Grade 9 New 2020 by Gulshan Anar PDF
Grade 9 New 2020 by Gulshan Anar PDF
Grade 9 New 2020 by Gulshan Anar PDF
Unit 1
Artificial /ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl / made by people, often as a copy of something natural - Süni
Bilingual /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ able to use two languages equally well - İkidilli, iki dil bilən
Confirm /kənˈfɝːm/ to make certain or prove that something is true or accurate – Təsdiq
Convey /kənˈveɪ/ to move someone or something from one place to another- Daşımaq
Existence /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ the state of being real, or of being known- Mövcudluq, var olma
Major /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ more important, bigger, or more serious than others- Əsas, vacib
Prospect /ˈprɒspekt/ˈprɑːspekt/ the possibility that something good might happen in the
future- Ehtimal, gözlənilən bir şey
Whereas /ˌweərˈæz/ ˌwerˈæz/ compared with the fact that; but- Halbuki, amma
Addiction /əˈdɪkʃn/ using something harmful- Asılılıq, pis alışqanlıq
Casual /kæʒuəl/ clothes that are not formal or not suitable for special occasions- Gündəlik
Chop something off /tʃɒp/ tʃɑːp/ ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɒf/ɔːf/ to cut off part of something with a sharp
tool- Kəsmək, budamaq
Core /kɔː(r)/ kɔːr/ the basic and most important part of something- Vacib, əsas
Excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ feeling very happy and enthusiastic- Həyəcanlı, həvəsli, coşğulu
Hang out /hæŋ aʊt/ to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone- Vaxt öldürmək
Injury /ˈɪndʒəri/ physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an
attack- Zədə, zərər, yara
İnstill /ɪnˈstɪl/ to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone’s mind, so that it has
a strong influence on the way the person lives- Aşılamaq, yavaş-yavaş öyrətmək
Multitask /ˌmʌltiˈtɑːsk/ˌmʌltiˈtæsk/ to do more than one thing at a time- Çox iş, eyni
anda çox iş görmək
Murky /ˈmɜːki/ˈmɜːrki/ dark and dirty, or difficult to see through- Bulanıq, qaranlıq
Ordinary /ˈɔːdnri/ ˈɔːrdneri/ not different or special or unexpectedin any way; usual- Adi,
Pretend /prɪˈtend/ to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not- Tülkülük
etmək, … kimi davranmaq ( oxuyurmuş kimi davranmaq)
Previously /ˈpriːviəsli/ before the present time or the time referred to- Əvvəldən, öncədən
Reside /rɪˈzaɪd/ to live, have your home, or stay in a place- Yaşamaq, iqamət etmək,
Sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another
Shadow /ˈʃædəʊ/ an area of darkness, caused by light being blocked by something- Kölgə
Strive /straɪv/ to try very hard to do something or to make something happen- Can atmaq,
cəhd etmək
Take something / somebody for granted /teɪk / ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ ˈsʌmbədi/ fə(r)/fɔː(r) /ˈɡrɑːntɪd/
ˈɡræntɪd/ you do not realize or show that you are grateful for how much you get from
them- nəyinsə olacağına əmin olmaq, mütləq olacaq gözüylə baxmaq
Take a nap /teɪk ə næp/ to sleep for a short time, especially during the day- Mürgüləmək
Wade /weɪd / to walk through water or other liquid with some effort - Suda güc-bəla ilə
gəzmək , güclə irəliləmək
Unit 3
Abuse /əˈbjuːs/ to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally
wrong- Sui-istifadə etmək
Commit /kəˈmɪt/ to promise to give yourself, your money, your time, etc., to support
something- Söz vermək, nəyisə öhdəsinə götürmək
result- Nəticə
Despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ without taking any notice of or being influenced by- Baxmayaraq
İncome /ˈɪnkʌm/ ˈɪnkəm/ money that is earned from doing work- Gəlir
Inspire /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/ to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something- İlham
Lack /læk/ the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it-
Prediction /prɪˈdɪkʃn/ a statement about what you think will happen in the future- Öncədən
xəbər vermək, təxmin etmək
Treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness
or injury- Müalicə
Unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ the number of people who do not have a job that provides
money- İşsizlik
Accomplish /əˈkʌmplɪʃ/əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/ to finish something successfully or to achieve
something- Öhdəsindən gəlmək, yerinə yetirmək
Bunch /bʌntʃ/ a number of things of the same type fastened together; a group of people-
Dəstə, qrup
Catch up /kætʃ ʌp/ ketʃ ʌp/ to reach someone or something by moving faster than the other
Chill /tʃɪl/ to (cause to) become cold but not freeze- Soyuqdan üşümək
Focus on/ˈfəʊkəs on/ to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject, or
Idle away /ˈaɪdl/ to spend a period of time reducing and doing very little- Boş yere vaxt sərf
Investment /ɪnˈvestmənt/ the act of putting money or effort into something to make a profit
Involve /ɪnˈvɒlv /ɪnˈvɑːlv/ if an activity, situation, etc. involves something, that thing is a
connecting it to a piece of electrical equipment and filling it with electricity - Yenidən şarj
Self improvement /ˌself ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ the activity of learning new things on your own that
make you a more skilled person- Özünü inkişaf etdirmə
Self-poison /ˌself pəˈzeʃn/ to spoil a situation by making it very unpleasant on your own-
Vəziyyəti öz əllərinlə korlamaq
Sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ having a good understanding of the way people behave /or a
Establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ to start a company or organization that will continue for a long
Launch /lɔːntʃ/ an event to celebrate or introduce something new- Yeni işə başlamaq,
yeni nəyisə təqdim etmək
Publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ to produce and sell a book, magazine, or newspaper - Çap etmək
Spread /spred/ to (cause to) cover, reach, or have an effect on a wider or increasing area-
Yayılmaq, yaymaq
Transmit /trænzˈmɪt/ to broadcast something, or to send out or carry signals using radio,
Unit 6
Accidentally /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/ by chance or by mistake- Təsadüfən, səhvən, istəməyərək
Citation /saɪˈteɪʃn/ official praise for a person in the armed forces for brave actions- Örnək
olaraq göstərmə, təqdir etmə
Equal /ˈiː.kwəl/ the same in importance and deserving the same treatment; the same in
country- Müstəqillik
Interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you
Large-scale /ˌlɑːdʒ ˈskeɪl/ˌlɑːrdʒ ˈskeɪl/ involving many people or things, or happening over a
other help; to help make something successful- Köməyi dəymək, faydalı olmaq
Orphanage /ˈɔːfənɪdʒ/ˈɔːrfənɪdʒ/ a home for children whose parents are dead or unable
Panhandle /ˈpænhændl/ to ask strangers ( people that you do not know) for money,
especially in a public place- Dilənmək, sədəqə istəmək
Spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ a particular way of thinking, feeling, or behaving- Ruh halı, niyyət
Sweat /swet/ to work very hard to achieve something- Tərləmək, çox çalışmaq
Trust /trʌst/ to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that
something is safe and reliable- İnanmaq, güvənmək