Compiled Notes
Compiled Notes
Compiled Notes
2. Deciles – are values that divide the set of 5. Coefficient of Variation – is the ratio
data into 10 equal parts. These values are between standard deviation and mean. It is
denoted by D1 , D2 , D3 , … , and D9 in denoted by CV.
which the 10% of the data falls below D1 ,
20% falls below D2 , 30% falls below D3 , TECHNIQUES AND USEFUL FORMULA
… , and 90% falls below D9. For Ungrouped Data N ≤ 30
3. Percentiles – are values that divide the set 1. Quartiles
of data into 100 equal parts. These values
are denoted by P1, P2, P3, …, and P99 in Steps:
which 1% of the data falls below P1, 2%
falls below P2, 3% falls below P3, …, and 1.1 Arrange the raw scores from highest to lowest
99% falls below P99. or vice-versa.
• Measures of the average distance of each 2.1 Arrange the raw scores from highest to lowest
observation from the center of distribution or vice-versa.
∑|X k −X|
D 7=73
N −1 • P41
8. Coefficient of Variation
S ∑ | X k − X|
CV = MAD= k=1
where: S = standard deviation; X = mean X =53.86
• Mean:
∑ | X k − X| X=
k=1 n
(0.08 + 0.22 + … + 0.20) 1.84
X= = =0.18
169.14 10 10
• Median
0.08, 0.08, 0.10, 0.13, 0.13, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25,
• SD 0.31, 0.34
~ 0.13+ 0.20
X= =0.17
∑|X k −X|
N −1 • Mode
X =0.08 , 0.13.
• Q3
• Median
∑|X k− X|2=4960.86
0.08, 0.08, 0.10, 0.13, 0.13, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25,
6 √
4960.86 0.31, 0.34
~ 0.13+ 0.20
S=28.75 X= =0.17
• Variance • Mode
V =S ^
X =0.08 , 0.13.
V =28.75 • Q3
28.75 • D6
CV =
0.08, 0.08, 0.10, 0.13, 0.13, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25,
CV =0.53 0.31, 0.34
Example: nN/10 = 6(10)/10 = 6
2. The estimated radiation levels in D6=0.20
milliroentgens per hour are as follows: 0.08,
0.22 , 0.34 , 0.13 , 0.25 , 0.31 , 0.10 , 0.13 , • P70
0.08 , and 0.20 in the display areas of 10
computer stores in a certain City. Compute 0.08, 0.08, 0.10, 0.13, 0.13, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25,
the measures of central tendency, Q3 , D6 , 0.31, 0.34
P70 , Range, MAD, SD, V, CV:
nN/100 = 70(10)/100 = 700/100 = 7
• Mean:
P70 =0.22
• Range V =S
R=0.34−0.08=0.26 V =0.09
• MAD −3
V =8.1∗10
∑ | X k − X| • CV
MAD= k=1 S
N CV =
X =0.18
CV =
CV =0.5
∑ | X k − X|
• SD
∑|X k −X|
N −1
∑|X k − X|2=0.0808
√ 0.0808
• Variance
HYPOTHESIS TESTING • the operational statement of the theory that
the experimenter believes to be true and
Inferential statistics wishes to prove
• enables us to make estimates of population • Is sometimes referred to as the research
values called parameters and to make hypothesis
statements about computed statistics
acceptable to some degree of confidence For the mean, the alternative hypothesis will be
stated in only one of three possible forms:
Two areas of inferential statistics
Ha: μ ≠ some value
1. estimation
Ha: μ > some value
2. hypothesis testing
Ha: μ < some value
Research Problem:
Note: Ha is the opposite of Ho.
e.g. How effective is Minoxidil in treating male
pattern baldness? For example, if Ho is given as μ = 37.0, then it
follows that the alternative hypothesis is given
Specific Objectives: by any of the ff: Ha: μ ≠ 37.0,
1. To estimate the population proportion of
μ < 37.0 or μ > 37.0.
patients who will show new hair growth after
being treated with Minoxidil. (can be What is a Test of Significance?
answered by estimation)
• A test of significance is a problem of
2.To determine whether treatment using Minoxidil is deciding between the null and the
better than the existing treatment that is known to alternative hypotheses on the basis of the
stimulate hair growth among 40% of patients with information contained in a random sample.
male pattern baldness. (answered by hypothesis
testing) • The goal will be to reject Ho in favor of Ha,
because the alternative is the hypothesis
What is Hypothesis Testing? that the researcher believes to be true. If we
are successful in rejecting Ho, we then
declare the results to be “significant”.
Null Hypothesis
Two Types of Errors
• denoted by Ho
Type I Error
• the statement being tested
The mistake (error) of rejecting the null
• it represents what the experimenter doubts hypothesis when it is true.
to be true
It is not a miscalculation or procedural
• must contain the condition of equality and misstep; it is an actual error that can occur
must be written with the symbol = when a rare event happens by chance.
Example of null hypothesis: Ho: μ = some value The probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is true is called the
• The null hypothesis corresponding to the significance level (α ).
common belief that the mean body
temperature is 37oC is expressed as Ho : m The value of α is typically predetermined,
= 37oC and very common choices are α = 0.05 and
α = 0.01.
Note: The hypothesized value can be obtained
from previous studies or from knowledge of the Example of Type I Error
• The mistake of rejecting the null hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis that the mean body temperature is 37.0
when that mean is really 37.0.
• denoted by Ha
• BFaD allows the release of an ineffective • If the level of significance α = 0.05 and p-
medicine value is 0.01, reject Ho.
Right-tailed test
Summary of the Tests Concerning the 7. Thus we conclude that the claim of
Population Mean professor J the average grade of his
students is greater than 80% at 5% level of
X−μ o
t c=
One sample Z-Test s / √n
Example Solution:
A random sample of 100 students enrolled in 1. H O :T he average BMI of the female high
Statistics under Professor J shows that the average school students is equal to 19 points.
grade in the midterm examination is 85%.
H o : μ=19
Professor J claims that the average grade of the
students in the midterm examination is at least 80% H a : T he average BMI of the female high school
with standard deviation of 16%. Is there an
students is lower than 19 points.
evidence to say that the claim of the professor is
correct at 5% level of significance? H a : μ<19
5. t c = =−1.11 Solution:
4.5/ √ 25
1. H O : The average grade of Professor J’s
6. Since t c =−1.11>−t (0.05,24 )=−1.711, accept
students is equal to 80% H o : μ=80 %
the null hypothesis.
H a :The average grade of Professor J’s
7. Thus we conclude that the average BMI of
the female high school students is about 19 students is not equal to 80%
points. H a : μ≠ 80 %
Solution: 85−80
5. t c = =2.00
25/ √ 100
1. H O :The mean weight of the sample of 100
persons from the Honolulu Heart Study is 6. Since ¿ t c ∨¿ 2.00>t (0.05 /2,99)=1.96, reject the
equal to 60 kg. null hypothesis.
H a : μ>60 kg
3. Z c = , Z 0.05=1.645
σ / √n
5. Z c = =3.
10 / √ 100
• t c=
sd / √ n
• sd =√ n ∑ d 2−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
• where: d is the average of the difference
between two variables
• sd is the standard deviation of the differences d= =2.2
• n is the number of pairs in the sample
sd =√ n ∑ d 2−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
15 ( 135 ) −33
A group of high school students were given sd =
a pretest before undergoing an intensive review in
the NSAT. The data obtained are given below. sd =2.11
Determine whether the intensive review has a
significant effect on the performance of the Solution:
students. Let α = 0.05.
1. H O : There is no significant difference
between the pre-test and post-test scores of
the students who reviewed for the NSAT.
3. t c = , t =2.145
s d / √ n 0.05/ 2(14)
5. t c =
sd / √ n
t c= =4.04
2.11/ √15
6. Since|t c|=4.04>¿ t α / 2∨¿=2.145, reject the √
sd = n ∑ d 2−¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
null hypothesis in favor of the alternative
hypothesis. 10 ( 186 ) −38
sd =
10 (10−1)
7. Thus we conclude that there is significant
difference between the pre-test and post- sd =2.15
test scores of the students who reviewed for
the NSAT. Post-test is significantly higher Solution:
than pre-test score, therefore, the review
sessions have significant effect on the post- 1. H O : There is no significant difference
test score. between the pre-test and post-test scores of
the students in Statistics.
H a :There is a significant difference between the
The following data are the scores of the
pre-test and post-test scores of the students in
students in the pre-test and post-test in statistics.
At 5% level of significance, can we say that the
students improved their scores after studying 2. α =0.05 , two tailed test
3. t c = , t =2.262
s d / √ n 0.05/ 2(9)
5. t c =
sd / √ n
t c= =5.59
2.15/ √10
d= =3.8
HYPOTHESIS TESTING: 4. Reject H o , if ¿ t c ∨¿∨t α /2∨¿ . Otherwise,
INDEPENDENT SAMPLE accept the null hypothesis
X 1− X 2
t c=
Independent sample t-test
[ ]
2 2
5. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1
• Use this test to compare two small sets of +
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
quantitative data when samples are
collected independently of one another. 6.
'Student's' t Test is one of the most 1250−1180
t c= =10.68
commonly used techniques for testing a
hypothesis on the basis of a difference
between sample means.
( 25−1 ) 2 22+ (27−1 ) 25 2 1 1
25 27 [ ]
• the t-test determines a probability that two 7. Since|t c|=10.68>¿ t α /2∨¿ =2.576, reject the
populations are the same with respect to the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative
variable tested. hypothesis.
difference on the weight of two groups of
[ ]
2 2
( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1 chicken at 0.01 level of significance. The
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2 kind of feed given to group 1 is better than
the feed given to group 2.
A poultry grower would like to find out which
of two kinds of feeds is better for the growth of Previous midterm examination in Statistics
chickens. He used one kind of feed for one group showed an average score obtained by students in
(group 1) of chickens (n1 = 25) and another kind of Section A and B are the same. The department
feed for a second group (group 2) of chickens (n2 = chair randomly selects two sections of Statistics
27). classes to record the performance of the students.
The following statistics were shown below.
After 45 days, he computed the mean
weights of the chickens in the two groups and
obtained the following data.
x 1=1250 g , s1 =22 g
2. α =0.01 , two tailed test
[ ]
2 2
3. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1 ,
X 1− X 2 n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
t c=
t 0.05/ 2(27)=2.052
[ ]
2 2
3. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1 ,
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
4. Reject H o , if ¿ t c ∨¿∨t α /2∨¿ . Otherwise,
t 0.01/ 2(50)=2.576 accept the null hypothesis.
X 1− X 2 6. Since t c =21.014>t 0.01 (47 )=¿2.326, reject the
t c=
null hypothesis in favor of the alternative
[ ]
2 2
5. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1
+ hypothesis.
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
7. Thus, we can say that there is a significant
85.2−86.1 difference on the borrower’s transaction
t c= =−0.6152
X 1− X 2
t c=
√ [ ]
2 2
3. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1 ,
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
t 0.01(47)=2.326
X 1− X 2
t c=
√ [ ]
2 2
5. ( n1−1 ) s1 + ( n2−1 ) s 2 1 1
n1+ n2−2 n1 n2
t c= =21.014