Freelancing Your Way To $100,000
Freelancing Your Way To $100,000
Freelancing Your Way To $100,000
aout. log. neletter. Honey Copy By Cole Schafer. coure. ork. ook.
It’ called…
I’ve put on a it of a pouch ince tarting m hitt little dek jo
pot-graduation and, no, a I it hunched over in poor poture
arel keeping m ee open a the lo digetion of m grea
meal take up all m od’ energ, I find m gaze toggling
eteen m laptop creen and the expoed rick all in front of
me –– trongl deating if it’d e orth it to lam m forehead
againt it, go to the chool nure and get ent home earl.
Looking ack, hile I haven’t had man oe –– I’ve een elf-
emploed for 99% of m adult life –– he a a good one.
I an’t orn for the 9-5 life, I a orn to run… it jut took me a
month or o orking at a dek after graduation for me to realize it.
Thi tor, thi guide, thi coure, hatever the hell ou ant to
call it, i aout ho I ent from the aove moment (quitting a jo I
loathed that a paing me roughl $11 an hour) to uilding a
one-peron freelance uine that ould go on to do over
$170,000 jut three ear later.
– fin –
Or, mae ou jut got fired from our cuh marketing director
poition from aid ada tartup and are deciding hether or not
ou hould go out and get another jo.
The ottom line i that I don’t care ho ou are nor hat ou do
–– hether ou ant to e the proud oner of a freelance
uine that ring in $1,000/ month or k-rocket our current
one to $15,000+/month –– thi guide i for ou.
Let’ egin.
– fin –
ut, like all adrenaline ruhe, eventuall, there a a major come
(Three ear have paed ince thi fateful da and I’m o
attached to the damn thing I haven’t een ale to ring melf to
take it to the vet and put it don… I’m tping thi guide on it a
e peak).
The’d end me out at the crack of dan ith a ig a ork van,
a fe 80-gallon trah in, a hovel or to and a can-do attitude
and I ould e ordered to tear the carpet out of 5-6 apartment
unit each da.
The place reeked of cat pi ere carred ith cigarette urn
and ere home to all ort of urprie… needle, lood
andage, condom rapper, ooger ridden lego and pilled
food caked into the carpet fier like a ort of heinou icing on the
top of a cake the grinch might eat.
You do need to find a a to pa the ill hile ou get our
freelance uine off the ground.
1. You can have 3-6 month of living expene aved up and ou
can quit our jo focuing 100% of our attention on uilding
our freelance uine.
2. You can ork a full-time jo during the da and find time
outide of our 9-5 to uild our freelance uine.
3. You can quit our 9-5 and find a part-time jo that ill pa the
ill hile ou uild our freelance uine into an empire.
Let’ tart ith to ecaue I’m fed up ith talking aout hitt
part-time gig for the time eing.
– fin –
urning the candle at oth end…
Ho to uild our freelance uine
hile orking a full-time jo.
o, ou’ve got the mone part covered, our pickle i finding the
time and motivation to ork on our freelance uine outide of
our 40-50 hour orkeek.
Firtl, ou ill top orking more than 40 hour a eek at our
jo. If ou have to tell our o to “politel” go to hell, tell him to
go to hell. I don’t care hat an of our orkaholic friend a,
there i no reaon ou hould ever ork more than 40 hour a
eek for omeod ele (epeciall if ou’re onl getting paid for
40 hour).
econdl, ou ill talk to our o (mae a eek or o after ou
tell him to go to hell) and ou ill ak him if ou can come in
earlier and leave earlier –– intead of 9-5, ee if ou can’t chedule
our da from 7-3.
Thirdl, to help ou dicover ho ou can ork fater and get a
hell of a lot more done in le time, ou ill highl conider
reading ook like Reork Jaon Fried, The 4-Hour Work Week
Tim Ferri and Deep Work Cal Neport.
No, let’ a that like me ou’re fed up ith our jo and ant to
high-tail it out of there… thi next ection a ritten for ou.
The TL;DR…
For thoe not priv, “TL;DR” tranlate to “Too Long, Didn’t Read”.
I’m riting thi guide like a tor of ort.
You and I are aicall jut itting around a fire, getting drunk off
Moco Mule a I’m telling ou like a ie old man ho to earn
our keep. And, not unlike mot ie old men, I can get a it long-
o, thee ection are eentiall here to tell ou everthing I jut
told ou in a entence.
If ou ork a full-time jo, carve out 20 hour a eek ou can
dedicate to our freelance uine.
– fin –
o, one da m rother’ pied off colleague emailed hi o the
There i a chance ou’ve proal heard thi aing. I’ll tell ou
here it originated from.
Long ago there a a great arrior king ho a aout to do
attle ith an enem that heavil outnumered him and hi
troop. After ailing to the enem’ hore he ordered hi men to
urn the hip that carried them there. A the hip ent up in
moke he told hi men the onl a off the iland a to in.
The on.
I’m talking omething that actuall make ou ome mone. For
me, that a tearing out dilapidated carpet in hitt apartment
If ou need moolah hile uilding our freelance uine and ou
don’t have a full-time jo or ant to quit our full-time jo, ou
hould look for ork in the ervice indutr or, perhap, even
econdl, the generall offer a prett good ang for our uck. If
ou hutle our a off a a artender, erver or Uer driver ou
can certainl make enough mone to crape hile ou uild
our freelance uine.
udding freelancer hould find a flexile jo the can ork 20-30
hour a eek outide of freelancing.
Hoever, if ou don’t feel like getting our hand dirt, another
option i to ak our emploer if ou can move to a part-time
poition. What emploer ouldn’t adore receiving a compliment
like thi…
“Terr, I love orking for ou and reall admire hat ou’ve uilt
here. o much o, that it ha inpired me to go out on m on and
make it a a freelance (fill in the lank). With that aid, I a
ondering if ou’d e open to me moving to a part-time role at
ome ort of hourl rate?”
One other thing to keep in mind i here ou’re living. When I a
tarting Hone Cop, I a at a huge advantage ecaue I a
living in outhern Indiana here $500/month for rent i
conidered fairl expenive.
ome people make the argument that ith igger citie come
more connection, I’d argue e live in a orld here ifi i
everhere… o there i no ene in pending a fortune jut to
hake impreive people’ hand.
No, let’ talk aout hat the hell ou’re going to ell a a
The TL;DR…
If ou hate our jo, quit or move to part-time, get omething le
glamorou to pa the rent and focu mot of our mental energ
on uilding our freelance uine.
– fin –
With that aid, right no the Coronaviru i aurdl relevant and
a lot of people are freaking the fuck out aout it, for good reaon.
“Oh eah, aout that… I actuall reall like orking from home, I
get more done and am a lot happier...”
Over thee next to, three and four eek… ou have an
incredile opportunit.
ince ou ill no longer have to deal ith ullhit ditraction and
interruption like March Madne racket, meeting aout
meeting and goip at the ater cooler… ou ill e ale to
knock out our orkeek in 25-30 hour.
If ou can learn to do thi effectivel, ou ill cut our ork eek
don to 25 hour a eek giving ou an additional 15-25 hour ou
can dedicate to our freelance uine.
That’ here ou come in, the freelancer, ho can get hit done
fater and cheaper than the full-time emploee.
The TL;DR…
What’ happening in the orld right no i not oka and I’m
certainl not donplaing it… ut thoe orking from home for
the firt time need to e taking advantage of the opportunit to
get more done at their da jo fater and ue the additional time
the have to uild their uinee.
– fin –
no ou’ve concocted ome ort of evil plan to quit our jo,
cut ack on the hour ou’re orking at our jo or move to a
part-time jo ou can ork hile ou egin uilding our
freelance uine.
o, no it’ time I tell ou aout a gu named Ran.
There i a gu named Ran living in Ne York Cit that make
$110,000 a ear alking dog.
That’ right.
He’ a dog alker… a dog alker that make more than mot
college profeor.
He’ jut a hutler that ha a ver pecific kill –– dog alking.
Ana, let’ pretend for a moment that e’re a king in the middle
age ho i at ar ith our prick couin ho ant our land and
e’re orried e could loe the attle.
Who do ou think e ould hire? And, more o, ho do ou think
e ould pa the mot mone to hire?
ir Dip hit ho ho up to the intervie ith telve different
eapon, none of hich he can ue ver ell?
Or, ir Hendrickon, ho ho up ith a o that he ield like
Apollo, the Greek god of archer?
The ame can e aid for the jacka that claim he i a freelance
“groth hacker” or “creative director” or… here’ one of m
favorite… “full-tack marketer”.
10. Vehicle hunter and negotiator that find our dream vehicle at
a dicounted price and, like #9, take a cut of hatever i
Mot of ou reading thi right no have ome ort of kill ou can
ell. The reaon ou haven’t een ale to ell it (up until no) i
ecaue ou haven’t een packaging it ell, ou haven’t een
focued enough and ou proal haven’t realized that uinee
are illing to pa handomel for it.
When ou chooe to get pecific ith the kill ou’re elling, ou
ill immediatel e ale to charge more. There i a reaon primar
care phician make roughl $200,000 a ear hile pecialit
(like Orthopedic urgeon) make omehere in the neighorhood
of $500,000.
If ou pecialize, ou can make a lot more mone. All of u have
kill. All of u. pecialization come don to practice and
ultimatel chooing to hone in.
Hmm. I’d a packaging. I love making a product tand out ith
eautiful packaging.
The TL;DR…
Think: Apollo… pecialit get rich (generalit don’t)… focu in
on a kill, then get o focued that ou can tell anone exactl
hat ou do in one entence.
– fin –
Intrigued, the o fihed out the rock and hoed it to hi father
John Reed, a poor North Carolina farmer. While John found the
ello rock to e out of the ordinar, he aumed it an’t orth
much, and for the next three ear the heav tone a ued a a
doortop in the famil’ farmhoue.
ventuall, John’ curioit got the etter of him and he took the
rock to a local jeel dealer to ee hat it a orth.
That da, the jeel dealer ought the 17-pound gold nugget from
John for $3.50 and later old it for $3,600.
ut, efore ou tart hunting, ou reall need to kno hat ou’re
charging. Otherie, ou ill ound like a laering idiot hen
the quetion inevital come up on the phone.
With that aid, ome of the ort advice I hear thron around the
e i “charge hat ou’re orth”…
For example, if ou come out gun lazing and decide ou think
ou’re orth $50/ hour ut nood hire ou at that numer, ou
etter loer our rate or rik going out of uine.
ventuall, if ou do good enough ork and pitch enough people,
ou ill have a pool of client regularl paing ou omehere in
the aove range.
Freelancer ho’ve een in the game for 1-2 ear ho are till
charging the ame rate the charged hen the firt tarted…
need to raie them.
A telltale ign i hen ou have too much ork –– thi uuall
mean that ou’re charging far too little.
A uper imple a to raie our rate ithout loing the client
ou currentl have i pitching all ne propect at our higher
rate. Thi i a rik-free a of teting the market ithout
hooting ourelf in the fucking foot.
If ou tart pitching ne client at $75/hour and all of them are
telling ou to go to hell… no prolem… ou till have our pool of
client that are paing ou $50/ hour.
Once ou have a nice pool of cutomer paing ou thi higher
rate and the are urpaing the income ou’re making from our
loer-paing client, ou go to our old client and tell them
ou’re raiing rate.
“Hi Walter,
To egin, I can’t tell ou ho much I’ve enjoed orking ith ou
over the pat ear and I ould ver much love to continue to do o
in the future.
While I’ve had a fe client alk aa from orking ith me hen
I’ve raied rate, the vat majorit of them tand m ide.
Ana, freelancer ho are ver good at hat the do, have a
trong portfolio of ork and ho have had experience freelancing
for 6 - 24 month can charge anhere from $50 - $100+/hour
(and the hould).
ide note…
Folk get hittier than a ga tation athroom hen the’re lind-
If the tartup goe ith Ned –– and the proal ill ecaue
the’ve got the mone and “more expenive” give the impreion
that omething i etter –– Ned ould e getting $2,250 for
executing a hittier project.
If the ent ith ou, ou ould e getting $1,200 for a tellar
project ou’re delivering fater.
In the ord of ever algera teacher I’ve ever had… that math
jut doen’t add up.
And, not unlike mot thing in life… getting reall damn good
come don to time and lot of project and a portfolio that
himmer like a ood chipper that jut took a goddamn dico all
to the uck-hole.
Toda, hen folk enquire aout orking ith me, I tell them all
m project tart out at the $5,000 mark.
ometime the ill ak me hat I charge hourl, I tell them I don’t
do hourl.
The niffle and ak h… I tell them the’re not paing for m
time, the’re paing for the ervice I’m providing.
I can tell ou, I’ve never lot a propective client ecaue I told
them I don’t charge hourl.
The TL;DR…
– fin –
Nike i 2C ecaue the ell hoe and hit to folk like ou and
me (uine to cutomer, get it?).
Cold emailing doen’t ork a ell for them ecaue elling $100
pair of hoe in’t orth the time and energ and hutle that i
required to cold email like a cold-looded killer.
Hoever, 2 companie like Predictive Index and aleforce have
entire team dedicated to firing off an aurd amount of cold
email to variou uinee ecaue the aren’t elling a $100
pair of hoe ut intead $10,000, $15,000 and even $20,000
While ou’re not elling oftare, ou are elling our ervice for
a decent chunk of change. Thi i h cold-emailing i the fatet
(and cheapet) a to gro a freelance uine from $0 to
While I can’t name name, one cold email I ent out ack in earl
2018 reulted in a client I till rite for toda ho ha paid me
$37, 701.80 to date.
efore e dive into tactic ou can ue to end etter more
effective cold email, allo me to explain h I am o ullih on
thi marketing trateg.
ome rand have ig mone and talent and reource that allo
them to do thing ith their marketing other rand impl can’t.
If a rand ha an entire O diviion in their compan, naturall
the’re going to outrank their competitor.
The ame can e aid for fat marketing and advertiing udget
–– rand that have hundred of thouand the can pend on
paid advertiing ever month are plaing at a eriou advantage.
I adore cold emailing ecaue it level the plaing field (to ome
degree). And, it doen’t require mone nor talent nor reource…
it jut require hutle.
Firt, ou’re going to rite don a lit of our 100 dream client.
David Ogilv did thi hen he firt tarted Ogilv & Mather.
While I ill let ou chooe our client hoever ou pleae, I
ould recommend ou keep the folloing criteria in mind a ou
go aout electing them…
o, paue for a moment, and egin creating our dream client lit
on a crap piece of paper and then tranfer to an excel
Let’ egin.
tep One:
tep To:
Cop & Pate the eite of one of our dream client into the
ox that look like thi…
tep Three:
tep Five:
tep ix:
(I’ve made thi mitake efore and I’ll tell ou it’ not effective and
ill leave ou feeling like an ahat).
“Hi Joeph,
To egin, I’m a huge fan of Allird. I’m contantl ragging aout
ou to all m people. I’ve litened to our tor over on “Ho I
uilt thi” like five time.
tep even:
The TL;DR…
– fin –
o, I pivoted.
Here are a fe rand that are doing thi incredil ell…
Grammarl, the riting app that protect uer and team from
ounding like idiot in their email, craft article that help their
cutomer rite etter offering tip like ho to ue an
apotrophe correctl.
Intead, e mut rite a io of our reader and comine it ith the
greater olution e hope to offer.
Got it? Good. Let’ move on to tep to of thi 2 lead
generation trateg.
Here’ a lit of a fe article I’ve ritten over the ear. You’ll
notice, for the mot part, the ere prett true to m greater
I a all of thi not to rag ut to ho ou that inveting in ell-
ritten and extremel informative article are the onl 2 lead
generation trateg ou need to doule, triple and quadruple our
uine (no matter the ize).
And, hile there are ton of trick and hack ou can ue to oot
our ite’ O, from m experience the et O practice i to
rite extremel high-qualit article.
When it come to an email opt-in page, ou can rite a ale page
that direct our reader to our product, pricing, free trial, etc.
Or, like me, ou can impl create a landing page that ak for
their email.
I have choen the latter for the folloing reaon: 95% of ite
viitor never return again. In m mind, I ould rather have the
reader’ email addre o I can have a real hot at elling to them
tomorro and the next da and the da after… veru tring to
ell to them toda and potentiall loing them forever.
o, ith that aid, let’ talk aout ho ou can create a good
email opt-in page that convert reader into ucrier.
“The cloet ou’ll ever get to omeone emailing ou gold: Paper
airplane delivered right to our inox containing marketing &
copriting ecret to help ou ell like hell (ithout loing our
Once ou’ve created our email opt-in page. prinkle our article
ith link to it. Put it everhere.
tep Three –– create a damn good email opt-in (a page ou can
direct all of our reader to).
tep Four –– craft a 5-7 part email equence ou can thro on
autopilot, e ure thee email are extremel valuale to our
cutomer and conit of a nice mix of free helpful reource,
cutomer torie and of coure a ale email or to.
The TL;DR…
– fin –
ut, on the contrar, if he tell ou that ou are “reacting” –– thi
i generall not good.
To avoid the latter, ou mut come up ith a to control our
time on email, LinkedIn, Intagram, Titter, Faceook and thoe
goddamn group meage that e kno are o ildl
On thee da, I can hell out to article, end out a neletter
and knock out client ork.
Find a 2-3 hour indo each da here ou aren’t checking it.
Thi indo hould e pent focuing on our deeper ork.
The hugel popular riter, Neil trau, ill literall lock hi phone
in a afe-like device to give himelf a indo each da to do hat
he get paid to do: rite.
Tomorro, tr thi… gra our phone firt thing in the morning (or
during the indo of our chooing)… alk our a don to
our mailox, tick our phone in the mailox.
In fact, ou’ll onl head don there hen it’ time to get actual
ork done on our phone.
For me, thi i Tueda and Thurda afternoon from 1 p.m. CT to
5 p.m. CT.
You ould never ah a couple pot, go jerk off then come ack
and ah a couple plate, go kick rock, then come ack and ah
a poon or to, go gra-a, then come ack and finall finih the
ret of the tuff in the ink.
Thi i ho e need to e treating the ullhit, the light ork, etc.
If ou have to jump on ten client call each eek, atch them into
an afternoon or to and then pend the ret of the eek focuing
on doing the deeper ork that ou get paid to do.
Perhap the et non-fiction ook I’ve ever read a ritten a
novelit ho rite almot entirel fiction, tephen King.
In hi ook, On Writing, King gift the reader’ ton of gem from
hi fift-ome-odd long riting career. One of hich applie o
incredil ell here…
“Write ith the door cloed, rerite ith the door open.”
The TL;DR…
When orking from home… repond veru react, take the right
kind of reak, atch the ullhit and kno hen to open and
cloe our door.
– fin –
A ou land client and put out great ork, tart uilding a
portfolio that ou can quickl link to in our email. Here’ hat
m portfolio look like. I ala (ala) recommend that folk ue
quarepace. It i, in m opinion, the eaiet and et-looking
eite uilder on the e.
Oh, and lat ut not leat, find a good email marketing oftare.
Again, thi can come further don the road. Right no ou need
to e focuing on landing client. Take a look at aa Mule. The’ll
help ou find a damn good email oftare.
The TL;DR…
– fin –
efore I let ou go, I ant to leave ou ith one lat quirt of
mutard. If ou learn to ecome a damn good freelancer, ou can
make 2x, 3x and even 10x hourl hat ou are making no.
Let me explain.
The reaon rand can get aa ith paing a graphic deigner or
a videographer or a riter or a e developer $40,000 a ear i
ecaue the’re ringing them a tead conitent pacheck and
the’re alo the one ringing in the uine.
ver reaonal right rand ha omething called PP (or Profit
Per mploee). Thi i the amount of profit a rand i making per
emploee that ork for them.
o, hile I don’t think everone hould quit their da jo… not if
the trul don’t ant to… I do think everone hould e orking
a a freelancer outide of their da jo (and conider quitting
once the tart making ome eriou moolah).
ut I digre.