2C Fandino, JV P (Marenv)
2C Fandino, JV P (Marenv)
2C Fandino, JV P (Marenv)
Protection of the
Marine Environment
Submitted to:
Prepared by:
Statement of Purpose
This is a compilation of the activities, quizzes, examinations and other
tasks given in the subject Protect of the Marine Environment. This will also
summary and reflection of all the topics and lessons discussed in this subject.
This will also ensure that the midshipmen accomplished the given tasks and
This Portfolio will be the proof that the midshipman completed the
Table of Contents
Cover Page 1
Statement of Purpose 2
Table of Contents 3
Activity 1 6
Written Assessment 8
Quiz 1 10
Activity 2 12
Written Assessment 13
Research: 17
Assessment 18
Quiz 3 20
Activity 22
Quiz 23
Activity 25
Research 26
Activity 28
Performance Assessment 29
Reflection 11: Division of Substances 30
Activity 31
Written Assessment 32
Activity 34
Performance Assessment 37
Curriculum Vitae 38
Reflection # 1 - Convention of Maritime Pollution
This is often the primary subject that we have examined. MARPOL is a vital
marine tradition that bargains with marine contamination. The Tradition incorporates
We discovered that this convention has six annexes. Annex I Regulations for
the Prevention of Oil Pollution, which covers oil pollution prevention from operational
measures as well as accidental discharges. The Annex II Regulations for the Control
of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk contain the discharge criteria and
bulk. Annex III, Preventing Pollution from Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in
Sewage from Ships, contains requirements for controlling sewage pollution of the
sea. Annex V, Prevention of Pollution from Ships Garbage, deals with various types
of garbage and specifies the distances from land as well as the manner in which they
may be disposed of. Annex VI, Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, limits sulphur
oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits intentional
Activity 1
Reflection # 2 - Sources of Pollution and its Effect in the Marine Environment
our ecosystem. Not only are oceans important for maintaining ecology, but they are
also important for trade, industry, adventure, commerce, food, and so on.
Humans have begun to use the waters in various ways, with varying degrees
of success. Unfortunately, humans have begun to use the ocean to dispose of large
perilous situation for marine life. Marine life is an important component of the
ecosystem, and humans have harmed it by polluting it. We are constantly polluting
the water by dumping trash from various sources, such as industrial waste,
bottles, and other items are dumped into the sea. Sewage disposed of in sea water
contributes to marine pollution. All industrial waste is dumped into rivers and oceans.
It has a significant negative impact on the ocean. Toxins from various sources, such
as pesticides, fertilizers, phenol, and so on, also have an impact on the marine
Written Assessment
Reflection # 3 - MARPOL 73/78 Conventions
This is our third topic, and it is a good one for learning about this convention.
Pollution from Ships, and 73/78 is an abbreviation for the years 1973 and 1978. It is
one of the most important international maritime treaties. It was established by the
International Maritime Organization with the goal of reducing pollution of the oceans
73/78's main goal is to reduce sea pollution, such as dumping and oil and exhaust
oil and other harmful substances and minimizing accidental discharge of such
Quiz No. 1
Reflection # 4 - Principles of Environmental Protection
such as the polluter pays principle, the user pays principle, the precautionary
According to the Polluter Pays Principle, the individual who causes pollution
should bear the costs of the damage caused as well as any necessary remedies.
The User Pays Principle, a variation on the polluter-pays principle, requires natural
resource users to bear the cost of depleting natural capital. When there is
allows protective measures to be implemented without waiting for the harm to occur.
This concept is useful in risk management when there is uncertainty about the
Activity 2
Written Assessment
Reflection # 5 - Marine Environment Special Areas
MARPOL Convention and Annexes. Special areas are sea areas where, for
condition, as well as the unique nature of their traffic, special mandatory techniques
Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is an area that needs special protection through action
For the purpose of Annex 1, following are the special areas: Mediterranean
Sea area, Baltic Sea area, Black sea area, Red sea area, Gulf area, Gulf of Aden
area, Antarctic Area, North-West European Waters, Oman area of the Arabian Sea
and Southern South African Water. For the purpose of Annex 2, following are the
special areas: The Antarctic Sea Area only. For the purpose of Annex 4, following
are the special areas: The Baltic Sea only. For the purpose of Annex 5, following are
the special areas: The Mediterranean sea area, Baltic Sea area, Black sea area,
Red sea area, Gulf area, North Sea area, Antarctic Area, Wider Caribbean Region
including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. For the purpose of Annex 6, the
following are the special areas: Baltic Sea, North Sea, North American , United
Quiz - Special Areas
Reflection # 6 - Impact of Shipping Operation to the Marine Environment
knowledge to have in order to avoid future harm to our marine environment when we
are on-board. The potential impacts are typically greater in inshore waters and near
port areas, where complex ecosystems exist and the water exchange rate is low.
resulting in increased pollution from dredging, spills, waste disposal, ballast water
practices, and current shipping issues around the world. Raising awareness among
measures to protect the marine environment and anticipate upcoming issues in order
important result of awareness building, from which the shipping industry can benefit
Reflection # 7 - Equipment for Machinery Spaces to Combat Marine Pollution
This is our seventh week, and we have been discussing the various
equipment for machinery spaces to combat marine pollution. Water pollution control,
air pollution control, solid waste handling control, and noise handling control
ODME, or oil discharge monitoring equipment, which is used to check and monitor
The goal of all ODME is to discharge as much water as possible while not
exceeding the MARPOL regulation limit for oily water discharge. The oil-water
boundary between oil and water tanks, but the equipment is not limited to oil or water
applications and can be used anywhere an accurate interface control between two
liquids is required.
Quiz 3
Reflection # 8 - Equipment for Machinery Spaces to Combat Marine Pollution
This is a follow-up to last week's topic. The oily water separator is a piece of
equipment specific to the shipping or marine industry that is used to separate oil and
water mixtures into their separate components and its purpose is to separate oil and
other contaminants that could be harmful to our oceans. The port facility reception is
the all residue mixture and garbage generated by the vessel cannot be discharged
directly to the sea as per the law in order to avoid marine pollution and thus they are
diked. It is critical for us to be familiar with the various pieces of equipment so that
Reflection # 9 - Documents Required by the Annexes
by annexes is a big help in being aware of and prepared for different types of marine
inspected by coastal, port, and flag states are the four documents required by the
Reflection # 10 - Relevant Entries in the Logbook and other Documents
cadet. We must be informed about it. In the event of an accident, the engine room
log book is also an important document because it provides a clear picture of the
engine room's working condition and the situation that existed in the engine room.
Normally, this is filled in by the ship's junior engineer. Record keeping is an essential
part of the job of a navigating officer and a marine engineer. There are various types
of records that must be kept. Engineers in the ship's engine room must keep detailed
records of machinery parameters, running hours, and a variety of other factors. This
has traditionally been done using paper daily log books; however, with the increasing
use of computers on ships, these daily log books may be completely replaced with
electronic log books; however, these paper books are still widely used. Furthermore,
regardless of the medium used for recording, the most important aspect is to record
Performance Assessment
Reflection # 11 - Division of Substances
The IBC Code establishes an international standard for the safe transportation of
dangerous chemicals and noxious liquid substances listed in Chapter 17 of the Code
in bulk by sea. To reduce the risks to ships, their crews, and the environment, the
Code prescribes ship design and construction standards, as well as the equipment
they should carry, taking into account the nature of the products involved.
The purpose of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
the safe carriage of dangerous and noxious chemicals in bulk by prescribing the
the equipment they should carry in order to minimize the risk to the ship, its crew,
and the environment, taking into account the nature of the chemicals.
The basic philosophy is to assign one of the ship types to each chemical tanker
based on the degree of hazard of the products carried by such ship. Each of the
products may have one or more hazard properties, such as flammability, toxicity, and
Written Assessment
Reflection # 12 - Principles and Uses of IMDG Code
the various classes of dangerous goods under the IMDG Code. The International
guidelines for the safe transport of dangerous goods by sea. The IMDG code's goal
is to improve the safety of dangerous goods transport by sea while also protecting
the marine environment. If your products are classified as dangerous goods and you
want to ship them by sea, you must follow the IMDG code. This article will provide an
The IMDG code's provisions are based on the 'UN Recommendations on the
that provides a framework of rules for the safe transport of dangerous goods by all
modes – air, road, rail, and sea. It is strongly advised that you read the UN Model
Reflection # 13 - Protective Measures Required by the Annexes
We place a high value on protecting our marine environment. As cadets, we can take
best environmental management practices, and current shipping issues around the
the importance of taking proactive measures to protect the marine environment and
Reflection # 14 - Attaining Sustainable Shipping
the primary goals of the IMO is to promote international cooperation among maritime
Performance Assessment
Curriculum Vitae
Age : 20 years old
Date of Birth : March 11 2001
Place of Birth : Meycauayan City Bulacan
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Height : 178cm
Weight : 74kg