Enterprise Resource Planning Using SAP
Enterprise Resource Planning Using SAP
Enterprise Resource Planning Using SAP
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- SAP was established in Walldorf, Germany, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): ERP (Enterprise
in 1972. It stands for Data Processing Systems, Resource Planning) is a type of software that helps
Applications, and Products. It has expanded and businesses manage and integrate various aspects of their
changed over time to become the top provider of operations, such as finance, human resources,
client/server business solutions, for which it is now procurement, inventory, and sales.
renowned. The main benefit of using SAP as your High performance Analytic Appliance (HANA):
company's ERP system is that it has a very high level of HANA (High-Performance Analytic Appliance) is an in-
application integration, ensuring data consistency memory database and application platform developed by
throughout the system and the company as a whole. SAP. It is designed to process large amounts of data in
Table drive customization software is called SAP. With a real-time and enable businesses to make informed
shared set of programmes, it enables businesses to decisions based on up-to-date information.
quickly alter their business requirements. Advanced Business Application programming
(ABAP): ABAP (Advanced Business Application
Keywords:- SAP, ERP, HANA, ABAP, CRM. Programming) is a high-level programming language
developed by SAP for the development of custom
business applications and extensions within the SAP
ERP (Enterprise Resource and Planning) solutions and environment.
services are offered by SAP, a market leader. Regardless of Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM
their size and power, organizations from various industrial (Customer Relationship Management) is a software
sectors can use the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system used to manage interactions with customers and
software. Almost every functional area of a business prospects throughout the customer lifecycle. It involves
process, including the purchase of goods and services, sale the use of data and technology to streamline and automate
and distribution, finance, accounting, human resources, customer-facing processes, such as sales, marketing, and
manufacturing, production planning, logistics, and customer support.
warehouse management, is supported and integrated by the
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT Lack of integration: Existing systems were often siloed,
meaning that different departments within an organization
The main goal of the portal development is to help one used different software systems that didn't communicate
become a full-stack techno functional consultant and to help with each other. This lack of integration made it difficult
them gain business level understanding of the SAP core toshare information and collaborate effectively.
functional modules. It can be design as SAP ERP Portal for Manual processes: Many existing systems relied on
a specific organization which is usually a user-friendly manual processes, such as paper-based forms and manual
portal. SAP Portal which needs to be developed for data entry. These processes were time-consuming and
following verticals, As the front-end portal application prone to errors, which could result in inaccurate data and
system will be the data center for Angular and SCP app. delayed decision-making.
Limited functionality: Existing systems often had
The verticals are to be developed as follows limited functionality, which meant that organizations had
Customer Portal (Angular App) to use multiple systems to manage different aspects of
Vendor Portal (Angular App) their operations. This added complexity and made it
Employee Portal (Angular App) harder to get a complete picture of the organization's
III. GENERAL TERMS High maintenance costs: Maintaining existing systems
could be expensive, as organizations had to pay for
Systems Applications and Products (SAP): SAP
hardware, software licenses, and IT staff to manage and
(Systems, Applications and Products) is a German
maintain the systems.
multinational software corporation that specializes in
Limited scalability: Existing systems often had limited
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. SAP's ERP
scalability, meaning that they were designed to handle a
software helps businesses manage various aspects of their
specific number of users or transactions. This made it
operations, including finance, sales, procurement,
difficult for organizations to grow and expand their
logistics, and human resources.
operationswithout investing in new systems.
Data consistency
Standardized processes
Open architecture
API integration
Real-time data
Real-time information
Real-time analytics
In-memory computing
Mobile access
A. Customer Portal:
Objective of development:
The objective of the customer portal is to understand
the functionalities of Sales and Distribution (SD) and
Finance (FI) module. This portal is to be designed for
maintaining the data of all the customers carrying out
business with the organization. The need of Customer portal
is to access and view the complete transaction between the
company and customer.
B. Front-end:
Customer Login:
Customer login page needs to be designed to login with
the user-ID as Customer-ID and the Password. While
authenticating, the presence of the Customer-ID in the
standard table has to be checked, post which both the
Customer-ID and the password must be verified in the
custom table (Z-table). The Customer-ID will reach SAP
ERP system via RFC Webservice. Once the Customer-ID
Fig. 4: Front End. and Password is validated in the SAP ERP system the
response will be sent back to portal with the validation
result. Once the validation is successful, the Customer will
be allowed to access to their respective Dashboard.
Customer Dashboard:
The customer dashboard needs to be designed and
developed to have the end-to-end transactions between
logon customer and the company. This page needs to be
developed to have complete sales data belonging to that
customer, Such as
Inquiry data
Sale order data
List of Delivery
C. Middleware: