Friendsjoeydoesntsharefood Teacherguide PDF
Friendsjoeydoesntsharefood Teacherguide PDF
Friendsjoeydoesntsharefood Teacherguide PDF
Part 1. Discussion about the dates. Teacher’s descriptions below. (Ranking —
answers will vary.)
(1) The couple is hiking.
(2) The couple is visiting an exhibition/gallery.
(3) The couple is out to dinner.
(4) The couple is at an arcade / playing arcade games.
(5) The couple is at the cinema.
(6) The couple is ice skating.
Part 2. Questions about dating. Answers will vary.
Part 3. Students’ finish the story about the date gone wrong involving French fries. Answers will
Viewing Activity
Part 1. Short answers:
(1) They were out to dinner, they were getting along, Joey really liked her, but then, out of
nowhere, she reached over and took some of his French fries from his plate.
(2) Joey doesn’t feel good about the date because he thinks that his date shouldn’t take
his food from his plate, especially after she already ordered her own food (a garden salad).
Part 2. Date story comparison with Preview, Part 3. Scroll back to it for students to check.
Part 2. True / False / Not given.
(1) True
(2) Not given (Joey says that taking his fries is a good way to “lose some fingers” but he
doesn’t say anything about his preference about how to eat fries.)
(3) False (Rachel already knew that Joey doesn’t share food.)
Part 3. The events in Joey’s second date in order:
Viewing Follow-Up
Part 1. Discussion questions. Answers will vary.
Part 2. CCQ discussion. Answers will vary. Teacher’s answers for the definitions:
Past Simple: We were out to dinner... / she reached over... / took some of my fries... /
she took some fries, big deal! ... / he had a couple of grapes...
Past Continuous: We were getting along... / having a really nice time... / I was thinking... /
we were having breakfast...
We use the past continuous to talk about an unfinished or incomplete action in the
past. We often use it when telling a story in the past — when we are talking about an
experience in the past and then there is some interruption, or another action happens at
the same time. We often use the [PAST CONTINUOUS] + ...but / and then + [PAST SIMPLE].
Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
Friends | Joey Doesn’t Share Food (B1)
Pronunciation Activity
Part 1. Audio clips with the words with stress/intonation. Answers may vary slightly.
(1) along
(2) time
(3) cool
(4) then ... nowhere
Part 2. Correct students’ pronunciation errors.
Part 3. General rule for the pronunciation scheme:
c. We add stress/intonation on the last word of the clause when retelling events.
Part 4. Correct students’ pronunciation errors.