Bibby & Dehe
Bibby & Dehe
Bibby & Dehe
To cite this article: Lee Bibby & Benjamin Dehe (2018) Defining and assessing industry 4.0
maturity levels – case of the defence sector, Production Planning & Control, 29:12, 1030-1043,
DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1503355
Defining and assessing industry 4.0 maturity levels – case of the defence sector
Lee Bibbya and Benjamin Deheb
The Manufacturing Institute, Manchester, UK; bHuddersfield Business School, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
CONTACT Benjamin Dehe [email protected] Huddersfield Business School, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH,
United Kingdom
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
weakness and strength, prioritise improvement opportunities entire supply chain (Lanza, Haefner, and Kraemer 2015).
and manage development plans (Becker, Knackstedt, and Hermann, Pentek, and Otto (2015) describe two ‘design
Po€ppelbusz 2009). Nonetheless, as Schumacher, Erol, and principles’, which are enablers to the Industry 4.0 revolution:
Sihn (2016) suggest, most manufacturing organisations do interoperability and consciousness. Interoperability consists
not have the understanding or capability to assess their of communication, standardisation, flexibility and communi-
Industry 4.0 maturity level due to the lack of definitions, con- cation; whereas consciousness incorporates predictive main-
sensus and measurement tools (Schwab 2017; Gilchrist 2016). tenance, intelligent presentation and standardisation.
Hence, to support firms in evaluating their progression, Moreover, Qin, Liu, and Grosvenor (2016) suggest there are
assessment frameworks and models are recommended four key elements impacted by Industry 4.0: customer’s rela-
(Proenca and Borbinha 2016). The aim of this study is to tionship, factory and production management, product
develop an assessment framework and to measure the design and fabrication, and business processes. Lucke,
Industry 4.0 maturity of a focal firm: a leader in the defence Constantinescu, and Westk€amper (2008) describe the idea of
sector, and compare it against 12 organisations within its a smart factory as a network of systems, which are aware of
supply network. The assessment revolves around three major their environment, able to assist other machines and people
dimensions: ‘factory of the future’ (composed of 8 techno- in routine tasks by utilising ‘calm systems’ while working in
logical innovations: additive manufacturing, cloud, manufac- the background. Factories are likely to become more con-
turing execution system, internet of things and cyber nected through the synchronisation of different automated
physical systems, big data, sensors, e-value chains and systems, allowing to becoming more predictive and resilient
autonomous robots), ‘people and culture’ and ‘strategy’. (Lucke, Constantinescu, and Westk€amper 2008). This trans-
formation leads to radically change the way firms interact
2. Literature review with their suppliers and customers, altering the nature of
business processes. It is anticipated that a positive communi-
2.1. Industry 4.0 cation network will be established between related busi-
nesses by sharing real-time status for mutual benefit.
The industrial world has experienced three significant eras in
Product designs will change by incorporating embedded
its history (three industrial revolutions) and according to vari-
sensors/components capable of storing data to support pro-
ous sources (Prause and Weigand 2016; Schumacher, Erol,
duction processes, quality assurance and customer experi-
and Sihn 2016), is at the edge or is embarking on its fourth
transformation: the 4th Industrial Revolution. According to ence. Lasi et al. (2014) describe a vision for future
Dombrowski and Wagner (2014) the categorisation of a new production, they believe organisations will develop modular
Industrial Revolution constitutes a significant change in the products and implement manufacturing systems, where
technical, economic or social systems within the industry, a products have the ability to control their own manufacturing
paradigm shift in the production model. The terminology process. This ideology is expected to enable the manufacture
‘Industry 4.0’ appears to have been initiated in Germany at of individual products in a batch size of one while maintain-
the Hanover Fair event in 2011, representing the start of the ing the economic conditions of mass production. Stock and
4th Industrial Revolution (Lee 2013). Other countries have Seliger (2016) support the idea of true mass customisation
adopted similar terminologies i.e.: USA with ‘Industrial within industry and advocate involving the customer, early
Internet’ and China with ‘Internet þ’ (Wang et al. 2016). The during the product life cycle.
term Industry 4.0 is stated as one of the most popular topics According to Fatorachian and Kazemi (2018), Lanza,
for the global manufacturing sector within both industry and Haefner, and Kraemer (2015) and Roden et al. (2017), the
academia (Kagermann et al. 2013), however, the academic lit- people and cultural aspects should also be considered when
erature on this topic remains scarce (Qin, Liu, and Grosvenor, assessing Industry 4.0, as it will impact and be influenced by
2016). Prause and Weigand (2016, 104) define Industry 4.0 as values such as openness in the way data are managed, the
the ‘combination of cyber physical systems with automated ability of the workforce to adopt new technology, continu-
systems’ with the objective to create context-aware manufac- ous improvement, innovation and communication. Schuh
turing facilities in which people and machines are in real- et al. (2014) makes a comparison between previous Industrial
time alignment. A vision stated by Monostori (2014) is to Revolutions and Industry 4.0. They argue that the 4th
have a manufacturing division, which has its machines, prod- Industrial revolution has a wider bearing within the entire
ucts and entire production facilities connected and inte- value chain to maximise productivity, efficiencies, innovation,
grated to enable partial or full automation that requires creativity and sustainability performances. This is significantly
minimal or no manual operations. It is also envisioned to different to the previous Industrial Revolutions which pre-
include ‘technological concepts and solutions which will dominantly changed the effectiveness of ‘shop floor’ based
enable a combination of the economy of scale with the activities rather than extending the benefits to supporting
economy of scope’ (Dombrowski and Wagner 2014, 101). functions such as design, engineering, supply chain or
Furthermore, according to PWC (2016), Industry 4.0 is the finance and marketing. Such a radical change or paradigm
physical digitalisation of all assets within an organisation to shift in manufacturing firms will no doubt lead to increased
create a connected infrastructure combined with partners complexity of production process at a micro and macro level
leading to create an ‘e-value chain’. The term Industry 4.0 (Schuh et al. 2014). Hence, this should naturally be translated
not only applies to individual companies but also to the within the strategy and the product range of a firm,
demonstrated by larger investment in the digitalisation tech- equipment, the balance of offset/offload labour will shift,
nology, IT infrastructure and the ability to increase its agile with the predominate source of production taking place in
production and supply chain systems. the consumer country.
Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn (2016) suggest that organisa-
tions are finding it difficult to relate the Industry 4.0 vision
into the business in order to provide significant benefits to 2.1.2. Cloud
justify the large financial investment. Qin, Liu, and Grosvenor The term ‘cloud manufacturing’ can be represented by a com-
(2016) imply that the general population of manufacturing bination of various IT packages including: internet services,
companies are disordered and disorganised with what web based application and system management (Helo et al.
Industry 4.0 brings and the challenges it introduces. 2014). Lan et al. (2004) describes cloud-based solutions as a
Nonetheless, there are eight key technological components web based application of which information is stored on exter-
that are consistently linked to operationalize Industry 4.0. nal servers and is primarily accessible through the Internet.
Ren et al. (2017) describes the philosophy of cloud manufac-
turing as a ‘smart networked manufacturing model’, which
2.1.1. Additive manufacturing or 3D printing supports product individualisation, greater global collaboration,
Additive manufacturing or 3D-printing is a process by knowledge intensive innovation and a quicker ability to
which products are created on a layer-by-layer basis, using respond to market trends. Xu (2012) explains cloud manufac-
a collection of cross sectional layers (Berman 2012; Rayna turing is set to transform the manufacturing organisation from
and Striukova 2016). There are two main techniques used production oriented manufacturing to service oriented manu-
in industry, one method uses powder, which is built up facturing. Thames and Schaefer (2016), describe cloud manu-
layer-by-layer and the other uses thin layers of resin, which facturing as a networked manufacturing system, which uses
are solidified by ultraviolet (UV) light to create a solid struc- free access to common, diverse and varied collection of manu-
ture. Typically, the products produced are designed using facturing resource. They explain that these resources enable
universal 3D CAD software tools (Casey 2009). The popular- temporary cyber-physical production lines, which have more
ity of 3D-printing machines has been growing across indus- advance efficiency gains, lower unit production costs and bet-
tries, originally to support R and D activities within ter-utilised physical resources to respond to customer
organisations; however, based on the 18 projections made demands on a flexible basis (Li et al. 2010). The cloud enables
by Jiang, Kleer, and Piller (2017) the 3D-printing impact will organisations to virtually store and organise their production
be much more substantial by 2030. The attractiveness of resources within a central location in order for a shared plat-
3D-Printing machines has been driven predominately as a form to allow all partners to access this information, real-time
result of the affordability in comparison to rapid prototyp- in a collaborative method (Hao and Helo 2015). These
ing machines (Baumers et al. 2016; Jiang, Kleer, and Piller advancements in ‘connectability’ between customers and sup-
2017). These printing systems have been linked to the pliers are critical to the success of the e-value chain concept.
developing idea of ‘mass customisation’ within the Industry
4.0, whereby an organisation would have the ability to
quickly and economically manufacture bespoke parts for 2.1.3. Manufacturing execution systems (MES)
specific product lines (Berman 2012). Thilmany (2009) Software companies have developed what is being called
explains 3D-printing will be going through a three-stage manufacturing execution systems (MES), to provide data
evolution. Phase one consists of operators of the machine management capabilities and a ‘common user interface’ for
creating mock-ups and developing prototypes in a research operators, which bridge the gap between automated pro-
and development environment. Phase two involves organi- duction capabilities and the organisations’ ERP systems (Choi
sations using the technology to produce parts to be used and Kim 2002). Saenz de Ugarte, Artiba, and Pellerin (2009,
as ‘finished goods’. These products may be used for tooling 526) define a MES as: ‘a system that delivers information to
or early prototypes with better functionality. Phase three optimise production activities from order launch to finished
expects 3D printers being used by the end customer to goods, using current and accurate data. A MES guides, ini-
produce parts required within the home or business con- tiates, responds to and reports on plant activities as they
text, e.g. parts for cars or computers. 3D-printing capabil- occur. The resulting rapid response to changing conditions,
ities have offered the opportunity for aerospace, medical coupled with a focus on reducing non-value-added activities,
and automotive industries to trial complex geometric struc- drives effective plant operations and processes. The MES
tures that conventional manufacturing techniques may find improves the return on operational assets as well as on-time
difficult to produce (Bogue 2013). However, it has been delivery, inventory turns, gross margin and cash-flow per-
stated that there is still a long way to go before products formance’. Valckenaers et al. (2007) describes MES as a sys-
produced on 3D-Printers will be able to integrate with tem, which reflects reality to an adequate level, enabling
safety critical products, due to issues related to material production management teams to track, monitor and com-
strength, longevity, resistance to heat and moisture and mand all manufacturing activities. Furthermore, the tool
precision (Petrovic et al. 2011). The work of Gebler, offers organisations the ability to control inventory and pro-
Uiterkamp, and Visser (2014) shows that as 3D-printing vides functions to assist management planning (Helo et al.
becomes more popular for the actual production of prod- 2014). Hwang (2006) states that MES performs a central dis-
ucts in industries such as aerospace and medical tribution of data role within the heart of the production
system, collecting, processing, analysing and acting upon in order to retrieve, monitor and report information to the
materials, products and equipment data. user or decision-makers (Babiceanu and Seker, 2016). The
application of smart sensors provides a foundation for con-
necting the products, equipment and physical facilities
2.1.4. Internet of things (IoT) and cyber physical sys-
within the cyber world of internet applications and the soft-
tems (CPS)
ware environment (Babiceanu and Seker, 2015). The intro-
Shaev (2014) defines the internet of things to be a process of
duction of smart sensors into manufacturing organisations
changing the nature of information and network technologies
can provide numerous benefits, one of which is the idea of
in the world today to seamlessly unite people and things.
predictive maintenance.
Shaev (2014) expands by suggesting that internet of things
optimises connectivity, not just the connectivity of people but
also that of machines and devices. It is suggested this concept 2.1.7. e-Value Chains
incorporates the perfect blend of sensors and objects commu- Becoming more digitalised offers organisations the opportun-
nicating seamlessly using a common platform to benefit vari- ity to become more connected, smarter and highly efficient
ous users (Yang, Yang, and Plotnick 2013). The optimisation of within their supply chains (Schrauf and Berttram 2016). The
existing networks combined with the establishment of smart introduction of digitalisation within organisations is helping to
connectivity is described as a critical element to the success overcome previous barriers between key partners and starts
of the internet of things concept (Gubbi et al. 2013). There to create e-value chains, which connect the entire supply net-
are three important enablers which should be established to work from suppliers, to distributors to the end customers
facilitate the introduction of the internet of things: i) machines (Schrauf and Berttram 2016). Pulevska-Ivanovska and
and the users distribute information about their live situation, Kaleshovska (2013) in their paper provide a deep insight into
ii) the availability of software architectures and universal com- the concept of e-supply chain, which can be considered as
munication systems to process and distribute information to the precursor of the e-value chain concept. If the internet
where it is required, and iii) the processing and analysis tools enabled to develop agile and flexible information systems
in the internet of things that aim for independent and smart that led partner organisations to share data and optimise their
performance. Gilchrist (2016, 58) states the main aim of the supply chains (Gimenez and Lourenço 2008; Pulevska-
Internet of Things is to ‘provide enough connectivity and Ivanovska and Kaleshovska 2013); the aim, within Industry 4.0,
functionality to enable a computer system to sense informa- is to focus on the value creation and optimisation through
tion autonomously without the interaction of humans’. As the application of these new technologies. For instance, by
Fatorachian and Kazemi (2018) explained the cyber physical combining additive manufacturing, sensors, IoT and big data,
systems to enable fast and reliable data exchange for effective a worldwide distributed network of firms will be able to pre-
communication between the different systems: machines and dict, manufacture and serve a bespoke demand for a specific
products as well as humans. item almost in real time (Lee, Kao, and Yang 2014).
Furthermore, Schwab (2017) expresses that firms that focus
on establishing an e-value chain will have a unique insight on
2.1.5. Big data
their customers and asset performances, which will enable to
Intrinsic to the development of Industry 4.0 are two important
develop a platform for R&D, marketing, sales and distribution
aspects, the availability and the manipulation of big data (Gu
and optimise the quality, innovation, speed and cost of their
et al. 2015). As a result of developments in the manufacturing
products and services. In the future, robust e-value chains will
industry, organisations are now utilising more complex manu-
need also to rely on smart contract and the blockchain tech-
facturing processes, equipment and products, and are there-
nology (Tapscott and Tapscott 2016). McKinsey (2016) explains
fore obtaining more data (Windmann et al. 2015; Pethig et al.
that organisations will show signs of improvement as a result
2012). It is believed that successful implementation of the
of the introduction of smart or e-value chains. They will pro-
smart factory concept requires the combination of smart
vide the ability to manage suppliers in more detail and have
machines and products with big analytical data abilities. Wang
complete transparency between suppliers and customers,
et al. (2016) explains this will initiate flexibility and promote
improving suppliers’ network by becoming more resilient, flex-
efficiency. However, Gu et al. (2015) suggests that 95% of
ible and agile. Pearson (2013) explains that e-value chain will
data currently generated within manufacturing organisations
enable firms to have the ability to reduce lead times, minimise
is unstructured and non-analysed. This type of data does not
inventory costs, enhance customer experience and optimise
currently add value to manufacturing organisations without
supplier performance by integrating data from the entire
the capability. However, Roden et al. (2017) have illustrated
value chain in real time with great accuracy. The availability of
the potential of big data in four cases: Ebay, Volkswagen,
real-time data between customers and suppliers and the asso-
Philips and Walmart, comparing its role and impact on the dif-
ciated transparency will become more frequent as the revolu-
ferent components of a firm operational model.
tion develops and becomes more widely used. Furthermore,
through the advancement in technology and organisations
2.1.6. Sensors adopting Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies, the methods
The Industry 4.0’s vision presents a manufacturing system by which businesses manage their supply chains will be
filled with sensors integrated into processes and equipment changed drastically and enable manufacturers to achieve true
mass customisation (Geissbauer, Weissbarth, and Wetzstein culture, people, governance and technology, to determine the
2016) especially with the enhanced use of 3D-printing. maturity of the Industry 4.0 concepts within organisations.
Becker, Knackstedt, and Po €ppelbusz (2009) suggest matur-
ity models have been proven to be an important instrument
2.1.8. Autonomous robotics as a result of their ability to position organisations against
A high proportion of automation for machines and robots is the concept being assessed and help find better solutions
required in order to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness for change. Maturity assessment models are described as a
gains predicted within the Industry 4.0 revolution (Wu et al. framework for systematic and continuous performance
2013). Gray (2016) states that advanced robotics is one of
improvement (Langston and Ghanbaripour 2016). Backlund,
the critical activities developing within the manufacturing
Chroneer, and Sundqvist (2014) support this by suggesting
industry. Advanced robots also known as collaborative robots
the capabilities of an organisation can be managed as a
(cobots) are a key enabler for the introduction of Industry
framework and thus be measured for maturity.
4.0. Pfeiffer (2016) agrees, emphasising that smart robots,
There are two Industry 4.0 assessment models developed
embedded with sensors, dexterity and increased artificial
and published by consulting firms: IMPULS and PWC both in
intelligence and machine learning, is one of the key technol-
2016. These two assessment models use slightly different
ogies driving the progress of the Industry 4.0 revolution. The
methods to analyse the implementation of Industry 4.0 con-
use of automation within manufacturing industries is ena-
cepts within an organisation. The first model offered by
bling organisations to deliver more output than what they
IMPULS provides feedback on an organisation’s preparation
would normally be capable of doing (Gray 2016). The use of
for Industry 4.0 and delivers improvement advice. This model
autonomous robots is vastly improving the productivity of
is characterised by six foundations: ‘strategy and organisa-
the automotive industry by being faster, stronger and more
tion, smart factory, smart operations, smart products, data
precise than human workers (Better Policies for Better Lives
driven services and employees’. Within these six categories
2016). Furthermore, autonomous robots have been found to
the model scores an organisation’s progress on a scale of
be more practical than humans in some instances (Pfeiffer
0–5. After completion of the model, the organisation is
2016). Although, Markoff (2016) acknowledges the import-
ranked according to its progress by six levels: Outsider (0),
ance of master craftsmen within some industries and pro-
Beginner (1), Intermediate (2), Experienced (3), Expert (4) and
vides an example stating that Toyota had tried to eliminate
Top Performer (5).
the human interaction within the manufacturing process
The second model developed by PWC offers organisations
entirely, but found that the need for master craftsmen was
an opportunity to understand where they are on their jour-
essential. One of the opportunities provided by autonomous
ney within the Industry 4.0 and provides advice on the next
robots, which links to an objective of Industry 4.0, is the abil-
steps. This model uses six different categories to analyse the
ity for organisations to implement mass customisation (UK
organisation: ‘business models, product and service portfolio,
Network, 2016). Lorentz et al. (2015) details the advance-
market and customer access, value chain and processes, it
ments in autonomous robots and describes how they can
now imitate the actions of humans, work autonomously, are architecture, compliance, legal, risk, security and tax and
consciously aware of their surroundings and adapt to unex- organisation and culture’. The model requires users to self-
pected scenarios. As advancements in robot technology pro- assess the organisation by interpreting the state of maturity
gress, the range of a robot’s capability increases (Gray 2016). on a scale of 1–5, followed by indicating a target maturity
Today, robots are not only used for highly repetitive, low- level on a scale of 1–5. Subsequent to completion of the
skilled jobs but also in medium skilled, highly routine activ- model, the organisation is categorised depending on matur-
ities (UK Network, 2016). ity, into four sections: digital novice, vertical integrator, hori-
zontal collaborator and digital champion.
However, it is felt that there is a gap in the academic
2.1.9. Summary of the technological concepts sphere enabling assessing and reporting the level of practi-
Table 1 summarises these eight key technological concepts ces that firms demonstrate against the major Industry 4.0
behind Industry 4.0 and acknowledges some of the technological constructs. The published academic and scien-
main studies. tific literature is still limited and at its pre-paradigm stage
(Brettel et al. 2014; Lee, Kao, and Yang 2014; Qin, Liu, and
Grosvenor 2016; Roblek et al. 2016). Moreover, governments
2.2. Industry 4.0 assessment and maturity models
and policy makers have echoed researchers and called for
It has been stated within the literature that manufacturing shedding some light on these new technologies (Great
organisations do not have the understanding or capability to Britain 2017). In particular, the ability to gauge and measure
assess their own Industry 4.0 level and/or maturity a consolidated Industry 4.0 implementation strategy rather
(Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn 2016). Qin, Liu, and Grosvenor than a singular topic area, i.e. 3D printing (Schumacher, Erol,
(2016) suggest that the criteria which define the successful and Sihn 2016), which is the aim of this study. Hence, start-
implementation of Industry 4.0 have yet to be fully agreed and ing from the available literature and the consulting frame-
that a roadmap would clarify the path to Industry 4.0, even as, works, the following model was created around three main
Schumacher, Erol, and Sihn (2016) have identified nine charac- dimensions and 13 key attributes, as per Figure 1, which is
teristics: strategy, leadership, customers, products, operations, used to assess the maturity of a defence manufacturing
world leader and 12 other firms in its supply network. The literature as key attributes of Industry 4.0. The ‘People and
‘Factory of the Future’ dimension of the framework focuses Culture’ dimension is a fundamental part of implementing
specifically on the eight key technologies and concepts Industry 4.0 due to the value and power of the people
behind Industry 4.0 (Brettel et al. 2014; PWC 2016; Qin, Liu, within organisations (Schwab 2017). A culture of innovation
and Grosvenor 2016). These were each identified within the and continuous improvement is one which embraces change
Table 4. Sample of the 12 partners firms. results compiled in Table 5. The results show that the
Sample Focus Workforce Revenue Industry 4.0 maturity level of the focal firm was
P1 Defence 5001þ >£500 M (39.08 þ 8.49 þ 11.78) ¼ 59.35 points. This would position
P2 Engineering/Metrology 1001–5000 £250–500 M the firm in the development segment (level 2) of the maturity
P3 Digital signage 51–100 £1–10 M model. The ‘factory of the future’ area achieved a score of
P4 Defence 1001–5000 >£500 M
P5 Aerospace 51–100 £1–10 M 39.08; this signifies that the company resides in the develop-
P6 Defence 1001–5000 £250–500 M ment section of the maturity scale of this criterion. The ‘people
P7 Defence 1001–5000 >£500 M and culture’ criteria was assessed and scored 8.49 points, which
P8 Defence 101–300 £10–50 M
P9 Defence 301–1000 £50–100 M is also equivalent to the development level. Finally, for
P10 Aerospace 1001–5000 >£500 M ‘strategy’, the results also show a score of 11.78 points corre-
P11 Defence 5001þ £250–500 M sponding to the development level. Across the three areas, the
P12 Defence 101–300 £100–250 M
focal firm was scored at the level 2 of the framework. This
means that in terms of technology implementation, culture,
some of the practices are visible with clear intention to workforce and strategy, the organisation as a perceived similar
develop this further. A total score between 70 and 92 would level of advancement regarding the Industry 4.0 concepts and
indicate a Defined level, with well-established practices and does not have any excelling or lacking specific areas.
behaviour. Finally a score between 93 and 115 would indi- Table 5 shows the descriptive results and presents each
cate aspect of best practice or excellence as described in the dimension, their associated criteria, as per Figure 1, and the
literature review section. derived items that formed the maturity assessment, which
Finally, 12 partnering firms were selected, based on their were scored by the experts. The individual score based on
relative importance to the focal firm. The data collection and the weighted average, and the aggregated and total scores
assessment of these partners’ organisations was made in col- are reported in Table 5.
laboration between one of the experts from the focal firm Remarkably, for the ‘factory of the future’ criteria, the
and the head of manufacturing or their equivalent within focal firm demonstrates advanced practices and usages of
the external organisations. The score recorded was based on the manufacturing executive system (6.29). The organisation
their consensus (Dehe and Bamford 2017). This enabled has invested a large amount recently (Circa £3 million) to
building certain robustness and confidence in the assess- optimise its purposed built new production site. Moreover,
ment. The collation of the data allowed benchmarking the big data (5.86) has been a specific area of focus and data
Industry 4.0 practices against each other and with the focal analytics systems are currently being deployed to support
firm. Hence, the framework was used by the focal firm to the firm to capitalise on it, for instance, for understanding
assess the maturity of 12 of their major supply network part- even more precisely quality statistics and predicting mainten-
ners. The rationale was to appreciate how was Industry 4.0 ance of machines and products. autonomous robots (5.64)
understood within their network and shed some light on this has been an area of focus in the past 2 years, especially with
technological phenomenon from a supply network perspec- the design of the purpose built new factory, realising sub-
tive. Table 4 below provides details about the profile of stantial productivity gain and quality improvement. Finally,
these 12 partners’ organisations. 3D-printing (5) is also a technology that the firm is con-
sciously taking advantage of for prototyping, with the intent
to use it for final product in the near future. On the other
4. Maturity assessment findings hand, it can be noticed from the results that sensors (3) and
the e-value chain (3.71) practices are less advanced. The firm
4.1. Maturity assessment results – focal firm
has not fully embraced or invested in the sensors technology
The 14 respondents within the focal firm completed and could enhance its collaboration by increasing the level
the Industry 4.0 maturity assessment, which led to the of connectivity and the real-time data sharing practice with
its suppliers. It seems, understandably, that security is the Additionally, Table 7 shows the scores for the assessment
major barrier preventing the focal firm in enhancing utilisa- of the 12 firms belonging in the same supply network for
tion of these technologies. the ‘factory of the future’ criteria.
On average, big data (6.58) and 3D-printing (5.33) are the
most advanced technological practices, whereas the cloud
4.2. Maturity assessment results – external partners (3.58) and sensors (3.33) are much less used. Table 8 pro-
vides the details of the strongest and weakest Industry 4.0
For the assessment to be more relevant and meaningful, 12
area for each firms.
partners organisations were identified as being adequate to
assess and benchmark their score in order to capture best
practices and identify the areas for improvement. The results
5. Discussion
are summarised in Table 6.
On an average for the 12 partners firms, the total score According to Schumacher et al. (2016), most organisations
reaches 55.58, with 38 for the ‘factory of the future’. Only do not have the ability to assess their own Industry 4.0
one firm (P2) is at the defined level (level 3) and 2 firms (P4 maturity. Furthermore, Becker,Knackstedt, and Po €ppelbusz
and P8) are ranked at the minimal level (level 1). (2009) explain it is important for an organisation to assess
Table 8. Strongest and weakest Industry 4.0 areas. strongest ‘factory of the future’ criterion. The company has
Partners Firms Strongest I.40 area Weakest I4.0 area invested approximately £3 M to develop this state of the art
P1 3DP Cloud system, which allows a high level of data management, by
P2 3DP MES, IoT and CPS, Sensors, e-value chain collecting, processing, analysing and acting upon the infor-
P3 Cloud 3DP, Autonomous robots
P4 Big data Sensors
mation regarding materials, products and equipment in an
P5 Big data 3DP, Cloud optimum and integrated manner (Hwang 2006). According
P6 Big data Cloud to Sim~ao et al. (2006), it is increasingly common for defence
P7 3DP Cloud
P8 Big data Cloud, Sensors, e-value chain firms to operate using an integrated MES as a result of their
P9 Big data Cloud, Sensors, e-value chain high dependency and obligation to demonstrate an accur-
P10 3DP Sensors ate level of traceability within their manufacturing process.
P11 3DP, Big data Cloud, Sensors, Autonomous robots
P12 3DP, Big data Cloud However, the relatively high score for the concept of MES,
6.29 out of a potential score of 10, also suggests that there
are improvement opportunities. When the focal firm was
the maturity of a concept in order to continually improve measured using the assessment framework, the MES was in
from their current position and also to highlight areas of the early stages of operational use. Potential improvements
development, allowing prioritisation to occur. Therefore, to to the maturity of the MES may develop naturally over
start addressing these issues, an Industry 4.0 framework was time. However, quick improvement opportunities for the
developed, tested and used with the focal firm. As the ability focal company could be to transition more paper-based
to embrace Industry 4.0 is a key to the future success, the processes on to the MES system, which are not specifically,
framework enables the firm to achieve its forecasted ambi- related to the product production processes. As an example
tious objectives (Erol et al. 2016). To operationalize this fur- of a potential improvement, the MES could integrate the
ther and allow progress on the implementation of the goods receiving or dispatch transactions to its current data-
Industry 4.0 technologies, the benchmarking exercise to base. These areas have a high intensity of transaction in
assess the current position and best practices was under- order to complete the processes and any efficiency benefit
taken (Langston & Ghanbaripour, 2016)(Langston and would be an attractive improvement opportunity for
Ghanbaripour 2016). the firm.
The results illustrated the focal firm’s technical strengths Big data and autonomous robots are also well scored, as
and weaknesses for the ‘factory of the future’, which is the discussed previously. On the other hand, the weaker criteria
main area of focus. It shows that MES is currently the identified were the use of sensors (score of 3.00) and the
e-value chains. It would be important to enable product and Table 9. Results comparison between the focal firm and its supply network.
machine to communicate further to highlight potential pro- Focal firm Supply network average
cess inefficiency, which may be evident. Furthermore, the Factory or the Future 39.08 38
People and Culture 8.49 8.08
interaction between sensors and machine could highlight
Strategy 11.78 9.50
areas of defect and help progress to a predictive mainten- Total 59.35 55.58
ance approach to calibration methodologies. The advantages
of partners being more connected through an e-value chain
would help promote a more trusted, honest and open rela- sensors, respectively 3, 3, 4 and 4, as shows Table 7. Both
tionship and share scheduling, work in progress and non- the cloud and the sensors are key enabling technologies to
conformance data. Perhaps, in the future blockchain and optimise and enhance big data usage. This highlighted the
smart contract are the technologies enabling the implemen- limits as well as the substantial room for improvement, justi-
tation of effective and efficient e-value chains (Tapscott and fying the average level 2. Organisations that use big data
Tapscott 2016). All this fundamentally reduces excessive effectively (in line with their use of sensors and the cloud)
human interaction for non-value added routines. have the ability to optimise their planning, controlling and
It was analysed from the findings that on average the responding activities to achieve agile production processes,
focal firm resides in the ‘development’ (level 2) section of systems and networks in order to improve quality, increase
the Industry 4.0 maturity scale for all three categories: yield and reduce lead time (Erol et al. 2016). Deficiency in
‘factory of the future’, ‘people and culture’ and ‘strategy’. the use of the cloud and e-value chain would suggest an
When analysing the scores from the maturity assessment, it inability to collaborate in real-time with partners and cus-
is apparent that the focal firm is close to achieving the tomers and to share information across a common platform
‘defined’ (level 3) maturity level. This could be achieved in for the mutual benefit of all supply networks partners (Hao &
the short term if the organisation enhances its use of 3DP Helo , 2015)(Hao and Helo 2015). The low maturity in the
for production, increase the range of activities of its autono- cloud and e-value chain can be explained by the high and
mous robots, and/or link its use of big data and its systems general nervousness of the defence firms about the risk of
with sensors. Furthermore, a focus to develop an industry 4.0 storing and sharing information from a security perspective
culture through a leadership shift towards a digital method- (Mangiuc, 2011)(Mangiuc 2011).
ology would be another way to achieve a more developed This Industry 4.0 maturity framework should provide a
Industry 4.0 maturity. Once the firm’s community has bought roadmap for firms to assess their level and make relevant
into the technology evolution of Industry 4.0, other initiatives and informed decisions to transition in the 4th Industrial
will be progressed and be implemented. Revolution. This enhanced technological awareness could
The application of Sensors within an organisation’s manu- lead firms to increase their productivity, innovation and sus-
facturing process is a critical concept to embrace further tainability KPIs (Schuh G. , Potente, Wesch-Potente, Weber, &
usage of technologies, for successfully transitioning within Prote, 2014)(Schuh et al. 2014). Finally, firms in the same sup-
the 4th Industrial Revolution and for optimising the usage of ply network could also view this assessment as an opportun-
others technologies. Sensors offer opportunities to retrieve, ity to transfer best practices and knowledge between
monitor and report information to users and decision-makers key partners.
(Babiceanua & Sekerb , 2016)(Babiceanu and Seker 2016) and
enable other technologies usage to be enhanced (i.e. MES,
6. Conclusion
big data). Hence, the focal firm should use this information
based on the assessment to prioritise its Industry 4.0 invest- The study aimed to develop and test an Industry 4.0 matur-
ments, which will allow enhancing its maturity level. ity assessment framework, providing (i) an understanding of
Moreover, the Industry 4.0 maturity assessment framework the focal firm strengths and weaknesses in regards to the
was used to assess 12 external manufacturing organisations transitional technological phenomenon and (ii) a clear indica-
from the defence sector. The results show that overall the tion of the defence sector maturity level.
focal firm Industry 4.0 maturity is above average for the The study concludes, based on the results of the Industry
three different categories ‘factory of the future’, ‘people and 4.0 maturity tests, that the focal firm: a world leader in the
culture’ and ‘strategy’, as illustrated in Table 9. defence manufacturing sector resides in the ‘development’
By analysing the results, it can be identified that sensors, band (level 2) within the overall Industry 4.0 maturity scale,
e-value chains and the cloud are the concepts and technolo- with a total score of 59.35 points. The results also suggest
gies which organisations are finding more difficult to that the focal firm strengths reside in its MES, big data
embrace and implement. However, the results show that big autonomous robots and 3D-printing with e-value chains and
data (6.58), 3DP (5.33) and IoT and CPS (5.17) are technolo- sensors identified as the greatest areas for improvement.
gies which defence organisations have embraced the most This robust assessment should support the firm in prioritising
and demonstrate higher maturity levels. its areas of improvement and sustainability. The information
The results show that firms: P5, P6, P11 and P12 are rela- should be used to allocate funding streams, focus resource
tively mature in their use of big data with a score of 8. and set targets for progression.
However and paradoxically, they all have a low score in the Furthermore, when comparing the focal firm against 12
use of the cloud, respectively scoring 2, 2, 4 and 2 and the other manufacturing organisations in its supply network, it
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