Lecture 10
Lecture 10
Lecture 10
1. The atomic nucleus is made up of protons (+-ve charge) and neutrons (neutral).
2. Like electrons, protons and neutrons (or nucleons) are quantum mechanical
entities, and their energetic properties can be described by operators, wave
functions, and quantum numbers.
3. Both protons and neutrons have a spin ½, with spin quantum number, mI,
which can have values of ↑ (up, +½, or α), or ↓ (down, -½, or β).
4. Total nuclear energy levels are lower if the constituent protons and neutrons
are spin-paired, so that for most nuclei, the spins (and magnetic fields) cancel.
Protons are spin-paired with protons, neutrons with neutrons.
5. Isotopes that have an odd number of either protons or neutrons have a net spin,
according to the Table below:
Number of protons Number of neutrons Nuclear spin, (I)
Even Even 0
Even Odd 1/2 or 3/2 or 5/2 …
Odd Even 1/2 or 3/2 or 5/2 …
Odd Odd 1 or 2 or 3 …
What can we use NMR spectroscopy for?
Because of the wide range of nuclei that have spins, the applications of NMR
are more widespread than those of EPR. Resolution can be enhanced by
isotopic substitution for those nuclei that either are rare, or have no significant
population, at natural abundance.
• Identification and characterization of reaction products in chemistry through
characteristic chemical shifts in energy for particular nuclei.
• Proton exchange rates between -OH, -COOH, etc., and H2O
• Spin-spin coupling to identify bonding interactions.
• By extension of the above, - NMR can be used to obtain structures for
macromolecules at atomic resolution in solution.
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), - a major advance in medical imaging of
internal tissues, - based on proton NMR.
Spin and magnetism
Electrons and nuclei have magnetic properties only because they carry charges and
move. The magnetic force generated by a moving charge is proportional to the
current. In the case of a spinning entity, this translates into how fast it spins.
Why do different isotopes have different nuclear magnetic properties?
Since the nuclear charge is dependent on atomic number (the number of protons), and
different isotopes have the same atomic number (otherwise they are different
elements), they must all carry the same charge. Since there’s no change in charge on
adding neutrons, why is there a change in magnetic properties?
If a nucleus has an even number of protons and an even number of neutrons, all the
spins compensate, and the nucleus has no net spin. The nuclear magnetism arises
from the spin introduced by an extra neutron, which gives a net angular momentum.
The rate of spinning is dependent on angular momentum and therefore on mass. For
any particular mass, a given increment in spin on adding a neutron will start the whole
nucleus spinning at a rate dependent on the combined mass.
The magnetic difference between isotopes therefore depends in a complicated way on
the mass of the nucleus (the atomic weight), the number of charges it carries (the
atomic number), and how many unpaired nucleons are present.
Some nuclear magnets of importance in biological studies
As we shall see later, the gyromagnetic ratio (γ) determines the energy at
which electromagnetic radiation will flip the spin of a nuclear magnet. A flip
occurs when the energy matches (or is in resonance with) the energy of the
transition. The energy needed (expressed in terms of frequency) depends on
the applied magnetic field (the strength of the magnet), - 4.7 Tesla in this
NMR ~10-200 mI = -½
MHz @ 4.7 T
EPR ~9.5GHz mI = ±½ γB0 h
@ 0.34 T Energy ∆E = hν =
(ν ) 2π
RT=0.002 kcal/mol
at 10oK
Energy of mI = +½
transition magnetic field strength (B0)
ν =E/h
(E = hν) ms = -½
RT=0.593 kcal/mol
at 298oK ms = ±½
Energy ∆E = hν = gβB0
ν - frequency Hz (ν )
ν~ - wavenumber cm-1
λ- wavelength nm ms = +½
1 ν
ν~ = = magnetic field strength (B0)
λ c
On the nature of electromagnetic waves, and the transitions that
absorb or generate them
The consequence is that the energy level of the nucleus splits in a magnetic field,
as shown on the right. The population of spins in the mI +½ (α) state is (very
slightly) higher than in the mI -½ (β) state, because the energy is lower.
When photons of the “right” energy are absorbed, the spin of the
nucleus flips between the two states. If we look at the diagram, we can
see that the energy gap between the two states is dependent on the
strength of the applied magnetic field. As a consequence, photons are
absorbed which have a particular energy at a particular field. This is
what is meant by resonance.
γB0 h
∆E = hν =
Here, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio for the nucleus, B0 is the magnetic
field strength, and h is Planck’s constant.
When we come to discuss pulsed NMR, we will need to refer to circular
motion. Here the preferred frame of reference is that of the circular
motion of precession. We define the precession or Larmor frequency:
ω = 2πυ
or by substitution in the above,
ω0 = γB0
Some consequences of the energy scale.
The transitions leading to NMR absorption have energies in the radio frequency
range, depending on nucleus (γ) and the strength of the magnetic field generated by
the magnet.
NMR machines are rated by the frequency at which the proton is in NMR
resonance for the magnet they are built around, so we have 200 MHz, 500 MHz,
750 MHz and even 1 GHz NMR spectrometers. To achieve the higher fields, high
electrical currents are needed, which can be achieved using superconducting coils,
- these are generally called superconducting magnets (costing $M).
Since ω = 2πν = γB0, for a 200 MHz machine we need a magnet generating 4.7
Tesla; for a 500 MHz machine we need 11.74 Tesla, etc.
As we increase the energy gap (increase frequency), the small differences of
energy for transitions of nuclear magnets in different environments are also
increased, and our NMR spectrum will be better resolved. In addition, we also
increase the population difference for the two spin states as we increase the energy
(∆E/RT is increased), as discussed in the next slide.
These factors make a big difference in the amount of time needed to generate a
data set, - for example in solution of the structure of a protein.
The energy levels of the two spin states of importance in EPR and NMR are
relatively close. As we saw in previous slides, the ∆E values for the transitions are
much less than RT. As a consequence, the populations in the two states are almost
equal (see next slide for details). This means that we have to worry about the
phenomenon of stimulated emission.
Photons are promiscuous, - they will take advantage of any transition that matches
their energy. A “down” transition has the same energy gap as an “up” transition, so a
photon can be adsorbed, and promote a transition, in either direction. The laws of
energy conservation require that the energy absorbed must be given up, together
with the energy of the transition. As a consequence, two photons are emitted, of
equal energy to the one absorbed, to give one emitted net. If our two spins are in
almost equal populations, all the spins will absorb one photon, and all the spins
will emit one photon. We therefore do not see these changes in population.
As we have seen, the energy of electromagnetic waves is generally expressed in
frequency, but energy scales are all related through Planck’s constant and the speed
of light, so we can express these energies in J/mol, eV, or any other energy units.
For a particular temperature, any transition can be described in terms of an
equilibrium between two states. For example, when we flip the energy level of a
proton in a magnetic field, we have two states, ↑ or α, and ↓ or β, separated by ∆E,
calculated as above. Let us use Nα and Nβ to represent the relative populations in the
two states. We can represent the equilibration between these two states by Nα ' Nβ .
Then the ratio of these populations is given by the Boltzman distribution:
Nα / Nβ = e ∆E / RT
Remembering that the energies of the transitions associated with NMR (and those of
EPR) are both very much less than RT, we can see that only a very small excess of
states will be in the lower energy level. For the proton at 500 MHz, at ~25oC, since E
= hν, and Planck and Avagadro constants are 6.626.10-34 J.s and 6.02.1023 mol-1
respectively, energies in the RF range (~500 MHz) are 0.2 J/mol.
Nα / Nβ = 1.00008
It is these one in ten thousand spins that are available to absorb a photon to
provide an NMR signal.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ms = -½
Because of the use of a modulated signal and frequency selective amplification, the
detection electronics only respond to a change in absorbance in the sample. As a
consequence, the spectrum is output as the first derivative of the absorbance
Choice of EPR range
Use of a fixed microwave frequency and a varying field in CW-EPR is determined
by the difficulty of generating microwaves of sufficient intensity. The choice was
originally dependent on the development of radar technology. Radar uses
microwaves, with different frequencies for different purposes, and also needs a lot
of power. Although alternative technologies are now available, the design of EPR
spectrometers was based on the availability of klystron microwave sources from
the radar applications, with the frequencies below.