Jurnal B Inggris PDF
Jurnal B Inggris PDF
Jurnal B Inggris PDF
Nutritional support is part of therapy that plays an important role in patient recovery. Optimal
nutritional support will increase the patient's immune system so that it will also increase the
body's ability to fight disease (Nurparida, 2012).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the health services that has a very
important role in providing health services to the community is a hospital. The existence of a
hospital as a health service institution is regulated in Law No. 44 of 2009. The hospital plays
an important role in the health care system and is a health service institution that has an
organized medical professional staff, and inpatient facilities, by providing medical services,
nursing and related services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and provide complete health
services to the community, both curative and preventive. In addition, the hospital also functions
as a place of education for health workers and a place of research. Good health services provide
effective, safe, and high-quality services to those who need them, supported by adequate