2ND Term Xam 2023

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1. Animals with one stomach chamber are called ------- (a) Non-Ruminant animals (b) Poly ruminant animals (c)
Ruminant animals (d) Mono ruminant animals.
2. Animals with four stomach chambers are called -------- (a) Ruminant animals (b) Farm animals (c) Non-
Ruminant animals (d) Large animals.
3. The true stomach of a ruminant animals is called -------- (a) Abomasum (b) Omasum (c) Rumen (d)
4. Animals that live on land are called -------- (a) T (b) Water animals (c) Bush animals (d) Air animals.
5. Animals that live in water are called -------- (a) Aquatic animals (b) Space animals (c) Walk animals (d)
Terrestrial animals.
6. Farm tools are those implement we use for -------- (a) Playing (b) Farming (c) Dancing (d) Laughing.
7. Hoes is used for -------- (a) Rubbishing farm beds (b) Cutting flowers (c) Making ridges (d) Cutting fruits.
8. Sickle is used for -------- (a) Watering seeds (b) Harvesting cereal crops (c) Collection of harvested crop (d)
Transporting soil in the farm.
9. Which of the following is NOT a branch of agriculture? (a) Fisheries (b) Maure (c) Horticulture (d) Crop
10. Which of the following is a branch of branch of agriculture? (a) Ruminants (b) Animal Science (c) Non-
Ruminant (d) Agriculture.
11. The type of agriculture that is concerned with the production for the farmers family only is called -------- (a)
Buying and Selling (b) Commercial Agriculture (c) Subsistence Agriculture (d) Farming.
12. Plants that have one seed leaf are called -------- (a) Dicotyledon (b) Diagram (c) Monocotyledon (d)
13. Plants that have two seed leaf are called -------- (a) Plant (b) Fibrous (c) Dicotyledon (d) Monocotyledon.
14. Plants that complete their life cycle in one year are called --------- (a) Biennials (b) Life-Cycle (c) Annuals (d)
15. Plants that complete their life cycle in two year is called -------- (a) Classification (b) Agriculture (c) Biennials
(d) Perennials.
16. Plants that complete their life cycle in more than two years are called -------- (a) Annual crops (b) Biennial
crops (c) Perennial crops (d) Life cycle.
17. Crops that are rich and build the body tissue is called -------- (a) Fibre (b) Roots and Tubers (c) Spices (d)
18. Examples of tuber crops are these except? (a) Cassava (b) Yam (c) Sweet Potatoes (d) Okro.
19. These are examples of fruits and nuts except? (a) Pawpaw (b) Mango (c) Cashew (d) Yam.
20. Vegetables are rich in -------- (a) Fibre (b) Cereals (c) Roots and Tuber (d) Vitamins.


Answer all questions in this section.

1. List ten (10) animals in your location.

2. Mention ten (10) simple farming tools.
3. Differentiate between subsistence and commercial agriculture.
4. Mention five (5) importance of farm animals and explain two of them.
5. Define the following: (a) Ruminant animal (b) Non-Ruminant animal (c) Aquatic animal (d) Terrestrial animal
(e) Agriculture.


With the aid of diagram, draw Ruminant and Non-Ruminant animal with full labels.

1. Which of the following is a feed tools? (a) Feeding trough (b) Drinking bucket (c) Bowl scoops (d) Grinders.
2. An example of roughage food is -------- (a) Guinea grass (b) Palm kernel cake (c) Maize grain (d) Grountnut
3. Crops grown specifically to feed cattle are called -------- (a) Basal feed (b) Forage crops (c) Fiber crops (d)
4. Which of the following is NOT a source of protein? (a) Fish meal (b) Meat meal (c) Cotton seed cake (d)
5. Concentrate feeds are best defined as feeds with -------- (a) Low in fibre and High in protein and energy (b)
Very rich in fats and vitamins (c) Only feeds consumed by animals (d) Very rich in starch and protein only.
6. Feed can be defined as food consumed by the following except? (a) Pigs (b) Goats (c) Man (d) Rabbits.
7. Forage crops are good examples of -------- (a) Concentrates (b) Cereals (c) Roots and Tubers (d) Pastures.
8. The food given to farm animals are called -------- (a) Grasses and Legumes (b) Foodstuff (c) Rice bran (d)
9. The following are examples of farm machineries except? (a) Tractors (b) Ridges (c) Lorry (d) Planters.
10. Which of the following is NOT a source of power for farm machines? (a) Human power (b) Hydro-power (c)
Tractor power (d) Solar power.
11. The following are tractor coupled implements (a) Ploughs (b) Planters (c) Hoe (d) Ridgers.
12. Animal driven machines includes the following except? (a) Plough (b) Mower (c) Ridge (d) Harrow
13. Routine maintenance practice of tractor include the following except? (a) Regular checking of tyre pressure
(b) Regular checking of engine oil (c) Brake fluid should also be checked (d) The water level in the radiator
should be checked once in a year.
14. The following diseases of farm animals are caused by bacteria except? (a) Foot and mouth (b) Anthrax (c)
Tuberculosis (d) Mastitis.
15. A disease that is spread from the sick to the healthy animal without direct contact is called -------- disease. (a)
Contagious (b) Parasitic (c) Spreading (d) Infectious.
16. General method of preventing farm animal diseases include the following practices except? (a) Irregular
disinfection of feeding equipment (b) Practicing rotational grazing (c) Quarantine service (d) Provision of
balanced diet.
17. Which of these is NOT a symptom of coccidiosis? (a) Convulsion (b) Weight loss (c) Diarrhea (d) Blood
stained faeces.
18. What is the final symptom of animal disease? (a) Loss of weight (b) Retarded growth (c) Death (d) Loss of
19. Which of the following is NOT an ecto-parasite? (a) Mite (b) Tick (c) Lice (d) Liver fluke.
20. The following are classes of animal feed except? (a) Concentrate (b) Supplement (c) Roughage (d) Straw.

Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a). Define the term Animal Feeds.
(b). List any four (4) types of feed stuffs.
(c). Mention the four (4) classes of feed.
2. (a). Explain the term Balance ration.
(b). Distinguish between Maintenance ration and Production ration.
(c). State three (3) categories of Farm Animals that require production ration.
3. (a). State two (2) effect of disease and parasite on farm animals.
(b). Discuss any named viral disease under the following heading: (i) One mode of transmission (ii) Two
symptoms (iii) Two prevention and control methods (iv) Two animal affected by the disease.
4. Write short note on the following: (i) Basal feeds (ii) Concentrate (iii) Supplements (iv) Roughages (v) Ha
1. With two (2) examples each, classify fish based on habitat.
2. State any four (4) methods of preserving fish.
1. The written documentation of events or things that have already taken place or happened in the farm is called
--------- (a) Farm record (b) Farm inventory (c) Farm duty (d) Farm produce.
2. The following are determinant factors of price of farm products except? (a) Quality of production (b) Demand
and supply (c) Sales personnel (d) Cost of production.
3. One of the following is a packaging material. (a) Watering can (b) Rake (c) Spade (d) Wooden crates.
4. Which of the following is a reason for packaging of agricultural produce? (a) Protection against armed
robbery attack on the road (b) Protection against damages from weather condition e.g heat (c) To improve the
quality of products (d) All of the above.
5. The total quantity of products/commodities offered for sale in the market is referred to as -------- (a)
Commodity offer (b) Demand (c) Product (d) Supply.
6. Which of the following best defines agriculture? (a) It is a way of life of the people (b) It is an agreement
between people of common idea to come together and farm. (c) It is the production of crops and keeping of
animals for man’s use (d) None of the above is correct.
7. A market where there is only one seller is called -------- (a) Duopoly (b) One market poly (c) Mono seller
market (d) Monopoly.
8. The total quantity of products desired by the people in a place at a particular time is called -------- (a) Demand
(b) Need (c) Supply (d) Goods.
9. The creation of awareness/information about a specific agricultural product is called -------- (a) Publicity (b)
Awareness (c) Information (d) Advertisement.
10. A record of daily schedule of events/activities in the farm is known as -------- (a) Farm schedules (b) Farm
records (c) Farm diary (d) Farm inventory.
11. The wrapping/enclosing of agricultural products in suitable materials to protect them during transportation,
storage etc. till they are displayed for sale is called -------- (a) Packaging (b) Packing (c) Budding (d)
12. One of the following is NOT a medium through which agricultural products can be advertised. (a) Mobile
telephone (b) The internet (c) Radios (d) Mobile transportation.
13. Which of the following agricultural bye-product can be packaged in hard plastic bottle? (a) Vegetable oil (b)
Maize flour (c) Canned meat (d) None of the above.
14. The record of all the properties and resources on the farm which are owned by the farmer is called -------- (a)
Farm diary (b) Farm inventory (c) Farm input (d) Production record.
15. Which of the following is a feature of a useful record? (a) It must be open for public scrutiny (b) It should be
ready at all times for check (c) It should contain information that will be easily read and understood (d) It
should contain essentially the records of income and expenditure.
16. Farm record is of great importance to farmers because -------- (a) It helps to improve yields (b) It helps the
farmer monitor all farm activities (c) It gives the farmer the insight about types of fertilizer to use (d) It
reminds the farmer of the correct periods of farm operations.
17. The type of market where there is a small number of buyers is called -------- (a) Oligopsony (b) Oligopoly (c)
Monopsony (d) None of the above.
18. The type of market where the decision of sellers or buyers affect the price of commodities is termed -------- (a)
Monopolistic market (b) Perfect market (c) Opportunistic market (d) Imperfect market.
19. Which of the following is NOT a method of handling of agricultural produce? (a) Assembling of produce (b)
Grading (c) Processing (d) Harvesting.
20. Which of the following market is NOT in operation in Nigeria and other African countries? (a) Weekly market
(b) Daily market (c) Monthly market (d) Hourly market.
Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a). Briefly explain Farm record. 4 marks
(b). State three (3) features of a useful record. 6 marks
2. Define (i) Perfect market (ii) Imperfect market 5 marks each
3. (a). Outline five (5) types of Farm records 5 marks
(b). What is Farm inventory?
4. Briefly explain (i) Farm input record (ii) Net selling price 5 marks each
5. List five (5) steps of handling agricultural products for marketing. 2 marks each


Discuss cooperative societies in Agriculture under the following: (i) Meaning/Definition (ii) Objectives of
cooperative societies (iii) Types of agricultural cooperative societies (iv) Importance of agricultural co-
operative societies.
1. Which of the following is NOT a system of land tenure in West Africa? (a) Family system (b) Rent (c) Tenure
by inheritance (d) Communal system.
2. The right of ownership of land under the land use decree of 1978 is vested in the hands of the --------- (a) The
President (b) The State Governor (c) The Senate President (d) The Local Government Chairman.
3. Which of the following is an importance of agriculture to the individual to the individual farmer? (a) Source of
food (b) Source of foreign exchange (c) Provision of raw materials (d) Rural development
4. One of the following is an importance of agriculture to the national economy. (a) Source of employment for
the teaming population (b) Provision of experimental materials for federal universities (c) Source of raw
materials for agricultural industries (d) Encourages/attract rural development.
5. Which of the following is an advantage of land tenure by inheritance? (a) Capable of generating bitterness
among family members (b) Can be used as collateral for sourcing loans (c) Leads to land fragmentation (d)
Cannot be used for planting perennial crops.
6. One of the following is a problem facing subsistence agriculture in Nigeria. (a) Psychological effect of being a
farmer (b) The land tenure system in the area (c) Extension and rural development (d) Erratic/unreliable
supply of labour.
7. The wastage of agricultural products during harvesting period is mainly due to -------- (a) Lack of agricultural
products and extension (b) Implementation of government policy on agriculture (c) Inadequate storage and
processing facilities (d) Inadequate/poor level of finance.
8. Which of the following best describe agriculture? (a) The science and art of production of crop for man (b)
The science and art of domesticating livestock (c) The production of plants/crops and animals for man (d)
None of the above
9. One of the following is NOT a problem of agricultural development in Nigeria. (a) The poverty level of the
farmers (b) The unpredictable climatic condition (c) Provision of food for the people (d) The land tenure
system of the people.
10. Which of the following factors favour the development of commercial agriculture? (a) Availability of housing
facilities to accommodate (b) Availability of functional recreational facilities (c) Availability of storage and
processing facilities (d) All of the above.
11. The type of agricultural practice where a farmer produces crops and animals only to feed himself and his
immediate family without a remainder for sale is called ------- (a) Family agriculture (b) Mixed subsistence
agriculture (c) Subsistence agriculture (d) Plantation agriculture.
12. Adequate knowledge of climate is useful in determining the following except? (a) Methods of land clearing to
adopt (b) Crops and livestock management practices (c) Marketing practices and strategies (d) Harvesting and
13. The school to land programme is an agricultural programme developed by -------- (a) Edo State (b) Rivers
State (c) Benue State (d) Plateau State.
14. One of the following is NOT an agricultural programme in Nigeria. (a) Operation feed the nation (b) Farm
settle scheme (c) National institute for trypanosomiasis research (d) Agro service centres.
15. Which of the following is the reason for carrying out quarantine programme in agriculture? (a) Screening and
isolating imported diseased stock (b) A routine programme in agriculture in Nigeria (c) Selecting high yielded
plants and animals for breeding (d) Improving the genetic qualities of plants and animals.
16. One of the following is a programme or institution in Nigeria set up by the Non-governmental organization
(NGO). (a) National Agricultural Land Development Agency (NALDA) (b) River Basin Development
Authority (RBDA) (c) National institute for trypanosomiasis research (NITR) (d) Agricultural Development
Project (ADP).
17. Which of the following is a characteristic of commercial agriculture? (a) It requires no special skill for
marketing products (b) It is ideal for mono-cropping and intensive animal production (c) Labour is cheap
since it is from family and friends (d) All of the above.
18. The science and art of the cultivation of land and rearing of livestock, the processing of their products and
disposition by marketing is termed -------- (a) Agricultural science (b) Ager and cultura (c) Agronomical
science (d) Horticulture.
19. Which of the following is NOT an importance use of wildlife? (a) Provision of manure for crops (b) Tourist
Attraction (c) Provision of food e.g fish, meat etc (d) Provision of hides and skin for industries.
20. The solid part of the earth surface in which agricultural activities are carried out/ are practiced are called
-------- (a) Rock (b) Soil (c) Land (d) Sand.
21. Which of the following is true about commercial agriculture? (a) Difficulty in disease and pest control (b) It is
low capital intensive (c) No record keeping is required so improvement is expected (d) None of the above is
correct/true of commercial agriculture.
22. Which of the following is a role of science and technology in agriculture? (a) Development of different types
of feeds stuffs for animals and chemicals like fertilizers for plants (b) The interest the farmers have on the
cultivation of certain crops (c) Rearing of livestock species e.g cattle, sheep and goats (d) None of the above.
23. The area of agriculture that deals with the cultivation or production of flowers and other ornamental crop-
plants is known as -------- (a) Floriculture (b) Horticulture (c) Sericulture (d) Apiculture.
24. Which of the following should be the role of government in the development of agriculture in Nigeria? (a)
Provision of subsidy to farmers (b) Importation of important products (c) Exportation of harvested farm
produce (d) Barn on importation of food products into the country.
25. Which of the following is the prime importance of agriculture? (a) Poverty alleviation (b) Provision of raw
materials (c) Provision of food (d) Provision of foreign exchange.
26. The system of land tenure where a tenant pays certain amount of money for using a portion of land for a
period of time to a stated landlord is called -------- (a) Tenure by inheritance (b) Rent tenure system (c)
Purchase tenure system (d) Tenant at the landlord’s will.
27. Which of the following is NOT a role of science and technology in agriculture? (a) The control of pests and
diseases of crop and livestock (b) The formulation of good and functioning programmes (c) The development
of modern methods of processing plants and animals products (d) Helps in the development and judicious use
of chemicals e.g herbicides, insecticides etc.
28. Those bodies set up by private agencies to develop agriculture all over the world/globe is called -------- (a)
Non-governmental organization (NGO) (b) Joint-government agencies (JGA) (c) Sector rehabilitation project
(SRP) (d) None of the above.
29. One of the following is NOT a system of land tenure in Nigeria. (a) Communal tenure system (b) Leasehold
tenure (c) Rent tenure (d) Family tenure.
30. One of the following is NOT an agricultural programme in Nigeria? (a) National farm land rehabilitation
programme (NFLRP) (b) Directorate of food, road and rural intfastructure (DFRRI) (c) Farm settlement
scheme (FSS) (d) Operation feed the nation (OFN).
INSTRUCTION: (i) Answer question 1 and any other three (3) of your choice.
(ii) Thou shall not be caught since cheating attract total cancellation of your
(iii) Wrong numbering attract zero.
1. State any four (4) roles of science and technology and six (6) agricultural programmes that you know (10
2. (a). Briefly explain Non-governmental organization (NGO) (5 marks)
(b). List five (5) examples of the research institutes established by the NGO in Nigeria (5 marks)
3. (a). Briefly explain land from the agricultural palance/point of view (5 marks)
(b). Outline five (5) factors that affect availability of land for agricultural activities. (5 marks)
4. (a). Briefly explain policy (4 marks)
(b). Outline three (3) objectives of a good and functioning policy. (6 marks)
5. (a). Define Wildlife (4 marks)
(b). Enumerate four (4) uses/importance of wildlife (4 marks)
(c). Mention two (2) uses of Non-agricultural land (2 marks)
Discuss common farm weeds under the following headings: (a) Definition (b) Types of weed (c) Economic
importance of weeds (d) Features of farm weeds (e) Control of weeds.


1. Farm surveying is important for the following except? (a) It does not enable farmers to make the best use of
available resources and creates conflict (b) It can be used as a basis of feasibility studies (c) It helps to
determine the hectorage of land (d) It exposes the gradient of the land.
2. Farm survey equipment are maintained in order to -------- (a) Increase their shelf life and effectiveness (b) Be
marketable (c) Easy to carry (d) Beautiful and decorated.
3. The following are survey equipment except? (a) Walking stick (b) Prismatic compass (c) Theodolite (d)
Gunter’s chain.
4. The process by which farm lands are measured and mapped out, especially at the beginning of farming
operation is known as -------- (a) Farm, survey and planning (b) Ranging pole (c) Measuring tape (d)
5. Ruminant animals can also be called -------- (a) Monogastric animals (b) Polyghastrics animals (c) Small
ruminant (d) Big ruminant.
6. Ornamental plants are used for the following purposes except? (a) Land scaping (b) Making drum (c)
Ceremonies (d) Showing affection.
7. Ornamental plant commonly used for football is -------- (a) Iroko (b) Carpet grass (c) Wire grass (d) Rose
8. The following are methods of maintaining ornamental plants except? (a) Watering (b) Burning (c) Pruning (d)
Fertilizer application.
9. The washing down of nutrients in soluble form from the plant root zone down the soil beyond the root of
plants is described as -------- (a) Erosion (b) Leading (c) Washing (d) Clearing.
10. The following are farm animals except? (a) Sheep (b) Bat (c) Cattle (d) Goat.
11. Work animals are used in the farm to pull farm implement for -------- (a) Winnowing (b) Tanning (c)
Transportation (d) Ploughing.
12. The covering of the soil or base of a plant with materials such as dry grasses, leaves, saw dust and plant
residues is called -------- (a) Leaching (b) Dressing (c) Mulching (d) Covering.
13. The branch of horticulture which deals the study, cultivation, maintenance and growth of flower is called
-------- (a) Flower (b) Plant (c) Ornamental plant (d) Floriculture.
14. Flower, shrubs and trees used in the decoration of our environment is called -------- (a) Afforestation (b)
Regeneration (c) Ornamental plant (d) Agricultural sector.
15. The process by which new seedlings are planted to replace the already harvested trees is -------- (a) Over-
Population (b) Taungya system (c) Afforestation (d) Floriculture.
16. The cultural methods of controlling weeds includes the following except? (a) Burning (b) Mulching (c) Cover
cropping (d) Use of living organism.
17. Which of the following class of nutrient is used mainly for energy production of farm animals? (a) Proteins (b)
Vitamins (c) Minerals (d) Carbohydrate.
18. Farm animals are used for the following except? (a) Feed and Food (b) Work and Transportation (c) Pets and
Medicines (d) Demand and Supply.
19. The food component that is the main constituent of all body fluids is known as -------- (a) Maize (b) Rice (c)
Bean (d) Water.
20. Farm animals with four stomach chambers are called -------- (a) Large animals (b) Land animals (c) Reared
animals (d) Ruminant animals.
21. Ruminant animals can also be called ------- (a) Poly gastrics animals (b) Small ruminants (c) Big ruminants (d)
Mono gastrics animals.
22. The food component that help in tissue formation is known as ------- (a) Carbohydrate (b) Mineral (c) Cassava
(d) Protein.
23. What makes early planting possible? (a) Drainage (b) Surface irrigation (c) Surface drainage (d) Irrigation.
24. --------- prevent water logging in the soil. (a) Taungya system (b) Irrigation (c) Pollution (d) Drainage.
25. The following are pollutants except? (a) Hydrocarbon (b) Oxides of nitrogen (c) Smoke (d) Oxygen.
26. Water pollution is prevented by -------- (a) Addition of oil (b) Addition of pesticide (c) Addition of organic
manure (d) Discouraging the decomposition on the water.
27. -------- is the application of artificial water to the soil to supplement insufficient rainfall. (a) Over head
irrigation (b) Surface irrigation (c) Drainage (d) Irrigation.
28. -------- is the process of cutting or harvesting only mature trees. (a) Regulation (b) Forest (c) Management (d)
Selective exploration.
29. The removal of forest trees either by bush burning or indiscriminate falling without replacing is called --------
(a) Management (b) Selective exploration (c) Forest regulation (d) Deforestation.
30. Sources of carbohydrate are -------- (a) Sugar and Cereal grains (b) Sugar and Non sugar (c) Maize and
Cassava (d) Cereal grains, roots and tuber.

Four questions to answer all.
1. List all the common survey equipment we have and describe one of it.
2. Enumerate five (5) maintenance of survey equipment.
3. (a). Define floriculture.
(b). List five (5) importance of ornamental plants.
(c). Mention three (3) common flowers
4. (a). What are farm animals?
(b). Mention five (5) uses of farm animals.
(c). What is the scientific names of the following animals? (i) Cattle (ii) Sheep and (iii) Goat.


Write on the digestive system of the ruminant and the non-ruminant animal.
1. The act of giving birth in farm animals is called -------- (a) Hatching (b) Laying (c) Parturition (d) Digestion.
2. The milk collection vessel of the mammary gland is the -------- (a) Alveolus (b) Gland cistern (c) Teat (d)
Streak canal.
3. Feed given to animals solely to sustain their live weight is called -------- (a) Balance diet (b) Maintenance
ration (c) Weaner’s ration (d) Production ration.
4. The ingredient which is NOT a major source of minerals in animal feeds is -------- (a) Oyster shell (b) Fish
meal (c) Bone meal (d) Palm kernel.
5. The general symptoms of malnutrition in animals include the following except? (a) Retarded growth (b) Low
production (c) High mortality (d) Increase in body size.
6. To prepare a ration for layers, the percentage of carbohydrates should be up to -------- (a) 20% (b) 5% (c) 65%
(d) 0.5%.
7. The following are farm animals except? (a) Sheep (b) Goat (c) Bat (d) Cattle.
8. Farm animals can be classified based on their habitat as -------- (a) Terrestial (b) Arboreal (c) Nocturnal (d)
9. The following are primary products of animals except? (a) Eggs (b) Meat (c) Yoghurt (d) Milk.
10. The method by which milk is secreted into the mammary glands of farm anima is called -------- (a) Colestrum
(b) Lactogenesis (c) Lactation (d) Parturition.
11. The following are milk based diary products from farm animals except? (a) Cheese (b) Butter (c) Whey (d)
12. The production process of eggs include the following phases except? (a) Laying (b) Collection (c) Washing
(d) Defleshing.
13. To have good hides and skins, things to avoid include all the following except? (a) Brushing (b)
Indiscriminate branding (c) Washing (d) Flogging.
14. The removal of fats or fatty tissues from the hides and skins of farm animals is called -------- (a) Defatting (b)
Defleshing (c) Trimming (d) Tanning.
15. Processing of bones involve the following stages except? (a) Gathering (b) Salting (c) Maceration (d)
16. Agricultural marketing can be encouraged through the provision of the following except? (a) Good roads (b)
Capital (c) Inadequate market infrastructure (d) Standard unit of measurement.
17. Advantages of commodity boards include all the following except? (a) It is capital intensive (b) It helps to
stabilize the price of farm produce (c) It helps to transport the produce of the farmers (d) It advises and
encourage farmers to adopt modern farming techniques.
18. -------- is the preservation of green and succulent forage crops under an aerobic condition. (a) Silage (b)
Soilage (c) Straw (d) Hay.
19. Which of the following is NOT a plant source of protein? (a) Soya beans (b) Blood meal (c) Groundnut cake
(d) Cotton seed meal.
20. Deficiency symptoms of calcium in farm animals include the following except? (a) Ricket (b) Soft egg shell
(c) Osteomalacia (d) Lack of appetite.
21. In the preparation of a ration for livestock, the following qualities are considered except? (a) Bulk (b)
Palatability (c) Non-familiarity (d) Laxatic effect.
22. Which of the following is NOT a factor to be considered when deciding the type of ration to feed an animal?
(a) The class of animal (b) Age of animal (c) The quality of the animal (d) The health condition of the animal.
23. Categories of farm animals that require production ration include all the following except? (a) Lactating
animals (b) Weaning animals (c) Broilers (d) Breeding animals.
24. Which of the following is NOT a principle that should be considered when formulating ration for farm
animals? (a) The physiological state of the animal (b) the availability of feed stuff (c) The cost of feed stuff (d)
None of the above.
25. Drought animals are used in the farm to pull farm implements for -------- (a) Transportation (b) Ploughing (c)
Winnowing (d) Tanning.
26. Kwashiorkor is a deficiency symptoms of? (a) Carbohydrate (b) Protein (c) Vitamin (d) Mineral.
27. A complete removal of an unproductive or sick animal from the stock is called -------- (a) Separation (b)
Culling (c) quarantine (d) Introduction.
28. The scientific management of farm animals is simply referred to as -------- (a) Livestock farming (b) Animal
husbandry (c) Animal production (d) Animal breeding.
29. What should a farmer do first if a sick bird is identified in a flock? (a) Change the litter (b) Isolate the bird (c)
Clean drinkers and feeder (d) Call a veterinary personnel.
30. A farmer noticed the laying of a soft shelled egg by a flock of layers, which of the following mineral is likely
deficient in the diet of the layer? (a) Calcium (b) Iron (c) Zinc (d) Manganese.

Answer any four (4) questions.
1. (a). What is Agricultural Marketing?
(b). List four (4) importance of agricultural marketing in Nigeria.
(c). State four (4) problems associated with agricultural marketing.
2. (a). What is Pasture?
(b). List five (5) common grass and legume species in Nigerian Pastures, given their common name and
botanical names.
(c). State three (3) factors affecting the distribution of pasture in Nigeria.
3. (a). Explain the meaning of feed stuff in animal nutrition.
(b). Enumerate five (5) nutritional values of animal feed stuff.
(c). Identify any four (4) source of animal feed stuff.
4. (a). Define Balanced ration in livestock production.
(b). Distinguish between Maintenance and production rations.
(c). State any five (5) categories of farm animals that require production rations.
5. Write short note on the following: (a) Basal Feed (b) Concentrate (c) Roughage (d) Supplement (e) Soilage.
1. Which of the following supply the body with heat and energy? (a) Carbohydrate and calcium (b) Carbohydrate
and fats (c) Oils and vitamins (d) Proteins and iron.
2. Surplus carbohydrates in the body is stored as body -------- (a) Fat (b) Protein (c) Starch (d) Glucose.
3. One of the following helps digestion and bowel movement. (a) Starch (b) Vitamins (c) Protein (d) Roughage.
4. Which of the following is NOT a body builder? (a) Soya bean (b) Cassava (c) Egg (d) Milk.
5. A family that includes aunts, uncles, grand-parents, cousins and other relations is called? (a) Expensive family
(b) Extended family (c) Extension family (d) Expanding family.
6. Which of the following show how family members relate to each other? (a) Family picture (b) Family tree (c)
Family form (d) Family album3
7. Your brothers and sisters are your? (a) Aunties (b) Siblings (c) Nieces (d) Nephews.
8. One of the following is wrong. (a) Parents are father and mother (b) Uncles are parents’ friend (c) Grand-
parents are parents’ parents (d) Aunts are parents’ sisters.
9. Family members are each other’ --------- (a) Sister (b) Kin (c) Brother (d) Mother.
10. A house in which a family lives is a -------- (a) Home (b) House (c) Building (d) Shelter.
11. A home should be furnished to meet the -------- of the family. (a) Needs (b) Length (c) Break (d) Age.
12. Physical force used to harm someone is -------- (a) Violence (b) Action (c) Injury (d) Hurt.
13. Children can learn violence through -------- (a) Home video and internet (b) Home video and school (c) Home
video and class (d) Internet and Church.
14. Domestic violence occurs in the -------- (a) Home (b) School (c) Market (d) Church.
15. The types of house that can be still be found only in the rural areas is --------- (a) Mud (b) Bungalow (c)
Duplex (d) Apartment.
16. Houses that are very common in riverine areas are -------- (a) Bamboo houses (b) Mud houses (c) Apartment
houses (d) Modern houses.
17. Too much exercise or an over-work of oneself leads to -------- (a) Rest (b) Sleep (c) Fatigue (d) Health.
18. The act of relaxing without sleep is -------- (a) Fatigue (b) Health (c) Rest (d) Joy.
19. Rest is good treatment for -------- (a) Rest (b) Sleep (c) Fatigue (d) Relaxation.
20. Which of the following affords the body a complete rest? (a) Relaxation (b) Pelaxation (c) Sleep (d) Health.

Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a). Explain the meaning of family.
(b). State the types of family and explain them.
2. (a). State four (4) functions of a mother.
(b). State six (6) functions of the children in the family.
3. Explain the meaning and function of food.
4. Explain the meaning and importance of healthy food habit.
5. Explain the guidelines for health eating habits and table manners.
1. Clothes should be aired before they are -------- (a) Stored (b) Washed (c) Ironed (d) Rinsed.
2. Clothes should not be stored on a -------- (a) Damp place (b) Closet (c) Drawer (d) Box.
3. Clothes can be stored in all except? (a) Bed (b) Box (c) Closet (d) Wardrobe
4. All towels should be soft and -------- (a) Absorbent (b) Dry (c) Wet (d) Fluffy.
5. The processes of preventing harmful bacteria from growing in food is food -------- (a) Hygiene (b) Processing
(c) Service (d) Preparation.
6. Cooking food in hot oil is -------- (a) Frying (b) Boiling (c) Roasting (d) Stewing.
7. The functional area used for relaxation centre for family members is -------- (a) Sitting room (b) Dinning room
(c) Toilet (d) Kitchen.
8. A set of settee is found in the -------- (a) Sitting room (b) Passage (c) Dinning (d) Toilet.
9. The functional area used for food preparation is -------- (a) Living room (b) Hall ware (c) Kitchen (d) Dinning
10. Side cupboard is a piece of furniture commonly found in the -------- (a) Passage (b) Toilet (c) Kitchen (d)
Sitting room.
11. Which of the following is NOT a tool for taking body measurement? (a) Tape measure (b) Pencil (c) French
curve (d) Paper.
12. Which of the following are used as guides in garment construction? (a) Brown paper (b) Pin (c) Patterns (d)
13. The use of one of the following prevents serious mistakes in dress making. (a) Styles (b) Stitches (c) Patterns
(d) Seams.
14. The basic pattern drafted to the exact size of the body is called a -------- (a) Vogue (b) Sewing paper (c) Block
(d) Style
15. Which of the following is NOT a tool for pattern drafting? (a) Tape measure (b) Metre rule (c) Needle (d)
French curve.
16. Freedoms and benefits that are guaranteed to people by law are -------- (a) Bills (b) Responsibilities (c) Rights
(d) Need.
17. Unresolved conflicts can lead to -------- (a) Hostility (b) Peace (c) Harmony (d) Negotiation.
18. For the welfare of the family, conflicts are best -------- (a) Overlooked (b) Resolved (c) Ignored (d) Burried.
19. Giving in on some points of disagreement and having your ways in others is -------- (a) Giving up (b)
Surrender (c) Compromise (d) Weakness.
20. A situation that marks a turning point, when things cease to go on as usual in the family is called -------- (a)
Crisis (b) Conflicts (c) Debate (d) Right

Answer all questions in this section
1. (a). What is Resources?
(b). State all the types of resources and explain them.
2. (a). What is Decision Making?
(b). Explain the steps in decision making.
3. (a). Define Household Linens.
(b). Itemize and explain the types of household linens.
4. Describe the five (5) stages of Conflict Resolution.


1. Proteins can be made up of all except one of the following. (a) Carbon (b) Hydrogen (c) Nitrogen (d) Starch.
2. The last product of protein digestion are -------- (a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) Sugar (d) Amino acids.
3. Proteins e.g white of egg will -------- in moist heat. (a) Spread (b) Increase (c) Decrease (d) Coagulate.
4. With the buiret’s test, protein gives -------- colour. (a) White (b) Gold (c) Green (d) Purple.
5. With million’s test egg-white gives a -------- precipitate. (a) Blue (b) Yellow (c) Green (d) Blue-Red.
6. The elements that make up carbohydrates are -------- (i) Carbon (ii) Hydrogen (iii) Oxygen (iv) Sulphur. (a) i
only (b) ii and iv only (c) i, iii and iv only (d) i, ii and iii only
7. One of the following may NOT influence meal planning. (a) Age (b) Season (c) Money (d) Height.
8. Excessive consumption of sweets by children can lead to -------- (a) Tooth growth (b) Good teeth (c) Strong
teeth (d) Tooth decay.
9. Meals for children should be cooked by easily -------- method. (a) Accepted (b) Manipulated (c) Attracted (d)
10. Persons who do strenuous jobs are called -------- (a) Adults (b) Activists (c) Sedentary workers (d) Manual
11. Baking is often done in -------- (a) Refrigerator (b) Oven (c) Sink (d) Stove.
12. The method of cooking food in dry heat is called -------- (a) Steaming (b) Roasting (c) Frying (d) Cooking.
13. The government of Nigeria approved age for marriage is -------- (a) 20 years (b) 25 years (c) 30 years (d) 18
14. The following tests are very important for intending marriage partners. (a) Genotype and malarial tests (b)
Measles and malaria tests (c) Genotype and malaria tests (d) Genotype and HIV/AIDS tests.
15. The male sex cells are called -------- (a) Testis (b) Ovum (c) Sperms (d) Egg.
16. A female sex cell is called -------- (a) Ovum (b) Sperm (c) Cell (d) Overy.
17. One of the following is NOT an ante-natal test. (a) Complexion test (b) Urine test (c) Blood test (d)
Abdominal test.
18. -------- occurs when the ovum is fertilized by a sperm. (a) Pregnancy (b) Infertility (c) Child birth (d)
19. Which of the following is NOT a sign of pregnancy? (a) Height increase (b) Vomiting (c) Nausea (d) Breasts
20. A pregnant woman should avoid -------- cloth. (a) Tight (b) Loose (c) Clean (d) Comfortable.

Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a). Explain the meaning of pregnancy.
(b). State four (4) signs of pregnancy.
2. List and explain five (5) factors that influence meal planning.
3. (a). Who is a Consumer?
(b). State five (5) challenges of a consumer.
4. State five (5) characteristics of protein.
5. State five (5) characteristics of fats and oils.


1. Record in a -------- file are inserted as they arrive. (a) Serial (b) Random (c) Sequential (d) Indexed.
2. A file that is sorted on a sequence of fields is called -------- (a) Heap file (b) Stack file (c) Hash file (d)
Random file.
3. -------- is the smallest unit of information stored in computer file. (a) Field (b) File (c) Record (d) Data item
4. -------- file is referred to as direct access file. (a) Sequential (b) Indexed (c) Serial (d) Random.
5. An internet benefit that helps people to get materials and read them in preparation for examination is called
-------- (a) E-Learning (b) Reference file (c) E-Coordination (d) E-Resources.
6. All these are examples of internet browsers except? (a) Emoticon (b) Opera (c) Safari (d) Chrome.
7. ------- is the collection of related data item or field. (a) Data item (b) Field (c) Record (d) File.
8. Which of these is NOT a data item? (a) Alphanumeric data (b) Alphabetic data (c) Letter data (c) Numeric
9. A computer file that is used as an authority in a given job that is relatively permanent is called -------- (a)
Transaction file (b) Reference file (c) Master file (d) Random file.
10. Which of the following is NOT a criteria for classifying files? (a) Organization method (b) Correction method
(c) Storage medium (d) Nature of content.
11. A term used to refer to the process of accessing and viewing web pages on the internet is called -------- (a)
Opera (b) Browse (c) Internet (d) Scroll.
12. A computer file of data that is kept so that it could be referred to is called -------- (a) Master file (b) Authority
file (c) Reference file (d) Transaction file.
13. The data in a -------- file is used to update the master file, which contains the data about the subject of the
organization. (a) Transaction file (b) Authority file (c) Master file (d) Reference file.
14. -------- is NOT a basic computer file operation. (a) Delete (b) View (c) Pause (d) Open.
15. Writing of binary set of data on a memory is called -------- (a) Manual file (b) Data loss (c) Overwriting (d)
Computer file.
16. All these can be performed on an existing file except? (a) Copy (b) Creation (c) Delete (d) View.
17. A mail that one has NOT requested for is called -------- (a) Spam (b) Creation (c) Delete (d) View.
18. A secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication, to prove identity or gain access to a
resource is called -------- (a) Manual file (b) Overwriting (c) Password (d) Computer file.
19. -------- is NOT a way in which the internet can be abused. (a) Mail bomb (b) Hacking (c) Spam mails (d) TCP
20. -------- is NOT a measure of internet security. (a) Encryption (b) Protocols (c) Usenet (d) Cryptographic
21. A branch of computer security specifically related to the internet is called -------- (a) Internet breach (b)
Encryption (c) Dotted file (d) Anti-spam.
22. -------- is a software used for making presentation. (a) Power point (b) Excel (c) Access (d) Publisher.
23. -------- is NOT a feature of presentation package. (a) SMS (b) Creation of slides (c) Animation (d) Insertion of
video and audio.
24. Which of these is an example of a presentation package? (a) Harvard graphics (b) Ms Power point (c) Hacking
(d) None of the above.
25. All these are methods of file security except? (a) Backups (b) Anti-virus (c) Man-handling (d) Password.
26. The length of a field may be -------- and -------- (a) Fixed and variable (b) Fixed and unvariable (c) Unfixed
and Unvariable (d) Unfixed and variable.
27. -- ------ file store data permanently by nature. (a) Master (b) Fixed (c) Transaction (d) Variable.
28. Which of these channels would enable business transactions between a buyer from Nigeria and seller from
Ghana? (a) E-Portal (b) E-Library (c) E-Commerce (d) Podcasting.
29. A special effect that controls the way slides appear in power point presentation is called -------- (a) Word Art
(b) Transition (c) Theme (d) Clip Art.
30. Which of the following is NOT used for On-line shopping? (a) Master card (b) Credit card (c) Verve card (d)
SIM card.

Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a). Define the following (i) Computer file (ii) Record (iii) Data item (iv) Internet (v) Field.
(b). State three (3) types of file organization and explain any two of them.
2. (a). Highlight four (4) abuse of internet and three (3) benefits of internet.
(b). List the criteria required to classify files.
3. (a). Define: (i) Internet browser (ii) Presentation package.
(b). State four (4) differences between master file and transaction file.
4. (a). What is Internet Security?
(b). Itemize five (5) examples of presentation package.
(c). Give four (4) features of presentation package.

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