Practice LR Midterm

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Chapter 1

1. Grievance and arbitration processes are used in unionized workplaces to resolve disputes

True False

2. “Industrial relations” includes “labour relations” but not human resources management

True False

3. Employees are main actors in Craig’s model

True False

4. Dunlop’s theory has 4 main components

True False

5. When a non-union employer downsizes they have an obligation to provide terminated

employees with reasonable notice

True False

6. Which is not part of the environment in Craig’s model?

a) The economy
b) Legislation (government)
c) Social values
d) The political system
e) Technology

7. The entire relationship between a union and the employer including administration of the
collective agreement is:
a) Human resources management
b) Labour relations
c) Industrial relations
d) Collective bargaining
e) Employee relations

8. In unionized workplaces, which is true?:

a) The constructive dismissal doctrine doesn’t apply
b) There are individual contacts of employment
c) Disputes are resolved by court action
d) Terms of employment are negotiated by individual employees
e) Employment terms are possibly unique to each employee
Chapter 1

1. True. Page 5 (Page 5)

2. False. Page 4. It includes both (Page 2)
3. False. Page 9. The main actors are employers, union and government (Page 9)
4. True. Page 8 (Page 7)
5. True. Page 6 (Page 5)
6. B. Page 10. Legislation is a process/activity (Page 9)
7. D. Page 4 (Page 2)
8. A. Page 5. B-E are features of non-unionized workplaces (Page 5)
Chapter 2

9. Fiscal policy consists of changes to the interest rate to regulate employment levels and inflation

True False

10. Elastic demand exists when the demand for a product is less price responsive

True False

11. Federally regulated employers are those subject to federal employment and labour relations

True False

12. Human rights legislation prohibits discrimination and harassment and imposes a duty to

True False

13. Indirect discrimination refers to a rule or conduct that is intentionally discriminatory

True False

14. Which of the following is not an economic trend/issue that may affect labour relations?
a) Labour market changes
b) Globalization
c) Divided jurisdiction
d) Mergers
e) Trade liberalization

15. Which of the following is not a provincially regulated industry?

a) Manufacturing
b) Banking
c) Retail
d) Service
e) Construction
16. Which of the following factors doesn’t determine undue hardship?
a) Financial cost
b) Effect on employer morale
c) Safety
d) Provisions in collective agreement
e) Size of employer’s operations
Chapter 2

9. False. Page 20. That is the definition of monetary policy (Page 19)
10. False. Page 21. That is inelastic demand (Page 21)
11. True. Page 28 (Pages 27-28)
12. True. Page 30 (Pages 29-31)
13. False. Page 33. That is direct discrimination (Page 30)
14. C. Pages 22-29. Divided jurisdiction is part of the political environment (Pages 22-28)
15. B. Page 29. Banking is federally regulated (Pages 27-28)
16. B. Page 35. Effect on employee vs. employer morale is also a factor (Page 32)
Chapter 3

17. Union density is the percentage of non-agricultural workers who are union members

True False

18. As compared to Canada, the U.S. legal environment/legislation is more favourable to unions

True False

19. Union density for youth (persons 15-24) may be lower as they have less opportunity to unionize

True False

20. A directly chartered union receives a charter from a national union

True False

21. Provincial labour federations are organizations composed of unions in a province who belong to
the CLC

True False

22. Which of the following goods-producing industries had the highest union density in Canada I
2009? If version 4 of the text 2012
a) Construction
b) Utilities
c) Manufacturing
d) Natural resources
e) Agriculture

23. Which of the following is not a function of a local union?

a) Political action
b) Organizing workers
c) Educating members
d) Enforcing the CLC code of ethics
e) Collecting and processing union dues

24. Privy Council Order 1003 did all the following but:
a) Establish the right to join a union
b) Establish compulsory bargaining when a union was certified
c) Provide no strike/lockout could occur during the life of a collective agreement
d) Provide a compulsory conciliation procedure before strike/lockout
e) Allowed a term in the collective agreement requiring deduction of dues from all employees
in a bargaining unit
Chapter 3

17. True. Page 48 (Page 44)

18. False. Pages 51-52. The certification process in Canada is more favourable to unions as are
union security provisions. As well, labour relations legislation is more quickly and strictly
enforced in Canada as compared to the U.S. (Page 27)
19. True. Page 52 (Page 48)
20. False. Page 62. It receives a charter from a labour congress and isn’t affiliated with a
national or international union (Page 55)
21. True. Page 63 (Pages 56-57)
22. B. Page 50. Figure 3-3 (Page 46)
23. D. Pages 57 (Considerations 3-1) and 63 (Considerations 3-3). D is a function of the Canada
Labour Congress (Pages 41 and 56)
24. E. Page 70. E relates to the Rand formula/agency shop (pages 175-176 in Chapter 7) (Page
Chapter 4

25. Concession bargaining is where management gives (or concedes) to union demands

True False

26. A labour relations strategy is how an employer deals with unionization of its employees

True False

27. A low commitment HR strategy involves continued use of non-traditional production methods

True False

28. A high commitment HR strategy involves the adoption of better technology and requires
investment in training and development of human resources

True False

29. High performance workplace systems have been widely adopted in Canada

True False

30. A ________________ strategy involves the employer trying to rid itself of any unions
a) Union opposition
b) Union avoidance
c) Union removal
d) Union acceptance
e) Union resistance

31. ___________________ is a strategy in which the employer attempts to limit the further spread
of unionization in the organization
a) Union opposition
b) Union avoidance
c) Union removal
d) Union acceptance
e) Union resistance

32. Cost leadership and differentiation are:

a) Management values
b) Management ideologies
c) Employer competitive strategies
d) Union philosophies
e) Union strategies
Chapter 4

25. False. Page 82. It is negotiation over employer demands for reductions in wages and
benefits (Page 74)
26. True. Page 84 (Page 76)
27. False. Page 88. It involves use of traditional production methods (Page 79)
28. True. Page 88 (Page 79)
29. False. Page 89 (Page 80)
30. C. Page 87 (Page 78)
31. E. Page 87 (Page 78)
32. C. Page 84 (Page 76)
Chapter 5

33. Government objectives relating to labour relations have only direct impacts on unions and

True False

34. The primary method governments use to regulate labour relations is labour relations legislation

True False

35. Problems with labour relations legislation include

a) Issues with enforcement
b) Standards are set at low levels
c) Some employees are exempt
d) B and C but not A
e) A, B and C

36. Most LRBs in Canada consist of:

a) A single arbitrator
b) One union rep and one management rep
c) A single mediator
d) A neutral chair and vice-chairs and reps from employers and unions
e) A single governor
Chapter 5

33. False. Page 94. They can also have an indirect impact (Page 87)
34. True. Page 95 (Page 88)
35. E. Page 98 (Page 91)
36. D. Page 100 (Page 93)
Chapter 6

37. An individual’s decision to join a union is affected only by internal factors to the workplace

True False

38. Some employees may feel an obligation to the employer and view unionization as being disloyal

True False

39. In the certification process the union files an application for certification with the LRB before it
conducts an organizing campaign

True False

40. After the union files an application for certification the employer is notified and must post a
notice to employees

True False

41. A “dependent contractor” is someone engaged in his/her own business

True False

42. Which of the following is not a workplace factor affecting unionization?

a) Compensation
b) Fairness
c) Equity
d) Attitudes towards unions
e) Job security

43. Which of the following is not an external factor affecting unionization?

a) Economic factors
b) Inflation
c) Workload
d) A recession
e) A wage freeze

44. Which of the following factors affect the determination of a bargaining unit?
a) Community of interest
b) Who is traditionally represented by a craft union
c) Avoiding fragmentation
d) A and C but not B
e) All of the above

45. The following are unfair labour practices of unions during certification:
a) Intimidation, threats, coercion to compel a person to become a member of a trade union
b) Soliciting union support during work hours
c) Prohibiting entry to the workplace by non-employee
d) Prohibiting solicitation of union membership during non-working hours
e) A and B
Chapter 6

37. False. Page 107. It is also affected by external factors (Page 97)
38. True. Page 110 (Page 100)
39. False. Page 112. The organization campaign is first (Page 102)
40. True. Page 114 (Page 103)
41. False. Pages 114-115. That is the definition of an independent contractor. A dependent
contractor is someone who appears to be an independent contractor, but is economically
dependent on a single employer (Page 105)
42. D. Pages 107 and 109. D is an external factor (Pages 97-99)
43. C. Pages 108-109. C is a workplace event (Page 99)
44. E. Pages 124-125 (Pages 109-110)
45. E. Pages 132-133. C is permissible employer conduct. D is not permitted by employers in
most jurisdictions (Pages 114-118)
Chapter 7

46. The minimum term of a collective agreement is 2 years

True False

47. Arbitrators are elected local union officials who assist employees with issues, including
grievances, which might arise in the course of administration of the collective agreement

True False

48. “Bargaining unit work” is the work normally done by employees in the bargaining unit

True False

49. “Contracting out” occurs when an employer arranges or another firm to do work that could
be down by the employer’s own employees

True False

50. The recall period is the length of time an employee on layoff is entitled to reclaim their job

True False

51. Which article can also be called the “scope clause”?

a) Recognition
b) Union security
c) Seniority
d) Union business
e) Duration or term of agreement

52. _____________________ is a place of work in which union membership is not required to

obtain a job or to continue employment
a) Closed shop
b) Union shop
c) Open shop
d) Agency shop
e) Modified union shop

53. ____________________ is an article providing management retains the authority to

manage except as otherwise provided in the collective agreement
a) Union business
b) Bargaining unit work
c) Management rights
d) Recognition
e) Contracting out
Chapter 7

46. False. Page 166. It is 1 year (Page 147)

47. False. Page 169. They are “stewards” (Page 150)
48. True. Page 173 (Page 153)
49. True. Page 179 (Page 160)
50. True. Page 184 (Page 164)
51. A. Page 167 (Page 148)
52. C. Page 176 (Page 157)
53. C. Page 177 (Page 158)

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