CIGRE Green Books Overhead Lines - Parte1 PDF
CIGRE Green Books Overhead Lines - Parte1 PDF
CIGRE Green Books Overhead Lines - Parte1 PDF
CIGRE Green Books
Series editor
CIGRE, International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE), Paris, France
CIGRE presents their expertise in unique reference books on electricalpower net-
works. These books are of a self-contained handbook character coveringthe entire
knowledge of the subject within power engineering. The books arecreated by
CIGRE experts within their study committees and are recognized bythe engineering
community as the top reference books in their fields.
Overhead Lines
vi Message from the President
aspects are well covered. The books are an essential enrichment of the Cigré publi-
cation portfolio. More books in other fields will follow.
The authors and contributors of the two books (“Overhead Lines” in hand) have
to be congratulated for this first successful edition and their extreme efforts are sin-
cerely appreciated. The Technical Committee also has to be acknowledged as it took
In particular I like to express my sincerest thanks to Konstantin Papailiou, Chair-
man of Study Committee B2 (Overhead Lines) and to Pierre Argaut, Chairman of
Study Committee B1 (Insulated Cables) for their unflagging efforts to make both
books a success and having finished them in time for the Paris Session 2014. Kons-
tantin deserves particular credits as he was the one who offered the idea for a Refe-
rence Book in the first place to the Technical Committee.
Klaus Fröhlich
President of Cigré
Efficient use of electric energy is at the very heart of a sustainable future for us all
and for almost 100 years now, Cigré has provided a worldwide platform for achie-
ving such an ambitious target.
Initially, as integrated, high voltage, electric power networks were developed and
became established in various parts of the world, Cigré was very much focussed on
the technical aspects of transmission of electric energy. As the electric power indus-
try evolved it was vital that Cigré also evolved. Over time, greater focus was placed
on aspects such as markets, regulation, system planning, sustainability and informa-
tion systems but this was certainly not at the expense of the more fundamental
technical aspects.
Today, as the distinctions between transmission and distribution and between
end user and electricity provider are eroded and as the entire electric power system
becomes more interactive and reliant upon intelligent systems, Cigré’s focus has, of
course, widened to address the entire electric power system. Generation, transmis-
sion, distribution and end-use of electric energy are all addressed across the entire
spectrum from 1200 kV transmission grids to local micro-grids, employing AC or
The present day activities of Cigré can be divided into three key themes namely:
“Developing the power system of the future”, “Making best use of existing power
systems” and “Environment and sustainability”. Within this framework Cigré stri-
ves to bring together the widest possible range of experts from across the world to
share and exchange knowledge and to use this combined knowledge and experience
to develop and publish pre-eminent technical information and state of the art gui-
Our aim is to prepare documents and communications that are clear, readily
accessible, unambiguous and appropriate to the intended audience, and which also
promote the value and importance of electrical engineering and the electric power
industry within technical, political, business and academic arenas. This has been
achieved very successfully over many years and Cigré’s ever growing library of
Technical Brochures, conference papers, tutorials and articles is a unique and unpa-
ralleled resource in the electric power industry. Nevertheless, recognising that dis-
semination of high quality, unbiased information is Cigré’s singular focus, finding
new ways to make our work visible is always a priority, which brings us to the Cigré
Green Book initiative.
viii Message from the Chairman of the Technical Committee
While these lines are being written, Cigré counts more than 7700 individual mem-
bers and 1100 collective members from 90 countries. All the members have access
to the publications produced by the Cigré Working Groups in the form of “Techni-
cal Brochures” when their work is completed.
Between 40 and 50 new Technical Brochures are published yearly. The brochu-
res are announced in Electra, Cigré’s magazine, and are available for downloading
from e-cigre, the online library of Cigré (
Over 6800 references of publications, from 1968, can be accessed from this
library, one of the most comprehensive accessible databases of relevant technical
work on power engineering.
From 1931 to 1974 the technical reports of Working Groups were published only
in Electra. As some brochures were becoming voluminous it was decided to publish
them separately, as Technical Brochures.
The first Technical Brochures were published in around 1974, and until 2000
Electra or separate Technical Brochures could be used to deliver the work of the
Working Groups, depending on the size of the document, 6 pages being the limit for
a publication in Electra.
In 2000, Electra was redesigned, and as a result, no longer published the final
reports of Working Groups. Today only summaries of Technical Brochures are pro-
vided in Electra, in both English and French.
From 2002 to 2014 some Study Committees have produced many Technical Bro-
chures: up to 75 for one of them, the average being 30 per Study Committee.
Therefore it is a good idea to organize over twenty years of accumulated
knowledge into comprehensive books.
Cigré Green Books are a new collection of publications, in a new format, a good
method to compile a large amount of knowledge, and the additional efforts of the
experts of the Study Committees involved in such projects should be recognized.
I am sure that the work involved will be appreciated by all the Cigré community.
Welcome to this new collection which I wish every success!
Philippe Adam
Secretary General of Cigré
x Message from the Secretary General
Exactly at the date this book is being presented for the first time during the 45th
Cigré Session, i.e. on August 24th 2014, in Paris, the first high voltage AC transmis-
sion in the world took place. It was actually on August 24th 1891 when one of the
main players of this memorable event shouted from the top of a wooden pole in the
line: “The current is now in Frankfurt!”. And indeed, for the first time in world his-
tory, electric power from the picturesque small town of Lauffen in Southern Ger-
many travelled more than 185 km to provide light to 3000 incandescent bulbs and
an artificial waterfall at the then electro-technical exhibition in Frankfurt/Main. This
was the beginning of -also in the physical sense- “a long” success story. From the
single 15 kV, and later 25 kV-AC line supported on wooden poles and with 4 mm
diameter Copper conductors (the losses were in the range of 25%!), there are
nowadays in Europe alone more than 100,000 km of 380 kV AC lines, fully inter-
connected! Electric power lines are thus most probably the longest and most com-
plex artifact mankind has ever conceived and created. Cigré, the Council on Large
Electric Systems (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques), was foun-
ded 30 years later in 1921 in Paris, and by its unique structure has been and is the
supreme reference for electric power networks. The Cigré Study Committee on
Overhead Lines, one of the oldest in Cigré, combines through its presently 25 Wor-
king Groups (WG) and some 300 experts from more than 40 countries, a massive
–and impressive- expertise in this field. This guarantees valuable exchange and dis-
semination of unbiased information for technical and increasingly for nontechnical
audiences, like the public, journalists and politicians.
To be frank, overhead lines, despite a practically worldwide constant demand for
new lines and the refurbishment of old lines, and despite all the interesting enginee-
ring but also management tasks related to them, have been considered by some as
becoming old-fashioned. What a misconception! Through the “Energiewende”, i.e.
the massive integration of renewables in the network, on one side and the huge
demand for electric power in the developing countries, China, India and Brazil are
good examples, on the other, overhead lines have recently become focus items for
utilities, investors, researchers, media and the public, for the last not always with a
positive attitude.
In this sense the idea of writing a reference book on Overhead Lines was born in
order to present to all interested parties the bundled knowledge and experience of
Cigré SC B2 in this exciting field. It was also considered as a unique opportunity to
xii Preface
What a great coincidence! The very days the new CIGRE Green Book “Overhead
Lines” is to be presented during the bi-annual CIGRE session in the last week of
August, our industry – and I mean not only lines but the whole power system – will
celebrate the 125th anniversary of the first high voltage (15 kV to be precise) AC
transmission, which took place in the southern part of Germany in August 1891.
In 2014 I had the pleasure to write a few lines (lines again!) on the new series of
Reference Books CIGRE had started, the Overhead Lines Green Book and the HV
Cable Accessories Green Book. This has been an important step for CIGRE to make
available to the interested public valuable information collected over many years of
hard work in CIGRE working groups by a huge number of internationally-renowned
experts. The success of these books – hundreds have been sold since their introduc-
tion – proved that there is a demand for such information, which, because of its
plurality, is accurate and unbiased.
What better reason could there be to continue the series with subjects covered by
other CIGRE Study Committees, such as High Voltage Equipment, Insulated Cab-
les, Substations, HVDC and Power Electronics, Protection and Automation and
Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation? And what better concept than for
CIGRE to liaise with a renowned international publisher like Springer for the
GREEN Book Series, which will be published by Springer as part of their so-called
Major Reference Works, a brand recognized worldwide for high quality content and
layout and enjoying high visibility in a large number of libraries, book fairs, and
internet platforms?
Another big advantage of this concept is that the Green Books will be available
not only in print but also as#2003(eBook)s, with all their advantages, such as avai-
lability on mobile devices, easily searchable, fully linked content. At the same time
Springer will establish a so-called living book platform for each Green Book, where
updates, corrections, digital media material, etc. can be readily uploaded and will
become immediately available to the public.
The first book which will be published under this collaboration is this Overhead
Lines Green Book. Within my editorials duties I had the opportunity during proof
reading to go through it again two years later and make some corrections, additions
and updates here and there. And I have to confess that, although I thought I knew a
few things about Overhead Lines (a wonder after 40 years – since 1976 – of being
active in CIGRE, another anniversary!), I have been more or less struck by the
xiv Preface of the Republished Edition
wealth of information this book contains and also the way this information is pre-
sented: clear and to the point; I dare say educational, so that also non-experts on the
subject will profit by reading it.
This gives me before closing the opportunity to thank once more all authors for
their valuable contributions, the CIGRE officials for their continuing support and
the Springer team for its great expertise and happily cheer:
Happy Birthday Overhead Lines, welcome new Green Book!
A reference book like this one is always a big collective effort; and a hard piece of
work. Many individuals have been involved to accomplish it. First of all the chapter
lead authors and the chapter authors as indicated in the individual chapters, but also
the respective reviewers, all of them internationally recognized experts in their
fields. I would like to thank them all.
Luckily enough I could rely upon a competent team of book advisors, who made
valuable suggestions and have been always at my disposal every time need arose.
They are Bernard Dalle, former SC B2 Chairman, Normand Bell, former SC B2
Secretary and David Havard, former SC B2 WG11 (predecessor to TAG B2 06)
Convenor. In addition the last two offered their invaluable services by reviewing the
content of the whole book for consistency and overlaps and by performing a langu-
age check. All three of them deserve my gratitude and thanks.
This is also the time and the place to offer my thanks and gratitude to the Presi-
dent of Cigré, my good friend Prof. Klaus Fröhlich, who was immediately enthused
by the idea of a Green Book series (green evidently because of the Cigré-logo green
color) when first presented to him. Thanks and cheers also for my two dear col-
leagues, Mark Waldron, the Chairman of the Technical Committee of Cigré, and
Philippe Adam, the Secretary General of Cigré, as well as the other TC Chairmen.
All of them supported the idea and were always helpful in making it happen.
Because of extraordinary circumstances, this book (and its companion book on
“Accessories for HV Extruded Cables”) would not have been published on time for
the Cigré session 2014, if my beloved wife Margarita has not put all her energy and
skills to support me in the layout and production process. She and her publishing
team have done a great job which is herewith thankfully acknowledged.
Konstantin O. Papailiou
xvi Acknowledgements
Volume 1
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Konstantin O. Papailiou
2 History of Overhead Lines in Cigré . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Bernard Dalle
2.1 OHL Major Item of Discussion: 1880–1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2 The Creation of Cigré and its Development from 1921 to 1940
and the Role of OHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Reactivation of Cigré in 1948 and the Place of OHL in the
Evolution of Cigré Organisation: 1948–1966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 OHL and Preferential Subjects from 1966 to the Present . . . . . . . . 23
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3 Planning and Management Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Rob Stephen
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Management Concepts up to Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.1 Management Concepts for Preliminary Design
and Optimisation Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.2 Management Concepts for Route Selection and
Property Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2.3 Management Concepts for Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Life Cycle Process up to Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.1 Planning Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.2 Route Selection and Property Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4.3 Management Process for Preliminary Design and
Optisation Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4.4 Management Process for the Detailed Design Phase . . . . . 35
3.4.5 Project Execution (Construction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.5 Forms and Records (Including Accreditation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.6 Summary of Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.7 Management of Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.7.1 Involvement at Design Stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
xx Contents
Volume 2
11 Insulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
Frank Schmuck, and Konstantin O. Papailiou
11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
11.2 Composite Insulator Product Generations, the Demand
for and Status of Standarized Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
11.3 Selected Contributions by Cigré for Insulators and
Insulator Sets, and in particular Composite Insulators . . . . . . . . . 721
11.3.1 Insulator Groups 22.03, 22.10, B2.03, B2.21 . . . . . . . . . 721
11.3.2 Material Groups D1.14, D1.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
11.3.3 Task Force Groups of SC 33 (Power System
Co-ordination) dealing with Insulator Pollution
Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
11.3.4 Contributions by WG’s of SC C4 - System
Technical Performance - in Terms of Insulator
Selection and Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
11.4 Cigré Publications Reflecting the Status Quo of Insulators,
in Particular Composite Insulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
11.4.1 Information on Surveys, Reliability, Failures . . . . . . . . . 726
11.4.2 Field Evaluation and in-service Diagnostic Methods . . . 739
11.4.3 Material Components of Composite Insulators . . . . . . . . 750
11.4.4 A Selection of Topics on the Dimensioning
of polymeric Insulators and Insulator Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 775
11.5 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
11.5.1 Technology of Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
11.5.2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
11.5.3 Tests for Material and Insulator Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
11.5.4 Material Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
11.5.5 Insulator Diagnostic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
12 Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
João B.G.F. Silva, Andreas Fuchs, Georgel Gheorghita,
Jan P.M.van Tilburg, and Ruy C.R. Menezes
12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
12.2 Types of Supports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
12.2.1 Regarding Function in the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
12.2.2 Number of Circuits/Phase Arrangements/Tower Top
Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
12.2.3 Structural Types, Structural Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
12.2.4 Formats, Aspects, Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
12.2.5 Material Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
12.3 Design Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
12.3.1 Design Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
Contents xxix
13 Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933
Neil R. Cuer
13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 938
13.1.1 Reasons for the Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
13.2 Health, Safety, Environmental Impacts and Quality
Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
13.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941
13.2.2 Health and Safety: General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942
13.2.3 Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943
13.2.4 Environmental Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
13.2.5 Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 949
13.2.6 Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
13.3 Foundation Design (Part 1): Design Concepts and
Applied Loadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
13.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
13.3.2 Basis of design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
13.3.3 Interdependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 956
13.3.4 Static Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
13.3.5 Dynamic Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
13.3.6 Foundation Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
13.3.7 Ground Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 968
13.4 Foundation Design (Part 2): Site Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
13.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
13.4.2 Initial Appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
13.4.3 In-depth Desk Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
13.4.4 Ground Investigation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
13.4.5 Factual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
13.4.6 Interpretive Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
13.4.7 Ongoing Geotechnical Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
13.4.8 Geotechnical Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
13.5 Foundation Design (Part 3): Geotechnical and Structural . . . . . . . 985
13.5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
13.5.2 System Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
13.5.3 Foundation Design – Geotechnical
and Structural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
13.5.4 Interaction with Installation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
13.5.5 Calibration of Theoretical Foundation
Design Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002
13.5.6 Foundation Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
13.5.7 New Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
13.5.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008
13.6 Foundation Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
13.6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
13.6.2 Full-Scale Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
13.6.3 Model Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
13.6.4 Testing Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
Contents xxxi
Overhead Lines look back to a long history from the first AC transmission in 1891
with 15 kV, Figure 1.1, to the 1000 and 1200 kV AC lines of today, Figure 1.2. This
unique and this exciting development has been tracked and supported by Cigré in
general and the Study Committee for Overhead Lines in particular. Chapter 2 “History
of Overhead Lines in Cigré” describes in detail this successful “partnership”. From its
very beginning in autumn 1921 Cigré aimed to provide a forum for technical studies
on the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy. In this sense Cigré
brought together, on one hand, equipment manufacturers and operators of power
plants and transmission lines and electric energy producers, consultant engineers and
engineers of major public administration bodies on the other. In addition 1931, coin-
cidentally the year the Study Committee of Overhead Lines was established, Cigré put
in place a monthly journal named “Electra”, which is still the printed (today also the
electronic) voice of the association. It is at the least remarkable, that in 1946, Cigré
was the first technical organization in the world which organized an international con-
ference and brought together worldwide experts who had the enormous task to rebuild
electrical infrastructure after the perils of the second world war. In 2000 as another
landmark and as a key element in the new approach to communication, the “Conference
des Grands Réseaux Électriques à haute tension” became the “Conseil International
des Grands Réseaux Électriques”, that it changed from a “Conference” to a “Council”
and its scope was extended also to lower voltages. At the same time the areas covered
by Cigré’s field of action were redefined. Cigré now covers not only conventional
technical expertise but also economic and environmental aspects.
Originally published by Cigré, 2014, under the ISBN 978-2-85873-284-5. Republished by Springer
International Publishing Switzerland with kind permission.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Line Length in Kilometers
Figure 1.3 300-400 kV Transmisison Line max Power Flow dependence on length.
4 K.O. Papailiou
QT = ΦRRC Rmed
Aluminum- Composite
Zirconium Alloy core
Conductors are the only active component of a line, i.e. the one component invol-
ved in the transmission of electric power and their costs, including the associated
fittings, can reach up to 50% of the total line investment costs. Because inadver-
tently they generate Ohmic losses, their properties influence significantly also the
operating costs of a line. It is thus no wonder that many Cigré Working Groups have
over the years investigated them. The summary of their findings is given in Chapter 8
“Conductors”. This chapter focusses on the following three areas:
• Calculation of AC resistance
• Sag-tension calculations
• Conductors for operation at high temperature
Regarding the latter, it has been astonishing to follow, how many innovative con-
ductor concepts have been created in the last years, Figures 1.7 and 1.8, following
the need to increase the power transfer capacity of a line with minimal changes of
the structure of the line.
1 Introduction 7
Line components to anchor, clamp, connect (join), damp and repair the conduc-
tor are collectively known as “Fittings”. They are extensively covered in Chapter 9.
The chapter starts with a detailed section on the various manufacturing and finis-
hing processes of such fittings to continue with the electrical stresses they have
often to endure, such as Corona, short circuits, Figure 1.9, and contact deteriora-
tion. The latter are of increasing interest due to the elevated conductor temperatu-
res applicable nowadays. Another important issue is the test methodology
developed within Study Committee B2 for testing “old” fittings, i.e. fittings which
have been for long time in service, in order to decide on their usability. This goes
hand in hand with the extensive coverage of repair methods and the related hard-
ware, also covered in this chapter.
Conductor vibrations have plagued transmission line engineers since the early
days of overhead line transmission. In particular when the copper conductors ori-
ginally used started being replaced in the twenties, because of economic conside-
rations, by ACSR (Aluminium Conductors Steel Reinforced), vibration damages
have been so heavy, that the use of the latter has been seriously questioned. The
8 K.O. Papailiou
Figure 1.10 Wear and failure of conductor strands due to spacer clamp loosening.
understanding of the vibration phenomenon and its detrimental effects on line con-
ductors, Figure 1.10, has been thus for innumerable years a focus area of studies
within Cigré and it is not exaggerated to state, that quite a number of seminal
papers and state of the art Technical Brochures have been produced by Cigré
experts and published for the first time by Cigré. It is thus no wonder that Chapter 10
“Conductor Motions” turned out to be the lengthiest of this book. The following
examples might illustrate Cigré’s legacy in this field: a) the concept of the lifetime
estimation of conductors undergoing Aeolian vibrations, Figure 1.11, b) the EDS
principle followed by the safe design tension method, Figure 1.12, and c) the
energy balance principle (EBP) for the calculation of the vibration activity. This
chapter evidently includes also details on other types of wind-induced motions
such as sub-span oscillations and galloping, valuable information on conductor
self-damping and external damping devices (e.g. Stockbridge dampers and spacer
dampers) as well as a section dedicated to mechanical effects of short circuit loads
on conductors and line hardware, a phenomenon occurring mainly at the physical
interface of lines and outdoor substations.
The following Chapter 11 “Insulators” is equivalent to Chapter 10 as far as ori-
ginality and value of published information by Cigré is concerned. As for conductor
vibrations, also in the field of insulators, Cigré has played a pioneering role over the
years. And doubtlessly, the fact that Composite Insulators, a relative new, for
Overhead Line time frames, technology has advanced tremendously in the last
decades is due largely to the work of Cigré. This Chapter covers surveys (a very
powerful and frequently used Cigré tool which takes advantage of the unique inter-
national character of the organization) on many topics, on screening tests on aged
porcelain and glass insulations, service experience of composite insulators), stan-
dardization issues (where Cigré Working Groups have prepared the basis for many
IEC Standards) and design recommendations (for instance for the proper Corona
and power arc protection of insulator strings), Figures 1.13 and 1.14.
For many years “Supports”, the subject of Chapter 12, were more or less equiva-
lent to steel lattice towers and Cigré Working Groups have delivered important con-
tributions on their proper design philosophy, static and dynamic loads, structural
modeling and analysis, calculations and dimensioning, including advanced tools
and techniques, materials and standards but also detailing, fabrication and prototype
testin, g not to mention types and causes of defects and industry repair practices.
The last years though, increased awareness to transmission line structures and
1 Introduction 9
104 105 106 107 108
6 Safe
4 Zone
2 End
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Η/w, (m)
Figure 1.12 Recommended safe design tension for single aluminium based conductors.
10 K.O. Papailiou
Composite insulator
Power arc protection ring
made of steel
Figure 1.13 Coordination between Corona and power arc protection: correct (left), incorrect
∅ 105
∅ 45
Figure 1.14 Scale comparison between a porcelain longrod, a cap and pin and a composite
Figure 1.16 Visual comparison of 420 kV conventional and compact lines side by side carrying
the same power in Dubai/UAE.
12 K.O. Papailiou
a b c d e
G.L. G.L. G.L. G.L. G.L. G.L.
Upper External
Excavation Included Grillage Shear
pad if Pad Included
line for angle 45 Bearers key
required -70 deg angle
25 deg
Braced Tretrapod Single leg
Pad and Chimney Stepped block Pyramid and Chimney Shallow Pyramid and
Steel grillage
Probably for the first time in transmission line literature the concept of
“Overall Line Design”, part of ongoing Cigré work, is given such a prominent
place as in Chapter 14. Therein one can find the complex, sometimes unexpected
interactions and interdependencies of the decisions taken during the design phase
of a line. For instance while phase spacing increase (as for example in compact
lines) is beneficial for the SIL (surge impedance loading) of a line and the mecha-
nical loads of the line supports and foundations, it has negative effects on Corona
and AN/RIV, as both increase, Figure 1.19. While this is understandable form
basic physical principles, other interdependencies are not so obvious. For
example by lowering the knee-point temperature of an ACSR conductor (this is
the temperature at which the slope of the sag-temperature curve changes), the
longer the sag relationship will follow the steel core, resulting in a higher tempe-
rature and lower sag condition. This is possible for conductors with annealed
aluminium wires and also with so-called Gap-conductors, both costing more than
1 Introduction 13
Phase spacing
Large Al area/cond
(less conductors)
Diameter bundle
Figure 1.19 Relationship between actions taken in line design and effect on SIL, Corona,
Mechanical loading and thermal rating.
Optimal Voltage
Yearly cost: line investment and losses, and station cost
3,000 km
1,500 km
750 km
Million U$/yr
±800 kV
±600 kV
±500 kV
Optimal Voltage
±300 kV
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000
Legend: Red → ±800 kV; green → ±600 kV; pink → ±500 kV; blue → ±300 kV
Figure 1.20 Optimal voltage as a function of converter station power and line length.
conventional conductors. This leads to the second part of this chapter, where a
methodology for line optimization is given by introducing a suitable composite
indicator for comparison of the different design options including cost aspects.
The methodology can be also applied to HVDC lines in continuation of previous
Cigré work, Figure 1.20).
Traditionally Cigré has dealt more with design and field experience issues
than with the construction of a line. This short-coming is thankfully rectified
with Chapter 15 “Construction”. Therein practical aspects of line construction
are addressed providing an concise picture of the most common construction
activities and installation techniques used in installation of an overhead trans-
mission line. Special attention is being paid to construction activities requiring
14 K.O. Papailiou
Figure 1.21 Trailer mounted payoffs and a truck mounted bullwheel for tension stringing.
either high degree of accuracy or those posing high safety risks to construction
crews. Items covered include line survey, Right-Of-Way (ROW) clearing and
site access, assembly and setting of foundations, structure assembly and erec-
tion including insulators, hardware and fittings, conductor stringing and as-built
inspection, Figure 1.21.
On the other hand “Maintenance”, as presented in Chapter 16, has attracted
over the years the interest for quite a few Cigré Working Groups, such as the joint
(with SC B3, “Substations”) Working Group on “Live work - a Management
Perspective” and the recently created Working Group on “The Use of Robotics in
Assessment and Maintenance of OHL”, an exciting new option in overhead line
maintenance. Proper and efficient maintenance starts with the formulation of a
maintenance strategy. This should include the prioritizing of the transmission
lines in the network, carrying out periodic inspections, setting-up a data base sto-
rage and retrieval systems (otherwise sooner or later the results of the inspections
would be lost) and the -management- decision, whether maintenance work should
be done in-house or outsourced and done on live or de-energized lines. The core
of maintenance work is the condition assessment of line components. The Chapter
continues with valuable information on such assessment for the line conductors
including joints and fittings, the insulators, the supports and the foundations.
Special attention is then given to the use of carts for in-span work, Figure 1.22,
such as the repair or replacement of spacers, dampers, aircraft warning markers,
followed by a detailed description of the costs and benefits of live line work ver-
sus de-energized methods with interesting examples of typical live work opera-
tions. The chapter closes with the use of Robotics based on input from an ongoing
Cigré working group, Figure 1.23.
With the advent of liberalization of the electricity markets in the last years, a
holistic view of overhead lines as an asset has become a reality and a necessity.
1 Introduction 15
The importance of “Asset Management” for electric utilities and network opera-
tors is well demonstrated in Chapter 17. In the past decisions on the manage-
ment of existing overhead transmission lines were frequently based on the
qualitative judgment of experienced individuals. This chapter quantifies such
decisions using risk management techniques and presents methodologies for
estimating costs and risks associated with various actions required for proper
management of an overhead transmission line asset such as adequate inspec-
tions, analysis of a database of the conditions of the transmission line compo-
nents, cost factors, safety and regulatory and environmental considerations.
Management actions to be considered include risk reduction, risk acceptance
and risk increase also well described in Cigré TB 175. The chapter concludes
with important information for establishing and updating of databases, as this
16 K.O. Papailiou
AC/DC pylon
AC pylon
Hybrid pylon
R R R +
S T S T S T k –
Figure 1.24 Conversion of a double circuit of a 380 kV AC line to a hybrid 380 kV AC/±400 kV
DC line.
1 Introduction 17
Pogliano Rho
2.1 OHL Major Item of Discussion: 1880–1920 ....................................................................... 19
2.2 The Creation of Cigré and its Development from 1921 to 1940
and the Role of OHL ........................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Reactivation of Cigré in 1948 and the Place of OHL in the Evolution of
Cigré Organisation: 1948–1966 .......................................................................................... 22
2.4 OHL and Preferential Subjects from 1966 to the Present ................................................... 23
References ................................................................................................................................... 24
After the electric-telegraph and the first arc lamp lighting systems, electric techno-
logy entered a new historical phase of outstanding acceleration in the last quarter of
the 19th century.
At the Vienna International Electric Exhibition in 1873, Hyppolyte Fontaine
(France) realized the possibilities offered by long distance transmission of electri-
city. First industrial-scale transmission of electrical power was developed on a long
distance transmission between Vizille and Grenoble in 1883 by Marcel Deprez for
railways. However, until 1883, despite all the efforts of Marcel Deprez, the efficien-
cies remained too low for commercial purposes. The use of transformers gave alter-
nating current an essential advantage.
Originally published by Cigré, 2014, under the ISBN 978-2-85873-284-5. Republished by Springer
International Publishing Switzerland with kind permission.
B. Dalle (*)
Paris, France
e-mail: [email protected]
1150 kV
750 kV
500 kV
380 kV 1965
287 kV 1960
220 kV 1950
150 kV 1938
110 kV
60 kV 1913
25 kV
1891 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
From 1911 to 1920, C.O. Mailloux, President of IEC and Charles Le Maistre, its
Secretary General recommended the formation of a specialized body of a technical,
scientific and applied technology character.
The contacts established in various countries confirmed these aims and led to the
organization of the first International Conference on Large Electric Systems (Cigré)
in PARIS in the autumn 1921. This meeting was considered as the first inaugural
meeting of the new international engineering organization.
Cigré aimed to provide an international setting for the discussion and the study
of technical questions concerning the generation, transmission and distribution of
electric energy.
Therefore, when it was founded, Cigré brought together, on one hand, manufac-
turers of electrical machines and equipment and operators of power plants and trans-
mission lines and on the other hand, electric energy producers, consultant engineers
and engineers of major public administration bodies.
In 1931 Cigré put in place an ambitious journal “Electra”, a monthly journal devo-
ted to the study of the generation, transmission and transformation of electric energy.
The rapid organization and rapid growth of Cigré’s Study Committees started in
1925: the first Study Committee was the Statistics Study Committee which lasted only
a short while having been transferred to UNIPEDE, founded in 1925. The Insulators
Committee was created in 1929, the Overhead Lines Committee in 1931 and the
Towers and Foundations Committee in 1935.
The main subjects dealt within the reports during the inter-war period were:
During the Second World war, Cigré activities stopped naturally just after the pub-
lication of the main conclusions of the 1939 Session.
In 1946, Cigré was the first technical organization in the world which organized
an International Conference and brought together worldwide electrical experts to
rebuild electrical infrastructure after World War 2, and start with intensive
In 1956, the fields corresponding to the preferential subjects devoted to over-
head lines were divided among no less than 4 Study Committees for the general
design dimensioning of lines: SC 22 for towers and foundations blocks, SC 23–24
for conductors, SC 25 for insulators, SC 40–42 for very high voltage lines (above
220 kV) and 3 “electrical” study committees: SC 33 for overvoltage and light-
ning, SC 35 for telephone and radio interference and SC 41 for “Insulation
Regarding these Study Committees scopes, a key technical achievement was rea-
lized in 1962 by the Volgograd-Donbass (USSR) DC Transmission line +/−
400 kV. Around the same time, AC transmission lines were put in operation in the late
60s – 735 kV in Canada, 750 kV in the USSR and 765 kV in the USA. Until 1970,
groups 22, 23, 24, 25 and 33 alternated with groups 35, 41 and 40–42 and, as a result,
the different fields related with overhead lines were discussed only every four years.
The preferential subjects were then very specific to each of the components: insula-
tors, foundations, conductor bundles,… At the 1960 Session, this very specific nature
was very clearly visible through the subjects developed: insulators’ thermal shock
tests, withstand tests in a polluted atmosphere, heaving and corrosion of founda-
tions,… Yet, in 1964, the subjects became more general. People studied the lifetime
of structures in relation to the effects of vibrations, weathering and the associated
safety coefficient, conductor creep,… Lastly, at the 1966 Session, the reduction in the
costs of towers was one of the priority subjects.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Cigré’s main priorities for study were the
increase in the transmission capacities, mainly by a voltage increase, and the stabi-
lity of power systems which were becoming more and more interconnected. A recur-
rent topic was Corona radio interference, which made it necessary to oversize the
conductors in relation to the size required for an economic utilization of their ther-
mal capacities.
2 History of Overhead Lines in Cigré 23
In 2002, a new organization was set up and SC 22 became SC B2. In 2003, a new
reference model for Study Committees was ratified by the Cigré’s governing bodies
and gradually applied. This reference model stressed the need for the proactive cha-
racter of the Study Committees, which had to absolutely avoid gradually becoming
artificially expanded and self-sustaining techno structures with organization and run-
ning costs far exceeding their technical output.
In the 2000s, studies and discussions in the area of overhead lines focused on the
increase in transmission capacities and on the ageing of structures: increases in
voltage, taking into account in real-time weather conditions, development of new
types of conductors (composite conductors with metal or composite fiber core). The
storms observed around year 2000 throughout the world led to renewed discussions
on the dimensioning of structures based on methods combining static and dynamic
loads in a probabilistic approach.
The considerable progression, in terms of general innovation, and of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) was acknowledge in 2006. It was confirmed that they were
applied to all phases of the life cycle of a line: planning, design, construction, opera-
tion, management and control of vegetation, forest fires, inspection, maintenance,
rehabilitation and dismantling.
To increase the transmission capacities, different solutions were discussed: real-
time management of certain structures became possible as a result of the develop-
ment of sensors indication the real sag at the most sensitive point and notable gains
in transit capacities could then be envisaged, but this required specific organization
of the control actions. In some configurations, the transformation of alternating cur-
rent overhead lines into direct current overhead lines could increase transit capaci-
ties by more than 100 %, but with costly conversion stations.
Lifetime assessment and lifetime extension, precise knowledge on the equipment
condition, diagnostic methods, environmental and societal acceptability of over-
head lines were other topics in recent group meeting.
In 2016, Study Committee B2 “Overhead Lines”, counted 22 working groups with
371 experts from 43 countries.
Ishkin, V. Kh.: International Council on Large Electric Systems -Cigré History activity
1921 –2006 – Moscow 2006
Subic, S.: On transmission of active power by electricity. Home World (12) (1900). Catholic Press
The History of Cigré – A Key Player in the Development of Electric Power Systems Since 1921.
Cigré (2011)
2 History of Overhead Lines in Cigré 25
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Management Concepts up to Commissioning .................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Management Concepts for Preliminary Design and
Optimisation Studies ................................................................................................ 28
3.2.2 Management Concepts for Route Selection and Property
Acquisition ............................................................................................................... 29
3.2.3 Management Concepts for Construction ................................................................. 30
3.3 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 30
3.4 Life Cycle Process up to Commissioning ........................................................................... 31
3.4.1 Planning Requirements ........................................................................................... 31
3.4.2 Route Selection and Property Acquisition .............................................................. 33
3.4.3 Management Process for Preliminary Design and
Optimisation Studies ................................................................................................ 34
3.4.4 Management Process for the Detailed Design Phase .............................................. 35
3.4.5 Project Execution (Construction) ............................................................................ 38
3.5 Forms and Records (Including Accreditation) .................................................................... 41
3.6 Summary of Process ........................................................................................................... 41
3.7 Management of Maintenance .............................................................................................. 43
3.7.1 Involvement at Design Stage ................................................................................... 43
3.7.2 Information Required and Handover (Submission) ................................................ 43
3.7.3 Information for Maintenance during Operation ...................................................... 44
3.8 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 44
3.9 Highlights ............................................................................................................................ 44
3.10 Outlook ............................................................................................................................... 45
References ................................................................................................................................... 45
3.1 Introduction
A Transmission line, as defined in Chapter 14, is a device that transmits power over
long distances. It should be seen as a single device (or system) with electrical properties
that contribute to power transmission within the supply grid. Chapter 14 outlined how
a line can be “tailor made” to meet the system planner’s requirements within the grid.
A line can also be regarded as a large mechanical structure (system) spanning
many kilometres over many terrain types that must endure varying adverse weather
conditions. It is therefore a device requiring mechanical, civil, environmental, geo-
technical and electrical consideratons in the design of the line.
This section deals with the different possible management concepts for the line
from planning to commissioning.
The series model will result in sub optimal designs in most cases. It is a more
simple model to manage than the iterative model described in the next section.
The route selection and acquisition may form a separate project as the time duration
is normally far longer than the construction period. However, a project management
approach with designer involvement is recommended. This team may include a
variety of environmental, legal, negotiators and technical experts some of which
may be outsourced.
It is important that the negotiator understands the line design as well as the impli-
cations of certain concessions made with the land owner. An additional strain tower
to avoid a certain point in the land or to follow the border of the property can
increase the line cost overall.
It is important that the line designers are part of the team to advise on technical
matters as well as to be aware of the agreements reached. For example in certain areas
30 R. Stephen
of the line route, guyed structures maybe prohibited or existing servitudes (right of
ways) used requiring narrow servitude multicircuit multi voltage pole structures.
In addition to all the permits required for a line to be built, it is also important that
the team include wildlife experts for flora and fauna as well as bird experts to ensure
flight paths and nesting grounds are catered for.
The project team for the route selection and property acquisition is often the
largest and most diverse of teams required to realise a final constructed line. It is
also the longest serving. For this reason the handover to different Project Managers
needs to be well managed with decisions clearly documented.
The construction phase consists of construction activities and handover for operation.
This phase is best managed by a team under a project manager using matrix
management whereby the team members are seconded to the team from manage-
ment. The Project Manager decides on the timelines and outputs and informs the
team members. There may be a sub structure in the team for environmental, design,
construction elements.
The team can be outsourced or insourced to varying degrees depending on the
company. If the team is totally outsourced from various suppliers it is important not
to duplicate the structure with in house staff. This could result in an in house project
manager managing the outsourced project manager with duplication of work, con-
flicting instructions to contractors etc. If the project manager is outsourced the in
house resources need to manage the outputs and milestones by exception and not
interfere with the team below the Project Manager.
It is also important that the project manager be appointed as early in the project
life cycle as possible so that he understands the reasons for the design chosen, issues
with line route and stakeholders. It is also desirable that one project manager be
accountable from the start to the end of the project to avoid handover points with
possible misinformation arising. It is also necessary to have one person accountable
for time, cost and quality to avoid blaming later in the project.
3.3 Responsibilities
In any management structure it is important that roles and accountabilities are cle-
arly defined. The three main role players in the establishment of a line are the
Network Planner, Project Engineer and Project Manager. These may work for diffe-
rent companies and be contracted separately. They do need to fulfil the responsibi-
lities as listed below.
The following roles are responsible for the design and construction of overhead lines-
• Network planner
– Responsible to ensure the line requirements (R,X,B, loading for AC lines) are
3 Planning and Management Concepts 31
The life cycle of a transmission line commences with the system planner and is
completed when the line is decommissioned. This section deals with the planning,
design and construction aspects.
• The profile of the proposed line load on a yearly and daily basis is essential for
the designer to determine the templating temperature of the line. If the load pro-
file shows a morning peak and a winter peak it may be possible to use a smaller
conductor as the temperature reached under peak load may be relatively low. If
the daily load profile is very peaky, it may be possible to use small conductors
with a higher templating temperature. If the load profile is flat it may be neces-
sary to use larger conductors with a lower templating temperature.
In addition to the above the maximum voltage level and fault level needs to be spe-
cified. The reliability level also needs to be specified by the system planner. Line
ratings (normal, emergency) also need to be known (these may be a minimum and
the line designer must ensure these are met).
The selection of a line route is often a very time consuming task that could take
many years (in some cases over 20). In the management of the line route acquisition
it is important that the route of “least objection” is not always obtained. It is often
required that the route chosen is along the border between properties or along a
road. In this case there is normally a large amount of bends and angle structures
required which results in an increase of the overall line cost. Management needs to
be cognisant of these issues when appointing consultants to obtain route or when
using in house resources.
In contracts for negotiators, if they are outsourced and in house resources are not
utilised, the payment method should include the cost of the line as a result of the
route chosen. This could include for example a ratio of tangent (suspension) to
angle or strain towers. If the contract is time based the negotiation process may be
extended, if the contract is a turnkey for the servitude/easement to be signed up it
may result in a large number of bends.
A project management approach is also recommended for this process as it
covers many years, different resources and involves many public forums which
require knowledgeable presenters. The project team may include environmentalists,
negotiators, surveyors, marketers, design engineers and even health professionals if
the electromagnetic field issues are raised.
As the process is a long one, the decisions and concessions taken need to be
clearly documented and stored in an organised manner to ensure that no concession
is overlooked in the design and construction phase. Concessions may be made to
land owners in the early stages of the route acquisition. However, the nature of the
34 R. Stephen
The cost estimate is to be added to the project costs for approval via the relevant
governance procedures.
Note that the geo tech survey is often overlooked. It is a critical aspect of the
detailed design stage. It determines the suite of foundation options that
should be used on the line. It assists in determining the numbers to specify
in the enquiry document or for construction. It also highlights the type of
foundations that need to be designed or developed.
The detailed design phase precedes the execution phase. The output of this phase is
a detailed design and costing which is then presented to management for execution
In some cases the utility may decide to go to market to obtain actual tendered
prices for submission to management. In other cases estimates may be made from
previous projects. In the former case the risk of error in costing is lower.
Approval is normally required from management for the detailed design phase to
commence. The output of the design phase is a detailed cost of the line (90 % or
higher) accurate. This can only be achieved if the following are known:
It should be noted that the construction and material costs can be very volatile and
depends on the exchange rate, the availability of materials and labour. It can vary
from line to line even if they are in the same geographical area.
The line route and actual line profile (as accurate as possible) needs to be used to
determine the optimum tower, conductor and foundation combination.
36 R. Stephen
The options short listed from the ATI analysis are to be used to determine the opti-
mum combination. These are to be used using the actual line profile and line route
chosen. Tower spotting packages should be used to determine the best option in rela-
tion to the ATI. This will mean that network planners have to be consulted once again
to determine the best option including the R, X, B values as well as the cost of losses.
Once the best combination is determined, it is necessary to optimise the tower selec-
tion for each tower position using a tower spotting programme. This is best perfor-
med by a “peg walk” of the route. A “peg walk” or “tower staking” is a walk down
the line by the line designers to determine if the proposed tower selection in the
proposed tower sites are optimal. This also includes accessibility, constructability
and proximity to roads, drains or even unmarked graves that may not have been
known about when the line was profiled.
In order to determine the type of foundation to use at each site, it is necessary to
perform a detailed geotechnical survey at each tower site. This can only be perfor-
med after the tower, foundation and conductor combination has been chosen and the
first selection of tower types per site is completed.
The peg walk can be conducted at the same time as the geo tech survey. The peg
walk will determine if any tower position changes are required or if a different tower
needs to be placed at a specific location. In addition access roads can be planned as
well as farm gate positions and types of gate (e.g. game gates).
The information gained from the peg walk and geo tech survey can be used in the
finalisation of the Environmental Management programme which is essential for
each project.
The information available at this point is the full tower schedule, the detailed bill
of materials, the line profile with tower types, the access road locations and gate
locations and types.
This information may then be compiled into an enquiry document. The docu-
ment is then sent to prospective contractors for tender.
Once the tenders are received it is necessary to analyse the tender in detail. The
services of a quantity surveyor should be used at this stage.
Once the appropriate tender has been selected the price and motivation needs to
be submitted for approval (this will depend on the utility governance requirements),
it may be permitted to proceed if the tendered prices are within a certain percentage
of the estimate.
3 Planning and Management Concepts 37
• Planning information
– Reason for the line including extract from the planning proposal documentation.
– Information from planners on line requirements including time and cost
• Survey and Environmental
– Possible routes with cost options if possible.
– EIA details (extract from the EIA produced if possible).
– Route and profile
• Initial tower, conductor, foundation combinations
– Options selected for analysis.
– ATI analysis and results.
– Design options to be analysed further
• Towers
– Tower design chosen with reasons
– Tower schedule summary
• Conductor and earthwire
– Final conductor or conductor bundle chosen with reasons.
– Final earthwire chosen with reasons.
Note the earthwire selection is dependent on the fault level as well as the
fault dissipation in the towers and ground. This analysis is to be performed
as part of the earthwire selection. In addition the interference criteria for
telecommunication lines are to be taken into account and described here.
• Foundations
– Geotechnical survey results
– Foundation designs for each soil category and tower type
– Schedule summary of foundation types
• Hardware
– Outline of suspension and strain assemblies
– Damping system used
– Clamps and fittings
• Insulators
– Analysis of pollution and other requirements
– Insulator options that could be used
– Final insulator selection and reasons
• Performance assessment
– Performance analysis of other lines in the vicinity
– Lightning performance studies
– Environmental impact studies such as bird pollution/interaction with the line,
veld or cane fires
38 R. Stephen
Once the overall project is approved by management, the contractor responsible for
construction may be appointed.
An overhead power line is unlike a substation in that there are many factors that
cannot be taken into account before construction begins. Items such as access to
site, soil types and tower erection methods may necessitate that the tower type,
foundation type, equipment used or tower location be changed on site subsequent to
the design being approved. This includes right of way clearing requirements and
stringing specifications (location of equipment, drums).
Note that the control of material on site is critical to the success of the pro-
ject. Nuts and bolts as well as spacer dampers, and insulators should be kept
in a clean environment preferably off the ground. Composite insulators
should be handled in accordance with the Cigré composite insulator hand-
ling guide (Cigré TB184 2001) (TB 184). There must also be a system whe-
reby the material issue is controlled and the stock levels are known. A
person should be placed in charge of the store which should be fenced off.
• Project plan for construction including possible dates for line and road
Note that line and road crossings need detailed up front planning. In the
case of line crossings the permission to take the line out needs to be obtained
from the Operations authority. The detailed bill of material, tools, and pro-
cedure needs to be drawn up and agreed to well in advance. Special items
such as cranes, helicopters etc may also be required. This activity occurs
after the permission has been obtained from the relevant authorities rela-
ting to the crossing.
3 Planning and Management Concepts 39
• Environmental Management Plan (EMP) issues and plans as to how the EMP
will be met. The EMP is a plan to meet the environmental requirements of the
line. It includes the rehabilitation of the environment.
Note that this will include the formation of access roads, the clearing of the
servitude and whether tyre or track vehicles are to be used.
Note that it may be possible that certain foundation designs will need to be
done or modified. There may, for example be a large rock area and rock
piles may not have been designed. Or the contractor may not have the drill
bits for the type of rock foundation required. This needs to be taken into
account and resolved up front.
• Safety
Note that this is a standard item on all site meetings. It includes the safety
procedures and equipment required and available to staff.
• The Project Engineer is to examine the proposal and agree to the change if
40 R. Stephen
• The Project Engineer is to ensure the design document as well as line profiles or
other drawings as appropriate are updated (once approved and executed).
• The cost of the change is to be determined by the Project Engineer.
• The reason for the change as well as the cost is to be submitted to the project
manager for approval.
• The Project Manager needs to sign off the proposal and update the project costs
and, where applicable, the projections (both cost and time).
Note that in order for the Project Engineer to understand the issues relating
to problems on site he is to visit site regularly and have a very good under-
standing of the requirements of the project and the final design option
Note that Clerk of Works (COWS) are key to the success of the construction
stage. The COW are the “eyes and ears” of the customer on site. They need
to have knowledge of what is required to be done on site to ensure that the
contractor is executing the work correctly.
In some cases it may be necessary to have more than one COW on site at one time
and certain COW’s may be specialised different areas such as foundations, tower
erection and stringing.
Tests may also be required in the laboratory such as tensile tests for compression
fittings and Guy anchor assembly tensile tests.
Tower footing resistances need to be measured per tower and documented.
3 Planning and Management Concepts 41
The following staff that are involved in the following activities need to be accredited
to perform these functions:
• Design document – It is assumed that the design team would have sufficient
knowledge to conduct the design process. The Design document needs to have
each section signed by the designer and a person who is checking the section.
The latter needs to be a registered professional (Professional or certificated
engineer depending on the country).
• Tender evaluation – The technical evaluation of tenders needs to be performed
with the presence of at least one expert in the field of line design. This needs to
be a Professional engineer or registered professional.
• Foundation nomination – A technician approved by the foundation designer or
member of the design team assigned to foundations (must be a registered profes-
sional) should carry out nominations.
• Clerk of Works – the clerk of works needs to have had training and experience in
each of the fields mentioned before he may oversee the work in these areas.
• Records of site visits by the design engineer as well as the findings must be
recorded on site together with the required actions.
Note that in some cases the steps 10 and 11 take place after the step 12. This
is due to the time required for step 12. This is not ideal, however, as the cost
of construction submitted by contractors is difficult to determine upfront
and depends on workload, competition and cash requirements of
It is critical, that the step 5 is obtained before steps 6–12. The temptation
is to begin construction or issue the tender before the route or line profile
has been completed. As the line is useless until completed, by commencing
the line too early may result in a weaker case for obtaining the route (right
of way or servitude) or standing time claims from contractors. In cases of
extremely long lines it may be prudent to commence construction on a sec-
tion if the line route on the remaining sections can be altered if need be.
It is a fallacy that the quicker the tender is issued the quicker the line is
completed. It is preferable to have all permissions approved prior to com-
mencement of construction.
3 Planning and Management Concepts 43
It is critical that the maintenance staff are involved in the design of the line irrespec-
tive of whether the towers and conductors are standard or not. This is to ensure
access to towers is mutually agreed prior to construction as well as maintenance
In the case of Live line maintenance the maintenance staff must be involved in
determining the live line maintenance methods prior to design finalisation. Special
tools may need to be developed or insulated cranes or personnel lifts purchased. In
cases of new tower designs it is necessary to determine the adequate spacing by
using dummy objects with full scale electrical impulse tests. This will determine
whether the spacing proposed is adequate.
It is critical that the asset owner and maintenance staff be involved as early as pos-
sible in the construction of the line. his will allow for all issues to be resolved prior
to handover from the construction company. A detailed handover check sheet needs
to be established and agreed to prior to the commencement of construction. This
should include checks per tower.
Maintenance of the constructed asset may be contracted out to a number of exter-
nal suppliers. It is important for the asset owner to ensure that, prior to taken over
the line, all information is available on the line that has been constructed or refur-
bished. This includes:
In addition to the above it is important that the maintenance required is also provi-
ded. This includes the type of inspections to be conducted and the time interval.
Items such as retensioning guy wires should also be included.
Regular line inspections should be conducted with focus on the following:
3.8 Conclusion
The current utility structure often differs from vertically integrated to fully outsour-
ced with many different companies involved in the life of the asset. This chapter
highlights the concepts for management of the line in the different stages. The
organogram or management structure can vary between utilities and companies and
still comply with the proposed concepts. As a result the management structures
have not been discussed.
The aim is to make the utility aware of the management concepts to be applied
and to apply these in the best manner that befits the company structure and insour-
cing or outsourcing policy.
3.9 Highlights
The management of the line life cycle is consistent irrespective of the structure of
the company or companies involved with different stages of the life cycle.
It is important for the asset owner and operator to be aware of the management
concepts and process to ensure all stages are well catered for even if they fall outside
the domain of the company.
3 Planning and Management Concepts 45
The concepts highlighted in this chapter have been proven over many years and,
although they may vary from country to country in detail (for example it may not be
practice for the planners to provide the information as suggested and only state a
conductor type), each stage must be covered to some extent.
3.10 Outlook
Cigré TB147: SC 22 WG 22.14. High voltage overhead lines. Environmental concerns, procedu-
res, impacts and mitigations (1999)
Cigré TB184: SC 22 WG 22.03. Composite insulator handling guide (2001)
Cigré TB265: SC B2 WG B2.15. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for overhead lines (2005)
Section 1: Electric Parameters of Overhead AC Transmission Lines
4.1 Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................................... 48
4.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 48
4.1.2 Resistance................................................................................................................ 49
4.1.3 Inductance............................................................................................................... 49
4.1.4 Capacitance............................................................................................................. 50
4.1.5 Negative and Zero Sequence Parameters................................................................ 50
4.1.6 Representation of Lines........................................................................................... 51
4.1.7 General Overhead Transmission Line Models........................................................ 55
4.2 Surge Impedance and Surge Impedance Loading (Natural Power).................................... 68
4.2.1 Methods for Increasing SIL of Overhead Lines...................................................... 69
4.2.2 Compact Lines......................................................................................................... 69
4.2.3 Bundle Expansion................................................................................................... 71
4.3 Stability............................................................................................................................... 71
4.4 Thermal Limit and Voltage Drop........................................................................................ 72
4.5 Capability of a Line............................................................................................................. 74
4.6 Reactive Power Compensation............................................................................................ 74
4.7 Electromagnetic Unbalance - Transposition....................................................................... 75
4.8 Losses.................................................................................................................................. 75
4.8.1 Losses by Joule Heating Effect (RI2) in the Conductors......................................... 75
4.8.2 Dielectric Losses: Corona Losses, Insulator and Hardware Losses........................ 75
4.8.3 Losses by Induced Currents.................................................................................... 76
4.9 Reliability and Availability................................................................................................. 76
4.10 Overvoltages....................................................................................................................... 77
4.10.1 Fast-front Overvoltages (Lightning Overvoltages)................................................. 77
4.10.2 Temporary (Sustained) Overvoltage...................................................................... 114
4.10.3 Slow-Front Overvoltages (Switching Surges)....................................................... 116
Originally published by Cigré, 2014, under the ISBN 978-2-85873-284-5. Republished by Springer
International Publishing Switzerland with kind permission.
J.F. Nolasco (*) • J.A. Jardini • E. Ribeiro
Florianópolis, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
4.1.1 Introduction
For the former case, normally, the line is considered full transposed and there are
simple equations to determine the parameters. For others cases digital programs are
used like the ATP. The various procedures of calculation are discussed here-in-after,
starting with straight forward calculation for positive sequence model and comple-
ting with a general calculation.
4.1.2 Resistance
4.1.3 Inductance
X l = 2 w10 - 4 ln ( Ω / km ) / phase (4.2)
w = 2π f (4.3)
f is the frequency.
GMD and GMR are the geometric mean distance and geometric mean radius.
For a single circuit fully transposed:
GMR = R n (4.5)
r is the sub conductor radius
R= (4.6)
2 sin ( π / n )
k is a correction factor
4.1.4 Capacitance
C= µ F / km (4.7)
ln k1
GMRc = R n (4.8)
Negative sequence parameters are equal to the positive parameters for transmission
There are straight forward equations also for the calculation of the zero sequence
parameters, however it is recommended to use the procedures described in
(Stevenson 1962; Happoldt and Oeding 1978; Kiessling et al. 2003).
4 Electrical Design 51
In this section formulae will be presented for calculating voltage, current and power
at any point of a transmission line, provided such values are known at one point.
Loads are usually specified by their voltage, power and power factor, for which
current can be calculated for use in the equations.
Normally transmission lines are operated with balanced three-phase loads. Even
if they are not spaced equilaterally and may not be transposed, the resulting dissym-
metry is slight, and the phases are considered to be balanced.
The equivalent circuit of a short line is represented by a series reactance only,
which are concentrated or lumped parameters not uniformly distributed along the
line. As the shunt admittance is neglected for short lines, it makes no difference, as
far as measurements at the ends of the line are concerned, whether the parameters
are lumped or uniformly distributed.
The shunt admittance, generally pure capacitance, is included in the calculations
for a line of medium length. The nominal Π circuit, shown in Figure 4.1 below, is
often used to represent medium-length lines.
In this circuit, the total shunt admittance is divided into two equal parts placed at
the sending and receiving ends of the line.
The voltage and current relationships used in electrical calculations under this
approach are:
VS = + 1 VR + ZI R (4.9)
IS = Y + 1 VR + + 1 I R (4.10)
4 2
Neglecting the capacitance for short lines, the above equations become the well-
known simple relationships:
VS = VR + ZI R (4.11)
I S = I R (4.12)
The magnitude of the voltage regulation (%Reg) for the case of medium lines is:
VS | − | VR
% Reg = 100 (4.13)
Figure 4.1 Nominal Π R XL
circuit of a line.
2 2
-j B =-j ωC = Υ
2 2 2
52 J.F. Nolasco et al.
VR + I R Z C γx VR − I R Z C − γx
V= e + e (4.14)
2 2
VR + I R Z C γx VR − I R Z C − γx
I= e + e (4.15)
2 ZC 2 ZC
ZC = (4.16)
and the propagation constant is:
γ = z y (4.17)
Both γ and ZC are complex quantities. The real part of the propagation constant γ is
called the attenuation constant α, while the quadrature part is called phase constant β.
Thus: γ = α + jβ. The above equations for voltage and current for defining V and I
turn out into:
VR + I R Z C αx j β x VR − I R Z C −αx − j β x
V= e e + e e (4.18)
2 2
V +I Z V − I R Z C −γx
I = R R C e γx + R e (4.19)
2 ZC 2 ZC
A deep analysis, beyond the scope of these highlights, will prove that the first terms
of the above equations are the incident voltage (or current), while the second term
is the reflected voltage (or current). Observe that a line terminated in its characteri-
stic impedance ZC has VR = IR ZC and therefore has no reflected wave.
Such a line is called flat line or infinite line, the latter designation arising from
the fact that a line of infinite length cannot have a reflected wave. Usually power
4 Electrical Design 53
Table 4.2 Typical line parameters and line constants for a 500 kV Line
4 × ACAR 1300 MCM (30/7) Ling length → 365 km β(b)
Parameter R(Ω/km) XL(Ω/km) XC(Ω*km) B(μS/km)) 0,001276
Z1unit 0.013172 0.220388 135411 7,385 γ
Z0unit 0.15317 1.00965 326807 B0(μS/km)) 0,001277
Eq. LT R(Ω) XL(Ω) B/2(μS) 3,060 λ(km)
“Π”nomZ1 4.808 80.442 1347.7 ZC(Ω) 4923
“Π”equiv 4.466 77.576 1372.64 172,9
“Π”nomZ0 55.906 368.521 558.43 α v(km/s)
E/E0 0.785 SIL(MW) 1447 3,81 E-05 295373
Notes: a) 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2 b) This column refers to line constants
Line data used for the calculation above:
• voltage → 500 kV Tower type → Guyed cross rope
• phase bundle conductor → 4 × ACAR 1300 MCM (~4 × 653 mm2).
• diameter → 3.325 cm Stranding: 30/7
• sub-conductor spacing → 120,0 cm (Expanded bundle)
• phase spacing → 6.41 m
• conductor height at tower → 28.3 (average) m
• minimum distance conductor to ground → 12.0 m
• conductor sag → 22.5 m
• shield wires EHS → 3/8” and OPGW 14.4 mm S. wires spacing → 28.1 m
• shield wire height at tower → 38.0 m shield wire sag 16.5 m
• soil resistivity → 1000 Ω m
lines are not terminated in their characteristic impedance, but communication lines
are frequently so terminated in order to eliminate the reflected wave. A typical value
of ZC is 400 Ω for a single conductor line. For conductor bundles between 2 and 6,
see typical values in Table 4.2. The phase angle of ZC is usually between 0 and −15°.
ZC is also called surge impedance in power lines.
Surge impedance loading (SIL) of a line is the power delivered by a line to a
purely resistive load equal to its surge impedance.
I R = I S cosh γl − sinh γl (4.23)
However for the case of short or medium-length lines, equivalent circuits of trans-
mission lines have been simplified by calculating equivalent series resistance and
reactance, which are shown as concentrated or lumped parameters and not distribu-
ted along the line. The distributed capacitances are also represented by one or two
lumped parameters.
This simple circuit having the shape of the Greek letter Π is named as nominal
Π. The nominal Π does not represent a transmission line exactly because it does not
account for the parameters of the line being uniformly distributed.
The discrepancy between the nominal Π and the actual line becomes larger as the
length of the line increases. It is possible, however, to find the equivalent circuit of
a long transmission line composed of lumped parameters so that voltage and current
relations at both ends are accurate. In view of that, the true line representation that
is really a hyperbolic function can be replaced by a simplified Line Representation
having the shape of the so called Equivalent Π as shown in Figure 4.2. The values
of the equivalent parameters, Req, Xeq and Beq are determined so that the voltages and
currents are the same at the sending-end and receiving-end terminals. The calcula-
tion formulas state below.
sinh γl
Z C sin γl = z (4.24)
Beq 1 tanh γl B tanh ( γl / 2 )
= = (4.25)
2 ZC 2 2 γl
Therefore, starting from the nominal Π parameters and using the circuit constants,
it is possible to calculate the equivalent Π values.
Z eq = Req + jX eq (4.26)
For short lines and low voltage lines, capacitance C is neglected and a simplified
model neglecting the capacitance can be used instead. Such simplification could be
applied to lines below 72.5 kV and for lengths below 30 to 40 km.
An example of calculation of the main parameters and line constant is shown in
Table 4.2 for a 500 kV overhead line.
4 Electrical Design 55
Overhead transmission lines are modeled by electric circuit based on their parame-
ters (resistance, inductance and capacitance) and length.
The relation between voltage to ground (V), incremental length voltage drop
along the line (ΔV/Δx), and current (I) or charge (Q) are (Dommel 1986):
• Electromagnetic phenomena
[ ∆V / ∆x ] = [ Z ][ I ] (4.27)
• Electrostatic phenomena
[V ] = [ H ][Q ] (4.28)
For AC system, matrixes Z and H have one line and one column for each conductor
and shield wire. For instance, for an AC line with three phases (sub index p) and two
shield wires (sub index s) they look like:
Zpp Zps
Zsp Zss
For bipolar DC systems the matrixes are similar however with p = 2.
56 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Rii is the AC resistance of the bundle (one subconductor resistance divided by the
number of them in a bundle)
X ii = 2 w10 −4 ln (4.31)
X ij = 2 w10 −4 ln (4.32)
ΔRii, ΔRij, ΔXii, ΔXij, are additional parcels (Carlson correction) for which resistance
and reactance initial term of the series are:
∆Rij = 4 w10 −4
1.5708 0.0026492 ( hi + h j ) f / ρ (4.33)
− +
4 4
∆X ij = 4 w10 −4
2 658.8 0.0026492 ( hi + h j ) f / ρ (4.34)
ln + +
4 f / ρ 4
for ii terms use hi in place of hj
For bundle of n sub-conductors located in a circle of radius R and being a the
spacing between adjacent sub-conductors the equivalent radius of the bundle is:
nr k
Reqzii = R n (4.35)
r is the sub conductor radius
R= (4.36)
2 sin ( π / n )
k = correction factor
dij = distance between the center of the bundles i and j
hi = average conductor i height (height at mid span plus 1/3 of the sag)
f = frequency
ρ = soil resistivity in Ω m
The terms of the potential matrix H in (km/μF) are:
4 Electrical Design 57
H ii = 17.976 ln ii (4.37)
H ij = 17.976 ln (4.38)
Reqcii = R n (4.39)
• Shield wire may be grounded (ΔVs = 0), and their rows and columns can then be
eliminated (Gauss’s elimination) as shown by the equation below, and hence
their effects are included in the others lines and rows.
Z ik Z kj
Z ijnew = Z ij − (4.40)
Z kk
[ ∆V ] = [ Zu ][ I ] = [ Z ][ I ] (4.41)
58 J.F. Nolasco et al.
[I ] = jw [ H ] [V ]
Z and Y matrixes terms are all non zeros, and ΔV, V, I are phase quantities. To sim-
plify the calculation the equations above may be transformed for instance, Z, into
symmetrical components (positive, negative and zero sequences, or 1, 2, 0) by:
[ Z 012 ] = [T ] [ Z ][T ]
If the line has a complete transposition of phases in equal sections then the symme-
trical component matrix Z012 has only the diagonal terms (the sequential impedan-
ces, Zo, Z1, Z2)
Now for the calculation, given one set of phase values, they are transformed into
symmetrical components, and the calculation is carried using the equation above.
After that, the calculated sequence components values have to be changed back to
phase components. The transformation matrix T is:
1 1 1
T= 1 a a 2 (4.45)
1 a 2 a
With a = ej120.
Note that the phase components are:
Z aa Z ab Z ac
Z = Z ba Z bb Z bc (4.46)
Z ca Z cb zcc
The matrix Z is symmetric (Ex.: Zab = Zba). Also, if the phases have the same confi-
guration and they have complete phase transposition, then:
Zs Zm Zm
Z = Z m Zs Z m (4.47)
Z m Zm Z s
Z= Z= Z cc = Z s (4.48)
aa bb
Z ab = Z ac = Z bc = Z m (4.49)
Z1 = Z 2 = Z s − Z m (4.50)
4 Electrical Design 59
Z 0 = Z s + 2 Z m (4.51)
Note: If the line is a double circuit (w,y) then Z matrix can be partitioned into four
3 × 3 sub-matrices Zww; Zyy; Zwy and the same equations can be applicable, provided
there is a complete transposition, obtaining the sequence self parameters of circuit
w, y and the mutual wy.
Therefore for two circuits w and y close together considering complete transpo-
sition the matrix has the following type.
Z w1 = Z w 2 = Z ws − Z wm
Z w0 = Z ws + 2 Z wm
The mutual impedances of circuit w and y are:
C1 = (4.54)
Hs − Hm
C0 = (4.55)
H s + 2Hm
Once obtained the sequence impedances the line/cable can be modeled using lum-
ped circuits, –π sections like in Figure 4.3.
For short lines (≤50 km) the above impedances are obtained by multiplying the
unit impedance with the line length. For long lines a factor < 1 shall be included as
indicated before.
a Z1 b Z0
C1 C1 C0 C0
2 2 2 2
Figure 4.3 AC line model, single phase π for positive/negative sequences a) and zero sequence b).
60 J.F. Nolasco et al.
C0 C0 1 (C -C )
2 2 2 1 0
(Z -Z )
3 0 1
A three phase model can also be established and was useful for TNA calculation
(Figure 4.4).
For DC lines, similarly to the symmetrical component transformation, the matrix
T is:
1 1 1
T= 1 −1 (4.56)
That leads to two modes: ground and aerial or metallic modes (0 and 1
Similarly for the AC equations, it results:
[∂V / ∂x ] = [ Z ][ I ] (4.61)
Figure 4.5 Aerial/ Z1
Metallic mode circuit; for
ground mode change Z1, C1 C1 C1
by Z0, C0. 2 2
C0 C0 1 (C -C )
2 2 2 1 0
1 (Z -Z )
2 0 1
The overhead transmission line models may vary depending on the study.
• Steady state.
For load-flow calculation, the overhead AC lines and cables are represented by
-π sections based on positive sequence parameters. Overhead DC lines are repre-
sented by their resistance only.
For short circuit calculations transposed symmetrical components parameters
should be used for AC lines. For DC lines this type of calculation is not comple-
tely valid unless the converter station control action is simulated.
• Electromechanical transients
62 J.F. Nolasco et al.
AC and DC lines are represented using the same above mentioned modelling for
load flow analysis. However, for power-frequency over-voltages (rated fre-
quency ± 10%) the variation of the parameters (reactance: ωL and 1/ωC) with the
frequency shall be simulated (note that this does not refer to line frequency
dependence of parameters).
• Electromagnetic transients
AC and DC lines are represented by distributed parameter or a cascade of -π
sections. Now, overhead DC lines model considers frequency dependant
parameters. Modal decomposition analysis is normally used in the calculation
together with non transposed Z, H−1, matrixes. This line model applies when
calculating the initial transient of a short circuit in DC and AC lines.
• Harmonic performance
AC and DC overhead lines are represented as -π sections using transposed para-
meters at the specific harmonic frequency taking into account the parameters as
a function of frequency.
• Relay protection and control
The same modeling used for electromagnetic studies applies in this case when
the transient part of the overcurrent/overvoltage phenomena is important.
• voltage = ± 500 kV
• pole conductor = 3 × 1590 MCM (~806 mm2)
• economic conductor for 1300 MW bipole
• diameter = 3.822 cm
• pole spacing = 13 m
• sub-conductor spacing = 45 cm
• minimum distance conductor to ground = 12.5 m
• conductor sag = 20.5 m (conductor height at tower 33 m)
• shield wires = EHS 3/8”
• shied wires spacing = 11 m
• shield wire sag = 20.5 m
• shield wire height at tower = 41 m
• soil resistivity = 500 Ω m.
The results using EMTP-RV are shown below (Figures 4.8, and 4.9):
After bundling (left) and elimination of the shield wires (right) the matrixes are
(Figures 4.10, 4.11, and 4.12):
I+ = ω 1.12E-08 V+ + ω (−1.69E-09) V−
ω = 2π f = 1 as f = 1/2π
C0 = 1.12E-08 − 1.69E-09 = > 9.51 μF
C1 = 1.12E-08 + 1.69E-09 = > 12.89 μF
4 Electrical Design 63
shield wires
conductor height
at mid span
(12,5 m)
guy wire
tower foundation
AC Line
Calculations were done using ATP/EMTP-RV for the line on Figure 4.13 and are
reported below. The data for the example are.
• voltage = 500 kV
• phase bundle conductor = 4 × 954 MCM (~483 mm2)
• diameter = 2.961 cm
• sub-conductor spacing = 45.7 cm.
Figure 4.10 Susceptance matrix, in units of [mhos/km] for the system of equivalent phase con-
ductors. Rows and columns proceed in the same order as the sorted input.
Figure 4.11 Impedance matrix, in units of [Ω/km] for the system of physical conductors. Rows
and columns proceed in the same order as the sorted input.
66 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Figure 4.12 Impedance matrix, in units of [Ω/km] for the system of equivalent phase conductors.
Rows and columns proceed in the same order as the sorted input.
5.5 m
45.7 m
0.8 m
30 m
sag 18 m 400 m
sag 12 m
• phase spacing = 11 m
• conductor height at tower = 30.0 and 30.8 m
• minimum distance conductor to ground = 12.0 m
• conductor sag = 18.0 m
• shield wires EHS = 3/8”.
4 Electrical Design 67
The energy stored in the electric field of an overhead line can be represented as
Ee = CV 2 (4.64)
At a similar way, the energy stored in the magnetic field is:
1 2
Em = LI (4.65)
At the threshold condition of having electric energy equal to the magnetic energy
stored in both fields, that is as if Ee = Em, it results from the equations above (neglec-
ting resistance):
= = Z0 (4.66)
The ratio above has dimensions of an impedance and is called surge impedance of
the line. It can further be deduced
= = X L XC (4.67)
The surge impedance of a transmission line is also called the characteristic impe-
dance with resistance set equal to zero (i.e., R is assumed small compared with the
inductive reactance
The power which flows in a lossless transmission line terminated in a resistive
load equal to line’s surge impedance is denoted as the surge impedance loading
(SIL) of the line, being also called natural power.
Under these conditions, the sending end voltage ES leads the receiving end vol-
tage ER by an angle δ corresponding to the travel time of the line.
For a three-phase line:
SIL = (4.68)
Where Vφφ is the phase-to-phase voltage and Zc is the surge impedance of the line.
Since Zc has no reactive component, there is no reactive power in the line,
Ql + Qc = 0. This indicates that for SIL the reactive losses in the line inductance
are exactly offset by the reactive power supplied by the shunt capacitance, or
I 2 ωL = V 2 ωC (4.69)
SIL is a useful measure of transmission line capability even for practical lines with
resistance, as it indicates a loading when the line reactive requirements are small.
For power transfer significantly above SIL, shunt capacitors may be needed to mini-
mize voltage drop along the line, while for transfer significantly below SIL, shunt
reactors may be needed.
4 Electrical Design 69
An effort that has been made by electric industry nowadays has been directed toward
the goal of increasing the SIL of the overhead lines, especially considering the gro-
wing difficulties to acquire rights of way for new lines. For increasing the Surge
Impedance Loading of an overhead line, the following ways are possible
• Voltage increase
• Reduction of Z0 through one of the measures:
–– Reducing phase spacing (compaction)
–– Increasing number of conductors per phase bundle
–– Increasing conductor diameter
–– Increasing bundle radius
–– Introducing bundle expansion along the span but keeping the conventional
bundle spacing inside and near the tower.
When compacted a Transmission line, the surge impedance loading can be increa-
sed. Compaction, in this case, consists of arranging the tower top geometry so that
the phases are as close as possible together. As defined by equations below, the SIL
reflects the interaction between line parameters, as follows:
SIL = (4.70)
Z1 = Z s − Z m (4.71)
SIL = Surge Impedance Loading (MW)
70 J.F. Nolasco et al.
6000 2800
11050 11050
2730 4400
457 2450 2450 457 4500 4500
Figure 4.14 Compact Racket Tower 230 kV (left) and Compact Racket Tower 500 kV (right).
The use of compact lines is one of the most effective methods for obtaining lines
with higher surge impedance loading or natural power figures. Reference (Fernandes
et al. 2008) shows interesting examples of 500 kV and 230 kV lines adopted by a
Utility in Brazil for having their first conventional self-supporting flat-configuration
towers which generated High SIL ratings. It was designed in the beginning of the
1980’s, but later a more recent development of compact lines was introduced into
their system. The big aim of the engineering team consisted in reducing the required
series compensation, by means of a high SIL of the lines. This represented a valuable
new tool for optimizing the new planned transmission systems
As a first real gain, the use of the compaction technology, associated with the
installation of series capacitor banks, could preclude for the transmission of
5000 MW the construction of two additional 500 kV – 800 km long each one –
transmission circuits; the adequate use of this technology could simultaneously
increase the energy transmission rate through the same corridor (MW/m2) and
improve the effectiveness of the costs associated thereof (MW/US$).
Consequently, the compaction results in an increase of the coupling between
phase conductors, so increasing the mutual impedance Zm and reducing the posi-
tive sequence impedance Z1, causing a net increase in the SIL of the line. Such
technology can provide a maximum increase of around 20 to 25% in SIL, as a
function of some limiting factors as: minimum viable phase spacing able to gua-
rantee adequate insulation coordination, asynchronous swing angles between
phase conductors, appropriate limitation of conductor surface gradient. Figure 4.14
shows a compact racket tower for 230 and 500 kV and Figure 4.15 shows a com-
pact cross-rope tower.
4 Electrical Design 71
5500 5500
H=22.0 m
H=37.0 m
This technique consists in designing the bundle radius R with higher value than
normal use. With that, the self impedance Zp is reduced therefore decreasing Z1 and
increasing the SIL. Similar effect is obtained by increasing the number of subcon-
ductors in the bundle, for the same total phase aluminum area.
4.3 Stability
It strongly depends on the magnitude and size of the perturbation and less on the
initial state of the system.
The stability limit is defined as:
P= sin δ (4.72)
Where P is the power in MW, V1 and V2 are the voltages at sending end and recei-
ving end terminals respectively; δ is the power angle of stability (between V1 and
As far as dynamic stability is concerned the power angle δ is limited to the range
30-45°, depending on the system, for the case of a generator connected to an infinite
bus, instead of a theoretical higher value near 90°, to allow stability to be kept fol-
lowing power oscillations resulting from perturbations.
The reduction of the series reactance XL is therefore considered by planning
engineers as a convenient alternative to increase the power transmitted by the line.
Table 4.4 Example of Maximum Current Ratings (A) of Some ACSR Conductors and Bundles
used in Overhead Lines
Conditions Steady – State Emergency
Conductor Winter Summer Summer
N × Section (mm2) Code Day Night Day Night Day
170/28 Linnet 505 570 400 495 660
242/40 Hawk 625 715 490 620 825
322/52 Grosbeak 803 892 644 775 1055
403/29 Tern 840 965 647 840 1100
564/40 Bluejay 1030 1200 780 1045 1370
2 × 403/29 Tern 1680 1930 1290 1680 2200
483/34 Rail 957 1100 737 959 1275
2 × 483/34 Rail 1910 2200 1470 1915 2550
3 × 483/34 Rail 2870 3300 2210 2975 3825
4 × 483/34 Rail 3820 4400 2940 3830 5100
3 × 564/40 Bluejay 3090 3600 2340 3130 4100
Parameters adopted in Table above:
• Ambient temperature: winter: 20 °C
summer: 30 °C
• Wind speed: 1,0 m/s
• Latitude: 20°
• Solar radiation: winter: Day → 800 W/m2 Night → 0 W/m2
summer: Day → 1000 W/m2 Night → 0 W/m2 Conductor temperature: steady-state: 60 °C (current
indicated above) emergency: 100 °C (emergency current above)
Table 4.4 shows an example of thermal limits adopted by some utilities, for
steady-state and emergency conditions in lines using ACSR conductors of more
widespread use.
Parameters adopted in table above:
• Ambient temperature: winter: 25 °C
summer: 30 °C
• Wind speed: 0.61 m/s
• Latitude: 20 °C
• Solar radiation: winter: 800 W/m2
summer: 1000 W/m2
• Conductor temperature: steady-state: 60 °C
emergency: 100 °C
• Voltage drop: Radial lines, especially medium and long lines, up-to 138 kV
have often their maximum transmitted powers limited by voltage drop or
The highest limit practically recommended for the line voltage regulation is
around 10% for medium voltage lines and around 5% for EHV lines (230 kV and
above). Shunt reactive compensation (capacitors or reactors depending on the
SIL) are frequently required to reduce the voltage drop in certain cases.
74 J.F. Nolasco et al.
It is the degree of power that can be transmitted by a line as a function of its length,
considering the limitations imposed by voltage drop, stability and conductor tempe-
rature, as well as limitations inherent to substation terminal equipment, such as
circuit-breakers, current transformers etc.
The main factors determining the line capability in EHV lines are shown on Table 4.5.
There are two basic types of compensation required by an electric system as a con-
sequence of the reactive power requirements, namely:
When using series compensation, especial attention should be given to other factors
affecting technically and economically the system such as, capacitor protection, line
protection and sub-synchronous resonance.
• Shunt compensation
The main shunt compensation schemes used in electric systems are:
–– Reactors, for long EHV lines for compensating line capacitive powers in
hours of light load (Ferranti Effect)
–– line connected reactors for line energization
–– Capacitors, for voltage control and power factor correction during hours of
higher demand load
–– Synchronous condensers (rarely used nowadays) that can perform the both fun-
ctions of reactors or of capacitors, depending on the instantaneous system needs.
–– Static compensators that perform the same function of the above synchronous
condensers, but have no moving parts.
Transpositions are made for the purpose of reducing the electrostatic and electroma-
gnetic unbalance among the phases which can result in unequal phase voltages for
long lines.
Untransposed lines can cause/increase in the following undesirable effects:
• Inductive interference with paralleling wire communication lines.
• Negative sequence currents that heat generator rotors.
• Zero sequence currents that can cause erroneous operation of protection relays.
For carrying out physically the phase transposition of the conductors, some alterna-
tives can be used such as making them in intermediate substations or near dead-end
towers through especial conductor and insulator string arrangements or through the
utilization of special structures that allow changing phase positions by keeping the
necessary clearances to the towers and to earth.
Instead of performing phase transpositions, it is possible to adopt alternatives
that preclude them, such as:
4.8 Losses
Those are the main losses that occur in the overhead conductors and their correct
selection and design are decisive for obtaining an economical line. Losses should be
seen as wastefull as they represent consumption of fuels or lowering of water reser-
voirs without the corresponding generation of useful work.
The power RI2 spent in the conductors and joints reduce the efficiency of the
electric system and its ability to supply new loads while the heat RI2Δt represents
burnt fuel or loss of useful water.
4.8.2 D
ielectric Losses: Corona Losses, Insulator and
Hardware Losses
The shield wires of the line are metallic conductors subjected to induced currents by
the line conductors and therefore producing losses. There are usually three alterna-
tives for reducing the shield wire losses, consisting basically in insulating them
from the towers so that only negligible currents can circulate through them:
• By insulating sections of the shield wires in the towers and just earthing an inter-
mediate point
• By totally Insulating the shield wires in the towers, i.e. not grounding them in
any point.
Certain utilities have shown that the shield wire insulation has sometimes caused
flashovers along the respective insulator, this is usually an insulator with a low
flashover capability as it must offer a free conductive path for lightning stroke cur-
rents. The current continues to flow in the shield wire until line is opened.
So, in the case the Utility decides to evaluate the economic feasibility of insula-
ting the shield wires for reducing line losses, a compromise must be found between
the savings in losses and the additional cost of insulating and maintaining the shield
wires and insulators.
4.10 Overvoltages
The AC system overvoltages stresses are the input of the insulation coordination
study for the design of clearances and of the insulator string of transmission line.
The overvoltages can be classified as:
Lightning discharges between cloud and earth are termed cloud-to-ground dischar-
ges and sometimes referred to as CGs. The latter constitute about 25% of global
lightning activity.
From the observed polarity of the charge lowered to ground and the direction of
propagation of the initial leader, four different types of lightning discharges bet-
ween cloud and earth have been identified: (a) downward negative lightning (b)
upward negative lightning (c) downward positive lightning, and (d) upward positive
lightning. Downward flashes exhibit downward branching, while upward flashes are
branched upward.
It is believed that downward negative lightning flashes (type a) account for about
90% or more of global cloud-to-ground lightning, and that 10% or less of cloud-to-
ground discharges are downward positive lightning flashes (type c). Upward light-
ning discharges (types b and d) are thought to occur only from tall objects (higher
than 100 m or so) or from objects of moderate height located on mountain tops.
As noted above, positive lightning discharges are relatively rare (less than 10%
of global cloud-to-ground lightning activity). Positive lightning is typically more
energetic and potentially more destructive than negative lightning.
Sometimes both positive and negative charges are transferred to ground during the
same flash. Such flashes are referred to as bipolar. Bipolar lightning discharges are
usually initiated from tall objects (are of-upward type). It appears that positive and nega-
tive charge sources in the cloud are tapped by different upward branches of the lightning
channel. Downward bipolar lightning discharges do exist, but appear to be rare.
The ground flash density Ng(flashes/km2/yr) is often viewed as the primary
descriptor of lightning incidence. Ground flash density has been estimated from
records of lightning flash counters (LFCs) and lightning locating systems (LLSs) and
can potentially be estimated from records of satellite-based optical or radio-frequency
radiation detectors. It is worth noting that satellite detectors cannot distinguish bet-
ween cloud and ground discharges and, hence, in order to obtain Ng maps from satel-
lite observations, a spatial distribution of the fraction of discharges to ground relative
to the total number of lightning discharges is needed. IEEE Std 1410-2010 recom-
mends, in the absence of ground-based measurements of Ng, to assume that Ng is
equal to one-third of the total flash density (including both cloud and ground dischar-
ges) based on satellite observations (IEEE Standard 1410-2010).
If no measurements of the ground flash density Ng for the area in question are
available, this parameter can be roughly estimated from the annual number of thun-
derstorm days Td, also called the keraunic level. Apparently the most reliable
expression relating Ng and Td is the one proposed by (Anderson et al. 1984):
N g = 0.04Td1.25 (4.73)
Another characteristic of lightning activity that can be used for the estimation of Ng
is the annual number of thunderstorm hours TH. The relation between Ng and TH
proposed by (MacGorman et al. 1984) is:
N g = 0.054Th1.1 (4.74)
80 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Figure 4.16 Cumulative %
statistical distributions of
lightning peak currents, 99
giving percent of cases
exceeding abscissa value, 95
from direct measurements 1
in Switzerland.
Figure 4.17 Cumulative %
statistical distributions of
crest time, giving percent 99
of cases exceeding abscissa
value, from direct 95
measurements in
Figure 4.18 Cumulative %
statistical distributions of
current rate of rise, giving 99
percent of cases exceeding
abscissa value, from direct 95
measurements in
Switzerland (Berger et al. 2
1975). 80
The distributions are assumed to be log-normal and give percent of cases exceeding
abscissa value.
The log-normal probability density function for peak current I is given by:
f (I ) =
( 2)
− z
ln I − Mean ( ln I )
z= (4.76)
and ln I is the natural logarithm of I, Mean (ln I) is the mean value of ln I, and β = σlnI
is the standard deviation of ln I.
A log-normal distribution is completely described by two parameters, the median
and logarithmic standard deviation of the variable. Logarithmic standard deviations
of lightning peak currents are often given for base 10.
P(I ) = ∫
( 2 ) d
− z
I 2
Only a few percent of negative first strokes exceed 100 kA, while about 20% of
positive strokes have been observed to do so. About 95% of negative first strokes are
expected to exceed 14 kA, 50% exceed 30 kA, and 5% exceed 80 kA. The corres-
ponding values for negative subsequent strokes are 4.6, 12, and 30 kA, and 4.6, 35,
and 250 kA for positive strokes. Subsequent strokes are typically less severe in
terms of peak current and therefore often neglected in lightning protection studies.
Slightly more than 5% of lightning peak currents exceed 100 kA, when positive and
negative first strokes are combined.
Berger’s peak current distribution for negative first strokes shown in Figure 4.18
is based on about 100 direct current measurements. The minimum peak current
value included in Berger’s distributions is 2 kA.
In lightning protection standards, in order to increase the sample size, Berger’s
data are often supplemented by limited direct current measurements in South Africa
and by less accurate indirect lightning current measurements obtained (in different
countries) using magnetic links. There are two main distributions of lightning peak
currents for negative first strokes adopted by lightning protection standards: the
IEEE distribution (IEEE Standard 1410; IEEE Std 1243; Cigré WG 33-04). Both
these “global distributions” are presented in Figure 4.19.
For the Cigré distribution, 98% of peak currents exceed 4 kA, 80% exceed 20
kA, and 5% exceed 90 kA.
For the IEEE distribution, the “probability to exceed” values are given by the
following equation:
P(I ) = 2.6
4 Electrical Design 83
Figure 4.19 Cumulative
statistical distributions of
peak currents (percent
values on the vertical axis
should be subtracted from
100% to obtain the
probability to exceed.
where P(I) is in per unit and I is in kA. This equation, usually assumed to be applica-
ble to negative first strokes, is based on data for 624 strokes analyzed by (Popolansky
1972), whose sample included both positive and negative strokes, as well as strokes
in the upward direction. This equation applies to values of I up to 200 kA. Values of
P(I) for I varying from 5 to 200 kA, computed using the previous equation are given
in Table 4.7. The median (50%) peak current value is equal to 31 kA.
In the range of 10 to 100 kA that is well supported by experimental data, the
IEEE and Cigré distributions are very close to each other (IEEE Standard 1410).
The peak-current distribution for subsequent strokes adopted is given by:
P (I ) = 2.7
84 J.F. Nolasco et al.
(μs) Time
Figure 4.20 Description of lightning current waveform parameters. The waveform corresponds
to the typical negative first return stroke. Adapted from Cigré TB 63 and IEEE Std 1410-2010.
Cigré recommends for negative subsequent stroke peak currents a log-normal distri-
bution with the median of 12.3 kA and β = 0.53 (Cigré WG 33-04), which is also
included in IEEE Std 1410–2010.
In Cigré TB 549, it is discussed what it called “global” distribution of peak cur-
rent found in most lightning protection standards. Concern is expressed about using
imprecise or not homogeneous data (lumped or not in a single sample with data
considered more reliable). In this document, recent distributions of lightning peak
currents obtained from many individual studies are presented and compared.
A representative double-peaked current waveform of negative first strokes is pre-
sented in Figure 4.20, with the definition of its front parameters.
Table 4.8 are lists the values of the lightning current parameters of Figure 4.20
recommended by Cigré and IEEE.
Direct-strike Effects
Lightning is approximated by a Norton equivalent circuit. This representation inclu-
des an ideal current source equal to the lightning current that would be injected into
the ground if that ground were perfectly conducting (a short-circuit current, Isc) in
parallel with a lightning-channel impedance Zch assumed to be constant. In the case
when the strike object can be represented by lumped grounding impedance, Zgr, this
impedance is a load connected in parallel with the lightning Norton equivalent
(Figure 4.21). Thus, the “short-circuit” lightning current Isc effectively splits bet-
ween Zgr and Zch so that the current flowing from the lightning-channel base into the
4 Electrical Design 85
Table 4.8 Lightning current parameters (based on Berger’s data) recommended by Cigré and
Parameter Description
I10 10% intercept along the stroke current waveshape
I30 30% intercept along the stroke current waveshape
I90 90% intercept along the stroke current waveshape
I100 = II Initial peak of current
IF Final (global) peak of current (same as peak current
without an adjective)
T10/90 Time between I10 and I90 intercepts on the wavefront
T30/90 Time between I30 and I90 intercepts on the wavefront
S10 Instantaneous rate-of-rise of current at I10
S10/90 Average steepness (through I10 and I90 intercepts)
S30/90 Average steepness (through I30 and I90 intercepts)
Sm Maximum rate-of-rise of current along wavefront,
typically at I90
td 10/90 Equivalent linear wavefront duration derived from IF/S10/90
td 30/90 Equivalent linear wavefront duration derived from IF/S30/90
Tm Equivalent linear waveform duration derived from IF/Sm
QI Impulse charge (time integral of current)
a Source
Reference ground
TL representing
Isc =V0 /Zch Zch tall object (Zab ) Zgr
Reference ground
Figure 4.21 Engineering models of lightning strikes (a) to lumped grounding impedance and (b)
to a tall grounded object.
ground is found as Igr = Isc Zch/(Zch + Zgr). Both source characteristics, Isc and Zch, vary
from stroke to stroke, and Zch is a function of channel current, the latter nonlinearity
being in violation of the linearity requirement necessary for obtaining the Norton
equivalent circuit. Nevertheless, Zch, which is usually referred to as equivalent impe-
dance of the lightning channel, is assumed to be constant.
86 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Lightning-Induced Effects
In studying lightning-induced effects, the distribution of current along the lightning
channel is needed for computing electric and magnetic fields (Baba and Rakov).
Equivalent Impedance
The limited estimates of the equivalent impedance of lightning channel from expe-
rimental data suggest values ranging from several hundred Ω to a few kΩ.
Z I peak
Vsurge ≅ (4.80)
where Ipeak is the peak current of stroke.
Considering a surge impedance Z of 400 Ω, it is easy to see that even a low discharge
current of 10 kA can generate very high overvoltages in the conductor (2 MV).
So, when a line with high performance is desired, it is necessary to provide some
protection to reduce the probability of direct strokes to the conductors that exceed
the insulation level of the line.
length of span, etc.), the ground wires voltage can reach very high values. The tower
top voltage rises too.
Then, consequently, the insulation of the line is stressed by the large voltage
generated between the tower or ground wires and the conductors. If this voltage is
high enough, a flashover can occur. This flashover is called back flashover, as it
tends to occur from the grounded elements (tower or ground wire) to the energized
phase conductors.
Induced Surges
Induced surge by nearby lightning discharge is not a concern to high voltage trans-
mission lines.
In medium voltage lines, some measures can be implemented to improve the
performance of the line in respect to flashover caused by nearby strokes.
rc , g = AI b (4.81)
Where A and b are constants that depend on the object and I is the stroke current.
Local electric field gradients around conductors are somewhat higher than at
ground level, so rc is usually considered to be greater than rg (the striking distance
to ground), resulting in rc ≥ rg. Arcs of circles with the radii rc are drawn centered
at the phase conductor and OHGW. A horizontal line is then drawn at a distance
rg from earth.
If a downward leader, having a prospective current I, for which the arcs were
drawn, touches the arcs between B and C (Figure 4.22), the leader will strike the
phase conductor. If the leader touches the arcs between B’s, it will strike the shield
wire. If all leaders are considered vertical, the exposure distance for a shielding
failure is Dc.
Since the final jump length in the EGM depends on current, the statistics of the
stroke-current distribution will be needed to compute the number of lightning stro-
kes to phase conductors (that depend on Dc).
At present, the following striking distance equations are recommended by IEEE
(IEEE Std 1243):
rc = 10 I 0.65 (4.82)
3.6 + 1.7 ln ( 43 − yc ) I 0.65 yc < 40 m
rg = (4.83)
5.5 I 0.65 yc ≥ 40 m
where I is the stroke current (in kA) and yc is the average conductor height, given by
the height at the tower minus two-thirds of the sag.
Some researchers of EGM assume all striking distances are equal, while others
consider different striking distances to phase conductors, shield wires, and earth. In
addition, some researchers do not use a striking distance to earth. Estimates of stri-
king distance sometimes differ by a factor of two. However, this uncertainty has not
prevented the design and operation of lines with low lightning outage rates. In par-
ticular, when an engineering judgment is made to accept a low but non-zero shiel-
ding failure flashover rate (SFFOR), most models suggest similar shielding angles.
Figure 4.22 indicates an apparent possibility of perfect shielding: the possibility
to install ground wires in a position that makes Dc null for lightning stroke currents
greater than a minimal current necessary to cause flashover when it strikes directly
the phase conductors (called critical current Ic).
In terms of calculation, the fourth aspect in the above list is the most complex,
because it involves the estimation of the transient response of relative complex ele-
ments that are interconnected: conductors and ground wires (depending on the cur-
rent front of wave), towers and grounding systems. Usually, many simplifications
are done to reduce the complexity of calculation and enable the use of simple com-
putational routines in the lightning performance calculation.
Knowing the current that can reach a component of the line, the comparison of
the results of overvoltage stress with the flashover strength of insulation will indi-
cate if the flashover will occur.
In the final the lightning performance of an overhead transmission line can be
calculated. Basically, knowing the currents that can reach the line and cause a
flashover and its probability of occurrence, it should be determined:
90 J.F. Nolasco et al.
• the shielding failure flashover rate (relative to the lightning strokes directly to
• the back flashover rate (relative to the lightning strokes on the ground wires or
• overall flashover rate (the sum of the two previous rates).
These rates usually are expressed as number of flashovers per 100 km of line per
Two proposed specific procedures for estimating the lighting performance of
transmission lines are described in the documents (IEEE Std 1243; Cigré WG
33-04). In the following items the primary aspects involved in the estimation proce-
dures of lightning performance of transmission lines, as recommended by IEEE and
Cigré, are characterized, keeping in mind the practical design objective.
P(I ) = 2.6
where P(I) is in per unit and I is in kA.
Cigré guidelines consider a concave front current as shown in Figure 4.20, with
parameters listed in Tables 4.8 and 4.9.
The log-normal probability density function for peak current I is given by:
f (I ) =
( 2)
− z
The probability for peak current to exceed a specified value I is given by:
P(I ) = ∫
( 2)
− z
d (4.86)
T 2
4 Electrical Design 91
Table 4.9 Lightning current parameters (based on Berger’s data) recommended by Cigré and
First stroke Subsequent stroke
β, logarithmic (base β, logarithmic (base
Parameter M, Median e) standard deviation M, Median e) standard deviation
Front time (μs)
td10/90 = t10/90/0.8 5.63 0.576 0.75 0.921
td30/90 = t30/90/0.6 3.83 0.553 0.67 1.013
tm = IF/Sm 1.28 0.611 0.308 0.708
Steepnes (kA/μs)
Sm, Maximum 24.3 0.599 39.9 0.852
S10, at 10% 2.6 0.921 18.9 1.404
S10/90, 10-90% 5.0 0.645 15.4 0.944
Peak (Crest) current (A)
II, initial 27.7 0.461 11.8 0.530
IF, final 31.1 0.484 12.3 0.530
Ratio, II/IF 0.9 0.230 0.9 0.207
Other relevant
Tail time to half value 77.5 0.577 30.2 0.933
th (μs)
Number of strokes per 1 0 2.4 0.96 based on
flash median
Ntotal = 3.4
Stroke charge, QI 4.65 0.882 0.938 0.882
0.057 1.373 0.0055 1.366
∫I dt ( kA ) s
2 2
Nl =
+b ( 28h
) (4.87)
where Ng is the ground flash density (flashes/km2/yr), h is the tower height (m) and
b is the ground wires separation distance between (m).
Lightning Strokes that Hit the Phase Conductors
In IEEE and Cigré procedures, for a line with ground wires, the number of light-
ning strokes that hit directly the phase conductors are expressed as shielding failure
rate (SFFOR), calculated by:
92 J.F. Nolasco et al.
I max
SFFOR = 2 N g L ∫ D ( I ) f ( I )dI
c (4.88)
L = length of the line (km)
Dc(I) = exposure length (m) relative to phase conductor, calculated in function of I
f(I) = statistical distribution of I
Imax = maximum current (kA) that can hit the phase conductor (current that makes
null the distance Dc(I)).
The lower limit, 3 kA, recognizes that there is a lower limit to the stroke
Strength of Insulation
To identify if a flashover will occur on an insulator string stressed by an overvoltage
generated by a lightning stroke that hits a line, IEEE evaluate the voltage necessary
to cause a flashover in an insulator string with the following equations:
VD = 400 + 0.75 l ( 0.5µs ≤ t ≤ 16 µs ) (4.89)
where VD is the impulse flashover voltage in kV, t is the time to flashover in μs and
l is the insulator string length in m.
For t greater than 16 μs, IEEE recommends the use of 490 kV/m as CFO of insu-
lator strings.
Among other methods that could be used to evaluate the voltage necessary to
cause a flashover in an insulator string (Cigré WG 33-04), Cigré recommends the
use of a leader propagation model, where the leader propagation velocity is cal-
culated by:
u (t )
v (t ) = K Lu (t ) − Eo (4.90)
d −l
g l
v(t) = leader velocity (in m/s)
u(t) = voltage applied to the insulator string (in kV)
Eo = electric field needed to begin the leader considered (kV/m)
dg = length (in m) of insulator strings orair (at instance t = 0)
ll = leader length (in m) at an instance t
KL = constant.
For positive surges in air gaps or insulator strings, Cigré recommends the use of
Eoas 600 kV/m and KL as 0.8 × 10−6. For negative surges, it is recommended Eo as
670 kV/m and KL as 1 × 10−6.
When voltage/time curve for standard 1.2/50 μs lightning impulse is known, the
best fitting constants may also be determined by numerical calculations for selected
combinations of flashover and time to breakdown.
4 Electrical Design 93
2 ⋅ CFO
Ic = (4.91)
Z surge
Z surge = 60 ln ( 2 h / r ) ln ( 2 h / Rc ) (4.92)
Zsurge = conductor surge impedance under Corona (Ohms)
h = average conductor height (m)
r = conductor radius (m)
RC = Corona radius of the conductor under a gradient of 1500 kV/m (m)
CFO = critical flashover voltage (kV), negative polarity, as defined in Item.
According to Cigré procedure, Ic can be calculated by a similar procedure or by one
that considers a more precise transient response of the line (using a electromagnetic
transients program, like EMTP-Electromagnetic Transients Program) and the same
or other processes of line critical flashover voltage estimation, such as:
IEEE and Cigré estimate the shielding failure rate (number of lightning strokes
directly to the phase conductors that cause flashover) as:
I max
SFFOR = 2 N g L ∫ D ( I ) f ( I ) dI
c (4.93)
SFFOR = shielding failure flashover rate (flashovers/100 km/yr)
L = length of the line (km)
Dc(I) = exposure length (m) relative to phase conductor, calculated in function of I
f(I) = statistical distribution of I
Imax = maximum current (kA) that can hit the phase conductor (current that makes
null the distance Dc(I)
94 J.F. Nolasco et al.
P ( Ic > I s ) = 2.7
1+ c
I subs
Isubs is taken as 12 kA;
Ic is also taken in kA.
The following equation gives PS, the probability of flashover on any subsequent
stroke, given that no flashover occurs on the previous strokes:
( )
n =∞
n −1
Ps = ∑Pn 1 − P ( I s > I c ) (4.95)
where Pn is the probability that there are n strokes/flash, from data in (Tompson
The total SFFOR will be the sum of the first stroke failure rate SFFOR and the
added rate SFFORS obtained from:
If the critical current Ic is low, most shielding failures will lead to flashover, either
from the small first stroke or from the 60-70% chance that there will be a subsequent
stroke that exceeds Ic. If the critical current is higher, PS from will be lower (PS = 0.4
for space Ic of 16 kA).
The extra contribution of subsequent stroke effects to total SFFOR ensures that
perfect shielding (SFFOR = 0) will rarely be achieved. See next item.
As cited in the previous item, the estimation of shielding failure rate considering
only the lighting first strokes (number of lighting first strokes directly to the phase
conductors that cause flashover) as:
I max
SFFOR = 2 N g L ∫ Dc ( I ) f ( I ) dI (4.97)
It indicates an apparent possibility of perfect shielding: a shielding angle that makes
Imax = Ic (maximum stroke current that can be injected directly to a phase conductor
equal to the current necessary to generate an overvoltage in the phase conductor
equal to the insulator withstand), but this can be rarely achieved as it can have a
contribution of subsequent stroke effects to total SFFOR.
Considering only lightning first strokes, Cigré procedure presents the following
equation to evaluate the shielding angle where Imax = Ic:
rg − h r − y
−1 g
α p = 0.5 sin −1 + sin (4.98)
rc rc
4 Electrical Design 95
rg, rc = calculated for the current Ic (m)
h = average height of ground wire (m)
y = average height of phase conductor (m)
An attempt to achieve a perfect shielding angle may severely handicap an econo-
mical design of lines in areas of low flash density (Ng < 2 flashes/km2/yr). It is sug-
gested to the designer evaluating the most economical configuration based on the
SFFOR required. For example, serving a critical load, a design SFFOR value of 0.05
flashover/100 km/yr may be suitable, while values of 0.1-0.2 flashover/100 km/yr are
recommended for general practice.
Rate of Insulation Flashover due to Backflashover
When a lightning strikes the tower or the overhead ground wire, the current in the
tower and ground impedances cause the rise of the tower voltage. A considerable frac-
tion of the tower and shield wire voltage is coupled by mutual surge impedance to the
phase conductors. The tower and shield wire voltages are much larger than the phase
conductor voltages. If a voltage difference from phase to tower exceeds a critical value,
a flashover occurs, called “backflash” or “backflashover”. The corresponding mini-
mum lightning current that produces such a flashover is called “critical current”.
The calculation of the critical current for back-flashover depends, in general
order of sensitivity, on the following parameters:
• Amplitude of the lightning current (generally the peak value of the first return
• Flashover criteria for the insulation and air gaps;
• Presence of surge arresters across some or all insulators;
• Surge impedance coupling among phases and ground wires, evaluated using
transmission line models and considering the additional coupling from arrester-
protected insulators;
• Steepness (di/dt) at the peak of the current wave, which is generally assumed to
be the maximum di/dt;
• Waveshape, including both time to peak and time to half-peak value
• Footing impedance, influenced by high frequency and soil ionization effects;
• Tower inductance or surge impedance model;
• Representation of nearby towers and grounding systems;
• Representation of nearby power system components (e.g. transformers).
Sometimes, the induction effects of the electromagnetic field of the lightning chan-
nel are additionally taken into account for the estimation of the insulator voltage.
Induction effects related to current flow in the tower past the phase conductors have
been observed and modeled in several ways.
The procedure adopted by Cigré for the calculation of the line backflashover rate
(BFR), the same as described by (Aileman 1999), is specifically aimed at calcula-
ting the critical current and the resultant BFR value. In particular, the Cigré proce-
dure analytically estimates the backflashover critical current by making reference to
the representation of the travelling wave phenomena that take place for both cases
of a lightning strike to a tower or to an overhead ground wire.
96 J.F. Nolasco et al.
The BFR is given by the probability of exceeding the critical current multiplied
by the number of flashes to the shield wires (NL), taking into account that the crest
voltage and the flashover voltage are both functions of the time-to-crest (tf) of the
lightning current. Therefore, the BRF considering all the possible time-to-crest
values is:
∞ ∞
BFR = 0.6 N l ∫ ∫ ( )
f f t f dI dt f
0 I c (t f ) f (4.99)
where NC is the number of phase conductors and ti is the period of time in which
each phase is dominant. This concept is related to the system voltage at the different
phases when lightning strikes, as well as the different coupling factors between each
phase and the shield wire. Pi is the probability of the lightning current exceeding a
backflashover critical value. This is evaluated with respect to each phase, taking into
4 Electrical Design 97
account the phase shift between the sinusoidal voltages and the different coupling
factors between each phase and the ground wire.
Note that the procedures to calculate both rates, SFFOR and BFR, are based on
using the local ground flash density Ng to determine the number of strikes to the line.
To calculate the Ic, the minimum current that leads to insulator backflash in the
phase conductor, it is necessary to calculate the overvoltage in the insulation of the
line and compare with the withstand voltage. In the next items, the most important
aspects involved in this calculation are discussed.
The Cigré and IEEE procedures are compared in (Nucci 2010). The main differen-
ces, when present, lie in the fact that some approaches/methods proposed so far within
Cigré can be considered to be more general than those proposed within IEEE, in that
they take into account more variables of the problem. Within the IEEE – thanks in part
to the inherently simpler approach – a computer code, called FLASH, has been made
available, which can serve either as a professional tool capable of providing an approxi-
mate, yet very useful, answer on the lightning performance of typical overhead transmis-
sion lines or as a reference for beginner researchers when simple cases are dealt with.
Table 4.10 Tower model (impedance and travel time) (IEEE Std 1243-1997)
Cylindrical Conical
Z = 60 ln 2 − 1 h2 + r 2
r Z = 60 ln 2
τ= h
0.85c τ=
Waist H-Frame
Z1 = 60 ln 2 2 − 1
π tan −1 ( r / h ) h
60 d ln 2 + h Z1
Z= 60 ln cot − ln 2
4 2 Z2 = r
r1h2 + r2 h + r3 ( h − h2 ) ZZ
r= Z= 1 2
h Z1 + Z 2
τ= 1 hZ1 ( d + h ) Z 2
0.85c τ=
cZ hZ1 + ( d + h ) Z 3
Note (1): For tower of conical type, IEEE uses h/(0.85.c) as travel time instead of h/c indicated by
Cigré Document 63 (1991).
4 Electrical Design 99
h = guy-wire height (m)
r = guy-wire radius (m)
lguy = guy-wire length (m)
c = light velocity
n = number of parallel guy-wires
Lguy = inductance of a guy-wire (H)
Lequiv_guy-wires = inductance of n guy-wires (H).
Finally, for item (d), the following equations can be used:
Ztower = surge impedance of tower only (Ω)
τtower = travel time in the tower only (s)
Ltower = inductance of tower only (H)
HT = tower height (m)
Lequiv_tower+guy-wires = inductance of the tower and guy wires (H).
It is important to note that several approaches have been presented in the recent
literature addressing tower models.
Ri = (4.110)
R0 = is the low frequency non-ionized soil resistance;
Ig = is the critical value of the lightning current.
Ig = is estimated considering the soil ionization threshold field Eg, using the
Ig = (4.111)
2 R02
ρ = is the electrical resistivity of the soil (Ω m)
Eg = is the soil ionization threshold field, considered to be, approximately,
400 kV/m for most common soils (Cigré TB 63, 1991).
In both evaluation procedures, of IEEE and Cigré, except the soil ionization, no
reference is made explicit to the transient response of structure grounding systems
or to the fact that the soil parameters vary with frequency.
Relative to these aspects, many researchers have been done. For example, the
main factors that influence the grounding behavior have been analyzed in (Visacro
and Alípio 2012), the current-dependent response of electrodes is addressed in
(Sekioka et al. 2005) and the effect of the frequency-dependent soil parameters on
this response is addressed in (Visacro and Alípio 2012). Grounding
Grounding systems are installed in the structures of a transmission line with the
following primary objectives:
• to provide a preferential path to earth for currents generated by faults in the line;
• to provide a grounding system with a resistance low enough to enable the over-
current protection to detect a ground fault in the line.
• to provide a preferential path to earth to lightning discharge currents;
• in urban areas, to control the step and touch voltages generated during ground
faults in the line;
• to reduce the structure ground potential rise during a lightning discharge and,
consequently, reduce the probability of occurrence of backflashover on the line.
In the following items, the primary practical aspects involved in the design of the
grounding system of the transmission line structures are discussed.
occupied by the grounding system using a process that enables the identification of
the variation of the resistivity with depth.
To design the grounding systems of transmission lines structures, measurements
should be done with electrodes driven along an axis coincident or near the axis of
the line and centered at the installation point of each structure. In addition to this
axis, some companies specify measurements on axes near the edges of the right-of-
way of the line. In this case, measurements made on three axes: one in the center of
the right-of-way and the other two near their limits. The final resistivity considered
for each distance “a” (between measuring probes) is the mean value of all the mea-
surements done with that distance, except that ones those have great discrepancies
from the mean value, which are neglected.
One of the most widely used methods of measuring electrical resistivity of soil is
the Wenner four-pin method (Dawalibi and Barbeito 1991).
Soil Stratification
Usually, modeling the soil with a model of stratified horizontal layers, where each
layer has a specific resistivity and thickness, is used in grounding system design. This
can be done as most of the real soils are not homogeneous, but composed of several
layers of different electrical resistivity and thickness. These layers, due to the geolo-
gical formation, in general, are fairly horizontal and parallel to the ground surface.
From the results of resistivity measurement, it is possible to find the parameters
of the model (of a soil stratified in two or more horizontal layers).
Considering a two-layer soil model (Figure 4.23), its structure can be characterized by:
The stratification of the soil can be carried out by a curve fitting process, where ρ1,
ρ2 and d1 are determined.
As an example, it will be shown the results of a stratification process done with
a specific set of measured resistivity values obtained with the Wenner four-pin
method, that are presented in Table 4.11.
The two-layer soil parameters are shown Table 4.11. In Figure 4.24 are shown
the measured values and the curve ρ over a generated with the values of ρ1, ρ2 and
d1 shown on Table 4.11.
ρ2 d2= ∞
4 Electrical Design 103
Table 4.11 Measured value of apparent resistivity of soil obtained with the Wenner four-pin
Resistivity in Ω m for distance a between electrodes
a 2 m 4 m 8 m 16 m 32 m
ρa 1405 1173 743 553 549
Two-layer soil stratification
ρ1 (Ω m) ρ2 (Ω m) d1 (m)
1515 525 3.2
Resistivity (Ωm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Distance between adjacent electrodes (m)
Figure 4.24 Measured resistivity for distance a and curve calculated with the parameters of the
two-layer soil structure obtained in the stratification process.
In this example, the deviations between measured and calculated values of resis-
tivity are small, indicating that the real soil can effectively be approximated by a
two-layer soil model.
In many practical situations, the soils cannot be perfectly stratified in two layers
as the one shown here. In such cases, conservative approximations should be done
or multi-layer layer soil model should be used.
Resistance Calculation
The resistance of a grounding system can be estimated knowing its geometry and
the resistivity of the soil where it will be installed (Table 4.12).
Usually, simplified equations are used to calculate the resistance of single electrodes
or simple grounding systems. In most case, they consider uniform soil with a resistivity
called the apparent resistivity. Such apparent resistivity can be evaluated, approxima-
tely, from the stratification of the soil and the dimensions of the grounding system.
Reference (Heppe 1979) presents the equations necessary to calculate the induc-
tion coefficients and the potential generated in each point of the soil by the currents
104 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Table 4.12 Examples of simplified equations that can be used to calculate the resistance of elec-
trodes installed in a uniform soil of resistivity ρ (IEEE Std 142)
Electrode Grounding Resistance
ground rod ρ 4L
R= ln − 1
2 π L a
ρ 2L
R= ln − 1
πL 2ad
Three point
ρ 2L 2L s s2 s4
R= ln + ln + 1.071 − 0.209 + 0.238 2 − 0.054 4 …
6πL a s L L L
Four point
ρ 2L 2L s s2 s4
R= ln + ln + 2.912 − 1.071 + 0.645 2 − 0.145 4 …
8πL a s L L L
Six point star
ρ 2L 2L s s2 s4
R= ln + ln + 6.851 − 3.128 + 1.758 2 − 0.490 4 …
126πL a s L L L
Eight point
ρ 2L 2L s s2 s4
R= ln + ln + 10.98 − 5.51 + 3.26 2 − 1.17 4 …
16πL a s L L L
injected through the segments of conductors in which the grounding system was
subdivided. Theses equations were derived considering a two-layer soil.
To calculate the grounding system resistance, it is assumed that all segments of con-
ductor are metallically interconnected and the calculations done at power frequency.
Then, it can be assumed that all the segments are at the same potential Vm. For an
arbitrary value of Vm, for example 1.0 V, the current injected in earth by each segment of
conductor can be calculated. Then, the grounding resistance can be calculated as:
Rgrounding = (4.112)
i =1
To calculate the potentials generated in the soil during the occurrence of ground
fault in the transmission line, it is necessary to estimate the ground potential rise of
the grounding system Vm, in the desired situation, and with it to calculate the real
currents that will be injected into the soil.
For greater frequencies, especially the frequencies that are present in lightning
currents (ranging from 100 Hz to 4 MHz), the capacitance and inductance of groun-
ding systems are significant in their behavior (Visacro et al. 2011).
For such high frequencies, the relation between voltage (ground potential rise)
and current injected in the grounding system cannot be characterized by a constant
(the resistance). To be more precise, this relation should be described as an impe-
dance that varies with frequency:
V ( ω)
Z ( ω) = (4.113)
I ( ω)
The variation of the soil resistivity and permittivity with frequency is another
important aspect to be considered when high precision is required, especially for
grounding systems installed in high resistivity soils.
In the literature, some expressions are presented to describe the variation of
resistivity and permittivity with frequency. They are curve-fitting expressions that
are based on experimental results.
The following expressions were proposed in (Visacro and Alípio 2012):
ρ = ρ0 / 1 + 1.2 E −6 ρ00.73 ( f − 100 )
} (4.114)
where ρo is the soil resistivity at 100 Hz, ρ (in Ω,m) and εr are the soil resistivity and
relative permittivity at frequency f (in Hz), respectively. The equation of ρ is valid
for frequencies between 100 Hz and 4 MHz, while the equation of εr is valid for
frequencies between 10 kHz and 4 MHz (below 10 kHz, it is suggested to use the
value of relative permittivity calculated at 10 kHz).
In Figure 4.25, the impedance Z(ω) is shown for a counterpoise of 50 m in length,
buried in 2500 Ω m soil. It considers the frequency variation of the soil parameters.
As can be seen, immediately after power frequency, Z(ω) reduces with increasing
frequencies. For even greater frequencies, it increases again, until exceeding the low
frequency resistance value.
Low frequency
Z (ω) Angle
120 0
|Z (ω)|
80 -45°
101 102 103 104 105 10 Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.25 Impedance of a counterpoise of 50 m buried in a 2500 Ωm soil. Continuous line:
modulus of impedance. Dotted line: impedance angles.
106 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Soil: εr=10
2000 Ω m
ZP (Ω)
1000 Ω m
500 Ω m
Figure 4.26 Calculated Impedance of a counterpoise buried in a uniform soil. For each soil the
effective length is indicated.
Zp = (4.116)
For a specific grounding system, the impulse grounding impedance Zp is a function
of resistivity of soil and the current waveform, primarily its front-time parameter.
Figure 4.26 shows calculated curves Zp over L, where Zp is the impulse impe-
dance of a counterpoise of length L installed in a uniform soil. In this same figure is
indicated the effective length of counterpoise, defined as that length beyond it Zp no
longer reduces which the increase of L. These curves were calculated considering
the soil parameters constant with frequency.
Table 4.13 shows values of effective counterpoise length for current waves of
1.2/50 μs (Visacro 2007). For current waves of 4.5/60 μs, the effective length for
these same cases are, approximately, 40% greater than for 1.2/50 μs.
The results of Figure 4.26 and Table 4.13 were obtained considering constant the
soil parameters ρ and ε; Soil ionization were not considered. In recent works, it was
identified lower values of Zp and greater values of effective length, primarily for
high soil resistivity (as 3000 Ω m) and for impulse current waves representative to
lightning first strokes wave.
Even though the precision of the values of effective length can be an object of
discussion it clearly shows that too long counterpoises should not be used with the
4 Electrical Design 107
• installation of additional small wire or cables from tower (to reduce the groun-
ding system surge impedance)
• installation of a wire or cable in a form of rectangular ring around the tower base
or around guy-wires foundation
• preclusion of the cables that interconnect the guy-wires to the central mast, in
guyed tower
• installation of ground rods with or without the counterpoise cables
• installation of continuous counterpoise cables, i.e., interconnecting the counter-
poises of adjacent towers (this procedure is not recommended as reported before)
• installation of deep grounding well
• use of low resistivity materials in substitution of some portion of the local soil:
use of bentonite, for example.
1m 1m
Rectangular ring
OHTL axis OHTL axis
1m 1m
Figure 4.27 Example of grounding system designed to reduce the grounding impulse impedance
of a tower.
4 Electrical Design 109
Rch = human body resistance (of order of 1000 Ω);
R2Fs = resistance of the two human feet in series;
R2Fp = resistance of the two human feet in parallel;
Ich = maximum allowable current in the human body.
The current Ich can be estimated as (for 50 kg person):
I ch = [ A] (4.119)
where t is the exposition time to the current.
The resistances R2Fs and R2Fp can be estimated by the = following equations:
R2 Fs = 6 Cs ρs (4.120)
R2 Fp = 1.5Cs ρs (4.121)
where ρs is the soil surface resistivity and Cs is a function of ρs, its thickness hs and
the resistivity of the soil immediately below ρs. In a natural soil ρs is equal to ρ1 and
Cs is equal to 1. If the natural soil is covered with a high resistivity material, as a
layer of gravel, asphalt or stones, ρs will be the resistivity of this material and Cs can
be calculated as:
0.09 1 − 1
Cs = 1 − ρs (4.122)
2 hs + 0.09
With the installation of a layer of high resistivity material the step and touch voltage
generated by the grounding system can be greater, lowering its complexity and cost
or providing a greater safety margin. Another advantage is that it gives some protec-
tion to the grounding system against thieves and vandalism.
As an example, in Table 4.14 the step and touch voltage limits are shown for a
natural soil with resistivity 500 Ω m, with or without a thin layer of high resisti-
vity material: granite stones or asphalt (the installation of gravel is not recommen-
ded as it is easy to be stolen). The time of exposure t to the current was considered
equal to 1.0 s.
The step and touch voltages generated at the grounding system of a structure will
depend on the characteristics of the electrical system (basically its short-circuit current
and fault clearing time), the characteristics of the transmission line, the electrical resisti-
vity of soil and the geometry of the grounding system. In case of proximity of the struc-
ture with a substation, the influence of its grounding mat should be considered.
Typical geometries of grounding systems installed in urban areas are shown in
Figure 4.28. Basically, they are composed by ground rods and cables installed as
110 J.F. Nolasco et al.
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
rectangular or circular rings, around the feet of the structure, with 1 m apart. The
installation depth of the outer ring may be greater in order to control the step voltage
in the border of the grounding rings.
In addition to the grounding system itself, usually it is necessary to install a thin
layer of high electrical resistivity material over the natural soil to increase the maxi-
mum allowable step and touch voltages and also to protect the grounding system.
Examples are parallelepipeds of granite with sides, at least, 10 cm in length or a
layer of asphalt, with a thickness of 5 cm.
Example of Design
As an example, in this item it is presented the results of the design of a grounding
system installed to control the step and touch voltages in a structure located in an
urban area. This is the grounding system of the 40th structure of a 138 kV transmis-
sion line.
Figure 4.29 Typical T
tower of the line.
Dimensions (mm)
T P C S f
800 3030 2900 1860 2350
specifically for this purpose (the ATP – Alternative Transients Program could also
be used). The resistance of the grounding system in design was considered in the
results shown here.
In points inside the covered area, the limits of step and touch voltages were esti-
mated considering:
Figure 4.30 Grounding
system of tower 40.
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
1.0 m
Tower base
I1 I2
3.3 2.5
If1 If2
4.0 1.9
0.206 I3
Figure 4.31 Current distribution near tower 40, in kA, for a ground fault on it.
Vmax_ step = (1000 + 21600 ) = 2621 V
Vmax_ touch = (1000 + 5400 ) = 742 V
114 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Figure m
4.32 Equipotential curves
on the surface of the soil
near the structure n° 40.
Values in kV.
0 10 m
Vmax_ step _ adm = (1000 + 6 x500 ) = 464 V
Vmax_ touch _ adm = (1000 + 1, 5 x500 ) = 203 V
Figure 4.32 shows an equipotential map near tower 40.
The curve in red indicates the points where the generated touch voltage is equal
to the allowable limit for this voltage. Points inside this curve have generated touch
voltage less than the limit.
Figure 4.33 shows graphs of the calculated step voltages.
Table 4.15 lists the maximum values of the generated step and touch voltages
with the respective limit. As it can be seen, the step and touch voltages are
They are of sinusoidal type and defined by its magnitude and duration. They affect
the insulation withstand of the clearances (gaps) and other insulation and are defined
by test with an amplitude with duration of one minute. They are also important for
examining the surge arrester behavior and its energy absorption. The surge arrester
rating is chosen not to conduct significant current during these overvoltages.
The origins of temporary overvoltages are: earth faults; load rejection; line/
equipment switching; resonances (IEC 71-2).
4 Electrical Design 115
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Table 4.15 Comparison between limits and the generated step and touch voltages (for tower
Soil with thin layer of granite stones Natural soil
Limits (V) Generated Step voltage limit (V) Step voltage
voltages (V) generated (V)
Vtouch Vstep Vtouch Vstep
742 2621 513 748 464 428 Resonances
Temporary overvoltages may be originated by resonances, and may be mitigated by
detuning the system circuit.
Transformer energization and ferro-resonance should be of concern.
An example of sustained transient overvoltage due to load rejection is shown in
Figure 4.34.
Slow front overvoltages are of oscillatory nature fast damped. They are represented
in laboratory test by a wave with time-to-peak of 250 μs and time to half-value in
the tail 2500 μs (Figure 4.35).
The switching surge overvoltages arise from:
• line energization
• line reclosing (re-energization)
100 ms
100 ms
200 μs
10 ms
Figure 4.35 Slow front overvoltage (actual on left and laboratory test on right).
4 Electrical Design 117
• fault inception
• fault clearing
• load rejection
• capacitive switching in
• inductive load switching out. Reclosing
After line opening, one or more tentative of reenergization may occur automatically.
When the line is disconnected a trap charge is kept in the line (in the line capa-
citance) so the reclosing is an energization over the residual voltage of the line; this
should lead to higher show-front overvoltage than for energization.
118 J.F. Nolasco et al.
mean plus 3 standard deviations
0 25 50 75 100
% of the line
Figure 4.36 Expected maximum switching surge overvoltage during line energization.
For lines without shunt-connected reactor the trap charge is a DC voltage with
certain damping (due to line conductance).
For line with shunt-reactor the line voltage is of oscillatory nature (with two
frequencies superimposed, a combination due to the natural line frequency and the
operating voltage frequency). In the studies, the worst instant of breaker contact
closing shall be searched. After that, a statistical calculation around this worst posi-
tion is done (random contact closing instant).
The reclosing overvoltages are mitigated by using pre-insertion resistor in the
breakers or synchronized closing system. The trap charge can be controlled through:
open resistor in the breaker; shunt reactor; inductive potential transformer, and by
closing/opening a line to ground fast switch.
The phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase over-voltage distributions are searched to be
used in the insulation coordination, in a similar way as for the energization overvoltage.
Figure 4.37 depicts a trap charge in a reactor shunt compensated line.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 [s] 0.8
Phase A red; Phase B green; Phase C blue
Figure 4.37 Trapped charge (500 kV system) from 0.12 to 0.65 s; unsuccessful reclosing (fault
at phase A).
4.11.1 General
When a low voltage stress is applied in insulation there is no flow of current. When
this stress is increased to a sufficiently level, the resistivity along the pass through
the insulation changes to a low value, conducting current (breakdown).
A number of factors influence the dielectric strength of the insulation (IEC 71-2):
120 J.F. Nolasco et al.
• Temperature 20 ° C
• Pressure 101.3 kPa (1013 mbar)
• Absolute humidity 11 g/m3.
First of all it should be noted that some insulations are non regenerative (oil, paper
in a transformer for instance) and others are auto-regenerative like the air. In the
latter case the statistical behavior is discussed here-in-after.
When a certain number of shots, with the same wave, are applied in an insulation
the breakdown may occur by some of them only.
Due to this, the insulation withstand is defined by a probability function (Gaussian
or Weibull) (Figure 4.38).
X = (U − U 50 ) / Z
U50 being the 50% discharge voltage (P(U50) = 0,5), and Z being the conventional
Table 4.16 shows some values.
P(y) = probability of not being exceeded
[1-P(y)] = probability of being exceeded
4 Electrical Design 121
Weibull Distribution
The equations are:
U −
P (U ) = 1 − e
Where δ is the truncation value, β is the scale parameter and γ is the shape
δ = U 50 − NZ (4.125)
β = NZ ( ln 2 ) 2
This leads to the modified Weibull
U −U 50
P (U ) = 1 − 0, 5
122 J.F. Nolasco et al.
( P (U 50 − Z ) = 0,16 ) (4.128)
ln (1 0,16 )
ln 0, 5
= (4.129)
ln (1 (1 / N ) )
With truncation at (U0 = U50 − 4Z), N = 4, results γ ≈ 5.0 and finally
( x = (U − U ) / Z )
50 (4.130)
P (U ) = 1 − 0, 5 4
IEC 71-2 considers the value U10 = (U50 − 1.3 Z), to define the withstand capabi-
lity of equipment insulation.
U S 50 + N S Z S = UW 50 − NW ZW (4.132)
US50, UW50 are the means of the overvoltage and withstand capability
124 J.F. Nolasco et al.
R= ∫ f ( u ) P ( u ) du
f(u) = probability density of the overvoltage
P(u) = discharge probability of the insulation
U1 = truncation point of the discharge probability
U2 = truncation point of the overvoltage
Figure 4.39 shows the procedure.
A simplified approach consists in the assumption that the overvoltage (US50, ZS)
and discharge voltage (UW50, ZW) are Gaussian curves.
R50 = U S 50 − UW 50 (4.134)
Z R = Z S2 + ZW2 (4.135)
− ( )
1 2
Risk = 1 − ∫e
2 π −∞
x − R50
X = (4.137)
=U S 50 820
= kV Z S 82 kV or 10% (4.138)
UW 50 = 1125 kV ZW = 45 kV or 4% (4.139)
R50 = 820 − 1125 = −305 (4.140)
R = 1 − (1 − R1 )
Where R1 is the individual risk
Therefore for calculating the risk in the case of:
R = 1 − (1 − Rs ) s (1 − Rm ) m (1 − Rr ) r
Note: If the distributions were determined as “phase–peak”, than, the three phases
risk has to be considered as for instance.
Rr = 1 − (1 − Rr1 ph )
Rri1ph is the risk in one phase
m a
1000 kV 2000 kV
a) phase-to-earth insulation
b) longitudinal insulation
c) phase-to-phase insulation
d) rod-plane gap (reference gap)
For voltages consisting of two components, the voltage value is the
sum of the components.
20 Standard
10 f
a b k
1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1280
The effect of atmospheric condition is then considered in the risk of one insula-
tion by applying the overvoltage distribution in the withstand capability affected, in
each interval, and then calculating the weight average of the values of risk.
The air gaps, filled or not with insulators, are of the self-restoring type. The geome-
trical configuration of the gap influences its withstand capability.
128 J.F. Nolasco et al.
The critical flashover value (U50), in kV, for “standard atmospheric condition”,
can be estimated as function of the gap distance (d) in m by:
For slow-front
U 50 = k + 500 d (4.149)
k + = 0, 74 + 0, 26 k (4.150)
U 50 = 700 d
Ground level electric and magnetic field effects of overhead power lines have
become of increasing concern as transmission voltages are increased. The electric
fields are especially important because their effects on human beings and animals
4 Electrical Design 129
conductor-plane 1.15
Figure 4.42 Gap factor for slow-front overvoltages with and without insulator string.
130 J.F. Nolasco et al.
200 kV
1 ms
650 kV
kV peak
2400 rod-rod
conductor-structure (lateral)
1600 rod-plane
0 d (m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
have been a concern in the last decades. Serious views still exist that prolonged
exposure to electric and magnetic fields could be associated with adverse health
effects or with increased risks. However, it is not appropriate to consider unlikely
conditions when setting and applying electric field safety criteria because of pos-
sible consequences; thus statistical considerations are necessary.
4 Electrical Design 131
The resultant electric and magnetic fields in proximity to a transmission line are
the superposition of the fields due to the three-phase conductors. Usually some
limitations, originated from the practice or researches are imposed to the maximum
electric field at the edge of the right-of-way.
The evaluation of the electric and magnetic fields across the right-of-way of over-
head transmission line can nowadays be made with high accuracy so that the possible
health effects of such fields over humans, animals and plants can be evaluated.
Although there is no evidence of harmful effects of the magnetic fields over
humans or animals, there are certain limitations imposed by the practice and by the
good sense. International organizations like Cigré and ICNIRP have undertaken
extensive investigations on such issue.
The range of maximum values expected and accepted as the usual field intensi-
ties of electric and magnetic fields are shown in Tables 4.19 and 4.20 below:
Although medical examinations in linesmen, performed in various countries,
have so far failed to scientifically prove health problems directly attributed to elec-
tric and magnetic fields produced by overhead lines, some conventional limit values
have been established for exposures from which the numbers given in Table 4.21
below gives an indication.
In general, limitations are according to Table 4.21, by ICNIRP, according to
them maximum values for general public are set for the right-of-way border, while
other values are established for occupational people.
Table 4.19 Range of maximum allowable electric and magnetic fields below overhead lines of
any voltage (example)
Exposure Type Electric Field Limit(kV/m) Magnetic Field Limit (μT)
Difficult Terrain 20 125
Non-populated Areas 15-20 100-125
Road Crossings 10-12 50-100
Frequent Pedestrian. 5 50
Table 4.20 Range of maximum expected electric and magnetic fields below overhead lines as a
function of line voltage
TL voltage (kV) Electric field at ground level (kV/m) Magnetic field at ground level (μT)
765 8-13 5
500 5-9 3
345 4-6 3
230 2-3.5 2
161 2-3 2
138 2-3 2
115 1-2 1.5
69 1-1.5 1
132 J.F. Nolasco et al.
According to ICNIRP new limits have been introduced as Guidelines for limiting
Exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to
300 GHz); the limit values for “general public” and “occupational workers” are
established as below:
where f it is the frequency in Hz.
Regarding the maximum acceptable limits for the magnetic fields, there are no
universally definitive numbers as some controversy is still worldwide existent espe-
cially about their real effects on the health of human beings and animals. While in
some countries the regulations are more permissible, in others severe rules have
been established.
Other two types of unwanted disturbances caused by overhead transmission lines
on the environment are also of importance, namely:
Radio Noise or Radio Interference (RI) that is a disturbance within the radio
frequency band, such as undesired electric waves in any transmission channel or
device. The generality of the term becomes even more evident in the frequency band
of 500 kHz to 1500 kHz (AM band). The frequency of 1000 kHz (1 MHz) is usually
taken as reference for RI calculation.
Audible Noise (AN) produced by Corona of transmission line conductors has
emerged as a matter of concern of late. In dry conditions the conductors usually
operate below the Corona-inception level and very few Corona sources are pre-
sent. Audible noise from AC transmission lines occurs primarily in foul weather.
However, in general, it can be said that transmission systems contribute very
little as compared with the audible noises produced by other sources. In the case
of rural lines, the importance of the Audible Noise (AN) as well as of the Radio-
Interference (RI) may be still lower, as the population density beside the line is
generally too small.
When a set of voltages are applied on the conductors of a transmission line an elec-
tric field or voltage gradient appears on its surface (conductor surface gradient). If
this surface gradient is above a certain limit (Peek gradient or critical Corona or set
gradient) the Corona discharges initiate.
Electric discharge phenomena produce various effects (power loss, high fre-
quency electromagnetic fields, acoustic and luminous emission, ions and ozone
High frequency electromagnetic fields interfere with radio or TV signals in the
proximity of the lines.
4 Electrical Design 133
A person standing near an overhead line whose conductors and/or assemblies are
under Corona can sometimes hear a special noise: frying, crackling and hissing
sounds and low frequency hum.
These effects are influenced by the transmission line characteristics (conductor
size, bundle configuration, phase/pole spacing, conductor height to ground), con-
ductor surface gradient and atmospheric condition (temperature, pressure, rain,
snow, etc) the last ones a statistical behavior to the phenomenon is assigned.
The phenomenon presents different aspects if AC or DC line is under consideration.
Corona considerations in the design of transmission lines have been discussed in
the Cigré TB 61 (1996) and Cigré TB 20 (1974). This publication includes discus-
sion of Corona losses (CL), radio interference (RI) and audible noise (AN).
Factors influencing the choice of conductor bundles are discussed below. This
section provides basis for selection of the conductor bundle.
[V ] = [ H ][Q ] (4.152)
Hij are the Maxwell potential coefficients (refer to Figure 4.45):
1 2 hi
H ii = ln (4.153)
2 0 reqi
1 Dij
= ij H=
ji ln (4.154)
2 0 Dij
ri = single conductor (sub index c) or shield wire (sub index sw) radius;
hi D'ij
i' dij
134 J.F. Nolasco et al.
req = R n =equivalent radius of the bundle;
n = number of sub-conductors in the bundle;
R = radius of the bundle;
2 sin ( π / n )
for a regular bundle with a distance between adjacent subconductors;
hij = hmin + s = average height of the conductor or shield wire;
hmin = minimum distance of the conductor or shield wire to ground;
s = sag of the conductor or shield wire;
Equation above can be divided into:
Vc H c − c H c − sw Qc
= (4.155)
Vsw H sw − c H sw − sw Qsw
If the shield wires are grounded, then Vsw = 0 and the above equation system is
reduced to:
[Vc ] = H c′ −c [Qc ] (4.157)
The number of lines and rows of the matrix [λ′c–c] is equal to the number of phases
of an AC line or poles of a DC line. The charges are then calculated by:
[Qc ] = H c′ −c [Vc ] (4.158)
Since it is assumed that the total charge of the bundle is equally distributed on the n
subconductors, the mean gradient of a conductor in a bundle is given by:
1 Q
ga = (4.159)
n 2 0 r
The average maximum gradient of the subconductors is defined by:
( n − 1) r
g = g a 1 + (4.160)
The critical Corona onset gradient is given by:
g c = g o δ m 1 + (4.161)
δ r
4 Electrical Design 135
gc = critical Corona onset gradient (kV/cm);
go = Corona onset gradient (normal ambient conditions: 25 °C, 76 cm Hg) (kV/
r = radius of the conductor (cm);
k = 0.308 for AC or DC (both polarities);
m = surface factor;
m = 1 smooth and polished surface
m = 0.6 to 0.8 actual dry weather service conductor
m = 0.3 to 0.6 raindrops, snowflakes, extreme pollution
m = 0.25 heavy rain
δ = relative air density (RAD);
δ = Kd
273 + t
P = pressure of the ambient air (cm Hg or Pa);
t = temperature of the ambient air (°C);
Kd as in Table 4.22.
In the line design the conductor surface gradient should be smaller than the Peek
gradient and including a safety factor (ex: g < 0.95 gc. This gradient is also the key
factor in the interferences that the line may cause (radio, audible).
E d
P ( dB ) = 14.2 + 65 log + 40 log
18.8 3.51
n A
+ K1 log + K 2 +
4 300
n = number of subconductors
d = diameter of subconductors, cm
K1 = 13 for n ≤ 4 and 19 for n > 4
K 2 = 10 log for I ≤ 3.6 mm / h
K 2 = 3.3 + 3.5 log for I > 3.6 mm / h
I = rain rate, in mm/h
A distribution of fair and rainy weather has to be established.
Table 4.23 Basic characteristics of CISPR and ANSI radio interference measurement standards.
Pass band Charge/discharge constant Measuring Frequency
CISPR 9 kHz 1 ms/160 ms 0.5 MHz
ANSI 5 kHz 1 ms/600 ms 1.0 MHz
RI hr = −10 + 3.5 g + 6 d − 33 log
g = maximum surface gradient (function of the mean height)
D = radial distance from the phase to the point
D = subconductor diameter
With: 10 m < D < 60 m, and the term 6d is valid for 1 cm < d < 2.5 cm only.
It should be noted that (see Figure 4.46):
• from the heavy rain value subtract 24 dB to get mean fair weather value
• from the heavy rain value subtract 7 dB to get “mean foul weather”
• from the heavy rain value subtract 3.5 dB to get “mean stable rain”.
The equation applies for all phases, however the total RI can be calculated by:
Ei = 20 log ∑E
k =1
RI kj
Ekj = 10 20 (4.164)
RI a ≥ RI b ≥ RI c (4.165)
(dB (1 μV/m))
If RI a − RI b ≥ 3 dB : RI = RI a (4.166)
RI a + RI b
If RI a − RI b < 3 dB : RI = + 1.5 (4.167)
Design criteria for RI from transmission lines are generally based on signal to noise
ratios (SNR) for acceptable AM radio reception. Studies carried out on Corona-
generated RI from AC and DC transmission lines indicate that the SNRs for accep-
table radio reception are in the Table 4.24.
138 J.F. Nolasco et al.
40 20 dB
20 Heavy rain
int. ≥ 1 mm/h
σ=2.5 dB
-40 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Note: The hum component of Corona is usually low, but might be taken into consi-
deration separately in special “foul weather” conditions with large Corona loss.
The AC lines design criteria are defined based on subjective evaluation obtained
from group of people.
Low complaints :< 52 dBA (equivalent to business office noise)
Moderate: (some) complaints = 52-58 dBA
Many complaints: >58 dBA
Moreover the weather condition has to be established and in some countries it is
defined as maximum noise not to be exceeded at average rain = 42 dBA (average).
This level corresponds to suburban living room noise (EPRI Transmission).
4.12.2 Fields
[Q ] = [ H ] [V ]
It should be noted that V = (Vr + j Vi) is a complex number and so Q = (qr + j qi)
The electric field in a point N with coordinates (xN,yN) due to the charge qa and its
image qa is:
∼ ∼
Ea = E x , a u x + E y , a u y (4.173)
Where u x and u y are the unit vectors along the horizontal and vertical axes and Ẽx,a
and Ẽy,a are given by:
∼ ( qra + jqia ) ( xN − xa )
E x,a = −
2 π ( xa − xN ) + ( ya − y N )
2 2
( qra + jqia v ) ( xN − xa )
2 π ( xa − xN ) + ( ya + yN )
2 2
∼ ( qra + jqia ) ( yN − ya )
E y,a = −
2 π ( xa − xN ) + ( ya − y N )
2 2
( ra ia ) ( N a )
q + jq y + y
2 π ( xa − xN ) + ( ya + y N )
2 2
4 Electrical Design 141
qa = qra + jqia
xa N
Image -qa
The horizontal and vertical components, Ẽx and Ẽy of the electric field are calculated
by adding the contributions of all the conductors (a,b,…):
∼ ∼ ∼
E x = E x , a + E x ,b +… (4.176)
∼ ∼ ∼
E y = E y , a + E y ,b +… (4.177)
The results is an equation where there are the real and imaginary parts of the charge
and components in the x and y axis. To find the maximum values an specific calcu-
lation is needed (EPRI Transmission); one way is tabulating Ẽx, Ẽy and Et = Ex + E y
2 2
qa ya
E y,a = (4.178)
π ε0 ( xa − xN )2 + ya2
Similar equations apply to other phases and the total field becomes:
Et = E y , a + E y ,b + …… (4.179)
B=µ H
µ = µ0 µr
142 J.F. Nolasco et al.
θ Observer
The permeability of the free space is μ0 = 4π10−7 and μr the relative permeability is
unity for all except ferromagnetic materials.
Assuming a circle in a plane perpendicular to the conductor whose center is on
the conductor, the magnetic field along the circle is a constant given by:
2 πr
µ i
2 πr
Where i is the current and r the radius of the circle.
Simplified calculation of the magnetic field at ground level is given by:
i B
H= = (4.182)
2π h + L2 2 µ
H x = H sin ( θ ) = H
H y = H cos ( θ ) = H (4.183)
For multi-conductor the superposition applies in a similar way presented for electric
field. The maximum value has to be searched taking into consideration also that the
current has real and imaginary parcels.
Another consideration relates to the image of conductors, they have to be located
at great depth d that in a first approximation (being ρ the soil resistivity and f the
frequency) d is given by:
d ≅ 660 (4.184)
Accurate calculation may call for the use of Carson’s equations. However for many
purposes the earth current may be disregarded.
4 Electrical Design 143
First, the reader shall realize that the line constants consideration are included in the
section related to AC lines (Section 4.1.7) and is not repeated here reason why this
section starts with overvoltages.
The selection of the optimum transmission line (bipole) alternatives encompas-
ses the different components of the line, so that a global optimization can be achie-
ved. The optimum choice only has a real meaning when electrical, mechanical,
civil and environmental aspects are taken into account as a whole set, for which a
satisfactory performance and reasonable costs are simultaneously looked for (Cigré
TB 388 2009).
Regarding the transmission line itself, its design includes at first the electrical
requirements such as power transfer capability and voltage which are specified
from which the tower-top geometry, the electric field effects, the Corona effects,
the overvoltage and insulation coordination and the required right-of-way are esta-
blished. Then the mechanical design of the towers and foundations, the determina-
tion of conductors and shield wires stresses are carried out; finally the economics
including direct costs, cost of losses, operation and maintenance cost along line
life, are evaluated.
The design process is iterative as the electrical parameters can be met with a
variety of solutions. The optimum solution is derived from interaction with planners
and designers.
Note: this text is based on (Cigré TB 388 2009) that may be consulted if more
details are necessary. See also Chapter 7 and for electrical constants details
Section 4.1.7 (that includes AC and DC line constants).
4.13.1 Overvoltages
As related to HVDC system, the above mentioned overvoltages are also conside-
red for the converter station insulation design; by the use of surge arresters, the
overvoltages are limited to values corresponding to the arrester Maximum Switching
and Lightning Surge Voltage Levels. The surge discharge capability of the arrester
needs to be verified as part of the overvoltage studies for equipment specification.
Regarding switching surges fault application is the only one type of overvoltage
to be considered because of the intrinsic process of the HVDC system. For line
energization and reclosing, the DC voltage is ramped up smoothly from zero, and in
the reclosing process the line de-energization process eliminates the trapped charge.
As for load rejection, it generally does not transfer overvoltages to the DC side.
DC filter switching does not cause overvoltages.
Lightning overvoltages may start a fault in the DC line, however its effect is
smaller as compared with AC system faults due to the fact that the fault current will
be limited by HVDC station controls, the line voltage is ramped down and after a
sufficient time for the trapped charge discharge, the voltage is ramped up to the
nominal value or to a reduced voltage value (around 80% for example).
Shield wires are normally installed in the lines for reducing the number of faults,
by providing appropriate shielding. The major point in the design is then to locate
the shield wires in the right position. Shield wires may also be used as a communi-
cation medium for control of the converters, their design needs to take both func-
tions into account.
Sustained overvoltages in the DC side of HVDC systems do not occur due to the
intrinsic control process of the HVDC operation. It should be noted that overvolta-
ges in the DC side may appear due to harmonic/filter/smoothing reactor resonance.
It is considered here that this is a problem to be solved by the design of appropriate
elements, and so such kind of stresses will not be considered herein for the insula-
tion design of the DC line.
• Generator/receiving system
They are modeled as a short circuit power, providing enough power as required.
The short-circuit capacities used are: 9400MVA for single-phase short-circuit
and also for three-phase short-circuit.
• The converter transformers of both terminals are specified in this model as:
Two transformers per pole herein modeled with the following characteristics:
Power = 400 MVA each
4 Electrical Design 145
Mid Point
± 500
kV Line
500 kV
φ–φ rms
Filter Filter
Filter Filter
Figure 4.49 HVDC system modeling for fault application calculation (1300 MW).
Reactance xcc = 18%
Turn ratio = 500/199 kV at rectifier or 194 kV at inverter
• DC filters/smoothing reactor
The values used here are (EPRI EL 3892 1985):
Smoothing reactor of 200 mH;
DC filter as below (Figure 4.50)
They are modeled using PSCAD/EMTP blocks. Converter control system are
modeled according to (Szechtman et al. 1991)
There is a system voltage control in the inverter (γmin = extinction angle control),
line current control at rectifier (α = firing angle control). At fault inception in the
HVDC line the current tends to increase and the control acts reducing the line cur-
rent (different from HVAC systems). Also the line protection sensing the fault
change α, γ, to values above 90° and the current goes to zero.
• DC line
The line model is composed of eight sections, each one modeled as lossless line
traveling wave equations. Line losses (resistance) are represented in the model at
section end. Electrical parameters (resistance and inductance) are modeled as
frequency dependent or constant. For more detailed analysis see Section 4.1.7.
146 J.F. Nolasco et al.
0.7 µF 0.7 µF
0.00429 H
0.8 µF 0.053 H
3200 Ω
0.0079 H 0.02992 H
Calculation Results
For the Base Case calculation, the following points were taken into account: a
line 1500 km long; equal sources at both ends (rectifier and inverter) and line
parameters variable with the frequency.
Figure 4.51 shows the maximum overvoltage profile in the sound pole for a fault
initiated at mid point of the other pole, and Figure 4.52 the voltage versus time in
the mid/end point of the sound pole.
The maximum overvoltage reaches 2.0 pu, however the overvoltages are below 1.6 pu
(20% lower) at 1/4 of the line. Standard deviation for insulation switching surge withstand
is 6%, this means that the overvoltage in the major part of the line does not contribute to
the risk of failure and therefore the line is designed considering mainly the maximum
value (2.0 pu in this case). As example in the insulation coordination calculation the
envelope shown in blue in the Figure 4.51 may be used to address risk of failure.
4 Electrical Design 147
Overvoltage (pu)
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Line length (km)
Figure 4.51 Overvoltage profile along the sound pole for a fault initiated at midpoint of the other
Sound pole overvoltage (middle of line) Sound pole overvoltage (3/8 of line)
1200 900
800 600
Voltage (kV)
Voltage (kV)
400 300
0 0
1.998 2 2.002 2.004 2.006 2.008 2.01 2.012 2.014 2.016 1.998 2 2.002 2.004 2.006 2.008 2.01 2.012 2.014 2.016
time (s) time (s)
Figure 4.52 Fault at mid point, overvoltage in the sound pole (middle and 3/8 of l) (1,500 km
From here on, the line is split in several segments, identified as a fraction of its
length (1/8, 1/4, 3/8 and so on). Figure 4.53 shows the overvoltage profile for fault
initiated at other line positions. It can be seen that all values are below 1.8 pu and so
do not contribute so much to the risk of failure.
This section aims at designing the clearances and at defining the number and type
of insulators to be used in the insulator strings.
The number of insulators is initially selected based on the maximum DC voltage
withstand and on the assumption of a certain pollution level. The number of insula-
tors obtained by these criteria is then verified by considering the overvoltage values.
The clearances to be determined are: conductor-to-tower cross-arm, conductor-to-
tower or objects (lateral), conductor-to-ground or objects (at the ground), and con-
ductor to guy wires.
148 J.F. Nolasco et al.
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Line length (km)
They are calculated for switching surge overvoltage withstand. However, the cle-
arance to tower and guy wires as well as to edge of right-of-way shall be verified in
the condition of insulation string swing due to wind in order to prevent flashovers
and the touch of objects (such as trees) at the border of the right-of-way.
Air Clearances
For determining the minimum necessary conductor-structure clearances for opera-
ting voltage insulation, the following premises are considered:
The distances conductor-to-structure were obtained according (EPRI 1977) and are
shown on Table 4.25.
Number of Insulators
In AC or DC system the number of insulators in a string is determined by adopting
an environmental condition (pollution, air density) and choosing a creepage dis-
tance criterion for AC or for DC (Figure 4.54).
As example, by using a creepage distance (pole-to-ground) equal 30 mm/kV, the
number of insulators and the respective insulator string lengths are determined and
EPRI DC very
light moderate heavy
20 - 25 25 - 32 32 – 40 mm/kV pole-gr 40 - 70
4 Electrical Design
23 – 40 mm/kV pole-gr 50 70
12 - 16 mm/kVrms ph-ph 20 25 31
shown in Table 4.26. The creepage distances adopted are adequate with a good saf-
ety margin to zones with a pollution level classified as “light contamination”.
For agricultural areas and woodlands 23 mm/kV is recommended, and for outs-
kirts of industrial areas 40 mm/kV is recommended. Some references recommend
as acceptable even lower creepage distances down to 20 mm/kV (for area classified
as with “very light pollution”); however a higher figure is here considered as more
As a reference, the Itaipu lines (“light pollution - agricultural area”) were desi-
gned for 27 mm/kV and have shown adequate performance in more than 20 years of
• Line altitude = 300 m
• Average temperature:=16 °C
• Minimum ratio of vertical/horizontal span = 0.7
• Wind return period = T = 50 years
• Mean value of the distribution (m/s)= V =18.39 (10 min integration)
• Standard deviation =3.68 m/s
• Wind distribution with 30 years of measurements
• Terrain classification = B
Vt = V + (Y − C2 ) (4.185)
Y = − ln − ln 1 − (4.186)
4 Electrical Design 151
Vt = Wind velocity (m/s) with return period T.
V = Wind velocity - mean (m/s).
S = Standard deviation (m/s).
C1 = 1.11237 and C2 = 0.53622 are coefficients, for a sample of 30 years [35].
T = return period (years).
It Results = Vt = 29.52 m/s
The insulator string deflection is calculated by:
The swing angle of an insulator may be related to the wind velocity by:
− ( / 2 )VR2 k D Lw + Fwi / 2
Φ = tan −1 (4.187)
Wc + Wi / 2
In this formula the following symbols are used:
ϱ air density
VR reference wind speed
k correction factor taking into account the effect of wind span
D conductor diameter
Lw wind span
Fwi wind load insulator
Wc effective conductor weight taking into account the differences in the level of
conductor attachments
Wi weight of insulator
VR = 1.05 Vt (5 min integration) = 30.99
Q = 1.18 kg/m3
k = 1.0
D = 0.0382 m
LW = 450 m
By disregarding insulators parameters:
1.18*0.5*(30.99)2 *1*450*0.0382 = 9748.5 Newtons
WC = 2.671 kg/m × 450 m × 0.7(ratio LP/LW) × 9.81 = 8253.8 Newtons
φ = 49.7°
The calculations were done based on (Cigré TB 48 1995) Cigré TB 48, for a set
of ACSR-Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced conductors; the results are shown
on Table 4.27. Switching Surge Withstand
Calculation Procedure
Once the switching surge overvoltages (as determined before) are known, the clea-
rances are calculated based on the risk of failure considering the withstand capabi-
lity of the gaps. This is estimated by:
152 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Table 4.27 Swing Angle to be used together with the respective Clearances for the Operating
Conductor code Aluminum/steel mm2/mm2 Aluminum MCM* Swing Angle (°)
Joree 1.274/70 2.515 44.5
Lapwing 806/57 1.590 49.7
Bluejay 564/40 1.113 53.4
Tern 403/29 795 56.7
* 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2
Note: The conductor types and stranding taken as examples in this report can be further optimized
in the case of a real project. There are cases were other conductor types (ASC Aluminum
Conductor; AAC-Aluminum-Alloy Conductor, ACAR – Aluminum Conductor Aluminum-Alloy
Reinforced; AACSR-Aluminum-Alloy Steel Reinforced) may be more adequate. These, however,
will not be covered here. The entire methodology does however apply to them.
V50 = k (4.189)
1+ 8 / d
The clearances are determined based on the fault application overvoltage profiles,
aiming at a certain flashover failure risk target (design criteria). It is proposed here
a failure rate of 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 years. It will also be assumed, as design criteria,
that 1 fault per 100 km per year (mainly due to lightning) can occur. The overvolta-
ges shown on Figure 4.51 are used for this purpose. The following steps are carried
out (together with an example):
• Select one line length and one rated voltage (Ex: 1500 km; 500 kV as the Base
• Select one gap type and size (Ex: conductor-structure lateral = 3.0 m);
• Select the overvoltage profiles in the sound pole for fault in the middle of the
other pole (Ex: maximum value is 2.0 × 500 = 1000 kV);
• Calculate the risk of flashover for the tower in the mid-point of the line for 1 gap (Ex:
The critical flashover value of the gap is V50 = 1.35 × 500 × (3.0)0.6 = 1305 kV) the
4 Electrical Design 153
It should be noted that, if the line is designed with I-strings (as opposed to V-strings),
then it is recommended to consider in the risk calculation the effect of possible
winds simultaneously with the overvoltages.
There are two approaches for taking this point into account: first, by calculating
the clearances for an established risk and admitting that such clearances shall be
maintained with a certain swing due to wind (of about 15°); or second, considering
the simultaneous occurrence of wind and overvoltage, and finally calculating the
composite risk (to lead to 1 failure in 50 years).
Clearance (m)
300 400 500 600 700 800
Voltage (kV)
Conductor to Cross-Arm
1500 km
4.0 3000 km
Clearance (m)
300 400 500 600 700 800
Voltage (kV)
1500 km
5.0 3000 km
Clearance (m)
300 400 500 600 700 800
Voltage (kV)
Clearance (m)
300 400 500 600 700 800
Voltage (kV)
together with the occurrence of switching surge overvoltages. Using the wind distri-
bution as per item 2.2.1, the wind intensity is 13.54 m/s.
The swing angles caused by this wind are shown on Table 4.28.
It should be noted that considering simultaneously: the conductor swing due to
the wind with 1% probability of being exceeded in one year, and the clearances
corresponding to a risk of 1/50 years; the final flashover risk will be much smaller
than 1/50, therefore the stated criteria is conservative.
An alternative approach is to find a clearance considering the composite risk for
overvoltage distribution and a swing due to the wind distribution.
Note: It should be alerted here that the results obtained in this example and others
are applicable only to the parameters used, i.e. wind speed, probability functions, etc.
Atmospheric Conditions
The calculations presented consider standard laboratory test conditions, however
corrections should be considered if atmospheric conditions are different from stan-
dard one.
156 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Vcorrect = Vs tan dard (4.190)
δ is the relative air density (RAD);
δ = Kd (4.191)
273 + t
ρ = pressure of the ambient air (cm Hg or Pa);
t = temperature of the ambient air (°C);
Kd = as in Table 4.29:
H is the humidity correction; factor function of steam pressure that is calculated
using maximum saturated steam pressure, humid bulb temperature, air pressure,
and dry bulb temperature (also a correction curve is needed).
n = exponent function of the gap length
Atmospheric correction has a statistical behavior and this shall be taken into
consideration in the risk of failure calculation. This can be simplified by changing
V50 by the average value of the correction or by changing the gap withstand capabi-
lity standard deviation (σ) by composite standard deviation that includes the stan-
dard deviation of the correction factor.
The pole spacing requirements are determined considering the use of I- or V-strings.
For the pole spacing evaluation, the swing angles of the insulator strings as deter-
mined before will be used.
In this case there will be no swing angles due to wind at the towers the clearance
requirements for switching surges will determine the pole spacing. However, the
158 J.F. Nolasco et al.
20 SS 3000 km
Pole Spacing (m)
500 1.00 1.500 2.00 2.500 3.000
Figure 4.59 Pole Spacing (±800 kV, 750 to 3000 km). Nomenclature: OV → Operating Voltage;
SS → Switching Surge.
V-strings having length (L) shall be inserted in the tower, meaning that the mini-
mum pole spacing (PSmin) for installation will be:
DPTO = ( d min + R ) 2 + w
( provided that DPTO > PSmin )
The results are shown on Table 4.32.
In summary the pole spacing distances are:
• ±500 kV = > 9.3 m
• ±800 kV = > 14.4 m for line length
15.6 for line length equal to < 2250 km
16.8 for line length equal to 3000 km
It should be noted that clearances for insulation is not the only criteria to choose
between I- or V-strings, for instance I-string offers less surface for pollution from
4 Electrical Design 159
birds excretion, the Corona protection rings are simpler, and of course are less
expensive as they have less insulators.
The current carrying capability of ACSR conductors were calculated based on Cigré
recommendation (TB 207), that relates to AC current. It should be noted that the DC
current has a lower heating effect than AC current due to the absence of the transfor-
mer and eddy current effects, however this will not be considered here. Therefore, the
methodology of calculation can be considered as the same for both AC and DC lines.
The following assumptions are considered:
The maximum temperature of the conductor will be limited here to 90 °C (as
design criteria commonly used in many countries) for steady state and in emergency
or short duration conditions, although it could be accepted temperatures even above
100 °C for non-special conductors (Thermal Resistant Conductors may withstand a
higher temperature in the steady state condition). However, the conductor is selec-
ted based on economic criteria (cost of line plus losses) leading to a maximum
operating temperature in normal conditions much lower (~55 to 60 °C). Therefore
90 °C will eventually apply to pole conductors at abnormal conditions as well as to
electrode lines and metallic return conductors. Figure 4.60 shows the current capa-
bility for some conductors, so that the corresponding values for intermediate sizes
can be interpolated.
The sags are presented on Figure 4.61 for conductor temperatures in the range
from 50 to 90 °C. The sag calculation was based on the following conditions:
• Span = 450 m
• EDS = Every Day Stress condition
160 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Current (A)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Conductor Cross Section (MCM)
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Conductor Cross Section (kcmil)
• Tension of 20% of the RTS (this is a simplification - ideally the EDS should be
selected based on fixed H/w horizontal-tension/weight, the catenary’s parameter);
• Temperature: 20 °C.
It can be seen that the sags vary from 18 to 22 meters, depending on the conductor
temperature and type of conductor. It should be noted that the conductors conside-
red in this graph are those of the tables shown before. Conductors with the same
aluminum but different steel contents will have different sags.
hg = hp + R + dis + DG (4.196)
dis = insulator string and hardware length: 5.2 and 8.17 m for ±500 and ±800 kV,
The assumed values for shield wire to cross arm distance DG are:
DG = 2.5 m (for the case of two shield wires),
DG = 5 m (for the case of only one shield wire).
Table 4.33 shows the values to be used in the calculations which follow.
In order to get a good performance under lightning strokes, the design of HVDC
lines should include the use of shield wires (one or two).
The shield wires reduce the direct strokes to the conductors. For the strokes that
hit the shield wires, there will be an overvoltage that is coupled to the pole conduc-
tors and can cause flashovers or not.
To set a good design, some conditions shall be considered:
• The current of the stroke that hit the pole conductors should not produce an over-
voltage greater than the insulation withstand of the line.
• The closer are the shield wires to the pole conductor, the better will be the per-
formance due to strokes hitting the shield wires.
• The tower footing resistance and the corresponding tower footing surge impe-
dance should be low, therefore requiring the use of an adequate grounding sys-
tem, generally counterpoises at the towers.
In regions with ice, the second condition may be conflicting with the requirements of
keeping a safety distance from the shield wire to the pole conductors during icing events.
The clearances at the tower are designed to withstand switching overvoltages
with a pre-established risk of failure, or the operating voltage.
Once defined the required clearances, the Critical Impulse Flashover Capability
E of the insulation (50% probability) for lightning surges (fast front overvoltages)
are known.
162 J.F. Nolasco et al.
With E, Vop- the operating voltage- and the conductor surge impedance Z, the
critical “threshold current” Ioc, into the conductor for which a flashover will start is
determined by:
2 ( E − Vop )
Ioc = (4.197)
The striking distance rsc is a function of Ioc and is calculated by:
X = rsc 1 − ( k − T ) − 1 − ( k − R )
2 2
rsc = striking distance (m)
k = factor
T = hg*/rsc
R = hp*/rsc
hg* = average shield wire height (m)
hp* = average conductor height (m)
Three types of terrain may be considered, namely:
• Flat: in this case the following parameters are used in the equations above.
h*p = hp − Sc ( 2 / 3 ) (4.200)
h = hg − Sg ( 2 / 3 )
g (4.201)
hp, hg are conductor or shield wire heights at tower; and Sc, Sg are the conductors and
shield wire sags.
• Rolling: in this case:
h*p = hp (4.202)
b* = ( hg − hp ) + ( Sc − S g ) ( 2 / 3 ) (4.203)
hg* = h*p + b* (4.204)
• Mountainous
hp* = 2 hp (4.205)
4 Electrical Design 163
θ = arc tan (4.206)
h −h
g p
The minimum ROW widths (“V strings”) are calculated according to the same equa-
tion before but disregarding insulator string length. The results are shown in Table 4.38.
4 Electrical Design 165
Note that the results (for I- or V-strings) are partial as Corona effects were not
yet considered. Also note that only horizontal design is considered (vertical design
will led to smaller ROW).
Em = Ea 1 + ( n − 1) (4.209)
r = sub-conductor radius, cm
R = bundle radius, cm
166 J.F. Nolasco et al.
R= (4.210)
2 sin ( π / N )
n r n
req = R (4.211)
Voltage ± 500 kV
Conductor MCM 3 × 1590
Code Lapwing
Diameter 3.822 cm
Bundle spacing 45 cm
Pole spacing 13.0 m
Minimum conductor-ground clearance 12.5 m
R= = 26 cm (4.212)
2 sin ( π / 3 )
31.911 3
req = 26 = 15.7cm (4.213)
Ea =
31.911 ln
2 * 1250 (4.214)
15.7 +1
= 20.297 kV / cm
Em = 20.297 1 + (3 − 1) = 23.28 kV / cm (4.215)
[V ] = [ H ][Q ] (4.216)
4 Electrical Design 167
V = voltages on the conductors and shield wires [kV]
Q = charges [kV*F/km]
H = Maxwell’s potential coefficients [km/F]
The inverse equation is:
[Q ] = [C ][V ] (4.217)
C = the admittance coefficient (F/km).
Once known the charge in a bundle Qb the average charge in one sub conductor
is Qb/n and the average field is
Qb / n
Ea = (4.218)
2 π ε rc
rc = sub conductor wire radius
The maximum electric field Em is then calculated by the equation above.
When looking for the electric field in the shield wires the procedure used is as
If the shield-wires are grounded at the towers, their voltages are zero and their
charges are calculated by:
QSw1 = CSW 1− C1 V+ + CSW 1− C 2 V− (4.219)
Where CSW1−C1 is the mutual coefficient between shield wire 1 and pole 1(positive)
and CSW1−C2 from shield-wire 1 and pole 2 (negative).
The electric field in the shield wire surface is:
ESW 1 = (4.220)
2π ε r
r = shield wire radius
1 1
ε= 10 −9 F / m or 10 −6F / km
36 π 36 π
In reference (Cigré TB 388 2009) it is found a calculation of shield wire surface gradient
ESW for a ± 800 kV two twelve pulse converter per pole. In normal operation condition,
for both poles at 800 kV, ESW = 13.7 kV considering the shield wires and conductors
position as it is in the tower. However, ESW = 13.7 kV, if the calculation is carried with the
position as it is in the mid-span. When in one pole the voltage is 800 kV and in the other
400 kV (emergency of one converter) ESW = 18.9 kV and with 800 kV and zero isthe
other pole ESW = 24.1 kV (conductors and shield wire position as they are in the tower).
1 cond
2 cond
30 3 cond
4 cond
25 0.95Ec
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Radius (cm)
For the Base Case example in this session, 3 × 1590 MCM conductor Lapwing
(1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2) and assuming m = 0.82; δ = 0.915; r =1.911 cm, the critical
gradient is:
Ec = 30 ⋅ 0.82 ⋅ 0.915 ⋅ 1 + = 27.6 kV / cm
0.915 ⋅ 1.911 (4.221)
Reference (Cigré TB 388 2009) shows graphs indicating conductor surface gradient
(kV/cm) and critical gradient Ec as function of conductor radius. The figures for 500
and 800 kV are reproduced here (Figures 4.62 and 4.63).
Corona losses on both AC and DC transmission lines occur due to the movement of
both positive and negative ions created by Corona. However, there are basic diffe-
rences between the physical mechanisms involved in AC and DC Corona loss
(Maruvada 2000; Cigré TB 1974). On AC lines, the positive and negative ions cre-
ated by Corona are subject to an oscillatory movement in the alternating electric
field present near the conductors and are, therefore, confined to a very narrow region
around the conductors. On DC lines, however, ions having the same polarity as the
conductor move away from it, while ions of opposite polarity are attracted towards
the conductor and are neutralized on contact with it. Thus, the positive conductor in
Corona acts as a source of positive ions which fill the entire space between the con-
ductor and ground, and vice-versa, for the negative conductor.
4 Electrical Design 169
35 3 cond
4 cond min PS
5 cond
30 6 cond
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Radius (cm)
The case more widely used is the bipolar HVDC transmission line, the positive
and negative conductors in Corona emissions having the same polarity as the res-
pective conductor. Unipolar space charges fill the space between each pole and
ground while ions of both polarities mix in the bipolar region between the two poles
and are subject to some amount of recombination.
Theoretical calculation of Corona losses from HVDC transmission lines requires
analysis of the complex electric field and space charge environment in the unipolar
and bipolar regions. Such an analysis determines in the first step the electric field
and ion current distributions on the surface of the conductors and ground plane and
then evaluating Corona losses of the line. Ambient weather conditions have a large
influence on Corona losses from the line. The losses are lower under fair weather
conditions than under foul weather conditions such as rain, snow etc. However, the
ratio of foul weather to fair weather Corona losses on a DC line is much lower than
in the case of an AC line.
Because of the complexity of theoretical calculations and the large number of
factors influencing Corona on practical HVDC transmission lines, it is often prefer-
able to obtain empirical formulas derived from a large amount of data on long-term
Corona loss measurements made on experimental lines with different conductor
bundles and under different weather conditions. However, the amount of data avai-
lable for CL from DC lines is much more limited than in the case of AC lines and,
consequently, the accuracy and applicability of empirical formulas may be limited.
For unipolar DC lines, Corona losses may be calculated using an empirical for-
mula derived from measurements made on an experimental line in Sweden (Knudsen
et al. 1974), which is given as:
0.25( g − g0 )
P = Vu kc nrc 2 10 −3 (4.222)
170 J.F. Nolasco et al.
P = Corona loss, kW/km
Vu = line voltage, kV
n = number of sub-conductors in the bundle
rc = sub-conductor radius, cm
g = maximum bundle gradient, kV/cm
g0 = reference value of g, and kc is an empirical constant
The reference value is given as g0 = 22 δ kV/cm, where δ is the relative air den-
sity. The empirical constant is given as kc = 0.15 for clean and smooth conductors,
kc = 0.35 for conductors with surface irregularities and kc = 2.5 for the calculation of
all-weather Corona losses.
For bipolar DC transmission lines, some empirical formulas have been developed
for Corona losses in different seasons of the year and under different weather con-
ditions. However, the following empirical formulas are recommended since they are
derived using available experimental data from a number of different studies
(Corbellini et al. 1996), for evaluating fair and foul-weather Corona losses of bipo-
lar HVDC transmission lines:
g d
Pfair = P0 + 50 log + 30 log
g0 d0
n H S
+20 log − 10 logg
n0 H 0 S0
g d
Pfoul = P0 + 40 log + 20 log
0 d0
n H S
+15 log − 10 logg
n0 H 0 S0
P ( W / m ) = 10 P ( dB) /10
bipole losses in W / m
In the economic evaluation it will be considered 80% of time fair-weather and 20%
as foul-weather.
4 Electrical Design 171
23.28 3.822
Pfair = 2.9 + 50 log + 30 log
25 3.05
3 12.513
+20 log − 10 log = 5.7
3 15 ⋅ 15
Pfair ( W / m ) = 10 = 3.7 W / m 5.7 /10
Similarly: Pfoul (W/m) =20.6 W/m and Ptot = 0.8 · 3.7 + 0.2 · 20.6 = 7.1 W/m.
While Corona losses occur due to the creation and movement of ions by Corona on
conductors, radio interference and audible noise are generated by the pulse modes
of Corona discharges. The current pulses induced in the conductors and propagating
along the line produce RI, while the acoustic pulses generated by these modes of
Corona and propagating in ambient air produce AN.
The characteristics of Corona-generated RI and AN on DC transmission lines dif-
fer significantly from those on AC lines. Firstly, while all three phases of an AC line
contribute to the overall RI and AN of the line, only the positive pole of a DC line
contributes to the RI and AN level. Secondly, the RI and AN levels of DC transmis-
sion lines under foul weather conditions such as rain etc., which produce rain drops on
conductors, are lower than those under fair weather conditions. This is contrary to the
case of AC lines on which foul weather conditions produce the highest levels of RI
and AN, much higher than in fair weather. These two distinguishing features play
important roles in predicting the RI and AN performance of DC transmission lines
and in establishing the design criteria necessary for conductor selection.
g d
RI = 51.7 + 86 log + 40 log +
g0 d0
19.9 q
10 1 − log (10 f ) + 40 log
D 300
172 J.F. Nolasco et al.
RI = radio interference level measured at a distance D from the positive pole with
a CISPR instrument, dB above 1 μV/m
g = maximum bundle gradient, kV/cm
d = conductor diameter, cm
f = frequency, MHz
D = radial distance from positive pole, m
The contribution of the negative pole is 4 dB lower. The noise under foul weather
is 3 dB lower
The reference values are g0 = 25.6 kV/cm and d0 = 4.62 cm.
Adequate statistical information is not presently available to determine the diffe-
rence in the RI level between the average and maximum fair-weather values or
between the fair and foul-weather values.
However, based on the results of some long-term studies (Maruvada 2000), the
maximum fair weather RI may be obtained by adding 6 dB and the average foul
weather RI may be obtained by subtracting 5 dB from the average fair-weather value.
Design criteria for RI from transmission lines are generally based on signal-to-
noise ratios (SNR) for acceptable AM radio reception, similarly as presented for AC
line (Section 4.1).
For the Base example the following value is obtained:
23.28 3.822
RI = 51.7 + 86 log + 40 log +
25.6 4.62
19.9 600
10 1 − log 2 (10 ⋅ 1) + 40 log + = 41.8 dB
30 300
Note that it was assumed: f = 1 MHz; D = 30 m; q = 600 m.
1 Ld Ln +10
Ldn = 10 log 15 ⋅ 10 10 + 9 ⋅ 10 10 (4.227)
where Ld and Ln are the day and night time sound levels, respectively. However,
since the highest level of AN from DC lines occurs in fair weather, it may be pru-
dent to limit the Ldn (10%) of AN from HVDC transmission lines to 55 dBA, and
this corresponds to 50 dBA for Ldn(50%). Reference (Chartier et al. 1981) indicates
that the night and the all time distribution are close together by 1.5 dBA. Therefore
assuming Ld = Ln = 42 to 44 dBA, it results Ldn ~ 50 dBA.
As a conclusion, the AN calculated by the equation above (average value) shall
be limited to ~42 dBA at the edge of the right-of-way.
For the Base Case example the following value is obtained:
AN = 38.2 dBA
Note that: D = 30 m; q = 600 m
In the Figure 4.64 the values of AN and RI as function of the lateral distance are
It can be seeing that RI will govern the right-of-way width requirements. It
should be remembered that the conductor position in the calculations were those in
the mid-span. Sometimes the equivalent distance to ground (minimum distance plus
1/3 of the sag) may be used.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance from tower center (m)
Figure 4.64 RI and AN values for the Base Case example and criteria.
Figure 4.65 (from (Cigré TB 388 2009)) illustrates what defines the (1/2 ROW)
for ±500 kV, 3 conductors per pole. In this case, RI governs for conductors larger
than 1400 MCM (insulation requirements are always smaller in this case). Introduction
Induction effects under AC transmission lines are defined mainly in terms of the
magnitude and frequency of the alternating electric fields at the ground level. In the
case of DC transmission lines, however, the magnitudes of both the electric field and
the Corona-generated ion currents at ground level are required to characterize any
induction effects.
Corona-generated ion space charge fills the entire space between the conductors
and the ground plane. In the cases of both unipolar and bipolar DC transmission
lines, only positive or negative unipolar space charge exists at ground level. The
combined presence of DC electric field and ion space charge is generally known as
space charge field (Maruvada 2000).
Both unipolar and bipolar space charge fields are defined in terms of a set of
coupled non-linear partial differential equations. Solution of these equations, with
appropriate boundary conditions, provides a description of the electric field, space
charge density and ion current density at every point and, consequently, at the sur-
face of the ground plane.
Unipolar DC space charge fields are defined by the following equations:
4 Electrical Design 175
RI (m)
65 NA (m)
gradient (kV/cm)
m or kV/cm
1000 1500 2000 2500
Figure 4.65 Half ROW requirements and gradient for ±500 kV (bipole having three conductors
per pole).
∇E = (4.228)
J = µρ E (4.229)
∇J = 0 (4.230)
where E and J are the electric field and current density vectors at any point in
space, ρ is the space charge density, μ is the ionic mobility and ε0 is the permitti-
vity of free space. The first is Poisson’s equation, the second defines the relations-
hip between the current density and electric field vectors, and the third is the
continuity equation for ions. Solution of these equations, along with appropriate
boundary conditions, for the conductor-ground-plane geometry of the HVDC
transmission line, determines the ground-level electric field and ion current distri-
butions (Maruvada 2000).
Corona activity on the conductors and the resulting space charge field are influ-
enced, in addition to the line voltage and geometry, by ambient weather conditions
such as temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation and wind velocity as well as
by the presence of any aerosols and atmospheric pollution. It is difficult, if not
impossible, to take all these factors into account in any analytical treatment of space
charge fields. Information on the Corona onset gradients of conductors, which is an
essential input in the analytical determination of electric field and ion current
environment, is also difficult to obtain under practical operating conditions. For
these reasons, it is necessary to use analytical methods in combination with accurate
long-term measurements of ground-level electric field and ion current distributions
under experimental as well as operating HVDC transmission lines, in order to
develop prediction methods.
176 J.F. Nolasco et al.
The first assumption, often referred to as Deutsch’s assumption, implies that the
geometric pattern of the electric field distribution is unaffected by the presence of
the space charge and that the flux lines are unchanged while the equipotential lines
are shifted. Since HVDC transmission lines are generally designed to operate at
conductor surface gradients which are only slightly above Corona onset values,
Corona on the conductors generates low-density space charge and the ions may be
assumed to flow along the flux lines of the space-charge-free electric field. This
assumption is much more valid for dc transmission lines than for electrostatic pre-
cipitators where Corona intensity and space charge densities are very high.
The second assumption, which was also implied in Townsend’s analysis, has
been justified from theoretical as well as experimental points of view.
• Gela and Janischewskyj (Janischewsky et al. 1979) developed the first Finite
Element Method (FEM) for solving the unipolar space charge modified field
problem without recourse to Deutsch’s assumption. This method has been used
and improved by many authors. However the method is quite complex and diffi-
cult to be used for line designers
• A simplified method of analysis was developed at the Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) for determining the ground-level electric field and current
density under unipolar and bipolar dc transmission lines. In addition to the two
assumptions mentioned, other simplifying assumptions were made to develop
the computer program ANYPOLE which was made available in the public
domain. One of the simplifying assumptions made in this program was the repla-
cement of bundled conductors by an equivalent single conductor.
The input data and the results of calculation for the Base Case example follows
(Figures 4.66 and 4.67).
According to (Chartier et al. 1981) the values obtained using the default values
for Corona and Ion information lead to results with 90% probability of not being
4 Electrical Design 177
A semi-empirical method, called the “degree of Corona saturation” method, was pro-
posed (Johnson et al. 1987) for calculating ground-level electric fields and ion currents
under bipolar dc lines. The basic principle of the method is given by the equation,
Q = Qe + S (Qs − Qe ) (4.231)
where Qe is the electrostatic value of any parameter (electric field, ion current den-
sity or space charge density), QS is the saturated value of the parameter and S is the
degree of saturation. The electrostatic value Qe of the parameter can be calculated
178 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Electric field
Electric field
Y axis: Field with charge (kV/m)
-60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0
X axis: Distance to Center
Ion current
Ion current
40.0 500 kV, Triplex
-500 kV, Triplex
Y axis: Ion current (nA/m2)
-60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0
X axis: Distance to Center
using the well-established electrostatic field theory. It should be noted that the elec-
trostatic values of current density and charge density are zero.
Equations were derived for the saturated values of QS of the electric field, ion
current density and charge density, based on laboratory tests on reduced-scale
models with thin wires of unipolar and bipolar dc line configurations. The degree of
Corona saturation factor S was derived from full-scale tests carried out on a number
of bipolar dc line configurations.
The reference (Johnson et al. 1987) presents the equations and parameters to
carry on the calculations and are reproduced here
• Maximum saturated values (positive or negative), within right of way (in the
ground, close to conductors, bipolar lines) [4.6].
4 Electrical Design 179
E = 1.31 1 − e −1.7 P / H V / H ) (4.232)
( )
J + = 1.65 × 10 −15 1 − e − 0.7 P / H V 2 / H 3 (4.233)
J − = 2.15 × 10 −15 (1 − e − 0.07 P / H
)V 2
/ H3 (4.234)
• Maximum saturated values in the ground, at any distance “x” from the tower
center provided that 1 < (x − P/2)/H < 4
− 0.7 ( x − P / 2 ) / H
E = 1.46 1 − e − 2.5 P / H .e V /H (4.235)
− 1.75( x − P / 2 ) / H
J + = 1.54 10 −15 1 − e − 1.5 P / H .e V2 / H3 (4.236)
− 1.75( x − P / 2 ) / H
J − = 2. 10 − 15 1 − e − 1.5 P / H .e V2 / H3 (4.237)
2V H
4 H 1 4 H 2 + P2
n − n
Deq 2 P2 (4.238)
1 1
2 − 2
H + ( x − P / 2 ) H + ( x + P / 2 )
2 2
• Saturation factor
− k ( G − Go )
S = 1− e (4.239)
k = empirical coefficient
G = surface gradient (kV/cm)
Go = empirical coefficient
Q = Qe + S (Qs − Qe ) (4.240)
Q = value of a quantity (electrical field, ion flow, etc.)
Qs = saturated value
Qe = electrostatic value
S = degree of saturation
Information obtained from field tests (Johnson et al. 1987), parameters for the
calculation considering the effect of weather, are shown in Table 4.39.
Moderate weather can be represented by “fall-fair” and extreme by “summer
high humidity and fog”.
Below the results (with intermediate calculation values) for the Base Case
example are shown (Tables 4.40 and 4.41).
• for 25 kV/m and 100 nA/m2, 1/3 of the persons perceived the existence of the
• for 15 kV/m and 15 nA/m2, less than 10% perceived the field
4 Electrical Design 181
DC f ield
(kV/m) n=0.050 n=0.067 n=0.100
30 n=0.200
20 33%
10 10%
0 30 60 90 120 150
Iron current density (nA/m2)
Figure 4.68 DC field intensities and ion current densities detected by various of the more sensi-
tive subjects.
• Therefore a pair E and J can be selected as design criteria associated with awe-
ather condition, for example:
• in any place inside the ROW: 25 kV/m; 100 nA/m2, spring 50% values (average);
or40 kV/m; 90 nA/m2 summer high humidity/fog
• at the ROW edge 10 to 15 kV/m; 10 to 15 nA/m2, summer high humidity/fog
95% values.
bipolar 1.3 kA
20 monopolar 1.3 kA
f ield (µT)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
distance from center (m)
The calculation procedure shall include the concept that the AC conductor surface
voltage gradients are biased by the presence of the DC conductors, while the DC
conductor surface gradients include a ripple emanating from the presence of the AC
conductors, as illustrated in Figure 4.70. The calculation procedure proposed covers
only electrostatic effects; any influence of space charges on the electric fields on the
surface of the AC conductors is tentatively disregarded.
184 J.F. Nolasco et al.
SURFACE GRADINET ON G=Peak value Gac=AC Component Gdc=DC Component
Gp=Peak Value
Gac=AC Component
Gdc=DC Component
• Calculate the peak values of the combined AC and DC electric field distribution
on the surfaces of the AC and DC conductors.
• The Corona performance of the AC conductors may be calculated as for conven-
tional AC lines after dividing the peak values of the calculated conductor surface
gradients by 2 .
• The Corona performance of the DC conductors may be calculated using conven-
tional DC empirical methods by applying the peak values of the conductor sur-
face gradient.
• RI levels from DC lines are higher in fair-weather than in rain, and therefore prima-
rily considered as a fair-weather phenomenon. On the other hand, RI levels from AC
4 Electrical Design 185
lines are considered as both a fair weather and a foul weather phenomenon. For
hybrid configurations, it is therefore necessary to study both weather conditions.
• RI from AC conductors occurs around the peak of the positive half-cycle of the
power frequency voltage, whereas RI from DC conductors for an equivalent gra-
dient occurs all the time, primarily from the positive conductor.
• The nuisance value appears to be higher for AC than for DC.
The empirical formulas presented can be used to calculate the RI level of a hybrid
configuration at any particular distance from each AC phase and DC pole conductor
by applying the appropriate surface voltage gradients. With this information, the
total RI level is determined by adequately adding those levels for the different
weather conditions (Cigré WG B2 41).
Remind that:
For AC contribution: Foul weather RI = heavy rain-7 dB and fair = heavy rain -24 dB
For DC: fair negative weather RI = fair positive- 4 dB and foul = fair-3 dB.
• AN levels from DC lines are higher in fair-weather than in rain, and therefore
primarily considered as a fair-weather phenomenon. In contrast, AN levels from
AC lines are much higher in rain and therefore considered as a foul weather phe-
nomenon. For hybrid configurations, it is therefore necessary to study both
weather conditions.
• AN from AC conductors occurs around the peak of the positive half cycle of the
power frequency voltage, whereas RI from DC conductors for an equivalent gra-
dient occurs all the time, and practically only from the positive conductor.
The empirical formulas presented can be used to calculate the AN level of a hybrid
configuration at any particular distance from each AC phase and DC pole conductor
by applying the appropriate surface voltage gradients. With this information, the
total AN level is determined by adequately adding those levels for the different
weather conditions.
Remind that:
For AC contribution: Fair weather AN = foul- 25 dB
For DC: foul weather AN positive = fair positive- 6 dB and foul negative = zero.
Formulas for calculating Corona losses on AC lines and isolated DC lines are presented
previously. However, due to the lack of full-scale test results there is no information
available how to apply these formulas to hybrid configurations (one may use the concept
of equivalent surface gradient as input in the presented equations for AC and DC lines.
186 J.F. Nolasco et al.
References to 4.1–4.12
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Aileman, A.R.: Insulation coordination for power systems. Marcel Dekker, New York (1999). 767 p
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Anderson, R.B., Eriksson, A.J., Kroninger, H., Meal, D.V., Smith, M.A.: Lightning and thunderstorm
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PAS 88, 617–626 (1969)
Chartier, V.L.: Empirical expressions for calculating high voltage transmission line Corona phen-
omena. First Annual Seminar Technical Program for Professionals Engineers, BPA (1983)
Chartier, V.L., Stearns, R.D.: Formulas for predicting audible noise from overhead high voltage
AC and DC lines. IEEE Trans. PAS-100(1), 121–130 (1981)
Chartier, V.L., Sarkinen, S.H., Stearns, R.D., Burns, A.L.: Investigation of corona and field effects
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Cigré TB 20: Interferences produced by corona effect of electric systems; description of pheno-
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Cigré TB 21: Electric and magnetic fields produced by transmission systems (1980)
Cigré TB 48: Tower Top Geometry. WG 22-06 (1995)
Cigré TB 61: Addendum to interferences produced by corona effect of electric systems (1996)
Cigré TB 74: Electric power transmission and the environment. Field, noise and interference
Cigré TB 299: Guide for weather parameters for bare conductors to use for the deterministic rating
Cigré TB 388: Impacts of HVDC lines in the economics of HVDC projects (2009)
Cigré TB 440: Use of surge arresters for lightning protection of transmission lines
Cigré TB 473: Electric field and ion current environment of HVDC overhead transmission lines
Cigré TB 549: Working Group C4.407 – “Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications” –
Cigré TB 549, Aug (2013)
Cigré TB No. 61: Addendum to Cigré Document No. 20 (1974). Chapter 7 (1996)
Cigré WG 33-04, TB 63: Guide to Procedures for Estimating the Lightning Performance of
Transmission Lines. Paris (1991)
Cigré WG B2-41: Guide to the conversion of existing AC lines to DC operation
Corbellini, U., Pelacchi, P.: Corona losses on HVDC bipolar lines. IEEE Trans. PWRD-11(3),
1475–1480 (1996)
4 Electrical Design 187
Dawalibi, F., Barbeito, N.: Measurements and computations of the performance of grounding sys-
tems buried in multilayer soils. IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. 6(4), 1483–1490 (1991)
Dommel, H.W.: Electromagnetic Transient Program – Reference Manual (EMTP Theory Book
prepared for BPA) (1986)
Douglass, D.: Alternating Current (AC) resistance of helically stranded conductors. Cigré TB 345
2008 SC B2 Overhead lines WG B2 12
EPRI EL 3892: HVDC Converter Stations for voltages above 600 kV. Project 2115-4 (1985)
EPRI Transmission line reference book 345 kV and above 2nd edition
EPRI: Transmission line reference book HVDC to 600 kV. EPRI report (1977)
Fernandes, J.H.M., et al.: Eletronorte and the challenge of long-distance transmission in Brazil.
Cigré (2008)
Fink, D.G., Beaty, H.W.: Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineering. McGraw-Hill, fourteen
Ed., (SHEE)
Happoldt, H., Oeding, D.: Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze (Electrical Power Plants and
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Heppe, R.J.: Computation of potential at surface above an energized grid or other electrode, allo-
wing for non uniform current distribution. IEEE PAS PAS-98 (1979)
HVDC Reference Book, TR-102764 (EPRI DC) (1993)
ICNIRP: Guidelines for limiting exposure to time varying electrics, magnetics, and electroman-
getic fields (1997)
IEC 61815: Guide for the selection of insulators in respect to polluted conditions. (1986)
IEC 62305: Protection against lightning – part 1: general principles
IEC 71-2: Insulation coordination part 2: application guide (1996)
IEEE Standard 1410: IEEE guide for improving the lightning performance of electric power over-
head distribution lines (2010)
IEEE Std 80: IEEE guide for safety in AC substation grounding (2000)
IEEE Std 142: IEEE recommended practice for grounding of industrial and commercial power
systems (1991)
IEEE Std 1243: IEEE guide for improving the lightning performance of transmission lines (1997)
Janischewsky, W., Grela, G.: Finite element solution for electric fields of coronating DC transmis-
sion lines. IEEE PAS-98(3) (1979)
Johnson, G.B.: Degree of corona saturation for HVDC transmission lines. IEEE PWRD-2(2)
Kiessling, F., et al.: Overhead Power Lines. Springer (2003)
Knudsen, N., Iliceto, F.: Contribution to the electrical design of HVDC overhead lines. IEEE
Trans. PAS-93(1), 233–239 (1974)
MacGorman, D.R., Maier, M.W., Rust, W.D.: Lightning strike density for the contiguous United
States from thunderstorm duration records, NUREG/CR-3759, Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 44 p (1984)
Maruvada, P.S.: Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines. Research Studies
Press, Baldock (2000)
Mousa, A.M.: The soil ionization gradient associated with discharge of high current into concen-
trated electrodes. IEEE PWRD 9(3), 1669–1677 (1994)
Nolasco J.F., et al.: Assessment and Improvement of availability of overhead lines and compo-
nents. Cigré B2 Session -n°-22-107 (2002)
Nucci, C.A.: Survey on Cigré and IEEE procedure for the estimation of the lightning performance
of overhead transmission and distribution lines. Asia–Pacific International Symposium on
EMC (2010)
Popolansky, F.: Frequency distribution of amplitudes of lightning currents. Electra 22, 139–147
Sekioka, S., Sonoda, T., Ametani, A.: Experimental study of current-dependent grounding
resistance of rod electrode. IEEE Trans. Power Del. 20, 1569–1576 (2005)
Stephen R.: The thermal behaviour of overhead conductors. Sections 1 and 2. Cigré SC:22
Overhead lines. Electra. No: 144 pp. 107–125 (1992)
188 J.F. Nolasco et al.
Stephen, R.: Probabilistic determination of conductor current rating – Cigré Electra 164, 103–119
Stevenson, W.D.: Elements of Power System Analysis (1962)
Szechtman, M., Wess, T., Thio, C.V.: First benchmark model for HVDC control studies. Electra,
No. 135 (1991)
TB 207: Thermal behavior of overhead conductors (2002)
Tompson, E.M.: The dependance of lightning return stroke characteristics on latitude. J. Geograph.
Res. 85 (1980)
U.S. EPA., 550/9-74-004: Information on levels of environmental noise requisite to protect public
health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety (1974)
Visacro, S., Alípio, R.: Frequency dependence of soil parameters: experimental results, predicting
formula and influence on the lightning response of grounding electrodes. IEEE PWRD 27(2),
927–935 (2012)
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Visacro, S., Alípio, R., Murta, M.H., Pereira, C.: The response of grounding electrodes to lightning
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Trans. Power Syst. 82, 609–617 (1963)
Young, F.S., Clayton, J.M., Hileman, A.R.: Shielding of transmission lines. IEEE Trans. PAS 82,
132–154 (1963)
References to 4.13–4.21
Abramowitz, M., Stegun, I.A.: Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Dover Publication
Chartier, V.L., Stearns, R.D.: Formulas for Predicting Audible Noise from Overhead High Voltage
AC and DC Lines. IEEE Trans. PAS-100(1), 121–130 (1981)
Chartier, V.L.: Empirical Expressions for Calculating High Voltage Transmission Line Corona
Phenomena. First Annual Seminar Technical Program for Professional Engineers, Bonneville
Power Administration (BPA) (1983)
Cigré TB 473: Electric Field and Ion Current Environment of HVDC Overhead Transmission Lines
Cigré TB 20: Interferences Produced by Corona Effect of Electric Systems; Description of
Phenomena, Practical Guide for Calculation (1974)
Cigré TB 48: Tower Top Geometry. WG 22-06 (1995)
Cigré TB No. 61: Addendum to Cigré Document No. 20 (1974). Chapter 7 (1996)
Cigré TB 388: Impacts of HVDC lines in the economics of HVDC projects. (2009)
Cigré WG B2-41: Guide to the conversion of existing AC lines to DC operation
Corbellini, U., Pelacchi, P.: Corona Losses on HVDC Bipolar Lines. IEEE Trans. PWRD-11(3),
1475–1480 (1996)
EPRI EL 3892: HVDC Converter Stations for voltages above 600 kV. Project 2115-4 (1985)
EPRI: Transmission Line Reference Book HVDC to 600 kV. EPRI Report (1977)
Fink, D.G., Beaty, H.W.: Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineering. McGraw-Hill, fourteen
Ed., (SHEE)
HVDC Reference Book, TR-102764 (EPRI DC) (1993)
IEC 61815: Guide for the selection of insulators in respect to polluted conditions. (1986)
Janischewsky, W., Grela, G.: Finite Element Solution for Electric Fields of Coronating DC
Transmission Lines. IEEE PAS-98(3) (1979)
4 Electrical Design 189
Johnson, G.B.: Degree of Corona Saturation for HVDC Transmission Lines. IEEE PWRD-2(2) (1987)
Knudsen, N., Iliceto, F.: Contribution to the Electrical Design of HVDC Overhead Lines. IEEE
Trans. PAS-93(1), 233–239 (1974)
Maruvada, P.S.: Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines. Research Studies Press
Ltd., Baldock (2000)
Szechtman, M., Wess, T., Thio, C.V.: First Benchmark Model for HVDC Control Studies. Electra
(135) (1991)
TB 207: Thermal Behavior of Overhead Conductors (2002)
U.S. EPA., 550/9-74-004: Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect
Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety (1974)
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 192
5.2 Deterministic and Reliability Based Design (RBD) Methods............................................ 193
5.2.1 Historical Background.......................................................................................... 193
5.2.2 The Need for Reliability Based Design in Overhead Line Design....................... 194
5.2.3 How RBD Methods Address the Deficiencies of Deterministic
Design Procedures................................................................................................ 196
5.2.4 How to Apply IEC 60826..................................................................................... 197
5.2.5 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 204
5.2.6 References............................................................................................................. 204
5.3 Comparison of RBD Methods............................................................................................ 205
5.3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 205
5.3.2 Documents Compared and References................................................................. 205
5.3.3 Basis of Design..................................................................................................... 206
5.3.4 Basic Design Equation.......................................................................................... 207
5.3.5 Combination of Loads.......................................................................................... 207
5.3.6 Load Factors for Permanent and Variable Loads.................................................. 207
5.3.7 Wind Loads........................................................................................................... 210
5.3.8 Drag Coefficient.................................................................................................... 214
5.3.9 Span Factors.......................................................................................................... 214
5.3.10 Ice Loads............................................................................................................... 215
5.3.11 Combined Wind and Ice Loads............................................................................. 215
5.3.12 Failure and Containment Loads (Security Loads)................................................ 216
5.3.13 Construction and Maintenance Loads (Safety Loads).......................................... 216
5.3.14 Other Loads........................................................................................................... 216
5.3.15 General Comparative Overview............................................................................ 217
5.3.16 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 218
Originally published by Cigré, 2014, under the ISBN 978-2-85873-284-5. Republished by Springer
International Publishing Switzerland with kind permission.
E. Ghannoum (*)
Montreal, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the studies made by Cigré in the area of structural design of
overhead lines.
The first part is devoted to the Reliability Based Design (RBD) method, particu-
larly IEC 60826 where Cigré SC22-B2 Committees played an important role in
supporting and contributing to this international standard nowadays widely used
worldwide. In this part, the principles of RBD are explained as well as the require-
ments of IEC 60826. This is followed in 2006 by a comparison of RBD standards to
IEC 60826.
In the second part “tower top geometry and mid-span clearances” the methods to
establish the distances between conductors and the supporting structure either in
mid-span or at the tower are given as in the reference Cigré studies and Brochures.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 193
The third part covers load control devices that were developed to reduce dynamic
and/or static load on structures in case of a failure in order to reduce possibility of
cascading events.
The fourth part covers the Mechanical Security of Overhead Lines Containing
Cascading Failures and Mitigating Their Effects.
Finally, the fifth part covers the influence of line design parameters on line
The new number of this publication in the IEC catalogue is 60826 and the older version 826 is not
anymore available.
194 E. Ghannoum
5.2.2 T
he Need for Reliability Based Design in Overhead Line
Many current standards and design practices in the world are deterministic in nature
and some of them are even imported from other countries, despite major differences
in climatic and terrain conditions.
However, it is fair to recognize that deterministic methods have evolved, and
many utilities or countries tried to address deficiencies they have identified in their
deterministic design practices by specifying additional loading cases and strength
requirements, often much more critical than their basic standards.
Despite improvements, experience and technical studies have shown that determi-
nistic methods have inherent deficiencies that cannot be addressed by minor changes
in the design requirements, and can only be resolved by migrating to RBD. Some of
the potential deficiencies of deterministic methods are given hereafter and practical
examples are provided.
This is usually the case in many lines, because line routes and line deviation angles often aim to
use expensive angle towers at their maximum angles.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 195
This pressure corresponds to a 10 min wind speed of about 65 to 70 km/h for conductors at 10 m
of height in a terrain type B.
196 E. Ghannoum
5.2.3 H
ow RBD Methods Address the Deficiencies
of Deterministic Design Procedures
The following basic principles are used by RBD methods in order to address the
deficiencies stated above in deterministic methods:
These loads are sometimes called ultimate loads, but the wording “limit” is a preferred one.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 197
a- Preliminary design : route selection, conductors, insulation design, supports, foundations, climate data, etc.
b1- Select reliability level b2- Select security requirements b3- List safety requirements (compulsory)
d1- Calculate climatic limit d2- Calculate loads related to d3- Calculate construction & maintenance
loads security loads
e- Determine strength
g- Calculate required
characteristic strength of
or: Load corresponding to a return period T < Characteristic strength R C
The above equation has been expanded in the IEC standard to the form below:
γ QT = φR RC
γ factor for span dispersion, default value equal to 1.0 for new lines
QT load corresponding to a return period T
ϕR global strength factor equal to the product of ϕS ϕN ϕQ ϕC
ϕS factor related to coordination of strength (sequence of failure)
ϕN factor related to number N of components
ϕQ factor related to the difference between tested and installed component
ϕC factor related to the statistical parameters of the characteristic strength
It is important to note that the load QT shall be the maximum along the space covered
by the line. Furthermore, not only the maximum load intensity is important, but also
its spatial coverage, as both affect design requirements and line reliability. Dir
ectional tendencies of wind or ice loads can be taken into account if confirmed;
otherwise, it should be assumed that load direction always occurs in the most criti-
cal direction.
• Actual use factors of components, particularly towers, are quite different from the
assumed value of 1.0;
• The degree of correlation between loads and strengths
• Direction of wind speed in relation to that of the line
• Exclusion limit of strength different from the assumed 10 %
• Number of components subjected to maximum load intensity
• Quality control during fabrication and construction.
Methods to take into account the above factors are covered in the subject standard.
200 E. Ghannoum
Globally, the use factor variation increases reliability. However, a large dispersion
of use factor U may be an indication of a poor optimization (e.g. not enough tangent
tower types or their parameters incorrectly selected). It is important to recognize
that the preferred sequence of failure could also be altered if the use factor variation
is not taken into account.
R C = (10%) R = R (1 − k VR ) , where
In case the maximum intensity of load is widespread and covers a large number (N) of
structures, the strength distribution becomes that of a chain or a series of N components
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 201
• height factor
• span factor
• response factor
• shape factor.
In IEC 60826, the k factor in the above equation takes the form of:
μ is the air mass per unit volume = 1.225 kg/m3 (this is a default value, but adjust-
ments of μ for different temperatures and altitudes are provided), τ is the air density
correction factor given in Table 5 of IEC 60826.
A similar equation provides for calculation of wind forces applied to various
types of transmission structures such as those made of angle sections, round pipe
sections or steel poles. Drag coefficients are also provided for these tower types and
take into account the compactness (or solidity ratio) of the windward face to reflect
the shielding of wind on the leeward face.
• A broken phase load (torsional load) is applied on any one phase or overhead
ground wire attachment point, and is equivalent to the Residual Static Load
(RSL) calculated with bare conductors at average temperatures.
• A longitudinal load is specified, equivalent to a simulated fictitious ice load equal
to the conductor weight applied on one side of the tower.
For lines that require a higher security level, additional security measures can be
considered such as: Increasing the number of points where the RSL is applied,
Considering the RSL in conjunction with some climatic load, and/or inserting
anti-cascading towers.
Table 5.3 Damage and failure limits of conductors and ground wires
Types Damage limit Failure limit
All lowest of: Ultimate tensile stress
types - Vibration limit, or (rupture)
- the infringement of critical clearances defined by
appropriate regulations, or
- 75 % of the characteristic strength or rated tensile
strength (typical range in 70 % to 80 %)
5.2.5 Conclusions
5.2.6 References
[1] IEC 60826 - Ed. 3.0: Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines (2003)
[2] Cigré WG06.: Loading and strength of overhead transmission lines, Electra No.
129, March 1990 (1990)
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 205
5.3.1 Introduction
Since the publication of Technical Report IEC 826 in 1991, a number of other over-
head line design codes based on reliability design methods (RBD) have been pub-
lished. These documents have generally adopted many of the concepts given in IEC
826, but there are also some substantial differences.
The purpose of this Section 5.3 is to compare the methods adopted for the calcu-
lation of mechanical loadings for overhead power lines according to a number of
these design codes with the latest version of the IEC document, IEC 60826 Edition
3 (October 2003). It is noted that more recent versions of the compared codes have
been issued since this study was published by Cigré in 2006 in Cigré TB 289.
The main objective is to assess the level of consistency and the significance of
any major differences between the different codes.
The documents compared in this section are: IEC [1], Cigré [3], EN [6], ASCE [7],
NESC [8].
In addition to the above standards, a comparison of wind loadings calculated in
accordance with the General (or Statistical) Approach of CENELEC (CLC) National
Normative Aspects documents produced by the National Committees of the follo-
wing countries was also included in the study:
Note: The symbols adopted in this document are those used in the docu-
ments listed above, but it should be noted that usage varies across the range
of documents. Brief definitions of symbols are included in this paper, but for
full details reference should be made to the appropriate document. It should
also be noted that some parameters which are given similar titles or symbols
in different documents are defined differently.
The relationships between loads and strength of line components are described in
Table 5.6.
Table 5.5 Summary of design requirements according to different codes and standards
Reliability requirements Yes Yes Yes Yes
– Line reliability levels 3 3 – –
– Line reliability factors – – 4 2
Return period T (years) of 50, 150, 50, 150, 500 50, 100, 200, ?
climatic load(1) (2) 500 400
Security requirements(3) Yes Yes Yes(4) Yes(5)
Safety requirements(6) Yes Yes Yes No
Strength coordination Yes Yes(7) Yes(7) No
Limit state for:
– Reliability (probabilistic) Damage Ultimate Damage Ultimate
– Security (deterministic) Failure Ultimate Failure Ultimate
– Safety (deterministic) Damage Ultimate Damage
Notes related to Table 5.5
Reference return period is usually 50 years
Also called limit load in IEC/Cigré and characteristic or extreme load in EN. No specific name
in ASCE.
General guidance only provided for strength coordination
To reduce risk of uncontrollable propagation of failures
General guidance given but the magnitude for security loadings is not defined
Concept stated only. No specific requirements, or guidance for calculation of security loadings is
To ensure safe construction and maintenance conditions
General guidance only provided for strength coordination
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 207
In Table 5.7, structure loading cases and conditions are provided for various stan-
dards and include probabilistic conditions as well as deterministic load cases.
Table 5.8 Load factors for structure dead-loads (self weight of conductors and structures)
Code Reliability Based Design Cases Deterministic Load Cases
IEC, Cigré 1.0 -
EN 1.2 -
ASCE 1.0 -
ANSI - Metal Grade B = 1.50; Grade C = 1.90
snow, incloud icing. In Table 5.10, ice overload factors are given for different
reliability level.
• μ air density
• KR roughness factor at the line location
• VRB reference wind speed at flat and open terrain category B
• CX drag coefficient for the component X being considered
• G combined wind factor depending on height above ground level, wind gust,
dynamic response and terrain category
• ρ air density
• KR roughness factor at the line location
212 E. Ghannoum
• μ air density
• KZ takes in account terrain category and height above ground level
• V basic wind speed at flat and open terrain category C
• Cf force (i. e. drag) coefficient for the component being considered
• G gust response factor including span effect, depending on height above
ground level and terrain category (This gust factor is derived from the Davenport
model and ASCE neglects the resonant component of this model.)
Gc GL of the IEC, Cigré document, where Gc is the combined wind factor for con-
ductors with a span length of 200 m and GL is the span factor (GL = 1.0 for a span
length of 200 m),
Kh2 Gq GXc of the EN code, where Gq is the gust response factor and GXc the reso-
nance factor for the conductor, also termed “span factor”,
KZ Gw of the ASCE code, where Gw is the gust response factor for conductors
(wires) including span effect for wires. To make this value comparable it is mul-
tiplied by (V/VM)2 = 1.432 = 2.04, to take in account the reference to the 10 minute
average wind speed.
The comparison of global wind factor for conductors resulting from span factor,
height effect, and gust response to wind are given in Table 5.15.
The values obtained in Table 5.15 were calculated using effective conductor
heights given in Table 5.16.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 213
Table 5.15 Comparison of combined wind factors for conductors at terrain category B (IEC) or
Height in m Code 200 Span length in m 400 600
IEC, Cigré 1.84 1.73 1.624
10 EN 1.94 1.77 1.72
ASCE 1.51 1.39 1.31
IEC, Cigré 2.25 2.12 1.99
30 EN 2.32 2.17 2.08
ASCE 1.81 1.68 1.61
IEC, Cigré 2.44 2.30 2.16
50 EN 2.60 2.43 2.33
ASCE 1.96 1.84 1.76
Table 5.16 Effective conductor heights used to calculate conductor wind loads
Code Theoretical height Location For support calculation
IEC Centre of gravity Lower third of sag Attachment point of (middle)
Cigré - - -
EN Centre of wind - -
ASCE Centre of wind Higher third of sag (for -
pressure no wind)
Gt of the IEC/Cigré document, where Gt is the combined wind factor for towers
Kh2 Gq GXt of the EN code, where GXt is the drag factor for the tower (GXt taken as 1.0)
KZ Gt of the ASCE code, where Gt is the gust response factor for the tower. To make
this value comparable it is multiplied by (V/VM)2 = 1.43 2 = 2.04, to take in
account the reference to the 10 minute averaging wind speed.
For conductors in IEC, Cigré and EN the recommended drag coefficient or factor
CX = 1.0.
ASCE recommends:
For lattice towers in IEC, Cigré and EN the same magnitude for the drag coefficient
CxT is recommended, depending on the solidity ratio of tower panel (ratio between
solid steel area and overall panel surface). In ASCE slightly different values are
given as indicated in Figure 5.2.
The span factor represents the relationship between span length and wind spatial
effect on the span. It is recognized that the longer the span, the less a high wind
1,8 ASCE
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Solidity ratio
event can uniformly encompass all the span. IEC, Cigré and EN have adopted
similar span factors in all terrain categories (for example, in a terrain type B, the
IEC span factor GL gradually drops from 1.0 for a 200 m span to 0.85 for an 800 m
span). Comparatively, the ASCE has adopted lower span factors, where this factor
drops linearly from 1.0 to 0.7 for spans of 350 to 500 m respectively.
In IEC, Cigré and EN the basic ice load, g (N/m), is referred to a conductor of diameter
30 mm 10 m above ground level. In ASCE reference is not given (refer to Table 5.18).
Many standards also require designing for unbalanced icing conditions as indi-
cated in Table 5.19.
corresponding drag coefficient. Table 5.20 describes various ice densities and drag
coefficients for each of the assessed standard.
IEC, Cigré, EN and ASCE define the torsional and longitudinal structure loads.
The guidelines given in these codes are in principle the same and consist of loads that
attempt to reduce the risk of cascading failures in transmission lines. These loads are
broken conductor loads in different combinations, mostly under every day conditions.
IEC and Cigré provide guidelines for additional security for important lines and
lines subjected to heavy icing conditions.
IEC, Cigré, EN and ASCE provide guidelines for construction and maintenance
loads. These loads are treated as deterministic loads because their purpose is to pro-
tect workers during construction and maintenance activities.
• Short-circuit
• Avalanches
• Earthquakes.
• Galloping
• Flooding
• Vibration.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 217
All considered standards and practices share many common features. All adopt a
reliability based (i.e. semi-probabilistic) method for calculation of climatic loads,
essentially similar to IEC 60826. However, the European Standard EN 50341–1 still
provides a deterministic “Empirical Approach” as an alternative for some countries.
IEC 60826 and ASCE 74 adopt alternative limit states of “damage”, for use with
reliability based and safety loadings, and “failure” for use with security loading
cases. The other documents use “ultimate” limit state for all these loading cases. EN
specifies a “serviceability” limit stage for the checking of clearances (see Table 5.4).
Climatic loadings tend to be the most important in the design of overhead lines,
but all documents also give guidance on security loading cases and construction and
maintenance load cases to be used for design. Neither security nor construction and
maintenance loadings lend themselves completely to a reliability-based approach.
In most documents security loading cases are based on arbitrary assumptions about
hypothetical broken conductors causing unbalanced longitudinal occurring. These
conditions are combined with climatic loadings based on low return periods.
There are minor differences in the formulation of the basic design equations, but
climatic loadings are always based on weather events of a specified return period,
usually 50 years (see Table 5.5).
The range of loading cases considered differs between the various codes, with
IEC offering the most extensive range. IEC also provides the most detailed informa-
tion on strength co-ordination between different elements, with only general gui-
dance being given in EN and ASCE, and no explicit mention of this subject in NESC
(see Table 5.2).
For load factors on wind loadings, IEC applies factors to wind speed. The other
documents apply factors to wind load or pressure factors (Table 5.9). For ice loa-
ding, IEC offers alternative approaches of applying factors either to ice thickness or
weight. The other documents apply factors to ice weight (Table 5.10).
For combinations of weather events occurring simultaneously, for example wind
and ice loading, all documents assume that improbable events will not occur simul-
taneously, i. e. the maximum ice loading based on a 50 year return or higher return
period event would occur simultaneously with a wind loading of much lower return
period (see Tables 5.11 and 5.12).
The terrain categories and defining parameters used in the different codes are
listed in Table 5.13 and the nearest equivalents between the different codes are grou-
ped together. It should be noted that the subsequent wind loading calculations are
based on Terrain Type B to IEC, taken as equivalent to Category II in EN or Category
C in ASCE.
IEC and EN take a reference wind speed based on a 10 minute mean wind speed,
whereas ASCE/NESC adopt a 3 second gust wind speed (Table 5.14).
Formulas for effective wind pressure, including the effects of terrain category,
drag coefficient and gust factors are given in Table 5.15.
Combined wind loading factors including the effects of gust, height, and terrain
are compared in Table 5.15 for conductors and in Table 5.17 for lattice towers.
A comparison of the values of drag coefficient for conductors and lattice towers
are given in Clause 5.3.8. IEC/Cigré and EN all specify a value of 1.0 for conductors.
218 E. Ghannoum
ASCE adopts a formula based on Reynolds Number for un-iced conductors, with a
value of 1.2 specified for shield-wires and 0.9 for snow-covered conductors. For
tower steelwork IEC/Cigré and EN use the same formula. Different, albeit similar
values are given in ASCE.
A comparison of the span factors adopted in the different codes is given in Clause
5.3.9. There are fairly small differences between IEC/Cigré and EN, but ASCE
varies significantly from the other documents.
Table 5.18 compares the use of adjustment factors on ice weight and thickness
depending on conductor height and diameter, and Table 5.19 considers the treatment
of unbalanced ice loading in the various documents.
Table 5.20 highlights the differences in drag coefficient on iced conductor and
the density of ice adopted for different types of icing.
Clause 5.3.12 gives brief notes on the failure containment loads given in the dif-
ferent documents.
Clause 5.3.13 notes that all documents contain guidance on construction and
maintenance loadings.
Clause 5.3.14 looks at other loading conditions not mentioned above. It notes the
ASCE provides guidance on galloping, vibration, and flooding, which are not expli-
citly mentioned in the other documents. Also EN provides guidance on loadings gene-
rated by short-circuits, avalanches and earthquakes which are not addressed in the
other documents.
Appendix A gives a comparison between conductor wind pressures, including
gust, height and span related effects for a range of conductors for wind spans varying
from 200–600 m and mean conductor heights of 10 m, 30 m, and 50 m. Terrain type
B according to IEC or the closest equivalents to the other codes is assumed. This
information is given in tabular form in Tables 5.21, 5.22, and 5.23, and in graphical
form in Figure 5.4. It is shown that IEC/Cigré and EN agree fairly closely, but ASCE
gives significantly lower values than either of the other documents. The main reason
for this is believed to be the use of the simplified Davenport gust response model. It
may be noted that the use of the full Davenport model is allowed as an option in
ASCE, and this gives results much closer to IEC.
Table 5.24 provides a comparison of conductor wind loadings calculated in
accordance with the EN-NNA documents for various European countries, with IEC/
Cigré, ASCE, and the EN Main Body. The countries concerned are Norway, Sweden,
Finland, Czech Republic, and the UK. This information is also provided in graphical
form in Figure 5.4. It appears that the Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, and UK NNAs
give values similar to ASCE, whilst the Czech NNA follows EN.
5.3.16 Conclusions
The main objective of this Section was to compare the recently published Inter
national Standard IEC 60826 Ed.3 on “Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission
Lines”, issued October 2003 with the existing codes EN 50341–1, ASCE 74 and
NESC C2, and to assess the consistency. These codes followed the Reliability Based
Table 5.21 Effective wind pressures on conductors for terrain category B to IEC assuming a reference wind speed of 24 m/s, a 10 minute average period and
mean height of conductor of 10 m
Code Category Time (m/s) factor (kg/m3) 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m
IEC B 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 1.85 1.798 1.743 1.691 1.648 653 634 615 597 582
Cigré B 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 1.85 1.798 1.743 1.691 1.648 653 634 615 597 582
EN II 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 1.771 1.703 1.654 1.617 1.586 625 601 584 570 560
ASCE C 3 sec 34.3 1.0 1.226 0.738 0.703 0.679 0.662 0.639 532 507 490 478 461
NESC C 3 sec 34.3 1.0 1.226 0.738 0.703 0.679 0.662 0.639 532 507 490 478 461
1) The terrain categories quoted are considered to be the nearest equivalents from the various codes.
2) The ASCE and ANSI adjusted wind speed values have been obtained by multiplying the 24 m/s 10 min mean wind speed by 1.43 to convert to 3 sec gust
wind speed, as recommended in Appendix E of ACSE 74.
3) The combined factors and effective wind pressures include the effects of gust, conductor height and span length.
Table 5.22 Effective wind pressures on conductors for terrain category B to IEC assuming a reference wind speed of 24 m/s, a 10 minute average period and
mean height of conductor of 30 m
Code Category Time (m/s) factor (kg/m3) 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m 200 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m
IEC B 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 2.43 2.362 2.289 2.221 2.165 857 833 808 784 764
Cigré B 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 2.43 2.362 2.289 2.221 2.165 857 833 808 784 764
EN II 10 min 24.0 1.0 1.225 2.60 2.50 2.43 2.38 2.33 918 883 858 839 823
ASCE C 3 sec 34.3 1.0 1.226 0.96 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 695 667 648 634 624
ANSI C 3 sec 34.3 1.0 1.226 1.01 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.90 727 697 676 646 646
1) The terrain categories quoted are considered to be the nearest equivalents from the various codes.
2) The ASCE and ANSI adjusted wind speed values have been obtained by multiplying the 24 m/s 10 min mean wind speed by 1.43 to convert to 3 sec gust
wind speed, as recommended in ACSE 74 Appendix E.
3) The combined factors and effective wind pressures include the effects of gust, conductor height and span length.
222 E. Ghannoum
Table 5.24 Effective wind pressures on conductors under extreme wind loadings having been
calculated in accordance with IEC, EN, ASCE and the EN-NNAs of Finland, Sweden, Norway and
the UK
Comparison of Conductor Wind Loads derived from different Standards
Basic Data Symbol Unit Value
Reliability level 1
Return period of loads T years 50
Conductor diameter d mm 30
Conductor height (average) h m 30
Span length L m 400
Terrain category II
Altitude (from sea level) H0 m 0
Air temperature Ta °C 15
Reference wind speed (terrain II) VR(II) m/s 24.0
Load Symbol Unit 60826 74 MB FI SE NO UK
Parameters (EN)
Terrain B C II II II II II
Terrain factor kT - KR = 1.00 0.19 0.19 0.19
Ground z0 - 0.05 0.05 0.05
Reference VR m/s 24.0 34.3 24.2 24.2 24.0 21.4
wind speed
at site
Span factor GXc - GL = 0.94 0.81 0.65 0.50 0.70 0.51
Height Kh - KZ = 1.26 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.20
Gust factor kg - 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.06
for wind
Gust factor - Gw = 0.65 1.84 1.84 1.84
for wind G q = k 2g
Combined GC - 2.23
wind factor
for L = 200 m
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 223
Table 5.24 (continued)
Combined G - 2.10 1.03 2.17 1.74 1.88 2.21
wind factor
(See § 7.4)
Mean wind Vh = Kh m/s 29.2 29.2 29.0
speed at VR
Gust wind kg Vh m/s 39.6 39.6 39.3
speed at
Altitude - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
factor for
Temperature - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
factor for air
Air density ρ or μ kg/m3 1.225 1.226 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.22
Gust (μVh2/2) N/m2 788 959 959 920 946
pressure at Gq
Drag factor CXc - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Load factor γw - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.00
for wind load
(or Speed)
Design wind Qd N/m2 788 959 959 1196 946
Wind load of Qc = Qd N/m 22.3 23.3 18.6 17.9 19.9
conductor GXc d
per unit
Effective Fc = QcL N 8911 9305 7444 7176 7948
wind load on
wind span
Effective Qd GXc N/m2 743 593 775 620 598 662 615
pressure on
224 E. Ghannoum
100 100
600 CLC
200 200
400 400
500 IEC/Cigré
Span (m) 600 Span (m) 500 IEC/Cigré
Span (m) 500 IEC/Cigré
Figure 5.3 Comparison of Effective Wind Pressure on conductors for EN (CLC), ASCE/NESC,
and IEC/Cigré for various span lengths and heights above ground level for Terrain Category B to
IEC or equivalent.
Design method developed in the Technical Report IEC 826 issued in 1991, a previ-
ous version of IEC 60826. Cigré WG B2.06 already contributed to the review of this
Technical Report in Cigré TB 109 and with the Companion Document TB 178. The
detection of the most significant differences between IEC 60826 and the other Codes
is a new step in the improvement of RBD Codes.
This Section III concludes with the comparison of results of the numerical calcu-
lations of conductor wind loadings between the different codes, including the Nati
onal Normative Annexes of EN 50341–3.
5.4.1 Introduction
The aim of this section of Chapter 5 based on Cigré TB 348 is to give guidance on
the calculation of the geometric dimensions of the tower top to ensure that the inter-
nal electrical clearances necessary between live parts and earthed structures as well
as between conductors in mid span are achieved.
The available clearances depend on the conductor and insulator set positions which
vary due to wind action. The wind speed causes swinging of conductors and reduces the
clearances. Therefore, wind loads are significant for defining the tower top geometry.
Cigré TB 48 on “Tower Top Geometry” [1], issued in 1996, already provided guide
lines to check the internal clearances at towers. This section reviews those guide-
lines and extends them to the clearances between conductors within the span.
226 E. Ghannoum
As the design of mid span clearances is more complex due to the additional influ-
ence of conductor sag and possible asynchronous oscillation of adjacent conductors
due to differential wind, a questionnaire was issued by Cigré WG B2.06 to collect
and compare existing national design methods.
The approach developed in Cigré TB 348 represents an improvement on the vari-
ous empirical methods in use up to now.
The study presented is valid for all self-supporting and guyed overhead line supports
and for all line configurations (vertical, horizontal, triangle).
The design guidance is limited to the influence of wind actions, but the approach
philosophy can easily be extended to other issues such as:
No design guidance is provided for those issues, but they are considered in 5.4.2.,
Part 1.
In most countries existing practices for the definition of tower top geometry refer to
National Standards or Codes, which quote appropriate formulae and meteorological
conditions (temperature, wind, ice) to determine swing angles of:
Part 1 of Cigré TB 348 reviews the information referring to the different aspects
of loading cases considered for the determination of internal clearances.
The information received from the answers to the questionnaire was comple-
ted with the design rules for clearances available in the National Normative
Aspects (NNAs) EN 50341–3 to the European Standard EN 50341–1 [2]. Since
the publication of Cigré TB 48, national practices have been changed in some
The following countries responded to the WG B2.06 questionnaire:
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Serbia, South
Africa, Ukraine and USA.
The practices of the following countries have also been considered, as they are
detailed in the NNAs of EN 50341–3:
Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
The internal clearances according to EN 50341–1 are summarized in Table 5.25:
• Dpe is the phase-to-earth clearance, that refers to the internal clearance between
phase conductors and objects at earth potential, including the tower structure and
the earth wire;
• Dpp is the phase-to-phase clearance, that refers to the internal clearance between
phase conductors.
Dpe and Dpp are required to withstand lightning (fast front) or switching (slow front)
impulse voltages. Dpe_pf and Dpp_pf are required to withstand power frequency voltages.
EN 50341–1 distinguishes three load cases for the internal clearances. They are
summarized in Table 5.26.
All information gathered from the questionnaire and EN 50341 has been summa-
rized in Cigré TB in various synoptic tables. All wind and/or ice load cases are
classified per country with the corresponding type of clearance.
According to the answers to the questionnaire the most used load cases corres-
pond to the recommendations of EN 50341–1. They have been ranked in Table 5.27
with the preferred clearance type according to Table 5.26. The rate of preference is
given in %.
Table 5.26 Type of internal clearance per load case (EN 50341–1)
Clearance Phase-to- Phase-to-
type earth phase Load case
1 Dpe Dpp Still air conditions with maximum conductor
temperature or ice load
2 k1 · Dpe(1) k1 · Dpp (1) Reduced wind load (T = 3 years)
3 Dpe_pf Dpp_pf Extreme wind load (T = 50 years)
(1) Reduction factor k1 is defined by the National Normative Aspects of EN 50341–3
• The first term indirectly takes into account the differing wind speeds on the con-
ductors. This term depends on the sag, the mean length of the suspension insula-
tor set, the swing angle and the relative position of both conductors;
• The second term takes into account the system voltage;
• Finally the third term considers the outside diameter of conductor bundles, if any.
A synoptic table in Cigré TB 348 summarizes the parameters used by each country
for their empirical equation.
Part 2 of Cigré TB 348 compiles the material on swinging of conductors due to wind
loads, which is available to the WG B2.06. The wind action varies with time and space
and can be described as randomly distributed using statistical approaches [1; 2; 3; 4].
Due to the boundary effect, the wind velocities increase with the height above
ground. The longer the wind span the more the wind velocity will vary along this span.
Relevant standards, take care of this effect by introducing a span factor. Additionally,
the swing angles depend on line parameters such as ratio of wind span to weight span,
conductor type, etc.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 229
For the design of the tower top geometry the same meteorological data should be
used as for the Reliability Based Design (RBD) [3; 4] methods.
Various experimental investigations were carried out on test stands in the past to
study the relation between wind velocities and swing angles. The basic results are:
• The swing angle observed for a measured wind velocity, whether instantaneous
or average over a certain period of time, scatter considerably;
• The majority of observed swing angles stay well below those determined theo-
retically using observed peak wind velocities and generally agreed formulae.
The required clearances should be derived from the electrical characteristics of the
transmission system. There are various approaches available to determine the clea-
rances necessary to withstand given electrical stresses.
According to IEC 60071–1 the standard highest system voltages, US, for equip-
ment are divided into two ranges:
For lines within range I lightning (fast front) impulses, Uff, decide on the insulation
level and for lines within range II switching (slow front) impulses, Usf.
Standards IEC 60071–1 [5] and IEC 60071–2 [6] deal only with phase-to-earth
clearances Dpe. Since the insulation is self-restoring the lightning withstand voltages,
U90%_ff, are specified for the probability of 90 % of being withstood. The coefficients
of variation are assumed to be 3 % for lightning impulses and 6 % for switching
230 E. Ghannoum
Cigré TB 72 [7] deals with the dielectric strength of external insulation and con-
ductors, lightning and switching impulses. The lightning impulses to be used are
those which can propagate beyond a few towers from the point of the lightning strike.
For the purpose of determining clearances this is to be taken as U50%_ff. The switching
impulse voltage to be used, Usf, is the highest that can occur on the lines (Table 5.28).
Table 5.29 lists the clearances under impulse voltages for some of the often used
voltage levels according to the IEC, Cigré and EN formulae given in detail in Cigré
TB 348.
In Table 5.29 the power frequency clearances, Dpe_pf and Dpp_pf, are given. The
comparison reveals that the procedure according to EN 50341–1 results in less con-
servative data than TB 72. No information is given in IEC 60071–2.
5.4.5 P
art 4: Coordination of Conductor Positions and Electrical
The study resulted in a proposal to consider at least two cases of designing tower top
geometry and mid span clearances, taken into account the varying position of con-
ductors and insulator sets under the wind action and the electrical stress of the air
• Case 1 is described by conductor and insulator positions which would occur under
the action of the design wind velocities having a return period T of say 50 years.
These positions are combined with clearances required to withstand power fre-
quency voltage. The probability of flashovers depends on the probability of occur-
rence of the corresponding design wind velocity. For a wind velocity having a return
period of 50 years the probability of flashover will be 1 % per year at maximum.
• Case 2 is described by conductor and insulator positions which are assumed as
not being exceeded during 99 % of the time. These positions are combined with
clearances required to withstand the lightning or switching overvoltages with a
probability of more than 90 %. The flashover probability is that by which the
design overvoltage conditions will be exceeded.
The approach proposed to determine tower top geometry and mid span clearances is
demonstrated by means of an example for a suspension tower equipped with a twin
conductor bundle ACSR 564/72. The mean value of the yearly maximum wind velo-
cities is 20 m/s (10 min mean value, height 10 m), the coefficient of variation is 14 %.
The highest system voltage US is 420 kV and the switching impulse voltage Usf is
1050 kV. The mean suspension insulator length is 5,0 m, the sag 20 m and the dis-
tance between sub-conductors 0,4 m.
The design of the tower top is performed in 5 steps. The detailed calculation is
given in Cigré TB 348.
• The wind velocity with a return period of 50 years is calculated according to the
Gumbel distribution function for extreme values. The moderate wind velocity is
calculated using the Weibull distribution function;
• The wind velocities are adjusted to the time period of measurement and the
height above ground according to the IEC 60826 equations. In Tables 5.31 and
5.32 the results are given for a 5 minute wind speed 20 m above ground level;
232 E. Ghannoum
• The results for the swing angle of the suspension insulator set at the tower and
the swing angle of conductors at mid span are somewhat different;
• Further the scattering of the swing angle is determined:
• The maximum swing angle at the tower is obtained by adding two standard
deviations to the mean swing angle of the insulator. The maximum angles for
the two positions of the insulator set are depicted in Table 5.31, and Figure 5.6;
• For the adjacent conductors both the minimum and maximum swing angles
are obtained respectively by deducting and adding two standard deviations.
The most unfavourable positions of the swinging conductors are depicted in
Figure 5.6;
• Finally the minimum electrical clearances taken from Tables 5.31 and 5.32 are
used to determine the horizontal distance between:
• The attachment point of the first conductor and the tower structure (5.0 m);
• The attachment points of two adjacent conductors in a horizontal configura-
tion (6.7 m).
5.00 m
0.4 m
5.00 m 6.70 m
5.0 m
48.1 °
20.0 m
0.4 m 0.4 m
5.4.7 Conclusion
On the basis of the review of national practices, the study results in a proposal to
consider two cases when designing the tower top geometry and mid span clearances
in view of conductor and insulator swing under wind action. Reference wind speeds
and ice loads as well as parameters, such as the number of standard deviations, have
to be selected accordingly based on studies and experience.
5.4.8 References
5.5.1 Summary
Electricity utilities need to design overhead lines to withstand potential cascade fai-
lures of towers, which could occur as the result of exceptional icing or rupture of
conductors. Some utilities simply design the lines with section towers at frequent
intervals and other utilities use special devices called «load control devices» (LCD),
the function of which is to limit the stresses applied to the towers in the case of the
application of exceptional longitudinal loads. These devices are usually based on
one of the following principles:
This Section based on Cigré study [1] describes the characteristics and performance
of the elongating fittings occasionally used in Japan and the controlled sliding clamps
used in France.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 235
• The countries which systematically use LCDs, such as France, Belgium and
Romania, give one or more of the following arguments:
• The global cost of a line is reduced,
• The efficiency of these devices has been checked in test stations and on seve-
ral occasions in the field.
• The countries which use these devices in a non systematic way, such as Japan, do
it in specific cases, like on existing lines to avoid the replacement of the towers
when buildings are built under them,
• The countries, which never use LCD, give one or several of the following argu
–– Towers are systematically designed for specified longitudinal loads,
–– Icing is unknown or very rare in the country,
–– The efficiency of the devices is uncertain,
–– The increase of the conductor sag, generated by an LCD, is unacceptable in
the view of public safety,
–– The use of controlled sliding clamps causes severe damage to ACSR conductors.
In conclusion, the utilities that want to go further in the field of load control devices,
should concentrate on the following aspects: reliability, safety, and estimation of the
cost effectiveness. With respect to this last aspect, the experience in some countries
show that, for the future, the modifications and upgrading of existing lines are a
potential field of application for LCDs.
236 E. Ghannoum
5.5.2 Introduction
The most serious overhead line failure, which could have severe consequences affec-
ting the grid operation, is the cascade failure of several transmission towers.
This cascade failure is usually initiated by the failure of a single tower or by the
breaking of conductors and is the result of insufficient design strength of towers to
withstand high longitudinal loads.
The choice of solution to avoid such damage will depend upon a compromise
between the risk and consequences of a cascade failure and the extra cost of const-
ruction specified by the designer.
The most frequent solutions to limit or avoid series tower failures are, either to
use section supports at regular intervals (also called anti-cascading towers), or to
provide enough longitudinal strength to the suspension towers. In the second solu-
tion, the use of LCD can make it possible to limit considerably the magnitude of the
longitudinal loads and thus the cost of the towers.
After a general presentation of the different categories of LCD, this Section
describes some devices which are currently available. It then summarizes the experi-
ence of the countries that took part in the survey conducted as part of SC22 WG 06
of Cigré.
The task assigned to an LCD is to avoid major and costly line failures, which could
occur in the case of certain exceptional loads, by releasing or limiting the stresses
applied to a main line-component.
Practically, LCD are generally designed to protect the towers from exceptional
stresses applied by the conductor in the case of unusual icing, cascading, etc.
Considering the existing devices, two categories of Load Control Device can be
• Devices in which the conductor grip within the tower attachment fitting is relea-
sed, such as release type suspension clamps (there is no more control of the lon-
gitudinal tension),
• Devices in which the conductor or the fitting itself become detached from the
tower, by means of mechanical fuses such as shear pins or safety bolts, associated
with a system (such as a loose jumper) to prevent the conductor from falling down
to the ground.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 237
• Devices acting on the fastening of the conductor within the fitting, such as cont-
rolled sliding clamps, in which the conductor slides when the longitudinal load
exceeds a specified value,
• Devices which act on the length of the fittings (unfolding or sliding elements) so
as to increase the apparent length of the conductor.
• Devices which enable elastic deformation or swinging of the crossarms of the
tower to absorb longitudinal load.
This chapter gives the principles and characteristics of some important load reduc-
tion devices of two types:
ice falling off), these devices have been designed as load reduction devices: an
excessive differential tension across the tower elongates the fitting and increases the
apparent conductor length so as to reduce its tension.
Two types of these fittings have been developed in Japan.
Type I
The elongation of the TYPE I device is triggered by the breaking of shear pins
and is damped by the deformation of an impact load absorber.
The following figures illustrate the functioning of the system in the case of con-
ductor breaking in one span. 1) Situation in normal service (Figure 5.7). In this nor-
mal situation, no loads are applied to the shear pins or the impact load absorber.
2) Intermediate situation (Figure 5.8).
The metal suspension fitting moves to the right, due to the breaking of the con-
ductor in the span to the left. If the dynamic load is too high for the shear pins, they
break, which leads to the following situation.
3) Final situation (Figure 5.9).
The dynamic effects of conductor breaking are damped by deformation of the
impact load absorber. In the final situation, the conductor tension is reduced by
increasing the length of the span.
Design Characteristics
• The rupture strength of the shear pins is 40 to 60 % of the maximum working
tension of the conductor.
• The permissible load of the shear pins against unbalanced conductor tension (ice
drop, strong wind) is 40 % of the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor.
• Rupture of the conductor generates a sudden extension of the fitting, which cre-
ates a large impact load. The impact load absorber is designed to reduce this load
to the same level as that existing in conventional suspension sets.
• The impact load absorber is designed to control loads up to 1.5 times the maxi-
mum working tension of the conductor.
Mechanical Performance
The performance of the device was checked on an actual scale test line.
• Conductor breakage:
–– The final tension of the conductor in the opposite (intact) span is less than
60 % of the maximum working tension (with the worst atmospheric loads).
–– The impact load is less than with the conventional suspension sets, because of
the impact load absorber.
• Unbalanced conductor tension (ice drop, unusual ice accretion, strong wind):
–– The unbalanced tension applied to the tower is less than 25 % of the maximum
tension of the conductor in the case of ice drop or strong wind.
–– The special suspension hardware of the device is shorter than the conventio-
nal suspension set, so that the dynamic unbalanced tension and the swing
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 239
shear pins
Figure 5.8 Intermediate
position: after the
conductor breaks but
before the rupture of the
shear pins.
Figure 5.9 Final
equilibrium position of the
LCD after trigger.
angle are larger. The tests showed the need to consider wear design aspects
considering the longitudinal swing of the device.
• Wear performance
–– The wear calculations, assuming an expected life of 50 years, showed no
Electrical Performance
The tests showed that the device could withstand a power arc equal to or higher
than that withstood with conventional tension sets.
240 E. Ghannoum
Service Experience
At the present time, there are around 1245 Suspension-Tension Insulator Assemblies
of this type installed, of which:
No data was given about the efficiency of these devices in real faults.
Type II
The elongation of the so-called “tension balance type” device occurs by sliding of
the shackle in a groove designed into the yoke-plate; the overall elongation is shorter
than with the TYPE I device, and consequently the increase in conductor sag is less.
Figure 5.10 illustrates the system functioning in the case of a conductor system
breakage in one span, compared with a conventional device. The principle is worse
for unbalanced tension due to ice drop or unusual ice accretion.
Note: After failure of the conductor in one span, the device enables the
conductor tension in the opposite(intact) span to be reduced to 60 % of the
maximum working tension in the worst atmospheric loads.
There are limitations for the use of such devices; they are not suitable in the case
of high tension differences between spans (which might cause inopportune sliding
or no sliding at all) and their efficiency in reducing the tension decreases with the
number of successive suspension spans in a section.
It is worth mentioning the following elongating device, which is currently under
consideration for use on tension towers in Japan.
French Experience
In France, controlled sliding clamps have been used systematically for more than 45
years on all transmission lines, both for the phase conductors and earthwires. During
this time, the technology of these devices has continuously evolved, in order to
improve their performance, and to optimise their use and adapt them for new con-
ductors (Fig. 5.11).
Figure 5.12 Controlled
sliding clamp.
242 E. Ghannoum
the load that causes the conductor to slide through the clamp. The first types of clamps
used torsion bars and were called “elastic tightening clamps”. EDF finally abandoned
the use of torsion bars in 1980, in favour of clamps exclusively based on the controlled
tightening of the bolts; these clamps are simply called “controlled tightening clamps”;
they enable a more precise adjustment and allow better performance.
The conductor must slide within the clamp at a specified longitudinal load, FS,
that may occur as a result either of a conductor rupture or an exceptional unbalanced
ice load.
FS = longitudinal load to be applied to the conductor for sliding
= Sliding load due to the tightening of the conductor in the clamp
+ Sliding load due to the vertical load applied to the clamp by the conductor
= (f1 + f2). FC + f1 .FV
f1 = friction coefficient between clamp body and conductor
f2 = friction coefficient between clamp cover and conductor
FC = compressive load of the clamp cover
FV = vertical load applied to the body (in the general case, this load is taken
= V 2 + H 2 , to take into account the transverse load H)
FS = longitudinal load at which sliding occurs
Each tower of a line is designed to resist asymmetric icing. EDF conventionally
considers an ice sleeve of n cm (radial thickness) on all spans on one side of the tower
and (n-2) cm on all spans on the other side; the value of n is 2,4 or 6, depending on the
area, the ice density is taken 0.6. The loads are calculated while taking into account
the deflection of the insulator sets. Table 5.33 gives some examples of application.
The sliding calibration of the suspension clamp is chosen from the following
range of standard support loads: 8, 14, 20, 30 kN. For each tower, it is chosen as the
value immediately higher to L-0.3 V 2 + H 2 , where 0.3 is the assumed value of the
friction coefficients, V, H and L are the vertical, transverse and longitudinal loads
applied to the conductor in the clamp, in the asymmetric icing assumption. Support
loads greater than 30 kN require other solutions such as the use of clamps in series,
the use of suspension- tension sets or the use of a tension tower.
Design of a Controlled Sliding Clamp
In order to make sure that the system operates correctly, the profile of the clamp
body must be determined in a precise manner.
It is necessary that the conductor pressure be equally spread out over the useful
length of the body to ensure a regular sliding on the basis of a longitudinal load deter-
mined by a precise adjustment. The length of the body is determined experimentally
in such a way that the compression stresses do not exceed the maximum pressure
allowable at the point of contact among the strands.
It is also necessary to calculate the radius of curvature of the clamp body so that
the bending stresses within a strand remain acceptable.
A computer model, presented in Figure 5.13, was developed to calculate the opti-
mal longitudinal profile of a clamp body.
Table 5.33 Order of magnitude of the loads applied to the supports with unequal ice loading
Mechanical tension in
the conductor (daN) Longitudinal stress (daN)
Conductors Ice overload tower
Type External Weight (daN/m) Ultimate load (cm) End End With Section 225 kV (1) 400 kV (2)
diameter (mm) (daN) with ice ice (n-2) Tower
n cm cm
5 Structural and Mechanical Design
Conductor (4)
ASTER 570 31 1.57 18 400 2 7 800 4 420 3 380 1 200 900
PETUNIA 612 32 2.24 32 700 4 14 000 9 500 4 500 2 000 1 600
Earthwires (5)
PHLOX 116.2 14 0.63 10 800 2 4 150 1 900 2 250 1 600
PHLOX 228 20 1.24 21 200 4 10 700 6 800 3 900 2 000
Notes applicable to Table 5.33
(1) Length of the suspension set: 2.30 m for 225 kV
(2) Length of the suspension set: 3.45 m for 400 kV
(3) Conventional value (span < 1 000 m)
(4) All aluminum alloy conductors
(5) Aluminum alloy steel reinforced earth wires
Catenary constant: 2 200 m at 45 ° C
Length of the adjacent spans: 550 m
244 E. Ghannoum
Static strain induced in Minimal length of the clamp Ultimate load on the
wire near clamp body suspension clamp
Permanent and extreme
- of the curvature of the cable loads on suspension clamps
- of the strains induced in the wires Low temperature and
storm assumption
The accuracy of prediction of the load to cause conductor sliding depends on seve-
ral factors: frictional coefficients, clamp and conductor manufacturing tolerances, etc.
It is necessary to reduce the dispersion as much as possible. Nevertheless, the
precision on predicting loads that cause sliding, with respect to the clamp calibra-
tion load, cannot be better than 15 %.
To verify the sliding characteristics of the suspension clamps, tests are carried
out with each new type of suspension clamp:
Measurement of Friction Coefficient Test Conditions
This test is performed with an adjustable sagging machine. The conductor rests
on the body of the suspension clamp without the cover. The winding angle is bet-
ween 20 and 30 degrees and the vertical load is given by Table 5.34.
The measurements of the sliding efforts are performed over a length of one
Test Requirements
The friction coefficient shall not exceed 0.35.
Measurement of the Sliding Threshold Forces Test Conditions
• Measurements of sliding threshold values are made according to the cover pressure.
• The conductor is loaded at 20 % of its ultimate tensile strength in a suspension
clamp with a winding angle of 15 degrees (in order to settle each wire in position).
• The cover is tightened to the value given by the manufacturer and the conductor
is released.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 245
Table 5.34 Vertical loads for sliding tests according to the type of suspension clamp
Suspension clamp class Conductor Vertical Load (kN)
A ASTER 75 8,5
B PHLOX 75,5 17
C PHLOX 147 24
D ASTER 570 40
E PETUNIA 612 45
Sliding load
d (length of sliding)
MAXI 1000
Test Requirements
The value of the sliding force relative to the sliding length must remain within the
allowable areas such as defined in Figure 5.14; the force must range between the
values A and B following a displacement not exceeding 1 cm. The actual curve must
246 E. Ghannoum
be shifted by a value C so as to take account of the friction due to the vertical load
according to the formula C = 0.05× UTS.
The breaking load of the conductor following sliding must remain higher than
95 % of the ultimate tensile stress (UTS) of new conductor for homogeneous con-
ductors, and 90 % of the UTS for bimetal conductors.
Device Efficiency
Sliding Limitation
When sliding occurs it is stopped whenever the tension difference applied to the
clamp on either side of the clamp falls below the calibration value.
Thus the sliding length depends mainly on the initial tension difference applied
to the clamp, on the relaxation due to the deflection angle of the insulator set and
hence on the length of this set.
The conductor sliding range observed in the overhead line network, in several cases
of unequal loading, ranged from 1 to 2 m. For earthwires this value is much higher.
In case of a breakage of a conductor or a support, considerable sliding, of ten
meters and more, were noted on towers located on either side of the defect.
On the other hand, the movement declines very rapidly on subsequent towers.
Finally, in some cases, in particular when sliding is considerable, the conductor
can be damaged (rupture of strands, bundling and bird cage formation); this pheno-
menon however is very rare on conductors having an outside layer made of alumi-
nium alloy (AAAC and AACSR conductors).
However, this inconvenience which requires the replacement of a length of conduc-
tor, is in all situations less serious than the destruction or damage of several support
structures. The line downtime is reduced and the repair costs are considerably lower.
Action of Clamps During Real Faults
Among the incidents, whose consequences were limited by the action of sliding
clamps, we can give the following examples (Table 5.35):
• In 1949, a 40 degree angle tower fitted with suspension sets and located in the
mountains, with a high level difference, was carried away by an avalanche. Two
of the three conductors were broken; the conductors slid in the clamps of several
suspension towers. Only one crossarm was distorted.
• In 1964, after the rupture of the top of a 50 degree angle tower of a 400 kV line
within the Paris area, damage was limited to 4 towers, as a result of sliding of the
6 conductors within their suspension clamps.
Table 5.35 Example of values used for the design of sliding clamp
RANGE (kN) A (kN) B (kN) C (kN)
8 8 6.5 3.6
14 14 11 6.3
20 20 15.5 8.9
30 30 23 13.3
NOTE: C = (A + B)/4
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 247
• In 1971, an overall and persisting icing phenomenon, unusual within the area of
Le Creusot, gave rise to an ice sleeve formation on the phase wires of a 400 kV
line, with linear weight up to 15 kg. This overload was approximately 4 times
higher than that considered in the line design calculation. The complete failure of
the conductor bundle was prevented by means of the sliding of the conductors
within the clamps of 5 successive towers. Only 2 of them were damaged.
• In 1974, an aircraft hit 2 of the 6 twin conductor bundles made of AAAC, of a
400 kV line. The 4 conductors slid in their clamps. The 2 suspension towers
supporting the damaged span, had to be replaced, as well as some elements of the
two adjacent tangent towers.
• In 1988, an aircraft hit the 3 twin bundles of a 400 kV line near a substation. The
broken conductors slid in the clamps over more than 3 km. 2 suspension towers
had to be replaced.
Belgian Experience
Since 1971, controlled sliding clamps have been systematically installed on the
conductors of 380 kV lines.
The first aim was to reduce the weight and cost of tangent towers, by reducing
the accidental stresses considered in the design of the towers with the assumption of
conductor breakage (the effect of breaking all the conductors of the bundle).
The torsion moments have traditionally been calculated by application of the
maximum tension of the conductors of the phase conductor on one side of the cros-
sarm, without taking into account the dynamic and releasing effect due to the rup-
ture of the phase conductors and the swinging of the insulator sets. This method, if
roughly applied on 380 kV lines (equipped with twin bundles), would have led to
un-economic tangent towers. The use of controlled sliding clamps was estimated to
offer a reduction in the weight of tangent towers of 6 %.
These arguments do not apply to earthwires, because of the lower stresses and
the lower potential load reduction and consequently sliding clamps are not installed
on earthwires.
Two types of controlled sliding clamps are used. One type uses a torsion bar bol-
ted in the body of the clamp and calibrated shear pins in the cover. The second type
is based on the controlled tightening of the bolts.
In the lines, the conductors are systematically protected by armour-rods; the spe-
cified sliding load is determined as a function of the conductor type and is taken as
a relatively high value to avoid inopportune sliding. No sliding in clamps has been
seen in Belgium.
Romanian Experience
For the past 30 years, controlled sliding clamps have been used for the conductors
of all transmission lines in Romania. These clamps are based on the controlled tigh-
tening of the bolts by a limited torque wrench. Their actual efficiency has not been
measured on the network but no failure due to cascading has occurred, although most
supports are guyed poles. RENEL is still working on the optimisation of the control-
led sliding clamps.
248 E. Ghannoum
Release type suspension clamps have been used, but very occasionally and only
on lines without problems of conductor galloping. Their benefit has been demons-
trated on several occasions.
Load Control Devices (LCD) are devices designed and used to limit the damage to
structures in case of a failure that occurs in a transmission line.
In a previous WG B2.06 report, published in Electra No. 193 [1] and Cigré TB
174 [4], a survey of existing LCD’s installed on overhead lines was performed,
including comments on their use in each country. This report is summarized in the
chapter above. In the Electra report, a distinction was made between two types of
devices: those intended to reduce loads applicable to structures and those comple-
tely releasing the conductors from structures. However, in this report the wording
LCD is used to describe both types of devices indiscriminately.
The catastrophic line failures in 1998 (Canada) and 1999 (Europe) raised new
interest about LCD’s as well as questions about the performance of existing ones.
Consequently, WG B2.06 decided to prepare a basic generic specification or a
list of properties of an ideal device that would be helpful to operators and designers
of overhead lines. This work should help current and potential users of LCD’s to
check the performance of the devices they currently use or intend to use, and to
promote the development of better devices by manufacturers that have a minimum
number of non-compliances to the properties of the ideal device.
This report does not intend to compare and assess the performances of LCD’s
with other possibilities to limit failure containment, such as anti-cascading towers,
strength coordination, etc.
It can be argued that these criteria can be more theoretical than practical, but one
purpose of this report is to alert developers and users of LCD’s on the importance of
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 249
Table 5.36 (continued)
When the sagging of the earthwire is considered
less serious than a mechanical damage, sliding
clamps are used for earthwires. The clamps are
basically adjusted for a 30 kN sliding load. The
tower tops are designed accordingly.
1) all towers (suspension or tension towers) are
designed to withstand, in the worst conditions and
with a certain safety coefficient, the rupture of a
conductor or an earthwire
2) zones with potential icing are very rare in
Portugal and avoided whenever possible.
ROMANIA/RENEL Systematic use for conductors; development in
see paragraph Romanian Experience
In the case of double tension sets used for twin
bundles, EOS uses special yoke plates to damp the
dynamic effect of the rupture of the set.
USA/LINDSEY MANUFACTING Sporadic use in the past;
COMPANY since early 1970’s, two LCD systems have been
used in conjunction with porcelain line post
insulators throughout North America : shear pins
and elastic–plastic base. These devices were a type
of mechanical fuses.
these criteria in any new development and promote their use as a rating method and/
or a checklist to compare the potential performance of these devices.
• The release of an LCD in a given support should not lead to unbalanced forces
which could cause the failure of the support itself or neighboring supports
This is an obvious requirement, otherwise the purpose of introducing the LCD in the
line would be defeated.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 251
• The trigger of the LCD should cause the least amounts of dynamic loads
The trigger of an LCD can cause sudden changes in loads applied to structures and
inevitable dynamic load effects. Designers of such devices should try to minimize
dynamic loads that could have serious consequences on adjacent structures. This
consideration is particularly important for all devices that completely release con-
ductor loads from structures. Devices of the slip clamp type and dead-end string
extensions create less dynamic loads than the previous devices.
• Load Control Devices Installed on a Line must be the least exposed to a cascade
of Load Control Devices
In some cases, LCD’s can fail in a cascading mode if one triggers at high load levels.
Users and manufacturers of LCD’s should develop some mitigation measures to pre-
vent such events from occurring. Such measures may include the use of anti-casca-
ding structures or limiting the number of LCD’s in a series of suspension towers.
• The static forces following the release of a Load Control Device should be
Users and developers of LCD’s should analyze the structural behavior of the trans-
mission line in the eventuality of their trigger action. Consequently, there is a need
to develop special structure loading cases when LCD’s are used in order to check
the adequacy of tower strength to withstand the static loads resulting from a trigge-
ring of an LCD.
This report does not include requirements regarding the deterioration of the device
and/or the conductor and regarding the performance under a variety of climatic con-
ditions, e.g. if the device is frozen solid with ice.
In practice, LCD’s will likely not trigger at the same load even if they are of the same type.
• The mechanical Load Control Device should have small strength dispersion
(COV ≈ 2-3 %). In order to grasp the importance of this requirement, let us consi-
der the same example above and assume an average strength of the crossarm of 20
kN and a COV of 10 %. The lower 10 % exclusion limit of the crossarm strength
is equal to (1–1.28 *10 %) * 20 kN = 17.4 kN. If it is required to ensure that in 90 %
of the cases the LCD triggers before the tower, the trigger threshold will vary with
the strength dispersion of this device. The strength factor of Table 5.23 in IEC
60826 [2] and in Cigré TB 178 [4] can be used to calculate the required strength
of the LCD as a function of the strength dispersion of both the LCD and the com-
ponent it needs to protect. If the strength dispersion of the LCD is 5 %, then we
should set its average trigger threshold to about 20/1.15 = 17.3 kN. If the LCD
dispersion is 20 %, the average trigger will be about 20/1.37 = 14.6 kN. This value
is further reduced to 12.2 kN for a dispersion of 30 %. These numerical examples
confirm that when the LCD dispersion increases, the trigger of the LCD has to be
set a low value compared to the strength of the tower thus preventing in some
cases the use of an available and expensive tower strength.
• The threshold of release of the Load Control Device should vary very little in
time or with the mechanical loads to which the line is subjected.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 253
• The release of a Load Control Device should not permit clearances to ground and
objects to infringe minimum safety distances when the line is still live or when
such reduced clearance can lead to risk of injury to people, except when specifi-
cally allowed by applicable standards and safety codes,
In the example above, imagine an LCD set to trigger at 12–15 kN while the tower has a strength
capacity of 20 kN. If triggered at such low percentage of the tower strength, the LCD could cause
safety hazards.
254 E. Ghannoum
• The Load Control Device should have visual indicators that confirm the trigge-
ring of the device, unless such action is obvious to the observer. Conclusion
At the time of writing all above generic specifications and properties of an ideal LCD
are not currently fully met by any device currently used or available in the market.
Despite this situation, owners of transmission systems may decide, and have deci-
ded, to adopt some devices because they feel or they have found through experience
that their advantages outweigh their inconveniences.
At a minimum, the specifications given in this document can be used to compare
and select the best device, or the one that has the minimum number of non-compliance
to these specifications.
In addition to the above, developers of new devices will find guidance in this docu-
ment if they want to develop and validate better performing LCD’s. References
[1] Load Control Devices on Overhead Transmission Lines – Electra No. 193, December 2000 –
Cigré WG B2.06
[2] Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines – IEC 60826, Ed. 3.0, October 2003
[3] Probabilistic Design of Overhead Transmission Lines – Cigré TB 178, February 2001 – Cigré
WG B2.06
[4] Load Control Devices on Overhead Transmission Lines, Cigré Brochure 174, December 2000
5.6.1 General
Overhead line cascades started to occur soon after the first lines were erected in the
first part of the 20th century, and they continue to occur. Why?
The last 30 years have brought many improvements in overhead line design
practice, more specifically with the introduction of the reliability-based design appro-
ach. But even with careful consideration of the various sources of uncertainty and
variability in the loads and resistances, failures will still occur. The issue is no longer
to assess whether “IF” it will happen but rather to address the “WHAT IF” and assess
and limit the impacts of the consequences of cascading failures. With the difficulty in
the prediction of extreme climatic loads, especially those loads associated with big
storm events of all kinds, the utilities are searching for effective ways to improve the
continuity of service of their power transmission grid.
Containing line cascades is a high priority for most utilities, especially for those
that had been hardly hit by huge accidents in the past. The main objective of Cigré
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 255
TB 515 [11] is to help line designers and planners to achieve this challenging goal
through a better understanding of line cascading phenomena. This understanding is
essential for effective and sustainable mitigation, which must be accounted for in
the general context of power grid planning and operations rather than be restricted
to the mechanical line design process.
TB 515 [11] summarizes the most up-to-date knowledge gained by Industry on
what causes cascading failures of overhead line supports and how to increase the
mechanical robustness and security of transmission lines. Based on scientific rese-
arch and the experience of several Cigré utility members with catastrophic cascading
failures during big storm events over the last 15 years, the document outlines various
cascade mitigation strategies and techniques that have been proven successful. In
conclusion, the report suggests that the costs of preventive and mitigation measures
and the associated gains in risk reduction of service disruptions be duly accounted
for in the overall power grid reliability analysis in order to yield sustainable line
security measures.
5.6.2 E
xceptional Loads, Accidental Loads and Mechanical
Security of Overhead Lines
Figure 5.17 Transverse cascade on the 400 kV D/C Rubí-Vandellós-Pierola line in Spain during
a 2008 a High Intensity Wind (HIW) storm (Photo: J. Santana López).
Figure 5.18 Transverse cascade of five 400-kV towers due to a May 2006 a High Intensity Wind
(HIW) storm in Czech Republic (Photo: P. Fronek).
258 E. Ghannoum
Chapter 2 of Cigré TB 515 [11] reviews the salient features of the most important
cascading failures of the overhead line history, with more emphasis on the catastro-
phic line cascades that occurred in the last 20 years. This review points to triggering
events (rupture of hardware conductor fittings, shield wires and conductors, and sup-
port failures) systematically occurring during extreme weather conditions such as
high intensity wind storms (downbursts and tornadoes), hurricanes, large scale ext-
reme synoptic winds, and ice storms. It includes the salient features of Cigré TB 344
Big Storm Events What We Have Learned (2008). These large scale weather events
are incentives to intensify maintenance programs. Poor condition of the weakest
elements sensitive to primary failures has to be registered systematically and mitiga-
ted. Vegetation management includes clearing vegetation and widening of corridors
to avoid trees falling on conductors and supports, especially when fast-growing trees
threaten the conductors.
One of the main conclusions of Cigré TB 344 is that an emergency response plan
includes not only the emergency restoration systems and the spare parts, but also the
complete organization, reciprocal assistance agreements and regular exercises.
Crews must be very familiar with the restoration systems and their erection and use.
A good balance between preventive and corrective measures is highlighted. To pro-
vide a practical example in some detail, the experience with emergency restoration
systems in South Africa is presented in more details in Chapter 2 of Cigré TB 515
[11] Since 2001, Eskom’s Transmission has been investing significant effort into
developing and expanding their emergency restoration response capability. The uti-
lity has developed an emergency response strategy which involves a number of dif-
ferent restoration systems, each with different capabilities and strengths, and suited
for use under different emergency conditions.
Chapters 3 and 4 of Cigré TB 515 [11] present the current understanding on the
response of OHL to accidental loads, describing (with some examples) the structural
dynamics of a cascading line section. This understanding has been greatly enhanced
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 259
Table 5.37 Line parameters affecting the peak dynamic load (PDL) and the residual static load
(RSL) due to conductor breakage
Line parameter Effect on PDL and RSL
Conductor tension The strain energy stored in the conductor in the intact profile
is the primary source of kinetic energy following the broken
wire event. Larger energy releases induce larger
accelerations, and consequently larger conductor tensions in
the intact profile will produce greater inertia forces and
motions, and larger PDL.
Heavy conductors, or conductors experiencing sustained
overload will also result in a higher RSL.
Assembly Type (Suspension/ Suspension I- or V-string insulators swing out, thus
Strain) increasing the available slack and decreasing the RSL.
However suspended spans will experience a second peak
dynamic load as the healthy span “bottoms out” following
conductor failure, which will increase the PDL (as it will be
governed by the second peak).
The assembly type also affects the load application rate.
Towers fitted with suspension assemblies will initially see no
load until the suspension assembly swings out, however strain
assemblies will transfer an instantaneous step change or
shock load propagated by the failure.
Length of suspension insulator Longer suspension strings, and specifically the ratio of
string suspension string length to slack, decrease the RSL.
The same ratio may have the effect of increasing the PDL as
the injection of more slack into the healthy section will allow
further acceleration before the healthy section “bottoms out”.
Number of suspension spans The number of suspension spans to the next strain point will
from the assessed tower to the tend to increase the RSL, since successive suspension sets
next dead-end structure also swing out, thus reducing the net slack length injection
into the healthy span.
However, the energy dissipated by successive suspension sets
also moving will decrease the PDL. These effects typically
saturate after about four spans.
Load application rate The failure mode has a dominant effect on the PDL. This may
vary from an instantaneous shock load (e.g. from severed
conductor bundles) to a more gradual quasi-static application
(e.g. from the longitudinal failure of an adjacent support).
Span/Sag ratio Spans with lower span to sag ratios tend to produce a higher
PDL and RSL.
Span length PDL decreases with a decrease in span length (and more for
flexible supports). A shorter span adjacent to the breakage
point promotes dynamic interactions with successive spans,
especially the second one.
Flexibility of adjacent supports Adjacent supports may be deflected by the step change in
conductor tension and thus damp the movement of the
healthy span, thus lowering the PDL. Slower transverse wave
propagation, increased duration of peak loads, increased peak
tower displacements and increased interaction with intact
cables also result.
The effect is minimal on RSL.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 261
Table 5.37 (continued)
Line parameter Effect on PDL and RSL
Flexibility of affected support Flexible supports may absorb some strain energy when
failing in a ductile failure mode not involving instability.
However, this ductile collapse occurs after the failure shock
load has been transmitted to the adjacent spans and their
supports. Tower strength is a more important parameter than
tower stiffness and ductile failure modes are beneficial for all
types of supports, especially when the failure event does not
involve cable breakages.
Supporting effect of ground Where the ground wire remains intact during a failure event,
wires it acts as a longitudinal guy that significantly reduces the
longitudinal ground line moment. This will reduce both the
PDL and RSL and induce strong dynamic interaction at the
tower next to breakage point.
Intact phases Decrease in PDL and wave propagation speed. Decrease in
amplitude of tower displacements. Decrease in maximum
tension in guy wires. No (or very little) dynamic interaction
for stiff supports, more with guyed supports.
Plastic hinging or ductile Filters high frequency peaks of response. Reduces PDL at
failure of cross arm next to first support but increases dynamic interactions with next
breakage point support. No or little effect on displacements of second
support and on speed of transverse stress wave.
Local failure of supports involving large displacement will
significantly reduce RSL.
Chapter 6 of Cigré TB 515 [11] reviews the line security design criteria for new
lines as stipulated in the following documents: IEC 60826 [3], CENELEC EN
50341–1 [9], and ASCE Manual 74 [10]. While a comprehensive review of the
262 E. Ghannoum
criteria used by all Cigré utility members was beyond the scope of the work, some
particularities specific to several utilities and countries have also been collected
from two surveys, the first was conducted in 2001 by Ghannoum under a CEATI
(Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation project [12] and the second is an informal working group Cigré B2.22
survey conducted in 2010.
In 2001, at the initiative of its special interest group on Wind and Ice Storm
Mitigation (WISMIG), CEATI sponsored a survey on the design approaches used by
its utility members for overhead transmission lines under severe climatic loads due
to wind and atmospheric icing effects. The survey questionnaire and collected res-
ponses, reproduced with CEATI’s permission in Appendix B of Cigré TB 515 [11],
pertained to new lines as well as lines to be upgraded. The respondents to the ques-
tionnaire represented 13 utilities from North America, Japan and some European
countries. It is noteworthy that 12 of the 13 respondents stated that they make cont-
ainment provisions to limit damage in case of weather exceeding the design loads.
Eight utilities reported that they consider a broken iced conductor load (any conduc-
tor or ground wire, one at a time) for suspension tower design case, although none
of the respondents has reported to consider any dynamic load effect on the tower
either under bare or partial iced conditions.
To complement the results of the CEATI survey with more participation from
other utilities members of Cigré, WGB2.22 has conducted an internal survey (among
the WG members and their affiliates) specifically on current design practices used for
preventing OHL cascade failures. Both the survey questionnaire and a summary table
reporting the salient results are reproduced in Appendix C of Cigré TB 515 [11].
The results of the internal WGB2.22 survey indicate that most National Trans
mission Line Standards used in European and North American countries (Belgium,
Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia, Spain, France, United States and Canada) and in
other countries around the world (Australia, Brazil, Japan, South Africa) prescribe
some design load criteria for preventing or mitigating the effects of OHL tower
cascading failures. It is also usual practice in those countries with severe icing con-
ditions, to install reinforcing stop structures or anti-cascading supports with an aver-
age interval of 10 spans (4 to 5 km). For most utilities, a stop structure is a strain
tower, whereas for some others anti-cascading towers are suspension supports desi-
gned to resist large quasi-static unbalanced longitudinal loads.
Brazil has reported the successful use of an alternative containment load case that
consists of the simultaneous application of 50 % of the everyday longitudinal load on
all phase attachment points and full everyday tension at ground-wire on all suspen-
sion type supports. This practice provides a more continuous distribution of mecha-
nical robustness along the line and therefore does not require a limitation on the
number of spans in a line section between anchor towers. None of the transmission
lines designed with this failure containment criterion has suffered any cascading
failure to date.
The failure containment philosophy of Bonneville Power Administration in the
United States (presented in some detail in Section 5.5 of Cigré TB 515 [11] is an
intermediate design approach between the discrete robustness provided by stop
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 263
5.6.8 F
ramework for Successful Design to Limit Overhead Line
In the light of the information presented before and with a clear understanding of the
various possible cascading mechanisms, a combination of reliability-based design
(RBD) and deterministic approaches seems inevitable, a fact that has been recogni-
zed by most utilities: i.e.
• Use RBD (also called Load & Resistance Factor Design LRFD) in the intact line
• Use pragmatic engineering based on judgment, imagination and experience for
line security design. This combines deterministic considerations, careful analysis
and decision-making about the acceptable extent of collapse and the acceptable
other damage. Again, although the focus of Cigré TB 515 [11] is on technical
aspects, economical considerations are crucial in the decision-making.
The question still remains open as to whether “Preventing local failure” or “Assuming
local failure and mitigating its consequences” is the best way to go, but both approa-
ches may be applied depending on the load level. A conceptual model is illustrated in
Figure 5.19 (from Chapter 7 of Cigré TB 515 [11]) which relates environmental loa-
ding conditions in the line section and various robustness enhancement measures of
diverse efficiency and cost to yield a range of extent of collapse or damage that leaves
way for utilities to make decisions that best fit their specific contexts. For example,
one could define acceptable ranges of failures (Nf) of 1 to 3 towers for accidents under
every day operational conditions, 3 to 5 towers for accidents under severe environ-
mental load conditions (ex. Intermediate combinations of ice and wind if applicable,
or wind pressure with small probability of exceedance), and 5 to 9 towers for extreme
(design-level) load conditions.
The global grid reliability approach is now the ruling design method in most electric
utilities. In this global context, security measures are specifically encompassed
inside the analysis framework. A concern for OHL design engineers is that cur-
rently, global grid reliability models used by most utilities are not properly accoun-
ting for mechanical security aspects of lines. As a matter of fact, in the global grid
context, what matters is the availability of any OHL line section to transit electri-
city: if any specific section is not available while the electric power can safely be
264 E. Ghannoum
loading and cost of
conditions robustness
in the intact enhancement
system measures
Every Low
Severe Moderate
delivered to clients by an alternative route, the consequences of its “failure” are not
as costly as if strategic “back bone” routes are affected. Since the global-grid analy-
sis framework does not yet allow introducing different failure-containment options
for different OHL routes, it is very difficult for OHL engineers to introduce innova-
tive methods in their structural design and to develop failure containment strategies
that can be both technically effective and cost-effective. Interesting mitigation
options can therefore be rejected on the basis of lack of validation lack of understan-
ding, or rigid traditional decisions. Since research and development funds for novel
mitigation options are often linked to major capital investment projects, rejection of
options due to lack of validation is a great concern.
In conclusion, it is suggested that the costs of preventive and mitigation measures
and the associated gains in risk reduction of service disruptions be duly accounted
for in the overall power grid reliability analysis in order to yield sustainable line
security measures. For this to really happen, experts in mechanical/structural over-
head line design will have to work together with grid reliability analysis experts.
Cigrè SC B2 and its related normative bodies have the opportunity to take the lea-
dership in this collaborative effort.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 265
5.6.10 References
[1] Knoll, F., Vogel, T.: Design for Robustness. International Association for Bridge and Structural
Engineering (IABSE), Structural Engineering Documents Series, No. 11, ISBN 978-3-85748-
120-8, Zurich, 99 p (2009)
[2] Starossek, U.: Progressive Collapse of Structures. Thomas Telford, London, 153 p (2009)
[3] International Standard IEC 60826, 3rd Ed. 2003–10. Design criteria of overhead transmission lines
[4] Vincent, P., Huet, C., Charbonneau, M., Guilbault, P., Lapointe, M., McClure, G.: Testing and
numerical simulation of overhead transmission lines dynamics under component failure condi-
tions. In: 40th General Session of Cigré, Paris, 29 August- 3 Sept., Paper No. B2-308, 8 p (2004)
[5] Clark, M., Richards, D.J., Clutterbuck, D.: Measured Dynamic Performance of Electricity
Transmission Towers Following Controlled Broken Wire Events. In: Proceedings of the 41st
General Session of Cigré, Paris, Paper No. B2-313 (2006)
[6] McClure, G., Lapointe, M.: Modeling the structural dynamic response of overhead transmis-
sion lines. Comput. Struct. 81, 825–834 (2003)
[7] Tucker, K., Haldar, A.: Numerical model validation and sensitivity study of a transmission line
insulator failure using full scale test data. IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. October 2007, PWD-22(4),
2439–2444 (2007)
[8] Peabody, A.B., McClure, G.: Modeling the EPRI-Wisconsin power and light broken wire tests.
IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. 25(3), 1826–1833 (2010)
[9] EN 50341–1: Overhead Electrical Lines exceeding AC 45 kV –Part 1: General Requirements –
Common specifications, CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization,
Brussels (2001)
[10] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).: ASCE Manual 74, Guidelines for Electrical
Transmission Line Structural Loading, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston (2010)
[11] Technical Brochure 515, Mechanical Security of Overhead Lines Containing Cascading
Failures and Mitigating Their Effects, Cigré October 2012
[12] Ghannoum, E.: Assessment of the impacts of increasing structural reliability and security by
designing lines for longitudinal broken conductor and unbalanced icing loads, Cigré paper
B2-204 (2008)
[13] Ghannoum, E.: Comparison Between Unbalanced Ice Loads and Security Loads and Assessment
of their Impact on Line/Structure Designs. CEATI Publication T063700 3335 (2008)
5.7.1 Introduction
(Ghannoum and Orawski 1986) standards cover both UIL and BCL requirements
for designing towers, while ASCE 74 (2006 draft) (EN 50341–1 2001) specifies
only BCL requirements. The above loading conditions are discussed in this chapter
and the results obtained provide some answers about the severity of UIL and BCL
compared to weather loads such as wind and combined wind and ice loads as well
as in order to assess their relative severity and impact on line and tower design.
Different types of structures (lattice single and double circuits, steel poles and
wood H frames) with spans from 150 m to 475 m were used in documents (Ghannoum
2008; Ghannoum 2008). A parametric sensitivity study was also performed to pro-
vide a broader picture of the impact of many line parameters on UIL and BCL such
as varying ice thickness, flexibility of structures, number of spans to next dead-end
structure, suspension insulator length, and the use of a dynamic impact factor applied
to the static residual load resulting from a broken conductor.
In the past 50 years, many utilities have suffered cascading structure failures that
extended from about a dozen structures to over hundreds of structures. As a conse-
quence of such types of failures, the design of lines for broken conductor loads (BCL)
has been introduced in many practices and standards and recognized as one of the
main methods that would prevent or reduce the risks of cascading tower failures. In
addition to BCL, longitudinal unbalanced ice loads (UIL) can occur on overhead
lines as a natural consequence of either ice accretion or ice shedding on conductors
and structures and has to be dealt with in the design process.
5.7.3 R
equirements of Standards, Design Codes, and Utility
Standards and practices such as IEC 60826, ASCE 74, NESC, and EN 500341, as
well as WISMIG8 utility practices regarding unbalanced ice loads (UIL) and broken
conductor loads (BCL) have been investigated. The most common security loads
found in these references consist of broken conductor/wire loads,9 calculated at
every day tension (EDT). The major difference between IEC-EN (Probabilistic
Design of Overhead Transmission Lines 2001; Ghannoum and Orawski 1986) and
ASCE (EN 50341–1 2001) relates to the number of broken conductor points for a
double circuit line. The ASCE proposes to double the number of broken conductor
points from one broken phase to two. There is also a requirement in both IEC and
EN (Probabilistic Design of Overhead Transmission Lines 2001; Ghannoum and
Orawski 1986) to design for an unbalanced longitudinal load produced by the ten-
Utilities participating to the Overhead Line Design Issues & Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation
Interest Group of the CEA Technologies Inc. (CEATI).
In this paper, conductor is used as a general term for ground wires and phase conductors.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 267
sion of bare conductors and GW in all spans in one direction from the structure and
with a fictitious overload equal to the weight, w, of the conductors and ground wire
(GW) in all spans in the other direction.
As regards UIL, IEC (Probabilistic Design of Overhead Transmission Lines 2001)
and EN (Ghannoum and Orawski 1986) specify three cases of unbalanced ice loads,
longitudinal bending, transverse bending, and torsion where the heavily loaded spans
are subjected to 70 % of design ice weight,10 while the lightly loaded spans are sub-
jected to 40 % of the heavily loaded spans. These ice loads are applied in various
schemes that maximize either torsional or bending moments on the structure.
Based on the above requirements, the following longitudinal structure loading
cases were used in this study, in addition to conventional weather loads (wind and
combined wind and ice):
• Any one broken conductor or GW at every day tension (IEC and EN standards)
• Any two broken conductors (ASCE requirements for double torsion)
• Various ice unbalanced (transverse, bending and torsion) schemes as per IEC and
• Longitudinal unit conductor load (IEC and EN)
• All broken conductors and GW at EDT (optional in IEC)
• Any one broken conductor with a dynamic factor of 1.8 applied to the RSL (opti-
onal in IEC)
• Any one broken conductor or GW with maximum ice of 30 mm thickness (opti-
onal in IEC). Methodology
In order to perform the necessary calculations of this study, five different lines, and
structures were modeled in PLS-CADD, TOWER, and PLS-POLE11 as indicated in
Table 5.38. The three 230 kV structures (wood H frame, lattice steel, and steel pole)
were first optimized for basic weather loads (transverse) and then used to assess the
impact of longitudinal unbalanced loads on their design. It is noted that all longitudinal
loads were calculated taking into account the flexibility matrix of structures as well
the movement of insulator strings12 in a section of about 15 spans or more.
The severity of longitudinal unbalanced loads was assessed in relation to trans-
verse weather loads in many fashions, i.e. by comparing: a) Loads applied to a single
GW or conductor point due to each load case, b) Net (total) longitudinal or trans-
verse structure loads due to each load case, and c) The detailed design of structures
(stresses in members, moments, foundations reactions, etc.).
In case the design ice load is specified in radial thickness, this should be converted to unit weight
of ice on the conductor prior to applying the factors 70 % and 28 %.
All the software are trademarks of Power Line Systems Inc.
This option is called level 3, Finite Element analysis in PLS-CADD software.
268 E. Ghannoum
A parametric study was also performed in order to assess the variation of the
resulting loads with the:
a) Flexibility of structures, b) Length of insulator strings, c) Number of spans to
the next dead-end structure, d) Magnitude of the design ice thickness, and e) Dynamic
Impact factor.
Furthermore, clearances between conductors and overhead ground wires were
calculated for various unbalanced ice conditions.
Table 5.39 Longitudinal loads (% of IEC wind) for various load cases and lines
161 kV 230 kV 230 kV 230 kV 735 kV
wood Wood steel pole lattice lattice
Longitudinal load on a single GW 254 % 196 % 153 % 192 % 167 %
point due to broken GW 1
Longitudinal load on a single 160 % 153 % 133 % 157 % 106 %
conductor point due to broken
phase 3
Net (total) longitudinal loads due 6 % 4 % 4 % 10 % 5 %
to broken GW 1
Net (total) longitudinal loads due 12 % 10 % 10 % 21 % 32 %
to broken phase 3
Net (total) longitudinal bending 28 % 27 % 45 % 68 % 54 %
loads due to unbalanced ice
(70 %-28 %)
Net or total loads are the algebraic sum of all forces on the structure either in the longitudinal or
transverse direction, depending on the load case.
270 E. Ghannoum
1.0' 1.5' 2.0' 2.5' 3.0' 3.5' 4.0' 4.5' 5.0' 5.5'
Ratio Li/slack
Figure 5.20 Residual static tension of phase 3 in % of initial tension (excluding the 161 kV).
Table 5.40 Global summary of the effect of insulator length (Li) on longitudinal loads
Line Options of insulator lengths
Li (m) 1.1 1.4 1.7 2
161 kV wood Li/Slack 9.7 12.4 15.1 17.7
Broken ph-3 48 % 45 % 41 % 39 %
Li (m) 1.8 2.2 2.6 3
230 kV Wood Li/Slack 3.0 3.7 4.3 5.0
Broken ph-3 61 % 58 % 56 % 54 %
Li (m) 1.8 2.2 2.6 3
230 kV lattice Li/Slack 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.0
Broken ph-3 65 % 62 % 59 % 57 %
Li (m) 1.8 2.2 2.6 3
230 kV pole Li/Slack 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5
Broken ph-3 76 % 73 % 71 % 69 %
Li (m) 5.5 6 6.6 7.1
735 kV steel Li/Slack 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.7
Broken ph-3 63 % 61 % 60 % 59 %
Note: Broken conductor tensions are given in % of GW or conductor tensions prior to breakage S
ummary Results as Regards the Impact of Structure
The common assumption of rigidity of structures increases the majority of loads
compared to the real flexible behavior of the same structures, most noticeably with
H frame wood poles (Table 5.40).
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 271
In the wood H frame structures (161 kV and 230 kV), the rigidity assumption
leads to an increase of about 3 to 6 times in net (total) loads compared to the flexible
In the case of 230 kV steel pole, the ratio between rigid and flexible calculated
longitudinal loads can reach a value of 2.35.
In the case of the 230 kV lattice steel tower, the ratio between rigid and flexible
longitudinal load calculations can reach a value of 1.21.
For the 735 kV lattice steel tower, the most rigid structure in this study, the ratio
between rigid and flexible longitudinal loads can still reach a value of 1.06.
Based on the above results, neglecting flexibility of structure when calculating
unbalanced longitudinal loads will lead to unnecessary increased loads and there-
fore, an increase in the structure costs. This practice should be abandoned, particu-
larly when there is reliable software that can perform such calculations easily.
Table 5.41 Variation of loads on a single point due to number of spans to the next dead-end
7 5 3 2
spans spans spans spans 1 span
161 kV wood H frame Broken GW 1 100 % 100 % 99 % 96 % 87 %
Broken ph-3 100 % 94 % 85 % 77 % 62 %
230 kV wood H frame Broken GW 1 100 % 100 % 100 % 99 % 93 %
Broken ph-3 100 % 98 % 94 % 88 % 72 %
230 kV steel pole Broken GW 1 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 98 %
Broken ph-3 100 % 100 % 98 % 95 % 83 %
230 kV lattice Steel Broken GW 1 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 99 %
Broken ph-3 100 % 100 % 97 % 92 % 78 %
735 kV lattice Steel Broken GW 1 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Broken ph-3 100 % 100 % 98 % 94 % 81 %
272 E. Ghannoum
In this paper, minimum requirements are those specified by IEC, EN or ASCE, i.e. RSL no wind
or ice (EDT)
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 273
Table 5.42 Total longitudinal or transverse loads (kN) for different ice thicknesses
Radial ice thickness in mm
Line type Load case 25 30 35 40 45
161 kV wood H Unbalanced ice (bending) 3.6 4.7 5.8 6.9 7.9
frame 70-28 %
IEC combined wind and ice load 15.8 17.9 19.9 22.0 24.1
230 kV wood H Unbalanced ice (bending) 9.8 12.3 14.7 16.8 18.8
frame 70-28 %
IEC combined wind and ice load 107 120 134 147 160
230 kV steel pole Unbalanced ice (bending) 43 54 64 74 91
70-28 %
IEC combined wind and ice load 107 120 134 147 161
230 kV lattice steel Unbalanced ice (bending) 47 61 76 89 104
70-28 %
IEC combined wind and ice load 79 89 99 109 119
735 kV lattice steel Unbalanced ice (bending) 107 140 176 231 293
70-28 %
IEC combined wind and ice load 204 227 250 273 297
Table 5.43 Combinations of load cases for assessing the impact of UIL and BCL on structures
Case Case Case Case Case Case
Load combinations 1 2 3 4 5 6
IEC wind and ice (30 mm) x X X x x x
IEC broken conductor x x x x
IEC unbalanced ice x x x
ASCE broken conductors X
All broken conductors @ EDT x x
Broken conductor with dynamic impact factor x
of 1.8 on RSL
One broken conductor with 30 mm ice x
tower, once designed for weather loads, will require a weight increase by 4 % for IEC
and 10 % for ASCE15 to sustain the minimum prescribed broken conductor loads.
The larger percentage for ASCE requirements is due to the fact that ASCE requires two broken con-
ductors for double circuit towers, while IEC requires, as a minimum, only one broken conductor.
274 E. Ghannoum
conductor loads either with the dynamic impact factor of 1.8 or with design ice thick-
ness. The weight of the complete steel pole increases by about 9 % if the most severe
security loads were adopted. In summary, the steel pole of this study (regular 12 sided
polygon) designed for weather wind and ice loads is capable of withstanding import-
ant longitudinal poles without impact on its weight. This is mainly due to the regular
12 sided polygon used for this structure, and the fact that the weather load cases
control the design of the steel shaft.
• The results confirmed that unbalanced ice conditions can lead to reduced clea-
rances, hence possible flashover either between vertical phase conductors or bet-
ween the GW and the phase below it.
• Double circuit lower voltage lines were found more susceptible to clearance pro-
blems under unbalanced ice loads than higher voltages, particularly if the former
are designed with long spans.
• Single circuit structures with horizontal configurations were less affected by
unbalanced icing clearances between GW and conductors.
• In the case of the double circuit steel pole structure where the GW is above the
conductor, about 20 mm of unbalanced ice can cause flashover between the GW
and the lower phase. Comparatively, the 230 kV double circuit tower can handle
up to 30 mm of ice unbalance.
• Partial icing applied on one span on an upper phase of a double circuit structure
will sag due to ice overload as well as due to the longitudinal movement of suspen-
sion insulators. In some vertical tower configurations, a partial icing of 15–20 mm
on one conductor span is sufficient to sag the ice covered conductor under the bare
lower conductor. Thus partial icing in one span should be checked.
5.7.5 Recommendations
• Standards and codes of practice should include specific requirements for unbalan-
ced ice loads. IEC and EN standards cover this requirement but ASCE manual 74
only discusses them, but does not provide any values to be considered in the design.
5 Structural and Mechanical Design 275
• The contribution of the intact GW to the static equilibrium of the structure when
subjected to UIL or BCL is real and very important, particularly in flexible struc-
tures: It should always be taken into account in the calculations of structure loads
and their design.
• Clearances between conductors and ground wires under unbalanced ice loads con-
ditions can lead to reduced clearances and possibly flashovers. This issue should be
addressed by standards committees for possible inclusion of some requirements.
• The simplified methods of calculating the residual static loads (RSL) such as
using Govers (NESC C2-2002 2999) are not needed anymore. The exact RSL
can now be calculated using appropriate software.
• The cost penalty for increasing the security levels (broken conductor loads) is not
very high for structures of the double circuit steel pole type having a regular
polygonal section. The fact that these structures are located mostly in urban
areas, may justify such increase in security.
• The transverse horizontal offset of the middle phase of a double circuit structure
helps clearances in the case of unbalanced icing between phases. In heavy icing
areas, it may be justified to design structures with an appropriate transverse hori-
zontal offset. This also might reduce galloping problems
• In the case of lattice towers designed for ≥40 mm of ice and having long spans,
UIL can be critical to structure design and will reflect in increasing structure
weight, hence costs.
• It is strongly recommended to design structures with symmetrical square bases
and bracing, particularly in icing areas. Lattice towers with rectangular bases
are much more susceptible to failures from broken conductors and unbalanced
ice loads.
5.7.6 Conclusions
This study confirmed that, for symmetrical cross-section structures, broken conduc-
tor loads can be critical locally for the design of crossarms and GW peaks. Similarly,
unbalanced ice loads generate important longitudinal bending and torsional moments
that could dictate the design of some structure parts. Furthermore, in flexible struc-
tures, the ground wire (GW) was found to act as a longitudinal guy in the case of
longitudinal unbalanced loads.
Many important findings resulted from the parametric sensitivity study:
The natural flexibility of suspension structures will reduce unbalanced loads,
even in self supporting lattice structures, and should be taken into account in all
The number of spans to the next dead-end structure, and the length of the insula-
tor strings were also found to significantly affect unbalanced loads.
Finally, it was confirmed that the importance of unbalanced ice loads relative to
wind loads increase with an increasing design ice thickness. Lines designed for an
276 E. Ghannoum
ice thickness of 40 mm or more will be more affected by UIL than those designed for
25 mm of ice or less.
The difference in the design of symmetrical section steel structures with and
without unbalanced loads was assessed and found to cause an increase in the lattice
steel 230 kV tower weight from 4 to 10 % if minimum code requirements for unba-
lanced loads were used. This percentage increases to about 45 % if broken conduc-
tors with ice and all broken conductors at EDT are used. The steel pole structure was
not noticeably affected by unbalanced loads because of its geometrical properties.
Finally the wood pole H frame needed a change in its crossarm to resist minimum
UIL and BCL.
ASCE 74, Guidelines for Transmission Lines Structural Loading: Draft as of June 2001
Cigré WG06.: Loading and strength of overhead transmission lines. Electra No. 129 (1990)
Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines – IEC 60826, Ed. 3.0 (2003)
EN 50341–1: Overhead Electrical Lines exceeding AC 45 kV – Part 1: General Requirements -
Common Specifications (EN or CLC) (2001)
Ghannoum, E.: Comparison Between Unbalanced Ice Loads and Security Loads and Assessment
of their Impact on Line/Structure Designs. CEATI Publication T063700 3335 (2008)
Ghannoum, E.: Assessment of the impacts of increasing structural reliability and security by desig-
ning lines for longitudinal broken conductor and unbalanced icing loads, Cigré Paper B2-204
Ghannoum, E., Orawski, G.: Reliability Based Design of Transmission Lines According to Recent
Advances by IEC and Cigré. In: International Symposium of Probabilistic Design of Transmission
Lines, Toronto (1986)
Govers, A.: On the Impact of Unidirectional F on High-Voltage Towers Following Conductor Breakage.
In: International Conference on Large Electric Systems (Cigré), Paris, Paper 22–03 (1970)
IEC 60826 – Ed. 3.0.: Design Criteria of Overhead Transmission Lines (2003)
NESC C2-2002, National Electrical Safety Code C2-2002
Probabilistic Design of Overhead Transmission Lines – Cigré Technical Brochure No. 178, February
2001 – Cigré WG B2.06
6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 278
6.2 Environmental Procedures and Assessment - Guidelines ................................................... 280
6.2.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)........................................................... 280
6.2.2 Permit Procedures and Environmental Impact Assessment .................................... 284
6.3 Environmental Impacts and Mitigations - Guidelines ........................................................ 286
6.3.1 Visual Impact ......................................................................................................... 286
6.3.2 Impact on Land Use ................................................................................................ 290
6.3.3 Impact on Ecological Systems ................................................................................ 291
6.3.4 Impact of Construction and Maintenance ............................................................... 293
6.3.5 Environmental Management Plans ......................................................................... 295
6.4 Fields, Corona and other Phenomena, Impacts and Mitigations ........................................ 295
6.4.1 Electric and Magnetic Fields at Extremely Low Frequency (ELF-EMFs) ............. 296
6.4.2 Electric Field at Extremely Low Frequency ELF- EF ............................................ 296
6.4.3 Magnetic Field at Extremely Low Frequency ELF-MF ......................................... 298
6.4.4 Assessment of the Exposure to Magnetic Field for Epidemiological Studies ........ 301
6.4.5 DC-EF and Ion Current Phenomena ....................................................................... 304
6.4.6 Corona ..................................................................................................................... 306
6.4.7 Radio and Television Interferences ......................................................................... 309
6.4.8 Atmospheric Chemistry (Ions and Ozone) ............................................................. 312
6.4.9 Aeolian Noise.......................................................................................................... 313
6.4.10 Conclusions/Guidelines .......................................................................................... 314
6.5 Concerns and Issues, Consultation Models for OHL Projects and
Stakeholder Engagement Strategies .................................................................................... 315
6.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 315
6.5.2 Concerns and Issues Facing Utilities -Guidelines .................................................. 315
6.5.3 Consultation Models for OHL Projects .................................................................. 316
6.5.4 Stakeholder Engagement Strategies ........................................................................ 321
6.6 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for OHLs............................................................................ 326
6.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 326
6.6.2 LCA Development and Early Applications ............................................................ 327
6.6.3 Power System and Overhead Line LCA in Scandinavia ........................................ 328
6.6.4 Comparison of LCA Software ................................................................................ 329
6.6.5 LCA, Overview for OHL Components, Construction and Maintenance ................ 329
6.6.6 LCA, Studies on OHL............................................................................................. 330
6.6.7 Conclusions/Recommendations .............................................................................. 331
6.7 OHL and Sustainable Development .................................................................................... 335
6.8 Highlights............................................................................................................................ 336
6.9 Outlook ............................................................................................................................... 337
References ................................................................................................................................... 338
6.1 Introduction
Overhead Lines and Environmental Issues and their interaction have been under
consideration within Cigré for many years. The issues covered have ranged from
permit procedures, environmental impact assessments and consultation methodolo-
gies for Overhead Line projects to mitigation of environmental impacts be they
visual, ecological, on land use or of construction and maintenance. The develop-
ment of reduced visual impact designs and aesthetic designs has been traced and all
issues associated with field effects inclusive of the debates on EMF and mitigation
measures have been investigated. Life Cycle Assessment for Overhead Lines has
been reported on. Many utilities and TSOs have addressed and provided informa-
tion on all these issues.
Cigré Study Committee B2 Overhead Lines (formerly SC22) investigated the
question of Overhead Lines and Environmental Issues initially in the eighties and a
report was produced. It included material on EMFs and alleged health affects but
because of sensitivities in that debate at that time it was never published as a Cigré
TB. Matters moved on and attitudes changed. Overhead Lines and Environmental
Issues were later dealt with through a number of dedicated working groups from the
mid-nineties into the mid two thousands. These were WG 14, Environmental
Concerns and Regulatory Controls, and WG 15, Life Cycle Assessment and
Environmental Concerns.
A number of Cigré TBs were produced as listed below:
Cigré C3 Paris session reports from 2004 Preferential Subject (PS) 2 (Reports of
Cigre 2004c), 2006 PS 2 (Reports of Cigre 2006), 2008 PS 2 (Cigre 2008), 2010 PS
1 (Reports of Cigre 2010b), 2010 PS 2 (Reports of Cigre 2010c), 2012 PS 1 (Reports
of Cigre 2012) and 2012 PS2 (Cigre 2012b) contain many reports of interest in the
area of Overhead Lines and Environmental Issues. These issues will be returned to
in the 2014 C3 Paris Session in Preferential Subject 2 Integrated Sustainable
Approaches for T & D Development and Preferential Subject 3 Acceptance of High
Voltage Transmission Assets near Urban Areas.
A number of other C3 working groups also dealt with Environmental Issues and
Overhead Lines. One was C3.04 Corridor Management. This working group was to
review environmental issues relating to Overhead Lines corridor management for
the whole of life for high voltage networks. Cigré TB, “Corridor Management: An
overview of international trends for high voltage networks” Is expected to be pub-
lished sometime in 2014. Another C3 WG, 08 Internalising the External Environ-
mental Costs of OHLs, has essentially completed its work. A final mature draft is
awaiting approval and a Cigré TB should be published in 2014.
Other working groups in B2 and some in other study committees also produced
Cigré TBs relevant to Overhead Lines and Environmental Issues and impacts. The
B2 ones are:
A Joint Working Group C3/B1(Cables)/B2 was set up in 2010. The terms of refe-
rence covered reviewing and updating of many of the issues dealt with in B2 TB 147
High Voltage Overhead Lines - Environmental Concerns, Procedures, Impacts and
Mitigations (Oct 1999) (Cigre 1999). The JWG would address issues which relate
to the processes, procedures and environmental impact assessment to obtain permits
for transmission lines including the cases of proximity of electricity transmission
lines and built development. It would also cover how transmission companies and
organisations plan the routes of new transmission lines and design the lines to
reduce environmental and visual impact in rural areas and near residential and com-
mercial buildings. It would investigate how transmission companies and organisa-
tions deal with requests to underground proposed new overhead lines and with
requests to relocate (or underground) existing lines when residential or commercial
development is planned, or is newly built, near existing lines (It may be noted that
in this Cigré B2 Green Book this latter topic of underground cables or overhead
lines is dealt with in a separate Chapter 19). However a Cigré TB is unlikely to
emerge from this JWG before 2015.
This chapter, in line with the general direction given, is based on summaries of
the above Cigré TB with updates in some key areas, including Field Effects, Corona
and other phenomena.
Figure 6.1 Illustration of the main difference between EIA and SEA.
The first step – Screening - is to determine if an SEA is actually needed. The entity
responsible for developing the plan or programme (promoter) consults the authori-
ties, with specific environmental responsibilities, to confirm if the plan or pro-
gramme needs an SEA procedure. This is followed by a scoping process, which
consists of identifying the issues to be addressed and the targets and boundaries that
are pertinent to these issues. Alternatives for the plan or development are then
For each alternative under consideration, the expected impacts are predicted, as
is the significance of each impact on the environment, social conditions and sustain-
ability of the area. Cumulative effects are also investigated for the areas involved. A
preliminary report is prepared. The choice of a preferred plan or development option
then takes into account the findings and suggestions of the SEA report. This process
is accompanied by consultations with the authorities and with the public. Once
approved, a monitoring process is put in place. The preliminary report is then made
available to the public, and to those authorities with specific environmental respon-
sibilities, in order to ensure an adequate review. Once the review period is conclu-
ded, the promoter must then take into account these results and draft the final version
of the plan or programme.
SEA for transmission has been applied to plans and programmes, such as
National Development Plans. It has also been applied as the first step of the plan-
ning process for regional and international power system interconnections. In these
cases, the planning process provides the assessment of a region with the intent to
select a “corridor” for the transmission line. A “corridor” is understood as the sec-
tion of territory where technical, environmental and territorial conditions meet the
requirements for routing power transmission lines and related plants. Alternatives
are analysed based on indicators, and the best alternative is determined, as shown in
Figure 6.2. When plans are implemented, monitoring of significant environmental
6 Environmental Issues 283
Site 1
Legend Site 2
State Capital
Federal Capital
Study Area
Boundary State
Land Use
Tropical Rainforest
Tropical Seasonal Forest
Seasonal Wetland Forest
Wetland Forest
Farming Area
Urban Area Site 3
effects must be carried out to ensure that during the course of project development
unanticipated effects are identified and the appropriate measures are taken.
One of the main steps in the SEA methodology is the development of indicators
relevant to the selected objectives. Although many studies have used indicators,
those used for SEAs are often interrelated in order to evaluate the effects of the plan
or programme on the carrying capacities and sustainabilities of the resources found
in the specific area. Therefore, the list of indicators may present significant varia-
tions depending on the country or the type of plan or programme being studied.
Indicators can differ from country to country and may be different for generation
and transmission.
Section 1: Presents the main environmental and SEA concepts and definitions.
Section 2: Presents a specific comparison of SEA and Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) studies, indicating the main differences between them.
284 C.Ó. Luain et al.
Section 3: Describes general examples of SEA application and examines its major
objectives, the reasons for developing SEA studies, existing legislation and the
main responsibilities and accountabilities.
Section 4: Summarises the specific application of SEA studies for generation and
transmission systems.
Section 5: Presents an overview of the indicators and other measurement techniques.
Section 6: Provides guidelines and recommendations for SEA in the power sector.
Section 7: Closes the TB with a brief conclusion.
Appendix 1: Presents a summary of SEA studies from each country participating in
the Working Group.
Appendix 2: Presents a list of acronyms and abbreviations. Guidelines
• It is imperative to conduct an SEA for major Plans and Programmes
• In all cases, SEAs should be strategic and comprehensive studies
• SEA should be included in national and regional long-term plans both for gene-
ration and transmission
• Define specific objectives and the scope of the study on which the assessment
will be based and choose an appropriate method of measurement in accordance
with the environmental authorities
• Identify different alternatives and analyze their effects
• Include analysis of environmental, social, economic, sustainability, accumula-
tive effects and stakeholder needs
• Identify the stakeholders in the earlier stages of the process
• Take into account the results of public consultation
• SEA studies should result in meaningful deliverables, including proposals for
mitigation, compensation and monitoring measures
• Make the results of the study and public consultation available in a Final Report
• Conduct a monitoring phase to provide feedback and to identify the value of
lessons learned for the next SEA process. Recommendations
• An appropriate communication plan should be established.
• Modelling tools should be developed to support the analysis of policies and
plans, as well as decision making.
• Geographical Information Systems (GIS) should be used, particularly to analyse
the cumulative and synergetic effects of the plan or programme.
• Build capacity and training on the SEA skills, which should be implemented. Introduction
A survey was carried out by WG 14 on these issues (including others on OHLs
and Environmental Issues, see sections below) and was reported on in Cigré TB
6 Environmental Issues 285 Guidelines
• Efficient management of the licensing process is vital. Unnecessary reiteration in
the licensing process should be avoided.
• It is desirable to develop a strategy which, while providing full justification for
the project and meeting all environmental and consultation requirements, also
anticipates that all decisions and procedures will be challenged.
• In the phase of recognition of the necessity and public interest of overhead line
projects it is not desirable to have an open ended process. Co-ordination of licen-
sing procedures should be undertaken to minimise delays in the whole process
• In the case of Overhead Lines with a national function a special regulatory pro-
cess may be beneficial.
• Appeals procedures should have fixed time spans. While processes vary consi-
derably and may involve operating through a number of levels it is essential for
utilities to take all precautions and perform all necessary checks to ensure that
any risk of losing the permit or licence is absolutely minimised.
• The use of environmental or community compensation schemes for communities
affected by Overhead Lines should be considered, particularly where communi-
ties perceive only impacts and no specific benefits to them from a project. Various
models exist which may prove appropriate depending on local circumstances.
• Models exist of changes to regulatory systems which involve earlier consulta-
tion, environmental compensation, commitments to further efforts to minimise
overhead line impacts - particularly in the context of overall network lengths and
development strategies - and design reviews. These may have relevance to evol-
ving situations elsewhere depending on the stage of development of networks.
• Environmental requirements should be made clear in advance (e.g. in the
Environmental Impact Assessment legislation) and confirmed in consultation
with authorities. Nevertheless new requirements may arise in relation to the
environmental impact studies or their methods of evaluation and it is desirable to
try to anticipate these in so far as possible.
286 C.Ó. Luain et al.
Assessment and routing including different methodologies for routing for minimal
visual impact were described. Routing guidelines were given and methods and tools
for visual impact assessment described. Overhead line designs for minimal visual
impact were dealt with including structures, conductors, insulators and fittings and
methods of camouflage of full overhead lines or the principle elements.
The use of compact lines and pole structures to minimise right of way and
impacts was outlined. The development of the “first generation” of aesthetic line
designs in a number of countries such as France and Finland, and other solutions to
reduce visual impact such as in Sweden (T Tower, see Figure 6.3) and in Hydro
Quebec and South Africa (Chainette Cross Rope) were described and examples
shown. Some of the aesthetic designs were developed through public competition.
Such aesthetic or “landscape tower” designs have continued to multiply.
TB 416 Innovative Solutions for OHL Supports (June 2010) (Cigre 2005c) deals
with the further development of such designs, be they intended for full lines routes,
segments of line routes or used as special structures in particular locations. It gives
designs from seventeen countries. Monopole supports are covered and more infor-
mation is given on the Finnish and French (see Figure 6.4) aesthetic designs menti-
oned in Cigré TB 147 and developments since in those countries. Quite a few
examples of the design of towers as artworks or transformation of some towers into
artworks are given. A new Danish 400 kV single pole design with a stainless steel
tube head framework supporting the insulator V assemblies in a delta formation is
shown and Icelandic studies and competition results outlined.
TB 416 concludes “Demand for electricity has grown dramatically and the need
for electricity will continue to grow. As a consequence, different regions of the
world will face different challenges, concerning the environmental impacts, to
6 Environmental Issues 287
supply more power. As far as transmission lines are concerned, some Utilities will
have to construct long (up to 2500 km) UHV OHLs in the near future. For such
lines, as reported in Cigré TB 416, the so called “aesthetic solutions” will be desi-
gned based on simplicity, invisibility, slenderness, compactness, all together driven
by costs. On the other hand, in other regions of the world, the construction of new
lines arouses more environmental and aesthetic concerns. With the growing
demand, there will be more requests for alternative design solutions, i.e., for
visually attractive landscape towers. In the majority of the cases, the desirable
solution is to hide the structures, making them invisible or camouflaged. When, for
any reason, this is not feasible, it is always possible to make them more aesthetic,
more beautiful”.