Os Answer2
Os Answer2
Os Answer2
[A1] CO4
A file is a named collection of related information that is recorded on
secondary storage. A file contains either programs or data. A file has certain
"structure" based on its type. File attributes: Name, identifier, type, size, location,
protection, time, date. File operations: creation, reading, writing, repositioning,
deleting, truncating, appending, renaming. File types: executable, object, library,
source code etc.
4.2 What are the information associated with an open file? [A1] CO4
Several pieces of information are associated with an open file which may be:
• File pointer
• File open count
• Disk location of the file
• Access rights
4.3 What is a path name? Discuss about its types. [A2] CO4
A pathname is the path from the root through all subdirectories to a specified file. In
a two-level directory structure, a user name and a file name define a path name.
Path names can be of two types: absolute and relative
4.4 How can the index blocks be implemented in the indexed allocation scheme? [A1] CO4
a. Linked scheme
b. Multilevel scheme
c. Combined scheme
4.5 Name different free space management techniques. [A2] CO4
a. Bit Vector
b. Linked List
c. Grouping
d. Counting
Part B [2x10=20 Marks]
4.6 a Explain the different file access methods with examples [B1] CO4
Files store information. When it is used, this information must be accessed and
read into computer memory. The information in the file can be accessed in
several ways. Types of file access methods:
1. Sequential Access
2. Direct Access
3. Other Access Methods
1. Single-Level Directory
2. Two-Level Directory
3. Tree-Structured Directories
4. Acyclic-Graph Directories
5. General Graph Directory
5.7 a Draw the neat sketch of Windows 10 Architecture and explain it. [B2] CO5
b Explain the Binder in Android architecture. [B1/B2] CO5
Binder implements a distributed component architecture based on
abstract interfaces. It is similar to Windows Common Object Model (COM)
and Common Object
Broker Request Architectures (CORBA) on Unix, but unlike those
frameworks, it runs on a single device and does not support remote
procedure calls (RPC) across the network (although RPC support could be
implemented on top of Binder).
▪ Binder Implementation
▪ Binder Security
▪ Binder Identity
▪ Capability-Based Security