Wallstreetjournal 20221115 TheWallStreetJournal PDF
Wallstreetjournal 20221115 TheWallStreetJournal PDF
Wallstreetjournal 20221115 TheWallStreetJournal PDF
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* * * * * TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022 ~ VOL. CCLXXX NO. 116 WSJ.com HHHH $5.00
DJIA 33536.70 g 211.16 0.6% NASDAQ 11196.22 g 1.1% STOXX 600 432.86 À 0.1% 10-YR. TREAS. g 10/32 , yield 3.865% OIL $85.87 g $3.09 GOLD $1,773.60 À $7.60 EURO $1.0329 YEN 139.88
Biden, Xi
News Strive to
Business & Finance
A mazon is preparing
layoffs that could total
about 10,000 workers as the
Two leaders agree to
company continues a broad resume talks on global
cost-cutting review led by priorities; Taiwan is
CEO Jassy, a person famil-
iar with the matter said. A1 still red line for China
FTX’s collapse likely ex-
President Biden and Presi-
posed the cryptocurrency
dent Xi Jinping of China
exchange and its founder to
sought to halt a rapid down-
potential criminal liability,
ward spiral in relations be-
according to attorneys who
tween Washington and Beijing,
specialize in white-collar
criminal law. A1, A2, B1
By Andrew Restuccia,
Japan’s economy con- Keith Zhai
tracted for the first time in and Ken Thomas
a year in the third quarter,
shrinking 0.3% from the instructing officials to resume
previous quarter and 1.2% stalled talks on major global
on an annualized basis. A8 priorities, but the two coun-
tries acknowledged areas of
The Fed’s Brainard
deep disagreement that could
said the central bank is
disrupt those efforts.
likely to slow its pace of
Mr. Biden emerged from the
raising interest rates at its
meeting projecting cautious
meeting next month. A2
optimism, and a Chinese read-
Berkshire spent roughly out of the talks signaled a re-
$9 billion on the stock newed willingness from Bei-
market in the third quar- jing to engage with the U.S.
al a
In Legal
tions that it persistently mis-
porate employees and could Journal reported last week. sions, the person said. The
led consumers about how it
Amazon.com Inc. is prepar- primarily affect Amazon’s de- That review has focused on cuts would represent about 3%
er s
Apple and “Fortnite” maker company continues a broad as human resources and retail, billion annually in some recent workforce, which exceeded 1.5
Epic over how apps are dis- cost-cutting review led by the person said. The retail unit years. million people at the end of
tributed on the iPhone took Chief Executive Andy Jassy, a has been the primary organiza- The New York Times re- September, including hundreds
its next steps in court. B3 BY DAVE MICHAELS person familiar with the mat- tion that has had to respond to ported on Amazon’s employee Please turn to page A4
ter said. a slowdown of sales this year. layoff plans earlier Monday.
m rp
World-Wide FTX’s offshore status and its The tech company’s layoffs, The layoffs come as Ama- The number of layoffs could Bezos says he will donate
willingness to keep American which could begin as soon as zon is undertaking a broad re- change and the cuts are being most of his fortune............... A4
traders off its Bahamas-based
Biden and Xi sought to exchange in large part shielded
halt a rapid downward spi- the company from strict U.S.
Zelensky Visits Liberated City New Driver of Deaths:
co Fo
Arizona’s governor race, The U.S. attorney’s office in WEST JORDAN, Utah— in his basement bedroom at
defeating an ally of former Manhattan is investigating When Jeannette Martinez his grandmother’s house.
President Trump. A4, A5 FTX’s collapse, according to hugged her grandson on the Testing revealed his body
people familiar with the mat- last night of his life, she could had a combination of drugs:
An appeals court blocked ter. One focus for prosecutors, feel his heart pounding. meth and heroin, along with
the Biden administration at least initially, is likely to be “Rio, are you doing meth?” traces of fentanyl. Mr. Ryan,
from moving ahead with examining reports that FTX she asked. who had used meth and her-
its mass student-debt can- lent customer funds to The powerful stimulant oin for years, had recently
cellation program. A3 Alameda Research, a crypto- methamphetamine can cause started trying fentanyl, a pow-
Germany will nationalize trading firm that traded on cardiac strain, and Rio Ryan erful synthetic opioid, he had
key German and European FTX and other exchanges. FTX Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits the regional had complained of chest pains. told his family.
arms of Russia’s Gazprom founder Sam Bankman-Fried, capital of Kherson on Monday, days after his country’s Also alarming that evening in The drug combination put
and shore up the business who resigned as chief executive forces recaptured the city from Russian control. A6 March: pinholes Ms. Martinez him at the center of a deepen-
in a bid to guarantee energy on Friday, also founded and saw between Mr. Ryan’s fin- ing complication in the na-
owns Alameda Research. gers, where she said the 21- Please turn to page A10
supplies, Berlin said. A7
Mr. Bankman-Fried has ac-
A University of Virginia knowledged in tweets that he
student suspected of fa-
tally shooting three foot-
Please turn to page A2
Permanent Jewelry Locks In Fans,
ball players and injuring
two others was in custody
Crypto agenda in Washington
faces setbacks.......................... A2
Sets Off Metal Detectors
after a nearly 13-hour FTX’s digital coin was at i i i
manhunt, officials said. A3 heart of fiasco........................... B1
Rudy Giuliani isn’t ex- Welded or securely fastened pieces can
pected to face criminal
charges in a New York fed- wreak havoc at airports, doctors’ offices
eral grand jury investiga-
tion into his interactions
BY RACHEL WOLFE The bracelets, necklaces
with Ukrainian officials, the
and anklets can also wreak
Crypto Agenda in D.C. Faces Setbacks
BY PAUL KIERNAN SEC Chair Gary Gensler crit- either met personally with him leaders, Sen. Debbie Stabenow ance that could help them at- SEC before listing them.
icized the Agriculture Commit- in recent months or benefited (D., Mich.) and Sen. John Booz- tract institutional investors. The SEC enforces civil in-
The collapse of crypto ex- tee’s bill in an appearance last from his firm’s $70 million of man (R., Ark.), with input from The Agriculture Committee vestor-protection laws, and it
change FTX has dealt a blow to week, saying it would under- campaign contributions. Mr. the Commodity Futures Trad- oversees the CFTC. But rather has taken more than 100 en-
the crypto industry’s hopes of mine 90-year-old laws that Bankman-Fried resigned as ing Commission. The bill would than committee markups and forcement actions against
pushing favorable legislation govern the $100 trillion securi- CEO on Friday when the com- assign oversight of the two votes to advance the bill, lob- cryptocurrency entities in re-
through Congress in the near ties market. It is unusual for pany filed for bankruptcy pro- largest cryptocurrencies to the byists and congressional aides cent years. It is also litigating a
term and ratcheted up pres- regulators to publicly oppose tection. CFTC. now expect lawmakers to first case against the backers of one
sure on the Securities and Ex- pending legislation, which they Some top Democrats, mean- It was also pushed by Mr. push for hearings on what of the largest digital tokens,
change Commission and other see as the purview of Congress. while, have urged the SEC to Bankman-Fried and his depu- went wrong at FTX. XRP. But it has yet to bring a
regulators to crack down. “Some of that legislation speed up its policing of the ties at FTX, who had a hand in Milan Dalal, a lobbyist who case against a major trading
The Senate Agriculture was promoted by the same crypto market following the crafting it, several lobbyists works on behalf of crypto platform, despite Mr. Gensler’s
Committee last week scrapped folks that failed in the last two FTX debacle. said. Mr. Bankman-Fried firms including Coinbase warnings.
a tentative plan to mark up its days, and you sort of wonder Lobbyists and congressional praised the bill in frequent Global Inc. and Bitwise Asset Even routine SEC investiga-
bipartisan crypto bill this why: because it was too light- aides said lawmakers were posts on social media and in Management Inc., said FTX’s tions typically take two years
week, according to people fa- touch,” Mr. Gensler said. likely to hit the pause button public appearances and urged collapse will likely push the to yield formal allegations of
miliar with the matter. The bill, FTX founder Sam Bankman- on any new legislation that others in crypto to support it. needle in Washington further wrongdoing. Moreover, en-
crafted with input from FTX, Fried became the face of might be viewed as crypto The bill would shield the toward enforcement. forcement cases against ex-
had gained wide support from crypto’s effort over the past friendly. largest cryptocurrencies, bit- Mr. Gensler last week said changes can be harder to build
the crypto industry. Mean- year to steer U.S. policy mak- Of various crypto bills float- coin and ether, from regulation time is running out for crypto than those against companies
while, the SEC and the Justice ers toward tailored, industry- ing around Congress, the Sen- by the SEC by assigning juris- platforms to come into compli- that issue crypto tokens.
Department have launched friendly rules and away from ate Agriculture Committee’s diction to the smaller CFTC, ance with federal securities There is also the risk that
wide-reaching investigations of enforcement of longstanding proposal had been seen by lob- which would have to write laws. He has said many of the an SEC lawsuit against an ex-
FTX, its U.S. affiliate and their financial regulations. The byists as having the best rules from scratch. It would digital tokens listed by such change could precipitate the
connections to the founder’s firm’s implosion shocked many chance of advancing by the end give firms that currently oper- firms are securities, meaning sort of collapse suffered by
trading firm, The Wall Street Washington lawmakers and of the year. It was introduced ate outside of the regulatory the platforms should have reg- FTX, harming ordinary inves-
Journal reported last week. regulators, many of whom had in August by the committee’s perimeter a veneer of compli- istered as exchanges with the tors.
pany’s downfall and bank- BY NICK TIMIRAOS
A little-traded digital cur- The Federal Reserve is
rency called FTT, which was likely to slow its pace of rais-
created by FTX, played a cru- ing interest rates at its meet-
cial role in the crypto ex-
change’s collapse, The Wall
Street Journal reported. It isn’t
unusual for a crypto exchange
on ing next month, a senior offi-
cial said Monday.
Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard
signaled the central bank is
of dollars in loans, people fa- Sam Bankman-Fried at the FTX office in the Bahamas in July. He and some of his top executives lived there in a shared house. of rate increases since the
miliar with the matter said. early 1980s. The central bank
The Journal reported that FTX Mr. Corzine paid $5 million to and customer assets were based in the Bahamas. Mr. tronic form of communication. raised rates to a range be-
lent cryptocurrencies from its settle the Commodity Futures safe—comments he later de- Bankman-Fried and some of his “The burden for venue is tween 3.75% and 4% at its
own customers to Alameda. It Trading Commission’s allega- leted. top executives lived there in a not very high,” said Mr. Enzer, meeting earlier this month.
m rp
couldn’t be determined if FTT tions, while neither admitting A spokesman for the U.S. at- shared house. The exchange now an attorney at Cahill Gor- A slower pace of rate rises
was used as collateral for the nor denying misconduct. torney’s office in Manhattan was earlier based in Hong don & Reindel LLP. “The gov- would allow the Fed more
customer loans. In the unregulated crypto declined to comment. A Kong, where many of ernment would argue that if a time to study how its moves
FTX’s terms of service told market, no such customer-pro- spokesman for FTX didn’t re- Alameda’s traders still single email went through New this year are slowing the econ-
its users that they own the tection rules exist. spond to a request for com- worked. York, that would suffice.” omy in ways that can’t be ob-
co Fo
cryptocurrencies in their ac- Still, using customer funds ment. Ryne Miller, FTX US’s But Mr. Bankman-Fried trav- Attorneys cautioned that served yet, Ms. Brainard said.
counts. for a purpose that wasn’t dis- general counsel, declined to eled to the U.S., including to U.S. authorities might not have “We have additional work
“None of the digital assets in closed can constitute fraud or comment. meet with U.S. lawmakers and a strong claim to jurisdiction if to do,” she said. “By moving
your account are the property embezzlement, according to Authorities would need to regulators. FTX US, an affiliate all of the conduct happened forward at a pace that’s more
of, or shall or may be loaned to, former prosecutors and other show Mr. Bankman-Fried in- of FTX, catered to U.S. custom- overseas and there were no di- deliberate, we’ll be able to as-
FTX Trading,” the document legal experts. tended to mislead customers ers. rect ties to the U.S. Former sess more data and be better
says. The terms of service with “What this will boil down to when he wrote those tweets. Mr. Bankman-Fried has prosecutors said that was un- able to adjust the path of rates
FTX Trading Ltd.—the entity is, were there deliberate lies to Intent can be hard to prove, written on Twitter that none of likely because the Justice De- to bring inflation down.”
that filed for bankruptcy last convince depositors or inves- but other facts, such as any se- the problems affected FTX’s partment has become so so-
week in Delaware federal tors to part with their assets?” cret efforts FTX took to prop U.S. entity, although that entity phisticated at finding ways to
court—are still online. said Samson Enzer, a former up Alameda or vice versa, can was part of a bankruptcy filing establish its authority.
Using customer funds for federal prosecutor in Manhat- support the inference, attor- that FTX made on Friday. “As broad as the law is, and
proprietary trading or lending tan. “Were there statements neys said. U.S. authorities generally the fact that every transaction
them out—without an inves- made that were false, and the “That is all potentially pow- can investigate when part of an uses a wire and these people
tor’s consent—is generally for- maker of those statements erful circumstantial evidence of illegal scheme happens there, are Americans, I can’t imagine
bidden in the regulated securi- knew they were false and made intent,” said Aitan Goelman, a such as when funds move there is no U.S. jurisdiction
ties and derivatives markets. with the intent to deceive the former federal prosecutor and through U.S. banks or even here,” said Tarek Helou, a for-
MF Global Holdings Ltd., a investor?” CFTC enforcement chief who is when emails that relate to a mer federal prosecutor now at
firm formerly run by former Prosecutors also could home now a partner at Zuckerman crime pass through the country. law firm Wilson Sonsini Good-
New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, in, the lawyers said, on state- Spaeder LLP. The most flexible charge they rich & Rosati.
was accused in 2013 of unlaw- ments Mr. Bankman-Fried One challenge for prosecu- can use is wire fraud, which —Patricia Kowsmann
fully using customer money to made on Twitter last week, tors: showing they have juris- only requires that a false state- and Caitlin Ostroff
meet the firm’s funding needs. when he said FTX was “fine” diction over FTX, which is ment was made using an elec- contributed to this article. Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard
Picasso Work Sells The number of mail ballots maturing on Dec.13, 2022, and
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Manhattan saleroom. for $27 million. with a university to offer de- lishing a new record for the Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
Mr. Paley’s cubist Picasso Ahead of the sale, MoMA grees in art fields. “We need to artist. The grid-like piece from
from 1919, “Guitar on a Table,” Director Glenn Lowry said the increase our capacity off-site 1930 was estimated to sell for GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
was one of a couple dozen museum wants to use its pro- and online,” Mr. Lowry said. around $50 million.
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“This has been an incredi- been taken into custody. The seeing a weapon. department.
bly long evening,” Mr. Longo police in Henrico County, Mr. Longo said Mr. Jones The event at UVA came af-
said. about 70 miles southeast of was charged outside Char- ter four University of Idaho
Mr. Ryan identified the vic- Charlottesville, said Mr. Jones lottesville last year with a con- students living off-campus
tims as Devin Chandler, a sec- was taken into custody there cealed-weapon violation. were found dead, the police in
ond-year student from Vir-
ginia Beach; Lavel Davis, a
third-year student from Rid-
geville, S.C.; and D’Sean Perry,
around 11 a.m.
Mr. Jones was charged with
three counts of second-degree
murder and three counts of us-
on UVA officials said two of
the students, Messrs. Chandler
and Perry, were found dead on
the bus. They said one person,
Moscow, Idaho, said Sunday.
The police didn’t identify a
suspect. The university said
the students were believed to
a fourth-year student from Mi- ing a handgun in commission presumably Mr. Davis, died at be homicide victims but there
us ,
ami. They were all members of of a felony, Mr. Longo said. a hospital. was no active threat to the
the football team. Mr. Ryan said officials University officials said school. Classes were canceled
al a
Mr. Ryan didn’t identify the didn’t know Mr. Jones’s mo- they didn’t know the extent of there Monday.
ci on
Drug Fails
m er
tently misled consumers about cates calling for laws and reg- mer’s drug from Roche Hold-
how it tracked them on mobile ulations to rein in geolocation ing AG failed to significantly Limited to just 300 pieces and features an exclusive bronze case
phones and other devices. surveillance,” said Jeff Ches- slow cognitive decline in long- that makes every watch truly unique. German precision since
The settlement, announced ter, executive director of the awaited trials, the latest set- 1869.
co Fo
by a coalition of 40 state at- Center for Digital Democracy, back for a field that has seen
torneys general Monday, said a nonprofit that advocates for little progress in decades. For more information please contact:
that Google violated state con- consumer protections online. The drug, called gan-
sumer protection laws by Location data has become a tenerumab, slightly reduced Aaron Faber Gallery – NYC, NY | Brentwood Jewelers –
tracking consumers even when vital part of the digital ecosys- cognitive decline in people Brentwood, TN | Chadwick's Jewelers St. Simons Island, GA |
their location history setting tem, particularly for online ad- with early Alzheimer’s com- Exquisite Timepieces - Naples, FL | Garrick Jewelers -
on their mobile phones was vertising businesses such as pared with a placebo across Hanover, PA | Joseph Edwards - NYC, NY | Joseph Gann
turned off. Google’s. Google uses the data two large and lengthy trials, Jewelers - Boston, MA | Little Treasury Jewelers - Gambrills,
“Digital platforms like it collects on consumers to de- but the difference wasn’t sta- MD | Orlando Watch Company - Winter Park, FL | State
Google cannot claim to pro- velop user profiles and target tistically significant, Roche
Street Jewelers - Greensboro, NC | The Watch & Jewelry
vide privacy controls to users, ads to them. said Monday. The trials, which
then turn around and disre- Google uses data it collects to The attorneys general con- lasted more than two years Hospital - Port St. Lucie, FL | Whitten's Fine Jewelry -
gard those controls to collect develop user profiles. cluded that Google violated and involved nearly 2,000 par- Wilmington, DE | Your Favorite Jeweler - Tallahassee, FL
and sell data to advertisers state consumer protections ticipants, compared scores of Muhle Glashutte USA 727-896-4278
against users’ express technology companies. laws by deceiving consumers cognition and function in ar- www.muhleglashutteusa.us
wishes—and at great profit,” Congress is also considering about its location practices. eas such as memory, orienta-
said New Jersey Attorney Gen- bipartisan legislation to give The settlement sets out sev- tion and problem-solving.
eral Matthew Platkin in a Americans more control over eral ways in which Google “So many of our families
statement. their data. It passed a House must become more transpar- have been directly affected by
Google, a unit of Alphabet committee last summer—a ent about its practices. Alzheimer’s, so this news is
Inc., said the allegations were milestone—but has been hung Google must show addi- very disappointing to deliver,”
based on practices that it has up over concerns about how it tional information to users said Levi Garraway, Roche’s
already changed. could affect state efforts. whenever they turn a location- chief medical officer.
“Consistent with improve- Some advocates said the related account setting on or In one trial, gantenerumab
ments we’ve made in recent $391.5 million settlement, off, the attorneys general said. reduced cognitive and func-
years, we have settled this in- which included the monetary It also must make key infor- tional decline by 8% and in the
vestigation which was based payment as well as new trans- mation about location tracking other, the reduction was 6%.
on outdated product policies parency requirements and lim- prominent for users, and give Neither result passed the
that we changed years ago,” its on use of location data, users detailed information threshold for statistical signif-
said José Castañeda, a Google didn’t go far enough. Google about the types of location icance, the Swiss company
spokesman. parent Alphabet reported rev- data Google collects and how said.
The $391.5 million settle- enue of $69.1 billion in its it is used at an enhanced “Lo- Rachelle Doody, global head
ment, which the state attor- most recent quarter. cation Technologies” webpage. of neurodegeneration at
neys said set a record for a “It’s a big number, but not The settlement also limits Roche, said the company
multistate privacy case, comes nearly as big as you’d hope Google’s use and storage of would end trials testing gan-
amid heightened concerns for” considering the millions certain types of location infor- tenerumab in the early Alzhei-
over how internet platforms of consumers affected, said mation and requires Google mer’s population. Roche is
collect and use location data. John Davisson, senior counsel account controls to be more also testing gantenerumab as
The Federal Trade Commis- at the Electronic Privacy Infor- user-friendly. a preventative treatment in
sion is currently considering a mation Center, a research and “Big Tech is watching us, people at high risk of develop-
rule that would expand online advocacy group. but Silicon Valley needs to ing Alzheimer’s, and will make
privacy protections by target- Privacy advocates have know that we are watching a decision on the future of
ing online surveillance and lax urged policy makers to put them too,” said Florida Attor- those trials by the end of the
data-security practices by more hard-and-fast limits on ney General Ashley Moody. year, she said.
ahead with its mass student- the Biden plan and turned for fice and for Americans across pause from the Eighth Circuit
s re se rv ed
debt cancellation program, now on the preliminary issue of the country, and we will keep up barring it from discharging any
dealing another blow to the ad- whether any of the six states had the fight,” said Missouri Attor- debt under the program, but
Al l rig ht
ministration’s plan after it was legal standing to challenge it. ney General Eric Schmitt. Mr. that interim order was only a
ruled unlawful by a federal The court said at least the state Schmitt, a Republican, was placeholder until the court had
judge in Texas last week. of Missouri likely had a proper elected to the Senate in last more time to consider its next MY STYLE IS MY SIGNATURE
on , LLC.
A three-judge panel of the basis for bringing the case. week’s midterms. steps. The latest ruling is a
Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- In blocking the administra- “The administration will con- more substantial setback for 745 FIFTH AVENUE , SUITE 1210, NYC
©B el pe rr
peals granted a preliminary in- tion from the debt cancellation tinue to fight these baseless the president’s policy, because 212 702 9040 • BELPERRON .COM
junction against President Bi- during ongoing litigation, the lawsuits by Republican officials it suspends the program while
den’s plan to erase hundreds of appeals court cited the potential and special interests and will the case continues.
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
cans were just one seat away cluded the re-election con- get a majority of the full gauge of opposition to Mr. should delay the leadership
from taking control of the tests of Democratic Reps. House in a vote in January. McCarthy. election until after the Geor-
House of Representatives after Katie Porter and Mike Levin In a closed-door meeting Allies of Mr. McCarthy gia runoff, in which Republi-
a series of victories called on and GOP Reps. David Valadao for members Monday, Mr. made calls to Democratic Rep. can Herschel Walker is facing
Monday night.
Republicans have won 217
House seats with Democrats at
205, according to an Associ-
and Mike Garcia as well as
one open seat.
Headed into the election,
Democrats had a 220-212 ma-
McCarthy emphasized that Re-
publicans would have the ma-
jority and will hold the com-
Henry Cuellar of Texas over
the weekend and asked him if
he would switch parties to ex-
pand the GOP majority, people
Democratic incumbent Sen.
Raphael Warnock.
The Senate Republican
leadership elections are set
ated Press tally. A party needs jority with three vacancies. familiar with the calls said. for Wednesday. BY KATY STECH FEREK
218 for a majority in the Democrats are projected to Mr. Cuellar turned them New members are in Wash-
chamber, and Republicans hold their Senate majority af-
Democrats are down, multiple people said. A ington this week for orienta- The top Senate Democrat is
were on track for a very nar- ter a weekend win in Nevada, projected to hold on spokesman for Mr. McCarthy tion. Some who hadn’t had moving ahead on advancing leg-
row margin after they won giving them the 50 seats said the calls weren’t made at their races called were also in- islation protecting same-sex
seats Monday in Arizona, Cali- needed to control the cham-
to their majority in Mr. McCarthy’s request. vited and would be included marriage, as lawmakers got
fornia and New York. ber. A final Senate race, in the Senate. “Anyone suggesting this is in leadership votes. back to work following the mid-
Republican Juan Ciscomani Georgia, is set for a runoff simply exercising in fan fic- House Democrats will vote term elections.
flipped a Democratic seat and Dec. 6 because neither candi- tion,” said spokesman Mark for their leadership this Senate Majority Leader
GOP Rep. David Schweikert date got a majority. Bednar. month, and the Senate is ex- Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) late
won re-election, both in Ari- The possibility of an ex- mittee gavels, no matter the Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.), pected to keep its same top Monday filed for cloture on the
zona. In other GOP wins, tremely narrow House GOP size of the conference, accord- during the Monday afternoon leaders. Respect for Marriage Act, set-
Reps. Ken Calvert and Mi- majority is already creating ing to two people in the meet- meeting, asked Mr. McCarthy Democrats had performed ting up an initial vote for later
chelle Steel were re-elected in challenges for Minority Leader ing. Mr. McCarthy received a if he would seek or accept better than expected in the this week. Any legislation would
California, and Brandon Wil- Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.). standing ovation, according to Democrats’ support in his midterm elections, even with require at least 60 votes in the
liams won a seat to succeed a Mr. McCarthy is meeting resis- two people. speaker bid. Mr. McCarthy re- the anticipated loss of the Senate, which is split evenly be-
retiring centrist Republican tance from his party’s right Rep. Andy Biggs (R., Ariz.) sponded, “No, and I never House majority. They picked tween Democrats and Republi-
lawmaker, Rep. John Katko, in flank, which now has greater plans to run against Mr. have,” according to two peo- up a Republican-held Senate cans. Passing this bill would put
New York state. leverage to influence the vote. McCarthy for the post, the ple in the room. seat and flipped some House “much-needed safeguards into
Democrat Andrea Salinas, Mr. McCarthy will need a challenger said on Newsmax Meanwhile, Senate Minor- seats, including in Washington federal law,” he said.
an Oregon state lawmaker, simple majority of his confer- Monday night. Mr. Biggs, an ity Leader Mitch McConnell state over the weekend. Lawmakers broke for recess
in late September, giving them
time to return to their districts
to campaign for midterm elec-
tions. Democrats in both cham-
bers have a few weeks before
the start of the new Congress.
Another priority is to pass
Dec. 16 deadline. If no bill is
passed, parts of the government
would shut down.
Senate Democrats are also
likely to consider an annual de-
on fense-policy package as well as
bipartisan legislation to over-
haul the way Congress counts
and ratifies presidential elector
us ,
Unexpectedly Tight Chris Brown, left, said he likes Lauren Boebert’s style, even though his friends had called her crazy. On Monday, Sens. Tammy
er s
Republican Bill Heller, above, said he voted against Ms. Boebert because he is concerned about Baldwin (D., Wis.), Susan Collins
preserving democracy. Below, election workers in Pueblo County, Colo., examined ballots last week. (R., Maine), Rob Portman (R.,
m er
Colorado’s Western Slope and sidered safely Republican. Mr. Frisch, 55, became con- riage Act would have “broad, bi-
lifelong registered Republican, Supporters of Ms. Boebert vinced that it was possible for partisan support.”
said he would like to support said they appreciate how vocal someone to build a coalition The bill would codify the
his party but found he couldn’t she is and consider her a to beat Ms. Boebert. ability for same-sex as well as
vote to re-elect his congress- fighter in Washington for con- Political analysts attributed interracial couples to get mar-
co Fo
woman, Rep. Lauren Boebert. servative ideals. Mr. Brown, Mr. Frisch’s surprise momen- ried and require states to recog-
Ms. Boebert has gained na- the owner of a Grand Junction tum to Ms. Boebert’s close nize the marriages. The push for
tional recognition for her vocal bicycle shop, said he googled alignment with Mr. Trump, a marriage law grew out of the
support of gun rights and for Ms. Boebert after friends of her reputation for attention- Supreme Court’s ruling this year
attention-grabbing statements, his called her crazy. Contrary getting statements and a gen- that ended a federal right to an
including tweeting “Today is to them, he found he liked the eral fatigue within her district abortion and prompted some
1776” on the day of the Jan. 6, outspoken style of the con- of headlines about her. That lawmakers to try to codify
2021, Capitol attack. Mr. Heller gresswoman. left an opening for Mr. Frisch same-sex marriage, saying it
instead voted for her opponent, Several supporters of Mr. and grass-roots groups to cob- could be in legal peril.
Adam Frisch, a little-known former President Donald A former owner of a restau- Frisch, including voters regis- ble together an alliance of Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.)
centrist Democrat and former Trump, is as divisive at home as rant in Rifle, Colo., Ms. Boe- tered unaffiliated and Republi- Democrats, independents and is likely to make another push
Aspen city councilman. she is nationally and has split bert, 35 years old, is a vocal can, said that Mr. Frisch had disaffected Republicans to to pass a proposal to speed up
“I’d like to vote for a Repub- her conservative district down gun-rights activist. On the day won them over with his mea- compete. federal environmental reviews
lican, but I’m not going to vote the middle. she was sworn in for her first sured message, and that he “If Lauren Boebert had of major energy projects. That
for these extremists and elec- Nearly a week after Election term last year, Ms. Boebert re- has been more present than been an ordinary Republican, proposal was once attached to
tion deniers,” said Mr. Heller, Day, her race remains too close leased a video of herself walk- Ms. Boebert within the dis- this race would not be com- government funding legislation,
who has begun voting for more to call in one of the biggest sur- ing around Capitol Hill with a trict. Some said they were petitive,” said Laura Chapin, a but Mr. Manchin withdrew it.
Democrats in recent years be- prises to come out of this year’s gun and criticizing District of deeply affected by the Jan. 6 Democratic political consul- The White House plans to
cause he is concerned about the midterms. Though most politi- Columbia regulations that attack, in which a mob of tant in Denver. request $10 billion for treat-
preservation of democracy, cli- cal analysts expect Ms. Boebert don’t allow people to openly Trump supporters disrupted Benjamin Stout, a spokes- ments and research for Covid-19
mate change, free trade and will prevail, Mr. Frisch’s strong carry a firearm. the certification of Joe Biden’s man for Ms. Boebert, said she and other diseases, according to
support for Ukraine, he said. showing is a sign that some Re- Ms. Boebert has supported presidential-election victory. outperformed other statewide people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Heller is among a sliver publican voters are losing inter- Mr. Trump’s efforts to over- Mr. Frisch said he was fed Republicans within the district Previous requests this year for
of GOP defectors who, com- est in candidates who have turn the 2020 presidential up with extremism in politics and said the majority of Re- more spending on Covid have
bined with independents and closely allied with Mr. Trump election and, more recently, when he began considering a publicans stuck with her. He failed to advance.
Democrats, helped vault Mr. and practice his style of politics. advocated against a separation run against Ms. Boebert last pointed to Mr. Frisch’s cam- Some Democrats are urging
Frisch into an unexpectedly “You can’t even mention her of church and state. fall. paign as a conservative, em- congressional leadership to
close race against one of Con- name in a restaurant because Ms. Boebert’s district has The former Aspen city phasizing support for business make changes to the debt-ceil-
gress’s most recognized and 50% of people start screaming favored Republican presiden- councilman and onetime fi- and energy, as proof of sup- ing process or raise the borrow-
controversial figures. Ms. Boe- and 50% start applauding,” said tial candidates for at least two nancial trader sat down and port for Republican principles. ing limit to head off the possi-
bert, who in her first term has Chris Brown, an independent decades and was made redder began to crunch numbers on “He just copped her policies bility that Republicans would
become a star to the portion of voter who supported Ms. Boe- in the most recent round of the farthest right and farthest and ran on them,” Mr. Stout use the issue to force policy
her party most aligned with bert. redistricting. Mr. Trump won left politicians in the country. said. changes or spending cuts.
Hobbs Wins
Arizona Race
BY ELIZA COLLINS Hobbs said she was honored by
her victory and that she would
Democratic Secretary of work just as hard for those
State Katie Hobbs won Ari- who didn’t vote for her, “be-
zona’s governor race, the Asso- cause even in this moment of
ciated Press projected, in one division, I believe there is so
of the most closely watched much more that connects us.”
contests in the country. Ms. Lake, who previously
Her opponent, Republican hadn’t committed to accepting
Kari Lake, a former local TV the results if she lost, said on
anchor, has become a promi- Twitter: “Arizonans know BS
nent ally of former President when they see it.”
Donald Trump and proponent Ms. Lake ran as an ally of
of his false claims of a stolen Mr. Trump and criticized not
2020 election. only Democrats but also Re-
Ms. Hobbs, who framed the publicans who didn’t support
election as an effort to save him. She went after the late
democracy, is the chief admin- Sen. John McCain, including
istrator of the state’s elections telling any McCain supporters Democrat Katie Hobbs, above, defeated Trump-backed Republican Kari Lake in the closely watched election for Arizona governor.
but she wasn’t involved in the to leave her event days before
vote-counting process. Arizona the election. Instead, she saying she planned to serve In an interview last month, age, as well as improving edu- have to.”
counties tabulated the ballots. praised some of the GOP’s most out her term as governor. Ms. Hobbs said as governor cational achievement. The Ms. Lake’s loss is a blow to
She refused to debate Ms. controversial figures, including Ms. Hobbs is a former so- she would call a special ses- Phoenix metro area had the Mr. Trump’s efforts to put al-
Lake, whom she called a con- state Sen. Wendy Rogers, who cial worker and Arizona state sion of the state Legislature to highest inflation in the coun- lies in charge of states and to
spiracy theorist for her elec- had been censured on a bipar- senator, where she served as attempt to repeal a law from try, according to Bureau of La- give them roles influencing
tion fraud claims. tisan basis by the state Senate minority leader. She ran a Arizona’s days as a territory bor Statistics data released in the conduct of the 2024 elec-
The Democrat won by get- for promoting violence against more muted campaign than that bans nearly all abortions. September. tion as he prepares to launch
ting the support of 96% of those she disagreed with. her opponent. While that law is being liti- Republicans are expected to another White House bid. Sev-
Democrats, nearly two-thirds Ms. Lake, seen as a highly “Katie, she may not be gated, a separate abortion law maintain control of the state eral of his preferred Senate
of independents and 11% of Re- effective communicator, was flashy,” former President Ba- that bans most abortions at 15 Legislature in this election. and House candidates also lost
publicans, according to data discussed by some Republi- rack Obama said at a rally weeks is in place. Ms. Hobbs acknowledged a di- key races.
from the AP VoteCast survey of cans as a possible heir appar- ahead of Election Day. “She Ms. Hobbs said she would vided state government will Arizona also re-elected
Arizona voters who partici- ent or running mate to Mr. could have been. She just also immediately focus on likely be challenging to move Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly.
pated in the midterm elections. Trump. Ahead of the election, chooses not to be, because tackling inflation and the her agenda but said, “I will —Chad Day
In a statement Monday, Ms. she denied that suggestion, she’s serious about her work.” state’s growing water short- never stop trying because we contributed to this article.
on The Justice Department also
noted what it cast as a paradox
in Mr. Trump’s argument: that
Against Giuliani
representing former President
Donald Trump and the Justice
Department presented dueling
if the documents seized were
personal and not government
records, there is no basis to In Ukraine Probe
us ,
shield certain records from his tive privilege. BY JAMES FANELLI nately for Mr. Giuliani, this in-
al a
time in office from federal in- Mr. Trump’s lawyers have AND CORINNE RAMEY vestigation has been hanging
vestigators conducting a crimi- repeatedly invoked the powers over his head for three years.”
nal investigation into the po- and immunities of the presi- Rudy Giuliani isn’t expected A spokesman for the Man-
ci on
tential mishandling of classified dent during his time in office to to face criminal charges in a hattan U.S. attorney’s office
national-security records. shield the internal workings of New York federal grand jury in- declined to comment.
In legal briefs made public government from congressio- vestigation into his interactions The Journal previously re-
on Monday, Mr. Trump’s legal nal, federal and state investiga- with Ukrainian officials, the Jus- ported that federal prosecutors
team argued that the doctrine tors. In the aftermath of his tice Department said Monday. were exploring whether Mr.
er s
of executive privilege protects presidency, they have contin- “Based on information cur- Giuliani pushed the ouster of
Mr. Trump from having to dis- ued advancing similar argu- rently available to the govern- the then-U.S. ambassador in
m er
close certain materials to fed- Mr. Trump’s lawyers said records at Mar-a-Lago were personal papers. ments. ment, criminal charges are not Kyiv, Marie Yovanovitch, on be-
eral investigators who are Mr. Trump sparked a similar forthcoming,” federal prosecu- half of Ukrainian officials in ex-
probing how records marked as August search of the former treated. In that decision, the executive-privilege fight with tors said in a court filing. change for information on Joe
classified came to be trans- president’s home. Mr. Trump court stopped short of issuing Congress last year, which he ul- The Wall Street Journal pre- Biden, Mr. Trump’s Democratic
ferred to Mar-a-Lago, Mr. filed suit in the aftermath of any definitive guidance about timately lost. In that case, Mr. viously reported that prosecu- rival in the 2020 presidential
m rp
Trump’s Florida home, after he the search of his home, advanc- how courts should consider Trump sued to block the Biden tors were investigating whether election, and his son Hunter.
left office. ing a host of novel legal argu- those interests or how disputes administration from turning Mr. Giuliani, a former New York Mr. Trump ordered Ms. Yo-
His lawyers, addressing ments to issues that have rarely should be resolved, leaving sig- over documents from his time City mayor who served as Pres- vanovitch’s ouster in 2019.
Judge Raymond Dearie, the been considered by courts. At nificant ambiguity about the in office to the House commit- ident Trump’s personal lawyer,
special master overseeing the Mr. Trump’s request, U.S. Dis- state of the law. tee investigating the Jan. 6, violated foreign lobbying rules
co Fo
Mar-a-Lago documents, also trict Judge Aileen Cannon ap- In their own brief, lawyers 2021, assault on the U.S. Capi- in a push to remove a U.S. dip-
said records that the former pointed Judge Dearie as special representing the Justice De- tol. Mr. Trump took the case to lomat in Ukraine in 2019.
A grand jury
president transferred from the master to help sort through partment revealed that Mr. the Supreme Court, which ulti- The probe led to a legal investigation into
White House were personal pa- some of the complex legal is- Trump’s legal team has only as- mately declined to intervene in standoff after federal investi-
pers rather than government sues involving the seizure of a serted privilege on a tiny sub- the case and the records were gators searched Mr. Giuliani’s
possible lobbying
documents and that as the out- former president’s papers. set of the thousands of docu- transferred to the congressio- home and office in April 2021. violations has ended.
going chief executive, he alone At the core of the dispute is ments seized during the search. nal committee. Lawyers for Mr. Giuliani ar-
had the power and authority to executive privilege, a legal doc- Mr. Trump’s lawyers have Then, as now, Mr. Trump ar- gued that some of the material
make that determination. trine blessed by the Supreme claimed that 121 documents are gued that as the former presi- seized in the search was pro-
“President Trump was still Court that some sensitive mat- protected by executive privilege dent, he should be able to as- tected under attorney-client A 2019 impeachment in-
serving his term in office when ters involving the president can and only one document is pro- sert executive privilege on privilege. U.S. District Judge J. quiry into Mr. Trump focused
the documents at issue were be shielded from public disclo- tected by attorney-client privi- documents from his time in of- Paul Oetken in Manhattan ap- on Mr. Giuliani’s efforts in
packed, transported, and deliv- sure in order to protect the lege, the government asserted. fice. A Washington-based court pointed a special master to re- Ukraine and Mr. Trump’s al-
ered to his residence in Palm chief executive’s ability to re- “Executive privilege exists of appeals sided against Mr. view whether any material leged pressuring of Ukrainian
Beach, Florida. Thus, when he ceive candid advice from close ‘for the benefit of the Republic’ Trump and the Supreme Court was protected and should have officials to announce investi-
made a designation decision, he advisers. The power has long not any President as an individ- upheld that decision in January. been returned. gations into the Bidens.
was President of the United been understood to be vested ual,” the government argued in The Supreme Court is ex- Prosecutors told Judge Oet- Mr. Giuliani has denied lob-
States; his decision to retain in and exercised by the current response to the Trump team’s pected to rule shortly on a re- ken in Monday’s court filing bying for anyone in Ukraine or
certain records as personal is president—in this case, Presi- filing, quoting from the Nixon quest from Mr. Trump to block that the grand jury investigation working as an agent of a foreign
entitled to deference, and the dent Biden, whose Justice De- decision. The government also a House committee from ob- was over and the special master, government. Mr. Trump denied
records in question are thus partment is overseeing the said the Supreme Court ruled taining his past tax returns former federal judge Barbara wrongdoing, as did the Bidens.
presumptively personal,” Mr. criminal investigation. in a different Nixon-era case from the Internal Revenue Ser- Jones, was no longer needed. Separately, a New York judge
Trump’s legal team wrote in a A 1977 Supreme Court case, that executive privilege isn’t vice. While Mr. Trump hasn’t Bob Costello, a lawyer for Mr. on Monday appointed Judge
brief. Nixon v. General Services Ad- absolute and can be overcome exerted executive-privilege Giuliani, said he was pleased Jones as the independent moni-
The court filings come as ministration, does recognize in cases such as when the gov- claims in that case, his lawyers with the Justice Department’s tor of the Trump Organization
part of a continuing dispute that former presidents have ernment is conducting a crimi- have argued that it raises “un- decision but not surprised. “It is while it faces a civil-fraud law-
over the FBI seizure of more some interest in how records nal investigation, the govern- precedented separation-of-pow- something that was expected suit from state Attorney Gen-
than 11,000 documents in an from their time in office are ment noted. ers issues.” for a while,” he said. “Unfortu- eral Letitia James.
University Workers Booster Shows Strong Court Lets Jan. 6 Panel
Walk Off the Job Immune Response Obtain Phone Records
Nearly 50,000 academic Moderna Inc.’s new updated The Supreme Court cleared
workers across the sprawling Covid-19 booster shot for the the way Monday for House Jan.
University of California system U.S. generated strong immune 6 investigators to obtain phone
walked off the job and onto responses in people against records from Arizona Republican
picket lines Monday, demanding Omicron subvariants, according Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward,
higher wages and better benefits. to the first data from a com- rejecting her argument that her
The teaching assistants, re- pany-sponsored study testing First Amendment political rights
searchers and postdoctoral fel- the new doses in volunteers. shield her from congressional in-
lows failed to reach a deal with Moderna said on Monday vestigatory powers.
the university system over the that people receiving the up- In a brief unsigned order, the
weekend as they demanded pay dated booster shot had more court denied Ms. Ward’s request
increases to match the rising than five times the neutralizing to stay lower-court decisions up-
cost of housing and inflation. antibodies against Omicron sub- holding the subpoena from the
The employees are represented variants BA.4 and BA.5 than select committee investigating
by the United Auto Workers, people who received Moderna’s the attack on the U.S. Capitol by
which called the strike the larg- original booster shot. supporters of former President
est in the history of U.S. higher “That really bodes well for Donald Trump. Justices Clarence
education. the vaccine and public health,” Thomas and Samuel Alito said
The university system has Moderna President Stephen they would have granted Ms.
said its 10 campuses would re- Hoge said. Ward’s request.
main open, but the strike has al- Moderna’s updated booster The House committee sub-
ready caused disruption of some shot, introduced in the U.S. after poenaed service provider T-Mo-
classes just weeks before final regulators authorized it in late bile for records from Nov. 1,
exams. Workers on the picket August, targets both the original 2020, to Jan. 31, 2021.
lines are responsible for core as- strain of the coronavirus and the During that period, Ms. Ward
Thousands of academic workers across the University of California system took to picket lines pects of the university including BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants, which spoke with Mr. Trump about his
Monday demanding higher wages and better benefits. The employees, represented by the United teaching, grading and tutoring. share an identical surface protein. efforts to overturn the election.
Auto Workers, seek base salaries of $54,000 for all graduate-student workers, according to the union. —Douglas Belkin —Peter Loftus —Jess Bravin
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
Zelensky Visits Recaptured Kherson
Ukrainian president days singing patriotic songs
and hugging Ukrainian sol-
greets residents, says diers who took part in the of-
there is evidence of fensive against Russian forces.
Ukrainian officials have
over 400 war crimes warned residents who fled Rus-
sia’s occupation not to return
BY MATTHEW LUXMOORE until Kherson is demined and
AND ANN M. SIMMONS municipal services are restored.
Kyrylo Tymoshenko, the
Ukrainian President Volod- deputy head of Mr. Zelensky’s
ymyr Zelensky visited Kherson office, said Monday that a fam-
on Monday, days after his coun- ily of four were killed in the
try’s forces recaptured the city village of Novoraisk near Kher-
from Russian control, as Mos- son on Sunday after the vehi-
cow insisted the regional capital cle they were in hit a mine.
remained part of its territory. “Russian terrorists have left
Images posted to Mr. Zel- behind a lot of mines and trip
ensky’s official Telegram chan- wires,” he said in a Telegram
regional capital captured by Russia gave up access to the said he wouldn’t comment ex- forces.” It also shows the im- demonstrated the willingness people were killed and about
Moscow. Russian forces were regional headquarters where cept to say, “This is the terri- portance of NATO’s continued to bear significant losses.” 20 were injured there over the
forced to leave the city after a Kremlin-installed officials were tory of the Russian Federation.” support to Ukraine, he said. Crowds of jubilant residents weekend in Ukrainian attacks.
monthslong Ukrainian cam- working to integrate the terri- Jens Stoltenberg, secretary- “We should not make the have been filling central —Daniel Michaels
paign to sever their supply tory with Russia and convince general of the North Atlantic mistake of underestimating streets in Kherson in recent contributed to this article.
Russia Presses for Gains in Ukraine’s East Putin Says
us ,
“Any losses there mean Ukraine, but well-supplied dent Vladimir Putin signed a
losses further into the coun- Ukrainian forces are unlikely decree amending the regula-
m rp
try,” Mr. Zelensky said. “That’s to halt their counteroffen- tions for Russians with a sec-
why we’re standing, standing sives,” the Institute for the ond citizenship to serve in Rus-
tough.” Study of War, a Washington- sia’s armed forces, in a move
Mr. Zelensky’s warning based think tank, said in a re- that could help bolster the
points to what is likely to be port published Thursday. ranks of the military as Mos-
co Fo
the next decisive phase of the Mykola Bielieskov, a re- cow continues to pursue its
war: the battle for the east. searcher at the National Insti- military campaign in Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir tute for Strategic Studies, a The decree, which revises
Putin has billed the invasion in government-backed think tank the military-service regula-
large part as a campaign to A Russian flag hangs from a balcony in an area in eastern Ukraine controlled by Moscow. in Kyiv, said that because tions adopted in 1999, allows
take control of the entire Don- routes into Bakhmut from the dual-national Russians and
bas area, the industrialized east maining forces in this region.” made advances in the weeks now in its tenth month, is still west remain under Ukrainian those with permanent-resi-
of Ukraine where Russia co- The commander of Mos- that followed, capturing the bringing Russian victories. control, Kyiv can continue to dency status in foreign coun-
vertly used its military to carve cow’s military campaign in cities of Severodonetsk and While holding off Russia in rotate forces fighting there, tries to be drafted into the
out two territories in 2014. Ukraine, Gen. Sergei Surovikin, Lysychansk, and in the process Bakhmut, the Ukrainians are relieving tired formations in army for military service. Pre-
As Ukraine has recaptured is under pressure to deliver taking control of almost the pushing to retake Svatove and ways that Russia has struggled viously, only citizens of the
territory in the northeast and results in Donbas after giving entire Luhansk region. Kreminna on the western edge to replicate due to a shortage Russian Federation could be
south in recent months, Russia up Kherson to set up new de- But their assault, using ar- of the Luhansk region, and re- of skilled manpower. called up for service.
has continued to batter Ukrai- fensive positions on the Dni- tillery and air power to flatten cently reported the capture of He said taking full control Nationals of any country
nian positions in the east and pro River’s eastern bank, Mr. cities and then push into the Stelmakhivka, northwest of of the Donetsk region is likely can continue to serve in the
try to advance. Moscow can Zahorodnyuk said. ruins, ran out of steam amid Svatove. Russia claimed this Russia’s No. 1 priority now Russian army under a contract
now redeploy there the 20,000 “For him it’s a matter of be- fierce resistance. Ukraine has week to have captured parts of that Kherson has been recap- in the ranks of soldiers, sail-
or so troops it has withdrawn ing fired or succeeding. And since pushed back in several Bilohorivka and the village of tured by Ukraine, and Russia’s ors, sergeants and foremen, as
from Kherson, as well as some he’s allowed to expend any places. Pavlivka, southwest of Do- forces in the south have been long as the individual isn’t un-
of the 300,000 men it recently price,” he said. Mr. Zahorodnyuk said it is netsk. confined to the Dnipro’s east- der investigation, convicted or
drafted. “They need territory. They difficult to predict where Rus- One factor that might influ- ern bank. has a conviction that hasn’t
Analysts say Russia’s mini- don’t need people, they don’t sia’s offensives will play out. ence the pace of fighting will On Saturday, Mr. Zelensky been expunged, similar to the
mum aims at this stage in- need buildings, they don’t need A major battle is being be the arrival of winter, which said the situation for Ukrai- rules that apply to Russian cit-
clude, above all, full control of factories—they need just terri- waged around Bakhmut, in in eastern Ukraine usually nian soldiers in Donbas is izens, according to the decree.
Donbas. tory. So they can be ruthless in northern Donetsk, close to the brings subzero temperatures “hell,” with “extremely brutal The amendments come as
“For them it’s a critical mis- getting literally square kilome- border with Luhansk. Russia and snowfall, and exposes fighting every day.” the Kremlin seeks to bolster its
sion,” said Andriy Zahorod- ters,” Mr. Zahorodnyuk added. has bombarded the city for troops that could normally use Mr. Bielieskov warned that manpower following staggering
nyuk, a former Ukrainian de- The situation resembles weeks and is expending a huge foliage or muddy ground to these conditions might con- battlefield setbacks and
fense minister. “I think we’ll that of early spring, when amount of resources there in a hide their tracks. tinue for some time. mounting casualties.
have some very serious trou- Russia withdrew from areas bid to claim a victory that But analysts say that de- “In the Donbas, it’ll be the Although conscripts have
bles in Donbas, because they’ll north of Kyiv and said its fo- could boost the morale of its spite predictions of a slow- same grinding battles as be- been barred from serving in
concentrate most of their re- cus would shift to Donbas. It troops and signal that the war, down in fighting, neither side fore,” he said. what the Kremlin calls its spe-
cial military operation, widen-
ing the conscription pool to in-
CIA Chief Warns Moscow Against Using Nuclear Weapons clude Russians with a second
citizenship could help to allevi-
ate Moscow’s manpower short-
The director of the Central Griner and Paul Whelan. Ukrainian Minister of For- Valeriy Zaluzhniy, told U.S. he would target the U.S. with age if the war grinds on, mili-
Intelligence Agency was in Tur- The Biden administration, eign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba Army Gen. Mark Milley, chair- new advanced weapons if tary analysts said. That is
key to warn his Russian coun- including President Biden him- said talk of a negotiated set- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington deployed interme- because after three months,
terpart against using nuclear self, has begun to signal an in- tlement is premature because that his forces “will fight as diate-range missiles in Europe. conscripts are allowed to sign a
terest in ending the conflict any cease-fire that could pave long as we have the strength.” During the course of the contract to serve in the armed
By Gordon Lubold and through talks. the way for discussions would “Our goal is to liberate all war, Mr. Putin has played the forces and contract soldiers are
Warren P. Strobel in U.S. officials have stressed be exploited by Russia. Ukrainian land from Russian oc- nuclear card. In March, he put permitted to serve at the front.
Washington and Ann that it is up to Ukraine to de- “Accepting Russian ultima- cupation,” Gen. Zaluzhniy told Russia’s nuclear forces on high It is unclear how many Rus-
M. Simmons in Moscow cide what the next steps Gen. Milley, according to a alert. Since then, he repeat- sians have a second citizen-
would be, and that Mr. Burns’s statement released by the Ukrai- edly has raised the specter of ship or the right to residence
weapons, the White House Ankara trip wasn’t about hold- nian mission to the EU. “Ukrai- nuclear war, invoking his permanently in a foreign state.
said, part of an expanding ef- ing talks on Ukraine, the
William Burns met nian troops will not accept any country’s atomic arsenal and Monday’s changes to the law
fort to engage with the Rus- spokeswoman said. with his Russian negotiations, agreements or announcing imminent plans to follow a September decree by
sians over the war in Ukraine. Messrs. Burns and Narysh- compromises. There is one con- launch Russia’s first un- Mr. Putin allowing foreigners
William Burns arrived in An- kin met in Ankara as guests of
counterpart in dition for talks: Russia must manned nuclear submarine. who entered military service
kara on Monday to meet Sergey the Turkish National Intelli- Turkey on Monday. leave all occupied territories.” U.S. officials have said they contracts to more easily obtain
Naryshkin, director of Russia’s gence Organization, the coun- U.S. officials confirmed the have seen no intelligence Russian citizenship.
Foreign Intelligence Service, and try’s main spy agency, accord- two generals spoke. prompting them to boost the According to some military
other officials. “He is conveying ing to intelligence officials The CIA declined to com- U.S.’s nuclear posture. observers, the easing of the
a message on the consequences quoted by Turkey’s state-run tums will not bring peace,” he ment on Mr. Burns’s talks in Mr. Putin’s nuclear rhetoric citizenship regulations are pri-
of the use of nuclear weapons news agency, Anadolu. said during a European Union Turkey, referring questions to increased as Russian forces marily aimed at nationals from
by Russia, and the risks of esca- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Foreign Affairs Council meeting the White House. faced severe battlefield set- countries in Russia’s near
lation to strategic stability,” a Peskov confirmed to Russia’s on Monday. “Quite the oppo- Even before ordering his backs, and he implied he abroad, such as in Central
spokeswoman for the National state news agency TASS that site. Russia wants a pause to forces into Ukraine, Mr. Putin would consider using nuclear Asia. Some nations, including
Security Council said. the talks occurred. He said “it replenish its forces and launch started to ratchet up warnings weapons in Ukraine to counter Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan,
Mr. Burns and Russia also was the initiative of the Amer- an even more brutal attack as that he could use nuclear any threat against Russia’s ter- warned their citizens that they
were expected to discuss the ican side,” TASS reported, add- soon as it will be able to do so.” weapons. On Feb. 20, four ritorial integrity. In October, could face criminal prosecu-
cases of detained U.S. citizens, ing that he declined to disclose Meanwhile, the Ukrainian days before the full-scale inva- he said Russia had no inten- tion if they participate in the
including WNBA star Brittney the subject of the discussions. military’s top commander, Gen. sion, the Russian leader said tion of using nuclear weapons. Kremlin’s military campaign.
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al a
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three months in Europe. But it The former Gazprom Ger-
warned cold snaps are likely mania was brought to the
through December. brink of insolvency after Rus-
The outlook is just one of sia put it under sanctions and
several forecasts that energy cut it from gas supplies. In
traders and governments are March, Gazprom changed the
watching to gauge whether the ownership structure of its
large amounts of natural gas German subsidiary, a move The Astora natural-gas depot, formerly part of the Gazprom Germania Group, is the largest natural-gas storage in Western Europe.
stored away so far will be that violated German laws
enough to get the continent and prompted Berlin to as- business in part because of its and an injection of funds many’s largest gas importer, bonuses paid to traders work-
through a winter without its sume stewardship of the busi- opacity and the unknown lia- aimed at stabilizing the busi- which had heavily relied on ing at the London office, as
typical supply of Russian gas. ness. bilities the move could create. ness, which, among other Russian supply. Uniper posted well as for the pay of around
Weather across Europe has been “Because of the systemic Based in Germany, the former things, operates the country’s a loss of more than $39 bil- 70 Gazprom employees that
particularly mild in recent relevance of SEFE for the en- Gazprom Germania owned largest gas storage facility. lion in the first nine months were transferred from St. Pe-
weeks, keeping gas use relatively ergy supply in Germany the several companies across the As part of the decision, the of the year. The loss, one of tersburg, Russia, to Dubai af-
low and pushing prices down. Government is taking capital world and a large derivatives government will add €2 bil- the largest in German corpo- ter Moscow’s invasion of
Russia typically supplies a measures to establish clarity portfolio handled by a subsid- lion to a €11.8 billion loan ex- rate history, will ultimately be Ukraine, according to an exec-
big chunk of Europe’s gas, used of ownership, stabilize the iary in London. tended to the company earlier passed on to German taxpay- utive at the company.
to heat homes and drive indus- company and secure the sup- After failing to find buyers this year and swap the loan ers. Officials said Monday that
try. After this year’s invasion of ply of gas,” the government for the more transparent and for equity, subject to Euro- The nationalization of the it remained unclear whether
Ukraine by Moscow, European said in a statement. healthier assets, including gas pean Union approval. former Gazprom business will parts of the now state-owned
capitals have tried to pivot to Berlin was initially op- stores and pipelines, Berlin In September, Berlin na- see the German taxpayer pick business would be sold to pri-
alternative sources. Russia, posed to nationalizing the opted for full nationalization tionalized Uniper SE, Ger- up the tab for €300 million in vate companies in the future.
meanwhile, turned off the
spigot for much of its exports.
Just a few months ago, govern-
ment officials started rolling
out plans to ration gas in case
New U.S. Sanctions Target Military Suppliers to Kremlin
of shortages this winter. BY IAN TALLEY laundering money for one of down on people abetting Rus- firms to launder his funds and
Countries have socked away Russia’s richest oligarchs. sia’s evasion. sidestep the restrictions
more gas than anticipated, buy- WASHINGTON—The Trea- The Biden administration
Four dozen people in The Treasury Department placed on the businessman
us ,
ing supplies of liquefied natural sury Department imposed said the targeting of a Russian six countries, and said it imposed sanctions on and federal lawmaker, the U.S.
gas from countries such as the sanctions on four dozen peo- electronics company’s foreign- Mr. Kerimov’s wife, son and said. Mr. Kerimov was al-
firms associated with
al a
U.S. and Qatar. The EU has ple across six countries, and supply network would help daughters, along with Swiss ready under U.S. sanctions.
roughly 95% of its gas storage companies associated with deny Moscow’s military the them, were named. businessman Alexander-Walter The U.S. said the sanctions
filled, well above the European them, an effort to tighten the technology it needs to prose- Studhalter, naming them man- on Russian firm PKK Milandr
ci on
Commission’s 80% target. But a U.S. campaign of economic cute the war in Ukraine, and agers of his foreign assets, in- and its foreign suppliers in
particularly cold winter, or a pressure on Russia. that imposing sanctions on cluding more than a dozen Taiwan, Switzerland and Ar-
snafu related to gas infrastruc- The targets of Monday’s billionaire Suleiman Kerimov’s tions and export restrictions firms in Switzerland, the menia, would disrupt a critical
ture, could change the calculus sanctions include a network of family and a key Swiss associ- on Russia this year, the U.S. is United Arab Emirates, Ger- supply chain for electronics
dramatically. That has made individuals and companies the ate hits at the Russian elites working to ensure those ef- many, Spain and France. needed by Moscow’s military.
er s
weather a key component in U.S. says help procure military who bankroll the Kremlin. forts are effective by closing Mr. Kerimov used those The companies and individ-
whether the continent gets equipment for Russia, and a After imposing an unprece- loopholes, lobbying other na- companies, including invest- uals under sanctions couldn’t
m er
through the winter comfortably. Swiss businessman accused of dented set of financial sanc- tions for support, and cracking ment, financial and real-estate be reached for comment.
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Biden, Xi Japan’s
Seek to Economy
Steady Ties Contracts
Continued from Page One
took place in Bali, Indonesia,
ahead of a summit of the
Group of 20 major economies. Economists expect
“We’re going to compete vig-
orously, but I’m not looking stimulus to spur
for conflict. I’m looking to growth in the final
manage this competition re-
sponsibly.” quarter of the year
The first in-person meeting
between the two leaders since BY MEGUMI FUJIKAWA
Mr. Biden, a Democrat, became
president stretched over about TOKYO—Japan’s economy
three hours, including a break. contracted for the first time in
It came as relations between a year in the third quarter, re-
the two countries reached their flecting increases in services
wan Strait as “fire and water.” pared for a meeting aimed at ward Ukraine with clear em- threats to employ nuclear U.S., European Union and the rate increases.
Any possible visits from se- dialing down tensions between North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
phasis on sovereignty, on the weapons, people who attended
nior U.S. politicians to Taiwan Washington and Beijing. irresponsibility of nuclear the weekend meeting in Cam- zation will commence compre-
could be seen by the Chinese “I think there is undeniably threats, on the need to ensure bodia said. hensive talks with Moscow.
as provocative actions and a discomfort in Beijing about that nuclear weapons are not Mr. Li said no country A draft statement to be
The outlook is
could raise the possibility of a
clash between the superpow-
ers, according to people famil-
iar with the matter. Rep. Kevin
what we’ve seen in terms of
reckless rhetoric and activity
on the part of Russia,” the U.S.
official said in a briefing with
on used in the way that some
have suggested.”
China’s Foreign Ministry and
the Kremlin didn’t respond to
should use or threaten to use
nuclear weapons, and that hu-
manity should learn from his-
tory, the people said.
considered by leaders of the
Group of 20 economies at
their summit beginning Tues-
day describes the conflict in
uncertain due to
soaring global
McCarthy of California, the reporters on Monday. requests for comment. Mr. Li’s comments, which Ukraine, which Russia calls a
us ,
chamber’s GOP leader, has said “I think it is also undeniable China, however, said last didn’t explicitly name Russia, special military operation, as a
he would visit Taiwan if he be- that China is probably both week that its relations with echoed earlier remarks by Jap- war, according to a Western
al a
comes speaker. Republicans surprised and a little bit em- Moscow are built on a high de- anese Prime Minister Fumio official. It also includes lan- “The environment surround-
are inching toward taking back barrassed by the conduct of gree of mutual trust. Kishida, who mentioned the guage on the unacceptability ing households and companies
control of the House. Russian military operations,” “China’s relations with Rus- U.S. atomic bombings of Japan of the use of nuclear weapons has become more severe be-
ci on
Mr. Biden said in a news con- the official added. sia are rock-solid,” Chinese for- during World War II. in the conflict. cause price increases reduce
ference after the meeting that The U.S. official, who de- eign ministry spokesman Zhao —Andrew Restuccia The draft statement signals households’ real income and
he didn’t think China would clined to be identified, was Lijian said at a regular news and Chun Han Wong that Russia could agree to con- raise costs for companies,”
make an imminent attempt to tinue the grain deal—which al- Economy Minister Shigeyuki
invade Taiwan and stressed lows for the safe passage of Goto said.
er s
that longstanding U.S. policy to- Mrs. Pelosi’s Taiwan visit. Bei- meetings since last year and to empower senior officials to grain exports from war-torn “We need to be careful
ward the island hasn’t changed. jing responded to that trip by extensive interactions when engage in a sustained effort to Ukrainian ports through the about the possibility of the
m er
During the talks with Mr. Xi, he conducting military drills and they served as vice presidents work on managing bilateral Black Sea to world markets— global economic slowdown
raised objections to what the suspending climate talks and a of their respective countries. differences. beyond this week. It says the amid monetary tightening in
White House called China’s co- broad range of law-enforce- Mr. Xi claimed a norm- “Laying out each leader’s G-20 leaders emphasize “the the U.S. and Europe,” he added.
ercive and increasingly aggres- ment cooperation with the breaking third term as Com- ‘priorities and intentions’ is full, timely and continued im- Following 1.1% quarter-on-
sive actions toward Taiwan. U.S., while canceling some munist Party chief in late Oc- precisely the kind of conversa- plementation” of the deal quarter growth in the April-
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He also expressed concerns two-way military dialogues. tober, when he also elevated tion that Xi and Biden needed agreed by Russia, Ukraine, June period, Japan’s gross do-
with China’s treatment of eth- The White House said the loyalists into the party’s top to have,” said Mr. Russel, who Turkey and the United Nations mestic product shrank for the
nic Uyghurs and other Muslim two leaders had empowered echelons. The personnel re- is now vice president for inter- to unblock Ukrainian grain ex- first time since July-September
minorities in Xinjiang and Bei- senior officials to deepen talks shuffle is expected to continue national security and diplo- ports to ease food pressures in 2021 when major cities such as
jing’s suppression of civil lib- on issues ranging from climate until China’s annual legislative macy at the Asia Society Policy the developing world, the offi- Tokyo and Osaka were still un-
co Fo
erties in Hong Kong, according change to food security. Mr. session in the coming spring, Institute. “What each of them cial said. der a state of emergency.
to the White House. Biden also tasked Secretary of where top state positions—in- heard from the other, however The Black Sea Initiative is In the last quarter, growth
Mr. Biden described Mr. Xi State Antony Blinken with vis- cluding the premiership and tough, is certainly less alarm- due to expire Friday, and ne- of imports outpaced that of ex-
as direct and straightforward iting China to follow up on other cabinet roles—will be ing than the stream of worst- gotiators are working to ex- ports. Services imports, such
and said he believes the Chi- Monday’s meeting. formalized. The Chinese leader case analyses they receive daily tend it. as advertising expenditures, in-
nese leader is willing to com- The two countries planned brought newly empowered from within their systems.” —Chun Han Wong creased 17% during the quarter,
promise on some issues, though the talks over several months members of his leadership to The White House said the and Andrew Duehren compared with 1.9% growth for
he didn’t name them. He said and dozens of hours of negoti- Monday’s meeting. two leaders agreed that “a nu- contributed to this article. exports.
he sought to make his inten- ations, after Messrs. Biden and Daniel Russel, a former clear war should never be While concerns over the
tions clear to Mr. Xi in order to Xi decided during a July phone Obama administration official fought and can never be won economic slowdown in Japan’s
avoid miscommunications that call to work toward setting up handling Asia affairs, said the and underscored their opposi- Watch a Video biggest trading partners, the
could inflame tensions. an in-person meeting. While it meeting achieved two impor- tion to the use or threat of use Scan this code U.S. and China, could weigh on
The talks Monday signaled was the first face-to-face tant outcomes: an extended of nuclear weapons in for a video on exports during the current
a reopening of communication meeting between them as their discussion between the presi- Ukraine.” Though Mr. Xi has Biden’s meeting quarter, a weak yen is likely to
lines between the two sides countries’ top leaders, the two dents focusing on their strate- signaled his concerns about with Xi before keep inflating the cost of im-
that largely ruptured after have had five virtual or phone gic visions and the agreement the use of nuclear weapons in the G-20 summit. ports.
JAPAN September and October. May. A series of independent in-
Mr. Kuroda’s comments are vestigations concluded that an
Inflation Shows closely scrutinized among finan- Israeli soldier about 200 yards
Signs of Easing cial-market participants as Japan away likely shot Ms. Abu Akleh
resists a global wave of mone- as she walked up a road wear-
Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko tary tightening. He again de- ing body armor with the word
Kuroda said there are some signs fended the BOJ’s policy approach “PRESS” on the front.
of local inflation easing, a develop- by saying Japan’s situation was Israeli military investigators de-
ment that helps reduce pressure different from the U.S., where termined that there was a “high
on the bank to tighten its ultra- concerns that strong wage possibility” that Ms. Abu Akleh
loose monetary policy. “Recent growth might cause further in- was shot by an Israeli soldier who
price increases are due mostly to flation have prompted aggres- mistook her for a Palestinian mili-
the rise in import costs and their sive interest-rate increases by tant and opened fire as she
pass-through to consumer prices. the Federal Reserve. walked up the street with other
But resource prices have already Consumer inflation reached 3% journalists. But Israeli officials said
started falling,” he said. in September but the BOJ expects they couldn’t unequivocally deter-
The yen’s rapid slide in recent the rate to drop below the bank’s mine who fired the fatal shot and
months against the dollar has also 2% target in the next fiscal year took no disciplinary action.
increased the cost of imported ending March 2024. The U.S. also concluded that
raw materials, energy and food, —Megumi Fujikawa an Israeli soldier most likely shot
but the government’s currency in- Ms. Abu Akleh, and the Biden
terventions have helped slow the SOUTH AFRICA administration called on Israel to
decline, he said. The government hold to account those responsi-
spent a total of more than 9 tril- More Aid Sought for ble for her death.
lion yen, equivalent to about $65 Switch From Coal FACTORY FIRE: Bystanders looked on Monday as goods were salvaged from a Yanuo plant and The Justice Department didn’t
billion, for yen-buying operations in warehouse in Asese, Nigeria. The Chinese company’s manufacturing facility was destroyed. comment on the investigation.
A group of rich countries plans Israel’s Justice Ministry and
this week to announce a deal to ensure that financial support in- cording to a table published by ISRAEL prime minister’s office didn’t re-
help Indonesia pay for a transi- cludes a significantly larger grant the South African government. spond to requests for comment.
tion away from coal, part of a se- funding component,” said Presi- An additional $6.33 billion will be U.S. Probes Killing of Israeli leaders reacted with out-
ries of moves governments are dent Cyril Ramaphosa, speaking provided through concessional Al Jazeera Journalist rage to the U.S. investigation,
trying to complete during the last week at the COP27 climate loans that come with better which is already putting new
past week of a United Nations conference in Sharm El Sheikh, terms than South Africa could The Justice Department has strains on relations between the
summit on global warming in Egypt. Mr. Ramaphosa said he get on the open market. opened an investigation into the two nations. On Monday, Israel
Egypt. was urging the participating gov- The U.S. and other countries killing of a Palestinian-American Defense Minister Benny Gantz de-
But the newly announced ernments, including the U.S., to in- involved in the deal have said it journalist shot dead earlier this nounced the move as a “mistake.”
terms of a similar agreement, crease the proportion of grants in was a big step toward helping year while covering an Israeli mil- It isn’t uncommon for the Fed-
reached last year with South Af- the $8.5 billion package, especially South Africa quit coal. At last iary raid in the West Bank, Israeli eral Bureau of Investigation to in-
rica, have attracted criticism in light of his government’s calcu- year’s COP climate summit in officials said Monday, vowing not vestigate the deaths or killings of
from several of the country’s lation that it will need around $98 Glasgow, the U.S., Germany, to cooperate with the U.S. probe. Americans overseas, usually with
politicians, including its presi- billion over the next five years to France and the U.K. pledged to U.S. officials recently notified the permission and cooperation of
dent, for burdening the country complete its energy transition. raise the $8.5 billion for South Af- Israel that the Justice Depart- local authorities. But a federal
with more debt and containing Just $329.7 million, less than rica, which gets more than 80% of ment is investigating the death probe into the actions of an ally
too few outright grants. 4% of the total, comes in grants its electricity from burning coal. of Shireen Abu Akleh, a veteran such as Israel would be rare.
“To succeed, we will need to that don’t need to be repaid, ac- —Gabriele Steinhauser Al Jazeera journalist killed in —Dion Nissenbaum
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missiles, in a brief statement Iran’s state television broad- sion into Turkey’s relationship Mr. Soylu’s comments. lamic State coalition in north- a vast pedestrian boulevard
carried by the semiofficial caster Press TV for broadcast- with the U.S. after Turkish offi- No group has claimed re- eastern Syria. Backed by about lined with shops and restau-
Fars news agency. Iran in re- ing what the EU says were cials on Monday blamed the at- sponsibility for the attack. The 900 U.S. soldiers and American rants. The area is a popular
cent years has regularly car- “forced confessions of detain- tack on a Kurdish militant group PKK denied involvement on air power, the Kurdish-led mili- destination for foreign visitors
ried out such attacks targeting ees.” that is an American military Monday. tias have de facto control over and Turkish people alike.
what it claims are Iranian
Kurdish separatist groups hid-
ing across the northwestern
border in Iraq’s mountainous
German Foreign Minister
Annalena Baerbock said Mon-
day that the sanctions were
aimed at those “responsible
partner in Syria.
Interior Minister Suleyman
Soylu said the attack on Sun-
day, which killed six people
“We have nothing to do
with this incident and it is
well-known by the public that
we would not target civilians
a swath of Syria.
The Istanbul bombing
comes at a sensitive time for
Turkish-American relations,
On Monday morning, shop-
keepers cleaned up spattered
blood and installed new win-
dows to replace glass broken
Kurdish region. for the incredible crimes com- and wounded 81 others, was directly or approve of actions with the two countries negoti- during the previous day’s at-
us ,
The latest strikes mark an mitted in Iran.” perpetrated by members of directed at civilians,” the ating over the proposed sale tack.
escalation in Tehran’s cam- In Brussels, other foreign the Syrian branch of the Kurd- PKK’s armed wing said in a of a new fleet of F-16 war- A crowd of onlookers gath-
al a
paign to retaliate against out- ministers said the EU should istan Workers’ Party, or PKK, a statement published by a pro- planes to Ankara. The U.S. is ered around a pile of red car-
side groups and foreign gov- set its sights on additional militant group, who crossed Kurdish news agency. also pressuring Turkey to nations on a red felt platform
ernments that it has blamed measures to penalize Iran over into Turkey from Syria. Turkey and the U.S. have comply with Western sanc- placed at the spot of the ex-
ci on
for fomenting the unrest at its military support for Russia, Mr. Soylu criticized Wash- been on opposite sides of a tions on Russia amid an inflow plosion to commemorate the
home, which is posing the following on from modest pen- ington for its support for the dispute since 2014, when of Russian money to Turkey dead. At an ice cream stand,
clerical establishment its big- alties adopted last month. PKK’s Syrian offshoot, which is Washington began giving mili- during the war in Ukraine. workers scooped out metal
gest challenge in decades. On Monday, the U.S. Am- part of an American-led coali- tary support to the People’s For Istanbul, the bombing buckets so they could throw
The protests erupted after bassador to Iraq, Alina Ro- tion fighting Islamic State. Is- Protection Units, or YPG, the was a troubling reminder of away ice cream tainted by de-
er s
the death on Sept. 16 of Mahsa manowski, condemned the Ira- tanbul police detained 46 peo- Syrian branch of the PKK, in previous waves of political vi- bris from the explosion. Police
Amini in the custody of the nian attack in Kurdistan as a ple following the attack, the fight against Islamic State. olence in Turkey, including a with submachine guns stood
m er
morality police. What began as violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. including a woman suspected The YPG also said Monday that series of gun-and-bomb at- by.
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New Factor
In Opioid
easier for users to consume ing fatal multi-drug overdoses. to come home or not.”
greater quantities of opioids, The meth-fentanyl combina- His parents moved with their
said Christopher Jones, acting tion has also proved deadly to teenage daughter to Albuquer-
director of the Centers for Dis- ber, are increasing at a faster a potent version in clandestine Deaths involving some people who survived pre- que from the Salt Lake City area
ease Control and Prevention’s rate than opioid and overall labs and smuggle it north, ac- psychostimulants, a class vious waves of the drug crisis. in June 2021. Rio Ryan, 20 at
National Center for Injury Pre-
vention and Control. And men-
tal-health issues that meth
sometimes causes—such as
drug fatalities.
About 33,400 deaths last
year involved psychostimulants
such as meth, up more than
cording to the Drug Enforce-
ment Administration.
“If we just follow the trajec-
tory of the emergence of fenta-
dominated by meth
Also involving opioids,
especially fentanyl
Sally Smith, a Huntington,
Ind., woman who struggled with
bipolar disorder and was prone
to self-medicating, began abus-
the time, stayed in Utah with
Ms. Martinez, his maternal
grandmother, and her husband
in their West Jordan home.
paranoia and hallucinations— 340% from roughly 7,500 five nyl, the same thing is happening 30,000 ing prescription pain pills Mr. Ryan and Ms. Martinez,
us ,
can compound risks for dual us- years earlier, the federal data on the meth side, and then roughly two decades ago, ac- 69, had a close bond. They at-
ers, researchers say. show. In the same time span, they’re converging,” said Dr. cording to her mother, Susan tended powwows together in
al a
deaths involving synthetic opi- Gary Tsai, director of substance- Bowman. Utah, connecting to Ms. Marti-
oids like fentanyl rose about abuse prevention and control A mother of four, she pro- nez’s Native American roots. He
New wave in crisis 270% to around 72,000, and for Los Angeles County’s public- 20,000 gressed to meth, then heroin was open with her about his
ci on
The rise in fatalities involv- overall drug fatalities rose health department. and later fentanyl. On the morn- drug use, she said, and she
ing stimulants, often combined about 71%. People sometimes take illicit ing of March 6, she bought struggled to balance enabling
with opioids, has created a Mr. Ryan had long bounced drug combinations unintention- meth from a dealer after send- him, knowing he was an addict,
fourth wave of the decadeslong between active addiction and ally. Dealers might sloppily cut ing him a Facebook message with her fears he would risk his
U.S. overdose-death crisis, ac- periods of sobriety, while also the drugs in the same place, 10,000 saying “I need some shit,” ac- life on the street looking for
er s
cording to Dr. Daniel Ciccarone, grappling with anxiety, depres- leading to cross-contamination, cording to court documents cash.
a professor of addiction medi- sion and attention-deficit hyper- while others might lace meth stemming from his arrest and His family said they believe
m er
cine at the University of Califor- activity disorder. Meth and opi- with fentanyl to hook more us- subsequent conviction. That af- he stole and dealt to support his
nia, San Francisco. Deaths from oids were readily available ers, researchers and former us- ternoon, after using the meth, habit. He could also be generous
combinations of opioids and co- whenever he turned to them. ers say. This exposure can end she went back to the dealer to and kind, urging friends in high
2011 ’13 ’15 ’17 ’19 ’21*
caine, another stimulant, are “That’s part of the problem, up seeding addiction to both buy opioids, the documents school to work with him to
*According to preliminary federal data
also climbing. it’s so easy to get drugs,” said drugs. show. bring sandwiches to homeless
m rp
the pharmaceuticals came a rise the country, overlapping territo- cause her to nod off, an odd re- And while there are medications fluorofentanyl, one of fentanyl’s tion months before he died,
in heroin, as addicts turned to ries in ways that used to be less action to a drug users say more to treat opioid addiction, no chemical cousins. earning a dog-tag necklace from
alternatives. Then came illegal common. Traffickers are flood- commonly makes it hard to drugs are approved to help Mr. Ryan had a tendency to his treatment provider. He made
forms of fentanyl, the man- ing meth into the Northeast and sleep. wean people off meth. leap headlong into whatever in- an art project, a white tree on
made opioid that has become other markets where it once One day, she said, she Meth can maintain a power- terested him, including drugs, green paper, with leaves listing
ubiquitous on its own and as an was harder to find, while fenta- learned why from a dealer: Her ful allure that is difficult to his family said. He played foot- reasons to pursue sobriety. Atop
often-unexpected additive to nyl has surged into Western meth was cut with fentanyl. She break, even as people progress ball and hockey and read every- the tree: “My Grandma.” Ms.
other drugs, including heroin, states, such as California, where said she kept using but bought through treatment, said Troy thing from “Crime and Punish- Martinez said she sometimes
cocaine and fake versions of meth has long been prevalent. from dealers she trusted to try Mays, nursing director at the fa- ment” to Carl Sandburg’s lies on Mr. Ryan’s bed, or wears
prescription pills such as oxy- Parts of the Southeast and to avoid batches she feared had cility where Mr. Simler works. poetry. his flannel shirt, to feel close to
codone. Fentanyl drove U.S. Appalachia have in recent years too much fentanyl, leery of its The drug triggers a huge release He was deeply affected in ju- him.
overdose deaths to a record- recorded rises in overdose fatal- high potency. of dopamine, a neurotransmit- nior high by the shooting death He continued to use meth
breaking tally of more than ities as users increasingly died Ms. Burkett-Hilliard, who is ter that creates feelings of plea- of two classmates, his mother while in treatment for opioids.
108,000 last year, according to with meth and opioids in their from Sunbury, Ohio, began de- sure and rewards. “They still said. A succession of substances He told his mother he missed
the federal data. systems, federal data show. toxing this summer following a love methamphetamine, like followed: She said he started heroin, which helped offset the
Now, the combination of As with the illicit fentanyl relapse. they enjoy the high, the experi- drinking alcohol in junior high, feelings of coming off a meth
meth and opioids—especially trade, meth is made entirely ence of using it,” he said. tried prescription pills by 8th high. He also told her shortly
fentanyl—is supercharging from chemicals and is largely Mr. Simler said he still feels grade and began using meth in before he died that he was try-
those numbers. Meth-related produced and distributed by Using both drugs meth’s pull in moments of 10th grade. ing fentanyl. “It scared him, and
deaths, though smaller in num- Mexican drug cartels that make Other users deliberately use stress. “It’s a dirty drug, it made “Meth is what turned our life he liked it,” she said.
both meth and opioids. Andrew me feel dirty,” he said. “It made
Simler, a 33-year-old in Morris- me feel all kinds of empty.”
dale, Pa., said opioids some- The spread of both meth and
times helped counteract how fentanyl has put the especially
wired meth made him feel. He dangerous drugs within easy
abused Suboxone, a prescription reach of many with mental-
opioid that is used to treat opi- health challenges, according to
oid addiction but is also some- addiction experts, users and
times taken illicitly. their families.
“I needed to come down so Schuyler Roberson, from
people wouldn’t see me all Lawsonville, N.C., died in April
twacked out,” said Mr. Simler, at age 24 from a fentanyl and
who has been in recovery for meth overdose. She wasn’t a
more than two years and works daily user but took illicit sub-
as a counselor in the detox unit stances when she was off her
at Cove Forge Behavioral Health medication for bipolar disorder,
Center, a treatment facility in said her mother, Tamatha Ad-
central Pennsylvania. kins-Ford.
He began abusing opioids in She was creative and musi-
his late teens, and in college cal, a bassoon player who spent
started taking synthetic stimu- her last three years of high
lants known on the street as school in an arts program, her
bath salts. He said the sub- mother said. They attended bal-
stances helped him manage un- lets, plays, musicals and movies
comfortable feelings. “I latched together during her childhood.
onto the drugs that gave me the They locked horns later over
feelings I felt like my life was her drug use. Ms. Adkins-Ford
missing,” Mr. Simler said. worried Ms. Roberson couldn’t
Mr. Simler got into meth in care for her young son, now 6,
his late 20s when, he said, the and fought to get him in his fa- Schuyler
stimulant became pervasive and ther’s care. Roberson, right,
less expensive as dealers com- “I loved her and would do who died in April
peted for business in a state anything to make her be OK, from an overdose
that already had an entrenched but I was going to tell her of fentanyl and
opioid problem. “It’s hard to things she didn’t want to hear,” meth, and her
find someone who only uses Ms. Adkins-Ford said. parents, Tommy
opiates anymore, or only uses She said she first learned of Ford and
meth,” he said. her daughter’s meth and opioid Tamatha Adkins-
Using both drugs can compli- use in 2018, when Ms. Roberson Ford, above. Her
cate treatment, addiction spe- went into rehab for what she mother said her
cialists said. Users sometimes said was alcohol treatment and daughter took
arrive at rehab centers in psy- tested positive for the drugs. illicit substances
chotic states and need to be Later that year, Ms. Roberson’s when she was
hospitalized. Research shows boyfriend, a Marine veteran off her
Andrew Simler, a former meth and opioid user who is now a dual users are more likely to en- who struggled with post-trau- medication for
counselor at a treatment center in central Pennsylvania. gage in risky behaviors like matic stress disorder, killed bipolar disorder.
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© 2022 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 15, 2022 | A11
for his remote days. The two or
three days he’s in the office, it’s for
mployees are finding it a full day. If others “see me ske-
takes extra work to daddle,” he says, “that probably
hold on to the flexible doesn’t set a good tone.”
habits companies al- Mary Abbajay, president and
lowed in the thick of co-founder of professional-de-
the pandemic. velopment company Career-
More companies are stone Group LLC, says she
stepping up in-office work advises a strategy she
requirements or back- honed years earlier
tracking on earlier while working for a mi-
pledges to soften the cromanager: Send con-
rigid 9-to-5 schedule. sistent updates—even
General Motors Co. is if it’s to say you’ll be
requiring salaried em- away from your desk
ployees to be in the for more than 30
office three days a minutes—but figure
week starting at the out how your man-
end of January, after ager likes to get
holding off on a similar them.
plan this fall. Last Technology is your
week, Elon Musk told friend, she adds. For the
Twitter Inc. staff he ex- boss who prefers email,
pected most of them to for example, set up sched-
show up at least 40 hours a uled email updates to be de-
week, ending the remote-work livered at a specific time ev-
option that the company’s previ- ery day or every week. If they
ous leaders said would continue.
And bosses say they are paying
more attention to who is comply-
ing: In a new survey of more than
500 managers at companies with
at least some in-office require-
ment, more than two-thirds said
they were getting stricter on en-
Here’s How to
forcing attendance. Nearly 75%
said they planned to factor office
attendance into employee perfor-
mance reviews, according to on-
line software marketplace Cap-
survey. One reason is that busi-
ness leaders are worried about
productivity. In a Microsoft Corp.
survey of 20,000 people at com-
Managers who are fully confident
panies around the world this sum-
mer, just 12% of managers said
they were fully confident hybrid
employees were productive.
The growing vigilance is put-
on hybrid employees are productive
ting fresh pressure on many em- prefer, you can also create a
us ,
ployees who had hoped the return shared calendar so your boss
as productive when you’re not actually in the office Another way to keep your
manager posted: Create a shared
Bosses who plan to put office document or spreadsheet where
attendance into performance reviews to offices would come with more January because of chronic health ble schedule “because the work you are noting your progress on
flexibility on commuting times issues. She now does come in is getting done within the dead- tasks. Mark it down when a goal
er s
and regular remote days. three days a week but sometimes lines and she’s aware of what’s is completed, says Vanessa Bohns,
Some workers say they have leaves early to resume work at happening.” a professor of organizational be-
m er
honed tactics for maintaining home. Her boss, on the other Managers are under pressure, havior at Cornell University. It’s a
some work flexibility while mak- hand, is in at least a full three too: Many say they feel the need way to remind your manager how
ing higher-ups feel they are omni- days weekly, she says. to show up full time—even if it much you are working on and get-
present—but they take finesse To make sure there are no hic- isn’t explicit policy—in part to set ting done.
and organization. The endgame is cups, she says she holds weekly an example for their teams. That, “Managers do not like uncer-
m rp
to establish trust, says Vaishnavi one-on-one meetings with her in turn, fuels the expectations tainty, so they’re, like, ‘This per-
Yellutla, a 26-year-old senior ana- manager to run through all of her that their reports do the same. son left, I don’t know when
lyst in the biopharmaceutical in- tasks and the deadlines she plans “I find it difficult to be a leader they’re coming back, I don’t know
dustry, so that where you are isn’t to meet. and just not be there or take off when they’re planning on getting
as top of mind as how much On the days she goes home early,” says Scott Jackson, a 47- me this thing,’ ” she says. If they
co Fo
you’re getting done. early, she says she tells her man- year-old senior director of data ar- have that information already,
When her company moved to a ager when and why and copies chitecture at a transportation-lo- “that urge to micromanage can be
three-days-in-the-office schedule her on every report she com- gistics company, in Frisco, Texas, mitigated a lot.”
in the summer of 2021, Ms. Yel- pletes. Ms. Yellutla says her boss who says he tries to reserve any —Chip Cutter
lutla asked for an extension until has been fine with her more-flexi- personal errands or appointments contributed to this article.
Jewelry Hooks
Customers tially dangerous activity and involves back to shop for en-
The store has fastened Gold’N Creations in Gretna, La., rero, La., was there for
more than 75,000 “for- attaches a bracelet for 9-year-old his second permanent
ever” bracelets to cus- Joseph Rodriguez. piece. He says he had
tomers over the past Left, forever bracelets from New initially worried the
three years, according to York City jewelry shop Catbird. bracelet would grow
founder Rony Vardi. Op- tight as he got bigger
tions start at $98 for the and prevent him from
jewelry and welding. growing. He asked for
Some can be taken off on welder’s masks the chain extra loose, just in case,
and refastened for a $10 covering her face, so he says. He had also feared the
fee if necessary for surgery, sports who wanted us to have the waiver, that was a bit over- chain would be welded onto his skin
or security. but it is a completely risk-free, whelming,” she says. rather than just fastened closed.
Many people arrive in pairs, Ms. pain-free process,” says Tiffany Ms. Airoldi says He likes that the bracelets are
Vardi says, including couples, sis- Ryan, permanent jewelry specialist count executive decided to get one she understands why some people more resistant to tugs from curious
ters, friends and mother-daughter at Baribault. None of the 300-plus after her boyfriend broke up with can’t fathom the appeal over a regu- friends. His mom, Tara Rodriguez, a
duos. She attributes some of the ex- bracelets she’s welded since getting her. She likens it to getting a tattoo. lar bracelet. “I think it’s the fact that 40-year-old assistant to a judge,
plosion in popularity to social me- a permanent jewelry machine in Au- “I’m big on marking myself when it doesn’t come off that is alluring,” likes that she will have to spend
dia, where users compare styles, gust have resulted in injuries, she important things happen in my life she says. “I can cut this off, but I less time looking for his jewelry or
discuss the benefits and disadvan- says. or when I’m trying to take care of don’t plan to. This is something that taking it for repairs.
tages and learn how to build and In San Francisco, Isabella Airoldi myself,” she says. I want to look at every day.” Joseph himself is happy to avoid
attach their own. On TikTok, videos waited six hours in line for her per- She found parts of the process A recent permanent jewelry event incidents like the time he temporar-
tagged with the term “permanent manent bracelet at a pop-up event unnerving, though she finished it at Gold’N Creations in Gretna, La., a ily lost a bangle he took off for a
bracelet” have a combined 2 billion hosted by jewelry-maker Beads by unscathed. The woman who applied New Orleans suburb, drew custom- soccer game. Plus, he says, “I look
views. Tara. The 23-year-old ad agency ac- her jewelry “had one of those full- ers in the middle of a rainstorm. fancy whenever I’m just in public.”
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
take better care of yourself,” says spikes—a piece of dark chocolate and refreshed, Dr. Stram says. cozy, she says it is more about set-
Ms. Jeanes, 51. with almond butter, for instance. Get outside as early as possible ting up a warm atmosphere for
or people dreading the “Don’t deny yourself,” he says. once the sun comes up, recom- spending meaningful time with
approach of shorter Mood-boosting foods mends Heidi Zimmer, a wellness those close to you.
days and fewer hours Taking stock of what you eat dur- The benefits of rituals instructor and founder of the Wild “Danes think of it more broadly,
of sunlight, now is the ing the winter months makes it Creating a ritual to boost your Rice Retreat in Bayfield, Wis. Ms. which is setting the stage for cozy
time to prepare your easier to stay nourished with es- mood in the colder months is key, Zimmer makes sure to take a brisk or intimate interactions,” she says.
body to fend off the sential mood-boosting vitamins says Alice Shepard, a New York- walk each morning while taking
winter blues. and to avoid weight gain, says based therapist available on Ses- slow deep breaths, no matter the When to seek help
Many of us notice a natural Ronald Stram, founder of the ame, a telehealth platform where weather. Guests at her resort are People who suddenly have a diffi-
turndown in mood as the brain re- Stram Center for Integrative Medi- patients pay providers directly. A encouraged to combine a hot sauna cult time completing work tasks,
sponds to less daylight in the win- cine, a functional-medicine prac- common self-care suggestion that with time going out into the snow. struggle to get out of bed or start
ter, especially in the to avoid spending time
northern part of the with friends may be ex-
country, says Kelly periencing seasonal af-
Rohan, professor of fective disorder. It is a
psychological science form of major depres-
at the University of sion triggered by sea-
Vermont, who sonal changes that may
researches seasonal require professional
Don’t Let
affective disorder. help, some doctors say.
You might have a dip Roughly 5% of the
in energy levels, want U.S. population is diag-
Darker Them
to sleep more or nosed with seasonal af-
crave more carbohy- fective disorder, while
drate-heavy foods, another 15% may expe-
she says. rience at least one
To better deal with
the colder months,
doctors recommend
Get You mood-related change
during the winter, Dr.
Rohan says. “Most peo-
general self-care
strategies including
exercise, eating nour-
Are Down.
ple have some symp-
toms, but it’s about
how many, how severe
ishing foods and and how impairing
spending time out- they are,” she says.
doors. Generally, daylight-
Light therapy can mimicking lamps, anti-
also help alleviate depressants and cogni-
symptoms, they say. tive behavior therapy, a
About 5% of Ameri- type of psychotherapy
cans are diagnosed that helps clients ex-
with seasonal affec- amine the relationship
tive disorder, which between their thoughts
may warrant therapy and behavior, are the
or antidepressants, go-to therapy modes
doctors say. for seasonal affective
Wendy Jeanes, a disorder, she says.
sales consultant in
Chicago, used to plan Light therapy
a beach vacation to beat the win- tice in Albany, N.Y. “It’s fun and it improves your When using light therapy, choose a
ter blues. But last winter, she says Eating tryptophan-rich foods, circulation,” says Ms. Zimmer, who lamp that delivers 10,000 lux, a
she leaned into the cold instead of
escaping it.
Attending a retreat called Win-
tering Well at a snowy resort over-
including fish, eggs and spinach,
can boost your mood becauseon
tryptophan is an amino acid that
is a precursor to serotonin and
Percentage of Americans diagnosed
hosts the Wintering Well work-
shop attended by Ms. Jeanes. She
suggests people try their own ver-
sion of hot-cold therapy at home.
measurement unit of how much
light falls in a certain area, says
Paul Desan, director of the Winter
Depression Research Clinic at Yale
looking Lake Superior left her with melatonin production, which work with seasonal affective disorder School of Medicine based in New
new strategies of “not fighting to regulate mood. Because of a re- Learn from the Danes Haven, Conn. Using it before 8
us ,
winter,” she says. duced ability to make vitamin D in Try embracing the season like a.m. for at least 30 minutes is
Back home, she started to light the winter, people also should con- some of the Nordic countries, in- known to be effective at combat-
al a
her fireplace each evening, sider taking vitamin D supple- also pops up for battling seasonal cluding Denmark, says Marie Hel- ing seasonal depression for many
switched to tea from wine and put ments, Dr. Stram says. depression is journaling. Dr. Shep- weg-Larsen, a psychology profes- people, Dr. Desan says.
her phone away to give priority to A diet rich in B vitamins, includ- ard says starting the day by writ- sor at Dickinson College. A The light has a therapeutic effect
ci on
time with her children after re- ing Brussels sprouts, chickpeas and ing in a journal can help you focus Denmark native, she has written on the body’s internal clock, making
turning home from work. Slowing green leafy vegetables, has also been on happier moments and head off about concepts including hygge people less prone to the impact of
down and embracing coziness in shown to reduce anxiety, he adds. He more-depressing moods. and says they can help boost your shorter days. Yale’s Winter Depres-
the winter months made it easier recommends handling cravings for Sleeping more is normal during mood during the winter months. sion Research Clinic offers consum-
to focus on her overall health. sweets by pairing them with protein the winter months and is OK as While many associate hygge ers a list of light therapy options
er s
“You just go to bed earlier and and healthy fat to limit sugar long as you wake up feeling rested (pronounced hoo-gah) with being that it independently tested.
m er
m rp
illiam Li, 53, co-host of Ralph Lauren Home. creativity, all your learning and
of the television cu- Two things happened that all your connections. I had
linary series “Lucky changed my life. One day, in never thought about my life
Chow” and co-founder of the 2006, I was driving my Mer- that way. I decided I was go-
wellness brand the Hao Life, cedes SUV down an unpaved ing to make it about letting
who lives in Columbia road, going too quickly. At a go of all the fear. I left Corpo-
County, N.Y., on his 1988 curve, the car spun and rate America and started a
Mercedes-Benz 560 SL, as whole new career. I also de-
flipped into a pond. It started
told to A.J. Baime. filling with water. I tried tocided to buy a special car.
open the doors and the elec- I began looking for a Mer-
I AM A CHILD of the 1980s. tric windows. Nothing cedes SL from the ’80s. Find-
To me, cars played an outsize worked. I thought my life was ing the right one was not
role in the movies and TV over, and this weird sense of easy. A friend told me about
shows of that era, and one calm came over me. Then I Frazier Motorcar outside of
model in particular. I re- Nashville, Tenn. I
member seeing Richard googled the company,
Gere in “American Gig- and what was the
olo”—he drove a Mer- first thing I saw? This
cedes 450 SL. The char- 1988 cabernet-colored
acter Jennifer Hart in 560 SL with a palo-
“Hart to Hart” was al- mino interior. The
ways in her Mercedes price was good. I am
450 SL. As a teenager, I a believer in fate. The
thought that car typified car had just gone on
success. I would see one sale that day. Buying
on the street and be this car without ever
mesmerized by its dis- William Li bought his 1988 Mercedes- seeing it in person
tinctive shape. For me, it Benz 560 SL without seeing it in person. was the craziest thing
was a fantasy. I’d ever done, outside
I grew up in New York’s looked up and noticed the of leaving Corporate America.
Chinatown, with a single sunroof. I pressed the button, When the car came on a
mother who struggled. She and I was able to swim out. I truck to my home, it was as
was a seamstress. The way was so traumatized that I did flawless as it looked in the
she raised her kids was, you not drive for 13 years. photos. The previous owners
had to grow up to be a pro- Then, one day I had dinner had shown it at car shows,
fessional. Working for a with a great mentor of mine so when I opened the trunk,
company was the most im- named David Carey, who at it was full of blue ribbons
portant thing. Because a that time was president of and trophies. Every time I
company meant security. Hearst Magazines. I was turn- get behind the wheel, I feel
When I graduated college, I ing 50. He knew that I was the car purring. The car has
started “working for the getting antsy in my career. He no touch screen, no Blue-
man.” For many years, I said, “William, how much QTL tooth. I hear the sound of the
never realized how much my do you think you have left?” I engine and the wind. This is
life became about worrying. I said, “What is QTL?” He said, a type of meditation that can
ended up becoming a pub- “Quality time left.” take me to a place that lotus
lisher of many magazines He explained that QTL is position never can. The word
such as Men’s Vogue, and, the time in which you can hao in Chinese means good.
later, global brand president take advantage of all your This car makes me feel hao.
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
inger-songwriter Natalie
Mering, who performs
under the name Weyes
Blood, experienced a
major critical break-
through in 2019 with
her fourth studio LP, “Titanic Ris-
ing.” It made many top 10 lists
that year and, despite being avail-
able for only eight months in the
2010s, also fared well on promi-
nent roundups of the decade’s
best records. The sharp uptick in
interest in Ms. Mering’s work co-
incided with an expansion of her
musical ambition. Her earliest
work was informed by her associ-
ation with noise and punk
scenes—it was rough-hewn and
imbued with drone and static,
conjuring a spooky, lo-fi style of
gothic folk. But “Titanic” was rich
with orchestration and had the
sweeping romanticism and sophis-
tication of ’70s pop, leading to
comparisons with Carole King and
Joni Mitchell.
With the release of “Titanic
Rising,” Ms. Mering instantly went
from indie favorite to major artist,
and her fifth Weyes Blood album,
“And in the Darkness, Hearts
Aglow” (Sub Pop), out Friday, is a
continuation of its predecessor.
Working again with co-producer
Jonathan Rado, a wizard at chan-
neling the studio practices of the
1960s and ’70s, she’s crafted a
lush and icily beautiful album.
Strings, horns and woodwinds
frame her crystalline voice and
serve as a contrast to her often
despairing lyrics.
Ms. Mering’s vocal tone is
clear and precise, but never gives
much away. She hits the notes,
‘And in the Darkness, Hearts Aglow,’ the new album from Natalie Mering, who performs under the name Weyes Blood, is out Friday.
but her phrasing inflections are
us ,
ambiguous. She delivers a twisted choly. The song’s titular phrase, captures the turmoil of existence third features some of the album’s the record, with a strummed
line with the same careful tone as heard in the chorus, is both heart- in 2022, but then “It’s not just me, best tracks, a welcome develop- acoustic guitar and a folk-pop lilt
al a
a straight one, and it’s up to the felt and self-aware, suggesting it’s everybody” serves as a deflec- ment in an album that seems de- that’s pure Laurel Canyon. The
listener to gauge her level of sin- that sometimes deep introspec- tion—a way of avoiding accusa- signed to be taken whole. “Twin brightness of the groove is at first
cerity. Her lyrics constantly touch tion, when lingered on for too tions of solipsism. Flame” opens with a dime-store mirrored by the lyrics, but lest we
ci on
on social issues but from the per- long, can skew one’s broader per- Ms. Mering has recorded with drum machine and a bit of organ, believe that we’re heading to a
spective of individual characters— spective. So when she sings “Liv- Lana Del Rey and they occasion- place of less trouble and compara-
she sings of people wrapped up in ing in the wake of overwhelming ally intersect in the way they use tive ease, Ms. Mering offers near
the ills of the world, rather than changes / We’ve all become California and pop-culture iconog- the song’s end, “They say the
the problems themselves. On this strangers / Even to ourselves,” it raphy to express emotional need.
A record—the second in worst is done / But I think the
er s
LP, the loneliness and On the third track, a a planned trilogy—that worst has yet to come.”
alienation accompanying dreamy mid-tempo bal- Ms. Mering has described this
focuses on the fragile state
m er
Not Just Me, It’s Every- Dean.” And later, on adding rhythmic and textural vari- and the next album will be about
body, ” we get our first “Hearts Aglow,” one of a ety to a song about feeling so hope. We find all of those sub-
glimpse of how these con- few songs that frames close to someone it’s difficult to jects on this record in varying de-
trasting elements play off romantic love as the think of life without them. “In grees, and though it’s hard to
one another. It fades in only possible escape Holy Flux” is a wordless atmo- know if she will follow through
co Fo
with distant strings that from the trauma of the spheric piece that finds Ms. Mer- on this plan, it’s exciting to see
only gradually come into modern world, she sings, ing layering and processing her an artist thinking about her work
focus, as if a camera is “Oh but baby you’re the voice to sound like a chorus of with such ambition. “And in the
moving across a land- only one / Who’ll drive mermaids singing from a rocky Darkness, Hearts Aglow” easily
scape and then entering me down to the pier / ocean bottom—she has expressed matches its acclaimed predeces-
an open window into a Take me up on that Fer- admiration for the Irish singer sor in quality and scope, which is
room. The tempo is slow, ris wheel,” a sentiment Enya, and the new age icon’s influ- saying something.
the piano sketches out the that could just as easily ence is obvious on this cut. Then
chords on the upbeat, and come from a weepy bal- comes the penultimate track, “The Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
the melody carries a lad from the ’50s. Worst Is Done,” lighter and sim- rock and pop music critic. Follow
sense of gentle melan- The record’s final pler than anything heard before on him on Twitter @MarkRichardson.
Vancouver Calgaryy 0s 11 12 13 14 15 25 Prioritizes
Seattle 10s 62 Acts badly 26 Fury
40s Winnipeg 16 17 18
30s 20s 63 Course cry
Portland 19 20 21
29 Lowest possible
Helena 10s Montreal 30s level, and a
Ottawa 64 Chicago’s WNBA
Billings Augusta 40s team musical feature
Eugene Bismarck 30s 22 23 24 25 26
50s 10s Mpls./St. Paul Toronto Albany Boston 50s of four answers
30s 30s Hartford 27 28 29 30 31 65 Closest star
Pierre Sioux Falls
Milwaukee Detroit Buffalo 60s 30 Rotating car part
Reno 20s Chicago Cleveland w York
70s 32 33 34 35 66 Latinx singer
Des Moines
10s Cheyenne Omaha Philadelphia Apollo 31 Splits
Sacramento Salt Lake City Springfield
40s Indianapolis Pittsburgh 80s 36 37 38 39
San Francisco Kansas Charleston
Washington D.C.
90s Down 32 Water, in Juárez
10s Topeka
City 30s Richmond 40 41 42 43
60s Las Colorado Wichita St. Louis Louisville 100+ 1 High on caffeine 33 “I’m not
Vegas Springs Raleigh
Nashville Charlotte interested”
Los Angeles 40s 44 45 46 2 Play setting, of
Santa Fe Oklahoma City 40s Memphis
60s Phoenix Albuquerque Atlanta a sort 34 Cox of
San Diego Little Rock Birmingham Columbia
47 48 49 50
Tucson Warm Rain 3 Sweet game “Succession”
70s El Paso Ft. Worth 50s 60s 51 52 53 54 55 56
Dallas Jackson franchise 39 Knitter’s stash
70s Jacksonville Cold T-storms
10s Austin Mobile
57 58 59 60 4 Bed-Ins for Peace 42
Houston A/C meas.
-0s 60s New Orleans Orlando
10s Tampa
Stationary Snow
0s 80s San Antonio
61 62 63 46 Helps control
20s 60s 5 “___ been real”
Honolulu Miami the pet
30s Anchorage Showers Flurries 64 65 66
70s 6 Convened population
47 Place
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022
SUPPORT GROUPS | By Blake Slonecker 7 Loud therapy
8 Makes inquiries 49 Lieutenant on
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 24 Hardship 40 Carrier initials the Enterprise
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Baylor’s 27 Atkins 41 Somber bios 9 One of eight
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice
Omaha 35 20 c 32 18 c Frankfurt 53 49 c 54 44 c
vegetables in V8 50 Radio knob
Orlando 86 67 c 83 58 pc Geneva 55 49 sh 56 45 pc environs nicknamed
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 48 41 r 53 36 pc Havana 88 66 s 87 64 pc
43 Does some fall 51 Throws in
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 5 Little devil “Mr. Guitar” yard work 10 Lobe locales
Phoenix 72 48 s 73 47 s Hong Kong 79 73 s 78 73 pc
Anchorage 29 18 s 27 22 s Pittsburgh 42 35 r 39 28 sf Istanbul 61 50 pc 60 55 pc 28 Rapper 12 Jack who’s a 52 Skating site
8 Teddy’s neighbor 44 Pale wood
Atlanta 49 40 r 54 33 c Portland, Maine 42 30 pc 44 31 r Jakarta 91 81 t 89 81 t Sweatshirt picky eater 53 Suggesting
Austin 56 38 pc 55 32 c Portland, Ore. 50 34 s 50 32 s Jerusalem 65 50 pc 61 49 sh
on Mount
Rushmore 45 Bountiful snow, perhaps
Baltimore 47 42 r 53 33 pc Sacramento 64 35 s 64 36 s Johannesburg 74 55 pc 80 59 t 29 Sleazy setting 13 Summer Games
Boise 38 19 s 39 18 s St. Louis 40 30 sn 38 27 pc London 55 47 r 56 49 r newspaper org. 55 Rapping Dr.
Boston 44 37 pc 51 36 r Salt Lake City 40 23 s 41 25 s Madrid 60 50 r 57 54 c
11 Nation with a
supreme leader 46 Belgrade native
Burlington 39 26 pc 37 30 sn San Francisco 62 44 s 63 43 s Manila 88 76 c 88 76 t 32 Kitchen 14 Cutting-edge 58 Grp. with co-pays
Charlotte 45 40 r 57 32 pc Santa Fe 39 18 s 39 15 c Melbourne 58 41 sh 60 44 c
12 Convent address protection 47 Do some spring
Chicago 38 32 sn 37 27 sn Seattle 52 35 pc 51 35 s Mexico City 79 50 s 77 49 pc yard work 18 Ripken in 59 Pioneering ISP
Cleveland 43 35 c 39 32 sn Sioux Falls 29 17 c 25 15 c Milan 50 47 r 58 46 c 15 Porpoise’s place 34 Hammer and Cooperstown
Dallas 50 36 c 52 32 pc Wash., D.C. 47 43 r 53 36 pc Moscow 30 25 sn 27 19 sn 48 Come to fruition 60 Bay Area airport
anvil, for two 20 “Quit denying it!” code
Denver 37 18 pc 42 18 s Mumbai 93 74 pc 93 74 pc 16 Gambling city
51 Trade words
42 33 sn 42 27 sf
84 69 pc 84 71 c
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
46 r
72 r
54 50 r
77 68 sh
near Lake Tahoe 35 Good Grips
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Today Tomorrow housewares 54 Driver with
Houston 55 40 pc 57 37 c Riyadh 89 62 s 88 64 s 17 Pork-filled brand A G R A L I M A O R B S
Indianapolis 38 30 c 37 28 c City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 63 58 c 67 51 t dumpling two Oscar T R I P A D O P T B E L A
Kansas City 38 22 pc 30 22 s Amsterdam 55 47 c 52 48 sh San Juan 85 74 sh 86 75 s 36 Tastelessly nominations L O S E A T O O T H A L A N
Las Vegas 62 42 s 61 40 s Athens 66 56 pc 69 58 pc Seoul 56 38 pc 56 36 pc 19 Goal A G E U R L S A I M I N G
Little Rock 48 32 c 49 28 pc Baghdad 79 56 pc 74 56 pc Shanghai 64 47 pc 64 56 sh showy 56 Cal. abbr. S U R P R I S E A T T A C K
Los Angeles 71 50 s 76 48 s Bangkok 92 77 t 92 78 t Singapore 87 79 t 87 78 sh 20 Bicolor apex
37 1960s atty. 57 Clint Eastwood F L O P E V A N L O U P E
Miami 87 73 s 86 69 s Beijing 59 32 pc 57 34 pc Sydney 73 52 sh 63 49 sh predator D E F E N S E A T T O R N E Y
Milwaukee 37 33 sn 40 27 sn Berlin 57 44 pc 48 40 r Taipei City 80 71 c 84 70 pc general film with four A S T R O E A S E D O Z E
Minneapolis 35 27 sn 31 20 sf Brussels 54 46 sh 53 47 sh Tokyo 58 52 sh 62 50 s 21 Brig’s pair sequels B A R D R E
38 The four seasons, G R E E N S E A T U R T L E
Nashville 49 34 sh 47 28 pc Buenos Aires 81 68 s 83 69 s Toronto 35 30 c 36 28 sn F R U T T I N D A S H E X
New Orleans 65 45 c 57 43 pc Dubai 87 78 s 90 74 s Vancouver 48 33 c 47 36 pc 22 Beauty spot? for one 60 Blow away R O S A M I D D L E S E A T
New York City 46 40 pc 47 37 r Dublin 50 41 c 51 43 c Warsaw 52 37 pc 42 26 c O U S T AW E E K U S S R
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Top, Patrick Peterson makes a
game-winning interception. Below,
Justin Jefferson’s one-handed catch.
the Saints in a 2017 season divi-
sional playoff game.
I’m Still Not Sure What I Saw. on
But this is a franchise largely
defined by heartbreak and self-im-
plosion. This is a franchise that is
0-4 in the Super Bowl, a genera-
tion-scarring mark matched only
A failed QB sneak! End zone fumble! Interception! An epic ‘messterpiece’ unfolded in Buffalo. by…Buffalo, a team with its own
history of heart-
Because it was one of Dog!” but the dog would not stop. break, from those
us ,
the most bizarre NFL Bob Seger was on the radio. For bleak championship
finishes ever; because some reason, you were wearing a losses to being on
al a
it was the sort of foot- Fran Tarkenton jersey. the opposite side of
ball game people will Suddenly, you found yourself the Music City Mira-
recall joyfully—and riding in circles around your old cle to a wild playoff
ci on
ruefully!—decades from now; at high school track. The dog was defeat last season
weddings, funerals, and on the still at the wheel, laughing, laugh- against the Chiefs.
rental car shuttle ride at the Mars ing, and barking, and now, smoking Seriously: If you
airport; I want to properly capture a giant cigar. Your high school al- know a Bills fan,
the emotional roller coaster of the gebra teacher was in the car. Then check on them. Don’t
er s
final minutes of Sunday’s game be- the car was driving across water, mention football.
tween the Minnesota Vikings and when, with a furious screech, the Just talk about nice
m er
the Buffalo Bills. dog hit the brakes, jumped on a things, like sunlight,
This is what I came up with: pair of water skis, and skied off, cake and kittens,
The Vikings-Bills game felt like yelling, “Vikings win! Vikings win!” who never steal
taking your dog for a very nice That’s what the Vikings-Bills cars.
walk. Then your dog decided to game felt like. More upside: Both
m rp
steal a car. We have passed the halfway the 2022 Bills and
You tried to talk your dog out of point in the 2022 NFL season, and the Vikings are good.
it, but by the time you were able I can’t lie: I have watched far too Minnesota is close to
to explain the hazards, the dog had many duds. I’m not saying foot- the top of the NFC at
already stolen a car. Yes: Your dog ball’s turned into baseball, but the 8-1; Buffalo is 6-3,
co Fo
knows how to steal and drive a car. nation’s most self-regarding enter- tied with a tangle of
Stop asking questions. tainment product has been alarm- teams in the AFC.
You kept trying to take the ingly short on entertainment. Both of these clubs
steering wheel away from the dog, Defenses are grinding; offenses Thank goodness for the Vikings brilliant one-handed catch by Min- should easily make the playoffs. It
but the dog kept driving, barking, seem stagnant; too many teams and Bills, two of football’s most nesota’s Justin Jefferson to keep was suggested that Sunday’s crazi-
barking, barking, but also laughing. are, well, awful. cosmically tortured franchises, the Vikings alive. ness may have actually been a Su-
The dog drove the car off a bridge, If we don’t find Al Michaels a who turned what should have been The Vikings appeared poised to per Bowl preview.
stuck the landing, and then drove mildly compelling Thursday Night a sleepy 1 p.m. contest into a Dali win it, but then (of course) Buffalo I need to lie down.
through a bunch of vegetable Football game for Amazon, he’s go- painting in Buffalo. biffed them on the goal line, stop- If the NFL has any intention of
stands, like stunt drivers do during ing to start logging onto Prime and This was a game that featured, ping quarterback Kirk Cousins on a running this game back as the Su-
clichéd car chases in the movies. rating kitchen devices live on the in its final minutes, the Bills (of game-winning sneak. Up four, the per Bowl, the public needs advance
Your front window was covered in air. course) blowing a late lead, then a Bills just needed to run out the warning. And some oxygen.
tomatoes and cucumbers. A tomato I don’t know about Panthers- critical (of course) Vikings missed clock, but quarterback Josh Allen And hide the cars from the
salesman was banging on the roof. Falcons, Kirk. But this waffle extra point, then a Vikings fourth- fumbled in the end zone with 41 dogs…unless you enjoy that sort of
You kept yelling “Stop Dog! Stop maker is at least 3½ stars… and-18 for the ballgame, then a seconds left, and Minnesota recov- madness.
U.S. Women’s Soccer Team team has been fueled by the invest-
ment of Barcelona in creating a
powerful women’s club. And Ger-
for a top international trophy and the team’s accomplished but aging nected at times in midfield, as if it The 37-year-old Rapinoe had U.S. to expect not to have losing
global competition that continues to core. misses the multi-purpose presence come off the bench, and didn’t play streaks.
rise around it. It worked fine against also-ran of Sam Mewis and Julie Ertz. They at all Sunday night. “The moment I got this job, I ex-
The U.S.’s recent play was “not teams but hit a wall against tough started the 2019 World Cup final While the U.S. searches for the pected that we’re going to win ev-
good enough,” U.S. defender Becky opponents. but are both out—Mewis with an in- right lineup, its opponents are ris- ery game and that was my mind-
Sauerbrunn said on Sunday. “And “Sometimes it takes a little bit of jury, Ertz after a pregnancy—and ing. England won the European set,” he said. “Is it realistic?
we all know that. It’s a process.” time,” Andonovski said the day be- it’s unclear when or whether they’ll Championship last summer, its first- Probably not. I mean, obviously not.
Since Oct. 7, the U.S. women have fore Sunday’s game. “I just want to be back with the national team, and ever major trophy. Spain’s national But it’s not going to change.”
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
A Donald Trump Preview of 2024 BOOKSHELF | By Barton Swaim
If Donald
Trump does
what every-
The threat is still out there,
but this time Mr. Trump
might be misreading his own
J.D. Vance, a Trump-backed
candidate in Ohio who won
his Senate race by more than
from people who had sup-
ported Mr. Trump through
thick and thin.
An Unflashy
one expects
him to do
T u e s d a y
supporters. The first sign
came two Saturdays ago in
Latrobe, Pa. Mr. Trump was
there to fire up support for
6 points, still ran far behind
Republican Gov. Mike De-
Wine’s 25-plus-point margin
of victory.
The timing is also off.
When Mr. Trump first teased
that he would make a “big an-
nouncement” Tuesday night, a
Number Two
a sure bet his candidates—Doug Mastri- It’s telling that the bitter- Republican wave was still the
with the 45th ano for governor, Mehmet Oz est pill for Mr. Trump isn’t received wisdom. But instead
So Help Me God
By William
p re s i d e n t — for Senate—who would lose the losses of Republicans he’d of a victorious backdrop, Mr. By Mike Pence
he will an- their races a few days later. backed, like Mr. Oz. It’s that Trump will now announce as (Simon & Schuster, 542 pages, $35)
nounce an- Characteristically, the big Mr. DeSantis, who squeaked Democrats have kept their
other run for the White news out of that rally was the into office in 2018, won re- majority in the Senate and very serious memoir to emerge from the last admin-
House. Thus the spotlight new put-down he unveiled for still have a small shot at istration has revealed the existence of, in essence, two
moves back on him. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: keeping the House. Donald Trumps. One is funny, perceptive, charming and
Like the first midterms of “Ron DeSanctimonious.” The bitterest pill for Mr. Trump is banking on has an instinctive rapport with ordinary people. This Trump
all presidents, last week’s Probably Mr. Trump ex- his supporters sharing his pri- loves his family and country and fiercely guards the interests
were a referendum on Joe Bi- pected a backlash. What he him isn’t that Oz lost ority for defeating non-Trump of those close to him. The other Trump is erratic, vengeful,
den even as he denied it in could not expect was how but that DeSantis Republicans in primaries even detached from principle, deeply narcissistic and capable of
the lead-up. But the unex- much of it came from voters when it means his candidates shocking acts of betrayal. Most people see one or the other,
pected results suggest they who’d pulled the lever for him won resoundingly. will ultimately lose to a Dem- generally according to their politics, but both are the compli-
were also a referendum on in 2016 and 2020 but didn’t ocrat. In other words, the bet cated reality that is Donald J. Trump. Former Vice President
Mr. Trump. The past 10 days appreciate an unprovoked at- is that their loyalty is all to Mike Pence’s memoir captures both iterations of the man
especially have given voters a tack on a fellow Republican election by 20 points and car- him. But that too isn’t as clear better than any previous book.
preview of what the 2024 and successful governor who ried majority-Latino Miami- as it once might have been. Strictly speaking, the book is an autobiography—Mr. Pence
election cycle might become if had stood firm against many Dade County. This was an In its last poll before the tells the story of his life, from early adulthood to the present.
Mr. Trump decides to turn the of the same liberal forces bit- encouraging victory all Re- election, NBC reported that But in a 500-page book he reaches the 2016 presidential
GOP primaries into a civil war terly opposed to Mr. Trump. publicans cheered. 62% of GOP voters consider election by page 137. “So Help Me God” is mainly about the
in which his Republican rivals Mr. Trump’s decision not to Well, all but one. On Thurs- themselves more supporters author’s relationship with Mr. Trump and his role in that
must not only be defeated but repeat the put-down the next day Mr. Trump let rip a ram- of the party, against 30% who president’s administration. It
destroyed. It doesn’t help the day at a rally in Florida sug- bling screed on his Truth So- said they consider themselves is also, appearing as it does
party that his targets this gested he recognized the cial site, calling Mr. DeSantis more supporters of Mr. immediately after the 2022
time will be the up-and-com- blunder. Even so, he was back an “average REPUBLICAN gov- Trump. This is a huge reversal midterm elections, Mr. Pence’s
ing Republican officeholders trying to diminish Mr. DeSan- ernor with great Public Rela- from before the 2020 elec- de facto announcement of
with the most successful con- tis as late as election eve, tell- tions.” The post also revived tion, when it was 58% to 34% himself as a candidate for
servative records since 2020. ing reporters that if the gov- his DeSanctimonious taunt. A in Mr. Trump’s favor. president in 2024.
It’s no secret that Mr. ernor were to seek the 2024 day later Mr. Trump would Whatever he says Tuesday If Mr. Trump inspires hatred
Trump might respond to be- GOP nomination, he would re- also snipe at Virginia Gov. night, Mr. Trump won’t bring on the political left, Mr. Pence
ing denied the 2024 nomina- lease dirt on him. Glenn Youngkin. down potential rivals such as inspires something closer to
tion by blowing the party up. Then came Election Day. All this was probably inevi- Messrs. DeSantis and Young- fear. He is a social conservative
In his answer to the first The predicted red wave never table. The good news for Re- kin with insults. Not only do who speaks openly—his critics
question of the first GOP de- materialized, and Trump-en- publicans is that it is occur- these governors have demon- would say unctuously—about his
bate during his first run, he dorsed candidates were often ring now rather than in 2024. strated records as fighters, Christian faith, but on matters
alluded to this possibility outperformed by non-Trump The somewhat better news is they are wise enough not to of policy and governance he
when he declined to promise Republicans running in the that the blowback to Mr. respond in kind. And they are projects an unflashy competence
to support whoever emerged same state, suggesting that Trump’s attacks on proven well aware that the only peo- that contrasts markedly with,
the Republican nominee. The while the former president’s Republican leaders this time ple rooting for that kind of for example, the apparent qualities of his vice-presidential
question became academic af-
ter he went on to mow down
all his opponents, one by one.
support might prove a boon
in a GOP primary, it could be
an anchor in the general. Even
isn’t being led by Never
Trumpers and anti-Trumpers.
Instead much of it is coming
mud fight are Democrats and
their friends in the press.
Write to [email protected].
successor. Mr. Pence has an earnest, formal demeanor that
is a half-century out of date, and his prematurely white hair
gives him a weirdly seraphic aspect.
He also has a propensity, if I could state it baldly, to be
right when everybody else is wrong. In 2015, as governor
us ,
Midterms Reaffirm the American Order of Indiana, he signed into law a measure that protected
appointed Re- unbroken order under a single namic population is regularly Republican and Democratic but some states and municipalities were granting marriage
publicans, di- constitution even as its power refreshed with talented immi- presidents alike. The impor- certificates to same-sex couples. The media and Democrats,
minished and influence in the interna- grants from all over the world. tance of a close and deepening predictably, portrayed Mr. Pence as a villain for trying to
D o n a l d tional system have continually The U.S. combines the eco- relationship with countries “legalize discrimination”—this despite the fact that many
Trump, and grown. Those years were any- nomic and social dynamism such as Japan, South Korea other states and the federal government had recently passed
er s
left Demo- thing but calm, and the U.S. necessary to remain at the and Australia is evident to similar laws. Three years later, the convoluted Supreme Court
crats with a has experienced waves of tu- forefront of human progress leaders of both parties and decision Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights
By Walter
m er
grateful mult and conflict at home with the institutional stability polling reveals that the public Commission made it clear that Obergefell had created legal
Russell Mead
sense that an even as the nation’s global required for orderly gover- shares this view. muddles that the Indiana law and others like it were fully
electoral ca- standing has been challenged nance and the projection of Contentious issues remain. justified in clarifying.
tastrophe was narrowly by some of the greatest pow- national power. Some seem fated to fade, like Then, in 2016, Mr. Pence forwent a second term as
averted. Perhaps more im- ers and the most ruthless the Biden administration’s Indiana’s governor in order to join Mr. Trump’s presidential
m rp
portant, the elections re- leaders the world has ever self-sabotaging dedication to ticket. That looked like a bad decision—until election night.
minded the world that, for all seen. Nevertheless, the Ameri- For all the drama, the resuscitating the Iranian nu- In the spring of 2017 the Washington Post unearthed a
its troubles, the U.S. remains can order adapts and endures, clear deal at almost any cost 2002 interview in which Mr. Pence, a congressman at the
a deeply stable society whose and the star-spangled banner results confirm that as Iran enters a far-reaching time, said he never dined alone with a woman other than
fundamental institutions con- still waves. the U.S. remains a relationship with Russia. Oth- his wife. Liberal pundits mocked him mercilessly. What a
co Fo
tinue to command the re- As Joel Kotkin observed in ers, like the partisan divides fundamentalist rube! A few months later, accusations of
spect of its citizens. his prescient 1988 book, “The deeply stable society. over climate change and bor- predatory behavior against Harvey Weinstein set off a wave
Fifty states held elections Third Century: America’s Re- der policy, are likely to linger. of confessions and resignations among the nation’s male
for local and national office, surgence in the Asian Era,” it is But the broad pillars of Ameri- power elite. Suddenly the “Pence rule” didn’t look so dumb.
and voters in the tens of mil- American resilience that mat- Even in this polarized mo- can foreign policy, such as
lions cast ballots and peace- ters most to the world. The ment, we are seeing an in- maintaining the North Atlantic
fully awaited the results. The 19th-century American system, creasingly focused American Treaty Organization while re- This memoir may reasonably be taken as
candidates certified as victori- based on a predominantly rural response to overseas chal- sisting Russian expansionism Pence’s de facto presidential announcement.
ous by the duly constituted population of property-owning lenges appear in real time. in Europe and supporting
authorities will take their independent farmers, gave way There is more consensus in China’s neighbors against Bei- He has two problems as a contender in 2024.
oaths of office on the ap- to an urbanized industrial American politics over Russia jing’s hegemonic ambitions in
pointed day. Government of economy. That industrial econ- and China policy than on al- East and South Asia, reflect
the people, by the people and omy gave way to the still- most any other topic. A Re- the views of both parties and Mr. Pence faces two major problems as a contender in 2024.
for the people hasn’t perished emerging businesses and tech- publican-controlled House are unlikely to change. “So Help Me God” illuminates both of them in interesting
from the earth. nologies of the information may demand more oversight American society has left ways. The first and most obvious is his association with
America is a paradoxical revolution. The costs and of Ukraine spending but is behind the relatively calm eco- Mr. Trump. Mr. Pence behaved nobly after the 2020 election
place. Americans often per- stresses of that continuing unlikely to force major nomic and social conditions of by refusing to bow to the president’s demands that he reject
ceive their polity as fragile transformation have shaken the changes in U.S. policy. Repub- the late 20th century to en- electors from some states that Mr. Trump lost. The book
and endangered; foreign ob- American polity to its founda- licans by and large share the counter the full disruptive ably narrates this episode and adds a few hitherto unknown
servers have been predicting tions, but our social and politi- Biden administration’s con- force of the information revo- or lesser-known details. One of those: A few hours after Mr.
the collapse of this improbable cal order still stand. cerns about the need to se- lution. But the U.S. was built Pence told Mr. Trump that he, the vice president, had no
republic since the era of silk This mighty fact remains, as cure strategically important for stormy weather. Our latest power to decertify Electoral College results, the Trump
stockings and powdered wigs. it did throughout the tumultu- supply chains against black- round of hard-fought but campaign released a statement claiming Mr. Pence agreed
The first verse of the national ous 20th century, the most im- mail or boycotts from China, peaceful elections, along with he did have the power. “I had no choice” was a campaign
anthem ends with a question: portant force in global politics. and support for Taiwan is ro- a rising consensus for intelli- staffer’s explanation.
“O say does that star-spangled The American republic is se- bust in both parties. gent global engagement, sug- Mr. Pence skillfully, and I think credibly, aligns himself
banner yet wave / O’er the cure in its own hemisphere Other foreign-policy priori- gest the U.S. is better pre- with the Trump administration’s achievements and distances
land of the free and the home and blessed with immense ag- ties have similar bipartisan pared for the coming storms himself from his old boss’s reckless personal behavior and
of the brave?” ricultural fecundity and min- support. The modern rap- than some of our adversaries postelection madness. There is ample evidence, and not only
Yet no state in modern eral wealth. It is well situated prochement with India began hope. from this book, that Mr. Pence played a laudable role in the
administration by quietly urging the president toward more
sensible policies. In his memoir “The Room Where It Hap-
To Beat Trump, Embrace Trumpism pened,” John Bolton—not a man given to excessive praise
of former colleagues—observes that in his view the vice
president “did much of his best work in private conversa-
By F.H. Buckley Trumpism. If we’re immobile, he didn’t want to repeal These policies constitute tions with Trump.” I can believe it.
Mr. Trump said, it’s because ObamaCare so much as re- Trumpism, and a GOP that Some significant proportion of Republican electors may
onald Trump can’t win of Democratic policies on edu- place it with something better, adopts them can retain the like the idea of nominating one of the grown-ups who kept
another presidential cation, immigration and regu- but what a right-wing Con- loyalty of Trump voters. These Mr. Trump more or less in line. But Democrats and the media
election. But neither lation. The voters listened and gress offered him was very voters realize when they’re will observe no distinction between Mr. Pence and Mr. Trump
can the Republican Party, un- elected him in a historic up- different from what he had being played. They don’t want at his worst. And many Republicans, having seen the former
less it brings his voters into set. Their central concern re- wanted. a snapback to the way conser- president wreck the GOP’s chances of a Senate majority in
the fold. What’s needed is mains: A November Fox News Mr. Trump’s second-biggest vatism was defined for the 2020 and again this year, will prefer a clean break from the
Trumpism without Mr. Trump. survey revealed that 59% of issue was political corruption. previous 50 years. The Barry Trump years.
Mr. Trump’s voters aren’t Americans think life will be He promised to drain the Goldwater movement—eco- The other problem highlighted by the book is Mr. Pence’s
dolts who merely ask to be worse for the next generation. swamp and end interest-group nomic liberty, accompanied by ardent religiosity. It is a “problem” only in the political
tossed some red meat—they bargains. That should have opposition to civil-rights re- sense. Mr. Pence was raised a Roman Catholic and, after a
focus on policies that affect been a Republican issue, but forms and national welfare conversion experience at Hanover College, defected to evan-
their everyday lives. The GOP should the GOP foolishly gave it away policies—has run its course. gelicalism. References to God and prayer appear on, I would
In 2016, my wife and I employ his successful to a Democratic Party whose Mr. Trump has added a say, every third page. Each of the book’s 52 chapters bears
crafted speeches for the only alliance with interest groups new meaning to conservatism: an epigraph taken from the Bible. Often the choices are
successful Republican presi- 2016 playbook. contributed to the problem in a governing philosophy that quite good; the verse beginning the chapter on Mr. Trump’s
dential candidate since 2004. the first place. returns to an earlier Republi- notorious phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky is Psalm
I later wrote in these pages Finally, Mr. Trump capital- canism, which called itself 141:3: “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord.”
that most middle-class voters Mr. Trump recognized that ized on nationalism. As the progressive and sought the Mr. Pence is capable of self-criticism and recalls how off-
had felt left behind in the making America mobile again left paraded its contempt for common good for all Ameri- putting he could be as a zealous new convert. “I tried to
lead-up to the election. They would require an activist fed- America, he championed un- cans. To break Mr. Trump’s explain to [friends and relatives] that my faith had changed
told pollsters they no longer eral government. He was to apologetic pride in our coun- hold on the GOP, Republicans me,” he writes. “Some understood; most didn’t.” I have
believed their kids would be the left of the libertarian wing try. Unlike the rest of the GOP, need to show voters they known elected officials who grasped just enough of Chris-
as well off as they had been. of the GOP. So are most Amer- Mr. Trump implicitly recog- share their concerns. He gave tianity and the Bible to lend their public personas a
The American dream was fad- icans. Nearly two-thirds of re- nized the gravitational force them the playbook to do so. veneer of piety. Mr. Pence is not one of those. He means it.
ing out of reach. That should spondents told Fox’s pollsters that draws the nationalist to The question, for 2024, is whether average GOP voters will
have signaled the need for that Washington should en- the left, through the fraternity Mr. Buckley is a professor find what they’re seeking in his evangelical expressionism.
radical change, but only one sure all Americans have he will feel to countrymen in at Scalia Law School and the I suspect some will understand, and most won’t.
candidate spoke to the issue. healthcare coverage. Mr. need and the recognition that author of “Progressive Conser-
This was the first plank of Trump agreed. In 2016 he said they require a safety net. vatism.” Mr. Swaim is an editorial-page writer for the Journal.
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Donald Trump’s Presidential Rerun Romney’s Rules for the Slippery Road Ahead
onald Trump seems to be barreling and more into a 2024 race. In 2016 voters took Sen. Mitt Romney’s op-ed “Repub- It is quite rich of Mr. Romney to
ahead with an announcement Tues- a chance on the brash outsider businessman licans Reach a Fork in the Road” proclaim that Congress should take
(Nov. 11) is generally correct but he action to rein in entitlements. At any
day night that he plans to run for against the unpopular Hillary Clinton. Now
misses the mark in a few areas. time, he can submit his own bill to
President again. The irony is Americans know that the While I agree that congressional in- trim Social Security, Medicare and
that more Democrats than Will the GOP nominate Donald Trump they saw in of- vestigations are usually pointless, Medicaid. Since Mr. Romney thinks
Republicans will be elated the man Democrats fice is the same one they’d some will be necessary. Specifically, entitlements need trimming, he
because they see him as the get for another four years. agencies that have been weaponized should submit his bill forthwith. It’s
easiest candidate to beat know they can beat? They voted in 2018 and 2020 against law-abiding citizens or have the same with immigration, climate
one more time. to stop the daily turmoil. It’s been thwarting democratic pro- change and everything else he muses
Mr. Trump’s advisers urged hard to believe they’d vote in cesses, such as the IRS and FBI. about in his article. Your job is to
him to hold off at least until the Dec. 6 Senate 2024 to do it all again. These practices must be stopped and write legislation, not newspaper arti-
runoff in Georgia. But Mr. Trump is announcing Many Republicans who see Mr. Trump as those responsible must be forced out cles, senator.
now, long before he needs to, for two reasons. their champion will want to take that chance. of government service. DAVE PALMER
As for spending, a paradigm shift Rockville, Md.
The first is to try to clear the Republican field They say only he can take on a willful, increas-
is required. Many programs and even
of potential competitors, especially Govs. Ron ingly radical left. But two years out of office, departments could be eliminated. Whether one agrees or disagrees
DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin, who have shown Mr. Trump remains more unpopular than Mr. Much of the Inflation Reduction Act with Mitt Romney, at least he is ra-
they can win in competitive states. Biden. He divides Republicans, while he is the and infrastructure bill could be re- tional. It might seem odd to have to
Mr. Trump also wants to get ahead of a most effective motivator of Democratic voter pealed immediately, reducing long- say that, but with many recent can-
possible Justice Department indictment. If Mr. turnout in history. term spending. Much of the unspent didates for public office, that is not
Trump is already announced as a candidate Even if by some miracle Mr. Trump won, Covid money should be clawed back. a given, regardless of political party.
seeking President Biden’s job, he figures he he would have a hard time filling an Adminis- The electorate, including members of Many of us are pining for candidates
can portray an indictment by Attorney General tration with top-notch people. He could only Congress, need to be educated on the who demonstrate reasonable, fact-
Merrick Garland as political and rally Republi- serve one more term. Republicans would be facts of climate change. When they driven debate, rather than inflam-
cans to his side. Herschel Walker’s fate is inci- nominating an immediate lame duck. are, they will realize their colossal matory rhetoric to gin up their
waste of money. bases.
dental to Mr. Trump’s ambition. The problem for Republicans is that Mr. JIM WAGNER JOHN A. VITERITTI
i i i Trump’s base is so loyal that he might win the Lenexa, Kan. Laurel, N.Y.
These columns believe in democracy, which nomination in a splintered field. That’s what
means trusting the decisions of voters. Even happened in 2016. And if Mr. Trump lost the
when they make mistakes, our constitutional nomination, would he even accept that result?
system allows for checks and corrections. We Or would he sabotage the winner by urging
warned about Mr. Trump’s character in 2016, his supporters to stay home, or by running as
The Flawed EPA Theory That Won’t Go Away
but once he was elected we covered him like a third-party candidate? Recall that Mr. The Lancet response (Letters, Nov. EPAs criticized the claim as without
any other President. We owed that to readers, Trump refused to promise to support another 12) to Bjorn Lomborg’s op-ed (Nov. 5) scientific evidence in 1996 and 2019,
and he had many policy successes: taxes and GOP candidate in 2016. states, “A zero-carbon future brings respectively.
many health benefits. Our conserva- When the Biden administration
deregulation, energy security, judges, the i i i
tive estimates suggest 1.2 million came to town, though, the Trump-era
Abraham Accords, correcting illusions about We believe in the durability of U.S. institu- deaths annually could be prevented advisory panel was unceremoniously
Iran, among others. tions, which is where we parted company with
with no exposure to fossil-fuel-derived fired, by email, so that the Biden EPA
But his character flaws—narcissism, lack of the left and many Never Trumpers who re- small-particulate-matter air pollution.” could establish a new panel of advis-
self-control, abusive treatment of advisers, his fused to accept Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory as I conservatively call that claim false. ers more friendly to its policy
puerile vendettas—interfered with that suc- legitimate. They didn’t trust democracy, even “Small-particulate-matter air pollu- agenda. That panel is now the subject
cess. Before Covid he was headed for re-elec- as they pretended to be protecting it. Instead tion” wasn’t thought to kill anyone of litigation because it has been
tion. But the damage from his shutdown of the of trusting voters, they cheered on FBI subter-
economy combined with his erratic behavior fuge in 2016, the Russia collusion fraud, oppo-
in that crisis gave Joe Biden the opening to sition to nearly all Trump nominees, impeach-
until the Clinton Environmental Pro-
tection Agency and the researchers it
funds started claiming it did in the
1990s to advance the EPA’s regulatory
stacked with researchers beholden to
the EPA for tens of millions of dollars
in grants.
The EPA’s claim that particulate
campaign for normalcy. Mr. Trump lost a win- ment, and the Mar-a-Lago raid.
agenda. I first criticized the claim on matter kills, parroted by the Lancet,
us ,
nable election. All of these did more to help than hurt Mr.
these pages 25 years ago. Although a was never credible. Rigging the peer
Had he accepted that defeat, he might now Trump with his supporters. Next may come more thorough debunking is beyond review hasn’t helped.
be poised for a comeback given Mr. Biden’s an indictment that could help him again. That
al a
encouraged his supporters to march on the The real restraint on Mr. Trump has been
Capitol on Jan. 6. He badgered his loyal Vice the voters who gave him his chance in 2016.
President, Mike Pence, to stop the Electoral Then they checked him by ousting a GOP
College vote count to the point where lives House in 2018, defeated him for re-election,
Trump Is Scattered and Biden Claims Victory
were in danger, including Mr. Pence’s. The and last week trounced nearly all of his hand- Regarding your editorial “Trump Is the House and the possible loss of the
er s
the GOP’s Biggest Loser” (Nov. 10): In Senate as a victory. How have we
deadly riot will forever stain his legacy. picked candidates in swing races.
2016 I voted for Donald Trump’s elected to the most important job in
Last week’s elections showed that clinging The GOP, and the country, would be best
m er
Trump refuses—perhaps because he can’t ad- have to decide if they want to nominate the had accomplished his policy. Tiburon, Calif.
mit to himself that he was a loser. man most likely to produce a GOP loss and to- Never again! I am disgusted by his
Mr. Trump will carry all of that baggage tal power for the progressive left. total disregard for anyone but him- There are Republicans who believe
self. He lost Georgia and the Senate that Mr. Trump still calls the shots
before and will now try for a rerun. and fear losing his base if he isn’t
Why Georgia Still Matters
co Fo
Perhaps the best thing to come out the 2024 nominee. As a lifelong Re-
of the 2022 midterms is a rousing an- publican and two-time Trump voter,
them to Republicans to march on, I want to say this: If I was ever con-
epublicans won’t run the Senate in the crats. The majority party wouldn’t have to split away from Mr. Trump. sidered part of Mr. Trump’s base,
next Congress, but whether they have committee assignments evenly with the minor- JANE TIMS that ended with his antics after the
50 votes or only 49 after the Dec. 6 ity, meaning Democrats would have less need Weems, Va. 2020 election, culminating in the
Georgia runoff still matters a great deal to pol- to negotiate with the GOP, and there would be Jan. 6 rally and riot. While mail-in
icy outcomes. less chance of Republicans defeating Biden Ad- I am at a loss for words. This in- voting hurt Mr. Trump in that elec-
The contest in Georgia between Sen. Ra- ministration nominees in committee. competent Biden administration is tion, he was his own worst enemy.
phael Warnock and Republican Herschel No single Democrat would be able to hold up somehow trying to spin the loss of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has
Walker is for six years, not two as in 2020, or block a nominee any longer—for example, some of Mr. Trump’s qualities but
which means this will matter to organizing the the way Joe Manchin has held up Richard Glick none of the baggage. He is smart,
Senate for three Congresses. The GOP has a fa- at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Negative Externalities, ESG principled, tough and a leader. He
by the executive or legislative branch
hings aren’t going well for President Bi- while an injunction wouldn’t currently harm Greene writes, “There are days when
of government, should set the stan-
den’s student loan cancellation. On borrowers. That’s ironically because the Admin- it feels as if there is nothing that the
dards, laws and rules regarding at
Monday the Eighth Circuit Court of Ap- istration extended its student loan payment country can agree on.” Well, half the
least the “E” for environment in ESG.
country is insane. That’s one thing on
peals enjoined the $400 bil- pause through December. CEOs must then abide by these direc-
which both political sides agree.
lion write-off, its second legal An appellate court Conservatives have criti- tives and be held liable if they don’t.
defeat in days. This is what cized liberal judges for issu- We shouldn’t empower CEOs or in-
happens when the President
orders an injunction ing universal injunctions that vestment managers, however, to set
Marietta, Ga.
subverts the law for election on student forgiveness. pre-empt other lower courts priorities, goals and trade-offs for is-
politics. from forming their own deci- sues that affect us all. That’s the job
of our elected officials.
The appellate court’s un- sions. But in this case the PROF. S. ABRAHAM RAVID
signed opinion focuses on the threshold ques- Eighth Circuit noted it would be impractical Yeshiva University The BBC’s iPlayer service is under-
tion of whether Missouri suffered a concrete to limit an injunction to Missouri and its fel- New York written by the U.K.’s license fee. BBC
and particular injury to sue. Missouri argued low plaintiff states since Mohela services America is not. The article “BBC One,
that the loan cancellation would cost its student some $168 billion in student loans from bor- BBC Two, BBC 100” (Books, Nov. 12)
loan servicer, Missouri Higher Education Loan rowers nationwide. The Test of a True Landmark reversed these relationships.
Authority (Mohela), revenue and impose ad- “We discern no workable path in this emer- Daniel Akst’s review of “Kauf-
ministrative burdens. gency posture for narrowing the scope of re- mann’s: The Family That Built Pitts-
Missouri lawmakers established Mohela as lief,” the court writes. The Eighth Circuit ruling burgh’s Famed Department Store”
Pepper ...
a “public instrumentality” in 1981 in part to pro- follows a Texas federal judge’s vacatur on (Bookshelf, Nov. 7) fails to note a par- And Salt
vide financial aid to students. A lower-court Thursday in a case brought by two borrowers ticularly useful role filled by the Kauf-
judge, however, ruled that lawmakers intended who argued the Administration violated their mann’s flagship store: an anchor for
Mohela to be a “self-sustaining and financially procedural rights by not undertaking notice and directions. Growing up in Pittsburgh
independent agency.” Ergo, Missouri couldn’t comment. in the 1960s and ’70s, we would de-
sue since the state wasn’t directly harmed by Missouri strikes us as having the stronger scribe locations along these lines:
“Start at Kaufmann’s and head toward
the loan write-off. case on the question of standing. But the impor-
Horne’s. The place you’re going is
The Eighth Circuit disagreed, noting that tant point is to stop loans from being canceled, about halfway on the left.” Unfailingly
state law specifically directs Mohela to distrib- which would do irreparable harm to the consti- accurate and particularly practical.
ute $350 million into a state fund for capital tutional separation of powers and national fisc. MICHELE BRAUN
projects at public colleges, among other things. If Republicans take the House, they could also Pound Ridge, N.Y.
Mohela still owes $105 million. The Administra- sue the Administration for usurping the cham-
tion’s loan write-off could impair its obligation ber’s power of the purse.
Letters intended for publication should
and threaten financial harm to the state. Mr. Biden’s loan write-off is the largest presi- be emailed to [email protected]. Please
After granting Missouri legal standing, the dential abuse of power in decades, and it’s good include your city, state and telephone
court explained that the equities “strongly fa- to see courts stepping up to their obligations number. All letters are subject to
vor an injunction” since the debt cancellation to enforce the Constitution. This case may be editing, and unpublished letters cannot “Please hurry! The elevator’s stuck,
be acknowledged.
would have an irreversible impact on the state heading to the Supreme Court. but the music is still playing.”
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
compromise that even begins to be and that is for the West to continue
understand why Volodymyr plausible. to support the liberation of the
Zelensky says he is willing to What kind of deal could we possi- Ukrainian people, perhaps the most
negotiate with Vladimir Putin. bly construct, under the current cir- transparently just and righteous
I have no doubt the Ukrainian cumstances? Let us suppose that cause in international affairs in liv-
president is sincere. If there Western powers were to try to per- ing memory.
were anything that remotely resem- suade Ukraine to trade land for The Ukrainians have shown what
bled a viable peace plan, his govern- peace. Any such bargain would, natu- they can do. With a mixture of in-
ment would leap at it. rally, be disgusting. It would be a spired leadership and the heroism
Mr. Zelensky’s people have suf- moral reproach to humanity. that comes from knowing you are
ate. No would-be mediator on earth Covid bubble, taking semi-mystic taken since Feb. 24. And please, can should stop talking about it. prime minister, 2019-22.
Biden’s Agenda vs. Trump’s Obsession: Voters Split on the Lesser Evil on
points. For comparison, in 2018, will have suppressed the total Demo- were fewer competitive districts this Republican impeachment supporter
which was generally reported as a cratic vote. But there were six dis- year, in part because of redistricting. who was ousted in a primary, won
wipeout for the Republicans and a tricts in California where, because of But how much was the result of her district two years ago by 13
FREE repudiation of President Trump, the the top-two “jungle primary” sys- targeted voting—the conscious rejec- points. Last week her Trump-backed
us ,
EXPRESSION two-party swing was about 9.5 tem, only Democrats were on the tion by voters in competitive dis- successor lost to a Democrat.
By Gerard Baker points. That time the Democrats general-election ballot. That would tricts of Republicans associated with In Colorado’s Third District, uber-
al a
gained 41 seats. This time the Re- have suppressed the GOP vote. Still, Donald Trump and his “Stop the Trumpy conspiracy theorist Rep.
he system is rigged! Our de- publican gain may be held to fewer it seems likely that there was a mis- Steal” fixation? Lauren Boebert is essentially tied
mocracy is broken! than 10. match this year between Republican It will take time to compile a with her Democratic opponent in a
ci on
There may not have been Put another way, on the last two gains among voters and gains in thorough analysis of how and why district Mr. Trump won by 6 points.
the much-anticipated red wave last occasions in which Republicans re- seats. individual races turned. But it’s These scattered cases can’t ex-
week, but there was a fair-sized Re- ceived between 51% and 52% of the So what happened? widely acknowledged now from Sen- plain the wider discrepancy between
publican tide in terms of the popular House vote in a midterm election, ate and governor races that the House votes and seats, and some
vote that doesn’t seem to have been they won 242 seats in 2010, and 247 Trump factor was significant—the Trumpy candidates won handily too.
er s
reflected in the number of congres- seats in 2014, for majorities of 49 Republicans are likely differential performance between But it seems that in many competi-
sional seats the party won. Don’t and 59 seats. This year, with a simi- Trumpy Senate candidates and non- tive districts Republicans should
to take back the House,
m er
hold your breath waiting for an out- lar vote share, they may end up win- Trumpy gubernatorial candidates in have won, voters were turned off by
raged media to tell us how American ning 219 or 220 seats, a majority of though it’s close enough Ohio and Georgia, for example, and the party’s continuing flirtation—or
democracy is fatally flawed. three or five. hefty defeats for the Trumpiest of worse—with those who would undo
There are still votes to be counted It’s even possible that the Demo- that we still aren’t sure. gubernatorial candidates in Pennsyl- a previous election.
(thanks, California, technology capi- crats could hold their House major- vania, Michigan and Wisconsin are Americans seem to have voted in
m rp
tal of the world, which tallies ballots ity in an election in which a majority too striking to ignore. solid numbers for Republicans to
at the pace of an 18th-century Eng- of voters seem to have chosen Re- The demographic changes in the In the House there is intriguing take back the House and block Presi-
lish rotten borough) and the final publicans. Surely principled Demo- composition of the GOP vote may be scattered evidence of a similar pat- dent Biden’s progressive agenda. But
number may change, but as it crats must now start to demand making the party’s election perfor- tern. In Michigan’s Third District, across the country, in elections for
stands, Republicans are leading the changes to the way Americans pick mance less efficient than in the past. Rep. Peter Meijer voted to impeach House, Senate, governor and, strik-
co Fo
aggregate vote in the 435 House the House as they have insisted must With surveys last week showing sig- Mr. Trump after the Jan. 6 riots. He ingly, secretary of state—Trump sup-
races by about 52% to 47%. be done with the Electoral College nificant Republican gains among lost renomination in a primary to a porters campaigning to take charge
In the 2020 election, Democratic and the Senate. Hispanic and black voters, the Trump supporter, John Gibbs, who of states’ electoral system almost all
House votes exceeded Republican There are qualifications. Not all party’s share might have been signif- went down by 13 points in a district lost—election deniers and Trump ac-
ones by 3 percentage points. If this House seats are contested, and more icantly boosted in deep-blue urban Mr. Trump won in 2020 by 3 points. olytes were routed.
year’s numbers hold, that represents Republicans than Democrats ran districts, where it still lagged way In Washington’s Third District, There’s a message in there some-
a swing in the margin of almost 8 without opposition this year. That behind the Democrats’. Second, there Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, another where.
instantly archaic. It is, as it were, portly silhouette from another era of It’s hard to run a sane civilization bitter, Balkan, inveterate. The Ameri-
id anyone learn anything? junk. The Barnum & Bailey of Donald history altogether, a figure like Gro- under these conditions, but people can id, which the young once thought
The midterms taught an old Trump, the Alice in Wonderland of ver Cleveland or Chester A. Arthur. adapt. All rapid change makes the charming, is now old, corrupt and
lesson about the dangers of Joe Biden, the doctrinaire be-nice- Once, American intellectuals spoke of world unreal for a time. In the early horrible.
projection, the overwrought narra- or-else of the canceling woke, the seeking a “usable past.” America to- 19th century, at the start of the age of The American ego, in the mean-
tive line and metaphors (like “red paramilitary fruitcakes loose in the day is glumly in search of a viable steam, people believed that traveling time, is battered and bruised and
tsunami”) that are too vivid and am- land, the decadent gender obses- present. A new present—please. Why on a railroad train at speeds greater drenched in guilt, having long since
bitious for their own good. The out- sions, the assault rifles, the politics are Americans stuck with these ab- than 15 miles an hour would cause in- been persuaded that, whatever its
come hints at something interesting surdities? They suspect they can do sanity. As the train went faster, earlier pretensions, the country in its
about the subtly honorable calcula- better. They dimly remember that women’s uteruses would fly away. It’s essence is a wicked fraud.
tions of voters confronted with medi- It’s hard to run a sane they once did. possible that the midterms are a sig- That leaves the superego—the all-
ocre choices. In the end, reality over- Whatever its tragedies and horrors nal of the country working out an ac- but-abandoned house of religion, ed-
whelmed the scenarios. It’s nice to civilization in an (there were many), the 20th century commodation with the new physics ucation, ideals and character. That’s
know that Americans aren’t as pre- atmosphere of political seemed real. No one is sure about the and metaphysics. where the rebuilding will be done, if
dictable as their politicians and me- 21st, which goes in for hysteria and Freud’s model may still be useful. at all. It’s to the superego that the
dia geniuses assume they are. hysteria and hallucination. hallucination. Is history on drugs? Is Think of the condition, in the year dawning sense of American embar-
But the most useful lesson of this it a kind of professional wrestling, a 2022, of the American id, ego and su- rassment should retreat and set up
election season has to do with some- mere performance, a fake? perego. Ask which one of them domi- shop. I like to think that the estima-
thing subtler: The results may sug- of germs, the recreational looting, The human brain has acquired new nates the other two—which of them ble Ben Sasse, who is resigning his
gest a kind of embarrassment start- the law that turns felons loose, pan- instruments—auxiliary electronics has power in the land. U.S. Senate seat to become president
ing to spread in the American civic demic homelessness, the trillions in that are hooked into algorithms orga- It’s still the worst of the bunch: of the University of Florida, has some
mind. It’s an awakening suspicion debt that means nothing, the wide- nized, with ulterior purpose, in some the ignoble id—the old rock star, the such calculation in mind.
that this mess is what the country open border and the sanctimony—all sinister way. Smartphones and social wreck of the ’60s, still smelly and
deserves and is its responsibility to of this dreary cultural programming media have become universal. So now, pornographic, except that in the 21st Mr. Morrow is a senior fellow at
fix. There’s something to be said for begins to seem threadbare, obsolete, in the scheme of 21st-century psycho- century the frolics of its youth (un- the Ethics and Public Policy Center
embarrassment—even for shame. ridiculous. politics, hysteria and hallucination are trammeled sex, recreational drugs, and author of “The Noise of Type-
This self-discomfort is connected The pageant of our world gets old the meat and potatoes of the public radical politics) have hardened into writers: Remembering Journalism,”
to the way people in the 21st century before our eyes. And yet we seem to mind. The customary human madness plagues of mass pornography, killer forthcoming in January.
experience history. It has been borne be bound to the wheel of this non-
in on Americans for a couple of years sense, doomed to repeat it. America
now that so much of the spectacle needs a new team of writers.
Running Jump-Started My Prayer Life
By Mike Kerrigan or adoration—was about 10 to 1. that was enough. Before long,
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY This was a spiritual problem easily though, something changed.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson s it acceptable to smoke while diagnosed in athletic terms: My form At some point I stopped ignoring
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp praying? How about to pray was bad, and my repetitions insuffi- the pain through prayer and started
Matt Murray Almar Latour while smoking? The old joke il- cient. Where better to address this using it. I gave my fleeting aches to
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
lustrates an important truth: How than during the morning exercise I God as a small sacrifice to serve his
Karen Miller Pensiero, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: you frame a question determines the already do? I determined to use run- redemptive purposes in the world. In
Jason Anders, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; answer you receive. An underlying ning to jump-start my prayer life. It the vernacular of my Irish-Catholic
Neal Lipschutz, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
insight—the benefit of marrying duty wasn’t as enjoyable to me as the holy childhood, I offered it up. And then I
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, News; with joy—has helped me immensely. smoke sought in the joke, but the flew.
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Brent Jones, Culture, Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo,
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business I know not to seek permission to jog rhythm of running matched the ca- Exercise prayer should be repeti-
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Information & Services, Operations; Robert Hayes, in place during Mass, but I’ve been dence of prayer, so it’s where I began. tive, not meditative, and it need not
Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Chief Business Officer, New Ventures; praying while exercising for some When pain introduced itself on accompany exertion minute for min-
Elizabeth O’Melia, Chief Financial Officer;
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi,
Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
time. lengthy loops with faster friends, I ute. When pain comes, you can de-
Investigations; Amanda Wills, Video
WSJ | Barron’s Group; Jennifer Thurman, Chief While my physical health has held trained myself to stop thinking in cide if offering it up is right for you.
Paul A. Gigot Communications Officer; Sherry Weiss, Chief up over five decades, some years distances. The hilltop that marked As for me, running helped me pray—
Editor of the Editorial Page Marketing Officer ago I discerned a certain spiritual the end of a footrace wasn’t 100 and then praying helped me run.
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
flabbiness. I wasn’t praying much, meters off; it was one “Hail Mary”
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 and when I did, my petition-to- away. This took my mind off the Mr. Kerrigan is an attorney in
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES thanksgiving ratio—forget contrition burning in my lungs, and initially Charlotte, N.C.
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us ,
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ci on
er s
m er
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co Fo
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DJ TRANS g 0.15%
sales well ahead of Black Fri-
BY JULIE STEINBERG day, a reversal from the past A little-traded digital cur-
two years when scarcity al- rency created by Sam Bank-
LONDON—Derivatives lowed stores to charge full man-Fried’s now-bankrupt
rocked the British bond mar- price for many products, from FTX cryptocurrency exchange
By Patricia
liability-driven investment the year-end shopping rush, Kowsmann,
us ,
strategies, has forced pensions analysts said. The pressure is Caitlin Ostroff
to set aside more cash to meet particularly acute for apparel and Vicky Ge Huang
al a
up cash from their equity hold- Gap Inc., American Eagle isn’t unusual for a crypto ex-
ings, by switching some invest- Outfitters Inc., Victoria’s Se- change to issue its own cur-
ments into derivatives such as cret & Co. and Under Armour rency, both to allow founders
futures and total-return swaps. Inc. each said their prices on and early investors to profit if
The move carries risks, average were lower over the Victoria’s Secret is among the clothing chains where average prices fell below the year-earlier period. the value rises and to moti-
er s
since investing via derivatives summer than during the same vate traders to use the ex-
makes investors more exposed period in 2021. American Eagle Average size of discounts for selected categories, 2022* change.
m er
to changes in the value of an said its average selling price FTT was different though
underlying asset. That makes
it effectively a form of lever-
was 4% lower in three months
ended July 30 than during the
Apparel 17.0 because of the tight connec-
tion between FTX and Mr.
age, similar to using borrowed same period a year ago. Bankman-Fried’s trading firm,
money, since it amplifies an “We do expect the higher
Footwear 8.7 Alameda Research, which also
m rp
investment’s potential gains or discounting and promotional collapsed last week. Alameda
losses. activities kind of given the Apparel accesories 8.4 played an unusual dual role by
There are also benefits. By evolving market conditions,” holding most of the FTT out-
doing this, pensions can keep David Bergman, Under Ar- Sports outdoor 6.0 standing and being the main
hold of their LDI positions, mour’s finance chief, told ana- trading partner for the cur-
co Fo
Please turn to page B10 lysts in early November. But Home goods rency, according to people fa-
he said he didn’t expect prices miliar with the transactions.
to dip below 2019 levels. Toys 2.8% *Excludes inflation/deflation Alameda then used FTT as
Apparel was the only cate- collateral to get hundreds of
Estée Lauder gory out of nearly a dozen
where prices are lower than month in 2021. analyst with BMO Capital Mar- and the prices are so good,”
Source: Dataweave
millions in loans, people famil-
iar with the matter said. The
Nears Deal last year after factoring in dis-
counts and deflation, accord-
By contrast, inflation
pushed up prices for appli-
kets. “But most apparel com-
panies are seeing pricing pres-
said Ms. Shaughnessy.
Overall, consumer prices
Wall Street Journal also re-
ported FTX lent cryptocurren-
Estée Lauder Cos. is near- fell 3.3% from January to Oc- egories weren’t enough to off- in San Francisco, recently took Before the pandemic, ap- and Alameda didn’t respond to
ing a deal to buy Tom Ford tober, compared with the same set inflation, meaning that advantage of a sale at Saks parel retailers, particularly de- requests for comment. Ryne
for roughly $2.8 billion, build- period in 2021, DataWeave consumers are still paying Fifth Avenue to snap up a partment stores and other Miller, general counsel for
ing on a longstanding licens- said. That deflation coupled more for them than they did a dress for herself and sweaters mall chains that were strug- FTX’s U.S. arm, said he isn’t
ing deal and marking the cos- with promotions offered by re- year ago. for her aunt and mother-in- gling, had gotten shoppers answering media requests.
metics giant’s largest-ever tailers meant that consumers “Apparel prices went up at law. Her husband bought two Please turn to page B2 The arrangement also proved
acquisition, according to peo- paid roughly 5% less for cloth- the beginning of the pandemic sweaters at Lands’ End that to be Mr. Bankman-Fried’s un-
ple familiar with the matter. ing they purchased in October due to inventory scarcity,” were 30% and 50% off. “We’re The U.S.-Europe luxury-price doing. A report on CoinDesk, a
Estée Lauder prevailed in compared with the same said Simeon Siegel, a senior not even at Black Friday yet gap: Heard on the Street. B12 Please turn to page B11
an auction for the high-end
fashion label that drew com-
petition from big names in
luxury, including Kering SA.
The French company was
Suit Challenging Musk
poised to win the auction ear-
lier this month, The Wall
Street Journal reported.
Pay Rests on His Role
Should the talks not hit a BY REBECCA ELLIOTT dictate the terms of the grant,
last-minute snag, a deal could AND MEGHAN BOBROWSKY which vests based on Tesla’s
be announced Tuesday, one of valuation and achievement of
the people said. WILMINGTON, Del.—Open- various milestones.
The Financial Times re- ing-day testimony in the trial The plaintiff also alleges
ported on Friday that Estée over Elon Musk’s multibillion- that the deal was unnecessary
Lauder was set to clinch a deal dollar pay package at Tesla to motivate Mr. Musk. A
Please turn to page B2 Inc. centered on the chief ex- plaintiff’s attorney pointed to
ecutive’s role in determining a May 2017 Tesla earnings
his own compensation. call in which Mr. Musk said he
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.
A H Omnicom.....................B4
Activision Blizzard....B12 Hasbro.......................B11 P
Agile............................B6 H&M ............................ B4 Paramount Global.......B1
Alphabet................A3,B4 I Publicis........................B4
IAC.............................B12 R
.................... A1,A4,B4,B6
American Eagle Interpublic...................B4 RH................................B1
Outfitters..................B1 J Rio Tinto ..................... B6
American Express.......B2 Jefferies Financial......B1 Roche...........................A3
Angi...........................B12 K S
Ant...............................B3 SoftBank...................B11
Apple...........................B3 Kering..........................B1
B L Stripe .......................... A4
Bank of America.........B2 LendingTree...............B12 Sunny Optical
Berkshire Hathaway.B12 Longfor.........B6,B11,B12 Technology................B3
BHP..............................B6 Louisiana-Pacific.........B1 T
ByteDance...................B4 Lyft ...................... A4,B12 Taiwan Semiconductor
C M Manufacturing..........B1
Celanese......................B1 Merlin Entertainments Tesla.....................B1,B11 Merlin Entertainments,
Chevron ....................... B1 .....................................B2 Tom Ford.....................B1 the British-based theme park
Meta Platforms Twitter.................B6,B11
China Evergrande......B12
Tyson Foods................B3
and resort operator, has
Coca-Cola...................B12 ..........................A4,B4,B6 tapped veteran sports and me-
Country Garden...B6,B12 MGM Resorts U
International...........B12 dia executive Scott O’Neil as
E Uber Technologies .... B12
Microsoft.............A2,B12 Under Armour.............B1 its new chief executive.
Epic Games ................. B3
Estée Lauder...............B1
Moderna......................A5 V Mr. O’Neil succeeds Nick
Expedia......................B12 N Victoria’s Secret.........B1 Varney, who announced his
F-G Nestlé........................B11 Vimeo........................B12 plans to retire earlier this year
Frontier Airlines ......... B3 O W after more than two decades
Gap .............................. B1 Occidental Petroleum.B1 WPP.............................B4 at the helm.
With more than 140 attrac-
Energy stocks like Occidental Petroleum have soared in 2022. tions in 24 countries, includ-
INDEX TO PEOPLE ing 10 Legoland theme parks
A Gates, Bill...................A4
Hoge, Stephen............A5
O'Neil, Scott ............... B2
Read, Mark..................B4
Berkshire for the year.
Over the following weeks,
the stock market tumbled.
vasion of Ukraine sending oil
prices higher. Even as crude oil
has retreated from its high of
and partnerships with Lego,
Hasbro Inc. and Sony Pictures
Entertainment, Merlin Enter-
Allen, Paul .................. A2
Bankman-Fried, Sam
Jassy, Andy.................A1
King, Donnie................B3
Roger, François-Xavier
Rosenberg, Kerrin.....B10
Adds Berkshire waited. Then, in the
final week of September, Berk-
shire bought nearly 6 million
the year, energy stocks have
continued to dominate the
stock market.
tainments is one of the world’s
largest theme-park companies,
behind only Walt Disney Co. in
Bergman, David..........B1
Bezos, Jeff..................A4
Buffet, Warren
Lam, Michelle ............. B6
Lerner, Keith.............B11
Levin, Joey................B12
Siegel, Simeon............B1
Solca, Luca................B12
Occidental more Occidental shares at
prices ranging from $57.91 to
$61.38, according to an SEC
Berkshire had about $24.4
billion of Chevron shares at the
end of September, making it
Besides its Lego parks, Mer-
lin Entertainments also oper-
Lu, Ting.......................B6 Thill, Brent................B12 filing. the company’s third-biggest ates “Peppa Pig” parks based
C-K Ma, Jack......................B3 Tornetta, Richard........B1 Continued from page B1 The timing could hardly stockholding. on the Hasbro character and
Chu, Albert................B11 Marci, Kayla................B4 Tyson, John R.............B3
Musk, Elon...........B1,B11 Varney, Nick................B2 recent highs—a move that has have been better. Occidental’s Meanwhile, Berkshire kept announced a deal with Sony
Dhar, Vivek..................B6
Diller, Barry...............B12 Nollen, Tim ................. B4 Xing, Zhaopeng...........B6 proved prescient, given how stock has risen above $70 a large stakes in financial stocks. earlier this year for rides and
Dusen, Lori Van........B11 Olsavsky, Brian...........A4 Yao, Wei......................B6 energy stocks have soared share gain. Bank of America Corp. and attractions based on the “Ju-
again. Over the course of the third American Express Co., for in- manji” film franchise.
For instance, Occidental Pe- quarter, Berkshire also added stance, made up around 17% of In an interview, Mr. O’Neil
Musk Pay ficer Deepak Ahuja, Chair
Robyn Denholm, board mem-
troleum climbed to $75.26 a
share in August. At the time,
to its stake in Chevron.
Energy stocks have soared
its equity portfolio valued at
$306 billion at the end of the
said he wants to further pur-
sue partnerships with compa-
ber James Murdoch and for- that marked its highest price in 2022, thanks to Russia’s in- third quarter. nies that have intellectual
Under Way
The trial comes at a busy
time for Mr. Musk, who has
been making his mark on
Deal for active in making sure brands
know we are open for busi-
ness,” he said.
Twitter, laying off around 50%
of its staff and implementing Tom Ford Mr. O’Neil, 52 years old,
was previously chief executive
us ,
Continued from page B1 various product changes. He of Harris Blitzer Sports & En-
valuable car maker and Mr. SpaceX. include the Philadelphia 76ers
Musk its wealthiest person. “I have too much work on NBA franchise and the NHL’s
A plaintiff’s attorney, dur- my plate, that is for sure,” Mr. New Jersey Devils franchise.
ci on
ing his cross-examination of Musk said in a virtual appear- Continued from page B1 He left that position in June
Mr. Ehrenpreis, showed an ance at a conference in Indo- for closely held Tom Ford. 2021. He also served as presi-
email in which Mr. Musk told nesia Monday. The Journal reported in Au- dent of Madison Square Gar-
Mr. Maron, the former gen- Attorneys representing the gust that Estée Lauder, which den Sports, where he was in
eral counsel, that he wanted current and former board sells brands including Clinique charge of the business opera-
er s
to urge a shareholder to di- members say shareholders and M.A.C., was talking to tions for the NBA’s New York
vest himself from Tesla if the were fully informed when Tom Ford about a deal that Knicks, the WNBA’s New York
m er
shareholder didn’t approve they signed off on Mr. Musk’s could have been worth at least Liberty and the NHL’s New
the pay package. 2018 pay package. on it. $3 billion. Volatility in mar- York Rangers.
The investor voted against “At a critical juncture for kets and fears of a softening Tom Ford is best known for its menswear but also sells fragrances. Like Disney, which last
the pay package and later the Company, the Plan moti- economy appear to have week reported record quar-
added to its Tesla holdings, vated Musk to focus his ex- dented the price tag some- Estée Lauder is expected to South Korean skin-care com- terly revenue results at its
m rp
Mr. Maron later testified. ceptional talents on Tesla what. strike new licensing agree- pany Have & Be Co. in 2019. A theme parks, Merlin Entertain-
Chancellor Kathaleen Mc- when Musk’s future with Tom Ford is best-known for ments for Tom Ford’s fashion few years before, it paid ments said it believes it has
Cormick, the judge in the Tesla was uncertain, espe- its menswear, though it also and eyewear, the person said. around $1.5 billion for Too turned the corner following
five-day, nonjury trial, isn’t cially given his other interests sells womenswear and acces- Estée Lauder this month Faced Cosmetics LLC. the slowdown in attendance in
expected to issue a verdict for and opportunities,” they said sories as well as a fast-grow- said its organic sales dropped Kering, whose brands in- recent years because of the
co Fo
months after the trial con- in a court filing. ing, high-end line of cosmetics 5% in the latest quarter, hurt clude Gucci, Saint Laurent and Covid-19 pandemic.
cludes. The judge also pre- Employee stock options and fragrances. Tom Ford’s by Covid-19 lockdowns in Balenciaga, last month posted In the company’s half-year
sided over Twitter Inc.’s law- have been at the heart of sev- beauty business is considered China and a slowdown in or- a higher-than-expected rise in review, Merlin Entertainments
suit seeking to compel Mr. eral controversies at Tesla, an ultraprestige brand. ders from U.S. retailers. The sales, boosted in part by U.S. said Covid restrictions have
Musk to close his $44 billion where the question of who Estée Lauder has been es- New York beauty company tourists spending freely in lessened significantly in many
deal for the social-media com- should benefit from the com- pecially interested in that also lowered its outlook for Paris and elsewhere in Europe. of the regions where it oper-
pany. The transaction closed pany’s stratospheric rise has business, with which it main- the current fiscal year. Mr. Ford, a Texas native, ates. The significant exception
late last month, before the led to tension, The Wall tains a licensing deal. It is It has been an active ac- founded his eponymous brand is China, where lockdowns
case went to trial. Street Journal recently re- less-versed in apparel, but the quirer over the years, but its after a long stint as creative continue to keep attractions
Mr. Musk is expected to ported. An issue of broader takeover could allow the com- deals have been relatively director at Gucci. closed.
take the stand on Wednesday. concern for Mr. Musk has pany to venture into new cate- small. A young Mr. Ford was de- Merlin Entertainments is
Mr. Maron is poised to con- been that some employees gories and compete more Estée Lauder paid around picted in the 2021 film “House owned by a consortium that
clude his testimony Tuesday. were making more at Tesla closely with fashion houses $1 billion each to buy the rest of Gucci,” which chronicled includes Kirkbi Invest, the in-
Also due to testify this week than he thought their contri- such as LVMH Moët Hennessy of Canadian beauty company the history of the Gucci family vestment arm of Lego parent
are former Chief Financial Of- butions merited. Louis Vuitton SE. Deciem Inc. in 2021 and the and brand. Kirkbi.
American Eagle said its average selling price was 4% lower in three months ended July 30 than during the same period a year ago.
of the App Store. She did rule peals in person. A new wrinkle hearing. “I haven’t been able One of the three judges, Mi- Apple’s walled-garden ap- a “new legal position that, if
that Apple was violating Cali- for Apple since the May 2021 to conceive of a theory of the lan Smith Jr., asked Apple’s proach makes the iPhone more accepted, would make it easier
fornia’s Unfair Competition trial is the emergence of the case in which Apple should le- lawyer about the differences secure than the Mac, PC and for them to win antitrust law-
Law, which is a broader stat- Justice Department in the pro- gitimately be immune from between Apple’s more closed Android platforms, argued Mr. suits.”
ute than other antitrust laws, ceedings. antitrust scrutiny,” he said. approach with its mobile oper- Perry, and gives Apple a com- The department has been
by prohibiting app makers
from steering customers to
use payment methods outside
Tom Goldstein, a partner at
Goldstein & Russell P.C. argu-
ing on Epic’s behalf, said that
on Apple representative Mark
Perry, a lawyer at Weil Gotshal
& Manges LLP, focused on how
ating system and the more
open ecosystem of the Mac
operating system.
petitive differentiation.
“What’s kept out by walled
gardens is fraudsters and
looking into the power of big
tech companies, including Ap-
us ,
BY PATRICK THOMAS price of pork was 1.5% lower. million from more than $1.1
ci on
the company said its board 1.0 Dean and Ball Park. $55 million loss during the
was launching a review of the Tyson said that its chicken quarter. U.S. pork companies
m er
incident. 0.8 business, which produces are paying more for the hogs
Mr. Tyson, the 32-year-old roughly one-fifth of the U.S. they buy from farmers as they
son of the meat giant’s chair- 0.6 supply, improved its operating shrink the size of their herds.
man, was arrested on Nov. 6 income to $340 million for the In its annual filing, Tyson
for criminal trespass and pub- quarter, compared with a $136 confirmed that the Justice De-
m rp
lic intoxication, according to a million loss last year. The partment had opened a civil
report by the Fayetteville, 0.2 company is working to revamp investigation into how chicken
Ark., police. He was found its chicken operations, which farmers are paid and their
asleep in the wrong Fayette- have in recent years struggled contracts with processors. The The Chinese finance company has been undergoing a restructuring.
ville home, according to the to meet demand. company said it would cooper-
FY2020 ’21 ’22
co Fo
police report.
“I’m embarrassed and I
want to let you know that I
Note: Fiscal year ended Oct. 1
Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company
Tyson’s chicken problems
have ranged from not hatching
enough chicks to short-handed
ate with the Justice Depart-
ment’s probe.
Tyson overhauled its execu-
Ant Group Subsidiary
take full responsibility for my
actions. I also want to apolo-
gize to our investors, as I have
its business rose 5%, and sales
volume grew 2%. For the year,
processing lines in plants. The
company has had to pay more
for grain to feed its chickens
tive ranks in September, and
announced that Mr. Tyson
would take over the CFO role
Cuts Fundraising Goal
to our employees,” Mr. Tyson
said on a Monday conference
call discussing Tyson’s most
the average sales price was up
12%, while sales volumes were
flat from 2021.
and higher wages to keep
plants staffed.
The company said a plan to
at the beginning of October.
Tyson moved its former CFO
into a new role running its
As Two Investors Pass
recent quarterly results. “We feel good about our revamp its operations, aiming prepared-foods division, and BY CLARENCE LEONG company controlled by Chinese
In a companywide email performance,” said Chief Exec- to save more than $1 billion by assigned its chief legal officer internet-technology company
last week, Mr. Tyson apolo- utive Donnie King. “We deliv- the end of its 2024 fiscal year, to run its international busi- SINGAPORE—The consumer- NetEase Inc. Two state-owned
gized for his actions and said ered record sales and earnings is ahead of schedule and will ness, among other changes. finance arm of China’s Ant firms from Hangzhou and
that he was getting counseling for the full year.” be done by the end of its 2023 It also is closing several key Group Co. is planning to raise Chongqing are also buying
on alcohol usage. Tyson shares slipped 3.8% fiscal year. The plan includes offices in Illinois and South the equivalent of $1.5 billion in shares of the Ant unit.
On Monday, the company on Monday. The company’s building new plants and auto- Dakota that housed about new capital, scaling back its Ant, which operates the
said profit for the three stock is down about 25% year mating parts of existing ones. 1,000 employees and is aiming fundraising ambitions after a ubiquitous mobile payments
months ended Oct. 1 dropped to date. Tyson said it now expects to relocate those positions to large state-backed investor network Alipay, makes unse-
to $538 million from $1.4 bil- Tyson said the average sales overall sales to be between its Arkansas headquarters. Mr. backed out of a previous plan. cured loans to millions of Chi-
lion a year earlier, falling price for beef was 8% lower $55 billion and $57 billion for King said he wasn’t sure how Chongqing Ant Consumer nese consumers through a pair
short of what Wall Street ana- over the fiscal fourth quarter, 2023, higher than analysts had many employees would choose Finance Co., a company that of lending services called Hua-
lysts had expected. Quarterly compared with the same period predicted. to move to Arkansas. the financial-technology giant bei, which means “just spend,”
revenue grew about 7% to a year ago, as consumers opted Quarterly operating income —Dean Seal set up in mid-2021 to house its and Jiebei, which means “just
$13.7 billion as prices across for cheaper meat cuts. The from its beef unit fell to $375 contributed to this article. personal-lending business, is borrow.” The two services are
planning to increase its regis- now housed within the con-
tered capital to 18.5 billion sumer-lending unit, which can
Airlines Are Fined for Refunding Delays yuan, equivalent to $2.6 billion,
from 8 billion yuan, according
to regulatory filings from some
of the companies taking part in
extend credit from its own bal-
ance sheet or work with banks
to make loans jointly. Alipay
Inc.’s TikTok.
Google took 34.7% of U.S.
Major advertising compa- digital ad spending in 2017,
nies have enjoyed good busi- WPP Omnicom Publicis IPG while Facebook Inc.—now
ness in 2022, repeatedly rais- 10 known as Meta—took 20%, ac-
ing their forecasts for the year cording to research firm In-
in quarterly earnings reports, sider Intelligence. By 2023, Owners of the brands H&M, Zara, Gucci and Stella McCartney are
even as inflation and economic Google will collect 26.5% of among those buying alternative fibers that will use less carbon.
disruption have roiled other U.S. digital ad spending and
Their performance is strik-
ing compared with ad agen-
Meta will garner 18.4%, Insider
Intelligence estimates.
Agency companies have re-
Fashion Giants Pledge
cies’ plight five years ago:
Facebook and
MARKETING Google had es- –10 Projection
sponded by building practices
to help marketers on plat-
forms like TikTok and Ama-
More Recycled Fibers
tablished di- 2017 ’20 ’22 ’17 ’20 ’22 ’17 ’20 ’22 ’17 ’20 ’22 zon.
rect relationships with mar- “It feels like the era of the BY DIETER HOLGER Like many sectors, the fash-
keters and were winning Note: Where projections are a range, chart represents the midpoint. The companies use slightly Facebook-Google ad duopoly is ion industry is coming under
different approaches to calculate and describe these revenue figures, but each strips out elements
growing portions of their ad like acquisitions and reimbursable expenses. over,” MoffettNathanson ana- Fashion companies are increased scrutiny from con-
budgets before agencies could Source: the companies lysts wrote in a September planning to buy more recycled sumers and regulators about
even offer their services. note. “And that’s good for the fibers as part of a wider trend where its fabrics come from
More consumers were “cut- dia tech analyst at Macquarie. To help answer those de- agencies.” of businesses using their and the waste it produces. In
ting the cord” with traditional Agency holding companies mands, some agency holding Many marketers today need spending power to foster inno- the U.S., textile waste going to
television, pressuring the including WPP PLC, Interpub- companies made major acqui- to spread funds across a range vative, low-carbon suppliers. landfills has been rising since
agencies’ income from making lic Group of Cos., Publicis sitions: IPG agreed to buy of platforms and navigate con- Owners of fashion brands 1960 and reached 11.3 million
and placing TV commercials. Groupe SA and Omnicom data-management company voluted sets of data to reach H&M, Zara, Gucci and Stella tons in 2018, according to the
And on top of it all, new com- Group Inc. have overhauled Acxiom Marketing Solutions the right consumers, Moffett- McCartney were among com- latest figures from the U.S. En-
petition emerged: Advertis- their businesses to help clients for $2.3 billion in 2018, while Nathanson said. “Every agency panies that said Monday they vironmental Protection Agency.
ing-technology and market- with services such as manag- Publicis Groupe acquired mar- now has a lucrative ‘digital would collectively buy 550,000 The fashion sector is also
ing-technology firms were ing first-party data—the infor- keting-services firm Epsilon in transformation’ business help- metric tons of alternative fi- bracing for regulations from
offering new data services for mation that marketers directly a deal valued at $4.4 billion in ing legacy companies collect, bers to make textiles and the European Union, whose ex-
marketers, while consulting collect on consumers as op- 2019. Firms sharpened up in organize, and analyze that packaging, such as those made ecutive arm published a plan
firms had set their sights on posed to the third-party data areas such as precision mar- data,” the analysts wrote. from agricultural residues or in March that said clothing
the advertising business. now under pressure from keting to help businesses Marketers also are con- recycled materials. The should be “long-lived and recy-
Some major owners of ad Google, which plans to elimi- reach consumers directly fronting a proliferation of ad- planned purchase represents clable, to a great extent made
agencies watched their growth nate third-party tracking in its through digital platforms, and vertising venues from retailers only a small portion of their of recycled fibers” by 2030.
slow or flatten in 2017 and web browser, and Apple. bulked up their data and tech- and other businesses with di- total output and no deadline “Mounting pressure on the
2018. Agencies are also helping nology offerings. rect consumer interactions, of- was set, largely because the fashion industry to reduce its
Instead of being relegated with e-commerce as brands in- To be sure, marketers take ten incorporating their own materials are currently in environmental footprint has
to the sidelines, however, they creasingly seek to sell directly a range of approaches to their customer data. Walmart lets scarce supply. resulted in conscious fiber al-
have since been bolstered by to consumers. strategies and the way they advertisers use its data to tar- The plan was unveiled as ternatives experiencing a rapid
the advent of new challenges “Clients will come to us and work with outside players, get ads to shoppers across the the United Nations climate uptake within mainstream
for marketers. This includes
the continued splintering of
mass media, soaring demand
for e-commerce during the
say today, ‘How do I succeed
on Amazon?’” said Mark Read,
chief executive of WPP, which
owns agencies including
on with some major brands
choosing to handle some mar-
keting functions largely in-
house. Agencies are also fac-
web, for example. DoorDash,
Kroger, Marriott and CVS
Health run data-driven ad net-
works as well.
conference in Egypt runs into
its second week. Business lead-
ers are increasingly looking for
ways to collaborate and part-
brands,” said Kayla Marci,
market analyst at Edited,
which provides data on the re-
tail industry. Across U.K. and
Covid-19 pandemic, and moves Ogilvy, Wunderman Thompson ing the possibility of reduced Net ad revenues from such ner to help solve their shared European clothing retailers,
us ,
by Apple that have under- and VMLY&R as well as media- marketing budgets from some retail media advertising in the environmental issues to fulfill new products launched online
mined the effectiveness of ad buying business GroupM. clients if economic conditions U.S., which exclude some costs net-zero promises amid rising that advertise more eco-
al a
targeting on Facebook and “‘How do I build brands on so- worsen in 2023. involved with traffic acquisi- scrutiny from customers, regu- friendly materials have grown
other platforms, analysts and cial media? How do I protect But each new riddle for tion, will grow to more than lators and investors. 21% year over year to date and
executives said. my reputation on the web? marketers gives agencies an $55 billion in 2024 from $37 The First Movers Coalition, are now more than three times
ci on
“The complexity and the How do I build stronger em- opening, executives said. billion this year, Insider Intel- founded at last year’s U.N. cli- the 2019 figure, Ms. Marci said.
fragmentation that has only ployee engagement? What’s Facebook parent Meta Plat- ligence estimates. mate conference in Glasgow, is Recycled textile fibers re-
increased in the ad market my mobile experience? How forms Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s another global group of 65 duce the need to chop down
over the last many years has do I build direct-to-consumer Google are commanding businesses that uses promises trees and result in fewer green-
actually just fed into the capa- [offerings]?’ Those are all smaller portions of ad budgets More online at of purchasing to foster innova- house-gas emissions, according
er s
bilities and the expertise of questions that they weren’t as marketers also spend on al- C M O TO DAY tive lower-carbon suppliers in to Canopy, a nonprofit encour-
the ad holding companies,” asking, and we weren’t an- ternatives such as Ama- wsj.com/news/cmo-today hard-to-decarbonize areas, such aging the use of environmen-
zon.com Inc. and ByteDance
m er
said Tim Nollen, a senior me- swering, 10 years ago.” as cement, steel and aviation. tally friendly materials.
m rp
co Fo
us ,
al a
ci on
er s
m er
m rp
co Fo
For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce. For commercial reproduction or distribution, contact Dow Jones Reprints & Licensing at (800) 843-0008 or www.djreprints.com.
M.B.A. Lure Is Held Out Amazon Faces $1 Billion U.K. Competition Suit
For Laid-Off Tech Workers
BY TREFOR MOSS of U.K. consumers. choice and value, but instead it businesses selling on Amazon
An Amazon spokesman said uses tricks of design to manip- to succeed.”
BY LINDSAY ELLIS a recent decline in full-time Amazon.com Inc. faces a $1 the claim was “without merit” ulate consumer choice and di- Amazon faces similar regula-
M.B.A. applications. The ro- billion lawsuit in Britain alleg- and that the company was con- rect customers towards the tory scrutiny in the European
Northwestern University’s bust labor market, as well as ing it has broken U.K. and Eu- fident that would become clear featured offer in its Buy Box,” Union. In July, the company of-
Kellogg School of Management
is making its own bid for tech
talent after mass layoffs at
Meta Platforms, Twitter Inc.
concerns about the cost of the
degree, have kept many would-
be M.B.A. students from join-
ing their applicant pools.
ropean competition law, the
latest legal challenge to the e-
commerce giant in Europe.
The suit, filed in the U.K. on
through the legal process.
At the heart of the claim,
lodged at the Competition Ap-
peal Tribunal in London, is the
Ms. Hunter said in a statement.
Amazon said it helps mer-
chants to reach consumers and
offer them good deals.
fered concessions in a bid to
settle two EU antitrust cases.
The European Commission—
the bloc’s executive arm—has
and other big tech companies. In recent weeks, though, Monday, alleges the company so-called Buy Box containing The lawsuit comes after the said it will seek feedback re-
us ,
Recently laid-off tech em- thousands of employees in the has abused its position by the “Add to basket” and “Buy U.K. Competition and Markets garding Amazon’s proposals,
ployees can apply to pursue a industry have lost their jobs. “promoting offers favorable to now” buttons on the Amazon Authority launched an investi- which include a pledge to stop
al a
full-time M.B.A. or other grad- Greg Hanifee, Kellogg’s as- Amazon and excluding other website. gation into Amazon’s use of using nonpublic data about sell-
uate degree next year without sociate dean of degree pro- sellers” on its website, regard- The suit alleges that Ama- the Buy Box earlier this year. ers on its marketplace. Amazon
submitting standardized test grams, said that the school de- less of whether the other sell- zon steers customers toward The agency is also investigat- said it had engaged construc-
ci on
scores, Kellogg officials said cided to waive tests this ers were offering better deals. buying items promoted via the ing Amazon’s use of third- tively to address concerns.
Monday, as part of an effort to month, around when Twitter The suit was brought by inter- Buy Box while obscuring bet- party seller data, as well as its Amazon’s efforts to seek a
enroll some of the many work- initiated layoffs of about half national law firm Hausfeld & ter deals elsewhere on the criteria for selling under the resolution to the cases in Eu-
ers who have lost jobs in the of its workforce. Technology Co. LLP on behalf of Julie site. It is seeking damages of Prime label. rope—where Germany and the
industry’s bloodletting this fall. companies have a high stan- Hunter, a member of the Fi- around £900 million, equiva- At the time Amazon said it U.K. are the company’s two
er s
Kellogg is offering the in- dard for hiring, which creates nancial Services Consumer lent to about $1.06 billion. would cooperate with the CMA biggest markets outside the
centive as it and other top-tier a pool of talented prospective Panel, an independent body “Many consumers believe and that it had “always U.S.—come as the company
m er
business schools contend with applicants, he said. that represents the interests that Amazon offers good worked hard to help small grapples with slowing growth.
m rp
co Fo
Speakers Include:
Practical Advice
Brian Nelson
Robert Silvers
Under Secretary for Strategy,
NOVEMB ER 16 | ONLINE E VENT Policy and Plans
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CSGP 82.21 -1.07 other nominee should consult with these institutions as to whether they charge any service fees or commissions.
Ameren AEE 82.48 -0.84 Costco COST 509.68 -5.79 HuntingIngalls HII 221.12 -6.46
AmericaMovil AMX 20.25 0.15 CoterraEnergy CTRA 28.13 -0.32 HyattHotels H 91.73 -4.38
AmericaMovil A AMOV 20.18 0.37 Coty COTY 7.43 -0.33 ICICI Bank IBN 22.45 -0.27
AmerAirlines AAL 14.68 -0.20 Coupang CPNG 18.09 -1.05 ICL Group ICL 8.49 -0.26
AEP AEP 88.66 -1.32 Credicorp BAP 156.38 -0.60 IdexxLab IDXX 428.03 -13.24 ON DECEMBER 13, 2022 UNLESS THE OFFER IS EXTENDED OR EARLIER TERMINATED.
AmerExpress AXP 154.13 -0.76 CreditAcceptance CACC 503.06 -18.64 ING Groep ING 11.47 -0.05
AmericanFin AFG 139.15 -0.62 CreditSuisse CS 4.50 -0.13 Invesco IVZ 19.11 -0.66
AmHomes4Rent AMH 31.33 -0.72 CrowdStrike CRWD 142.01 -1.11 IQVIA IQV 222.36 -4.17 The Offer is being made pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of October 31, 2022 (as it may be amended from time to time, the “Merger Agreement”), by and among
AIG AIG 60.24 -0.15 CrownCastle CCI 135.11 -5.36
AmerTowerREIT AMT 215.38 -7.88 CrownHoldings CCK 79.09 -0.64
AmerWaterWorks AWK 144.75 -1.19 CubeSmart CUBE 40.46 -0.75
AmericoldRealty COLD 28.66 -0.14 Cullen/Frost CFR 145.48 -0.23
Ameriprise AMP 320.55 -10.61 s Cummins
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 154.73 1.72
CMI 249.07 0.90
IcahnEnterprises IEP
81.44 -1.16
53.91 -0.38
ICLR 217.08 -4.38
IEX 228.10 -1.98
IllinoisToolWks ITW 225.71 -0.72
Illumina ILMN 234.57 -8.17
Johnson & Johnson, Purchaser and ABIOMED. The Merger Agreement provides, among other things, that as soon as practicable following (but in any event no later than the business day
after) the consummation of the Offer and subject to the satisfaction or waiver of specified conditions, Purchaser will be merged with and into ABIOMED (the “Merger”) in accordance with
Section 251(h) of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”) without a vote on the adoption of the Merger Agreement by ABIOMED stockholders, with ABIOMED continuing
as the surviving corporation in the Merger and thereby becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. At the closing of the Merger, each Share outstanding immediately
prior to the effective time of the Merger (other than (a) Shares owned by Johnson & Johnson, Purchaser or ABIOMED (or held in ABIOMED’s treasury), or by any direct or indirect wholly
owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson or Purchaser, in each case at the commencement of the Offer and immediately prior to the effective time of the Merger, (b) Shares irrevocably
Ametek AME 137.78 -1.07 D E F ImperialOil IMO 56.62 -1.25 accepted for purchase pursuant to the Offer or (c) Shares owned by any stockholders who have properly and validly demanded their appraisal rights in compliance with Section 262 of the
us ,
Amgen AMGN 285.30 0.28 Incyte INCY 77.09 -0.44 DGCL) will be automatically converted into the right to receive the Offer Price, without interest and less any required withholding taxes. As a result of the Merger, ABIOMED will cease
Amphenol APH 78.67 -0.65 DCP Midstream DCP 38.25 -0.48 Infosys INFY 19.55 -0.20 to be a publicly traded company and will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. The terms of the Merger Agreement are more fully described in the Offer to Purchase.
AnalogDevices ADI 161.26 -2.80 DISH Network DISH 16.49 -0.51 IngersollRand IR 55.19 -0.12 The Offer is conditioned upon, among other things, (a) (i) the expiration or termination of any applicable waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements
AngloGoldAsh AU 17.94 -0.04 DTE Energy DTE 113.05 -1.21 PODD 290.08 -3.59
Insulet Act of 1976, as amended and the absence of any voluntary agreement between Johnson & Johnson and ABIOMED, on the one hand, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission or the U.S.
al a
AB InBev BUD 54.77 -0.59 DXC Tech DXC 29.07 -0.39 Intel INTC 30.35 -0.08 Department of Justice, on the other hand, pursuant to which Johnson & Johnson and ABIOMED have agreed not to consummate the Offer or the Merger, and (ii) the receipt of approvals
AnnalyCap NLY 20.93 -0.61 Danaher DHR 266.72 -4.28 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 73.71 0.16 under the antitrust laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria and Japan (collectively, the “Antitrust Clearance Condition”), (b) that, as of immediately prior to
AnteroResources AR 36.12 -1.12 Darden DRI 142.53 1.37 ICE ICE 104.10 -0.22 the expiration of the Offer, the number of Shares validly tendered and not validly withdrawn in accordance with the terms of the Offer, and received by the Depositary in accordance
Aon AON 291.32 -1.68 DarlingIngred DAR 75.42 -0.36 InterContinentl IHG 56.15 -1.39 with the procedures set forth in Section 251(h) of the DGCL (as described in more detail in the Offer to Purchase), together with the Shares then owned by Johnson & Johnson,
ci on
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 62.57 -2.65 Datadog DDOG 78.12 -4.23 s IBM IBM 144.20 1.03 Purchaser and their respective affiliates (if any), represent at least one Share more than 50% of the then-outstanding Shares (the “Minimum Condition”), (c) the absence of any law or order
Apple AAPL 148.28 -1.42 DeckersOutdoor DECK 326.23 -18.85 IntlFlavors IFF 99.36 -1.18 issued by any governmental authority of competent and applicable jurisdiction that has the effect of making the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement illegal or the effect of
ApplMaterials AMAT 107.61 -2.92 Deere DE 406.94 0.91 IntlPaper IP 36.21 0.04 prohibiting or otherwise preventing the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement (the “No Legal Restraint Condition”), (d) the absence of any pending legal proceeding under
Aptargroup ATR 104.40 0.15 DellTechC DELL 42.25 -0.43 Interpublic IPG 32.45 -0.04
Aptiv APTV 109.63 -2.08 DeltaAir any antitrust law brought by a governmental authority of competent and applicable jurisdiction that challenges or seeks to make illegal, prohibit or otherwise prevent the transactions
DAL 34.69 -0.75 Intuit INTU 397.66 -10.38
Aramark ARMK 38.86 0.13 DentsplySirona XRAY 30.35 -1.70 contemplated by the Merger Agreement, or that seeks to impose any Burdensome Condition (as defined in the Offer to Purchase) thereon (the “No Antitrust Proceedings Condition”),
IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 259.44 -5.64 (e) the accuracy of the representations and warranties of ABIOMED contained in the Merger Agreement (subject to certain materiality exceptions), (f) ABIOMED’s compliance or
ArcelorMittal MT 27.00 -0.40 DeutscheBank DB 10.47 -0.15 InvitatHomes INVH 31.30 -0.68
ArchCapital ACGL 56.36 -0.41 DevonEnergy DVN 71.50 -0.30 performance in all material respects with its covenants and agreements contained in the Merger Agreement prior to the expiration time of the Offer and (g) that the Merger Agreement has
IronMountain IRM 51.35 -1.52
ArcherDaniels ADM 94.28 1.21 DexCom DXCM 112.99 -2.97 not been terminated in accordance with its terms (the “Termination Condition”). The Offer is also subject to other conditions as described in the Offer to Purchase (collectively, the “Offer
ItauUnibanco ITUB 4.95 -0.02
er s
AresMgmt ARES 79.53 -4.57 Diageo DEO 173.11 -0.80 Conditions”). See Section 15—“Conditions to the Offer” of the Offer to Purchase. Neither the consummation of the Offer nor the Merger is subject to any financing condition.
arGEN-X ARGX 361.78 -1.29 s DiamondbkEner FANG 163.57 -0.78 J K L The Offer will expire at 11:59 p.m., New York City time, on December 13, 2022, which is the date that is 20 business days after the commencement of the Offer (the “Expiration
Time”), unless Purchaser has extended the Offer pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement (in which event the “Expiration Time” will mean the latest
AristaNetworks ANET 131.20 2.65 Dick's DKS 104.97 -3.49
ArrowElec ARW 109.85 -0.85 DigitalRealty DLR 107.42 -4.16 JD.com JD 50.85 1.92 time and date at which the Offer, as so extended by Purchaser, will expire). The time of acceptance for payment by Purchaser of all Shares validly tendered and not validly withdrawn
m er
AscendisPharma ASND 110.26 -21.71 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 105.93 -2.85 JPMorganChase JPM 133.91 -1.39 in the Offer pursuant to and subject to the conditions of the Offer is referred to as the “Acceptance Time.”
AspenTech AZPN 238.31 -1.41 Disney DIS 94.28 -0.73 Jabil JBL 66.50 0.46
Assurant AIZ 124.76 -3.39 dLocal DLO 22.54 -0.35 JackHenry JKHY 177.43 2.94
AstraZeneca AZN 63.91 1.14 DocuSign DOCU 51.55 -1.45 JacobsSolns J 124.08 -1.64 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ABIOMED UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS THAT ABIOMED
Atlassian TEAM 134.96 -7.41 DolbyLab DLB 70.59 0.22 JamesHardie JHX 19.36 -0.86
AtmosEnergy ATO 110.53 -0.16 DollarGeneral DG 246.93 -2.21 JazzPharm JAZZ 148.45 -0.70 STOCKHOLDERS ACCEPT THE OFFER AND TENDER THEIR SHARES PURSUANT TO THE OFFER.
Autodesk ADSK 223.31 -5.49 DollarTree DLTR 164.50 -1.11 JefferiesFin JEF 36.89 -0.66
m rp
Autoliv ALV 87.22 -1.35 t DominionEner D 57.96 -3.70 J&J JNJ 171.91 2.66 The board of directors of ABIOMED, among other things, has unanimously (a) determined that it is in the best interests of ABIOMED and its stockholders, and
ADP ADP 250.08 0.85 Domino's DPZ 370.23 3.71 JohnsonControls JCI 65.58 -0.81 declared it advisable, for ABIOMED to enter into the Merger Agreement and consummate the Transactions (as defined in the Offer to Purchase), including the Offer
AutoZone AZO 2446.88 37.89 Donaldson DCI 58.90 -0.60 JonesLang JLL 159.86 -5.42 and the Merger, (b) approved the execution and delivery by ABIOMED of the Merger Agreement, the performance by ABIOMED of its covenants and agreements
Avalonbay AVB 166.40 -0.71 DoorDash DASH 62.02 -0.97 JuniperNetworks JNPR 30.24 -0.26 contained in the Merger Agreement and the consummation of the Transactions upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the Merger Agreement
Avangrid AGR 40.75 -0.35 Dover DOV 141.26 0.32 KB Financial KB 37.30 0.04 and (c) resolved to recommend that the stockholders of ABIOMED accept the Offer and tender their Shares to Purchaser pursuant to the Offer, subject to the terms and
Avantor AVTR 21.03 -0.59 Dow DOW 51.95 -1.19 KBR KBR 48.98 -0.34 conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement.
AveryDennison AVY 180.55 -3.28 Doximity DOCS 30.95 -3.99 KE Holdings BEKE 14.00 0.47 The Merger Agreement contains provisions that govern the circumstances in which Purchaser is permitted or required to extend the Offer. The Merger Agreement provides that if,
AvisBudget CAR 235.13 6.43 DrReddy'sLab RDY 54.45 -2.44 KKR KKR 53.62 -3.46 as of the then-scheduled Expiration Time, any of the Offer Conditions other than the Minimum Condition is not satisfied or has not been waived, Purchaser may (and, if requested by
AxonEnterprise AXON 180.89 -2.05 DraftKings DKNG 14.74 -0.14 KLA KLAC 377.91 -1.00 ABIOMED, must) extend the Offer on one or more occasions for an additional period of up to 10 business days (or any longer period as may be approved by ABIOMED) per extension
co Fo
BCE BCE 47.02 -0.15 Dropbox DBX 22.78 -0.28 Kanzhun BZ 16.09 0.84 to permit the satisfaction of all Offer Conditions. In addition, if, as of the then-scheduled Expiration Time, all of the Offer Conditions except the Minimum Condition are satisfied or
BHP Group BHP 58.39 0.34 DukeEnergy DUK 95.45 0.28 KarunaTherap KRTX 227.06 -4.61 have been waived, such that the Minimum Condition is the only Offer Condition that is not satisfied, Purchaser may (and, if requested by ABIOMED, must) extend the Offer on one
BJ'sWholesale BJ 76.16 0.03 DuPont DD 70.57 -0.24 Kellogg K 69.36 0.38
or more occasions for an additional period of up to 10 business days (or any longer period as may be approved by ABIOMED) per extension to permit the Minimum Condition to be
BOK Fin BOKF 103.67 -0.23 Dynatrace DT 37.40 -0.89 KeurigDrPepper KDP 36.54 -0.80
KeyCorp KEY 19.00 -0.83 satisfied (provided that Purchaser is not required to extend the Offer in these circumstances on more than three occasions, but may, in its sole discretion, elect to do so). Purchaser
BP BP 33.55 -0.29 s EMCOR EME 149.52 -1.27 also must extend the Offer as required by applicable legal requirements and any rule, regulation, interpretation or position of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff
Baidu BIDU 91.45 1.99 ENI E 29.77 0.21 KeysightTechs KEYS 171.04 -1.14
KilroyRealty KRC 42.76 -1.71 or the Nasdaq Global Select Market that is applicable to the Offer. However, in no event will Purchaser be required to extend the Offer beyond July 1, 2023 (or, in the event that any of
BakerHughes BKR 30.25 -0.77 EOG Rscs EOG 146.18 -0.93 the Antitrust Clearance Condition, the No Legal Restraint Condition (solely in respect of any antitrust law) or the No Antitrust Proceedings Condition has not been satisfied or waived
Ball BALL 55.54 -1.27 EPAM Systems EPAM 358.10 -2.13 KimberlyClark KMB 127.56 0.11
KimcoRealty KIM 21.81 -0.37 as of that date, September 1, 2023). If Purchaser extends the Offer, the extension will extend the time that tendering stockholders will have to tender (or withdraw) their Shares.
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 5.52 0.02 EQT EQT 42.37 -0.25
KinderMorgan KMI 18.53 -0.16 Purchaser expressly reserves the right to waive any of the Offer Conditions and make any changes to the terms and conditions of the Offer, including the Offer Conditions.
BancoBradesco BBDO 2.49 0.05 EastWestBncp EWBC 71.80 -2.27 However, without the prior written consent of ABIOMED, Purchaser is not permitted to (a) waive or modify the Minimum Condition, the No Legal Restraint Condition, the No Antitrust
BancodeChile BCH 18.71 -0.17 EastGroup EGP 157.09 -3.51 Knight-Swift KNX 54.78 1.09
Philips PHG 14.93 -0.11 Proceedings Condition or the Termination Condition, (b) change the form of consideration payable in the Offer, (c) decrease the Cash Amount, (d) decrease the number of Shares
BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.35 -0.04 EastmanChem EMN 87.56 -1.93
BcoSantChile BSAC 15.13 -0.30 Eaton ETN 161.65 0.05 KoreaElcPwr KEP 7.26 0.07 sought to be purchased in the Offer, (e) extend the Offer or the Expiration Time or terminate the Offer, except as permitted under the Merger Agreement, (f) impose conditions to the
BancoSantander SAN 2.65 ... eBay EBAY 45.91 -0.60 KraftHeinz KHC 36.82 -0.17 Offer other than the Offer Conditions, (g) amend any term or condition of the Offer in any manner that is materially adverse to ABIOMED stockholders, or that would, individually or in
BanColombia CIB 25.74 -0.46 Ecolab ECL 152.89 -2.79 Kroger KR 46.56 -0.28 the aggregate, reasonably be expected to prevent or materially delay the consummation of the Offer or prevent, materially delay or materially impair the ability of Johnson & Johnson or
BankofAmerica BAC 37.76 -0.65 Ecopetrol EC 10.38 0.43 LKQ LKQ 53.63 -0.66 Purchaser to consummate the Offer, the Merger or the other Transactions, (h) decrease the number of CVRs to be issued per Share, (i) amend or purport or seek to amend any term of the
BankofMontreal BMO 99.28 -0.88 EdisonInt EIX 59.92 0.05 LPL Financial LPLA 230.84 2.71 CVR or the CVR Agreement in any manner that is adverse to any ABIOMED stockholder, or (j) provide any “subsequent offering period” within the meaning of Rule 14d-11 promulgated
BankNY Mellon BK 43.58 -0.94 EdwardsLife EW 73.51 -1.14 L3HarrisTech LHX 217.80 -6.95 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”).
BkNovaScotia BNS 51.44 -0.36 ElbitSystems ESLT 189.78 -9.34 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 245.13 -3.84 Any extension, termination or amendment of the Offer will be followed as promptly as practicable by public announcement thereof, and such announcement in the case of an
Barclays BCS 7.50 -0.13 ElectronicArts EA 129.56 -1.67 LamResearch LRCX 480.70 -20.12 extension will be made no later than 9:00 a.m., New York City time, on the next business day after the previously scheduled Expiration Time.
BarrickGold GOLD 16.19 -0.25 ElevanceHealth ELV 490.80 -0.56 LamarAdv LAMR 93.67 -2.24 Because the Merger will be effected in accordance with Section 251(h) of the DGCL, no stockholder vote will be required to consummate the Merger. Subject to the satisfaction
80.11 -1.73
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 33.06 -2.94 EmersonElec EMR 94.79 -0.65 LambWeston LW of the remaining conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, Purchaser and ABIOMED will consummate the Merger as soon as practicable following (but in any event no later than
BaxterIntl BAX 53.68 -1.20 Enbridge ENB 40.16 -1.02 LasVegasSands LVS 43.00 -0.32 the business day after) the Acceptance Time. Purchaser does not expect there to be a significant period of time between the Acceptance Time and the consummation of the Merger.
BectonDicknsn BDX 224.16 -3.51 Endeavor EDR 21.88 -0.56 LatticeSemi LSCC 64.63 -0.04 For purposes of the Offer, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted for payment, and thereby purchased, Shares validly tendered and not validly withdrawn as, if and when
12.03 -0.17 Lear LEA 146.57 -3.50
BeiGene BGNE 202.98 5.03 EnergyTransfer ET Purchaser gives oral or written notice to the Depositary of Purchaser’s acceptance for payment of such Shares pursuant to the Offer. Upon the terms set forth in the Merger Agreement
LegendBiotech LEGN 52.30 -0.20
BentleySystems BSY 38.72 -0.01 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 297.94 5.93 and subject to the Offer Conditions, payment for Shares accepted for payment pursuant to the Offer will be made by deposit of the aggregate Cash Amount (or funds related to the CVRs,
ENTG 75.26 -1.29 Leidos LDOS 104.17 0.79
Berkley WRB 68.62 -1.15 Entegris as discussed below) for such Shares with the Depositary, which will act as agent for tendering stockholders for the purpose of receiving payments from Purchaser and transmitting
ETR 108.56 -2.07 Lennar B LEN.B 70.27 -1.81
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 308.91 -0.81 Entergy such payments to tendering stockholders whose Shares have been accepted for payment. If Purchaser extends the Offer, is delayed in its acceptance for payment of Shares or is unable
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
33536.70 t 211.16, or 0.63% Trailing P/E ratio 20.71 22.45 3957.25 t 35.68, or 0.89% Trailing P/E ratio * 19.35 28.70 11196.22 t 127.11, or 1.12% Trailing P/E ratio *† 24.27 35.35
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.40 18.67 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.72 22.41 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 22.31 29.89
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.02 1.89 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.68 1.28 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.93 0.64
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21
iSh Natl Muni Bd MUB 5,984.9 103.30 ... unch. 103.36 103.29
500 Index 4008.97 3956.40 3957.25 -35.68 4796.56 3577.03 -15.5 -17.0 8.5 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Meta Platforms META 5,329.5 114.15 -0.07 -0.06 114.43 114.00
MidCap 400 2543.20 2506.14 2506.15 -25.97 -1.03 2910.70 2200.75 -13.8 -11.8 8.0 Total volume*5,004,060,260 288,403,036
SmallCap 600 1237.91 1218.47 1218.47 -13.71 -1.11 1459.63 1064.45 -16.3 -13.1 7.6 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*1,809,793,081 79,437,720
Azenta AZTA 183.3 62.84 16.26 34.91 63.80 46.58 Decl. volume*3,155,519,593 204,762,903
Other Indexes
Russell 2000
NYSE Composite
Value Line
1889.41 1861.25 1861.25 -21.49
15415.99 15228.98 15228.98 -123.70
564.36 556.15 556.15 -6.94
on 2405.02 1649.84
17353.76 13472.18
694.90 491.56
Shoals Technologies
Nu Holdings A
Issues traded
NYSE Arca Biotech 5284.34 5196.57 5197.98 -27.00 -0.52 5649.54 4208.43 -4.1 -5.8 4.3
Louisiana-Pacific LPX 84.4 64.63 5.73 9.73 65.71 58.90
New highs 83 30
us ,
NYSE Arca Pharma 826.15 813.47 817.54 9.62 1.19 887.27 737.84 3.8 -1.2 10.5 ...And losers New lows 113 9
KBW Bank 109.48 107.40 107.40 -2.53 -2.30 147.56 94.66 -23.6 -18.8 -0.1 164.2 5.35 -1.62 -23.24 7.20 5.00 Closing Arms† 1.08 0.58
Getty Images GETY
al a
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 118.15 116.21 117.20 -0.20 -0.17 167.76 91.40 -18.5 -11.5 7.7 PlayAGS AGS 74.3 5.50 -0.85 -13.39 6.23 5.40 Block trades* 29,155 1,206
PHLX§ Oil Service 88.68 86.34 86.42 -1.01 -1.15 88.37 49.14 49.0 63.9 9.2 IonQ IONQ 498.3 5.55 -0.44 -7.35 6.03 5.45 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
ci on
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2779.49 2725.77 2728.05 -26.85 -0.97 4039.51 2162.32 -28.1 -30.9 16.4 Corsair Gaming CRSR 100.2 16.91 -1.32 -7.27 18.45 16.47 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 24.33 22.86 23.73 1.21 5.37 36.45 16.37 43.9 37.8 22.1 Pitney Bowes PBI 93.9 3.20 -0.17 -5.04 3.39 3.20 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.
Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
m er
World MSCI ACWI 614.79 –3.87 –0.63 –18.6 Opiant Pharmaceuticals OPNT 20.10 10.60 111.58 37.71 7.34 -21.2 Satsuma Pharmaceuticals STSA 0.68 -3.37 -83.22 8.08 0.59 -88.4
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 278.15 –0.34 –0.12 –19.2 ToughBuilt Industries TBLT 3.79 1.59 72.27 78.15 1.34 -95.2 NWTN NWTN 2.70 -4.60 -63.01 26.27 2.57 -73.7
MSCI World 2653.94 –20.14 –0.75 –17.9 Getty Images GETY 6.97 1.66 31.26 37.88 4.51 -29.7 SELLAS Life Sciences SLS 2.55 -2.00 -43.96 7.70 1.77 -65.9
MSCI Emerging Markets 939.78 4.05 0.43 –23.7 Cabaletta Bio CABA 3.11 0.73 30.67 13.57 0.59 -74.3 POINT Biopharma Global PNT 5.72 -3.42 -37.42 10.98 4.25 -35.9
m rp
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1507.00 –14.16 –0.93 –17.5 MINISO Group Holding ADR MNSO 9.12 2.05 29.00 17.00 4.45 -44.7 Lumos Pharma LUMO 5.82 -3.09 -34.68 10.27 5.82 -37.1
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 19921.81 –189.70 –0.94 –6.1 Insignia Systems ISIG 8.34 1.82 27.91 35.50 4.93 51.9 SOBR Safe SOBR 1.50 -0.60 -28.57 15.00 0.80 -81.8
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2250.75 –3.13 –0.14 5.7 PDS Biotechnology PDSB 7.06 1.46 26.07 11.57 2.89 -35.3 MorphoSys ADR MOR 3.94 -1.52 -27.84 11.06 3.79 -63.7
Brazil BOVESPA 113161.28 907.79 0.81 8.0 Immersion IMMR 6.81 1.30 23.59 7.74 4.28 -1.4 Tremor International ADR TRMR 6.52 -2.30 -26.08 17.92 6.49 -61.8
Chile S&P IPSA 3238.85 –29.53 –0.90 15.4 HireRight HRT 9.52 1.81 23.48 19.46 6.88 -46.8 Stoke Therapeutics STOK 9.33 -3.16 -25.30 33.06 8.36 -67.4
co Fo
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 51785.13 –174.07 –0.34 –2.8 Rubicon Technologies RBT 2.60 0.41 18.72 10.50 1.06 ... TuanChe ADR TC 7.51 -2.41 -24.29 10.74 1.42 225.9
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 432.86 0.60 0.14
–11.3 AcelRx Pharmaceuticals ACRX 2.43 0.37 17.96 16.30 1.76 -83.7 DecisionPoint Systems DPSI 5.71 -1.69 -22.84 14.22 3.10 42.8
Eurozone Euro STOXX 420.15 1.77 0.42
–12.3 Intellicheck IDN 2.45 0.37 17.79 6.49 1.33 -59.4 908 Devices MASS 12.48 -3.53 -22.05 32.25 11.88 -59.6
Belgium Bel-20 3671.77 8.83 0.24
–14.8 Agenus AGEN 2.93 0.42 16.73 3.87 1.25 -19.7 Hudson Global HSON 22.00 -6.20 -21.99 44.00 21.61 -18.8
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1727.36 18.20 1.06
–7.3 Clear Secure YOU 29.69 4.23 16.61 51.72 18.79 -33.1 AGBA Acquisition AGBA 5.71 -1.42 -19.92 11.81 4.84 -48.1
6609.17 0.22–7.6 Dingdong (Cayman) ADR DDL 4.08 0.57 16.24 33.80 2.43 -86.0 Alight ALIT 8.06 -1.79 -18.17 11.18 6.31 -26.7
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Israel Tel Aviv 1944.05 –21.66 –1.10 –1.7
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Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 706.67 3.76 0.53 –11.4
1.02 –26.7 ProShares UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 212,047 -2.6 22.07 -2.65 91.68 16.32 Opiant Pharmaceuticals OPNT 1,859 12923 20.10 111.58 37.71 7.34
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0.84 Mullen Automotive MULN 149,278 3.9 0.30 -1.78 15.90 0.21 PDS Biotechnology PDSB 17,612 7296 7.06 26.07 11.57 2.89
Spain IBEX 35 8166.50 68.38 –6.3
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Sweden OMX Stockholm 814.44 –2.80 –0.34 –21.5
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Switzerland Swiss Market 10999.59 –127.56 –1.15
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U.K. FTSE 250 19622.25 6.04 0.03 –16.4 Tesla TSLA 91,873 24.9 190.95 -2.56 402.67 177.12 Insignia Systems ISIG 650 6585 8.34 27.91 35.50 4.93
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* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
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CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0062161.7726 57.5 Europe
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Canada dollar .7509 1.3317 5.3 Denmark krone .1388 7.2033 10.1
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Chile peso .001122 891.20 4.6 Euro area euro 1.0329 .9682 10.1
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and Rates
Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000208 4803.00 18.1 Hungary forint .002527 395.76 21.9
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .006843 146.13 12.6
A consumer rate against its New car loan Mexico peso .0517 19.3535 –5.6 Norway krone .0996 10.0387 14.0
benchmark over the past year Tradeweb ICE Monday Close 5.00% Uruguay peso .02500 39.9950 –10.6 Poland zloty .2191 4.5634 13.3
Bankrate.com avg†: 6.14% t 28% Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .01629 61.375 –17.9
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch 3.80% 4.00 Sweden krona .0953 10.4922 15.9
Australian dollar .6702 1.4921 8.4
7.00% 14 WSJ Dollar Index Switzerland franc 1.0601 .9433 3.4
New car loan Humble, TX 281-446-7000 s Kazakhstan tenge .002167 461.49 6.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6539 .3768 –0.04
4.00 Frost Bank 4.99% 0.00 –28 Macau pataca .1238 8.0750 0.5 Egypt pound .0409 24.4572 55.7
Malaysia ringgit .2176 4.5963 10.3 Israel shekel .2917 3.4278 10.3
Houston, TX 800-513-7678 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 20212022
3.00 New Zealand dollar .6097 1.6402 12.2 Kuwait dinar 3.2490 .3078 1.7
Cambridge Savings Bank 5.12% month(s) years
D J FMAM J J A S O N Pakistan rupee .00451 221.500 25.7 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 unch
Cambridge, MA 888-418-5626 maturity Philippines peso .0175 57.220 12.2 Qatar rial .2747 3.641 –0.03
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7288 1.3722 1.7 Saudi Arabia riyal .2661 3.7587 0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0007551 1324.27 11.4 South Africa rand .0578 17.3153 8.6
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0027360 365.50 80.1
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 3.75-4.00 3.75-4.00 0.00 l 4.00 2.25 Taiwan dollar .03236 30.902 11.5
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .02800 35.710 7.5 WSJ Dollar Index 99.53 0.37 0.37 11.15
Prime rate* 7.00 7.00 3.25 l 7.00 2.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 4.64 4.56 0.16 l 4.65 2.74 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2066.260 4.220 4.560 4.560 1.120 –13.092 –3.013
Money market, annual yield 0.27 0.25 0.07 l 0.27 -0.31
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.41 2.40 0.41 l 2.41 0.98 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3059.320 4.240 4.520 4.570 1.720 –30.518 –8.675 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 6.91 7.33 3.09 l 7.41 2.93 Aggregate, Bloomberg 1919.200 4.760 5.150 5.210 1.680 –14.133 –3.086 Monday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.23 6.50 2.42 l 6.53 2.80 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 1905.330 4.750 5.200 5.380 1.930 –13.057 –3.560
Jumbo mortgages, $647,200-plus† 6.87 7.33 3.10 l 7.44 2.45 DJ Commodity 1064.56 -6.49 -0.61 1264.48 893.10 10.75 12.51
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3103.366 8.026 8.438 8.753 3.669 –9.977 –0.220 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 282.16 -3.63 -1.27 329.59 218.39 18.82 21.43
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 5.60 5.56 2.82 l 5.60 1.01
Muni Master, ICE BofA 543.321 3.637 3.887 3.936 0.895 –9.413 –1.094 Crude oil, $ per barrel 85.87 -3.09 -3.47 123.70 65.57 6.17 14.17
New-car loan, 48-month 6.14 6.12 3.41 l 6.14 1.63
Bankrate.com rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 745.161 8.122 8.604 9.159 4.867 –19.051 –4.813 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 5.933 0.054 0.92 9.680 3.561 18.26 59.06
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Bankrate.com Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1773.60 7.60 0.43 2040.10 1623.30 -4.96 -2.95
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COMMODITIES wsj.com/market-data/commodities
Metal & Petroleum Futures March'23 661.50 664.50 657.00 659.25 –3.75 479,269 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .7195 .7234 .7132 .7177 –.0074 235,616
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Jan 36.10 36.50 36.10 36.49 .99 1,906 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Contract Open 36.44 .55 2,784
Dec 388.00 394.75 386.00 394.25 7.25 2,389 May Nov .7543 .7553 .7511 .7524 –.0026 296
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
March'23 389.25 395.75 386.75 395.25 7.75 1,913 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .7528 .7555 .7511 .7526 –.0025 138,164
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 88.20 88.40 85.12 85.28 –2.92 31,373 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Nov 3.8480 3.8720 3.8365 3.8550 –0.0960 1,254 Nov 1460.00 1460.00 1435.75 1441.75 –13.75 69 March'23 86.50 86.52 83.33 83.62 –2.71 97,294 Nov 1.1760 1.1828 1.1725 1.1748 –.0106 859
March'23 3.9225 3.9470 3.8055 3.8275 –0.0735 72,316 Jan'23 1449.25 1455.25 1434.25 1440.50 –9.50 253,920 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 1.1795 1.1840 1.1720 1.1791 –.0074 227,418
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Jan 202.55 203.30 194.70 194.95 –8.35 9,558 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Nov 1762.00 1772.50 s 1761.60 1773.60 7.60 1,076
Dec 407.90 412.10 403.90 406.00 –1.40 95,160 March 198.50 198.50 190.60 190.75 –7.75 994 Dec 1.0648 1.0671 1.0578 1.0660 –.0011 43,210
Dec 1769.40 1778.40 1755.80 1776.90 7.50 270,021
Jan'23 404.00 407.30 400.60 402.20 –1.40 116,171 March'23 1.0732 1.0783 1.0692 1.0772 –.0009 527
Jan'23 1774.80 1784.30 s 1765.20 1784.00 7.40 238
Feb 1783.50 1792.40 1770.00 1790.80 7.30 193,707
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Interest Rate Futures Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Dec 77.20 77.33 75.61 76.28 –.69 88,225 Nov .6674 .6711 .6665 .6706 –.0010 61
April 1793.90 1807.30 1785.00 1805.70 7.30 22,440 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Jan'23 74.73 74.82 73.24 73.88 –.66 105,776 Dec .6689 .6731 .6671 .6727 .0005 160,041
June 1813.30 1822.20 1801.10 1821.00 7.50 12,089 Dec 130-080 131-080 129-230 130-080 –21.0 1,479,480
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Nov 17.63 .01 140 March'23 130-200 131-220 130-080 130-230 –20.0 1,323
Nov … … … 2036.90 13.00 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Nov .05144 .00018 3
Dec 2036.50 2045.00 1951.50 2039.50 13.00 5,060 Jan'23 17.96 18.02 17.81 17.96 –.02 6,438 Dec .05095 .05145 .05078 .05138 .00041 301,264
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 123-110 123-300 122-310 123-210 –5.0 1,205,923
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March'23 123-060 123-220 122-240 123-140 –5.0 7,511 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Nov 1042.30 –5.10 1 Dec 813.00 828.75 804.75 818.50 4.75 95,492
Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Nov 1.0331 1.0350 1.0272 1.0331 –.0033 737
Jan'23 1049.20 1049.20 1013.60 1033.00 –5.10 56,843 March'23 835.50 848.00 825.75 838.25 3.00 129,358
Dec 112-040 112-070 111-290 112-040 –6.0 4,018,850 Dec 1.0355 1.0386 1.0297 1.0380 –.0011 662,591
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Nov 21.865 22.100 s 21.855 22.092 0.446 150 Dec 947.75 965.75 942.75 956.25 12.75 43,181 March'23 112-145 112-155 112-060 112-130 –5.5 72,639
Dec 21.770 22.190 21.370 22.113 0.446 71,570 March'23 945.25 959.50 937.25 949.75 10.75 64,301 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Index Futures
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 107-242 107-247 107-160 107-220 –4.0 4,280,638 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Dec 89.02 89.57 85.15 85.87 –3.09 178,089 Nov 176.850 177.300 176.450 176.950 … 2,454 March'23 107-272 108-017 107-257 107-317 –3.2 50,359 Dec 33645 33981 33550 33561 –202 73,492
Jan'23 88.24 88.77 84.51 85.16 –3.00 230,355 Jan'23 178.750 179.700 178.550 179.450 .875 25,708 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% March'23 33922 34221 33815 33817 –196 1,721
Feb 87.14 87.77 83.76 84.36 –2.81 94,123 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 102-126 102-122 102-090 102-111 –2.6 2,203,929
Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
March 86.13 86.78 82.97 83.52 –2.62 104,186 Dec 151.625 152.375 151.250 151.575 .050 67,002 March'23 102-195 102-215 102-179 102-203 –2.8 49,640
Dec 3984.00 4017.50 3964.00 3966.00 –34.25 2,274,247
June 83.33 84.17 80.79 81.11 –2.14 127,262 Feb'23 153.325 153.675 152.275 152.550 –.700 103,520 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. March'23 4024.00 4050.75 3997.50 3999.00 –34.00 67,973
Dec 78.88 79.52 77.10 77.40 –1.41 170,685 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Nov 96.2175 96.2200 96.2175 96.2200 .0025 363,221
Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Dec 84.975 85.950 84.350 84.875 .525 47,812 Jan'23 95.6450 95.6500 95.6350 95.6450 334,256
Dec 2533.60 2548.40 2510.10 2511.00 –25.80 46,539
Dec 3.5846 3.7037 3.5231 3.5440 –.0113 46,061 Feb'23 89.000 89.975 88.250 88.975 .575 67,570 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% March'23 2513.40 –24.80 1
Jan'23 3.4779 3.5576 3.4148 3.4290 –.0217 64,389 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Dec 90-255 90-300 90-145 90-245 –6.5 15,003
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Nov 441.50 448.00 425.00 447.20 2.60 59 Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Dec 11791.00 11898.50 11702.00 11734.75 –113.25 267,075
Dec 2.6193 2.6525 2.5200 2.5285 –.0811 58,051 Jan'23 429.00 434.80 t 411.10 415.20 –15.40 1,979 Sept 96.5300 96.5300 96.5250 96.5275 633,695
Jan'23 2.5695 2.5880 2.4645 2.4719 –.0837 87,933 March'23 11912.00 12013.75 11820.50 11851.75 –112.75 4,751
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. March'23 95.1300 95.1300 95.0750 95.1100 –.0350 1,096,202
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Nov 20.96 20.99 20.94 20.99 .01 4,393 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Dec 1881.10 1895.40 1863.40 1866.00 –20.80 470,798
Dec 6.119 6.416 5.890 5.933 .054 62,606 Dec 21.66 21.80 21.48 21.78 .20 5,224 Nov 95.3700 95.3700 95.3600 95.3561 –.0214 137,215
Jan'23 6.491 6.742 6.260 6.299 .036 158,730 March'23 1894.80 1910.00 1880.50 1881.40 –20.60 1,504
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Dec 95.0100 95.0175 94.9575 94.9850 –.0300 1,583,373
Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Feb 6.229 6.471 6.020 6.050 .028 64,167
Dec 2,504 2,517 2,487 2,497 –23 29,194 March'23 94.8200 94.8200 94.7600 94.7900 –.0450 865,710
March 5.562 5.675 5.384 5.410 .041 96,290 Dec 2190.50 2207.70 2178.60 2179.00 –21.10 10,817
March'23 2,500 2,515 2,488 2,498 –20 118,567 Dec 95.3750 95.3800 95.3000 95.3350 –.0750 899,552
April 4.809 4.891 4.699 4.726 –.002 83,368 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
May 4.790 4.856 4.675 4.706 –.006 91,542
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 106.66 107.15 106.33 106.53 .37 50,874
Dec 168.70 168.70 163.40 166.20 –3.90 22,766 Currency Futures March'23 106.23 106.71 105.96 106.10 .36 1,135
March'23 167.00 167.95 163.15 166.90 –1.20 100,555
Agriculture Futures Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Nov .7184 .7204 .7103 .7119 –.0104 536 Source: FactSet
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 19.59 19.98 19.50 19.83 .19 362,392
Dec 657.00 662.00 652.25 657.25 –.75 416,611 May 18.55 18.85 18.50 18.79 .19 174,804
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 98.92 –0.61 –6.5
1919.20 -14.3 U.S. Aggregate 4.760 1.680 5.210 1905.33 -13.1 Mortgage-Backed 4.750 1.930 5.380 InvscQQQI QQQ 285.44 –0.88 –28.3
iShRussellMCValue IWS 108.45 –1.26 –11.4 VangdFTSE EM VWO 38.81 –0.33 –21.5
iShRussell1000 IWB 217.87 –0.88 –17.6 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 54.84 –1.15 –19.6
InvscS&P500EW RSP 144.49 –1.09 –11.2
U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 1880.39 -11.8 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 4.820 1.970 5.370 iShS&P500Growth IVW 61.74 –1.07 –26.2 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 50.09 –0.95 –18.3
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 50.47 –0.73 –9.2
iShS&P500Value IVE 146.78 –0.63 –6.3 VangdGrowth VUG 227.28 –1.21 –29.2
1119.53 -13.2 Fannie mae (FNMA) 4.730 1.920 5.390 iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 60.88 –1.12 –18.4
2803.53 -17.6 U.S. Corporate 5.600 2.270 6.130 iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 46.69 –0.51 –22.0
iShShortTreaBd SHV 109.91 –0.01 –0.5 VangdHlthCr VHT 244.06 –0.14 –8.4
iShTIPSBondETF TIP 106.30 –0.74 –17.7 VangdHiDiv VYM 109.71 –0.52 –2.1
2744.58 -10.6 Intermediate 5.480 1.760 6.050 1714.82 -13.7 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 4.730 1.920 5.370 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 57.65 –1.00 –18.7
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 81.17 –0.09 –5.1 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 76.76 –0.54 –17.2
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 396.81 –0.84 –16.8
3645.12 -28.4
Long term
5.850 2.980 6.370
4.900 1.950 5.320
5.890 2.500 6.440
on Muni Master
7-12 year
12-22 year
3.637 0.895 3.936
3.455 0.918 3.794
4.126 1.180 4.428
iShCoreS&P MC
iShCoreS&P SC
JPM UltShIncm
VangdMC Val
iShSelectDividend DVY 121.60 –0.74 –0.8 SPDR Gold GLD 164.92 0.22 –3.5 VangdST Bond BSV 75.07 –0.07 –7.1
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 397.52 -18.1 22-plus year 4.792 1.673 5.131
us ,
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 87.85 –0.90 –18.6 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 39.36 –0.63 –6.3 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 74.80 –0.20 –7.9
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 71.90 –0.26 –11.1 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 46.47 –0.79 –16.8 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 47.68 –0.31 –7.2
461.29 -11.6 High Yield Constrained 8.873 4.198 9.623 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 117.53 –0.82 –19.3 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 53.50 –1.02 –26.2 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.78 –0.07 –5.0
33.64 0.24 –3.4
-12.5 iShGoldTr IAU 32.49 –16.4
419.80 -16.7 Triple-C-rated 16.101 7.542 16.916 524.76 Global Government 3.000 0.840 3.250 SchwabIntEquity SCHF –1.13 VangdSC VB 191.95 –1.21 –15.1
al a
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 73.90 –0.74 –15.1 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 46.46 –0.81 –17.8 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 48.45 –0.21 –11.8
763.56 -9.0 Canada 3.330 1.430 3.780 iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 104.04 –0.51 –21.5 SchwabUS Div 76.47 –0.59 –5.4 71.26 –0.32 –15.9
3103.37 -10.7 High Yield 100 8.026 3.669 8.753 iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 82.79 –0.85 –24.1
SCHD VangdTotalBd BND
SchwabUS LC SCHX 46.76 –0.87 –17.8 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.18 –0.31 –12.7
-13.1 341.27 -15.9 EMU§ 2.905 0.271 3.215 iShMBSETF MBB 92.07 –0.28 –14.3 59.08 –1.07 –27.8 51.67 –0.96 –18.7
ci on
399.87 Global High Yield Constrained 9.091 4.601 9.945 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG VangdTotIntlStk VXUS
iShMSCIACWI ACWI 86.80 –0.90 –17.9 SchwabUS SC SCHA 42.61 –1.14 –16.8 VangdTotalStk VTI 198.35 –0.90 –17.8
307.78 -11.8 Europe High Yield Constrained 7.350 2.760 8.508 636.06 -16.3 France 2.710 0.150 2.980 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 64.77 –1.05 –17.7 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 52.14 –0.67 –17.1 VangdTotWrldStk VT 88.03 –0.97 –18.1
iSh MSCI EM EEM 37.93 –0.60 –22.4 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 335.77 –0.60 –7.6 VangdValue VTV 141.42 –0.57 –3.9
U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 454.15 -15.4 Germany 2.160 -0.370 2.400
1676.34 -8.5 U.S Agency 4.580 1.030 4.910 282.44 -4.1 Japan 0.800 0.310 0.910
1485.59 -7.1 10-20 years 4.560 0.930 4.890 492.78 -17.3 Netherlands 2.400 -0.200 2.720
er s
3116.37 -25.4
2480.63 -13.9
20-plus years
4.950 2.010 5.240
5.400 1.920 5.840
809.03 -22.0
745.16 -19.0
U.K. 3.420 0.720 4.690
Emerging Markets ** 8.122 4.867 9.159 The Marketplace
m er
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
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** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Your Book
Reference is hereby made to that certain Indenture, dated as of December 18, 2002 (the “Indenture”), by and among
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session Mulberry Street CDO, Ltd., as Issuer thereunder, Mulberry Street CDO Funding Corp., as Co-Issuer thereunder, Deutsche
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points Story of Success in Business or Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee thereunder (when acting in such capacity, the “Trustee”) and MBIA
Insurance Corporation as Issuer thereunder. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Indenture and the
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago Life Story. We Write & Publish. Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York, the following assets will be sold (individually or on a
4.375 U.S. 2 4.406 s l 4.324 4.507 0.522 portfolio basis) to the highest qualified bidder(s) at Public Auctions to be held on the dates and times set forth below:
co Fo
0.000 Italy 2 2.789 t l 2.809 2.980 -0.239 -162.3 -151.5 -76.2 INVEST IN SECURED, 9
MSAC 2002-HE3 B1
MSDWC 2002-OP1 M2
2.500 10 4.195 t l 4.212 4.798 0.960 32.4 39.3 -60.7 COLLATERALIZED 11 75970NAC1 RAMC 2002-3 M2 5,000,000.00 RMBS
12 805564ML2 SAST 2002-3 M2 2,000,000.00 RMBS
0.005 Japan 2 -0.055 s l -0.065 -0.044 -0.114 -446.7 -438.9 -63.8 FIRST LIEN PORTFOLIO NO. 2 – ABS Student Loan
Toledo Hospital
Bausch Health
Nov. 15, ’28
Sept. 30, ’28
OWNIT 2006-1 B1
RALI 2006-QO3 M8
RAMC 2005-4 M7
Zero Factor
Zero Factor
Zero Factor
39 759676AS8 RAMC 2006-2 M8 3,000,000.00 Zero Factor
American Airlines AAL 3.750 9.18 March 1, ’25 88.990 0.87 86.522 ADVERTISE TODAY 40 75970HAS9 RAMC 2006-4 M8 3,938,000.00 Zero Factor
Navient NAVI 6.750 8.30 June 25, ’25 96.420 0.83 94.250 41 75970HAT7 RAMC 2006-4 M9 2,250,000.00 Zero Factor
0.75 64.250 42 753910AL2 RASC 2005-KS12 M8 2,000,000.00 Zero Factor
Transocean RIG 6.800 11.78 March 15, ’38 65.000 (800) 366-3975 43 86358EPY6 SAIL 2004-11 M9 4,000,000.00 Zero Factor
Occidental Petroleum OXY 7.875 6.45 Sept. 15, ’31 109.455 0.71 107.438 44 83611DAN8 SVHE 2006-NLC1 M9 2,101,000.00 Zero Factor
For more information visit: 45 83611MMU9 SVHE 2006-OPT2 M8 1,500,000.00 Zero Factor
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Intesa Sanpaolo ISPIM 5.017 8.08 June 26, ’24 95.448 –2.28 94.098 please be advised that the sale of the above-noted assets (individually or on a portfolio basis) will be made only
Liberty Interactive LINTA 8.250 24.32 Feb. 1, ’30 46.500 –2.00 63.000 to the highest qualified bidder(s). For additional information regarding this Public Auction, and to obtain a Bid
–1.21 113.250 Package, please contact Odeon Capital Group LLC, Attn: James Burke, Managing Director, E-mail: jburke@odeoncap.
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American Airlines AAL 11.750 7.33 July 15, ’25 110.500 –0.92 108.780 com; Telephone No.: 212.257.6168; Mobile No.: 631.682.4257. The Public Auction will be a public disposition (within
the meaning of Section 9-610 of the UCC).
Sprint S 7.125 5.45 June 15, ’24 102.494 –0.90 101.320 Disclaimer. The Trustee is authorized at this Public Auction, if the Trustee deems it necessary or otherwise advisable
Navient NAVI 5.875 7.56 Oct. 25, ’24 97.000 –0.74 96.565 or is required by applicable law to do so: (a) to restrict the prospective bidders on, or purchasers of, any of the above-
–0.48 63.250 noted assets to be sold to those persons who (i) represent and warrant that they are a “qualified institutional buyer,”
Dish DBS … 5.125 13.15 June 1, ’29 65.500 as such term is defined in Rule 144A(a)(i) promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
Mattel MAT 6.200 7.88 Oct. 1, ’40 84.023 –0.48 n.a. “Act”), and a “qualified purchaser” for purposes of Section 3(c)(7) of the United States Investment Company Act
of 1940, as amended; and (ii) agree that they will not resell such assets without compliance with the registration
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread. requirements of the Act and applicable state securities laws or pursuant to valid exemptions therefrom and (b) to
© 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. impose such other limitations or conditions in connection with this Public Auction as the Trustee deems necessary or
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New Highs and Lows 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
GenieEnergyPfd GNEpA 9.88 4.6 MDH Acqn A MDH 9.97 ... QuantumFin QFTA 9.94 0.1 AirSculptTech AIRS 2.69 -17.7 FinStrategiesWt FXCOW 0.02 -7.1 MedicennaTherap MDNA 0.50 -17.2 SatsumaPharm STSA 0.59 -83.2
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE GileadSciences GILD 84.14 1.3 MammothEnergy TUSK 8.36 10.5 Rambus RMBS 38.88 0.5 Akili AKLI 1.57 -6.9 FoxWayneEntsWt FOXWW 0.02 -5.8 Medigus MDGS 4.53 5.1 Science37 SNCE 0.81 -4.4
GlbPtrII A GPAC 10.04 ... MarathonPetrol MPC 123.12 -0.6 ResoluteForest RFP 21.20 -0.1 AlgonquinPwrUn AQNU 28.00 -13.1 GenentaScience GNTA 3.90 -13.2 MinervaSurgical UTRS 0.22 2.8 SemperParatusWt LGSTW 0.01 -4.5
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low AlgonquinPwr AQN 7.88 -14.3 GlassHousesWt GLHAW 0.00 -60.0 SQLLW 0.04 -33.3
GrandCanyonEduc LOPE 111.01 1.3 Mobileye MBLY 31.88 -1.9 RevivaPharmWt RVPHW 1.45 6.5 Minim MINM 0.16 -4.1 SeqLL Wt
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. GreenVisorI A GVCI 10.23 0.1 ModineMfg MOD 21.53 1.2 S&T Bancorp STBA 38.39 0.6 ArbeRoboticsWt ARBEW 0.26 -1.4 GlenfarneMergerWt GGMCW 0.00 -66.7 MobilicomWt MOBBW 0.13 -23.9 7GC Wt VIIAW 0.01 -50.0
Greif B GEF.B 77.78 1.7 MurphyOil MUR 51.29 -3.4 SCP&COHlthcrA SHAC 10.02 -0.1 ArbeRobotics ARBE 4.12 -0.7 GoldenMatrix GMGI 2.28 -5.2 MorphoSys MOR 3.79 -27.8 SilverSpikeII Wt SPKBW 0.01 -75.0
Monday, November 14, 2022 GrAeroportuario OMAB 69.27 1.3 NV5Global NVEE 154.41 1.9 SDCLEDGEAcqn SEDA 9.97 0.1 ArgoBlockchainNts ARBKL 1.45 -0.7 GranitePointPfdA GPMTpA 18.74 -1.7 NSTS Bancorp NSTS 9.95 -1.9 SolunaPfdA SLNHP 2.76 -19.2
AceConvergence ACEV
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
10.91 -4.1
CRA Intl
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
ECB Bancorp ECBK
EQ Health A
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
GpoAeroportuar PAC
GpoAeroportSur ASR
GulfIslandFab GIFI
HainanManaslu HMAC
HalozymeTherap HALO
HealthcareAIAcqn HAIAU
NewVistaAcqnA NVSA
ON Semi
NortheastCmBncp NECB
NorthrimBanCorp NRIM
Schlumberger SLB
SmartFinancial SMBK
SportsVenturesA AKIC
SteelDynamics STLD
Switch SWCH
AveannaHealth AVAH
B.RileyPrin250Wt BRIVW
BerkshireGreyWt BGRYW
0.94 -3.9
0.05 -32.4
0.13 -10.7
0.27 -13.2
1.11 -2.5
1.04 -3.8
6.70 -4.9
GreenwaveTech GWAV
HarborCustom HCDI
HarborCustomPfdA HCDIP
HarborCustomWt HCDIW
0.96 -30.0
0.66 -24.5
6.90 -13.8
0.05 -52.1
57.14 -9.9
0.10 24.5
0.96 1.9
NWTN 2.57 -63.0 SoundHoundAI SOUN
NewYorkCityReit NYC
1.81 3.1 StokeTherap
1.66 2.2
4.40 -1.0 StarryGroupWt STRY.WS 0.01 2.9
8.36 -25.3
2.71 -5.5 StratimCloudWt SCAQW 0.00 209.5
1.78 -2.7
0.90 -0.5
0.79 -14.6 TBSA Acqn Wt TBSAW 0.04 -19.8
ADMA Biologics ADMA 3.42 1.2 CAT 239.85 ... EAC 10.01 0.4 HeritageGlobal HGBL 2.42 6.7 PearlHoldingsAcqn PRLHU 10.15 ... TB SA Acqn TBSAU 10.00 0.1 Canaan CAN 2.46 10.0 HolleyWt HLLY.WS 0.35 -18.7 TGVentureAcqnWt TGVCW 0.01 -21.6
Caterpillar EdifyAcqnA Nuwellis NUWE 0.12 -40.0
us ,
Aflac AFL 70.79 -2.3 ChainBridgeIA CBRG 10.19 0.4 EM Horizon A HORI 10.14 0.3 HudsonAcqnIUn HUDAU 10.12 0.4 Pearson PSO 11.23 0.7 TC Bancshares TCBC 15.18 0.1 CatalystPtrsWt CPARW 0.01 -3.3 HumanCoAcqnWt HMCOW 0.01 -26.5 TKBCriticalTech1Wt USCTW 0.02 -34.4
Oncocyte OCX 0.40 -12.8
AllisonTransm ALSN 43.94 -0.1 ChengheAcqnA CHEA 10.23 0.4 EncoreWire WIRE 154.06 -0.3 IonAcqn3 IACC 10.06 -0.2 PennsWoodsBncp PWOD 25.64 2.4 TargetGlbl I A TGAA 10.17 ... CazooWt CZOO.WS 0.01 -15.6 IMV IMV 0.28 -4.0 TomiEnvl TOMZ 0.56 -10.6
OncologyInst TOI 2.08 -3.7
AmercoN UHALB 65.88 5.5 Chevron CVX 189.68 ... Enerplus ERF 19.08 -0.5 IberePharmA IBER 9.99 -0.1 PenskeAuto PAG 128.75 2.4 Tenneco TEN 19.99 0.4 Centogene CNTG 0.82 -6.8 IceCureMedical ICCM 1.01 -3.6 TZP Strategies Wt TZPSW 0.01 -63.0
Oncorus ONCR 0.49 0.8
AmShrHosp AMS 3.10 4.8 CitigrpCapXIIIPf CpN 28.71 -0.8 9.81 -1.9 Immunocore IMCR 64.58 3.5 PerformanceFood PFGC 58.94 2.6 TenXKeaneAcqn TENKU 10.20 0.3 CipherMiningWt CIFRW 0.06 9.5 Icosavax ICVX 2.28 -6.8 TailwindIntlWt TWNI.WS 0.01 -34.9
Eneti NETI
CoeptisTherap COEP 2.00 -4.6 IMPL 3.34 -11.8 OneEquityPtrsIWt OEPWW 0.00 -40.0 TalisBiomed TLIS 0.53 -4.1
al a
AmkorTech AMKR 26.98 3.7 ClarimAcqnA CLRM 10.04 0.2 EverestConsolA MNTN 10.18 ... IndustrsBachoco IBA 50.85 2.1 Phillips66 PSX 113.53 -0.9 ThunderBridgeIII A TBCP 9.96 0.2 ImpelPharm
DSS DSS 0.20 0.5 IndLogistics ILPT 3.73 -9.2 P10 PX 9.65 -5.4 Telephone&Data TDS 10.54 -8.1
AuraFatProjects AFARU 10.25 0.3 Coca-Cola Femsa KOF 68.51 1.8 EvergreenA EVGR 10.18 0.1 InflectionPointA IPAX 9.92 0.3 PlutonianAcqn PLTNU 10.08 0.3 ValarisWt VAL.WS 13.70 7.7
DataStorageWt DTSTW 0.13 -5.0 InspiratoWt ISPOW 0.14 -6.7 PLxPharma PLXP 0.30 -11.9 TherivaBio TOVX 0.57 -1.1
BK Tech BKTI 3.14 10.6 CompassTherap CMPX 4.80 5.4 FtacHeraA HERA 10.01 0.1 InsightAcqnA INAQ 10.00 0.4 PontemA PNTM 10.03 ... Valaris VAL 70.17 ...
VishayPrecision VPG 39.67 0.6 DeepLakeCapWt DLCAW 0.00 -27.8 InstilBio TIL 2.06 -7.7 PonoCapitalWt PONOW 0.02 -22.3 Thoughtworks TWKS 7.61 -2.2
ByteAcqnA BYTS 10.00 0.1 CovenantLogist CVLG 40.31 3.3 FatProjectsAcqn FATP 10.05 ... IBM IBM 146.08 0.7 PrimeMedicine PRME 21.73 -7.1 ProvidentBncp PVBC 11.40 -3.2 TravelCtrsNt29 TANNL 24.68 0.7
BatteryFutureUn BFAC.U 10.18 0.1 JILL 24.40 ... ProgressAcqnA PGRW 10.60 ... VistaEnergy VIST 14.56 3.6 DominionEner D 57.95 -6.0 IsoPlexis ISO 1.46 -5.2
CrownPropA CPTK 10.02 0.3 FederalSignal FSS 49.55 -0.2 J.Jill
ci on
Wabtec WAB 102.11 -1.4 DriveShackPfdB DSpB 12.29 -1.2 JounceTherap JNCE 1.05 -10.2 QuinceTherap QNCX 0.69 -12.9 TrinityPlace TPHS 0.70 -0.6
BelFuse A BELFA 36.82 1.3 Cummins CMI 252.60 0.4 FortressCap FCAX.U 10.04 0.3 JoffFintech JOFFU 10.04 0.3 PropSolnsII PSAGU 10.00 0.2 Reed's REED 0.11 -2.5 TuscanIIWt
9.94 ... 10.05 -0.1 WillisLease WLFC 43.68 4.9 DuneAcqnWt DUNEW 0.01 -6.7 KaratPkg KRT 13.01 -4.4 THCAW 0.02 -40.0
BelFuse B BELFB 38.49 -0.8 D&ZMediaA DNZ 10.02 0.1 FortressCapA FCAX 10.05 ... KademSustA KSI PropTechInvII A PTIC RiminiStreet RMNI 3.99 -5.7 Vacasa
WoodsideEnergy WDS 26.69 -0.8 8iAcqn2 LAX 4.70 -15.8 Kingstone KINS 1.62 -7.2 VCSA 1.83 -3.5
Belden BDC 81.42 1.0 DHB Capital A DHBC 10.05 0.3 FrazierLifesci FLACU 10.61 -1.7 KairosAcqnA KAIR 10.04 ... ProventionBio PRVB 9.65 11.2 RubiconTechWt RBT.WS 0.07 15.3 Vapotherm
8iAcqn2 LAXXU 6.35 10.6 KintaraTherap KTRA 3.67 6.8 VAPO 0.49 4.6
BelongAcqnA BLNG 10.50 ... DiamondbkEner FANG 166.59 -0.5 G&P Acqn GAPA.U 10.89 -0.3 KiniksaPharm KNSA 16.40 1.3 Qomolangma QOMOU 10.10 0.5
Lows EllomayCapital ELLO
EnvirotechVeh EVTV
17.30 -1.8
2.68 -5.9
LumentFinance LFT
LVRAW 0.01 -1.0
1.92 -1.5
RumbleON RMBL 8.80 -4.9 VenusAcqn
RyanSpecialty RYAN 32.13 -5.3 VivosTherap
VENAU 7.60 -9.0
VVOS 0.58 1.7
A SPAC I Un ASCAU 9.59 0.7 Ever-Glory EVK 0.62 -2.9 LumosPharma LUMO 5.82 -34.7 Sai.TechWt SAITW 0.03 -43.2 WM Tech Wt MAPSW 0.16 -40.0
3.08 3.83 0.08 2-year 4.59 4.61 4.61 0.48 4.64386 4.55729 4.64971 0.15750
Three month Handy & Harman base 1768.90 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 765 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 209.70
Commercial paper 3-year 4.46 4.54 4.54 0.79 Six month 5.10386 5.02286 5.15629 0.22350 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2392
Handy & Harman fabricated 1963.48
5-year 4.23 4.31 4.32 1.16 One year 5.48357 5.61214 5.66643 0.38238 LBMA Gold Price AM *1764.75
Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.9300
Nonfinancial 7-year 4.16 4.22 4.23 1.36
LBMA Gold Price PM *1759.35 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 205.25
1-month 3.82 3.86 3.86 0.05 10-year 4.08 4.12 4.12 1.43 Secured Overnight Financing Rate Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7400
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 220.75
2-month 3.95 n.a. 3.95 0.05 4.44
Krugerrand,wholesale-e Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.8653
20-year 4.43 4.44 1.85 3.78 3.80 3.80 0.04 1898.07
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 143.00
3-month 4.29 4.20 4.29 0.08 Maple Leaf-e Cotlook 'A' Index-t *103.55 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.7071
Financial Value 52-Week American Eagle-e 1898.07 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a.
Treasury yields (secondary market) Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.2715
1-month 3.88 3.79 3.88 0.08 Latest Traded High Low Mexican peso-e 2288.51 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a.
1-month 3.55 3.58 3.58 0.02 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 3.7150
2-month 4.14 4.02 4.14 0.11 Austria crown-e 1741.78
3-month 4.11 4.05 4.11 0.05 Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC-p 25.50
3-month 4.46 4.26 4.46 0.14 DTCC GCF Repo Index Austria phil-e 1862.60
6-month 4.46 4.45 4.46 0.06 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 1.11
Treasury 3.814 47.118 3.814 0.023 Silver, troy oz. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 88.17
Discount window primary credit Engelhard industrial 21.7500
TIPS MBS 3.873 32.350 3.873 0.032 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 228 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a.
4.00 4.00 4.00 0.25 Handy & Harman base 21.8710 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 6.2900
5-year 1.66 1.68 1.81 -1.88 Notes on data: Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.0529
Treasury yields at constant 7-year 1.64 1.65 1.70 -1.47 Handy & Harman fabricated 27.3390 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 203.7 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 150.00
U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate LBMA spot price *£18.2700 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 653.3
maturities 10-year 1.62 1.63 1.66 -1.14 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 184.50
1-month 3.70 3.73 3.73 0.03 20-year 1.67 1.66 1.70 -0.72 (U.S.$ equivalent) *21.4800 Cottonseed meal-u,w 410
U.S. banks, and is effective November 3, 2022. Fats and Oils
3-month 4.29 4.23 4.29 0.05 Long-term avg 1.91 1.88 1.94 -0.60 Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable;
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 22566 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 208
lending practices vary widely by location; Other metals Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 368 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w 71.5000
Notes on data: Discount rate is effective November 3, 2022. LBMA Platinum Price PM *1040.0 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.3425 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.7250
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1023.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 36.13 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by November 11, 2022. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2030.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.8072
Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window
average for overnight trades in applicable
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2410.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 432.40 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.7400
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Copper,Comex spot 3.8550 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 14.1300 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u 0.8800
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid of 5:30 p.m. ET. KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet; Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 11/11
please see, https://www.federalreserve.gov/datadownload/Build.aspx?rel=H15 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Source: Dow Jones Market Data
consumer discretionary and tor at Zenith Wealth Partners. Pony dolls fell after Bank of the fight to tame inflation re- (4.155%) (4.440%) demand largely unchanged,
4.257% 4.605%
utilities groups posted the “We’re still thinking that the America analysts double gardless of what happens to OPEC also warned that the
Bids at clearing yield accepted 10.49% 27.45%
biggest declines. Fed will be hawkish and take downgraded the rating to un- stocks. 912796YA1 912796W47 threat of “additional energy-
Both issues are dated Nov. 17, 2022. The 13-week bills
“Just because there might measures to slow the econ- derperform from buy, saying Cryptocurrency prices gen- mature on Feb. 16, 2023; the 26-week bills mature on
supply disruptions” in the Eu-
be peak inflation, just because omy.” that the company is overpro- erally stabilized after last May 18, 2023. ropean Union—an apparent al-
on lusion to the bloc’s impending
plans to ban imports of Rus-
BY KIRK MALTAIS Coffee futures price when people stayed home, as this year by 100,000 barrels a
performance, past three years did coffee prices, so some of day to 2.5 million barrels a
Coffee was one of the hot- the recent price drop reflects day. It also lowered its 2023
ci on
test commodities earlier this a return to normal. demand growth forecast by
year, but it has now gone cold, Arabica But coffee drinkers 100,000 barrels a day to 2.2
with prices declining more 100 shouldn’t expect a sudden million barrels a day.
than 20% in the past month. drop in the price of their OPEC made minor adjust-
Wet weather in farming ar- 75 morning joe. Futures prices ments to its expectations for
er s
eas such as Brazil and Indone- can take a while to trickle into oil supplies from oil-produc-
down about 30% from then. StoneX Group. into 2023. Its latest outlook ing the Covid-19 pandemic analysts. Still reeling from the fall-
out from Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine and the disruption to
GTCR Seeks $9.5 Billion for Newest Main Buyout Fund global oil supplies that re-
Tech-weary investors just might Annual returns by company versus the S&P 500
find salvation in an octogenarian
No, not value investor Warren IAC Berkshire Hathaway S&P 500
Buffett, who has in any case aged 100
out of that cohort; Barry Diller has
produced similarly impressive re- 75
turns with a starkly different
strategy—until recently, that is. 50
His internet conglomerate, IAC
Inc., has shed over 60% of its value 25
his favorite holding period for perceptions of Mr. Diller’s holding nies in 2008, including Ticketmas- giver site Care.com after its stock As confident as he is in his cur-
Berkshire Hathaway as “forever,” company have swung from “ex- ter and Tree.com (now Lending- imploded in 2019 due to a number rent stable of unproven investments,
Mr. Diller employs a catch-and-re- treme confidence to extreme skep- Tree), IAC and its “SpinCos” of reported tragic outcomes follow- even Mr. Diller has his limits. In the
lease strategy at IAC: The company ticism.” returned 29% on a compounded ing a lack of background checks. interview, he said the metaverse is
builds or acquires assets, revamps But, unlike so much of the inter- annual basis through the end of And it bought a $1 billion stake in “mostly noise” and he described
them and then spins them off once
they reach maturity.
“We have no competition with
this business model,” Mr. Diller
net sector this year, IAC was no
tech-bubble 2.0 flash in the pan.
From what it considers its incep-
tion—when Mr. Diller took the
last year, according to the com-
pany, and 47% in the five years
through 2021. Berkshire and the
S&P returned just 13% and 18.5%,
MGM Resorts International just
months into the pandemic that tem-
porarily shut casinos down.
Now IAC is trying to make
cryptocurrency as “a huge specula-
tion on very spindly legs.”
Mr. Diller’s general lack of inter-
est in what many believe is tech’s
says. “Maybe because it’s crazy helm in 1995—through 2021, IAC respectively, on the same basis money by reviving a dying print next frontier raises the question of
us ,
and maybe because it’s savvy.” created nearly $90 billion for its over the same five-year period. magazine business online via last whether his IAC, which has histori-
Lately, it has looked a little shareholders, according to the year’s acquisition of Meredith cally focused its efforts on fostering
al a
crazy. IAC’s May shareholder letter company’s calculations. Corp. It also is the largest single Web2, or the version of the internet
was an illustration of that energy, Over that period, IAC and its shareholder in car sharing market- we think of today, risks obsoles-
suggesting the reset in valuations spinoffs returned 15% on a com-
From 1995 through 2021, place Turo, as ride-share stocks cence.
ci on
will offer “the most fertile ground pounded annual basis—more than IAC reckons it created Uber and Lyft have lost over half IAC has worked over the past few
we’ve seen in a while” for new ac- Berkshire Hathaway or the S&P their market value on average over decades to bring business that has
quisitions. “Opportunity abounds,” 500, including dividends, accord-
nearly $90 billion the past year. long been conducted offline, online.
IAC Chief Executive Joey Levin ing to company reports and Wall for its shareholders. Additionally, IAC has recently And it is here where it is still mak-
wrote, “and we will always be Street Journal calculations. undertaken what Mr. Levin has de- ing most of its bets.
er s
building.” “History shows spinning off scribed as a “difficult and expen- Mr. Diller’s previous success sto-
IAC shares have slumped 30% companies can be beneficial. In a sive” renovation project with its ries are giving analysts comfort. In a
m er
since then, and it isn’t just guilt by 22-year study beginning January Those returns don’t lack drama. biggest bet, home services plat- note last month, Jefferies analyst
tech association. The most recently 2000, special situations research While Mr. Buffett leans heavily on form Angi. Brent Thill pointed out IAC’s histori-
reported monthly metrics show boutique The Edge Consulting tried and true household names The Angi remodel has gone so cal ability to outperform the
revenue for IAC’s publishing busi- Group showed spinoffs as an asset such as Coca-Cola, Mr. Diller has poorly that Mr. Levin took the broader market, noting longer-term
ness down 23% year over year, its class generated three to four times made IAC a success through a his- helm of that company himself investors are likely to be rewarded
m rp
search business down 55% and even the S&P 500’s returns on average tory of investing in underappreci- about a month ago in an effort to despite near-term challenges.
its “emerging” business, which in- over the first 12 months, conclud- ated or misunderstood assets, often turn things around. IAC owns 84% Their styles might differ, but
cludes on-demand care site ing “the sum of the parts is at particularly confounding times. of publicly traded Angi, with Messrs. Buffett and Diller both
Care.com, down 2%. greater than the whole.” Through its investment in Ticket- shares worth a little under $1 bil- have faced skeptics claiming they
Growth in what today is its larg- IAC was a spinoff itself, incor- master, IAC got into online dating lion as of last week, according to were either just lucky or had lost
co Fo
est business segment, home ser- porated in 1986 as Silver King platform Match.com in 1999, one IAC. Analysts don’t expect an oper- their touch. It has paid to take the
vices, has decelerated from 27% in Broadcasting Co., a subsidiary of year before the dot-com bust. The ating profit until 2024. other side of that bet.
June to just 8% in October. Inves- the Home Shopping Network. Sil- company took a controlling interest Mr. Diller isn’t bothered by that, —Laura Forman
nies that make them have little rea- Federal Reserve in tightening mon-
son to end it. etary policy.
U.S. tourists have been spending “The ECB is behind the Fed in in-
heavily in designer fashion stores creasing rates but the path is the
in European cities. Based on VAT same. This major gap may go away
refund data from payments com- on its own,” said Luca Solca, luxury
pany Planet, luxury spending by analyst at Bernstein. However, this
American tourists in the region isn’t guaranteed: Interest rates in
was up more than 80% in the third the eurozone are expected to peak
quarter of this year compared with at 3.1% next year, compared with
the same period in 2019, before 5.1% for the Fed.
the pandemic. Luxury brands could raise prices
It has always been a bit cheaper in Europe to rebalance things, but The markup on U.S. prices of European luxury goods versus their prices in Europe recently has climbed to extremes.
to buy European designer goods in they need to tread carefully. Three
the market where they are actually years ago, they probably wouldn’t afford to pay. Although luxury the weak euro helps their margins. stores charged and still pocket a fat
made. There is a markup on prod- have hesitated, but the pandemic spending has been surprisingly re- They also don’t face the same profit. The premium paid by Chinese
ucts sold in the U.S. or China to has changed their business. Back in silient, most labels have already pressure to address price gaps shoppers has widened by 5 percent-
cover things such as import duties 2019, around half of all luxury sales raised prices by 8% this year, and they did in the past. age points to 35% recently, but they
and freight costs. Lately, though, in the region were to overseas European consumer confidence is Several years ago, luxury goods can’t yet easily travel to Europe to
the premium has reached ex- tourists, particularly Chinese visi- poor heading into what could be a were almost 50% cheaper to buy in avoid it. So far, American entrepre-
tremes. American shoppers now tors. Today, with few Asians travel- difficult winter. Europe than in China because of neurs haven’t exploited the arbi-
have to pay 38% more at home ing to Europe, labels are much European brands also have little moves in the renminbi-euro ex- trage opportunity in the same way.
than they would for the same more reliant on locals. incentive to rebalance things the change rate. This meant Chinese Depending a bit on what central
product in Europe, according to Dramatic price increases could other way by cutting prices in “daigou” resellers could go on shop- bankers do, Europe’s luxury goods
Bank of America data, compared annoy Europeans, and brands also American stores. With most of ping trips in Europe, flip the goods could be on sale a while longer.
with about 20% historically. can’t be sure how much they can their costs in their home currency, back home for less than Chinese —Carol Ryan