SDN-Based Security Enforcement Framework For Data Sharing Systems of Smart Healthcare

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1, MARCH 2020

SDN-Based Security Enforcement Framework for

Data Sharing Systems of Smart Healthcare
Yunfei Meng , Zhiqiu Huang, Guohua Shen, and Changbo Ke

Abstract—As novel healthcare paradiagm, smart healthcare advanced data analyzing services, consultant physicians can
can provide more efficient and high quality medical services for monitor patient’s health status in real time and predict some
patients. However, smart healthcare needs patients to share their diseases (e.g., cancers, infections, cardiac diseases and etc.)
physiological information for online diagnoses, if the data sharing
system of smart healthcare lacks effective security mechanisms, before they really occur. (2) More comfortable and cost reduc-
these sensitive information might be abused by illegal or mali- tion. By means of remote monitoring technologies, patients
cious users. Moreover, smart healthcare needs to confront some can enjoy the best medical services just staying at home,
brand-new challenges, such as resource-constrained IoT things, which can help patients reduce large amount of hospitaliza-
identity theft attacks and insider attacks. To tackle these prob- tion cost. (3) Better information management and international
lems, we propose a SDN-based security enforcement framework
for data sharing systems of smart healthcare. In our framework, collaborations. Patients can obtain their comprehensive health
each patient has a dedicated virtual machine in data sharing information on past, present and future by accessing the med-
system, each virtual machine provides a group data services ical data center in anywhere and anytime. In addition, their
which can be released to those authorized service consumers electronic medical records (EMR), electronic health records
or IoT things. In additon, virtual machine is protected by the (EHR) and electronic medical images (EMI) stored in cloud
SDN-based gateway which provides a firewall mechanism and
guarantees only authorized things can access patient’s virtual can be shared with global medical experts rapidly, which can
machine. Since each thing has a unique MAC address, thus accelerate the diagnoses of some difficult diseases. That is
our framework can effectively authenticate resource-constrained because of so much unprecedented advantages, Grand View
IoT things and tackle the problems caused by identity theft. To Research predicts that the global market of smart healthcare
validate the effectiveness and feasibility of our framework, we will appear explosive growth in next decades, especially in
implement an experimental system using POX controller and
Mininet emulator. The experimental results illustrate our frame- north America, it will be expanded to 300 Billion U.S. dol-
work is effective under different test scenarios. As increasing the lar by 2022 [2]. However, smart healthcare needs patients to
scale of information flow model, the framework can still work share their physiological information for real-time monitor-
well and its performance can be still acceptable. ing or online analyzing. Since all physiological information
Index Terms—Smart healthcare, SDN, access control, virtual are of extremely sensitive information for patients, thus if the
machine, firewall. data sharing system of smart healthcare lacks effective secu-
rity mechanisms, these information might be accessed by those
illegal users or malicious insiders, whereby it will incur serious
privacy leakage accidents and cause more serious psycholog-
ical harms to patients. According to the survey [6], only in
S NOVEL healthcare paradiagm, smart healthcare
A can provide more efficient and high quality medical
services for patients. Specifically, the benefits of adopt-
the United States, the economic losses due to medical identity
theft has been nearly 41.3 billion dollars per year. And more
than 78% participants worry about the leakage or misusing of
ing smart healthcare can be concluded as three perspec- their medical personal information [6].
tives [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]: (1) Lifetime monitoring and Moreover, compared with traditional networks, data sharing
disease prediction. In smart healthcare, patient’s physiologi- system of smart healthcare need to confront some brand-new
cal information collected by body sensors will be sent to the challenges. First, smart healthcare is a giant system based on
data sharing system for monitoring or diagnoses. By means of Internet of Things (IoT), thus a large amount of data in sharing
Manuscript received October 1, 2018; revised February 2, 2019, June 15, system are produced by IoT things, such as medical devices
2019, and September 2, 2019; accepted September 10, 2019. Date of publica- or body sensors. The services tightly coupled with IoT things
tion September 13, 2019; date of current version March 11, 2020. This paper are always called as real-world services [7], [8]. By means
has been sponsored and supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No.61772270), partially supported by National Natural Science of real-world services, service consumers can get information
Foundation of China (Grant No.61602262). The associate editor coordinat- from things in real time or send instructions to operate an IoT
ing the review of this article and approving it for publication was C. Fung. thing remotely. Thus, data sharing system of smart healthcare
(Corresponding author: Yunfei Meng.)
Y. Meng, Z. Huang, and G. Shen are with the College of Computer not only need to consider the accesses of human, but also need
Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, to consider the accesses of IoT things. Due to constrained
Nanjing 211106, China (e-mail: [email protected]). resources, how to effectively authenticate IoT things is a big
C. Ke is with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing
University of Post and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China. challenge for data sharing system because it is nearly impos-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSM.2019.2941214 sible for a sensor to send a password or verification code to
1932-4537 c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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system. Second, encryption-based data sharing mechanisms, Grammar: The grammar of P-Spec language is defined as a
such as attribute-based encryption (ABE) [9], [10], [11], [12], 4-tuple: G P −Spec = N , T , R, S, where S is the start symbol
are insufficient to define fine-grained data operations, i.e., if a of P-Spec language. N = { Subject, Policy } is the finite set
user decrypts an encrypted file, then the user can do anything of nonterminal symbols. T is the finite set of terminal symbols.
towards the decrypted file. But in some cases, we hope some Let T = {OP, K, V, C}, where OP = {=, +, ||, →, (, )}
data can only be explored online, can’t be copied or down- is the finite set of operation symbols, = represents semantical
loaded by users. Third, authentication-based access control equal, + represents logical and, || represents logical or, and →
techniques [13], [14], [15], [16], such as role-based access con- represents logical imply to. K is the finite set of keywords. V is
trol (RBAC) [17] or identity-based access control (IBAC) [18], the finite set of variables. C is the finite set of policy words. R
are vulnerable when facing identity theft, that is if a legal is the finite set of production rules, each production rule of R
user’s identities (private key) have been cracked by an attacker, is a relation from N to (N ∪T )∗ , where the asterisk represents
then attacker will obtain all of legal authorizations accordingly. the Kleene star operation. Given ϕ ∈ N , k ∈ K, v ∈ V, c ∈
To tackle these problems, we are motivated by the fol- C, thus R can be defined with backus naur forms as follows.
lowing efforts. First, each patient should have a dedicated
virtual machine in data sharing system. Since virtual machine ϕ ::= v = c
is an enclosed system, thus only patients can access their k = v |k = c|(ϕ)|ϕ||ϕ|ϕ + ϕ|ϕ → ϕ (1)
personal data stored in virtual machine, while any others
P-Spec Language: The P-Spec language is defined as a set:
(including storage provider) can not. Meanwhile, each vir- ∗
L(G P −Spec ) = {ω ∈ T ∗ |S =⇒ ω}, where T ∗ is the universal
tual machine provides a group data services for patient, and ∗
set of strings produced by T . S =⇒ ω represents from the start
patient can define which service could be accessed by which
symbol S, the string ω can be derived with relevant production
external service consumers or IoT thing. Second, patient’s
rules of R within limited steps.
virtual machine should be protected by a specific gateway.
In further step, any model of a formal language can be
The gateway provides a firewall mechanism which guaran-
defined as an interpretation under a specific universe of A
tees only the authorized IoT things can access patient’s virtual
for the formal language [20]. Hence, we have the following
machine while any unauthorized accesses will be prohibited
automatically. Since each IoT thing has a unique MAC address
Interpretation: An interpretation of L(G P −Spec ) is a pair
and MAC is difficult to be captured and forged in wide area
A, I, where A is nonempty set and I is a func-
network (WAN), thus our framework can effectively authen-
tion which maps the N , T , R, S of L(G P −Spec ) into the
ticate those resource-constrained IoT things and tackle the
I(N ), I(T ), I(R), I(S) under A.
problems caused by identity theft attacks.
P-Spec Model: Given an interpretation of A, I, if A, I
In summary, this paper makes the following contributions:
has mapped the N , T , R, S of P-Spec language into the
(1) We propose a SDN-based security enforcement framework
I(N ), I(T ), I(R), I(S) under A. Thus, the P-Spec model
for data sharing system of smart healthcare. (2) We propose a
is defined as: MP −Spec = A, I(N ), I(T ), I(R), I(S),
service releasing policy by which service provider can strictly
where A is the universe (or domain) of model MP −Spec .
regulate which data service could be released to which service
consumer or IoT thing in system. (3) We propose a SDN-based
gateway to protect patient’s virtual machine in system, which B. Software Defined Networking
provides a firewall mechanism and can guarantee only legal Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach which
service consumers or IoT things can access patient’s virtual facilitates network management and enables more efficient
machine, while others can not. (4) We implement a proof- network configurations [21]. The framework of SDN can
of-concept experimental system and evaluate the effectiveness be decomposed as application plane, control plane and data
and feasibility of our framework. plane [22]. SDN suggests to centralize network intelligence
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. in one network component by decoupling the controlling pro-
Section II is preliminary, Section III is the proposed system cess (control plane) from the forwarding process (data plane).
model. Section IV is the main body of this paper, which OpenFlow switch is the core of data plane, which consists of
presents our framework in detail. Section V implements the three parts: flow table, OpenFlow protocol and secure chan-
framework and evaluates its effectiveness and performance. nel. The architecture of OpenFlow switch can be depicted in
Section VI discusses the threat models and countermeasures. Figure 1.
Section VII reviews some related works and compares them In this configuration, when a new packet arrives through in-
with our framework. Finally, Section VIII concludes this paper. ports, switch compares the header field of the packet against
all flow entries in flow table. If this packet matches an
existed entry, the switch updates its counters and executes
the associated actions of entry, otherwise the packet will be
sent to SDN controller through secure channel. By means
A. P-Spec Policy Language of preloaded applications, the controller decides how to deal
We first propose P-Spec policy specification language with the incoming packets. If packets can to be forwarded,
in [19] and further develop it in this paper. The detailed controller inserts a new entry into flow table with relevant
definitions of the language are as follows. information of the packet, then forwards it. If packets need to

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(URI) of service in system. VMi ∈ VMM is the virtual

machine of service in system. Given two different services
Si , Sj , it holds urii = urij , i.e., each service can only
have one unique URI in system. Service model is defined as:
SM = {S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn }.
Service Provider Model (SPM): Each service provider is the
owner of services run in a virtual machine. It is formalized as:
SPi = pki , Ti , VMi , where pki is the private key of service
provider in system. Ti ∈ TM is the thing of service provider
in system, VMi ∈ VMM is the virtual machine of service
provider in system. Given two different service provider SPi ,
SPj , it holds (pki = pkj ) ∩ (Ti = Tj ) ∩ (VMi = VMj ),
Fig. 1. Architecture of OpenFlow Switch. i.e., each service provider can only have unique private key,
thing and virtual machine in system. Service provider model
is defined as: SPM = {SP0 , SP1 , . . . , SPn }.
be dropped, controller first clear counter of the packet, then Service Consumer Model (SCM): Each service consumer
drops it directly. OpenFlow Protocol regulates the format of is the user of services run in a virtual machine. It is for-
information flows transmitted between OpenFlow switch and malized as: SCi = cki , Ti , where cki is the private key
controller. The format of flow entry is defined as three parts: of service consumer in system. Ti ∈ TM is the thing of
header fields, counters and actions. As shown in Figure 1, each service consumer in system. Given two different service con-
header field can be further decomposed as 12 subfields, such sumer SCi , SCj , it holds (cki = ckj ) ∩ (Ti = Tj ), i.e.,
as source IP, destination IP and some others. each service consumer can only have unique private key
Controller plane consists of three parts: secure channel, and thing in system. Service consumer model is defined as:
network operating system (NOS) and network applications. SCM = {SC0 , SC1 , . . . , SCn }.
Secure channel is the interface in which controller can com-
municate with switch. Network applications are deployed IV. SDN-BASED S ECURITY E NFORCEMENT F RAMEWORK
on NOS platform, and implement some customized secu- Based on the aforementioned system model, we propose a
rity or performance policies towards network management, SDN-based security enforcement framework for data sharing
such as firewall, VM migrations, intrusion detections and systems of smart healthcare in this paper. In the following of
etc. Currently mainstream SDN controllers include of open- this section, we first overview the entire framework. Then we
source POX [23], NOX [24], Floodlight [25] and some introduce an important formal model, service releasing policy
other commercial controllers, such as NSX controller [26] of (SRM). Next, we present SDN-based gateway in framework,
VMware. which consists of information flow model (IFM) and IFM-
based virtual machine access control algorithm.
Data sharing system of smart healthcare is a giant fusion A. Overview of Framework
system which combines human, hosts, IoT things and cloud The proposed framework is depicted in Figure 2. In our
services. In order to formalize such a system, we introduce framework, each patient has a dedicated virtual machine in
a group formal system models in this section. Here human data sharing system, thus patient is a service provider (SP),
is formalized as service consumer model (SCM) and service i.e., the owner of services run in the virtual machine. Each
provider model (SPM), host is formalized as virtual machine physician or an IoT thing is a service consumer (SC), i.e.,
model (VMM), thing is formalized as thing model (TM), the user of services run in the virtual machine. As service
service is formalized as service model (SM). The detailed provider, patient can regulate which service in her/his virtual
definitions are as follows. machine could be released to which physician or which thing.
Thing Model (TM): Each IoT thing is formalized as: Ti = Only through the indicated service interfaces can physicians
maci , where maci is the MAC address of thing in system. access patient’s personal data stored in virtual machine.
Given two different things Ti , Tj , it holds maci = macj , i.e., Specifically, the framework can be decomposed as two
each thing can only have one unique MAC address in system. main layers, i.e., virtual machine (VM) layer and SDN-based
Thing model is defined as: TM = {T0 , T1 , . . . , Tn }. gateway (Gateway) layer. The purpose of introducing virtual
Virtual Machine Model (VMM): Each virtual machine is machine layer is to tackle the problems caused by insider
formalized as: VMi = ipi , where ipi is the IP address of vir- attacks. Since virtual machine is an enclosed system, thus
tual machine in system. Given two different virtual machines only patient can access the data stored in VM while any oth-
VMi , VMj , it holds ipi = ipj , i.e., each VM can only have ers (including storage provider) can not. In this way, we can
one unique IP address in system. Virtual machine model is prevent those malicious insiders from accessing patient’s per-
defined as: VMM = {VM0 , VM1 , . . . , VMn }. sonal data illegally. The virtual machine layer can be further
Service Model (SM): Each service is formalized as: Si = decomposed as two sub-layers, policy layer and service layer.
urii , VMi , where urii is the uniform resource identifier Service releasing policy (SRM) is created by service provider

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users who have stolen the identities (private key) of legal con-
sumers from accessing patient’s virtual machine in system.
Specifically, SDN-based gateway layer can be further decom-
posed with SDN controller and OpenFlow virtual switches
(OVS). Firstly, any accesses to patient’s virtual machine will
be intercepted as suspicious flows by OVS and sent to the con-
troller for analyzing. Then, IFM-based virtual machine access
control algorithm integrated in the controller will check the
header fields of the incoming flow against those information
flow rules defined in IFM. If matching successfully, that indi-
cates the flow is sent from those authorized things, controller
will update the flow table in OVS and forwards the flow to
the patient’s virtual machine. If matching failed, the controller
will drop the incoming flow directly because the flow is sent
from those misusing or malicious consumers or IoT things.
In this way, our framework can guarantee only the authorized
IoT things in system can access patient’s VM, while those
unauthorized can not.

B. Service Releasing Policy

Based on the particular requirements of smart healthcare,
we propose a service releasing policy (SRM) in this paper.
SRM is defined by service provider of data sharing system,
and can strictly regulate which service in system could be
released to which service consumer or which IoT thing. The
detailed definitions are as follows.
Fig. 2. The proposed framework. The yellow components represent the Service Releasing Rule: Each service releasing rule RRi can
services or models created by service provider, the deep blue components be defined as a P-Spec policy model (MP −Spec ) and I(R)
represent the system models or system components. is defined as follows.
RRi ::= Subject → Object
in policy layer, which strictly regulates which service could be Subject ::= (SC = SCi )|(T = Tj )
accessed by which service consumer or which thing in system. Object ::= (∗)|(Service = Sk )
After that, SRM and relative system models, such as service
|Object + Object|Object||Object (2)
model (SM), service consumer model (SCM) or thing model
(TM), will be converted into a corresponding information flow where SCi ∈ SCM is a service consumer, Tj ∈ TM is a
model (IFM) by system automatically. IFM is a formal model thing, symbol ∗ represents all services, Sk ∈ SM is a service,
which has underlying information of network, such as MAC symbol + represents logical and, symbol || represents logical
address of thing or IP address of virtual machine, which can or, and 0 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n, n ∈ N. Semantically, service releasing
assist the gateway to identify which IoT thing is authorized rule represents the service Sk or some other services of service
or unauthorized. Patient doesn’t need to know these underly- provider can be released to the service consumer SCi or the
ing network information because they are provided by system thing Tj .
models, and all system models are created and updated by Service Releasing Policy (SRM): Service releasing policy
system not by patients. Service layer manages patient’s per- is a set of service releasing rules and defined as: SRM =
sonal data and a group services, such as online exploring data {RR0 , RR1 , . . . , RRn }.
service, updating data service, downloading data service or For example, we assume that patient Bob has a dedicated
etc. Patient leverages SRM to regulate which service could be virtual machine VM1 ∈ VMM in data sharing system. As
released or not. service provider, his SPM is defined as SP0 = pk0 , T1 ,
The purpose of introducing SDN-based gateway is to tackle VM1 , where pk0 is Bob’s private key in system, T1 ∈ TM
the problems caused by identity theft attacks. In our frame- is Bob’s thing in system, VM1 is Bob’s virtual machine
work, each dedicated virtual machine of patient is protected in system. Meanwhile, as service consumer, Bob can also
by the SDN-based gateway. The gateway provides a firewall access all of services in his VM1 , whose SCM is defined
mechanism which can identify the MAC address of consumers as SC0 = pk0 , T1 . Mike is a cardiologist, whose SCM is
who want to access patient’s virtual machine. Since each ser- defined as SC1 = ck1 , T2 , where ck1 is Mike’s private key
vice consumer (physician or IoT thing) can only have a unique in system, T2 ∈ TM is Mike’s thing in system. Mary is an
MAC address in system and MAC address is difficult to be internist, whose SCM is defined as SC2 = ck2 , T3 , where
forged, thus our framework can effectively authenticate those ck2 is Mary’s private key in system, T3 ∈ TM is Mary’s thing
resource-constrained IoT things and prevent those malicious in system. If Bob regulates only electrocardiogram (ECG)

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online exploring service and X-Ray online exploring service

could be released to Mike, and only X-Ray online exploring
service could be released to Mary, then SRM of the example
can be established and shown in Table I. Here S0 = uri0 , Information Flow Model (IFM): Given service releasing
VM1  is ECG online exploring service, S1 = uri1 , VM1  is model SRM = {RR0 , RR1 , . . . , RRn }, we denote the IFM
X-Ray online exploring service. converted from the SRM as IFMSRM , then IFMSRM is
defined as follows.
C. SDN-Based Gateway 
Leveraging software-defined networking (SDN), we pro- IFMSRM = {RF }RRi (4)
pose a SDN-based gateway in our framework, which provides i=0
a firewall mechanism and guarantees only authorized IoT
where {RF }RRi is the set of information flow rules converted
things (e.g., hosts, terminals, devices or sensors) defined by
from each RRi ∈ SRM using equation (3), and 0 ≤ i ≤ n,
IFM can access patient’s virtual machine, while unautho-
n ∈ N.
rized things can not. In the following, we first present how
By means of equation (3) and equation (4), SRM shown in
to establish information flow model (IFM), then we give
Table I can be converted into its corresponding IFM shown in
the detailed description of IFM-based virtual machine access
Table II. Here SP0 is Bob who creates these information flow
control algorithm used in the gateway.
rules, ip1 ∈ VM1 is IP address of VM1 , mac1 ∈ T1 ∈ SC0
1) Information Flow Model: Information flow model is a
is the MAC address of thing T1 used by Bob, mac2 ∈ T2 ∈
formal model converted from SRM and system models dynam-
SC1 is the MAC address of thing T2 used by Mike, mac3 ∈
ically, which implies that IFM can be evolved synchronously
T3 ∈ SC2 is the MAC address of thing T3 used by Mary. F
with the changes of SRM or relative system models. The
represents actions forward, U represents the rule is created by
detailed definitions of IFM are as follows.
a user.
Information Flow Rule: Each information flow rule RFi
2) IFM-Based Virtual Machine Access Control Algorithm:
is defined as 5-tuple: Subject, Src, Dst, Action, Role, where
IFM-based virtual machine access control algorithm is run
Subject is the creator of the information flow. Src is the source
in SDN controller and plays as the core of SDN-based
(MAC address) of the information flow. Dst is the destina-
gateway. In order to describe the algorithm accurately, we
tion (IP address) of the information flow. Action = {F, D}, F
introduce a group formal models related with software-defined
represents this information flow can be forwarded to its des-
networking. The detailed definitions are as follows.
tination, B represents this information flow must be blocked.
Flow: Each OpenFlow protocol-based flow in SDN can be
Role = {A, U}, A represents this rule is created by administra-
formalized as a 3-tuple: FL = FLSrc , FLDst , FLdata , where
tor, U represents this rule is created by normal users. Here we
FLSrc represents the source address of the flow, FLDst rep-
define the role’s priority as: A>U, i.e., when two information
resents the destination address of the flow, FLdata represent
flow rules appear policy conflictions, the rule of A can override
the transmitting data of the flow.
the rule of U, but not vice versa.
Entry: Each entry of flow table can be formalized as a
Convert IFM from SRM: Given service releasing policy
3-tuple: Ei = ESrc , EDst , EAction , where ESrc represents
SRM, for ∀ RRt ∈ SRM , the RRt can be converted into a
the source address of the entry, EDst represents the destination
group corresponding RFi rules, and the conversion procedure
address of the entry, EAction = {forward , block } represent
can be defined as a function.
 the operations (forward/block) of the entry.
SPi , mack , ipj , F , U 
RRt → (3) Flow Table: Flow table is a set of entries and defined as:
SPi , ipj , mack , F , U  FT = {E0 , E1 , . . . , En }.
where SPi is the service provider who creates the service Based on the introduced formal models, IFM-based vir-
releasing rule, mack ∈ Tk ∈ SCk is the MAC address of tual machine access control algorithm can be described as
consumer SCk ’s thing in system, ipj ∈ VMj ∈ Sj is the IP Algorithm 1 in pseudo code. The working process of the
address of service Sj ’s virtual machine in system, F represents algorithm can be concluded as the following steps.
the action is forward, U represents the rule is created by user, Step 1: OVS captures a suspicious incoming flow FL and
and 0 ≤ i, j, k, t ≤ n, n ∈ N. Semantically, each RRt rule sends it to the controller for analyzing.
can be converted into its corresponding two RFi rules. The Step 2: Controller compares the header fields of FL with
first rule represents the information flow sent from consumer existed RFi ∈ IFM . (Case 1:) If finding there exists a rule
SCk ’s thing to service Sj ’s virtual machine. The second one which makes Src equals the source MAC address of FL, Dst
is the flow sent from service Sj ’s virtual machine to consumer equals the destination IP address of FL, and Action equals F,
SCk ’s thing. Hence, each information flow is bidirectional. then incoming flow FL is sent from an authorized consumer

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Algorithm 1 IFM-Based VM Access Control Algorithm

Input: IFM, FL, FT;
Output: FT;
1: While(IFM = ∅) {
2: ∃RFi ∈ IFM ;
3: // Case 1: it is from authorized users
4: If(Src = FLSrc and Dst = FLDst and Action = F )
5: //Update Flow Table
6: FTSrc = FLSrc ;
7: FTDst = FLDst ;
8: FTAction = forward ;
9: Insert  FTSrc , FTDst , FTAction  into FT;
10: Return FT;
11: // Case 2: it is from malicious users
12: If(Src = FLSrc and Action = B )
13: //Update Flow Table
14: FTSrc = FLSrc ;
15: FTDst = FLDst ;
16: FTAction = block ;
17: Insert  FTSrc , FTDst , FTAction  into FT;
18: Drop FLdata ;
19: Return FT;
20: Read next RFj ∈ IFM ; Fig. 3. The experimental system.
21: }
22: // Case 3: it is from misusing users
23: Drop FL;
A. Experimental System
24: Return FT;
25: End. Leveraging open-source POX controller [23] and Mininet
emulator [32], we implemented an experimental system based
on the proposed framework. As depicted in Figure 3, the
system consists of virtual machine layer and gateway layer.
In gateway layer, we set one SDN controller (POX), one
and can be permitted to access the VM. In this case, con-
edge switch (Edge), three OpenFlow virtual switch instances
troller will update the flow table FT of OVS and let OVS to
(OVS1, OVS2 and OVS3) supporting OpenFlow protocol
forward the flow. (Case 2:) If finding there exists a rule which
1.1.0. We also implemented IFM-based virtual machine access
can match FL but its Action equals B, then FL is sent from
control algorithm (Algorithm 1) with Python and integrate it
malicious users. In this case, the controller will updates FT
into the core of POX controller. In virtual machine layer, we
of OVS and let OVS to block all flows sent from the same
set three virtual machines (VM1, VM2 and VM3). In addition,
source MAC address. (Case 3:) If finding no any rules in IFM
we also set five service consumers in system, i.e., Physician1,
can match FL, the controller will drop FL directly because
Physician2, Physician3, patient Bob and Hacker. We run POX
it is sent from unauthorized or misusing users, but it doesn’t
controller on a PC with Windows 7 platform, Intel Core i5
update FT in this case.
2.50 GHz processor and 4 Gbytes of RAM. We run Mininet
Step 3: OVS executes the instructions sent from the
emulator on Raspberry Card PC with Linux platform, ARMv7
processor and 945 Mbytes of RAM. Raspberry Card PC
is connected with Windows 7 platform directly by Ethernet
To validate the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed
framework, we implement a proof-of-concept experimental B. Evaluation
system to conduct the relevant experiments. The primary goal 1) Test Scenario: We assume that patient Bob has his
of experiments consists of three perspectives: First, we want dedicated virtual machine VM3 in data sharing system. Bob
to evaluate the effectiveness of our framework, i.e., according leverages SRM to regulate only Physician1 can access ser-
to the definition of IFM, only authorized things could access vice1 and service2 in his VM3 , while other physicians can not.
service provider’s virtual machine, while unauthorized things Meanwhile, as service provider, Bob’s thing can access all of
can not. Second, we want to evaluate whether our framework services in VM3 . If Bob has system identity SP0 ∈ SPM and
can make effective dynamic responses towards IFM’s modifi- SC0 ∈ SCM , Physician1 has system identity SC1 ∈ SCM ,
cation in run time. Third, we want to evaluate the performance S1 = service1, S2 = service2, then SRM of the test scenario
of our framework as increasing the scale of IFM continuously. can be defined in Table III.

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synchronously. We denote the new IFM as IFM’, and show

it in Table V. Here mac3 = 00:00:00:00:00:05 and it is the
MAC address of Physician3’s thing in system. Obviously, it is
easy to update POX controller though shutting down it, loading
new IFM, and restarting it again. But it is unacceptable in real
data sharing system because stopping controller will severely
effect the normal services of other users in system. Hence, we
want to further evaluate the effectiveness of our framework
in case of IFM being changed in run time, i.e., whether our
framework can make effective dynamic responses towards the
modification of IFM and keep system effective after IFM being
Fig. 4. The screenshot of system after executing pingall instruction in
To achieve this goal, we design a new experimental pro-
cess. We first establish IFM’ using a Text file. Next, we
utilize xterm instruction to activate the observing windows
Leveraging equation (3) and (4) mentioned in Section IV, of VM3, Physician1 and Physician3 respectively, then utilize
the created SRM in Table III can be converted into its cor- iperf instruction to send TCP packets to VM3 from Physician1
responding information flow model. As shown in Figure 3, and Physician3 at the same time. After 40 seconds of execut-
Bob’s thing has MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:01, Physician1’s ing iperf, we load new created IFM’ into POX controller in
thing has MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:03, VM3 has IP run time and keep the system going on. When time is up
address and Bob’s identity is SP0 , then IFM of to 100 seconds, we stop the experiment, and extract the data
the test scenario can be established and shown in Table IV. recorded in VM3. After data processing, we plot these data in
Here mac0 = 00:00:00:00:00:01, mac1 = 00:00:00:00:00:03, Figure 5. As it is shown, due to the interceptions of POX con-
ip0 = troller, TCP bandwidth of system fluctuates violently. Before
2) Effectiveness Evaluation: To evaluate the effectiveness loading IFM’, VM3 can only receive TCP packets sent from
of our framework, we design two independent experiments Physician1 and packets from Physician3 is zero. After load-
based on test scenario. The experiment 1 is to evaluate ing IFM’ at 40 seconds, VM3 doesn’t receive the flows sent
whether our framework is effective after loading IFM defined from Physician3 immediately. Almost at 45 seconds, VM3
in Table IV. The experiment 2 is to evaluate whether our begins to receive packets from Physician3, while TCP band-
framework can make effective dynamic responses towards the width from Physician1 goes down sharply. After 46 seconds,
modification of IFM in run time. TCP packets from Physician1 tends to be zero and VM3 can
The process of experiment 1 is designed as follows. First only receive the packets sent from Physician3. Hence, the final
of all, we establish the IFM in Table IV using a Text file and experimental result has clearly illustrated that our framework
load the IFM into POX controller, then we restart POX con- can make effective dynamic responses towards IFM modifica-
troller. After that, we execute pingall instruction in Mininet tion in run time, and the latency of dynamic response is nearly
CLI and observe the reachability of entire system. If experi- 5∼6 seconds.
mental result is consistent with the security requirements of After that, we continue to utilize pingall instruction to
test scenario, then our framework is effective, otherwise it is observe the reachability of the entire system after IFM being
invalid. Figure 4 is the screenshot of the system after executing changed, i.e., we want to validate whether the system can
pingall instruction. As it is shown, we can observe that only keep effective after IFM being changed. Figure 6 is the
Physician1 and Bob can access VM3 while other consumers screenshot of system after executing pingall. As it is shown,
can not. And most of misusing or malicious flows, approxi- only Physician3 and Bob can access VM3, while other hosts
mately 92% of total flows, have been denied by the gateway. can not. Hence, the result proofs that our framework is still
The result has proofed that our framework is truly effective effective after IFM being changed in run time.
under the test scenario. 3) Performance Evaluation: The primary goal of
The process of experiment 2 is designed as follows. We performance evaluation is to validate whether our framework
first assume Bob changes his service releasing policy (SRM) can still work well as increasing the scale of IFM continu-
in test scenario, i.e., only Physician3 can access his VM3 , ously, and its overhead can be still acceptable. We think this
while any other consumers (including Physician1) can not. evaluation is important for multi-tenant data sharing system,
Accordingly, new SRM will be converted into a new IFM because with the increasing of virtual machines, the scale

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Fig. 5. The final result recorded in VM3 under executing iperf instruction from Physician1 and Physician3 at the same time. The red line represents the TCP
flow sent from Physician1, blue line represents the TCP flow sent from Physician3, black dash line is a boundary of loading new IFM into POX controller.

growing number of information flow rules and all of time can

be still acceptable.


In this section, we first discuss the main threat models
and the relevant countermeasures. Then we discuss some
limitations existed in our present framework.
Identity Theft Attack: An identity theft attack is attackers
Fig. 6. The screenshot of system after executing pingall instruction in
Mininet. illegally obtain legal user’s privileges by forging the identity
information of legitimate users [30]. Normally, traditional
authentication-based access control mechanisms utilized in
of IFM will be increased definitely. To achieve this goal, present data sharing system are mainly based on the user’s
based on IFM shown in Table IV, we conduct six groups identity (ID) and private key (PK). If an attacker can crack
of testings, where we set the total number of IFM rules as or capture the pair ID, PK of legal user, the attacker can
2, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 respectively. For each group easily pass the authentication of system using the forged iden-
testing, we utilize ping instruction to send ICMP packets tity, whereby obtain all of authorizations and sensitive data
from Physician1 to VM3 and repeat it for 10 times (T1 ∼ of legal users. To tackle the threats caused by identity theft,
T10), then we record all of response time in Mininet. After all in our framework, patient’s virtual machines in data sharing
testings finished, we show all of response time created by six system are well protected by the SDN-based gateway. The
groups of experiments in Table VI. Following, we leverage gateway provides a firewall mechanism which can identify
MATLAB toolkits to calculate the corresponding cumulative the requiring pair Src, Dst  of service consumers in real
distribution functions (CDF) based on the data set shown in time. Meanwhile, we bind each authorized service consumer
Table VI, and plot the calculated results in Figure 7. As it is (or IoT thing) with a unique MAC address. Here we assume
depicted, as increasing the scale of IFM from 2 rules up to that attacker hacker has cracked the pair ID, PK of legal user
1000 rules, our framework can still work well, the response Bob. When hacker wants to enter the Bob’s virtual machine
time of ping is increased linearly in accordance with the using the identities of Bob, the access request will be denied

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Fig. 7. Based on the recorded data shown in Table VI, we leverage the related MATLAB toolkits to create the corresponding cumulative distribution function
(CDF). From the result, we can observe that, as increasing the scale of IFM from 2 flow rules to 1000 flow rules, the response time of system is nearly linear
with respect to the number of flow rules in IFM.

by our gateway automatically because the MAC address of or DDoS attacks, the system will probably incur single-point-
hacker is different from the MAC address of Bob. Since MAC of-failure in some cases. Hence in the future, we need to
address is difficult to be captured and forged in wide area further improve the robustness of our framework by integrating
network (WAN), thus our framework can effectively authenti- the intrusion detecting functions towards DDoS attacks, such
cate those resource-constrained IoT things and prevent those as the toolkits introduced by the proposals of [28], [29]. In that
malicious users who have stolen the identities (private key) of way, when DDoS attack occurs, the gateway can timely detect
legal consumers from accessing to the virtual machines. the malicious access behaviors and block all of requests sent
Insider Attack: An insider attack is a malicious threat to from those malicious hosts automatically, whereby improve
an organization that comes from people within the orga- the robustness of our framework. Although we don’t address
nization, such as employees, former employees, contractors this concern in this paper, yet integrating such intrusion detect-
or business associates. The threats may involve fraud, the ing abilities into our framework will be an important task as
theft of confidential or commercially valuable information, our ongoing works.
the theft of intellectual property, or the sabotage of computer
systems [31]. Encryption-based access control mechanism is
one of countermeasures which can tackle the problems caused VII. R ELATED W ORK
by insider attacks. But encryption can’t prevent those autho- The SDN-based gateway of our framework provides a fire-
rized users from disclosing patient’s data because they can do wall mechanism which guarantees only authorized things can
anything towards those decrypted files. In our framework, each access service providers’s virtual machine, while those unde-
patient has dedicated virtual machines in system. Since virtual fined things can not. Hence, in this section, we want to discuss
machine is an enclosed system, thus only patient can access some research works concerning how to implement dynamic
to the data stored in VM while any others (including stor- firewall mechanism using SDN, and compare these proposals
age provider) can not. In virtual machine, patient can define with our framework.
fine-grained data operations for different authorized users by Hu et al. [33] proposed a comprehensive framework,
means of defining the service releasing policy (SRM). In this Flowguard, to facilitate accurate detection as well as flexible
case, if an authorized user is only granted to the right to read resolution of firewall policy violations in dynamic OpenFlow
online, then these data could not be disseminated by this user. networks. In addition, authors implemented a prototype using
Hence, our framework can well tackle the problems caused by Floodlight. The experimental results show that Flowguard
insider attacks. has the manageable performance overhead to enable realtime
However, there still exists some limitations in our present monitoring network. Similarly, Porras et al. [34] proposed a
framework. That is now we don’t consider the potential threats security enforcement controller, FortNOX, which is an exten-
caused by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks [27] sion on NOX controller. FortNOX is designed to enable a
or flooding attacks. Due to heavily depending on the SDN network flow to be blocked (or allowed) by security applica-
controller to defend those unauthorized accesses, thus the tions. They also proposed a conflict resolving mechanism used
controller might be a potential vulnerability in our present in case of appearing policy conflicts. Exactly, we are inspired
framework. Especially, when attackers launch flooding attacks by the ideas of Flowguard and FortNOX in some sense, we

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also design the relevant policy resolving mechanism in our consumer or which IoT thing. Next, we present SDN-based
framework, i.e., the information flow rules of administrator gateway in our framework which consists of information flow
(Role = A) can override those rules of users (Role = U). model (IFM) and IFM-based virtual machine access control
Moreover, we design all entries in OVS can be automatically algorithm. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and feasi-
updated per t minutes, which can also be used to resolve the bility of our framework, we implement a proof-of-concept
policy conflicts. experimental system using POX controller and Mininet emula-
Suh et al. [35] leveraged POX controller to implement a tor, and implement IFM-based virtual machine access control
firewall application. Each firewall rule can be defined by 6 algorithm with Python. The final results has proofed that our
actions and 12 conditions, and the final experimental results framework is truly effective after loading different test sce-
illustrate the firewall is effective. But this mechanism requires narios. When IFM is changed in run time, our framework can
network operators to know the details of underlying network, make effective dynamic responses towards these modifications,
and input the firewall rules into the controller manually. While and the latency of dynamic response is only 5 ∼ 6 seconds. In
in our framework, all of information flow rules of IFM are further, as increasing the scale of IFM from 2 rules up to 1000
converted from SRM automatically, service providers just need rules, our framework can still work well, the response time of
to know which service could be released to which consumer or system is increased linearly in accordance with the growing
which thing, other details of underlying network can be created number of information flow rules and all of time can be still
from system models automatically. Therefore, any normal user acceptable. Finally, we discuss the threat models towards the
can leverage our framework to rapidly define their security system and the relevant countermeasures.
policies. In our present framework, we don’t consider the potential
Koerner and Kao [36] proposed a MAC-based VLAN tag- threats caused by flooding attacks, especially the distributed
ging mechanism using SDN. The virtual local area network denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Thus, the SDN controller
(VLAN) has been widely used in enterprise networks where might be a potential vulnerability in our framework. Hence
the security policy is always defined by VLAN address. But in the future, we need to further improve the robustness of
some mobile laptop-based workstations often change their our framework by integrating with intrusion detecting func-
locations, which will leads to the frequent changing of its tions towards DDoS attacks. In that way, when DDoS attack
VLAN address and incur security policy conflicts. To address occurs, the gateway can timely detect the malicious behav-
this problem, authors leverage Floodlight controller to map the iors and block all of requests sent from those malicious hosts
MAC address of laptop into its corresponding VLAN address automatically.
in network. Since MAC address is static, thus it can guarantees
the laptops can access the network successfully in different
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