MEE40003 - Unit Outline - Sem 1 2023-2
MEE40003 - Unit Outline - Sem 1 2023-2
MEE40003 - Unit Outline - Sem 1 2023-2
Unit Outline
Machine Dynamics-2
Semester 1 2023
To enhance the ability to synthesize and solve problems on linkage mechanisms, mechanics
of machinery, engine dynamics and vibrations.
Graduate Attributes
This unit may contribute to the development of the following Swinburne Graduate Attributes:
▪ Communication skills
▪ Teamwork skills
▪ Digital literacies
▪ Analysis Skills
▪ Kinematics of Mechanisms:
Kinematics Fundamentals, Graphical Linkage Synthesis, Position Analysis, Analytical
Linkage Synthesis, Velocity Analysis, Acceleration Analysis, Cam Design, Gear
▪ Dynamics of Machinery:
Dynamics Fundamentals, Dynamic Force Analysis, Balancing, Engine Dynamics, Cam
dynamics Free and Forced Vibration.
▪ Free and Forced Vibration
▪ In a Semester, you should normally expect to spend on average, twelve and a half
hours of total time (formal contact time plus independent study time) a week on a 12.5
credit point unit of study.
Tutoring on the
➢ Velocity Analysis Followings
Ch-6: 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.16,
3 Mar 13 6.46, 6.62 + Solved Examples
➢ Acceleration ✓ Design 4 bar
analysis mechanism
5 Mar 27 ➢ Cam Design ✓ Velocity analysis 8-2, 8-3, 8-5 (3-4-5 and 4-5-6-7
polynomial), 8-11 and 8-12 +
Ch-9: 9.3, 9.5, 9.9, 9.10, 9.13,
April ➢ Gear Trains 9.14
3/April10 Ch-9:9.17, 9.25, 9.26, 9.42+
6 Solved Examples
First Test will be held in week 6 during the first hour of Thursday Lecture (Thursday 5:30 to 6:30
pm). Syllabus for test will be chap 3, 4 and 6 (Design of Machinery).
➢ Gear Trains
✓ Cam Design Revision
7 April 17
➢ Harmonically
Excited Vibration
➢ Dynamic
8 April 24 ✓ Gear Trains Ch-10: 10.1, 10.13, 10.14,
Fundamentals 10.15, 10.18 + Solved Examples
➢ Dynamic Force
Analysis ✓ Dynamic Force Ch-11: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12+ Solved
May 1 Analysis and Examples
➢ Transient Vibration
✓ Vibration
Second Test will be held in week 9 during the first hour of Thursday Lecture (Thursday 5:30 to
6:30 pm). Syllabus for test will be chap 7 and 8 (Design of Machinery)
Both Assignment 1 and 2 submission week-check the timing for submission on Canvas and
assignment itself.
a) Assessment Overview
Unit Learning
Individual Outcomes that
Tasks and Details Weighting Assessment Due Date
or Group this assessment
task relates to
Week 6, 9 and 12
25% (=9 for first
Tests (1, 2 and 3) Individual 1, 2, 3, 6 On campus, during first
hour of Thursday Lecture
Refer to class schedule.
Practical Work 10% 4,5 (Check lab announcement
on Canvas)
Assignments Both assignments are due
Individual (=12.5 assignment1+ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
1 and 2 in Week 12
7.5 assignment2)
Announcement later on
Final assessment Individual 45% 1, 2, 3,6
▪ Exam is replaced by Final Assessment with 3 hrs to complete on online during the final
assessment period. Details will be provided later on Canvas. There will be also three
short test and two assignments. Final Assessment will count for 45%. Tests will count
for 25%, Laboratory 10% and assignment/s will count for 20%. Tutor will post the
assignment/s on the Canvas and inform the students. If there are past assignments on
the Canvas or on the lecture notes, they are for information purpose only. The lecture
notes on the Canvas are to be used for following the lecturer in the lecture room.
Students should also read the book and not follow the lecture notes only.
c) Examinations
If the unit you are enrolled in has an official examination, you will be expected to be
available for the entire examination period including any Special Exam period.
d) Submission Requirements
Assignments and Lab reports are generally submitted online through the Canvas
assessment submission system which integrates with the Turnitin plagiarism checking
Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted.
e) Extensions and Late Submission
Late Submissions - Unless an extension has been approved, late submissions will result
in a penalty. You will be penalised 10% of your achieved mark for each working day the
task is late, up to a maximum of 5 working days. After 5 working days, a zero result will
be recorded.
f) Referencing
To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include
information from other sources in your work. Further details regarding plagiarism are
available in Section C of this document.
Referencing conventions required for this unit are: standard styles (e.g. Harvard style
system or other established style).
Helpful information on referencing can be found at
Required Textbook(s)
The required textbook(s) are available from Swinburne Bookshop:
1. Norton, R.L, Design of Machinery, 6th Edition (International Student edition), McGraw Hill
2. Thomson, W.T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, 5Th Edition or later, Prentice Hall
1. Moilan, S, Mechanism Design: the practical kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 2nd
Edition or later, Elsevier Science
2. Marghitu, Dan B, Kinematic Chains and Machine Components Design, 2005, Elsevier
Butterworth Heinemann.
3. Singiresu S. Rao, Mechanical Vibration, Fifth Edition or Later, Prentice Hall
You should regularly access the Swinburne learning management system, Canvas, which is available
via the Current Students webpage or Canvas is updated regularly
with important unit information and communications.
All communication will be via your Swinburne email address. If you access your email through a
provider other than Swinburne, then it is your responsibility to ensure that your Swinburne email is
redirected to your private email address.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is about taking responsibility for your learning and submitting work that is honestly
your own. It means acknowledging the ideas, contributions and work of others; referencing your
sources; contributing fairly to group work; and completing tasks, tests and exams without cheating.
Swinburne University uses the Turnitin system, which helps to identify inadequate citations, poor
paraphrasing and unoriginal work in assignments that are submitted via Canvas. Your Unit Convenor
will provide further details.
Plagiarising, cheating and seeking an unfair advantage with regards to an exam or assessment are all
breaches of academic integrity and treated as academic misconduct.
Plagiarism is submitting or presenting someone else’s work as though it is your own without full and
appropriate acknowledgement of their ideas and work. Examples include:
• using the whole or part of computer program written by another person as your own
Student support
Swinburne offers a range of services and resources to help you complete your studies successfully.
Your Unit Convenor or studentHQ can provide information about the study support and other services
available for Swinburne students.
Special consideration
If your studies have been adversely affected due to serious and unavoidable circumstances outside of
your control (e.g. severe illness or unavoidable obligation), you may be able to apply for special
consideration (SPC).
Applications for Special Consideration will be submitted via the SPC online tool normally no later than
5.00pm on the third working day after the submission/sitting date for the relevant assessment
Accessibility needs
Sometimes students with a disability, a mental health or medical condition or significant carer
responsibilities require reasonable adjustments to enable full access to and participation in education.
Your needs can be addressed by Swinburne's AccessAbility Services by negotiating and distributing
an 'Education Access Plan'. The plan makes recommendations to University teaching and
examination staff. You must notify AccessAbility Services of your disability or condition within one
week after the commencement of your unit to allow the University to make reasonable adjustments.
Review of marks
An independent marker reviews all fail grades for major assessment tasks. In addition, a review of
assessment is undertaken if your final result is between 45 and 49 or within 2 marks of any grade
You can ask the Unit Convenor to check the result for an assessment item or your final result. Your
request must be made in writing within 10 working days of receiving the result. The Unit Convenor can
discuss the marking criteria with you and check the aggregate marks of assessment components to
identify if an error has been made. This is known as local resolution.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the local resolution, you can lodge a formal complaint.