Record Retention Schedule
Record Retention Schedule
Record Retention Schedule
KAMAND (H.P.) - 175005
To create, maintain and weeding out of records is ongoing process and thus record management
plays an important role in any of the organisation. Indian Institute of Technology Mandi was
established in 2009. Since then naturally, formal official communication is taking place within the
Institute as well as with multiple external agencies. Being formal and in hard copies, this
communication causes accumulation of records in the form of files, folders, registers and receipts
etc. Down the line, IIT Mandi has taken ample care to switch towards digitization by adopting office
automation system, admissions thorough JoSSA, JAM and COAP portals, online scholarship
implementation and recruitment through online invited applications etc. Still, with the development
of Institute, this stack is increasing in due course of time. Hence to save the office space and to
better manage the office communications, it becomes necessary to weed out the obsolete records
which are no longer required in the Institute. Although GFR and other Rules from GoI enumerate
the retention schedule and periodicity of destruction, sometimes it becomes very difficult to interpret
them in applicability of individual segment records in the perspective of IIT’s autonomous role.
Since IIT Mandi does not have any permanent policy on record management, piece meal destructions
of records were being carried out whenever needed in an informal manner. Thus the Institute desired
to have a simplified policy on records retention schedule, periodicity of destruction and a convenient
procedure of weeding out the obsolete records. The details of this document cover the need of
individual sections, mandate to constitute intra section committees for verification and certification
of destructions of obsolete records of the Institute.
4. General Schedule C 8
7. Directorate F 12
8. Registrar’s Office G 13
11. Library J 16
To weed out the obsolete records, following guidelines shall be adhered to:
Every year, each segment should list out the obsolete records up to 31st December under it’s
custody and weed them out before 31st January of the following year.
A certificate in connection with such weeding out of records must be submitted to the
Registrar before 15th February of every following year.
In case no destruction has been carried out by any section, a certificate of “Nil Destruction”
must be submitted.
The Section/School Head will be responsible for the constitution of Obsolete Records
Destruction Committee under his/her chairmanship. The committee should consist of at least
03 members to examine the details of obsolete records being proposed for destruction. Out of
these 03members, at least 01 member must be co-opted from other section/school.
Section Head will be responsible to get the list prepared for records being proposed for
After segregation and examination by the committee, the Section/School Head will ensure for
destruction/retention of the records and submit a certificate to the Registrar certifying that the
records have been destroyed/retained as per Record Retention Policy of the Institute. A
sample format of the certificate is attached at Annexure “A”.
Registrar’s Office will be authorized and responsible to keep a record of such destruction
In each section, a ‘Register of Records Destruction/Retention’ should be maintained showing
the date and method of destruction. A sample format of the Register is attached at Annexure
The records should be weeded out by way of shredding/burning in each section. As far as
possible shredding of obsolete records should be adopted instead of burning as being eco-
friendly without causing any harm to the environment. Destruction by burning may be
adopted only if records are of highly sensitive in nature.
In case no specific schedule has been maintained by any Section, a general schedule as placed
at Annexure “C” will be applicable.
In case the records are needed to be preserved because of any matter pending before court of
law or any similar legal or other requirements, the specified periodicity for destruction shall
not apply. Section head will be responsible for maintenance of such records.
As far as possible, records of permanent nature should be digitized and preserved in
duplicate. Keeping one copy in the custody of Section Head, second copy must be preserved
at different geographic located repository (procedure and links etc. to be conveyed by the
Wing after getting a feasible solution).
After certification by the Section Head on preserving copies in duplicate as above, hard
copies of permanent records shall be treated as obsolete from the date of uploading. The hard
copies no longer required specifically in future can be destroyed following the above
Any procedure/period not covered in the above recommendations, shall be governed by the
General Financial Rules (GFR).
The decision of the Director IIT Mandi will be final to approve any amendment, exemption
or deviation required with respect to the periodicity of destruction/retention of records.
Individual segments of the Institute shall maintain the periodicity of retention of records as defined
specifically from Annexure “D” to Annexure “P”. In case no specific schedule has been maintained
by any Section, general schedule will be applicable.
Annexure “A”
On the recommendations of committee, obsolete records due for destruction have been destroyed as
entered in the Register of Destruction. However, the files/registers/records listed in the attached
Annexure…. have not been destroyed irrespective of scheduled periodicity and were retained for the
purpose as mentioned against each.
Certified that:
1. No action is pending in respect of the records recommended for destruction.
2. No recovery is pending as on date where the destroyed records shall be required in future.
3. No court proceeding/Enquiry is pending or contemplated as on date where the records
proposed for destruction shall be required to be produced.
Copy to:
1. Registrar Office
2. School/Section records
Annexure “B”
Sl Reference Nomenclatur Date of Number Due date Date of Method of Remarks Signature
No Number or e of record Last of last of actual Destruction
. record enclosur enclosure destructio destruction
e n
Page 8
Annexure “D”
Annexure “E”
Annexure “F”
Annexure “H”
Records related to
Finance and Accounts/Internal Audit shall follow the record retention and destruction
schedule as mentioned in Appendix 9 to General Financial Rules (GFR) -2017 (as amended
time to time)
Page 15
Annexure “I”
5 Working Drawing for the No 1 year after the final bill is paid.
works/built in drawings Soft copies shall be retained.
Annexure “J”
Annexure “K”
5. Stores No 03 years
Store’s ledgers for consumables
Annexure “L”
Annexure “M”
Annexure “N”
Annexure “O”
4 Canteen File (contract and No 1 year after File with Dean (S)
letters issued and received completion Secretariat
from vendor) of contract
5 Mess file (contract and No 1 year after File with Dean (S)
letters issued and received completion Secretariat
from vendor) of contract
Annexure “P”