Flanders Mei DLL

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I. Objectives

At the end of a sixty-minute period, the grade 3 pupils should be able to:

a. identify the parts and functions of animals and importance to human

b. enumerate ways of grouping animals based on their structure and importance

c. describe animals in their immediate surroundings

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Classifying and Describing Habitats of Animals

B. Materials: Pictures, Activity Sheets, Printed Materials, Cardboard;

C. Code: S3LT-IIc-d-3

D. Reference: BEAM 3. Unit 2 DLP 28

E. Value Concept: Taking care of the animals

III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

A.1. Prayer

Let us all stand up and let us pray

(The pupils will stand up)

: Dear Lord thank you for today. Help us to

focus our mind now on what we are about to
learn. Inspire us by your presence and
motivates us to surpass all the challenges that
will come.
A. 2. Greetings

Good Morning Children!

: Good Morning Teacher Flanders!
How are you today?
: We are all good teacher.
Very Good!
A. 3. Energizers

Before we take our seats let us sing the Ten Little

( The pupils will start to sing )
Ready, sing!

A. 4. Checking of Attendance

Class, who is absent today? : None, ma’am.

Very Good!

If no one is absent today let us gave ourselves a

five claps.
( The pupils will clapping their hands )
Ready? Count!

A. 5. Checking of Assignment

Class, did I give you an assignment last meeting? : None, ma’am.

Learning Task 1- Review

Before we start our new lesson for today, last time : Yes, ma’am!
we learned about the Human Sense Organs, right

What are those five sense organs again? : The five sense organs are the eyes, ears,
nose, tongue, and skin.
Very Good!

What are those sensory of the five sense organs? : The sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Very Good!

I’ll show you some pictures and all you have to do

is to identify if it is a hearing, sight, taste, smell or,

Do you understand? : Yes, ma’am.

What do you see on this picture?

: A child eating ice cream.

What kind of senses is this?

:Sense of taste
Very Good!
How about this one. What do you see on this

: A girl smelling flowers.

What kind of senses is on the picture? : Sense of smell.

This one. What is on the picture?

: A boy listening to music.

And what senses is involved to this? : Sense of hearing.

How about this one. What do you see on this


: The boy searching for the ant by using magnifying


What kind of senses did the boy use? : Sense of sight ma’am


The last one is we have? What is on the picture?

: The two friends are hugging each other.

: Sense of touch.
What senses is involved to this one?

I can see that you can still remember what we

discussed last meeting.
Learning Task 2- Motivation

Now that you can still remember the concept of

Human Sense Organs. Let’s move on to the next
lesson but before that I have a question.

Class, what picture is on the board? : The picture of animals.

What common animals do you see? : Monkey, pig, chicken, duck, bird.
Where do you think are the birds lived?
: At the top of the trees.
Have you ever see a crocodile living inside the
house? : Not yet ma’am.

Where does the crocodile usually live? : In the water.

Very Good!
We were going to tackle that today!

B. Lesson Proper
Learning Task 3- Activity

Our lesson for today is all about Classifying and

Describing Habitats of Animals.

First we need to know the meaning of habitat.

The habitat is a place where an animals or even

an organism makes its home.

Before we start I am giving you an activity. As you

can see, I have here a drawing picture of an
animal. Connect the dots as numbered from
number 1-15. Find out what is hidden animal is on
the picture.

Do you understand? Yes ma’am.

Learning Task 4- Analysis

Have you ever seen an animal living on a coldest : Yes ma’am.


What kind of animal is it? : Polar bear and penguins

What if they live to another surroundings, will they : No ma’am

: Because it is not their habitats

Very Good!

Just like us the animals are also have their own

homes but it is depends on their habitats.
There are those places where animals living
where they’re capable.

Here are some examples of the different kinds of

animals that living in different places.

: A fish!
A. What kind of animals are these?

Where do you think these fishes live?

: On the ocean
Very Good!

These animals live in water.

Big animals like whales and sharks live down the
ocean floor. Clams, crabs, shrimps, jellyfish, and
octopus lives in water.

B. Have you seen any of these animals while

walking? : No ma’am

These animals live in the forest.

They are considered wild animals.

Did you get it? : Yes ma’am

C. Do you have a horse and cow in your place? (Some saying yes and some saying none)

Where do these animals live and stay? : They lived in the farm

These animals live on land or grassland.

D. Look at these animals on the picture

Where can you find these animals?

: In the river
These animals can live both on land and in water.

Learning Task 5- Abstraction

Again children what are animals are belong to the

water? : The animals that belong to the water are shark,
jellyfish, whale, clams, and sea horse.

What animals are capable to live both on land and : The animals that can live in water and land are
water? turtle, crocodile, and frog.

Where do the wild animals live? : They live in the forest.

Give me some examples of animals that live in
: The animals that living in the land are horse, cow,
the land or grassland.
goat, pig, sheep, kangaroo, and grasshopper.
What should we do to protect the animals and the
wildlife? “Adopt an animal on the street. “
: “Let those wild animals will live in the forest
peacefully. “
: “Protecting earth so that those animals can live
happily without any harm. “
Learning Task 6- Application

Now that you understand our lesson for today. I

want you to group the animals according to its
habitats. As you can see all of you have a
cardboard. I will call you one by one and then you
will come on the blackboard to attach the animal
that you got.

Cow Ducks Clams Elephant

Goat Sea horse Giraffe

Turtles Whales Snake Deer

Tilapia Frogs Octopus

Do you understand? : Yes ma’am.

IV. Evaluation

Encircle the letter that has the correct answer.

1) Where do the fish live?

a. land b. forest c. water

2) Where do wild and big animals live?

a. land b. forest c. water

3) Where can you find goats and horses?

a. land b. forest c. water

4) Where do frogs and crocodiles like to live?

a. land b. water c. both land and water

5) What do you call the places where animals live?

a. tree b. habitat c. home

V. Assignment

On a piece of paper draw your favorite animal with its habitats and describe what makes
it important to the surroundings.






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