Linear Wave Theory
Linear Wave Theory
Linear Wave Theory
(u u u v u w u ) = p
t x y z x
(v u v v v w v ) = p (2)
t x y z y
(w u w v w w w) = g z p
t x y z z
In this case gz = -g since gravity acts in the –ve z-
Boundary Conditions1:
The kinematic surface boundary condition relates the
velocity of a particle on the surface to the motion of
the surface. Consider a two-dimensional situation, as
shown in Fig. 1.
wcos u sin cos at z =
where is the surface elevation above some reference
level and α is the slope of the surface. This can be re-
written as
w u tan u
t t x
For a 3-dimensional situation, this kinematic
boundary condition at the surface can be written
similarly as
w u v at z = (3)
t x y
The kinematic bottom boundary condition is simply
that the water may not penetrate the fixed, horizontal
bottom, so that
w=0 at z = -d
The dynamic surface boundary condition (pressure is
zero) is
p=0 at z =
u , v and w
x y z
Or, in vector form V =
Conservation Equations(2):
2 2
1 p gz 0
x t 2 x y z
2 2
1 p gz 0
y t 2 x y z
2 2
gz 0
z t 2 x y z
The sum of the terms between the curly brackets
appears in all three equations, in each case expressing
the fact that this sum of terms is not a function of x, y
and z. This sum can therefore be only an arbitrary
function of time t, f(t), for which we take the simplest
possible: f(t) = 0. We therefore find from the
equations of motion
2 2 2
1 p gz 0
t 2 x y z
p gz 0 (5)
Boundary Conditions2:
The kinematic boundary condition at the surface in
terms of the velocity potential, from equation (3)
at z =
z t x x y y
Removing the non-linear terms (the last two terms on
the right-hand side) makes this boundary condition
at z = 0
z t
The dynamic boundary condition at the surface,
expressed in terms of the velocity potential, is
obtained by taking the Bernoulli’s equation (eqn 4) at
the surface z = , with p = 0.
1 g 0
t 2
Removing the quadratic term makes this equation
g 0 at z = 0 (6)
The kinematic boundary condition at the bottom, in
terms of the velocity potential function is
0 at z = -d
The linearized basic equations and boundary
conditions for the linear wave theory in terms of the
velocity potential
The Laplace equation and the kinematic boundary
conditions are used to obtain the solution for the
velocity potential and hence all kinematic aspects of
the waves. The linearized Bernoulli’s equation and the
linearlized dynamic boundary condition will
subsequently be used, in combination for the velocity
potential, to obtain the expressions for some dynamic
aspects of the waves.
x, z,t X (x).Z (z). (t)
where X(x) is some function that depends only on x,
Z(z) depends only on z and (t) varies only with time.
Since we know that must be periodic in time, we
can specify (t) = sint, where (symbol is also
used) is the angular frequency of the wave (=2/T).
x, z,t X (x).Z (z).sin t
Substituting into the Laplace equation, we get
d 2 X ( x) .Z ( z).sin t X ( x). d 2 Z ( z) .sin t 0
dx 2 dz 2
The periodic lateral boundary conditions apply in both
time and space
(x,t)= (x+L, t)
(x,t) = (x, t+T)
where L is the wavelength and T is the wave period.
The periodicity condition is satisfied for coskL = 1
and sinkL = 0, which gives kL = 2
or k(wave number) = 2 /L
The solution of the boundary value problem for small-
amplitude waves is given by
H g cosh k (d z) cos kx sin t
2 cosh kd
From eqn (6), ( x,t ) H cos kx.cos t
g t z 0 2
where 2 = gk tanh(kd), known as the dispersion
Standing water wave
This new velocity potential has a water surface
profile, given as
( x,t) 1 H cos(kx t ) (8)
g t z 0 2
The same result is obtained by subtracting the two
u uˆ cos( t kx)
w wˆ sin( t kx)
where û and ŵ are the amplitudes of the velocity
The u and w components are clearly 90o out of phase;
the extreme values of the u-component occur at the
phase position t – kx = 0, , …(under the crest and
the trough), while the extreme values of the w-
component occur at the phase position /2, 3/2, …
(location of zero water displacement), as shown in the
figure below.
In deep water when kd , uˆ aekz and wˆ aekz
and the magnitude of the (resultant) total velocity
V aekz
uˆ a and wˆ a 1 z
kd d
B a sinh k (d z )
sinh kd
Applying the surface kinematic condition
z t
Differentiating eqn. (7) w.r.t. z and eqn. (8) w.r.t. t
and substituting z = 0 gives
2 = gk tanh kd (9)
gT 2 2 d
L tanh (10)
2 L
gk0 or L0 = gT2/(2)
2 d
L0 L
Multiplying both sides with d/L,
d d tanh 2 d
L0 L L
For shallow water, tanh(kd) kd when kd 0. We
k gd or L T gd
C g tanh(kd ) tanh(kd ) (11)
This equation shows that, in general, the phase speed
depends on wave number and therefore on frequency;
long waves travel faster than short waves. Such
waves, the propagation speed of which depends on
wave length or frequency, are called dispersive
waves. In deep water tanh(kd) 1, this expression
reduces to
C0 or C0 = gT/(2) (12)
Eqn (13) shows that, in very shallow water, the phase
speed does not depend on wave length or frequency.
Under these conditions, the waves are said to be non-
Cgroup Cg nC
where C is the phase velocity and n is given by
n 1 1 2kd
2 sinh(2kd )
The value of kd lies between 0 and infinity. The value
on n varies between 1/2 (for deep water) and 1 (very
shallow water). This implies that the speed of an
individual wave is always greater than or equal to the
speed of the group i.e. C Cg. One consequence of
this is that each wave travels forwards through the
group, until it reaches the front of the group, where it
disappears. The group is kept alive by the new waves
that are continuously formed at the tail of the group.
Since waves propagate across the ocean as groups,
travel times of ocean waves should be calculated with
the group velocity not with the phase speed.
Wave-induced pressure:
Wave energy:
E potential 1 g 2 = 1 ga2
2 4
Ekinetic 1 u 2dz = 1 ga2
d 2 4
Hence, with the approximations of the linear wave
theory, Epotential = Ekinetic . The total time-averaged
wave-induced energy density is the sum of the
potential and kinetic energy densities.
E 1 ga2