Unit13 - Steganography With Exercises Pronouns Possessives
Unit13 - Steganography With Exercises Pronouns Possessives
Unit13 - Steganography With Exercises Pronouns Possessives
As you know from even simple encryption, the Caesar code, it is obvious that the
message is encrypted in come way. Let’s look at a covert way not only of data
encryption but also as a mean of infecting a computer with malware –
steganography. (no, steganography, NOT stegosaurus). The word steganography
comes from the Greek words steganos (στεγανός), meaning "covered, concealed, or
protected", and graphein (γράφειν) meaning "writing". It is the practice of concealing
a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video.
The first recorded use of the term was in 1499 by Johannes Trithemius in his
Steganographia, a paper on cryptography and steganography, disguised as a book
on magic. In steganography, the hidden message appears to be part of something
else: images, articles, shopping lists, or some other cover text. A good example is
that used by Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.
In the disguise of a “butterfly collector”, he roamed the Mediterranean drawing
“butterflies” and “stained-glass windows” that were actually plans of the Turkish
forts that might be attacked if there were a war between Great Britain and the
Ottoman Empire.
Baden-Powell even showed his drawings to the Turkish guards who asked for
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
While steganography can be used in any type of file, media files (audio, video, gifs,
jpegs, bmps) are ideal for steganographic transmission because of their large size
and ease at containing a message. Let’s see how this works using a picture, but first
let’s look at the color chart for computer displays. Depending upon the resolution of
the picture, the number to represent the color of each pixel may be as large as 256
bits or as small as 8 bits. For our example, let’s use standard HTML colors that are
represented by a three-byte hexadecimal number with each byte, or pair of
characters in the Hex code, representing the intensity of red, green and blue
in the color respectively.
Hex code byte values range from 00, which is the lowest intensity of a color, to
FF which is the highest intensity. The color white, for example, is made by
mixing each of the three primary colors at their full intensity, resulting in the Hex
color code of #FFFFFF. Black is the opposite – all at the lowest giving #000000.
Let’s take the code for RED - #FF0000. It looks like this:
“Wait,” you say. “I can see the difference between the two.” (Well, some of you can).
OK, let’s look at them in a block of red and pick out the one that’s different (yes,
there is one pixel that is different). If you pick it out, you have better eyes than
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
Now what we are going to do is to take the following picture of a cute puppy or a cute
kitten (and who doesn’t like pictures of cute puppies and kittens…OK, you don’t,
Sasha, but you’re the exception):
What we are going to do is to change just the BLUE HUE of each pixel from 00 to 01
(as we did with the red above). The puppy jpeg has over 84,000 pixels, while the
kitten jpeg has over 64,000. In the kitten picture, just by changing the BLUE HUE
number as needed (or leaving it as is), we can encode over 8,000 bytes of
information…much more than is needed for a virus, Trojan horse, or any other type
of malware.
“I don’t download photos”, you say. Fine. Do you listen to music off the internet? Like
pictures, audio and video are lossy transmissions. That is, if bits are missing (or
added), then the audio or video continues to play – the audio may skip a beat or
sound fuzzy, the video may briefly pixelate, but they continue. Congratulations,
your computer has been infected through steganography.
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
Now we are going to remove all but the two least significant bits of each color byte
and do a normalization.
Steganography, then, is the easiest way to compromise a computer system and the
hardest to detect.
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
cryptosystem - криптосистема; compromise (v, n) - компроміс;
криптосистема заключение компромисса
jpeg – “jpeg” – стандарт; спільна congratulations – вітаю, вітання ;
експертна група з фотографій / поздравления
стандарт на сжатие изображений
least significant bits - найменш density (n) – щільність; плотность
значні біти; младший двоичный
lossy (adj) - із втратами; с disguise (v, n) – маскування; маскировка
normalization (n) – нормалізація; fort (n) – форт
нормализация, упорядочение
pixelate (v) – пікселізувати; hexadecimal – шістнадцятковий;
пикселизация (н-р, цифровых шестнадцатиричная система исчисления
steganalysis (n) – стеганаліз; ideal (adj) – ідеальний; идеальное
steganography (n) – стеганографія; intense (adj) /intensity (n) – інтенсивний
стенография (прикм.); інтенсивність (ім.); интенсивный;
modify (v) - змінити; модифицировать
obscure (v, adj) – неясний; смутность
plain sight (n) – надання інформації у
відкритому вигляді; простий вид; пароль в
виде открытого текста; представление
конфиденциальной информации в
открытом виде; открытый вид
resolution (n) - роздільна здатність;
разрешение (общее количество пикселей,
отображающееся на экране монитора или
воспроизводимое на распечатке)
respectively (adv) – відповідно;
roam (v) – пересуватися; знаходитися у
роумінгу; бродить; находиться в роуминге
security through obscurity - безпека
через невизначеність; в безымянности - в
безопасности (неведение значит
stained-glass window - вітраж; витраж
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
4) Which would you think would be better for steganography – a solid color
picture or a picture with many colors? Why?
Vocabulary exercises
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the words; phrases from the vocabulary of the Unit.
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
2) jpeg
3) bmp
4) hex
5) malware
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park
Supplementary activities
Exercise 6. Study the tables below, and then think of your own
examples to fill them (the tables) in.
I… … me My Mine Myself
You … … you Your Yours Yourself
He … him His His Himself
She … her Her Hers Herself
It … it Its - Itself
We … us Our Ours Ourselves
You … you Your Yours Yourselves
They … them Their Theirs Themselves
UNIT 13 – Steganography: Not Jurassic Park