Virology - Exam 2 - Zipgrade

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Virology – Collection, Transport and Specimen Examination

61. Respiratory syncytial virus is best isolated using a(n):

A. nasopharyngeal aspirate
B. cough plate
C. expectorated sputum
D. throat swab

62. What material should be used to prepare slides for direct smear examination for virus detection
by special stains or FA technique?

A. vesicular fluid
B. leukocytes from the edge of the lesion
C. the top portion of the vesicle
D. epithelial cells from the base of the lesion

63. Virus transport medium containing penicillin, gentamicin and amphotericin is used to collect and
transport specimens for virus culture because this medium:

A. enables rapid viral growth during the transport time

B. inhibits bacterial and fungal growth
C. destroys nonpathogenic viruses
D. inhibits complement-fixing antibodies

64. A urine specimen was submitted for isolation of cytomegalovirus (CMV). The urine was
inoculated into human fibroblast tissue culture tubes. After 72 hours, no cytopathic effect was
observed in the culture tubes. The most appropriate course of action is to:
A. incubate the culture tubes for 2-3 weeks longer
B. request a fecal specimen as urine is inappropriate
C. repeat the test using monkey kidney cell culture tubes
D. request CMV serology as CMV cannot be isolated

65. Specimens for virus culture should be transported in media containing:

A. Antibiotics and 5% sheep blood

B. Saline and 5% sheep blood
C. 22% bovine albumin
D. Antibiotics and nutrient
66. In a patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, one should expect to see:

A. Shift to the left in WBCs

B. Target cells
C. Reactive lymphocytes
D. Pelgeroid cells

67. Which is the first antibody detected in serum after infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV)?

A. Anti-HBs
B. Anti-HBc IgM
C. Anti-HBe
D. All are detectable at the same time

68. Patient serum is mixed with a suspension of guinea pig antigen. When the sample is then mixed
with horse red blood cells, agglutination occurs. This is suggestive of an infection caused by

A. Borrelia burgdorferi
B. Hepatitis B virus
C. Hepatitis C virus
D. Epstein-Barr virus

69. A 25-year-old male presents to his family physician complaining of fatigue, diarrhea, and weight
loss of a few months duration. On physical examination the patient is found to have a fever and
abdominal discomfort.

Laboratory results indicate a white blood cell count of 14.3 x 109/L (reference range 4.8-10.8 x
109/L). Assays for HBsAg and anti-HIV are negative. An ELISA test for antibodies to the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) performed on the patient's serum is found to be reactive. What
step should be take next?

A. Call the physician with the HIV result

B. Repeat the HIV ELISA test on the sample
C. Test the patient's serum for anti-HBs
D. Contact the patient to collect a second sample

70. A serum sample is positive for HBsAg. This result indicates that the person from whom the serum
was taken

A. Had a hepatitis B infection in the past but overcame the infection

B. Has either active or chromic hepatitis B infection
C. Was immunized recently against the hepatitis B infection
D. Is not infectious for the hepatitis B virus
71. Which of the following indicates the presence of a viral infection in tissue smears or biopsies?

A. cytopathic effect
B. intranuclear inclusions
C. cell lysis
D. mononuclear inflammatory cells

72. The type of cell culture that best supports the growth of cytomegalovirus is

A. HeLa cells
B. HEp-2 cells
C. Human fibroblast cells
D. Primary monkey kidney (PMK) cells

73. A 25-year-old patient presented with multiple vesicles around the mouth. Material from the
lesions was obtained by needle aspiration and inoculated to MRC-5 cells. After one day, the
cytopathic effect included foci of "ballooned" and lysed cells. These observations suggest
infection with:

A. Adenovirus
B. Cytomegalovirus
C. Epstein-Barr virus
D. Herpes simplex virus

74. A clinical specimen is received in viral transport medium for viral isolation. The specimen cannot
be processed for 72 hours. At what temperature should it be stored?

A. -80°C
B. -20°C
C. 4°C
D. 22°C

75. The use of cell cultures has enabled virologists to isolate and identify many clinically important
viruses. However, because some viruses cannot be grown in cell cultures, these agents are best
diagnosed by serologic testing. An example of this agent is:

A. Cytomegalovirus
B. Hepatitis C virus
C. Herpes simplex virus 2
D. Respiratory syncytial virus
76. Which of the following has not been successfully used to detect viruses in clinical specimens?

A. Cytopathic effect
C. Growth on selective agar media
D. Immunofluorescence

77. The most rapid definitive diagnosis of a genital herpes simplex (HSV-2) infection in a 20-year-
old man is made by which method?

A. Direct immunofluorescence test for viral antigen in vesicle fluid

B. Titer of serum and seminal fluid for antibodies to herpes simplex
C. Detection of antiherpes simplex in seminal fluid
D. Cell culture of vesicle fluid

78. Negri bodies may be found in brain tissue of humans or animals infected with
A. Adenovirus
B. Filovirus
C. Measles virus
D. Rabies virus

79. A baby was admitted to the hospital for dehydration due to severe diarrhea. Cultures for bacterial
pathogens revealed normal fecal flora at 24 hours. Which of the following additional tests would
be most appropriate given the case history?

A. Heterophile antibody test

B. Rotavirus antigen assay of stool specimen
C. McCoy cell inoculation for cytomegalovirus (CMV)
D. Urine microscopic analysis for presence of CMV cellular inclusion bodies

80. Characteristic cytopathic effect associated with respiratory syncytial virus is

A. Giant multinucleated cells

B. Basophilic intranuclear inclusions
C. Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions
D. Shrunken cells with multilobed nuclei

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