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Mustard Seed 11 September 2011

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Worshipping Community of Darlington-Bellevue St Cuthberts Church cnr Darlington and Hillsden Rd, Darlington


11 September 2011 SUSTAINABLE SEPTEMBER PRAYER: God of all creation, challenge us to recognise our role in the preservation of our environment. Teach us to live sustainably in your beautiful world.

A CONVERSATION WITH CARAD Thursday 15 September 7.30pm CARAD is the Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees. Based in East Perth, the coalition provides assistance to people in detention centres and people settling in Australia. Our Worshipping Community has a long history of partnership with CARAD. As the new Northam Detention Centre nears completion, the churches of Northam are mobilising to offer Christian compassion and hospitality to the men who will be detained there. On Thursday 15 September at 7.30pm, we will welcome the CARAD Volunteer Co-ordinator, Eira Clapton, to talk about how the Hills community can share in this mission. Who of the 18,000 people across the ten suburbs of our parish will you invite to partner with us in mission? CONGRATULATIONS! To our team of volunteers in the pilot Literacy program at Clayton View Primary School. School staff reported an improvement in reading, comprehension, student attendance and confidence. Volunteers had a great time and saw what a wonderful school it is. Now its time to start recruiting for the ongoing project. Please pass the word around your friends and networks and encourage interested people to contact the parish office. HORN OF AFRICA APPEAL act for peace is the international aid organisation of the National Council of Churches. Best known for the Christmas Bowl appeal, it works in collaboration with other agencies to provide aid throughout the world. Envelopes with details of how to give to the Horn of Africa Appeal are available at both Eucharists today, or on the table at the door to the Parish Centre.

We pray for those sick and in need: Colleen, Ric, Damon, Bec, Rose, Lyn, Eigil, Noah, Ann,Keith In the Diocese we pray for: Archbishop Roger Herft;Bishop Tom Wilmot; Bishop Kay Goldsworthy; Parish of Shenton Park, Kanishka Raffel, Ben Underwood, Roger Morey and people; All parishes and people participating in Back to Church Sunday; All those attending the Anglicare Australia National Conference in Perth. In the Province we pray for: Parish of Wagin, Diocese of Bunbury; Cathedral Parish of Geraldton, Diocese of North West Australia. In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall; Diocese of Riverina, Bishop Doug Stevens, clergy and people. In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Sittwe (Myanmar), Bishop Barnabas Theaung Hawi, Bishop Sein Aung.

SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY - 25 September Social Justice Sunday is an initiative of the National Council of Churches in Australia and is observed in many churches. Each year, the Social Justice Working Group chooses a particular theme. This year the theme is Prisoner Justice. The liturgy on the day will reflect this theme. BRASS AND SILVERWARE The candles in use on the altar from this Sunday were formerly located in St Andrews Church, Glen Forrest. The inscription on the ewer (water jug) currently next to the font reads In Memory of Noel Groser; Killed in France April 6th 1917. Given by the Bellevue congregation. The brass offering plate currently in use reads Gift of Miss J Collingwood Easter 1919. The lavabo (jug used to watch the priests hands) reads: 1987 Dedicated to the precious memory of a Grandmother who loved everyone as the Good Shepherd first loved her.

HOSPITALITY WORKSHOP #3 - Sunday 25 September 12.30pm - 2.30pm For those who werent able to make the previous hospitality workshops, the next workshop will take place on Sunday 25 September starting at 12.30pm. The workshops are for people who have any hospitality role in the Sunday liturgy - sidespersons, reader, intercessor, liturgical assistant and so on. Its an opportunity to refresh and renew our hospitality practices. IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY - Thursdays: 29 Sept. and 6, 13, 20, 27 Oct, at 5.00pm for 5.15pm Facilitated by The Reverend Tess Milne, these sessions will explore the spiritual practices associated with St Ignatius of Antioch. Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for everyday life. It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and an active life of service to others.

WORKING BEE At the time of writing, plans for the Working Bee on Saturday were well underway, with lots of people planning to come and help to care for our property and grounds. Thanks to all our helpers!

WHITE NIGHT DINNER Congratulations to the Friends of St Cuthberts for the thoroughly enjoyable Wite Nite Dinner. In total, $2702 was raised for St Bartholomews House, and we look forward to hearing about how the money is used to help end the cycle of homelessness. HILLS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRESENTS... Concerti An evening of concerto movement featuring beautiful solos by selected members of the orchestra. Saturday 17 September, 7.30pm at Midland Junction Arts Centre. Tickets: $5 (Featuring our very own Jane Banner)

Pentecost Camp @ Rottnest, May 25-27 2012

A weekend of fun and fellowship on Rottnest Island! ROCOG - the Rottnest Island Organising Group - has been hard at work planning this great fun weekend away. Suitable for people of all ages, we will travel to Rotto by ferry and stay in cabin accommodation in Governors Circle. Well have a mix of fun activities together, and free time to explore and enjoy all that Rottnest has together. Of course, Saturday night will be Talent Night and Sunday morning Eucharist in the Chapel. What better way to celebrate Pentecost? The total cost for the weekend (including ferry, accommodation and food) will be approximately $170 per adult and $120 per child. But well be doing some fundraising over the next six months, particularly to help keep the costs down for families. To help with the planning, please complete the GREEN Expression of Interest Form and place it in the GREEN box in the Meeting Room.

LA and Chalice Bible Reader Prayers Morning Tea Greeting Childrens And Ministry Offertory 8am Jill Cleaning Counters

TODAY Psalm 114 Exodus 14:19-31 Romans 14: 1-14 Matt 18:21-35 18 SEPT Ps 105:1-6,37-45 Exodus 16: 2-15 Phill. 1:21-30 Matthew 20:1-6 25 SEPT Ps 78:1-4,11-16 Exodus 17: 1-7

8am Britt Shirley 10am Cheryle David 8am Philippa Britt

8am Sheena

8am Trish

8am Gill Ross 10am Heather

Storyteller Sue Karen Leader Debbie

10am Philip

10am Gus

10am Patrick Chris 8am Ian

Beaty David

8am David H

8am Britt

8am Maureen

Helper Karen Storyteller Mary Fr Chris Holly Leader Debbie

10am 10am 10am 10am 10am Charlotte Christine Cheryle Michelle A Angus Martin Martin Torres 8am Britt Sheena 8am Brenda 8am Pat 8am Brenda 8am Marea


Helper Shereen Storyteller Lynne Karen Frances Leader Heather B Helper Michelle A

10am Philippians 2:1-13 Rosie Krys Matt. 21:23-32

10am David

10am Nancy

10am Nancy

10am Fred Rosie


Office: T: 9299 7274 E:[email protected] Mustard Seed: Rosie Zuiderduyn E: [email protected] Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 T: 0405 525 476 E: [email protected] Day off: Friday Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde

Hills Anglicans

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