DLL - English 4 - Q2 - W1

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MIKKEY JANE G. DELGRA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and WEEK 1 Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of
text elements to comprehend of text elements to text elements to comprehend of text elements to text elements to comprehend
various texts. comprehend various texts. various texts. comprehend various texts. various texts.
B. Performance Standards Use knowledge of text types to Use knowledge of text types to Use knowledge of text types to Use knowledge of text types to Use knowledge of text types to
correctl distinguish literary from correctl distinguish literary correctl distinguish literary from correctl distinguish literary correctl distinguish literary from
informational texts. from informational texts. informational texts. from informational texts. informational texts.
C. Learning Use context clues to find Use context clues to find Use context clues to find meaning Use context clues to find Use context clues to find
Competencies/ meaning of unfamiliar words: meaning of unfamiliar words: of unfamiliar words: definition, meaning of unfamiliar words: meaning of unfamiliar words:
Objectives definition, exemplification. definition, exemplification. exemplification. EN4V-Ia-31 definition, exemplification. definition, exemplification. EN4V-
( Write the LCcode for EN4V-Ia-31 EN4V-Ia-31 EN4V-Ia-31 Ia-31
Using Definition and Using Definition and Using Definition and Using Definition and Using Definition and
II. CONTENT Exemplification Clues Exemplification Clues Exemplification Clues Exemplification Clues Exemplification Clues
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material English 4 Module, p. 5-15 English 4 Module, p. 5-15 English 4 Module, p. 5-15 English 4 Module, p. 5-15 English 4 Module, p. 5-15
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Powepoint, ,paper,pencil Powerpoint, Paper,powerpoint Powerpont Powerpoint,Cartolina or manila
Resources paper
What I Know What Is It What I Have Learned Assessment Weekly Test

Directions: Choose the word or Sometimes, when you Directions: Use the list below
group of words in each sentence encounter an unfamiliar or to identify the meaning of the
that gives a clue to the meaning new word in a text, you usually underlined words. Write your
of the underlined word. Write look for a dictionary. answers on your answer sheet.
the answer on your answer Sometimes, you ask an elder,
sheet. teachers, or parent to give the
1. Mangoes, green and yellow meaning of the word.
fruits that grow on trees, are my Do you know that it is possible
teacher’s favorite. to unlock the meaning of a
2. My family sells root crops like difficult word in a sentence 1. I use a bookmark to
sweet potato and cassava. using the words near it? remember where I stopped
3. We used to make cupcakes, reading.
small cakes baked in a muffin 2. My grandfather used to have
tin. a biro for writing.
4. There are berries, grapes and 3. We looked for bibliographies
cranberries, planted in Auntie in the library.
Lilia’s urban garden. 4. There are plenty of trees in
5. The mural on the left is the forest.
beautiful but somber. It lacks 5. My aunt is a theater actress.
some color unlike the other

What’s In What’s More What I Can Do Additional Activities

A. Directions: Choose the letter Muning, Our Loving Feline Use the following words and their Use the given context clues to
of the word that completes each By: Syrelle France S. Paterter meaning in a sentence. Write the complete the puzzle with the
sentence. answer on your answer sheet. correct words. Write the
1. Feather is to light as ______ is Muning is one of our answers on your answer sheet.
to heavy. domesticated, accustomed to
a. paper b. cotton c. rock home life, pets. Unlike the 1. Orchestra- a musical
2. Mask is to ______ as gloves other felines in the house, it organization consisting of a group
are to hands. was a rescued cat. I found it a of instrumentalists including string
a. face b. toes c. hair year ago, near the riverbank, players
3. Zebra is to stripes as ______ clinging to one of the tree’s 2. Tamed- gentle and
is to spots. roots. Since then, Muning has domesticated
a. lion b. giraffe c. monkey been our happy pill. It loves to 3. Cultivate- train
be caressed, stroked gently, 4. Scold- censure severely or
until it falls asleep on our laps. angrily
Even with the new quadruped, 5. Critical-vital and urgently
having four feet, pets in the
house, Muning will still remain needed
as our loving feline.

1. What is being described in

the story?
a. a cat
b. a cow
c. a dog

2. Where did the narrator find

a. by the beach
b. by the lake
c. by the riverbank

3. Copy the underlined words

in the story. Then, the word or
group of words that shows
their meaning.

What’s New

Copy the sentences below in

your notebook. Underline the
word or group of words that
show the meaning of the
italicized word in each sentence

1. My little brother fell from the

ladder while playing. This made
our parents distressed, worried.
2. Back then, our forefathers
used to trade root crops with
linen, the white goods or
clothing brought by merchants
from other islands.
3. My grandfather is a hundred
years old. He is already a
4. I felt so lonesome, sad and
alone, after my friend left.
5. I have completely forgotten,
not remembered, my bag in the

A.No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B . No. of learners who

required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounterwhich my
principal or supervisorcan
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

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