Research Draft 1
Research Draft 1
Research Draft 1
Richman, A. S., Dietiker, L., & Riling, M. (2018). The plot thickens: The aesthetic
Behavior, 100671.
The research title contains the significance of the study, which is unfolding
title was appropriate and sufficient. In addition, the title pointed out the constructs that it
including its mathematical plot. We do not think the title needs improvement because it
The introduction started with the teacher posting a new but catchy problem for
the students, which captivated them and excited them to find the solution to the given
student learning. Seemingly, it provides and creates a striking effect on the student's
emotional response, and it appears that they were intrigued, determined, and not
aspects or dimension of the lesson and explains how the student's excitement and
intensity when confronting the problems they were given was an outcome of a series of
events, much like how the impact of a plot twist in a book depends on the anticipations
the story arranges. The researchers also claimed that to analyze the aesthetic aspects
manifestation of the coordinated efforts of teacher and students, with both planned and
impromptu elements that can be appreciated as one for their aesthetic dimensions
(Dewey, 1934; Wong, 2007). As a result, this study adheres to traditional literary
The rationale of the study is to provide more information on this kind of specific
performance while also generating a tool for the exploration of other aesthetically
compelling lessons that derive students' capacity from the unfolding mathematics. And
using this method, we get to the conclusion that discovering the features of how
appealing graphics or relevant contexts (e.g., Durik & Harackiewicz, 2007), may
captivate and motivate students, like this, offers new insight into knowledge acquisition
In the review of related literature, the researchers direct the focus of the study to
the emerging mathematical content, specifically its temporal structure, and substance. It
is mentioned that to make sense of how the mathematical content within the enacted
lesson unfolds is to frame it as a narrative. Good literary stories make sense because
the events are chosen and sequenced so that it is possible to see the connections
between them (Egan, 1988; Gadanidis & Hoogland, 2003; Zazkis & Liljedahl, 2009).
within a classroom, can allow a student to recognize how the parts of the lesson are
2003). In addition, narrative principles have also been used to support the
These were some of the most relevant literatures in the study that have direct
Study shows that a story raises mysteries (Barthes, 1974), revealing enough
information to enable a reader to recognize there is something they do not know. This
can motivate a reader to ask questions of the story (i.e., to open questions) and seeks
clues and information to answer the questions (i.e., to close questions) (Nodelman &
Reimer, 2003).
Studies indicate the key elements of literary stories (i.e., characters, action, and setting)
reader as he or she experiences a mathematical story, perceives its structure (and thus,
looks for order, finds patterns, senses rhythm, etc.), and anticipates what is ahead (by
The researchers found out that the ability to anticipate where a story is headed enables
a reader to prepare for what he or she “might see,” leading to the generation of
researchers were able to explain how a reader comes to know the truths in a story using
the narrative theory of Bal (1986,2009). According to Bal, the story enables a reader to
come to know the truth but also may mislead a reader. The researchers develop a
of mathematics events that unfold over time, connecting a beginning with an ending.
They gave emphasis that this narrative framework focuses on a mathematical story plot.
They characterized the mathematical plot into three, which are density, coherence, and
increasing number of questions. On the other hand, story coherence is the extent to
which the events and mathematical ideas of the mathematical story (i.e., a lesson) are
connected to each other for a reader (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). Lastly, the third
characteristic of a mathematical plot rhythm, is the pattern created by the opening and
For the conceptual framework, it is clearly observed that the aesthetic dimensions of
a captivating mathematics lesson are influenced by the teacher's teaching style, the
classroom environment, and the student's prior knowledge and interest in mathematics.
The independent variables such as narration or storytelling are expected to impact
student engagement and learning in mathematics; which are the dependent variables.
The framework can guide the design and evaluation of effective math lessons that
incorporate aesthetic dimensions to enhance student engagement and learning. For
instance, storytelling and real-world scenarios could be used to illustrate the practical
applications of mathematical concepts and make the lesson more engaging. The
teacher's teaching style, the classroom environment, and the student's prior knowledge
and interest in mathematics are expected to mediate the relationship between the
independent variables and the dependent variable of student engagement and learning.
By taking these mediating factors into account, teachers can design math lessons that
are tailored to their students' needs and interests, thereby enhancing the effectiveness
of the aesthetic dimensions of the lesson.
The research question was explicitly stated. It has been reiterated in several
parts of this study that the purpose is to explain how the unfolding mathematical content
captivated the students of this 6th-grade classroom. This is the research question stated
in the study:
How can the student reactions throughout this captivating lesson be explained by the
logically followed. This study aims to identify the aesthetic dimensions of the enacted
lesson as revealed in this analysis of the questions raised by the lesson and how their
answers are pursued, that is, the mathematical plot. It really amazes and inspires us to
explanation given why this design was chosen. Still, from what we can infer, the
researchers used this design because it would be more appropriate to capture and
describe the evidence that successfully interprets unfolding mathematical content into a
mathematical story using a narrative framework. It is also relevant because one of the
The lesson analyzed in this study was selected from the Measures of Effective
Teaching database (MET) (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2010a). The selected
lesson was initially identified as a candidate for analysis since it was the only lesson
available for viewing that was given a score of 3 points out of 3 on both the “richness”
and “overall” measures of the Mathematical Quality of Instruction instrument (The Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, 2010b). This measure was generated using questions such
as “This class does not keep my attention – I get bored,” “My teacher makes learning
enjoyable,” “My teacher makes lessons interesting,” and “I like the ways we learn in this
class.” The researchers chose the enacted lesson for the study because it had a
notable student aesthetic response that offered an opportunity to link the structure of the
mathematical content of the lesson with its potential aesthetic opportunities. Moreover,
the lesson focused on generating the rules for adding integers. Before this lesson, the
students were introduced to three concrete methods for adding integers: the number
line, the dancing method, and the heaps and holes method.
In their analysis, the researchers included the recording showing the entire
lesson from two different views. Also, they provided pictures of classroom bulletin
boards and lesson handouts. Based on the study, there were 19 students in the class
and one instructor, a female teacher, called “Ms. Burke” (a pseudonym). This 6th-grade
class was chosen as respondents since this class had a high average of student-
2017). Since the analysis aimed to understand how a mathematical learning experience
can be designed to offer the observed aesthetic effects, only the portion of the filmed
activity that contained the new content development was considered the “lesson” and
minutes long.
mathematical contributions toward new revelations of the fabula of the lesson. These
contributions include utterances by the teacher and the students, and all mathematical
tasks read from a worksheet or whiteboard. Researchers started the analysis of the
mathematical story by partitioning the transcript into acts. Next, they identified the
known about a question (from formulation to answer). This study used eight codes,
In analyzing the mathematical plot, researchers identified the acts and questions
of the story and progressed on coded questions within each story arc. A question and
all changes toward its resolution are called a story arc. Researchers analyzed the
mathematical plot for how it provides potential insight into the observed aesthetic
reactions of the students. This included analyzing how the plot elements worked
together across the sections of the story, how the density of open questions per act
changed across the lesson, how patterns of overlapping story arcs promoted the story's
of the mathematical story and plot, which are essential for understanding the findings.
allow the reader of this study to experience the unfolding nature of the mathematical
story and its plot. The unfolding acts of the story have been grouped into five sections
based on their collective role in the story: an introduction, set-up, crisis, releasing
tension, and resolution. Each section first presents the story's events in the classroom,
and then researchers briefly describe how to interpret their role in the plot.
that identifies potential aesthetic dimensions of the enactment and connects them with
the unfolding mathematical content. Researchers examined the separate events of the
entire lesson that impacted student anticipation, explaining the evident surprise,
wonder, and subsequent engaged discussion. They described the potential impact of
questions and more general narrative structures, such as open questions without
progress, the steady facilitation of partial answers, and the timing of the provision of
strikingly different from those the students have encountered and structuring the
sequence of the mathematical story exhibited curiosity and affable concern rather than
patterns in the density of inquiry, the coherence of the story, and the rhythm of the
unfolding content. The dynamically changing density levels were due to introducing the
new tasks and the student questions they triggered. Researchers concluded that
questions contributed to density differently depending on their content. The graph of the
density of the mathematical plot by acts was shown in the study. Researchers
suspected that much of the dramatic increase in density resulted from unresolved
tension from student questions that may have yet to be raised or addressed directly.
This occurs when a significant mathematical question spurs additional related questions
that students would react to, leading to increased inquiry. Thus, the tension caused by
the high density contributed to the student's emotional experience, curiosity into
productive mathematical observation, and questioning in the absence of immediate
larger ideas that enabled students to recognize the relationships between different parts
of the story and anticipate where it is headed. It was evident that when questions
remained open, it reinforced surprise and crisis in the enacted lesson. As the lesson
built toward the crisis, the evident confidence students developed was a focused
the potential for surprise and subsequent curiosity was much greater. Researchers
indicated in a table the connections between the questions raised by students and the
Patterns of questions and answers in the lead-up to the crisis (Acts 3 through 5),
the crisis created by the challenging task (Act 6), and the immediate aftermath (Acts 7
through 11) created rhythms that may partly explain the evident aesthetic student
reactions. At the start of the crisis (Act 6), the rhythm changed abruptly. Researchers
mentioned that a change in rhythm signaled a new expectation and was time for
students to ask mathematical questions to figure out how to solve different tasks. In
addition, after the crisis, the formulation of new questions offered a new rhythm to the
pattern in which the two questions alternate as the focus of the class. A table was
shown in the study indicated the pattern of the progress of the two questions stated.
The back-and-forth rhythm of changing focus between these two questions sets up an
expectation of forward progress toward answering the overarching questions. It
indicates to students that the conclusions they draw from one question can inform their
We think that the results were sufficient to answer the research question. The
results were able to answer the research question into which the study was framed.
Since the research is meant to explain the aesthetic dimensions of the story, including
its plot, density, coherence, and rhythm, and connect them to the unfolding
a lesson and how they explain the students’ productive engagement. These results
captivate the students in a 6th-grade classroom. This was achieved by identifying the
density, coherence of the story, and rhythm. This analysis has identified a sequence of
mathematical changes that collectively represent how the content unfolded in this
lesson to allow for the student's surprise and subsequent engaged discussion. The
relied on established classroom norms that enabled students to trust where the lesson
was headed. Accordingly, the students in this classroom may have been familiar with
her role and thus were emotionally prepared for the plot twist that the teacher had
planned. In addition, prior experiences may have also provided credibility to the
teacher’s promises, which enabled students to persevere through the jammed central
The researchers mentioned that this sixth-grade classroom is not the only place
mathematical stories that have accompanied other such responses have been
documented and analyzed using the mathematical story framework in a variety of other
contexts such as lower elementary and high school (Dietiker, 2016; Dietiker et al.,2016).
distinguish the aesthetic dimensions of the unfolding mathematics from the aesthetic
affordances of the context. In addition, this can also be used to analyze the unfolding
one group’s story can be analyzed (Dietiker et al., 2016), or the stories of multiple
There is a limitation discussed in the study, researchers did not have direct
access to the teacher or the students and, thus, could only conjecture student
experiences of students and a teacher. We also agreed that, in the discussion, it was
not sufficient. It needed to integrate more information and some previous studies. Yet
the researchers recommended more research to explore and explain the hypotheses
further. It would be interesting to know and understand deeply how those elements in a