Lithogeochemical Technique Using Immobile Elements: Journal of Geochemical Exploration July 1993
Lithogeochemical Technique Using Immobile Elements: Journal of Geochemical Exploration July 1993
Lithogeochemical Technique Using Immobile Elements: Journal of Geochemical Exploration July 1993
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2 authors, including:
Timothy J Barrett
Ore Systems Consulting
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All content following this page was uploaded by Timothy J Barrett on 27 July 2018.
Immobile elements
Phelps Dodge deposit: .,~ j,~e
C~ 15
_ ~ /j"
I¢" 't
5 ,,,,
s S
I/ .
Alteratton hne:
Zr pprn
Fig. 1. Effects of mobile mass gain and loss on immobile AI and Zr during alteration of an
initiallyhomogeneousrhyolite unit (singleprecursor system) at the Phelps DodgeVMS deposit
(data from MacLean and Kranidiotis, 1987).
Incompatible elements
Host volcanics at the Ansil mine:
fractionation trend given
by least altered samples
Zr/Y = 5.0
°° o
O0 y - 5 54 + 0.201x r - 0 95
i ! !
Zr ppm
Fig. 2. Incompatible Y and Zr enrichment in volcanic stratigraphy at the Ansil mine, Noranda
(data from Barrett et al., 1991 a).
Zr ppm
Fig. 3. Schematic Y - Z r plot used for determination of magmatic affinity.
Chemical analyses for the HFSE must be precise and accurate in order to
distinguish the small differences between fractionation trends and element
ratios of individual samples. In our experience, only the data obtained for Zr,
Y and Nb by X-ray fluorescence using pressed rock powder pellets are pres-
ently suitable for establishment of magmatic affinity and fractionation trends.
With this technique there is neither the sample dilution problem inherent in
borate bead preparation, nor the problem of incomplete solution in acid
digestion methods. Good quality analyses for REE and less abundant HFSE
are obtained by instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA), or a com-
bination of induced coupled plasma and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Ansil volcanic rocks:
o least altered . /
80 _.
• altered • .
• ..~,fp
• •
oe l • 0 ,¢f~.,"."
• •o •
E 8o
Q. •
>" 40 ~ , ' o0"~1~" ' ' u,:, ""
• •
i El
Zr p p m
2s /~/~
Precursor B ,r
20 I . ire''`" •
O~ D" ,tL/
,o /"-j" I
/A~..," Precursor A
5 .:2:,,2::/"
~. b
0 I I I I I I I
Zr p p m
Fig. 4. (a) Y - Z r plot of least altered and altered samples from the Ansi] mine (see Fig. 2).
Immobile-incompatibleelement pairs in least altered and altered samples plot along the same
regression line. (b) Alteration lines for immobile compatible-incompatible element pair can
identify two distinct rhyolite units, A and B, within a mine stratigraphy.
116 W.H. MacLEAN A N [ ) T.,I B A R R E T T
Fractionation trends
2.0 ,,e
~ Schematic tholeiitic
ee fractionation trend
/ •
' ...... Alteration lines
0 1.o.
Zr ppm
Fig. 5. Idealized fractionation curves for immobile elements in a tholeiitic volcanic suite, with
superposed chemical data for altered rocks. The two well defined alteration lines represent ho-
mogeneous units within the stratigraphy. Their intersection with the fractionation curves iden-
tifies the units as an andesite and a rhyolite. Other altered samples on these plots have each a
distinct alteration line emanating from the origin. (a) TiO2-Zr: The fraetionation curve ex-
hibits strong Ti-enrichment in the basalts (paralleling typical iron-enrichment in tholeiites),
followed by strong Ti depletion from andesite to rhyolite.
20 I"
• I ga~LIItl
/Q• o s
¢0 X is ~ ,.sO °
" ~'~ AndeslteL_ ~ ~.,- o
•/O X /s --
• I SS s~O
O3 10
...4"~ ..9.~" ~" ~'°° b
/ • ,//:,,s , ~,I ~ Schematic tholeiitic
•" fractionation trend
i• ~,s~o,S
'~,,.'," - ..... Alteration lines
t'r I I I
0 100 200 300 400
Zr ppm
~//'/ •/,mx''$'e"
# ,S,X~ • -- . sJ...f-..~
/o t / ~ dAndeslte e ~
IRhyo"tel ° ~ . , . ~ Dacit e]'~/ ,.,,,,4
sb ,,,, q,," •
~ I0 f s sS
• sS
s/ $6 S •
5 I
Jo / s SI I s o s S
/ //...'/" I/ Schematic tholeiitic
/ ,,;-'" fractionation trend
t sss • .
~,~'.. ...... Alterat0on hnes
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
TiO2 %
Fig. 5. (b) AI203-Zr: The fractionation curve is near linear. Plagioclase accumulation may pro-
duce anomalously high A1 values in some basalts and andesites. (c) A1203-TiO2: The fraction-
ation curve exhibits a sharp turn owing to Ti-enrichment in the basalts and Ti-depletion from
andesite to rhyolite. This may lead to two intersections by alteration lines. However, this is
normally not a problem as this plot is used for calc-alkaline rocks, where basalts are not common
(and in any case show low Ti enrichment).
Curve fitting
Using least altered samples, chemical data for compatible elements exhib-
iting concave depletion-type fractionation can be fit using exponential or sec-
ond-order polynomial curves. Both curves commonly give similar data fits,
as expressed by r values for the curve fit. A polynomial should be fit to the
immobile element profile (Al203-Zr or TiO2-Zr) used to establish the pre-
cursor Zr monitor values for altered samples (see below). With this form of
equation, it is simpler to calculate the intersection of fractionation and alter-
ation lines.
TiO2-Zr and F e O - Z r data for least altered basalts can be fit with a separate
set of curves. Fractionation trends for tholeiitic rocks rise steeply in the basalt
to basaltic-andesite range, but follow a depletion trend from andesite to rhy-
olite. In the basalt to basaltic-andesite range, the trends are sub-parallel to
alteration lines emanating from the origin and, therefore, not useful in mass
change calculations. In this compositional range, it is simpler to use the A1203-
Zr fractionation curve to calculate mass changes, as alteration and fractiona-
tion lines intersect at high angles.
In calc-alkaline rock suites, where the HFSE commonly are compatible and
do not monitor fractionation well, an alternative procedure is adopted that
120 W.H. MacLEAN A N D T.L B A R R E T T
Mass changes can be calculated for each mobile element based on the dilu-
tion or concentration of an immobile component (MacLean and Kranidiotis,
1987 ). The calculations have some similarities to those of Gresens (1967 )
and the modifications by Babcock ( 1973 ) and Grant ( 1986 ), who used var-
ious elements to estimate mass and volume changes in single precursor sys-
tems. Regardless of the method employed to establish immobility, certain ele-
ments can be used as the basis for mass change calculations in both single and
multiple precursor alteration systems. In the immobile element procedures
we use (outlined below), volume changes do not enter into mass change cal-
culations. Volume changes can, however, be calculated from mass change
The mass of a sample after alteration (reconstructed composition, R.C. ) is
calculated from the initial chemical analysis on the basis of 100 mass units
(mass units and wt% values are interchangeable ) of precursor rocks, using Zr
as the immobile monitor:
R.C. = Zrprecu. . . . /Zraltered X O/ocomponentaltered (2)
Total mass change and mass changes for each element are calculated as:
Mass Change = R.C. - Precursor Composition (3)
Immobile components in the chemical analysis of the altered sample in Fig.
i::i:i,:;!i::/i ~ ii:i: 1
Analysis of Analysis of
unalteredrock alteredrock i:i:iiii iiii:
(precursor) :!i::ii:!:ii:: :iiii:ii
100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-ii;i~,.:i~
units !iiiii!iiiiilili!i!i!i!~!i!i!i ........... i:::iiiiii!i!i!!!::
!ii!!~ii!iiii!iiiiiiii!ili!i :i~i.......
i : iiii i!i:
--- --~
Fig. 6. Illustration of mass change calculations for an altered rock sample, based on 100 units of
precursor. The amounts of immobile elements in the chemical analysis of the altered rock ap-
pear to have decreased, but simply have been diluted by added mobile mass. Since the immobile
elements have not lost mass, they must be restored to their initial content, with the other com-
ponents restored by the same factor. This produces the reconstructed composition ( R . C . ) . Mass
change for each component is the difference between R.C. and the precursor composition.
122 W.H. M a c L E A N A N D T.J. B A R R E T T
Z - 2
o~ •
O - 4 • ~°ee Feldspar
o~, breakdown Silica
• • ~i_. olo - leaching
-10 i I i
2O -10 10 20 0
Total serlcltlzatlon
of plagloclase In rhyolite
• ,~
t Serlclte
+ silica
4 Serlcite "I~ • • •
O0 0 e~ e y e e •
+ chlorlt~ • "~• • 0 °d~e•/~4r .
<~ 2 • ,%. . . / . •
• ,~., • -/-".
', ~ • • • • SlllCificatlon
~,..: ..............................
•• • ' F •
b No alteration
- 2 i I i I l
40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
ASi02 (%)
Fig. 7. Plots of mass changesfor selected elements. (b) Correlation of mass changesin K20 and
SiO2 in the alteration at the Home mine (data from MacLean and Hoy, 1991). The dominant
alteration was a sericitization accompanied by silicification. Small zones of chlorite-sericite
alteration, accompanied by leaching of silica, occur adjacent to the Cu-bearing VMS ores. (a)
Large losses of CaO + Na20 mass during chloritization of andesite in the footwall of the Corbet
mine are accompanied by major additions of FeO + MgO mass.
Horne volcanics
, ~ Quartz
/ ',..'kgai~
~ t ." 2', \
0 20 40 60 80 100
Sericite Albite
Montbrav rhyolite
/,,,,,,,f"e\"l\~ atelyaltered
~" e e ""\o\ Strongly altered
b Sericitite Ùe ", /~k~ ch.lOritite
i ~ i • "~ i0 0 -" ~" I ~'~ • wl~=
20 40 60 80 100
Sericite Chlorite
Fig. 8. Triangular plots of cation normative alteration minerals. (a) Quartz-albite-sericite: The
diagram illustrates the sericitization and silicificationof rhyolite in the alteration zone at the
Home mine (from MacLean and Hoy, 1991). (b) Quartz-chiorite-sericite: Chlorite and seri-
cite, formed by alteration of plagioclase components in Montbray rhyolite, were subsequently
concentrated by wholescaleleachingof silica (from Barrett and MacLean, 1991).
° ~
a~ Ch
10 Precursor r
i i ! w
0 40 6O 8O • O0
Si cation %
Montbrav rhvolites
I00{ h
ee • • ~ Weakly to moderately
0 ........ ~" ~ altered rhyolites
Precursor • -... ~ , ~
60 ¸
, m
401 • . • • • ~" •
altered rhyolites
20 i i i !
0 10 20 30 40 50
(Fe+Mg) cation %
tively. Because A1 was immobile, the abundance of chlorite and sericite (both
Al-bearing) was limited to the initial Al-content of the rhyolite. The least al-
tered rhyolite samples plot close to the albite-chlorite tieline, but alteration
has shifted other samples towards the sericite-chlorite boundary, with a ma-
jority of them near the sericite apex. A plot ofquartz-sericite-chlorite reveals
that the dominant alteration assemblage is quartz-sericite (MacLean and Hoy,
In the early stage of alteration of albite to chlorite and sericite at low water/
rock ratios, rhyolite retains most of its initial quartz content ( ~ 50%). With
increased alteration, this assemblage can be reduced to sericite and chlorite,
as occurs in alteration zones in the Montbray rhyolite near Noranda (Barrett
and MacLean, 1991 ). Residual concentration of these two minerals is caused
by wholescale hydrothermal dissolution of quartz at high water/rock ratios
(Fig. 8b). Extremely altered rhyolites plot along the chlorite-sericite tieline.
Chlorite and sericite are stable under the alteration conditions of VMS de-
posits in greenstone belts (Riverin and Hodgson, 1981 ), whereas AI-Si clay
minerals are not. Other stable phases include rutile, zircon and REE-bearing
Fig. 9. Plots of percentages of cations in bulk rock chemical analyses. Mineral formulae are also
shown in terms of cation components. (a) A1 vs. Si plot illustrating alteration of rhyolite at the
Home mine. Silicified samples plot between precursor and quartz. The sericite-chlorite tieline
forms a barrier to further alteration (data from MacLean and Hoy, 1991 ) (b) Si vs. (Fe + Mg)
plot illustrating alteration of the Montbray rhyolite. Sericite and chlorite formed by alteration
of plagioclase are concentrated along the sericite-chlorite tieline by wholesale leaching of quartz.
Mass changes also affect the interpretation of bulk c~80 data for altered
rocks (MacLean and Hoy, 1991; Barrett and MacLean, 1991 ). Not all whole
rock c$180 variation is caused by changes in temperature and ~t80 of the hy-
drothermal fluid. For example, the bulk c$180 of an altered rock composed of
quartz (~ 180 ~ 10%o) and chlorite (c5180 ~ 20/00) will be lowered by leaching
of quartz at constant T and ~t 80 ~ 0%0 (fluid) (see MacLean and Hoy, 1991
for calculation procedures). Complete leaching of the quartz under these con-
ditions would produce a chloritite rock with a bulk ~ 180 ~ 2%0. Similarly, sil-
icification increases bulk c~180 values, with the higher values produced at lower
alteration temperatures. As a result of these effects, c$180 values of altered
rocks should be assessed in light of mass changes as well as temperature and
fluid 6180 values.
of all the REE in a suite of altered rocks before using the slopes of the REE
patterns to obtain petrogenetic information. This is done by plotting each
REE against an immobile element such as Zr.
If the REE have been immobile, the addition of mass to a rock causes REE
profiles in a single precursor alteration system to shift vertically down on
chondrite-normalized diagrams, whereas the removal of mass causes REE
profiles to shift vertically upwards. If the REE also have been mobile, it is
difficult to distinguish these various effects. To evaluate these changes, the
profiles are restored (normalized) to the original Lu (or Yb) value of the
precursor. In some alteration zones, as at Phelps Dodge (MacLean, 1988)
and Ansil (Barrett et al., 1991a), this produces a fan-shaped array of profiles
with Lu as the hinge. La is the most mobile of the trivalent REE, with the
others decreasing uniformly in mobility towards immobile Lu (MacLean,
1988 ). A fan of profiles results from REE mobility, which ranges from uni-
form addition of the lighter REE relative to the precursor, to uniform deple-
tion of the lighter REE.
Mobile REE depletion is encountered in the most intensely chloritized parts
of alteration zones below VMS deposits (Campbell et al., 1984; MacLean,
1988, Barrett et al., 1991 ). Hydrothermal fluid temperatures are highest ( 300-
400°C) in these zones, which were subjected to silica depletion and com-
monly contain stringer-copper mineralization. REE addition is mostly in
nearby zones of sericite alteration and silicification, where fluids were cooler
and precipitated REE minerals. Light-REE depletion anomalies encountered
in altered rock during mineral exploration are indicative of centers of high
temperature hydrothermal fluid flow. REE anomalies of either type are im-
portant to document from an exploration viewpoint.
Chemostratigraphy based on
least altered samples from
Mildly calc-alkaline volcanic sequence
surface and drilling transects
TIO2% AI203% Y ppm
15- ~'Xoo~.~y ~ ~
1"5"1 B a s ~ A nDac
Zr 500 Zr 500 Zr 500 ppm
Contact of Interef
Tholeiitic volcanic sequence
1.5- 15-
, J ,
Synvolcanic felsic
Basalt to andesite I I Rhyolite Dacite ~ intrusion (tholeiitic)
] TiO2 15 15
/ ~"s .And / ' ,' '?~
l'," ~ll""~=.RhyC l',~ '~ 'a'k\1
rhyolite B and mildly calc-alkaline rhyolite C. Both types of contact are sites
of felsic-hosted VMS deposits in the Noranda district, Quebec: the former for
the Aldermac ores (Barrett et al., 199 l b), and the latter for the Mobrun and
Delbridge ores (Barrett et al., 1991, 1993). A number of VMS deposits at
Noranda also occur at andesite-rhyolite contacts (e.g., Ansil, Norbec, Millen-
bach: Gibson and Watkinson, 1990; Chartrand and Cattalani, 1990). Using
the lithogeochemical fractionation-alteration relations outlined earlier, lith-
ological contacts can be traced from least altered stratigraphy through altera-
tion zones, and correlated across faults.
The possibility of a genetic relationship between the volcanic rocks and
intrusive bodies (Fig. 10 ) also can be established with maj or (Goldie, 1978 )
and trace (Paradis et al., 1988) elements, using the fractionation relations
and elemental ratios described above. A co-magmatic intrusion in the upper
levels of a volcanic pile will provide an important source of heat to drive
hydrothermal circulation.
It is possible to identify the precursors lithologies of volcanic rocks that
have been intensely hydrothermally altered and mineralized to the point of
being unrecognizable. The immobile element imprint not only yields the pre-
cise rock type, but also the magmatic affinity. In the Noranda VMS deposits,
the paths of alteration can be followed by mass change and normative altera-
tion mineral plots. For example, silicification and sericitization are dominant
processes in rhyolite at the Horne mine (Figs. 7a, 8a, 9a; MacLean and Hoy,
1991; Barrett et al., 1991a); at the Corbet mine plagioclase breakdown in
andesite is combined with chloritization and silica leaching (Fig. 7b; Barrett
et al., 1993 ); and in the Montbray rhyolite extreme mass loss, chloritization
and residual buidup ofsericite occurs in mineralized zones (Fig. 8b, 9b; Bar-
rett and MacLean, 1991 ).
calc-alkaline affinities in fresh and altered rock suites, and to monitor frac-
tionation of the compatible elements. The HFSE, AI and Ti form the basis for
quantitative estimation of mobile element mass changes. Severely altered rocks
that have lost primary textural, mineralogical and chemical identity can be
confidently classified as to initial rock type and magmatic affinity.
Major element chemical data required for the calculations and plotting pro-
cedures are available from routine bulk rock chemical analyses, generally
available in mineral exploration programs. However, precise and accurate
trace element analyses are necessary for the establishment of rock affinities,
and fractionation and alteration lines. The lithogeochemical parameters pro-
duced by these techniques can be plotted on exploration maps, cross-sections
and discrimination diagrams. The exact identification of rock types and rock
affinities allows correlation of volcanic units between drill holes and across
zones affected by hydrothermal alteration and faulting. This information gen-
erates a comprehensive insight to volcanic lithostratigraphy, hydrothermal
alteration and ore-forming processes in greenstone belts.
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