Group 5-Global Migration PDF
Group 5-Global Migration PDF
Group 5-Global Migration PDF
Presentation by Group 5
TCW | 2023
Migration and Migrants Classification of the Cosmopolitanism
World and of Countries
Concepts of Global Factors Affecting
Migration Different Global Global Movements
Civilizations and of People
History of Global
Migration Categories Effects of Migration
TCW | 2023
is the term used to describe people moving over a
certain distance from their "usual place of residence"
to another.
Anyone who relocates to another country
Carlos Sluzki’s Model of each of the family members' choice "to migrate"
indicates the start of the first phase.
changes, therefore there are no negative effects if the period of time could occur all throughout the
second generation socializes in this isolated environment. migration process.
Period of
Period of Decompensation Overcompensation
or Crisis in many instances, the days and weeks that
during this stage, the new reality, identity, and follow the migration do not show signs of stress.
environmental compatibility have been reshaped. Most of the time, participants are clueless of how
Problems dominate this stage. stressful the entire process is and how it affects
them in the long run.
Classification of
the World and of
During the Cold War, leaders all over the globe
agreed to classify the world into 3 categories:
World Classification
1. First world - refers to the states which have
high income and are capital rich
2. Second world - refers to the former
communist-socialist, industrial states
3. Third world - refers to nations not aligned with
either the first world or second world
Studies show that the pre-modern migration of human
populations began with the movement of Homo erectus out
of Africa across Eurasia about 1.75 million years ago. Homo
sapiens appears to have occupied all of Africa about
150,000 years ago;
some members of this species moved out of Africa
70,000 years ago .
modern non-African populations descend mostly from a
later migration out of Africa between 70,000 and 50,000
years ago
Migration to the Americas took place 20,000 to 15,000
years ago.
West-Eurasian back-migrations into Africa happened
between 30,000 to 15,000 years ago, as well as pre-
Neolithic and Neolithic back-migrations, followed by the
Arab expansion in Medieval times.
The Early Medieval Great Migrations including Turkic
expansion have left significant traces. In some places, such
as Turkey and Azerbaijan, there was a substantial cultural
transformation after the migration of relatively small elite
Early humans migrated due to many factors, such as American Era
changing climate and landscape and inadequate food- In 1989, this was the beginning of the American Era
supply for the levels of population. as the US had military alliances with 50 countries.
Promotion of free market capitalism was made
The Age of Exploration and European colonialism has led through a strong democracy and capitalist market
to an accelerated pace of migration since Early Modern further emphasizing the US’ global power.
times. The local populations or tribes, such as the However, its success in promoting such a market led
Aboriginal people in Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, to the dispersal of power to several other countries.
and the United States, were often numerically
overwhelmed by incoming settlers and by those settlers'
indentured laborers and imported slaves.
Renaissance Modern
Migration remains a contentious issue in Western societies. While some argue that migration is
essential for economic growth and cultural enrichment, others see it as a threat to national identity
and security.
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Latin American
"Latin American civilization" refers to the cultural and historical
heritage of the countries located in Central America, South America,
and the Caribbean that speak Romance languages, primarily Spanish
and Portuguese.
The Spanish and Portuguese colonization of the region in the 16th and
17th centuries brought new cultural, religious, and political influences
Latin American
occupied much of the territory that is now
northern Central America
their society collapsed around 900AD due to
political instability and environmental
Mayas factors.
included different ethnic groups, which organized
into city-states and joined to form alliances.
The empire reached its peak just before the
Spanish arrived and brought about the fall of
Aztecs Tenochtitlan in 1521
The first Incas emerged from caves in the
mountains, captured Cusco, and built the first
Inca homes
Incas The civil war made it easy for the Spanish to
conquer the weakened Empire
Migration & Latin
American Civilization
The region has been shaped by a complex mix of migration patterns, including indigenous, European,
African, and Asian migrations.
The indigenous peoples of Latin America migrated across the continent for centuries before the arrival
of Europeans, establishing complex networks of trade and cultural exchange.
The region continues to experience significant internal and international migration, driven by economic,
political, and social factors.
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Islamic Civilization
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Sinic Civilization
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related cultures of China and the Chinese communities in China, Hong
Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, and Vietnam.
Defining features:
its continuity over time
its emphasis on scholarship and learning
Korea Vietnam Japan
Chinese influence can be traced Chinese influence can be traced unique as it consciously and
back to the Three Kingdoms period back to the Han dynasty when intentionally chose to emulate
Impressed by the economic China conquered Vietnam Chinese civilization.
success of Tang China, Korean Heavily influenced by Chinese Japan was never conquered by the
leaders sought to emulate Chinese culture Chinese
culture in their homeland. the Viets did not enthusiastically Japanese culture, including the tea
Korean culture retains many cooperate with their Chinese ceremony, calligraphy, and Zen
aspects of traditional Chinese overlords Buddhism, was heavily influenced by
culture, including Confucian resisted total Sinification Chinese culture
values, tea drinking, and the Viets mounted a massive revolt over time, Japan developed its own
calligraphy. and won their independence from unique cultural identity.
Migration & Sinic
Chinese migration has been motivated by a variety of factors, including economic opportunities,
political instability, and war.
In ancient times, migration played a key role in the spread of Chinese culture and civilization to
neighboring regions, such as Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.
Chinese migration to other countries has also led to cultural exchange and diversity, with Chinese
communities around the world maintaining their cultural traditions and practices.
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Indus River Valley -the birthplace of Hinduism
Originated around 4,500-5,000 B.C.E. and reached its peak between 2300 to
2000 BC.
"Hindu" originates from the Sanskrit word for river, "sindhu," which was
mispronounced by the Persians who designated the land around the Indus
River as Hindu.
Buddhism died out in India but continued to thrive in other parts of Asia
The central message of Buddhism remained consistent, emphasizing the root of unhappiness as desire
and the attainment of illumination through meditation and compassion.
Buddhism assimilated local beliefs rather than fighting them, spreading through peaceful proselytization.
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The co-founding directors of the Orthodox Christian Studies Program
were struck by ways in which Orthodox authors had created artificial
categories of “East” and “West” and then used that distinction as a basis
for self-definition.
Between 1886 and 1911, more than 400,000 men and women left Japan for the U.S. and U.S.-controlled lands,
and significant emigration continued for at least a decade beyond that.
The two most popular destinations were the archipelago of Hawaii and America's Pacific coast
Japanese immigrants began their journey to the United States in search of peace and prosperity, leaving
an unstable homeland for a life of hard work and the chance to provide a better future for their children.
Africa has experienced significant forced migrations of people,
including the trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean slave trades
-Ralph Austen
a historian
estimates that between 800 and 1900 CE, about 10 million
people were forcibly migrated, with 4 million crossing the
Sahara, 2 million coming to Egypt through the Nile Valley, and
another 4 million reaching the Middle East and India via the
Red Sea and Indian Ocean.
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3 Elements of this Concept:
Presentation by GROUP 5 BSPT1C
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Conflict lack of liberty
war Loss of human rights.
Pull Factors:
more human rights, social services provided by the
government, a desire for liberty and equality, and the
presence of strong institutions that protect rights and do
not tolerate corruption.
State Persecution Lack of Political
involves the harassment, discrimination and There are approximately 42 million
The lack of political liberties and rights,
torture of people who disagree with their people worldwide who have been
and endemic corruption act as push
government, have minority religious beliefs or forced to migrate due to war.
factors for migrants seeking greater
ethnic backgrounds. (National Geographics’ Earthpulse)
These people are forced to migrate to safer
Concerns that limit people’s freedoms War and armed conflict have diverse
Asylum seeking is a direct result of the cause them to leave. causes but all these factors are
outflow of political migrants from an influenced by political issues.
oppressive state to a more democratic Most migrants leave for more democratic
country Most war migrants become refugees or
countries where they can pursue better
asylum seekers.
Persecutions in countries: careers, education and freedom.
Group 5 BSPT1C
A big reason for voluntary migration
Presentation by
Pull factors include higher wages, better
employment opportunities, a higher standard
of living and educational opportunities.
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Skilled workers lead to a greater economic may be positive for host countries as they increase
growth of the region their young working population and cultural
Migration raises world GDP, in particular by raising
productivity. boosts the working-age population.
For a sending country, migration and the resulting Return of skilled persons increases local human
remittances lead to increased incomes and poverty capital, transfer of skills and links to foreign
reduction, improve health and educational outcomes, networks ("Brain Gain")
and promote productivity and access to finance
TCW| 2023
Difficulty in adaptation , threats to family life,
loss of culture and social support are among Overcrowding
the most common problems
The social effects of migration amongst others consist Increased levels of pollution.
of change in family composition, family separations
and the abandonment of old people, child outcomes
Increased pressure on natural resources.
in terms of labour, health and education.
TCW | 2023
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Presentation by GROUP 5 BSPT1C
TCW | 2023