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Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "Who Indonesia

Article  in  Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra · June 2021

DOI: 10.23917/kls.v6i1.13723


2 333

1 author:

Tira Nur Fitria

Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia


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Tira Nur Fitria

Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia, Surakarta
Email: [email protected]

DOI: 10.23917/kls.v6i1.13723
Received: February 19th, 2021. Revised: April 25th, 2021. Accepted: June 17th, 2021
Available Online: June 17th, 2021. Published Regularly: June 29th, 2021

Speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of communication that considers
aspects of the speech situation. The objective of this research is to analyze the type of speech
act found in Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”. This research uses descriptive
qualitative research. There are 332 pieces of data which contain the speech act in Instagram
Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”. There are some types of speech acts found in Instagram
captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”, they are directive, representative and expressive speech acts.
1) Directive speech act is a speech act that is performed so that the speaker does what the
speaker says. The directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 % consist of positive forms,
such as the use of base form or verb 1 and the use “let’s”, and the negative form such as the
use verb “Don’t”. 2) Representative speech acts are speech acts that bind the speaker to the
truth or fact. The representative speech act shows 120 data or 36.14 % which show opinion,
assumption, stating, and informing. While Expressive speech acts are actions that are carried
out to assess or evaluate what is mentioned in the speech. In an expressive speech, the act
shows 8 data or 2.44 % which consists of the act of thanking, condolences, and
Keywords: pragmatic, speech act, Instagram, WHO Indonesia

Tindak tutur merupakan ujaran yang memuat perbuatan sebagai fungsi komunikasi yang
memperhatikan aspek situasi tuturan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis jenis
tindak tutur yang terdapat pada Caption Instagram 'WHO Indonesia'. Penelitian ini
menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Ada 332 data yang berisi tindak tutur di
Instagram Caption ‘WHO Indonesia”. Ada beberapa jenis tindak tutur yang terdapat pada
caption Instagram di 'WHO Indonesia', yaitu tindak tutur direktif, representatif dan
ekspresif. 1) Tindak tutur direktif adalah tindak tutur yang dilakukan agar pembicara
melakukan apa yang dikatakan pembicara. Dalam tindak tutur direktif menunjukkan 204
data atau 61,45% terdiri dari bentuk-bentuk positif, seperti penggunaan bentuk dasar atau
verba 1 dan penggunaan “mari”, dan bentuk negatif seperti penggunaan verba “Jangan”. 2)
Tindak tutur representatif adalah tindak tutur yang mengikat penutur dengan kebenaran
atau fakta. Pada tindak tutur representatif terdapat 120 data atau 36,14% yang
menunjukkan pendapat, asumsi, pernyataan, dan informasi. Sedangkan tindak tutur
Ekspresif merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan untuk menilai atau mengevaluasi apa yang
disebutkan dalam tuturan tersebut. Dalam tuturan ekspresif, babak menampilkan 8 data
atau 2,44% yang terdiri dari ucapan terima kasih, belasungkawa, dan ucapan selamat.
Kata kunci: pragmatis, tindak tutur, Instagram, WHO Indonesia

How to Cite: Fitria, T. N. (2021). Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "Who
Indonesia”. Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 6 (1), pp. 33-45

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34 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

Corresponding Author:
Tira Nur Fitria, Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia, Surakarta
Email: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Speech activity is a form of oral discourse in which there are speech acts. In other words,
speaking activities are a concrete form of the implementation of speech acts. Discourse or
discourse is the largest language unit in communication, both spoken and written. In written
discourse, the communication process between speakers and speakers (speech partners) does
not occur directly. Unlike the case with an oral discourse that involves speakers and speakers
directly. In oral discourse, speech is highly influenced by context. Therefore, oral discourse is
more of a temporary, transitory nature, meaning that after being spoken it immediately
disappears so that the interpretation must involve the context when the speech is spoken.
In everyday life, speech acts can be displayed in various ways. In other words, discourse is
not only formed by one speech act but can be varied with other speech acts. Speech act can be
stated as the smallest unit of language communication which has a function by showing individual
symptoms, is psychological, and its continuity depends on the speaker's ability to produce a
sentence according to his conditions. The speech act in a discourse determines the meaning of the
discourse itself. However, the meaning of discourse is not determined by the only speech act.
A speech act is part of a pragmatic analysis analyzing utterances (Fitria, 2019). According to
(Borchers, 2012, p. 79) speech act is a statement that accomplishes something or does something.
A speech act is the interpretation of an utterance in action terms (Burkhardt, 2010, p. 118).
(Kaburise, 2011, p. 69) states that a speech act is an act performed through speech. According to
(Searle, 1969), in speech, five basic acts may be carried out in the following forms of utterances,
they are representative (committing the speaker to the reality of the statement), directives
(making the listener do something), commissive (the speaker commits himself to a certain course
of action to be taken in the future), expressive (expressing the emotions of the speaker, and
declarative (by utterances, carrying out a difference in the world's external situation.
There are several previous studies regarding this research, First, a research entitled “A Study
of Speech Acts Used in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics” which is written by (Habibah, 2019).
This study analyzed the kinds of speech acts used in the chosen song lyrics of Maher Zain and to
describe the situation that affects speech acts to be acceptable. Several observations were noticed
by the writer. First, seven kinds of speech acts were contained in 40 data taken from seven songs.
Second, the most widely used lyrics in Maher Zain's songs are performative. Third, the state of
honesty is the prevailing condition that affects certain acts of speech to be acceptable. Second, a
research entitled “An Analysis of Speech Act Used in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Movie”
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is written by (Putri et al., 2019). This study analyzed the speech act used in the film Harry Potter
and the Goblet of Fire. The findings of the study revealed that the utterances were locutionary or
in the form of declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamation and were used to express
the declarative, representative, expressive, directive, and commissive direct/indirect
illocutionary act. Besides, the use of the forms and their illocutionary actions resulted from the
perlocutionary acts of confidence, annoyance, surprise, illumination, affirmation, denial,
compliance, understanding, happiness/satisfaction, and action. Third, research entitled “Speech
Act Analysis on Facebook Statuses Used by Students of the Muhammadiyah University of
Surakarta” is written by (Wulandari, 2014). This study classified the categories of speech acts and
to explain the roles of each form of speech act on the students' Facebook status. The study findings
indicate 160 data with five forms of speech act. There are 53 data or 33.13 % of representatives,
34 data or 21.25 % of directives, 8 data or 5 %, of commissive, 64 data or 40, 00 % of expressive,
and 1 data or 0 % of declarative. Fourth, a research entitled “Speech Act Analysis of Teacher’s
Talk in EFL Classroom” is written by (Santosa & Kurniadi, 2020). This study to decide the
classification of the speech act often used by an EFL instructor while teaching, the explanation
why such classifications were favored, and the implication of the chosen classification of the
speech act in the teaching and learning phase. The study showed that the frequency of each
classification was as follows: 57% for assertive, 25% for expressive, 40% for the directive, and
1% for commissive. Assertive speech acts were mostly used by the instructor when the teacher
gave the student's test rehearsal and then explained it. The fifth research is entitled “Speech Acts
Analysis of Donald Trump’s Speech” which is written by (Mufiah & Rahman, 2019). The goal of
this analysis was to examine the forms of illocutionary acts that were primarily used in that
speech. There were 63 data: Representative as 46%, Expressive as 11%, Directive as 16%,
Commissive as 12.7%, and Declarative as 14.3%. The result showed Donald Trump asserting the
country to the public. Trump's speech activities are discovered to be meant as a declaration of the
fact and assertion of his speech. The sixth research entitled “Speech Acts Analysis in WhatsApp
Status Updates” is written by (Faizin et al., 2018). This research examines the use of speech acts
in the WhatsApp status message. The study considers the uniqueness of WhatsApp status changes
that have different outcomes in terms of the frequency of speech act occurrences among
participants from different social and educational contexts from previous research.
Six researches above have similarities and differences with this research. In the similarity
aspect, all previous studies and this research discusses speech act. While, in difference, all
previous studies have a different object of research. The first research discusses directive speech
acts in song. Second research discusses directive speech act in a movie, third research discusses
directive speech act in Facebook status, fourth research discusses directive speech act in teacher’s

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36 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

utterances, fifth research discusses directive speech act in speech, and sixth research discusses
directive speech act in WhatsApp status. This research object focuses on speech acts used in
Instagram captions. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the type of speech act
found in Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”.

2. Method

Qualitative research assumes that the researcher gathers, organizes, and interprets
information (usually in words or in pictures) with his/her eyes and ears as filters. (Lichtman,
2006, p. 22). Qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use analysis in this
research. Process and meaning are sometimes based on subject perspective which is emphasized
more in qualitative research. The theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the research focus is
following the facts in the field. Merriam (2009, p. 23) states that data are collected through
interviews, observations, or document analysis. In this research, the collecting data by using
document analysis. A document can be managed in any number of sets for access or scoping and
conducting searches (Richards, 1999, p. 28). The document here is taken from Instagram captions
‘WHO Indonesia” at https://www.instagram.com/whoindonesia/, while the data here is in the
form of sentences. Data analysis in qualitative research can be from general to more specific for
certain types of data (Gibbs, 2018). This study carried out several stages in examining the data
that had been obtained, including 1) Data identification stage, namely data collection based on a
determined study. 2) The data classification stage, namely data that has been collected, is grouped
based on predetermined classifications. 3) The data description stage, namely data that has been
well described is given a deep understanding.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Findings
Based on the findings of Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”, it can be found some findings,
they are as follow:
Table 1 Directive Speech Act in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”
1. Luangkan waktu untuk mendampingi anak-anak Anda selama pandemi #COVID19. Weekend ini yuk
ajak mereka mempraktikkan beberapa kebiasaan yang sehat melalui cara-cara yang kreatif dan
menyenangkan! (January 16, 2021)

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2. Jika Anda harus berbelanja kebutuhan pokok, pastikan Anda tetap menerapkan tindakan-tindakan
pencegahan #COVID19 ya. Hindari keramaian dan jika memungkinkan manfaatkan fitur berbelanja
secara online saja. (January 10, 2021)
3. Pandemi #COVID19 dapat mengganggu jadwal imunisasi anak Anda. Namun tetap pastikan untuk
mengejar imunisasi yang tertinggal, sesegera dan seaman mungkin ya!
Hubungi klinik atau fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan setempat untuk mengetahui waktu dan tempat
pemberian imunisasi. (January 7, 2021)
4. Pilih masker yang pas dan #pakai masker Anda dengan tepat ya! Dan jangan lupa untuk tetap
menerapkan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan lainnya untuk melindungi diri Anda dan orang lain dari
#COVID19 (January 2, 2021)
5. Jangan lupa pakai masker dengan tepat ya! Ikuti petunjuk di atas dan tetap terapkan tindakan-
tindakan pencegahan lainnya (December 27, 2021)
6. Selalu jaga kebersihan tangan dan terapkan etika batuk dan bersin, terutama selama pandemi
#COVID19. Batuk atau bersin pada siku yang terlipat atau gunakan tisu. Lalu segera buang tisu bekas
ke dalam tempat sampah tertutup. Jangan lupa untuk langsung membersihkan tangan Anda dengan
air bersih mengalir dan sabun ya! (December 26, 2021)
7. Dukung teman-teman tenaga kesehatan dan pekerja esensial selama pandemi #COVID19 ini. Tetaplah
berkomunikasi dengan mereka secara virtual. Mari saling mendukung, menghargai, dan memberikan
semangat. Stop stigma dan diskriminasi! (December 21, 2021)
8. Yuk mengingat kembali hal-hal penting yang perlu kita ketahui mengenai #COVID19! Bagaimana cara
penularannya, siapa saja orang-orang yang paling rentan terjangkit penyakit ini, dan apa yang dapat
kita lakukan untuk mempersiapkan diri.
Tetap waspada dan pantau kesehatan Anda. Ikuti anjuran-anjuran kesehatan dan terapkan semua
tindakan pencegahan. (November 12, 2020)
9. Memasuki musim hujan, ini saatnya untuk ekstra hati-hati dan berusaha menjaga kondisi kesehatan
kita. Terutama karena kali ini kita menghadapi dua penyakit sekaligus: #influenza dan #COVID19.
Selain #imunisasi influenza, kami juga menyarankan Anda untuk menyediakan berbagai benda-benda
esensial berikut ini di rumah. (November 21, 2020)
10. Meskipun #dirumahaja, bukan berarti kita nggak bisa mengecek keadaan orang-orang terdekat, ya.
Selama wabah #coronavirus #COVID19 ini, pastikan untuk tetap saling berkomunikasi dan
mendukung satu sama lain. Kirim pesan, bicara lewat telepon, atau lakukan konferensi video saja
(March 25, 2020)

Based on the table above shows several examples of directive speech acts. In data number 1
is written, “Take time to support your children during the #COVID19 pandemic. This weekend,
let's invite them to practice some healthy habits in creative and fun ways!”. The direct utterances
are “take time” and “let’s invite”. In data number 2 is written, “If you have to shop for necessities,

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38 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

make sure you stick to the # COVID19 precautions, OK. Avoid crowds and if possible, take
advantage of online shopping features only”. The imperative utterances are “make sure”, and
“take”. In data number 3 is written Pandemic # COVID19 could disrupt your child's immunization
schedule. But still make sure to catch up on the immunizations that are left behind, as soon and
as safely as possible! Contact your local clinic or health service facility to find out when and where
to administer immunizations”. The directive utterances are “make sure” and “contact”. In data
number 4 is written “Choose the right mask and your #pakaimasker right! And don't forget to
keep implementing other precautions to protect yourself and others from # COVID19”. The
directive utterances are “choose”, and “don’t forget”. In data number 5 is written “Don't forget to
wear the mask properly! Follow the instructions above and keep other precautions”. The
imperative utterances are “don’t forget”, “follow” and “keep”.
In data number 6 is written “Always keep your hands clean and use coughing and sneezing
etiquette, especially during the pandemic #COVID19. Cough or sneeze at the folded elbow or use
a tissue. Then immediately throw the used tissue into a closed trash can. Don't forget to
immediately clean your hands with clean running water and soap!”. directive utterances are
“keep”, “use” and “don’t forget”. In data number 7 is written “Support friends of health workers
and essential workers during this #COVID19 pandemic. Stay in touch with them virtually. Let's
support, appreciate and encourage each other. Stop stigma and discrimination!”. The directive
utterances are “support”, “stay”, and “stop”. In data number 8 is written “Let's recall the important
things we need to know about # COVID19! How it is transmitted, who are the people most
susceptible to it, and what we can do to prepare for it. Stay alert and monitor your health. Follow
health advice and take all precautions”. The directive utterances are “let’s”, “stay”, and “follow”.
In data number 9 is written “Entering the rainy season, be careful and try to maintain our health
condition. Especially since this time we are facing two diseases at once: #influenza and #
COVID19. Apart from #influenza immunization, we also recommend that you provide the
following essential items at home”. The directive utterances are “be careful”, “try”, and
“recommend”. In data number 10 is written “Even though its #dirumahaja, that doesn't mean we
can't check the condition of those closest to you, huh. During this #coronavirus # COVID19
outbreak, make sure to stay in touch and support one another. Send messages, talk on the phone,
or just videoconference”. The directive utterances are “make sure”, “support”, “send”, and “talk”.
Table 2 Representative Speech Act in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”
1. Membantu sesama saat dibutuhkan tak hanya bermanfaat bagi orang yang menerima melainkan juga
yang memberikan bantuan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika Anda menolong orang lain, Anda akan
merasa lebih sehat dan bahagia.

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#InThisTogether (January 15, 2021)

2. Penyebab stres yang dialami oleh kelompok remaja dan dewasa muda selama pandemi #COVID19
dapat memengaruhi kesehatan jiwa mereka. Selain menimbulkan depresi dan kegelisahan, juga dapat
meningkatkan risiko penyalahgunaan zat-zat terlarang. @KemenkesRI dan #WHOIndonesia
menghadirkan 2 video animasi mengenai keterampilan kecakapan hidup (life skills) untuk membantu
remaja dan dewasa muda meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, mengelola emosi dan stres, dan merespons
tekanan dari teman-teman sebaya. (January 11, 2021)
3. Jika Anda terus melakukan semua tindakan pencegahan untuk melindungi dari #COVID19 seperti
mencuci tangan, mengenakan masker, dan menjaga jarak fisik maka Anda memberikan contoh yang
baik. Anda telah membantu melindungi teman-teman, keluarga, dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda!
(January 3, 2021)
4. Siapa ya pemenang Kompetisi Komik dan Ilustrasi bertema "Perempuan dan COVID-19"? Nama-nama
pemenangnya akan kami umumkan besok di Virtual Award Ceremony & Talkshow, pukul 10.00-11.30
5. Setiap karya yang masuk telah dinilai oleh para juri berdasarkan tiga kriteria berikut ini: Relevansi
terhadap tema, kreativitas dan orisinalitas, serta komposisi.
Daftar finalisnya sudah dapat dilihat di Facebook page UN Women Indonesia ya! (December 15, 2021)
6. Tekanan darah tinggi merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular atau noncommunicable diseases
(#NCDs), dan dapat dicegah dengan beberapa langkah berikut ini. (December 8, 2021)
7. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against #Women (#IDEVAW) - 16 Hari Anti
Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (#HAKTP)
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam rumah tangga dilaporkan meningkat selama pandemi
#COVID19. Berikut adalah beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh teman-teman tenaga kesehatan
untuk membantu para penyintas kekerasan. (November 26, 2020).
8. World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (#WAAW) 2020. Antimicrobial resistance atau resistansi
antimikroba (#AMR) memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan manusia, hewan, dan
ekosistem. Pendekatan #OneHealth dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah yang kompleks ini. Apakah
yang dimaksud dengan pendekatan One Health? (November 24, 2020)
9. Penggunaan antimikroba secara berlebihan dan tidak berdasarkan anjuran dokter dapat
menyebabkan resistansi antimikroba/obat atau antimicrobial resistance (#AMR). (November 20,
10. Penyalahgunaan antibiotik dapat menimbulkan resistansi antimikroba/obat atau antimicrobial
resistance (#AMR). Dengan kata lain bakteri, virus, jamur, dan parasit tidak lagi bereaksi terhadap
obat-obatan yang biasa kita minum. (November 19, 2020)
11. Setiap perempuan memiliki kebutuhan kesehatan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Dan sayangnya masih
banyak perempuan di #Indonesia yang harus menghadapi banyak tantangan dalam mengakses
fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (fasyankes). (March 8, 2020)

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40 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

Based on the table above shows several examples of expressive speech acts. In data number
1 is written, “Helping others when needed is not only beneficial for those who receive it but also
those who assist. Research shows that if you help others, you will feel healthier and happier”. This
representative speech act shows the assumption, belief, and proof from research’s result. In data
number 2 is written “The causes of stress experienced by youth and youth during the pandemic
# COVID19 can affect their mental health. Apart from causing depression and anxiety, it can also
increase the risk of substance abuse. @KemenkesRI and #WHOIndonesia presented 2 animated
videos on life skills to help adolescents and young adults increase self-confidence, manage
emotions and stress, and respond to pressure from peers.” This representative speech act shows
the facts and proof. In data number 3 is written “If you continue to take all precautions to protect
against #COVID19 such as washing your hands, wearing a mask and maintaining physical
distance then you are setting a good example. You've helped protect your friends, family and
those around you!”. This representative speech act shows the belief and assumption. In data
number 4 is written “Who are the winners of the Comic and Illustration Competition with the
theme "Women and COVID-19"? We will announce the names of the winners tomorrow at the
Virtual Award Ceremony & Talkshow, at 10.00-11.30 WIB!”. This representative speech act shows
stating and informing. In data number 5 is written “Each entry has been assessed by the judges
based on the following three criteria: Relevance to a theme, creativity, and originality, and
composition. The list of finalists can be seen on the UN Women Indonesia Facebook page!”. This
representative speech act shows stating and informing.
In data number 6 is written, “High blood pressure is one of the non-communicable diseases
(#NCDs), and can be prevented by the following steps”. This representative speech act shows the
proof and facts of research. In data number 7 is written “International Day for the Elimination of
Violence Against Women16 Days Against Violence Against Women (#HAKTP). Domestic violence
has reportedly increased during the #COVID19 pandemic. Here are some ways that fellow health
workers can help survivors of violence. This representative speech act shows the proof and facts
of research. In data number 8 is written “Antimicrobial resistance (#AMR) has a significant
impact on human, animal and ecosystem health. A #OneHealth approach is needed to address this
complex problem” This representative speech act shows the proof and fact of research. In data
number 9 is written “Antibiotic abuse can lead to antimicrobial/drug resistance or antimicrobial
resistance (#AMR). In other words, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites no longer react to the
drugs we are used to taking. This representative speech act shows the proof and facts of research.
In data number 10 is written, “Every woman has different health needs from one another. And
unfortunately, there are still many women in #Indonesia who have to face many challenges in

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accessing health service facilities”. This representative speech act shows the opinion and
Table 3 Expressive Speech Act in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”
1. Selamat kepada para pemenang Kompetisi Komik & Ilustrasi "Perempuan & COVID-19"! 👏

www.who.int/indonesia (December 19, 2021)

2. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dalam Kompetisi Komik dan Ilustrasi bertema “Perempuan dan
COVID-19”! 🙏😊(December 15, 2021)

3. Kepada para keluarga yang kehilangan anggota keluarga mereka karena #coronavirus #COVID19,
kami mengucapkan turut berduka cita. Semoga Anda mendapatkan ketenangan, harapan, dan kasih
sayang selama masa sulit ini 🙏  (July 3, 2020)

4. Tenaga kesehatan yang berjuang melawan #coronavirus #COVID19 dan para pekerja esensial lainnya
menghadapi banyak tantangan untuk menjaga agar kita tetap aman dan menjamin kelangsungan
pelayanan. Kami mendukung dan berterima kasih atas segala jasa mereka 🙏 (June 10, 2020)

5. Terima kasih kepada tukang sayur, karyawan supermarket atau pasar tradisional, kasir toko,
produsen, dan para pekerja rantai pasokan pangan lainnya yang membantu kita mendapatkan
makanan yang sehat dan aman selama pandemi #COVID19. (May 27, 2020)
6. Terima kasih kepada para tenaga kesehatan di #Indonesia dan seluruh dunia yg telah bekerja nonstop
selama pandemi #coronavirus #COVID19 🙏👏 (May 7, 2020)

7. Selain memberikan informasi ttg #imunisasi, para perawat dan bidan pun membantu menjangkau
anak-anak di semua negara dengan vaksin yang dapat menyelamatkan hidup.
Terima kasih ya, perawat dan bidan 🙏 (April 30 , 2020)

8. Happy New Year, #Indonesia! We wish you a happier and healthier #2020. (January 1, 2020)

Based on the table above shows several examples of expressive speech acts. In data numbers,
1 and 7 show an expressive speech act of congratulation. In data number 1 is written
“Congratulations to the winners of the "Women & COVID-19" Comic & Illustration Competition!”.
In number 8 is written, “Happy New Year, Indonesia! We wish you a happier and healthier”. In
number 1, this congratulation is part of an effort to reward the competition's victory. While, in
number 8, this congratulation is part of an effort to welcome the new year. In data number 3
shows expressive speech acts of condolences. In data number 3 is written, “To the families who
lost their family members to #coronavirus #COVID19, we wish to express our condolences. May
you find peace, hope, and compassion during this difficult time”. It shows the expression of
condolences for the situation that happened.

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra |e-ISSN 2541-2558

Vol. 6 (1) (2021) 33-45
42 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

In data numbers, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 shows expressive speech acts of thanking. In number 2 is

written “Thank you for participating in the Comic and Illustration Competition themed “Women
and COVID-19”!”. It shows the expression of thanks for participating. In number 4 is written, “We
support and thank them for all their services”. It shows the expression of thanks for service. In
number 5 is written “Thank you to vegetable handlers, employees of supermarkets or traditional
markets, store cashiers, producers, and other food supply chain workers who helped us find safe
and healthy food during the pandemic”. It shows the expression of thanks for helping. In number
6 is written “Thank you to the health workers in Indonesia and around the world who have
worked non-stop during the pandemic”. It shows the expression of thanks for good work. In
number 7 is written “Besides providing information about #immunization, nurses and midwives
are helping reach children in all countries with the life-saving vaccine. Thank you, nurses and
midwives!”. It shows the expression of thanks for helping. Expressions of thanks are used for
making people feel appreciated. It also will motivate someone to do good.

3.2 Discussion
This research object focuses on speech acts used in Instagram captions. Therefore, the objective
of this research is to analyze the type of speech act found in Instagram Captions of ‘WHO
Indonesia”. Based on the findings in this research are formulated in the table below:
Table 4 The Percentage of Speech Act in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”
Aspect Speech Act
Directive Representative Expressive
Total 204 data 120 data 8 data
Percentage 61.45 % 36.14 % 2.41 %

Based on table 4 above, shows that 332 data contains speech acts. Some types of speech act
found in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”, are directive, representative and expressive
speech acts. The directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 %, the representative speech act
shows 120 data or 36.14 %, and the expressive speech act shows 8 data or 2.44 %. It shows that
the most frequent type of speech act found in Instagram ‘WHO Indonesia’ is in the directive
speech act.
Directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 %. Directive speech acts have an internal
purpose in order. It is to oblige someone else to perform some acts (Pauwelyn et al., 2012, p. 168).
The directive speech act usually is signed by the verb in the beginning (for example imperative)
used in the sentence (Fitria, 2015). Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”, it finds a directive
speech act of positive and negative imperative. The positive form shows the base form of verb 1

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra |e-ISSN 2541-2558

Vol. 6 (1) (2021) 33-45
Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA” 43

and the use of “let’s” and “let us”. Imperative sentences are a type of sentence or statement to
express commands, warnings, instructions, advice, directions, suggestions, or requests. It is also
known as the Directive, which is giving instructions or directions to someone. Directives are used
to give direct orders/commands. Orders are usually given by people who have authority over
someone. Directives are used to provide a warning/prohibition which is usually to warn someone
of danger such as the use of “Don’t” or “Do not”. Directive sentences can be in the form of simple
and short sentences or complex and long sentences. Directive sentences usually end with a period
(.) Or an exclamation point (!). You can choose one of them depending on the emphasis and
context of the sentence. Sentences with an exclamation mark are more empathic than those
ending in a period. Directive sentences do not have the subject and are preceded by a verb. The
goal is to give orders to someone who is spoken to directly or indirectly without having to
mention their names.
Representative speech act shows 120 data or 36.14 %. Representative speech acts have an
internal purpose in asserting. It is to provide a faithful life of a part of reality (Pauwelyn et al.,
2012, p. 168). Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”, it finds representative speech acts of
opinion, assumption, stating and informing. The representative speech also is known as assertive.
Assertive speech acts are speech acts that involve the speaker on the truth of the proposition
being expressed. Functions of this type of speech act are utterances stating, demanding,
confessing, showing, reporting, giving testimony, mentioning, speculating. This speech contains
information that the speakers are bound by the truth of the content of the speech. The speakers
are responsible that the utterances that are spoken are indeed fact or research and can be proven
in the field.
Expressive speech act shows 8 data or 2.44 %. Expressive speech acts have an internal
purpose in congratulating. It is to communicate one’s pleasure in the success, achievement, or
good fortune of another (Pauwelyn et al., 2012, p. 168). Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”,
it finds expressive speech acts of thanking, condolences, and congratulating. Expressive speech
acts are speech acts intended by the speaker so that the speech is interpreted as an evaluation of
the things mentioned in the speech, including utterances of saying thank you, complaining,
congratulating, flattering, praising, blaming, and criticizing.

4. Conclusion

From the pragmatic literature, speech acts are utterances from a person that is psychological
and seen from the meaning of the action in his speech. A series of speech acts will form a speech.
So, it can be concluded that speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra |e-ISSN 2541-2558

Vol. 6 (1) (2021) 33-45
44 Speech Act Analysis Found in Instagram Captions of "WHO INDONESIA”

communication that considers aspects of the speech situation. There are 332 data which contains
speech acts in Instagram Captions of ‘WHO Indonesia”. There are some types of speech acts found
in Instagram captions in ‘WHO Indonesia”, they are directive, representative, and expressive
speech acts. The directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 %, the representative speech act
shows 120 data or 36.14 %, and in expressive speech, the act shows 8 data or 2.44 %.
Representative speech acts are speech acts that bind the speaker to the truth he tells. A directive
speech act is a speech act that is performed so that the speaker does what the speaker says. While
Expressive speech acts are actions that are carried out to assess or evaluate what is mentioned in
the speech.

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Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra |e-ISSN 2541-2558

Vol. 6 (1) (2021) 33-45

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