Senholt and The Fallacy of Incomplete Evidence

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Senholt And the Fallacy Of Incomplete Evidence

Jacob Senholt, in a revised version of his 2009 MA thesis titled Political Esotericism & the convergence of Radical Islam,
Satanism and National Socialism in the Order of the Nine Angles published as a chapter in the 2012 book The Devil's
Party - Satanism in Modernity {1} alleged that Myatt wrote the terrorist manual A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution
which it has been claimed influenced David Copeland, and Senholt like others before and since - including the authors
of the 2023 article The Order of Nine Angles: Cosmology, Practice & Movement,  DOI:10.1080/1057610X.2023.2186737
- Senholt provided no evidential facts in support of that particular allegation, and did not mention that following Myatt's
arrest in early 1998 by police officers from Special Branch based at Scotland Yard, the British police in conjunction with
the Canadian police and the FBI spent three years trying to prove that Myatt wrote that document, having seized his
computers and files, searched his home for over seven hours, and travelled to places such as Canada to interview
witnesses. They failed to find any evidence and Myatt was released from his bail in the Summer of 2001.

Senholt also presented his circumstantial evidence that Myatt=Long and in the process and probably inadvertently
commited the fallacy of incomplete evidence which is when only certain evidence is presented with other evidence not
found, or ignored or deliberately suppressed.

Circumstantial Evidence

i) He mentions a 1978 text, Copula cum Daemone, which he claims was written by a DW Myatt and was "in a collection
of ONA manuscripts" manuscripts but does give the title of this collection nor any details of publication or images of
the text nor any evidence that it was written by Myatt. He them claims that in later digital editions of this text - which
again he provides no references to or images of - it was attributed to various other authors and concludes that this is
"a clear example of a text originally issued by Myatt, and later disguised with a pseudonym."

In other words, he does not provide any evidential facts but presents only his personal opinion.

ii) He goes on to claim that the Diablerie manuscript - a copy of which is in the British Library {2} - "reveals details of
Long's life that appear remarkably similar to Myatt’s own life" and cites Goodrick-Clarke and yet as with Goodrick-
Clarke {3} does not provide comparisons using research based on documentary evidence from primary sources
regarding Myatt's life.

Thus and yet again Senholt does not provide any evidential facts but presents only his personal opinion.

iii) His next claim is that since writings by Myatt and the ONA have been published by the same publisher there "is a
direct connection" which is a spurious conclusion since publishers often print items from various authors which does
not mean the various authors are connected in any way.

iv) His next piece of circumstantial evidence "concerns the use of alternate dating-systems", about which he states
that since both Myatt in his National Socialist writings and the ONA use "yf, designating the Year of the Führer" there is
a connection, neglecting to mention - or failing to discover through research - that other groups such as the Ku Klux
Klan and Willian Pierce of National Alliance fame and other neo-nazis have used the same dating system, both in its
English form and its German form of 'Jahr des Fuhrers' {4}.

(v) His final piece of circumstantial evidence is linguistic, claiming that "when one has a closer look at many of the
basic ideas and the terminology used in the ONA, it appears as if there are many glaring similarities to Myatt’s own
ideas." He cites terms such as Homo Galactica, causal and acausal, and Aeons while failing to mention that such
borrowing of terms, ideas and concepts, is and has been common for centuries and is not evidence of a direct and
personal link between those using such terms, ideas and concepts.

However, he not only does not provide any evidence from forensic linguistics but fails to mention numerous texts by
Anton Long and by self-declared O9A adherents in which he explains the purpose of Anton Long's Labyrinthos
Mythologicus which implies:

"myth-making; creating or concerned with mythology or myths; a mythical narrative, and is both (a) a
modern and an amoral version of a technique often historically employed, world-wide among diverse cultures
and traditions both esoteric and otherwise, to test and select candidates, and (b) a mischievous, japing, sly,
and sometimes (for mundanes) an annoying, part of the O9A sinister dialectic." {5}

In other words, it was used not only to test and select candidates but also had an antinomian, dialectical, and japing
purpose with Anton Long in a 28th August 103yf [1992] letter to Temple of Set member David Austen writing that the
intent was "to make people like you draw the conclusion you were intended to make." {6} There is also the problem of
the O9A 'manual of style' in relation to the claim that

"since one or more ONA blogs or websites, or some articles, use the same or similar styling and/or layout as
some blog or website or article by or assumed to be by Myatt, it means that Myatt is behind them all –
clearly ignoring the obvious fact that such similarities, if not just coincidental, could well be a deliberate
imitation designed to get mundanes to jump to such a silly, fallacious, conclusion." {7} {8}

In regard to forensic linguistics,

"author profiling is subjective not empirical and thus not definitive. Second, and most important in this case,
the task would be formidable with the result easily open to question given the volume of material written by
both Myatt and the pseudonymous Anton Long over several decades and given that the forensic profiler
would have to subjectively select what texts from what years to compare.

What would their subjective criteria for such a selection be? To compare a few texts from around the same
time? To compare a few texts from the same decade? To compare just a few or dozens of texts from three or
four decades?

Since 1984 with the publication of his 45 page tract Vindex - Destiny of the West to 2022 with the publication
of his Numinosity, Denotata, Empathy, And The Hermetic Tradition, Myatt has written thousands of pages of
texts. The texts also vary in subject matter, from polemical propagandistic texts in support of National
Socialism (1984-1998) to ideological tracts in support of his 'ethical National Socialism' (1996-1998) to items
supporting a particular and radical interpretation Islam (2001-2008) to his post-2012 writings about his
philosophy of pathei-mathos to his autobiographical effusions such as his 2014 collection of essays titled One
Vagabond In Exile From The Gods and the letters included in parts two and three of his Understanding and
Rejecting Extremism. There is also the matter of Myatt's translations of and commentaries on tractates of
the Corpus Hermeticum (2017) and his 2017 scholarly monographs Classical Paganism And The Christian
Ethos and Tu Es Diaboli Ianua.

In the case of Anton Long there are also thousands of pages of texts, from some of the typescripts included
in Naos (1989) to The Satanic Letters (1992) to Enantiodromia - The Sinister Abyssal Nexion (2012). The
issue is further complicated by writings published between 1992 and 2011 which do not bear the name
'Anton Long' and thus are anonymous but which anonymous texts many critics have assumed were written
by Anton Long but for which assumption they have not and never have provided any evidence." {7}

Insight Roles

Following his circumstantial evidence, Senholt also claims that Myatt's diverse and exeatic life is an example of O9A
Insight Roles which mean "gaining real-life experience by working undercover for a period of 6-18 months".

Of five Insight Roles, Senholt cites three - (a) "Join or form a covert insurrectionary organization, dedicated to National
Socialism", (b) "Convert to Islam and aid, through words, or deeds, or both, those undertaking Jihad against Zionism
and the NWO", and (c) "Join or form a National Socialist group or organization, and aid that organization and especially
aid and propagate historical revisionism" - which he claims Myatt has undertaken.

What Senholt neglects to mention is that Myatt promoted National Socialism for thirty years (1968-1998) not for the
"6-18 months" of an Insight Role, and was a Muslim who supported Jihad for over ten years (1998-2009) not for the
"6-18 months" of an Insight Role.

Which places Senholt's claim into perspective. In addition, he does not mention the obvious facts that the O9A might
have been inspired by the nature of Myatt's exeatic life to concoct such Insight Roles, and that Myatt's life does not
include other suggested roles such as being an assassin and joining the police or the armed forces.


In summary, Senholt does not provide any evidential facts in regard to the urban tale that Myatt was/is Anton Long and
founded the O9A. Instead, he commits the fallacy of incomplete evidence. That his work is often cited as 'proof' of that
urban tale about Myatt being Anton Long provides another example of people committing the fallacy of appeal to

River Isis Collective

Oxonia 2023
v. 1.09


{1} Per Faxneld and Jesper Aa. Petersen (editors), The Devil’s Party: Satanism in Modernity, Cambridge University
Press, 2012.

{2} A copy of the 19 page Diablerie - Revelations of a Satanist typescript is in the British Library: General Reference
Collection Cup.711/742, BNB GB9219567.

{3} Goodrick-Clarke's identification of Myatt as 'Anton Long' - in his book Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and
the Politics of Identity, NYU Press, 2003 - is solely based on his claim that Myatt was the author of a typescript titled
Diablerie, a copy of which is in the British Library, General Reference Collection Cup.711/742, BNB GB9219567.

He provides no evidence, no sources, for this claim of his, or for his other claims such as that "the ONA was founded by
David Myatt" and that Myatt was "a long time devotee of satanism."

Goodrick-Clarke also failed to research and provide any documentary evidence from primary sources regarding Myatt's
life so that it could be compared to the life described in the Diablerie manuscript; he failed to ask Myatt himself about
the manuscript which Myatt his 2012 text A Matter of Honour denounced as a work of fiction: That Goodrick-Clarke's book is and has been
often cited as 'proof' that DM=AL thus provides another classic example of the fallacy of appeal to authority.


{5} A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms, v. 7.05, included in Order Of Nine Angles Subculture: A Complete Guide,

{6} The letter is included in facsimile in volume one of The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown available at

{7} Author Profiling In The Case Of David Myatt And Anton Long,

{8} The O9A 'manual of style' was publicly mentioned in several 2015 and 2016 Internet posts such as this one from

It was also described in a 2016 article titled The O9A Manual Of Style,

"As mentioned to some correspondents over the years, those who are associated with the Falciferian O9A
have had an 'ONA Manual of Style' just as many older, established, newspapers (such as the Guardian and
the New York Times) have their in-house manuals of style and usage. Such manuals are often updated every
few decades, and are useful guides that enable printed items to have an 'in-house' style. Given the non-
hierarchical structure and ethos of the O9A, the manual offers guidance, recommending best practice rather
than giving rules which are expected be followed.

The ONA manual deals not only with the specific - O9A assigned - meaning of certain words (such as nexion,
presencing, mundanes, culling) but also with many other topics, such as (i) whether certain words - for
example 'satanism' and 'satan' - should be with an upper or a lower case S, (ii) how titles and subtitles
should appear (usually, and against current convention) with all words beginning with upper case), (iii) how
footnotes should be numbered and displayed (usually numbered within curly brackets), (iv) how each page
should be set out, (v) how texts should display the name of the author, and (vi) how the introduction to
following paragraphs should be phrased, with suggestions ranging from 'However' to 'In addition' to 'Thus'

Initially compiled by 'Anton Long' in the early 1990s, the manual has gone through several editions, with one
of its main functions being inspired by what was once termed the Aquino fallacy."

The 2016 article was included in the compilation The Dialectical Order Of Nine Angles, a copy of which is available at //

This item is in the Public Domain

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