Section 1: Diagnostics
Section 1: Diagnostics
Section 1: Diagnostics
Activities for CW
BSEd Mathematics 1 March 30, 2023
A World of Regions
Instruction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
-Due to the great differences in political, cultural and economic conditions, different
nationalities cannot be grouped into one group. Their inequality is measured by
wealth, poverty and industrial power.
Section 2: Asian Regionalism
Instruction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
- First, the Philippines has a strong agricultural sector which could contribute
to regional integration because it has a large potential to produce food and
- Second, the Philippines has a strong tourism sector which could help promote
regional trade and commerce.
Shiraishi, T. (2004). The rise of the new urban middle classes in Southeast Asia: What
is it national and regional significance? The Research Institue of Economy, Trade and
Industry, 237-271.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
A World of Ideas
Instructions: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
- Let us defined first what is media? Media is the plural form of medium,
which (broadly speaking) describes any channel of communication. So for me
Media is Very important specially for globalization because media is
communication, Media is the way to communicate to each other specially to
the nations far away to each other. So for global integration media is need and
it is very important because if we don’t media the global integration makes
harder because we don’t have communication, The product or any services
and etc. that we offer to the other nation or states would be harder to reach or
arrive and that’s why for me why we need media and media is important for
globalization specially for global integration because we talk about global and
I think if we talk about only local the media is not very important because is it
easy to us to communicate with each other without media but if we talk about
global is it very hard to communicate to each other because we are in different
nation or countries.
Kraidy, M. (2002). Globalization of culture through the media. In J.R. Schemet (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of communication and information, Vol. 2 (pp. 359-363). New York,
NY: Macmillan References USA.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Section 2: The Globalization of Religion
Instructions: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
1. More than 50% of Islam believers are found in the Arab world. Disagree
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Instruction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
Action Plan
Political Economic Social
Time Frame
Sassem, S. (2005). The global city: Introducing a concept. The Brown Journal of
World Affairs, 11(2), 27-43.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Instructions: Explain the following terms:
1. Demography
-The demography means the number or the study of Human population Even the size,
their structure and their development.
2. Population
-The Population means the number of people or any something in one popular nation
or one group.
3. Multipolar world
-The multipolar world means one where power is distributed among several states
rather than being dominated by one or two states.
Exercise 1: The Global Population
Instruction: Read current world issues in the newspaper that are related to the issues
in the chart below. After reading, write the word that best describes each issue and
explain how they are related.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Instruction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Instruction: Write agree if you think the statement is correct; otherwise, write
(3) The reasons why the governments of the world must always integrate
sustainability in state affairs.
-Meeting our current demands without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own requirements is referred to as sustainability in the development of
products, goods and services. The idea of sustainability acknowledges that the
environment is a pinite resource for the sake of the world, our environment humanity
and all living creatures, it is crucial to use the environment and its resources widely
and to safeguard them. Although most people only think of sustainability in terms of
the environment, it may also be discussed in terms of social responsibility and
economic growth. The carrying capacity of the planet, the viability of eco systems,
occupations, behavioral patterns, and so on and so forth come examples of these
contexts. In a are sustainability society, people coexist with nature while preserving
resources for future generations.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Instructions: Explain the following topics:
3.International Trade
-The opinions of economists on the subject of international trade Frequently diverge
from those of the general public there are three main distinctions. First, a lot of non-
economists think that trading with other people in one's own country or eth ethnic
group is preferable to trading with foreigners. All Forms of commerce, in the eyes of
economists, are and advantageous. Second, a lot of non-economists think exports are
better for the economy, third, a lot. OF non-economists think that a nation's trade
balance is determined by how competitive is wage rates, tariffs, and other policies.
According to economists, a variety of factors, such as those listed above as well as
variations in National raving and investment patterns, affect the balance. OF trade.
United Nations (2011). The state of food insecurity in the world. How does
international price volatility affect domestic economies and food security? Rome,
Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…
Global Citizenship
Instructions: Explain the following topics:
The term "global citizenship" refers to any social, political, environmental, and
economic actions taken by communities and individuals with a global perspective.
The phrase can be used to describe the idea that people are part of numerous, varied,
local and global networks rather than acting alone to influence isolated civilizations.
Individuals will be able to accept their social obligation to act for the good of all
societies, not just their own, through promoting global citizenship in sustainable
development. Ensuring Inclusive and Quality Education for All and Promote Life
Long Learning, which includes global citizenship as one of its aims, the idea of global
citizenship is ingrained in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Carabian, C., Keuleman, S., Van Gent, M., & Spitz, G. (2012). Global citizenship:
From public support to active participation. Amsterdam, Netherlands: National
Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development.
1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…
2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…
3. I used to think that…
4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are…