of-use’ of tools/techniques can improve,
relations and iterations that are misapplied to construct a form of this is a relatively small risk. Precondition for this is that designers
ostensible hierarchy; this directly contributes to rigidity in the approve of the adage ‘less system, more tool’. As a matter of fact,
conjoint application of tools/techniques. they most certainly will, as it allows them to focus more on the
primary and creative activities in their work.
12. Tools & techniques: future developments
12.3. Information based rather than process based
As mentioned in Section 1, this publication does not aim at
constructing exhaustive lists of tools/techniques. As such, this Where tools/techniques become more tailored entities in the
section will also not address individual tools/techniques and designer’s toolbox and these tools/techniques generate more
predict their future use, decay or success. Alternatively, this section information quicker, it will be increasingly difficult to manage the
aims to address a number of dimensions that will play important design workflow from a process point of view. Defining that
roles in the way designers will envisage, select and employ tools/ workflow by means of a series of interrelated and dependent
techniques. The starting point in this is that a tool is only a tool process steps is nearly impossible, mainly because the interrela-
insofar as it is used as such to achieve the purpose of an activity. tions only take shape during that same workflow. Given the basic
Obviously, the same is true for a technique. Consequently, the assumptions in e.g. ‘what-if’ design [154], it is clear that a process-
focus is here on what can be obtained by tools/techniques, not on based approach will increasingly stifle the overall process.
rather far-fetched predictions related to e.g. not yet existing Moreover, with design teams increasingly working from different
algorithms or revolutionary hardware breakthroughs. locations and time zones, collaborative work becomes the standard
E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630 625
rather than the exception. As such, this calls for different tools/ 12.6. Routine activities
techniques [27,50]. Additionally, the boundaries of the design
teams themselves become less clear, for example because of the To an increasing extent, tools/techniques will perform much
many open innovation [39] initiatives. With this, the actors in a work, without the designer even knowing about it; they will not
design project are less identifiable, rendering a process based focus on helping the designer to generate information that is
management approach rather pointless. required for a decision, but rather focus on the decision itself, by
Alternatively, the information content itself – mainly being the routinely collecting, generating and structuring the required
evolving product definition – can become the initiator and carrier information. In other words, tools/techniques will become
of the activities of the designers and the design team. With this, the instrumental in separating information harvesting from interpre-
use of tools/techniques can be depicted in terms of the information tation of information.
they need as input and render as output, thus fluently amalgam- Designers are at their (creative) best, if they can focus on one
ating with the description of design activities as mentioned in task. For years, this has accordingly been the basic starting point of
Section 6.3. This merge contributes to a more lean and agile the development of tools. Therefore, designers too often have to
employment of tools/techniques. Consequently, tools/techniques ‘ask’ the tool to do something. That trigger, however, will move
can become generic facilitators of advancement, as well as being more to the overall workflow. If the information need is known, the
sheer problem solvers. tools can autonomously perform simulations in parallel that will
probably be required or helpful further on. This may cause tools to
12.4. Networked tools create and assess results that will not subsequently be used; at the
same time, this significantly can increase the efficiency of the
Design, to an increasing extent, becomes a ‘democratic’ process: designer. This is especially true if tools/techniques can autono-
many stakeholders actively participate in the design process itself, mously identify obstacles in the design phases to come and can
ranging from mass-customisation [72,178], co-creation [104,244] propose ways to deal with such obstacles. In this, the employment
to exchanging 3D models for rapid manufacturing or even ‘science of tools shifts from a mere operational level to more strategic
fiction prototyping’ [20]. Users, engineers and entrepreneurs have efforts; adjacent techniques need to be attuned to this.
many cheap or free possibilities at their disposal to generate or Examples of the envisaged employment of tools/techniques are
adapt geometry. Inherently, tools/techniques in the design computational design synthesis tools [29,125]. Such tools focus on
environment have to cope more with network structures than automated and semi-automated methods for a range of tasks
with the traditional design cycles. This involves more (types of) focusing initially around synthesis, design generation, search and
users, but also different ways of sharing information. Tools/ optimisation.
techniques, more and more, will become information portals,
where users aim to ‘collect’ information while not having the full 12.7. Towards the fuzzy front-end
expertise to influence the way in which that information is effected
or presented, nor be able to assess the quality of the information Amongst the abundance of existing design tools, relatively few
obtained. Here, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) offer support to the conceptual design phases [10]. Yet, companies
might be instrumental [183], but only if the simulation itself does do acknowledge that conceptual design determines at least 70% of
not produce a false sense of security. the product costs and affects the total course of the design process.
It is not expected that professional design tools/techniques will A likely reason for this uneven spread is that design information in
become ‘public’ cloud services before long; however, in the end the the early stages incorporates many uncertainties. In many design
democratisation of design will develop, significantly changing the contexts, this contrasts with the inevitable demand of software-
role and behaviour of design tools/techniques. This will certainly based design tools to capture design information in a limited set of
be influenced by e.g. the level of expertise, training, cost and explicit variables. On one hand, this calls for tools that are less
implementation time of the foreseen users. deterministic in nature and can better deal with indistinctnesses.
Especially the need to project consequences of early design
12.5. Feasible can be good enough decisions on the further course of the project (e.g. by what-if
analyses [154]) leads to the expectation that many tools/
As the sheer amount of information in design trajectories will techniques will move towards the fuzzy front-end (e.g.
significantly increase, the role of information in design projects [84,208]), or that dedicated tools/techniques will be developed.
will change. This not only calls for different management Such tools will have to rely on a new ‘language’ that can relate the
approaches, it also offers noteworthy opportunities. Phenomena indefinitenesses and relative vagueness of the fuzzy front-end to
like ‘big data’ [133], ‘internet of things’ [136,239] and ‘data mining’ the specifics of the design environment.
[155] provide designers with an overwhelming realm of interpret- In this respect, requirements engineering will become an
able data. To transform this data into meaningful information, the important asset for many tools/techniques, as it will facilitate the
traditional approach of deterministically scrutinising the data is no linkage between early stages of design to detailed design in a
longer an option. However, in appreciating the fact that the continuous process [40]. Based on concepts like RFBS (Require-
magnitude of the information content can render the quality/ ment-Function-Behaviour-Structure) [41], semantics can aid in
reliability/certainty of individual specific information entities less converting functions into the inception of (generic or abstract)
relevant, tools/techniques can exchange ‘scrutinising’ with ‘harvest- structures. With this, the behaviour of a system can be predicted/
ing’. Given the increasing pressure on product development times, derived and simulated, enabling an evaluation of the structure of
for many decisions, designers will rather have an adequate solution the proposed system [42].
quickly, than a perfect solution too late. For many product
developers, accepting the fact that not all information can 12.8. Industrial acceptance
profoundly be taken into account will be a paradigm shift. However,
once that shift is made, also the role of uncertainty and ambiguity As mentioned in Section 9, the relationship between academia
will change. Consequently, where possible, tools/techniques can be and industry concerning the development of tools/techniques is
developed in such a way that they can inherently deal with not flawless. For the future, this implies that academia needs to
incomplete, imprecise, uncertain and even lacking information to focus on more than just the functionality of the tool/techniques,
aid in decision-making. Where required, a further quest for thus also developing approaches for e.g. implementation and
information may be initiated by the tool/technique, or an indication training. At the same time, industry is developing a demeanour
of the probable validity of an outcome (and a sensitivity analysis that allows them to express more profoundly what types of tools/
thereof) can be provided to the design team. techniques would improve their development cycles. Therefore, it
626 E. Lutters et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 607–630
is likely that industry and academia increasingly will be able to the real world. As a Synthetic Environment simulates a real world
collaboratively work on the development of purposeful tools/ situation, its construction is usually based on virtual and
techniques. Here, a balance between ‘theory push’ and ‘technology augmented reality technologies [171]. The virtual reality (actually
pull’ has to be found. In this balance, two other stakeholders play a being a combination of ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ reality) that is used in SE’s
significant role: suppliers/vendors of tools/techniques and IT- allows for the engendering of new objects, spaces and interactions.
departments. The suppliers will more and more act as a broker, by Advances in VR hardware and software have made much
simultaneously arranging for development resources and by technology affordable to ordinary users. However, only ‘clever’
facilitating profitable dissemination of the resulting tools/techni- applications of the technology, with adequate attention for
ques. Additionally, such suppliers can fulfil an important role in the working methods, can convert the technology into purposeful
management of tool/technique portfolios in companies. As any IT tools/techniques.
department – by definition – influences, facilitates and curtails the It is obvious that the development of a Synthetic Environment
employability of individual tools, toolboxes as well as the entire also requires extensive preparation before its use can actually
environment, the underlying infrastructure becomes relevant in provide significant results in product development cycles. This
tool usage. This is all the more true in appreciating the preparation often is a consultation process between the client (e.g.
overwhelming increase in inter-organisational collaborative em- an SME conducting design processes) and the host of the facility
ployment of tools and e.g. cloud-based services. With this, future that realises the Synthetic Environment. Although manifestations
developments of tools/techniques should thoroughly consider and established advantages of Synthetic Environments are case
infrastructure and/or platforms that enable their employment. It specific (they depend on the strengths and weaknesses encoun-
goes without saying that industry may also enforce developments tered in a company’s development process), Synthetic Environ-
in the IT-sector that are geared towards a disengagement of the ments do have generic characteristics. With the underlying tools/
influence IT-departments have on the primary processes of techniques, they allow for [54]:
designers and engineers.
realistic experience of virtual interactions, ensuring validity of
12.9. Lacunas decisions in the real world.
simulated effects in a familiar context to stimulate stakeholders
With the changing role of tools/techniques in the design to develop a realistic mental image of a future product.
process, the composition of the designer’s toolbox is also likely to congruent mental images of the future of a product or situation,
change. Some tools/techniques become obsolete or less relevant; facilitating negotiations about the consequences of their
at the same time opportunities or demands for complements to the characteristics.
toolbox become apparent. Without running the risk of trying to
define the ‘optimal’ toolbox or shortlisting the most promising Typically, the environments in which tools/techniques are
additions to it, there are a number of clear focal areas where new or employed allow for, and rely on, interactions with many
improved tools/techniques can most definitely be useful and stakeholders. This brings such an environment closer to the
would decisively facilitate design processes. Although many everyday design reality, but at the same time imposes more
specific and detailed application areas could be identified, the constraints on the development of tools/techniques that drive the
main focal points are more related to the interface between activities in such an environment.
individual design activities and the overall workflow of (interre- In the European context, e.g. the Visionair project (‘VISION
lated) design projects. Advanced Infrastructure for Research’) [186] aims to gain
In mentioning just a few dimensions in the design space that experience with the interaction between environments, tools/
could benefit from reinforcements by means of more effective and techniques and stakeholder. By integrating existing facilities (e.g.
efficient tools/techniques, decision-making and design rationale of the 25 member laboratories), Visionair is aimed at creating a
stand out. Given the increasing complexity of design projects and research infrastructure that will be open to research communities
the interrelations between adjacent or subsequent projects, across Europe and around the world for conducting state-of-the-
designers require better access to adequate and reliable art research. The project aims to achieve this by permitting
information on the current project, but also to purposeful European researchers access to both physical facilities and virtual
information on other projects. The latter not only entails best services suitable for their own research project by means of so-
practices, but also information related to e.g. portfolio manage- called TNA’s (Trans-National access). In such TNA’s the employ-
ment and design/brand management. By far, not all of such ment of tools/techniques in the context of the appropriate
information can be captured in formal structures; therefore, tools environment is paramount to the success of the project.
that can identify meaningful and related information in unstruc- Consequently, the Visionair project is a valuable driver in setting
tured information carriers (like e-mails, social media or docu- the standard for future tools/techniques.
ments) will significantly contribute to the efficiency of design
processes [53,246], while simultaneously avoiding lapsing into 13. Concluding remarks
the old mistakes.
Over the centuries, society has always been influenced by acts
12.10. Embedding in environments of design. With the increasing complexity of society and of the
design activities themselves, designers have constantly devel-
Focus increasingly shifts from individual tools/techniques to oped tools/techniques to aid them in their work. At the same time,
the toolbox that is available to the designer. Even more, the designers have aimed to diminish the complexities of their
environment that yields the application area for that toolbox has projects by purposefully reducing the number of influencing
an ever-increasing influence on the employment of tools/ variables. Gradually, this has become an implicit way to maintain
techniques. So-called Synthetic Environments (SE) can be used overview over design cycles. However, with the swiftly widening
to bring together all influences on product development cycles, horizon of the average design project, such an approach is not
while achieving synthesis between tools/techniques, information, sufficient to deal with e.g. the indefinitenesses and interdepen-
resources and control mechanisms to reach an adequate solution dencies in the project, different yet linked projects and all related
(product). Here, tools/techniques become an inherent part of the stakeholders.
virtual meeting space. Generally speaking, a Synthetic Environ- To decisively hold sway over the design environment, designers
ment can be described as any deliberately constructed artificial need to have access to a broad portfolio of effective and efficient
environment that gives more insight into the real and natural tools/techniques that bring flexibility, agility and nimbleness.
environment; allowing an operator to navigate or interact as if in Whereas this obviously is a rather idealised picture, designers
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