An Investigation of How Technology Can Improve The Classroom Environment Around The Areas of Sen and Diversity Conn Cameorn g00395635

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Education Studies

Education Studies Dissertation Proposal

Student Name: Conn Cameron G00395635

1. Topic & Title

The use of technology in the classroom to be more diverse in the wood technology classroom

An investigation of how technology can improve the classroom environment around the
areas of SEN and diversity.

2. Research Aim

To investigate how technology can improve the classroom environment around the areas of
SEN and diversity.

3. Research Objectives

The objectives of this dissertation are to:

Education Studies

 To clarify terminology, including (diversity, technology, SEN)

 To conduct a literature analysis study of how technology can improve diversity and
SEN in the classroom, including relevant educational theory.

 To conduct original primary research, using action research methodology, on how

technology can improve the classroom environment around the areas of SEN and

4. Research Methodology

1. Literature Analysis Methodology

Practitioner research and action research are two types of research that involve educators in
the process of improving teaching and learning. While they share some similarities, the two
approaches have some key differences.

Practitioner research is a type of research that is conducted by practitioners, such as teachers

or school administrators, to improve their own practice. It is a form of self-reflection that
involves identifying an issue or problem in one's own practice and then using research
methods to investigate and address the issue. Practitioner research can take many different
forms, including case studies, action research, and qualitative-quantitative studies. The goal
of practitioner research is to improve practice and generate new knowledge that can be
shared with others in the field.

Action research is a specific type of practitioner research that involves a cyclical process of
planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In action research, the practitioner identifies an
area of concern, develops a plan for addressing the issue, implements the plan, observes the
results, and then reflects on the outcomes to adjust and refine the approach. The goal of
action research is to improve practice through a collaborative and iterative process that
involves ongoing reflection and adjustment.

Practitioner research and action research are both approaches that involve educators and
practitioners in the process of improving teaching and learning. Practitioner research is a
broad term that can enclose many different types of research, while action research is a
specific type of practitioner research that involves a cyclical process of planning, acting,
Education Studies

observing, and reflecting. Both approaches are valuable tools for improving teaching and
learning and can help to generate new knowledge and insights that can be shared with
others in the field.

2. Primary Research Methodology

I will use the following three data-gathering processes:

 Reflection Journal
 Observation by a Professional Teacher
 Teacher Interviews

5. Initial Literature Review

1. Review on ‘’future teachers facing the use of technology for inclusion’’ (vicente
Gabarda Méndez, 2016): A view from the digital competence. The use of technology
has become an increasingly important aspect of education in recent years, especially
when it comes to inclusion. Technology can provide a variety of tools and resources
that can help teachers create an inclusive classroom environment for students with
diverse needs. "Future teachers facing the use of technology for inclusion: A view
from the digital competence" is a research paper that explores the role of digital
competence in preparing future teachers to use technology for inclusion. The study
looks at how digital competence can be integrated into teacher education programs
to better equip future teachers with the skills and knowledge they need to use
technology to support all students in the classroom effectively. The paper highlights
the importance of developing digital competence as an essential aspect of teacher
education programs and emphasizes the need to incorporate digital competence into
the teacher education curriculum. The authors argue that developing digital
competence can help future teachers overcome potential barriers to using technology
effectively for inclusion and can provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge
to meet the needs of diverse learners. Overall, the paper highlights the important role
that technology and digital competence can play in creating an inclusive classroom
environment. It provides valuable insights into how teacher education programs can
better prepare future teachers to use technology effectively for inclusion and
Education Studies

emphasizes the need to integrate digital competence into teacher education


2. ‘’The Innoeduca International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation’’

(Gabarda, 2021) is a reputable academic publication dedicated to disseminating
research on the intersection of technology and education. The journal features
articles that explore innovative approaches to integrating technology into teaching
and learning, as well as research on the impact of technology on educational
outcomes. The journal also serves as a platform for scholars and practitioners to
exchange ideas and best practices related to technology and education. As a leading
publication in this field, Innoeduca International Journal of Technology and
Educational Innovation is an invaluable resource for educators, researchers, and
policymakers who seek to understand and harness the potential of technology to
enhance teaching and learning.

3. The article titled "Mobile learning as an alternative to assistive technology devices for
special needs students" (Ibrahimi, n.d.) by Ismaili and Ibrahimi explores the potential
of mobile devices as a tool for supporting special needs students in their learning. The
authors argue that traditional assistive technology devices can be costly, stigmatizing
and often ineffective for some learners. On the other hand, mobile devices, such as
smartphones and tablets, offer a versatile, affordable, and customisable solution for
special needs students to access learning resources and support. The article provides
a review of relevant literature, followed by a study that investigates the impact of
mobile learning on the academic performance of special needs students. The findings
suggest that mobile learning can be an effective alternative to traditional assistive
technology devices, for supporting special needs students in their learning and
provide insights into the potential benefits and limitations of mobile learning in this
context. Overall, this article contributes to the growing body of literature on the
intersection of technology and special education. This provides valuable insights for
educators and policymakers seeking to support the learning needs of special needs

4. The chapter titled "La inclusión: Reto o realidad" (aprendizaje") by Marín and Castro
in the book "Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje" (New
coordinates for training and learning) explores the challenges and realities of inclusive
Education Studies

education in contemporary society. The authors argue that despite the progress made
in recent decades towards inclusive education, many obstacles remain in achieving
true equity and access for all learners. The chapter provides a critical analysis of the
current state of inclusive education, including the gaps between policy and practice,
the limitations of teacher training and support, and the impact of social and economic
inequalities on educational outcomes. Furthermore, the authors propose a set of
strategies for promoting more inclusive practices in education, including the
importance of collaborative and participatory approaches, the need for universal
design and accessibility, and the value of promoting diversity and cultural competence
in educational settings. Overall, this chapter contributes to the ongoing discussion on
the challenges and possibilities of inclusive education. It provides insights and
recommendations for educators and policymakers seeking to create more inclusive
and equitable learning environments.

5. The article "Educational electronic book activity supports language retention among
children at risk for learning disabilities" (goren, 2018) explores the potential of
educational electronic books (e-books) as a tool for supporting language retention in
children who are at risk for learning disabilities. The authors argue that e-books offer
a more engaging and interactive learning experience compared to traditional print
books, which can be especially beneficial for children who struggle with language
acquisition. The study investigates the impact of an e-book activity on the language
retention of children at risk for learning disabilities. The findings suggest that e-book
intervention led to significant improvements in language retention compared to a
control group. Furthermore, the study highlights the potential benefits of
incorporating multimedia elements, such as images and sound, into e-books to
enhance the learning experience for children. Overall, this article contributes to the
growing body of research on the use of technology in education, it provides valuable
insights into the potential of e-books for supporting language development and
retention in children who are at risk for learning disabilities.

6. The article titled "Impact of psycho-pedagogical assistance in the development of

socialization skills for children during integration in special schools" (Tatianchykova,
2020) examines the impact of psycho-pedagogical assistance on the socialization skills
of children during their integration into special schools. The study investigates the
effectiveness of a psycho-pedagogical assistance program designed to support the
social and emotional development of children who are transitioning from mainstream
to special education settings. The findings suggest that the program led to significant
improvements in socialization skills, including communication, interaction, and
Education Studies

cooperation among children. The article highlights the importance of psycho-

pedagogical assistance in supporting the holistic development of children, especially
those who are experiencing significant transitions in their educational journey. The
authors suggest that the findings of this study could inform the development of
similar interventions in other contexts, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach
to education that addresses the social and emotional needs of children alongside their
academic development. Overall, this article contributes to the ongoing discussion on
the role of psycho-pedagogical assistance in promoting the social and emotional well-
being of children in special education settings.

7. The article "Aligning digital and social inclusion: A study of disadvantaged students
and computer access" (Yelland, 2013) explores the relationship between digital and
social inclusion among disadvantaged students and their access to computer
technology. The study investigates the impact of a computer access program on the
digital and social inclusion of disadvantaged students, including those from low socio-
economic backgrounds and those with limited access to computer technology. The
findings suggest that access to computer technology can have a positive impact on
the digital and social inclusion of disadvantaged students, including improvements in
digital literacy, academic performance, and social connection. The article highlights
the importance of aligning digital and social inclusion efforts in education. It
emphasises the need for policies and programs that address the intersection of digital
and social disadvantage. The authors suggest that the findings of this study could
inform the development of similar initiatives in other contexts, emphasizing the need
for targeted interventions that address the digital and social needs of disadvantaged
students. Overall, this article contributes to the ongoing discussion on the role of
technology in promoting equity and access in education and highlights the potential
of computer access programs to support the digital and social inclusion of
disadvantaged students.

6. Initial List of References

Education Studies

aprendizaje", b. M. (n.d.). Nuevas coordenadas para la formación y el aprendizaje. In b. M. aprendizaje".

Gabarda, V. G. (2021). The innoeduca international journal of technology and educational innovation .
Retrieved from

goren, s. s.-d. (2018). eduactional electronic book activity supports language retention among children at
risk for learning disabilities . 1231–1252.

Ibrahimi, I. a. (n.d.). mobile learning as alternative to assistive technology . Retrieved from

Tatianchykova, I. K. (2020). Impact of psycho-pedagogical assistance in the development of socialization

skills for children during integration in special schools. 3387–3391.

vicente Gabarda Méndez, D. M.-L. (2016). Future teachers facing the use of technology for inclusion: A
view from the digital competence. Retrieved from

Yelland, N. &. (2013). Aligning digital and social inclusion: A study of disadvantaged students and
computer access, 133–149.

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