Modifying Stress Response A CL 2021
Modifying Stress Response A CL 2021
Modifying Stress Response A CL 2021
Response – Perioperative
C o n s i d e r a t i o n s a n d C o n t ro v e r s i e s
Leigh J.S. Kelliher, MBBS, BSc, FRCA, MDa,*,
Michael Scott, MBChB, FRCP, FRCA, FFICMb,c,d
Stress response to surgery Metabolic response to surgery
Modification of the stress response Enhanced recovery after surgery Anesthesia
Perioperative care
The ‘surgical stress response’ describes the complex and interdependent physiological
processes that occur following trauma/tissue injury.
There are a variety of perioperative interventions that may alter these processes and
therefore modify the stress response.
Definitive clinical evidence for the benefit of any single stress-modifying perioperative
intervention is lacking.
Combining perioperative interventions to form comprehensive care pathways, e.g. ERAS
pathways, has produced improvements in clinical outcomes.
The idea that perioperative outcomes may be improved through the implementation of
measures that modify the surgical stress response has been around for several de-
cades, generating a great deal of research.1,2 The term “stress response” describes
the characteristic wide-ranging physiologic changes that occur following a surgical
insult/trauma. These are complex, interdependent, and often incompletely understood
molecular processes and consequently, there is a multitude of ways in which modifica-
tion may be attempted and many different techniques trialled.2 In addition, how the
response to modification is measured, what constitutes a positive result and how this
translates into clinical practice has and continues to be the subject of debate. Toward
the end of the 1990s interest grew in combining individual interventions and adopting a
global approach to perioperative care aimed at producing “stress-free anesthesia and
Department of Anaesthetics, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Egerton
Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7AS, UK; b Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; c Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; d Surgical Outcomes Research Centre, University Col-
lege London, London, UK
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
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24 Kelliher & Scott
surgery to improve postoperative recovery and reduce morbidity.3 This is the principal
tenet behind the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) movement which has seen the
development of guidelines for perioperative care across a variety of surgical spe-
cialties4 bringing with them significant improvements in outcomes, including reductions
in length of hospital stay and postoperative morbidity.5,6 While the benefits seen with
the implementation of ERAS pathways are likely the result of multiple factors, included
among these is how they modify the stress response. Another key aspect of recovery
after surgery is the restoration of normal metabolism. ERAS pathways promote a pa-
tient that is eating, sleeping, and mobilizing as soon as possible after surgery by not
just reducing stress but improving the metabolic response to this stress response. An
overview of the complex relationship between surgical injury, the SIRS response and
the metabolic response, and how perioperative interventions can impact these are illus-
trated in Fig. 1. This metabolic response is generally characterized as a state of insulin
resistance causing transient hyperglycemia. However, patients can present for surgery
with a disrupted metabolic state before stress is incurred. This is commonly seen in pa-
tients who have protein malnutrition or who have cancer. Cancer drives a catabolic state
which is hard to reverse without controlling cancer.
There is a lot of literature written on the stress response so this chapter is focused on
interventions to reduce this. The impact of some common elements of ERAS path-
ways on surgical stress as well as that of more novel/controversial techniques is sum-
marized here.
Fig. 1. Overview of the surgical stress response and perioperative interventions that may
impact it. NK, natural killer; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
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Modifying the Stress Response 25
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26 Kelliher & Scott
The degree of tissue trauma inflicted at the time of surgery is a major determinant of
the magnitude of the stress response and there is a significant body of evidence
demonstrating a reduction in various aspects of the stress response with laparoscopic
surgery when compared with the equivalent open technique. A randomized controlled
trial comparing markers of the stress response in laparoscopic versus open cholecys-
tectomy demonstrated postoperative catecholamine, cortisol, IL-6, glucose, and CRP
levels were all significantly higher following open surgery26 and several other studies in
cholecystectomy patients have demonstrated better preservation of immune function
(cytokine levels, T-cell ratios, and function) with the laparoscopic approach.27 A study
comparing markers of the stress response following open, laparoscopic, and robotic
colorectal surgery found them to be higher in the open surgery group, but comparable
between laparoscopic and robotic surgery28 and another in patients undergoing major
urologic surgery demonstrated lower IL-6, IL-10, and granulocytic elastase with lapa-
roscopic surgery.29 Similar evidence exists for multiple other surgical procedures.30 It
should be noted that not all evidence supports this effect with several studies finding
no difference in certain aspects of the stress response between equivalent laparo-
scopic and open procedures and a few suggesting that the response may even be
greater following laparoscopy. A systematic review of the effect of laparoscopic sur-
gery on the OS response (the balance of prooxidants and antioxidants) found that
many studies were of low quality with a great heterogeneity between them in terms
of design, method, measured OS markers, duration of investigation, and types of op-
erations investigated. Results between studies were discordant necessitating further
robust work be conducted before firm conclusions may be reached.31
In terms of clinical outcomes, laparoscopic surgery has been associated with
reduced postoperative pain, fewer wound infections, shorter length of hospital stay,
and faster return to normal activities for a variety of surgeries,32–35 although several
systematic reviews have found the evidence for many of the procedures to be of
low quality. A systematic review of Cochrane systematic reviews identified 36 such
studies evaluating laparoscopic versus open surgery. The authors concluded that
overall evidence supports an advantage with laparoscopic surgery.35
The mechanisms behind the benefits of laparoscopic surgery are doubtless multiple
and while a reduction in the stress response may be contributory the evidence to date
does not demonstrate a causative link. In any event, the move toward more minimally
invasive surgical procedures (laparoscopic, lap-assisted, robotic, endoscopic, single
port, natural orifice) has been inexorable and has been accompanied by a general
improvement in perioperative outcomes over the last decades.
Total Intravenous Anesthesia Versus Volatile Anesthesia
The idea that the stress response (and hence clinical outcomes) may be differentially
affected using either volatile anesthesia or propofol-based total intravenous anesthesia
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Modifying the Stress Response 27
(TIVA) is controversial. Evidence, principally from the laboratory, has highlighted various
biological mechanisms that lend plausibility to this theory.36 One such is that volatile
anesthetic agents have been shown to promote the expression of hypoxia-inducible
factors (HIF).37 These are transcription factors, released in response to hypoxia, that
promote angiogenesis and glycolysis and form the basis of the ischemic precondition-
ing phenomenon seen with volatile anesthesia.38 HIFs have also been implicated in the
promotion of tumor growth and metastases leading to speculation that they may play a
role in early tumor recurrence following cancer surgery. By contrast, laboratory evi-
dence suggests that propofol does not elicit a HIF response and may even inhibit it.39
Despite this clinical evidence of a beneficial effect with TIVA is mixed and of low quality
with several recent systematic reviews commenting that prospective randomized
controlled trials are required before any conclusions may be drawn.40–42
Regional Anesthesia
By far the most studied the regional anesthetic technique in terms of the stress
response to major surgery is thoracic epidural (TEA). Several studies have demon-
strated how TEA ameliorates the catecholamine and cortisol response to surgery,
reducing postoperative catabolism;43,44 however, evidence also suggests that it has
little/no effect on the inflammatory cytokine response.45 Clinical benefits of TEA
include excellent pain relief—it is recommended in guidelines for a variety of open up-
per abdominal and thoracic surgeries4,46,47—and reduced incidence of cardiac, pul-
monary, and thromboembolic complications48–50 although it should be noted that
several studies have failed to show these effects. The high failure rate, potential com-
plications of insertion, and complexities of successful management of TEA, alongside
the reduced analgesic requirements associated with minimally invasive surgery, has
seen a variety of alternatives emerge including wound catheters, abdominal field
blocks, and single-shot intrathecal opioids. While reportedly effective, robust evi-
dence directly comparing these techniques with TEA is lacking.
Despite the drive to adopt opioid-sparing strategies for perioperative analgesia to
accelerate postoperative recovery, worldwide, opioid drugs remain ubiquitous for
the management of severe pain. They exert their analgesic effect principally via ago-
nism of the m-opioid receptor, both peripherally and centrally. Opioids have been
shown to modulate the stress response both directly and indirectly. By reducing noci-
ceptive transmission in the sensory pathways of the spinal cord they may, in turn,
reduce the central activation of the sympathetic nervous system, reducing catechol-
amine release, and moderating the cardiovascular response to surgical stimulation.51
In addition, opioid receptors have been identified within the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem itself and therefore may exert some of their action by directly reducing sympa-
thetic activity.52 High-dose fentanyl has been shown to prevent the increase in
circulating catecholamines and completely suppress the circulatory response in pa-
tients undergoing cholecystectomy53 and cardiac surgery.54 As well as blunting the
sympathetic response to surgery, opioids may act on the hypothalamic–pituitary–
adrenocortical axis to reduce the release of both ACTH and cortisol55,56 although ev-
idence for this is mixed, and the clinical consequences are unclear. Finally, opioids
have been implicated in causing postoperative immunosuppression either because
of their effect on cortisol levels or via a direct action on cellular components of the im-
mune system.57 Evidence for this is effect is conflicting and mostly limited to in vitro
animal studies. What is certain is that opioid analgesics are associated with several
side effects that negatively impact recovery after surgery, namely respiratory
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28 Kelliher & Scott
depression, sedation, constipation, nausea, and vomiting and it is also true that poorly
controlled pain is both a trigger and perpetuating factor in surgical stress. As a result,
most current guidelines for fast-track recovery pathways advocate adopting an effec-
tive, opioid-sparing, multimodal analgesic strategy, tailored to the requirements of the
surgical procedure, the institution, and the individual.4
Cortisol is perhaps the principal “stress” hormone, playing a key role in the surgical
stress response. It, therefore, follows that the perioperative use of exogenous cortico-
steroids will modify the innate stress response. In addition to reducing inflammation,
corticosteroid therapy produces a wide range of effects throughout the body including
alterations in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism and changes in water and
electrolyte balance. The use of corticosteroids has a multisystemic impact, from car-
diovascular, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal to endocrine and immune sys-
tems.57 Consequently, they are indicated for a vast array of conditions spanning the
whole of clinical medicine, including perioperative care, whereby low-dose steroid
(typically dexamethasone between 0.05 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg) is used widely for its
antiemetic, antiinflammatory and analgesic effect and has been shown to improve
the quality of recovery for a variety of surgeries.58–60 Concerns have been raised
over the safety of perioperative steroid administration with the suggestion that it
may lead to an increased incidence of wound infection, dehiscence or even an early
recurrence of cancer because of the immunosuppression and hyperglycemia it in-
duces. However, the evidence to date seems to show that these concerns are un-
founded with several meta-analyses failing to demonstrate these effects.61,62
Research into this issue continues and the results are awaited.63 More recently there
has been a resurgence of interest in the use of high-dose (>0.1 mg/kg) perioperative
steroids for improving parameters of recovery. A systematic review identified 11 RCTs
examining the use of high-dose dexamethasone in hip and knee arthroplasty with the
meta-analysis showing a reduction in postoperative nausea and vomiting and pain
and a faster recovery with high-dose steroids. There was no difference in complica-
tions between groups.64 Further work to elucidate both the optimal dose of steroid
in this setting and the effect of this intervention on subpopulations at higher risk of
postoperative pain is underway with 3 further RCTs due to report their results
soon.65 The perioperative use of high-dose methylprednisolone (15–30 mg/kg) has
also been evaluated in a variety of surgeries. In hepatic resection, it has been shown
to reduce markers of the stress response (IL-6, IL-8, CRP) (although the clinical impli-
cations of this were unclear)66,67 and a metanalysis of 28 studies (including 25 RCTs) in
mandibular surgery found that use of high-dose methylprednisolone was associated
with less postoperative pain, swelling and trismus.68 Finally, a systematic review of
the use of high dose methylprednisolone in 51 studies in cardiac and noncardiac sur-
gery found no significant difference in adverse effect between groups, but also no sig-
nificant difference in postoperative pain or hospital stay—although pulmonary
complications were reduced in trauma patients given methylprednisolone.69
Currently, the evidence is insufficient to recommend the routine use of high-dose ste-
roids in perioperative care, but this may change as more data emerges.
Perioperative ß-blockade blunts sympathetic activity and thereby diminishes the neuro-
endocrine response to surgery. It has been postulated that by using them for this indi-
cation it may be possible to reduce the physiologic stress of surgery and thereby reduce
complications and improve outcomes. Despite the biological plausibility of this idea,
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Modifying the Stress Response 29
clinical research examining this question has yielded conflicting results with some
studies demonstrating harm from this intervention—an increased incidence of postop-
erative hypotension, stroke, and mortality.70 A recent meta-analysis of 83 RCTs (14,967
patients) found the evidence for all-cause mortality with perioperative ß-blockade was
uncertain and that further, large, placebo-controlled trials were required.71
A variety of other agents aimed at modifying surgical stress and improving postop-
erative outcomes have been investigated, including a2-agonists (clonidine, dexmede-
tomidine)72 and melatonin;73 however, to date there is no high-quality evidence
supporting their use in this setting.
The interplay between pathologic processes, surgery, and its physiologic sequelae
and clinical outcomes is complex and incompletely understood. Research in this
area is challenging, particularly in the face of constantly evolving practice, new tech-
nologies, and pharmaceutical agents and changing patient demographics. Finding
definitive evidence for specific perioperative interventions is often difficult with studies
yielding a variety of conflicting results. Fast track surgical programs, such as ERAS,
aim to optimize patients’ recovery from surgery by reducing its physiologic
impact—“stress-free surgery and anesthesia”—by using multiple perioperative inter-
ventions. While definitive evidence to support any one of these interventions alone
may be lacking, perhaps the improvement in clinical outcomes (reduced length of hos-
pital stay, reduced morbidity) seen as the advent of fast-track pathways demonstrates
that in combination they are effective in achieving their aim.
For patients undergoing major surgery, a perioperative care pathway comprising multimodal
interventions with the overall aim of minimising the stress of anaesthesia and surgery is
A pragmatic approach to perioperative care is to consider the benefits and risks of individual
perioperative interventions in the context of local skills and resources to produce a pathway
tailored to the patients and institution in question.
Optimising nutritional status is important and often overlooked, particularly where surgery
is time critical (e.g. cancer surgery).
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