Freelancing Your Way To $100,000

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aout. log. neletter. Honey Copy By Cole Schafer. coure. ork. ook.

You’re gonna need a igger pigg ank ––


Thi i a guide of ort.

ut, not jut an guide.

Thi i a guide aout freelancing.

And, more importantl…

Ho I’ve uilt a $100,000/ ear freelance uine.

(And, ho ou can, too).

It’ called…

Freelancing our a to $100,000.

Wildl original, huh?

Ana, the time i getting aa from u.

o, let’ hit pla.

It’ 2016 and I hate m fucking jo.

I’m itting at m dek, lightl loated from a rather rout lunch,

feeling the cold metal from m uckle pinch againt the fat of m
ell a m tomach hang over m elt like a lurching tidal ave.

I’ve put on a it of a pouch ince tarting m hitt little dek jo
pot-graduation and, no, a I it hunched over in poor poture
arel keeping m ee open a the lo digetion of m grea
meal take up all m od’ energ, I find m gaze toggling
eteen m laptop creen and the expoed rick all in front of
me –– trongl deating if it’d e orth it to lam m forehead
againt it, go to the chool nure and get ent home earl.

Unfortunatel, there’ no chool nure at thi 9-5. Jut long da,

itting at a dek, ihing like hell I a omeplace ele.

ventuall, after I decide it’ unhealth to fantaize aout

lamming one’ forehead againt an expoed rick all, I get up
from m dek, pack up m laptop and alk the fuck out.

The folloing morning, I chedule a meeting

ith m o.

I tell her I’m putting m to eek in and am urpried to find…

he’ not at all urpried.

he tell me I’m free to leave immediatel, to hich I do m et

to hide m excitement.

Looking ack, hile I haven’t had man oe –– I’ve een elf-
emploed for 99% of m adult life –– he a a good one.

It’ a ullhit cliche, ut in thi particular ituation: it an’t her, it

a me.

I an’t orn for the 9-5 life, I a orn to run… it jut took me a
month or o orking at a dek after graduation for me to realize it.

Thi tor, thi guide, thi coure, hatever the hell ou ant to
call it, i aout ho I ent from the aove moment (quitting a jo I
loathed that a paing me roughl $11 an hour) to uilding a
one-peron freelance uine that ould go on to do over
$170,000 jut three ear later.

ut, enough aout me.

– fin –

Let’ talk aout ou (hoever ou


If ou’re reading thi right no, ou’re ovioul intereted (to

ome degree) in freelancing.

You might e a marketing director at ome ada tartup, looking

to uild a lucrative little ide-hutle outide of our da jo.

Or, mae ou jut got fired from our cuh marketing director
poition from aid ada tartup and are deciding hether or not
ou hould go out and get another jo.

Or, do the unthinkale… freelance.

(Hell, ou might even run a freelance uine that’ emi-

profitale ut are read to ramp the mother fucker up to ix-

The ottom line i that I don’t care ho ou are nor hat ou do
–– hether ou ant to e the proud oner of a freelance
uine that ring in $1,000/ month or k-rocket our current
one to $15,000+/month –– thi guide i for ou.

While I certainl can’t guarantee an reult here, hat I can do i

tell ou ho I uilt Hone Cop (m freelance riting uine)
into an ink linging ehemoth that rought in $171,000 lat ear.
Do I have our attention?

Let’ egin.

– fin –

Ho to not tarve to death hile

ou’re getting our freelance uine
off the ground.

When I quit m jo, I felt the adrenaline urge through m vein

like a kid at a leepover that jut hoed 18 pixie tick.

ut, like all adrenaline ruhe, eventuall, there a a major come

 the time I had pulled into m drivea later that morning,

realit tarted to full et in…

I kne I anted to rite for a living… and I kne I anted to

rite on m on term a a freelancer… ut I had no idea ho the
hell I a going to get there (let alone pa the ill hile I orked
m a off to get there).

Not to mention, I no longer had m compan-iued laptop hich

meant I didn’t have a laptop at all –– a it of an iue for a tent-
three-ear-old kid looking to make a living, riting, completel
o, hortl after pulling into m drivea, I quickl acked-out,
ent up the treet to a impl Mac and pent the lat $850 I had
to m name on a refurihed 2014 Macook Air.

I rememer feeling vulnerale, cared and ick to m tomach

alking out of that tore like I had 10 l of ra lood t-one
tapled to m chet and a urrounded  a pack of hungr
hark… little did I kno that I ould go on to make hundred of
thouand of dollar ith that machine.

(Three ear have paed ince thi fateful da and I’m o
attached to the damn thing I haven’t een ale to ring melf to
take it to the vet and put it don… I’m tping thi guide on it a
e peak).

Ana, hortl after uing m Macook, I needed to figure out a

a to make ome dough hile I a uilding m freelance

o, I got m hand dirt.

I found a contruction compan that a hiring (and heard the

ere paing cold hard cah) and I gave them a call.

The ork a hard. Damn hard.

M jo could et e decried a “floor removal”.

The’d end me out at the crack of dan ith a ig a ork van,
a fe 80-gallon trah in, a hovel or to and a can-do attitude
and I ould e ordered to tear the carpet out of 5-6 apartment
unit each da.

Thee eren’t luxur apartment ith oft velvet hag carpet,


What I ould often find under m feet reemled omething more

like a tpe of mo ou might ee in the deep dark depth of hell
(veru omething that could e decried a a carpet).

The place reeked of cat pi ere carred ith cigarette urn
and ere home to all ort of urprie… needle, lood
andage, condom rapper, ooger ridden lego and pilled
food caked into the carpet fier like a ort of heinou icing on the
top of a cake the grinch might eat.

ut, it paid $14/hour and alloed me to ork from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

hich gave me ample time to rite in the afternoon and late into
the evening.

o, I ucked it up, thre on a damn good uine podcat and

tore out carpet for hour on end… I got through it  telling
melf it a an MA I a getting paid for.

While ou don’t need to tear out carpet…

You do need to find a a to pa the ill hile ou get our
freelance uine off the ground.

Here are a handful of a ou can do jut that…

1. You can have 3-6 month of living expene aved up and ou
can quit our jo focuing 100% of our attention on uilding
our freelance uine.
2. You can ork a full-time jo during the da and find time
outide of our 9-5 to uild our freelance uine.

3. You can quit our 9-5 and find a part-time jo that ill pa the
ill hile ou uild our freelance uine into an empire.

4. Humanit can uddenl get plagued  a ildl contagiou

influenza and emploer everhere can ak ou to ork from
home and ou can keep our full-time jo (ut do it in 50% -
75% of the hour) hile ou uild our freelance uine.

One i prett elf-explanator. o, like the red-headed tep child,

e on’t pa it an attention. If ou don’t have mone for rent,
food and ater for 3-month, ou need to conider option to
and three and four.

Let’ tart ith to ecaue I’m fed up ith talking aout hitt
part-time gig for the time eing.

– fin –
urning the candle at oth end…
Ho to uild our freelance uine
hile orking a full-time jo.

o, ou’ve got the mone part covered, our pickle i finding the
time and motivation to ork on our freelance uine outide of
our 40-50 hour orkeek.

Here’ ho ou ill find that time…

Firtl, ou ill top orking more than 40 hour a eek at our
jo. If ou have to tell our o to “politel” go to hell, tell him to
go to hell. I don’t care hat an of our orkaholic friend a,
there i no reaon ou hould ever ork more than 40 hour a
eek for omeod ele (epeciall if ou’re onl getting paid for
40 hour).

econdl, ou ill talk to our o (mae a eek or o after ou
tell him to go to hell) and ou ill ak him if ou can come in
earlier and leave earlier –– intead of 9-5, ee if ou can’t chedule
our da from 7-3.

Thirdl, to help ou dicover ho ou can ork fater and get a
hell of a lot more done in le time, ou ill highl conider
reading ook like Reork  Jaon Fried, The 4-Hour Work Week
 Tim Ferri and Deep Work  Cal Neport.

Here’ hat that all look like in practice.

In an ideal orld, uilding our freelance uine hile orking a

full-time jo ill look like the folloing…
You ork our da jo from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m.
You then put in a econd hift (our paion hift) orking on our
freelance uine from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Then, come aturda or unda, ou carve out 5 more hour to

ork on our freelance uine.

If ou do thi religioul, ever ingle eek, ou ill have 20

hour/eek (or 1,040 hour our firt ear) to uild our freelance
uine. If ou can’t uild the .O.. in 1,040 hour… ell… I’ve
never met anone ho can’t figure out a a to make mone in
1,040 hour.

No, let’ a that like me ou’re fed up ith our jo and ant to
high-tail it out of there… thi next ection a ritten for ou.

The TL;DR…

For thoe not priv, “TL;DR” tranlate to “Too Long, Didn’t Read”.
I’m riting thi guide like a tor of ort.

You and I are aicall jut itting around a fire, getting drunk off
Moco Mule a I’m telling ou like a ie old man ho to earn
our keep. And, not unlike mot ie old men, I can get a it long-

o, thee ection are eentiall here to tell ou everthing I jut
told ou in a entence.

Here’ that entence…

If ou ork a full-time jo, carve out 20 hour a eek ou can
dedicate to our freelance uine.

– fin –

“I’m going out for lunch and I’m not

coming ack”… ho to uild a
freelance uine orking a part-
time jo.

M rother ork a a marketing director at a tartup dentitr of

ort. Recentl, he a telling me a tor aout a digruntled
emploee that loathed the compan’ CO ith the ame level of
anguih ou loath our good-for-nothing to-timing ex.

o, one da m rother’ pied off colleague emailed hi o the

“Richard, I’m going out for lunch and I’m not

coming ack.”

While I thought thi a a prett hitt move on the digruntled

emploee’ part, I’d e ling to our face if I aid I didn’t find it
funn (and that I didn’t partiall repect the chutzpah).

ut, depite the rudene and the humor, there i omething to e

learned from m rother’ ex-colleague… don’t e afraid to urn
our hip at the hore.

There i a chance ou’ve proal heard thi aing. I’ll tell ou
here it originated from.

Long ago there a a great arrior king ho a aout to do
attle ith an enem that heavil outnumered him and hi
troop. After ailing to the enem’ hore he ordered hi men to
urn the hip that carried them there. A the hip ent up in
moke he told hi men the onl a off the iland a to in.

The on.

One of the et deciion I ever made for m freelancing career

a to urn m hip at hore and go all-in on freelancing.
It’ amazing ho much of a fire ou can light under our on a
hen ou don’t have a tead pacheck from our full-time gig
coming in ever to eek.

A I mentioned in the previou ection, after quitting m full-time

gig, I ent out and found a ide-hutle.

(Not Gar Vanerchuk’ idea of a ide-hutle… here ou cloe

our ee, pot an aload of Intagram photo and pra for
mone to come pouring in).

I’m talking omething that actuall make ou ome mone. For
me, that a tearing out dilapidated carpet in hitt apartment

If ou need moolah hile uilding our freelance uine and ou
don’t have a full-time jo or ant to quit our full-time jo, ou
hould look for ork in the ervice indutr or, perhap, even

Counterintuitive I kno ut here’ h…

Firtl, thee indutrie allo ou to e omehat flexile ith

our chedule and don’t ala require that ou ork a full 40
hour, giving ou plent of time to ork on our freelance

econdl, the generall offer a prett good ang for our uck. If
ou hutle our a off a a artender, erver or Uer driver ou
can certainl make enough mone to crape  hile ou uild
our freelance uine.

And, finall, the aren’t mentall taxing. One huge advantage I

found in orking contruction hile uilding m freelance
uine a that I a never mentall exhauted after I got off
ork. ure, I a tired phicall. ut,  the time I hoered I
a read to rite.

udding freelancer hould find a flexile jo the can ork 20-30
hour a eek outide of freelancing.

ut, not omething that’ll make ou rich.

The lat thing an apiring freelancer need i a pair of golden

handcuff –– jut omething that offer enough mone to chip in
on rent and u a good Moco Mule after a hard da of kicking
ure, for the firt ear, ou might find ourelf orking 50 and 60
hour eek. ut, I can promie ou that ou’ll never feel more

Hoever, if ou don’t feel like getting our hand dirt, another
option i to ak our emploer if ou can move to a part-time
poition. What emploer ouldn’t adore receiving a compliment
like thi…

“Terr, I love orking for ou and reall admire hat ou’ve uilt
here. o much o, that it ha inpired me to go out on m on and
make it a a freelance (fill in the lank). With that aid, I a
ondering if ou’d e open to me moving to a part-time role at
ome ort of hourl rate?”

What the fuck? You jut landed our firt

freelance client…

One other thing to keep in mind i here ou’re living. When I a
tarting Hone Cop, I a at a huge advantage ecaue I a
living in outhern Indiana here $500/month for rent i
conidered fairl expenive.

If ou’re eriou aout freelancing, it might not e a ad idea to

explore living in a cit that’ cheaper for a ear hile ou’re
uilding the damn thing.

There are ton of great (affordale) citie –– Louiville (KY),

Indianapoli (IN), Chattanooga (TN) and Cincinnati (OH) jut to
name a fe.

I gue hat I am tring to a i it’ a hell of a lot harder to tart

a freelance uine in Ne York Cit than it i in a mall ton in

ome people make the argument that ith igger citie come
more connection, I’d argue e live in a orld here ifi i
everhere… o there i no ene in pending a fortune jut to
hake impreive people’ hand.

No, let’ talk aout hat the hell ou’re going to ell a a
The TL;DR…

If ou hate our jo, quit or move to part-time, get omething le
glamorou to pa the rent and focu mot of our mental energ
on uilding our freelance uine.

– fin –

Dr cough, face-mak and gloal

pandemonium… Ho to uild a
freelance uine during the

^^^ u taring don the arrel of the Coronaviru in 2020 ^^^

If ou’re reading thi ometime in the future hen the Coronaviru

i a thing of the pat, feel free to take a reak during thi ection.

(Mae, go for a ride around our neighorhood on our hover-

oard or omething).

With that aid, right no the Coronaviru i aurdl relevant and
a lot of people are freaking the fuck out aout it, for good reaon.

That’ h I’m aicall dedicating an entire ection on ho to

uild a freelance uine in the face of thi inviile monter and,
hopefull, prett it up ith ome liptick in the proce…

During the onet of COVID-19 –– I’m uing it uper-duper

cientific name ecaue it freak me out a lot le –– omething
intereting ha happened:

The orld i no orking from home.

Currentl, people everhere are orking remotel. While e

might not ee it right no, thi ill change oth the orld and the
a e ork ithin it forever.

At the end of all of thi, I imagine emploer ill ak their

emploee to come ack to ork and the’ll receive quite a it of

“Oh eah, aout that… I actuall reall like orking from home, I
get more done and am a lot happier...”

Over thee next to, three and four eek… ou have an
incredile opportunit.

ince ou ill no longer have to deal ith ullhit ditraction and
interruption like March Madne racket, meeting aout
meeting and goip at the ater cooler… ou ill e ale to
knock out our orkeek in 25-30 hour.

Thi give ou ample time to uild our freelance uine.

Toard the end of thi guide, I’ve ritten an entire ection on
ho to ork from home more effectivel and productivel. ut, for
no, here’ hat ou need to e thinking aout.

You are ued to pending, at the ver leat, 40 hour a eek

outide of our home commuting to and from ork and, of coure,
doing the actual ork at ork.

No that ou’re orking from home, ou need to e aking

ourelf… ho can I deliver m o the ame qualit of ork in 5
hour a da veru 8?

If ou can learn to do thi effectivel, ou ill cut our ork eek
don to 25 hour a eek giving ou an additional 15-25 hour ou
can dedicate to our freelance uine.

While hat’ going on in the orld uck harder than an

intergalactic ateroid vacuum, there’ a ilver lining…

There ill literall never e a etter time in hitor to uild a

freelance uine.
Currentl, uinee everhere are looking to cut cot to
urvive thi madne. The ill adl e firing a lot of hardorking
people. ut, the ill till need the ork thee people did to e

That’ here ou come in, the freelancer, ho can get hit done
fater and cheaper than the full-time emploee.

The TL;DR…

What’ happening in the orld right no i not oka and I’m
certainl not donplaing it… ut thoe orking from home for
the firt time need to e taking advantage of the opportunit to
get more done at their da jo fater and ue the additional time
the have to uild their uinee.

– fin –

pecialization i here the mone

i… finding and matering a kill that
ou can ell.

 no ou’ve concocted ome ort of evil plan to quit our jo,
cut ack on the hour ou’re orking at our jo or move to a
part-time jo ou can ork hile ou egin uilding our
freelance uine.

o, no it’ time I tell ou aout a gu named Ran.

There i a gu named Ran living in Ne York Cit that make
$110,000 a ear alking dog.
That’ right.
He’ a dog alker… a dog alker that make more than mot
college profeor.

He’ not a fucking geniu.

He’ jut a hutler that ha a ver pecific kill –– dog alking.

Ho did he dicover the kill?

One da, he a randoml teaching hi girlfriend’ dog ho to do

a fe trick and he a urpried at ho fat the dog a
catching on.

Long tor hort, Ran egan to realize he a a dog-hiper of

ort and tarted Ran For Dog, a dog-alking and dog-training
uine in Long Iland.

To e a ucceful freelancer, ou have to e like Ran. You have

to have a kill; a ver pecific valuale kill that ou pecialize in.

(I reall ant to hammer thi concept of pecialization into our

head o ear ith me a I do a it more riffing here).

Let’ jump in a timemachine.

The term “freelancer” actuall originated in the middle age –– it

a a killed knight or mercenar for hire.

Free… lancer. Get it?

Ana, let’ pretend for a moment that e’re a king in the middle
age ho i at ar ith our prick couin ho ant our land and
e’re orried e could loe the attle.

No, let’ pretend e are intervieing hundred of freelancer

(knight for hire) to uild an arm capale of kicking the hit out
of our prick couin.

Who do ou think e ould hire? And, more o, ho do ou think
e ould pa the mot mone to hire?

ir Dip hit ho ho up to the intervie ith telve different
eapon, none of hich he can ue ver ell?
Or, ir Hendrickon, ho ho up ith a o that he ield like
Apollo, the Greek god of archer?

ir Hendrickon, ovioul.

The ame can e aid toda, hundred of ear later, a e

freelancer trive to create damn good ork hile adding to our

If Ran (the dog-alking gu) told folk he a a freelance graphic

deigner, dog alker and piano intructor… he ouldn’t get hired
 anone.

The ame can e aid for the jacka that claim he i a freelance
“groth hacker” or “creative director” or… here’ one of m
favorite… “full-tack marketer”.

None of thee title mean anthing, the’re jut pretentiou

hippie ith mutache anting to pulicl jerk off on their

uinee don’t ant a freelance full-tack marketer, the ant a

pecialit –– freelancer ho’ve dedicated themelve to learning
and matering a pecific kill.

Here are ome ver focued freelance kill

(and freelance uinee) that ould make an
aload of mone…

1. ocial Media trategit ho create, chedule and run all of

the content for local mall uinee in her cit (ith tool like
uffer, one individual could manage a dozen client at the ame
time on a monthl retainer… if each client pa jut $500/
month, ell, ou do the math).

2. Chicago-aed headhot photographer that ill meet u

profeional anhere in the cit to get their picture taken
and ill offer large organization headhot at a ulk rate (I
think omeone could charge $250 a headhot and could uild a
huge uper-localized Intagram audience  haring and
tagging the peron the headhot a taken of).

3. quarepace We Deigner that ork ith ervice

uinee on creating eite that aren’t heinou to look at
ut are uper imple to uild (mot rand don’t need multiple
e page… a imple, crollale ingle-page ite ill do jut

4. mail Marketing Guru ho ork directl ith eCommerce

rand, managing their email marketing and elling their good
(it might e intereting to conider taking a mall cut of the
profit rather than getting paid  the hour here).

5. Accounting izard that ork ith freelancer looking to ave

an a-load of mone on their taxe (I’d honetl pa for thi

6. Videographer that hoot highl entertaining introduction

video for tartup (Think: M Couin From oton and that
epic Dollar have Clu commercial).

7. Nahville-aed “Dog” Headhot Photographer that ill take

candid picture of man’ et friend (thi ould e a hilariou
iter uine to #2 acting a a nice additional revenue
tream and an intereting a to go aout differentiating
ourelf from other photographer).

8. Tampa-aed “Google M uine” Photographer that

reache out to mall uinee on Google Map ho have
hitt photo or jut no photo at all (ho man time have ou
opted out of going to a retaurant ecaue there ere no
photograph of the food?).

9. Freelance negotiator for parking ticket, late fee, utilit ill

and ucription (ou could charge our client 25% of
hatever i aved the firt ear and the’d till e aving a ton
of mone).

10. Vehicle hunter and negotiator that find our dream vehicle at
a dicounted price and, like #9, take a cut of hatever i

11. mall uine interior deigner that outfit uilding ith

heavil dicounted furniture from thrift tore –– if ou had a
arehoue ou could charge for oth our interior deign kill
and ell the furniture directl to the mall uine… in-in.

12. Direct Mail Afficianado for dentit office looking to drive

more uine –– I think clever phical mail ould make a lot
of dentit o u the’d have to expand their team
(marketing in the orld of dentitr a a hole jut aolutel

Thi in’t malarke….

Mot of ou reading thi right no have ome ort of kill ou can
ell. The reaon ou haven’t een ale to ell it (up until no) i
ecaue ou haven’t een packaging it ell, ou haven’t een
focued enough and ou proal haven’t realized that uinee
are illing to pa handomel for it.

Here are a fe freelancer (and freelancer turned entrepreneur)

ho are making a killing  eing ultra-focued.

Aaron Draplin make a fat ix-figure creating logo for lifetle

2C rand.

The infamou video agenc, andich, got it tart hooting

video for tartup (the till motl onl ork ith tartup).

The aard-inning agenc P&J, create ada quarepace

eite –– not WordPre, Wix or hatever the fuck ele i out
there –– jut quarepace.

Duane orenon uilt and old a multi-million dollar coffee empire

called tumpton (I rote aout them here)… ut firt got hi
tart roating ean out of a mall hop in outheat Portland.

When ou chooe to get pecific ith the kill ou’re elling, ou
ill immediatel e ale to charge more. There i a reaon primar
care phician make roughl $200,000 a ear hile pecialit
(like Orthopedic urgeon) make omehere in the neighorhood
of $500,000.

If ou pecialize, ou can make a lot more mone. All of u have
kill. All of u. pecialization come don to practice and
ultimatel chooing to hone in.

Watch ho in minute e can help Cnthia the “Creative Director”

find pecialization.
A Q&A ith Cnthia the “Creative Director”.

Cnthia, hat do ou do?

I’m a creative director.

What doe that mean?

That I provide creative direction for rand.

Yeah… that doen’t make a it of fucking ene. Let’ dig

deeper. What’ our favorite apect of “creative direction?

You’re an ahole, Cole… ut, I’d a graphic deign.

Oka, no e are getting omehere. What are our favorite

graphic deign project?

Hmm. I’d a packaging. I love making a product tand out ith
eautiful packaging.

That’ intereting. What rand ould e our dream rand to

ork ith?

Definitel all the dope online rand I ee on Intagram.

Oka. o, ou’re not a creative director. What are ou?

I’m a graphic deigner that deign eautiful packaging for 2C

rand looking to tand out on online and on ocial media
platform like Intagram…

Congratulation. You jut found our pecialization.

We jut helped Cnthia go from “Creative Director” to “A graphic

deigner that deign eautiful packaging for 2C rand looking
to tand out on online and on ocial media platform like

You hould ak ourelf the ame quetion e jut aked


The TL;DR…
Think: Apollo… pecialit get rich (generalit don’t)… focu in
on a kill, then get o focued that ou can tell anone exactl
hat ou do in one entence.

– fin –

Ho to price our ervice (& ho to

eventuall raie them).

Folk have een truggling ith pricing their product and

ervice ince the eginning of time…

Take a John Reed for example.

In 1799, John Reed’ 12-ear-old on Conrad Reed tumled upon

a large ello rock reting in the churning ater of a river outide
hi houe.

Intrigued, the o fihed out the rock and hoed it to hi father
John Reed, a poor North Carolina farmer. While John found the
ello rock to e out of the ordinar, he aumed it an’t orth
much, and for the next three ear the heav tone a ued a a
doortop in the famil’ farmhoue.

ventuall, John’ curioit got the etter of him and he took the
rock to a local jeel dealer to ee hat it a orth.
That da, the jeel dealer ought the 17-pound gold nugget from
John for $3.50 and later old it for $3,600.

Don’t ou orr, I’m going to do everthing in m poer to keep

ou from make the ame mitake John did…

We’re going to dicu ho to land client in the next ection.

ut, efore ou tart hunting, ou reall need to kno hat ou’re
charging. Otherie, ou ill ound like a laering idiot hen
the quetion inevital come up on the phone.

With that aid, ome of the ort advice I hear thron around the
e i “charge hat ou’re orth”…

What the fuck doe that even mean?

The amiguit i detrimental to freelancer.

You could have a freelancer a talented a Leonardo Da Vinci (e,

he a a freelancer for a large part of hi career)… ut he might
not have an ounce of confidence. o, her charging hat he i
orth i $10/hour.

Then, ou might have a freelancer ith aout a much talent a DJ

Khaled… ho i a cock a a rooter. o, him charging hat he i
orth i $300/hour.

Here’ a etter clearer a to approach freelance pricing…

eginning Freelancer (0 - 6 month) hould

charge a fairl lo hourl rate.

Initiall, hen ou’re jut tarting out in freelancing, ou’re going

to charge anhere eteen $25 - $50/ hour. Thi i ecaue ou
proal aren’t ver good (et) at hat ou do. No, the numer
ou land upon ithin thi range ill e decided naturall  the

For example, if ou come out gun lazing and decide ou think
ou’re orth $50/ hour ut nood hire ou at that numer, ou
etter loer our rate or rik going out of uine.
ventuall, if ou do good enough ork and pitch enough people,
ou ill have a pool of client regularl paing ou omehere in
the aove range.

emi experienced freelancer (6 - 24 month)

hould charge a higher hourl rate.

Freelancer ho’ve een in the game for 1-2 ear ho are till
charging the ame rate the charged hen the firt tarted…
need to raie them.

A telltale ign i hen ou have too much ork –– thi uuall
mean that ou’re charging far too little.

A uper imple a to raie our rate ithout loing the client
ou currentl have i pitching all ne propect at our higher
rate. Thi i a rik-free a of teting the market ithout
hooting ourelf in the fucking foot.

If ou tart pitching ne client at $75/hour and all of them are
telling ou to go to hell… no prolem… ou till have our pool of
client that are paing ou $50/ hour.

Hoever, hat ill proal happen i that ou egin landing

ome of thee propect at our higher rate.

Once ou have a nice pool of cutomer paing ou thi higher
rate and the are urpaing the income ou’re making from our
loer-paing client, ou go to our old client and tell them
ou’re raiing rate.

Thi converation can e ver traightforard. Here’ the email I’ve

ued to tell m client I’m raiing rate in the pat…

“Hi Walter,

To egin, I can’t tell ou ho much I’ve enjoed orking ith ou
over the pat ear and I ould ver much love to continue to do o
in the future.

Hoever, a m uine i groing and I’m continuing to develop

m craft a a riter, demand for m ervice i increaing. With
that aid, tarting next month I ill e raiing m rate from
$50/hour to $75/hour.
I’d e more than happ to jump on a call ith ou to dicu thi
tranition further.



While I’ve had a fe client alk aa from orking ith me hen
I’ve raied rate, the vat majorit of them tand  m ide.

Ana, freelancer ho are ver good at hat the do, have a
trong portfolio of ork and ho have had experience freelancing
for 6 - 24 month can charge anhere from $50 - $100+/hour
(and the hould).

ide note…

If ou’re cared of raiing our rate, one thing I found reall

helpful hen I a charging a high hourl-rate a telling m
client exactl ho long omething a going to take efore I
tarted on the tak project.

rand don’t give a fling fuck ho much a freelancer charge 

the hour, the’re orried aout ho man hour the freelancer i
going to pend.

I’ve talked to CMO ho’ve told me nightmare torie aout a

freelancer charging a relativel lo hourl fee and then lind-
iding them ith 40 hour on a project that hould have taken 10.

Folk get hittier than a ga tation athroom hen the’re lind-

eaoned freelancer (3+ ear) hould move to

project pricing.

A ou ecome a freelance izard, to thing happen:

1. You get far etter at our kill.

2. You get fater at executing our kill.

o, tell me if thi i fair?

You and our arch-nemei, Ned, are competing for a 2-minute

video for a tartup elling fair-trade ilk ock muppet.
Ned charge $75/hour and etimate the project ill take him 30
hour to complete.

You charge $100/hour (ecaue ou’re etter at hat ou do than

that cum ag and 95% of other freelancer doing hat ou do)…
and ince ou’re fater, ou etimate the video ill onl take ou
12 hour to complete.

If the tartup goe ith Ned –– and the proal ill ecaue
the’ve got the mone and “more expenive” give the impreion
that omething i etter –– Ned ould e getting $2,250 for
executing a hittier project.

If the ent ith ou, ou ould e getting $1,200 for a tellar
project ou’re delivering fater.

In the ord of ever algera teacher I’ve ever had… that math
jut doen’t add up.

To make more mone a a freelancer, ou eventuall have to top

charging  the hour.

Unfortunatel, ou have to e reall damn good at hat ou do to

top charging  the hour.

And, not unlike mot thing in life… getting reall damn good
come don to time and lot of project and a portfolio that
himmer like a ood chipper that jut took a goddamn dico all
to the uck-hole.

If ou’ve een freelancing for 3+ ear and are charging anhere

from $50 - $100+/hour, it’ time ou make the move to project

Toda, hen folk enquire aout orking ith me, I tell them all
m project tart out at the $5,000 mark.

ometime the ill ak me hat I charge hourl, I tell them I don’t
do hourl.

The niffle and ak h… I tell them the’re not paing for m
time, the’re paing for the ervice I’m providing.

I can tell ou, I’ve never lot a propective client ecaue I told
them I don’t charge hourl.
The TL;DR…

To make a prett penn freelancing, ou can’t e afraid to raie

our hourl rate… and, eventuall, ou have to go all-in on project-
aed pricing.

– fin –

No, let’ hunt… Ho to cold email

our a to our firt $100,000 a a

When ou’re firt getting our tart in freelancing, cold emailing i

an excellent marketing trateg and a proven a to generate
moolah quickl.

It’ epeciall effective for drumming up 2 client.

If ou don’t kno, a 2 uine i a uine hoe cutomer

conit of other uinee.

(If ou’re uilding a freelance uine, ou’re a 2 uine).

Nike i 2C ecaue the ell hoe and hit to folk like ou and
me (uine to cutomer, get it?).

Cold emailing doen’t ork a ell for them ecaue elling $100
pair of hoe in’t orth the time and energ and hutle that i
required to cold email like a cold-looded killer.
Hoever, 2 companie like Predictive Index and aleforce have
entire team dedicated to firing off an aurd amount of cold
email to variou uinee ecaue the aren’t elling a $100
pair of hoe ut intead $10,000, $15,000 and even $20,000

While ou’re not elling oftare, ou are elling our ervice for
a decent chunk of change. Thi i h cold-emailing i the fatet
(and cheapet) a to gro a freelance uine from $0 to

I’m not jut peing ullhit here.

I recentl perued m Frehook account (the invoicing oftare

I ue) and took a look at the client I landed the pat fe ear
through trictl cold emailing alone.

While I can’t name name, one cold email I ent out ack in earl
2018 reulted in a client I till rite for toda ho ha paid me
$37, 701.80 to date.

And, ironicall enough, I actuall landed Frehook a a client 

cold emailing them a couple ear ack. erioul, ou can read
the article I rote for them here.

Ana, hen I hear content marketing guru and O izard

coff at the idea of cold emailing omeone, I have to reit the
urge to run don to the local fair, gra a fat grea turke leg and
lap the hit out of them.

While I ue a ide arra of marketing trategie at Hone Cop to

uild m email lit and drive ale on oth m larger riting
project and m copriting guide… I ill ala have a pecial
place in m heart for cold emailing.

efore e dive into tactic ou can ue to end etter more
effective cold email, allo me to explain h I am o ullih on
thi marketing trateg.

Wh I cruh hard on cold emailing.

Marketing in’t ala a level plaing field.

ome rand have ig mone and talent and reource that allo
them to do thing ith their marketing other rand impl can’t.
If a rand ha an entire O diviion in their compan, naturall
the’re going to outrank their competitor.

The ame can e aid for fat marketing and advertiing udget
–– rand that have hundred of thouand the can pend on
paid advertiing ever month are plaing at a eriou advantage.

I adore cold emailing ecaue it level the plaing field (to ome
degree). And, it doen’t require mone nor talent nor reource…
it jut require hutle.

When I tarted a a copriter, I a going after 3-4 of the top

copriter in the orld that ere making $500,000+ a ear.
The ere ell ahead of me –– I a tarting at $0 and zero
client, after all.

While I haven’t caught up to them et, cold emailing alloed me to

gro Hone Cop ithout pending a ingle $1 on advertiing or
marketing. That’ invaluale to a tent-three-ear-old kid ithout
anthing in aving.

In fact, I elieve in the poer of cold emailing o much, that if I

ere hired on a CMO at ome floundering 2 oftare
compan, the firt thing I ould do i increae price on the
oftare  25% - 50% and then hire 2-3 uine development
rep, teach them copriting and have them tart cold emailing
like madmen and omen.

ut, enough ith me praiing cold emailing… here’ ho ou do

the damn thing.

Ho to rite and end cold email that drive

ix-figure in ale.

Firt, ou’re going to rite don a lit of our 100 dream client.
David Ogilv did thi hen he firt tarted Ogilv & Mather.

While I ill let ou chooe our client hoever ou pleae, I
ould recommend ou keep the folloing criteria in mind a ou
go aout electing them…

1,000 people companie are difficult to land and require an

aload of time (I’ve found le than 250 emploee companie to
e m read and utter).
Companie of thi ize are uuall prett fat-moving, are open to
orking ith freelancer and have the moolah to pa ou ome
eriou cheddar.

o, paue for a moment, and egin creating our dream client lit
on a crap piece of paper and then tranfer to an excel

From there, ou’re going to do the folloing.

For thi tep  tep proce, e’re going to pretend e are

tring to reach out to Allird. You’ve proal heard of them.
The’re a uper ada Ne Zealand rand that make neaker
out of ool.

Let’ egin.

tep One:

Make ourelf a free account on

(Thi i eentiall a maive email Rolodex at our fingertip that

hold email to ome of the mot poerful men and omen in the

tep To:

Cop & Pate the eite of one of our dream client into the
ox that look like thi…

tep Three:

Hit “Find email addree” and a erie of email addree ill e

tep Four:
Head over to LinkedIn and tpe the dream client’ name into the
earch ar. egin crolling through the name of the people that
ork there and their poition.

tep Five:

Match the name of the peron ou are anting to email on

LinkedIn ith the email addree generated from

Let’ a ou ant to reach out to the co-founder of Allird,

Joeph Zillinger (ottom of the creenhot aove). Look for an
email hit out  that reemle hi name…
“jzillinger@allird.com”… ingo.

Alo… e ure that ou are emailing individual ho are in

deciion-maker role… marketing director, CMO, CO,
founder, preident, etc.

tep ix:

No, email the individual a thoughtful note that ho ou’re

actuall intereted in orking ith hi rand. Whatever ou do,
don’t cop and pate the ame note to hundred of people.

(I’ve made thi mitake efore and I’ll tell ou it’ not effective and
ill leave ou feeling like an ahat).

Write them a thoughtful email like…

“Hi Joeph,
To egin, I’m a huge fan of Allird. I’m contantl ragging aout
ou to all m people. I’ve litened to our tor over on “Ho I
uilt thi” like five time.

If ou’re ever in need of ome graphic deign help, it ould e an

actual dream to ork ith ou gu, erioul.

Would ou mind if I paed along ome of m ork?



tep even:

If the individual doen’t email ou ack, follo up in a eek then

follo up again a eek after that. ometime, it take emailing
omeone 3-5 time efore ou hear omething ack. I alo
ouldn’t e afraid to hit up other people at the compan.

The TL;DR…

If ou ant to drum up uine quickl, tart cold emailing…

hoot for 5 damn good cold email a da.

– fin –

Life after cold-email…uilding a 2

Lead Generation Machine.
ventuall, once ou get a fat ook of uine, ou’re going to
put our cold-emailing da ehind ou. Or, at leat thi a the
cae for me.

While through cold email, I a ale to uild Hone Cop up to a

ver lucrative freelance uine, I eventuall realized the cold
emailing trateg a onl going to get me o far.

o, I pivoted.

 implementing m ver on tailored 2 lead generation

trateg, I a ale to create a tead tream of lead for Hone

Chet pumping aide… douling, tripling and quadrupling an

2 uine i one-hundred percent poile ith the 2 lead
generation trateg I am aout to la out for ou.

2 Lead Generation trateg tep One: Write

olution to our propective cutomer’

When mot people think of content marketing, the think of

logging, hich i onl true to ome degree…

We aren’t riting log. We are riting olution to people’

prolem. An chump ith a keoard and an opinion can lap
together a log ith a clever name. It take a avv freelancer
ith in-depth indutr knoledge to craft an article that can
ecome an invaluale reource to their propective cutomer

The firt tep in m 2 lead generation trateg i to rite

article that offer olution to our cutomer’ prolem.

Here are a fe rand that are doing thi incredil ell…

Grammarl, the riting app that protect uer and team from
ounding like idiot in their email, craft article that help their
cutomer rite etter  offering tip like ho to ue an
apotrophe correctl.

lack, the tool that allo team to collaorate etter, pulihe

article that help uer ork fater and marter like thi one the
rote arguing that productivit i aout purpoe rather than
aecamp, the oftare that let rand and marketer get far
more organized ith their marketing effort, rite rilliant
article on… ell… everthing.

ut, in order to rite high-calier article that our cutomer

actuall ant to read (and cough up their hard-earned mone after
reading), e mut etalih the greater olution our article are
tring to olve.

Here at Hone Cop, the greater olution I am tring to olve

through m article i to help m reader make more mone and
craft cooler more intereting rand through the ritten ord.

talihing our greater olution or intention ehind the article

ou’re riting i generall prett imple. If ou’re a 2 rand
elling a ne innovative CRM oftare to rand, our greater
olution for our article might e… to make alepeople acro
the orld etter, marter and more thoughtful at elling.

Ye, that’ imple. ut, it’ poerful. If I ere a ale manager, I

ould ant m alepeople to read that log.

That ring me to another point. A ou egin riting our

olution-driven article, ou need to e thinking aout “ho” ou
are riting to.

talihing a “target market” in’t enough. A 25 - 40-ear-old

ale manager in’t a reader, it’ a target market.

And, e can’t rite effectivel to a target market, not if e are

anting to ound like a real-life living reathing human eing
riting to another real-life living reathing human eing.

Intead, e mut rite a io of our reader and comine it ith the
greater olution e hope to offer.

Thi ould look omething like…

“Dave Dundee i a ale manager at a fat-moving technolog

tartup. Due to the nature of tartup culture, he i in a ig role at
the oung age of tent-even and hile he i certainl capale,
he i oth tring to manage hile alo honing oth hi managerial
and ale chop. Our article are helping Dave ecome a orld-
cla ale manager a quickl a poile. We’re going to load
him don ith uch great inight ith our article, hi compan
ill e forced to give him a promotion.”
Hell eah. No e are getting omehere. We can rite ome
damn good article to that.

Got it? Good. Let’ move on to tep to of thi 2 lead
generation trateg.

2 Lead Generation trateg tep To:

raintorm article topic that ta true to our
greater olution (and poer them ith O).

Once e have et our greater olution or intention rather, e mut

egin raintorming article that align ith thi greater olution.

A I mentioned earlier, the greater olution of m article i to

help m reader make more mone and craft cooler more
intereting rand through the ritten ord.

Here’ a lit of a fe article I’ve ritten over the ear. You’ll
notice, for the mot part, the ere prett true to m greater

• 19 kick-a example of email uject line that ell like hell.

• I need a copriter… I think?

• Writing good advertiing cop i like riting a love letter.

• Ho to rite catch headline that reader can’t reit.

• Doe ex ell? An in-depth look at ex in advertiing.

• 100 of the mot poerful ord in marketing.

• The pcholog of elling.

In the aove article, Doe ex ell? rought me in a lead that

ended up eing a $2,500 project.

Writing good advertiing cop i like riting a love letter

convinced a elaruian angel invetor to fl me out to Mink to
ork ith three of hi tartup.

And, The Pcholog of elling, hich ent viral, ha generated

ten of thouand of dollar in lead for Hone Cop and till
continue to do o toda.

I a all of thi not to rag ut to ho ou that inveting in ell-
ritten and extremel informative article are the onl 2 lead
generation trateg ou need to doule, triple and quadruple our
uine (no matter the ize).

(No, let’ talk O).

earch ngine Optimization ound complicated ut it’ reall ver

imple and it can e ued a an excellent tool to help rand
kno hat prolem their propective cutomer are truggling

Not to mention, hen leveraged correctl, O-poered article

can act a free virtual illoard for our rand.

People tr to overcomplicate O. It’ reall jut Google’ a of

finding the et aner (or olution!) to a peron’ quetion.

And, hile there are ton of trick and hack ou can ue to oot
our ite’ O, from m experience the et O practice i to
rite extremel high-qualit article.

I currentl rank on Google’ firt page for a numer of article and

I’m no O izard. I’m jut committed to riting damn good

(Take a moment and Google… ex ell, marketing ord, rnet

Heminga riting tle… ou ill ee m eite in the firt
three that pop up).

A ig mitake I ee a lot of rand make i pending hundred of

thouand of dollar on article ut never honing aid article for
O. It i etter to rite one orld-cla article a eek that ha a
real hot at ranking on Google’ firt page veru riting five
mediocre article a eek.

When it come to article creation, qualit ala trump quantit.

2 Lead Generation trateg tep Three:

Craft a damn good landing page

Once ou are committed to riting high-calier O-poered

article, ou need to craft an email opt-in page to direct our
reader to.

When it come to an email opt-in page, ou can rite a ale page
that direct our reader to our product, pricing, free trial, etc.
Or, like me, ou can impl create a landing page that ak for
their email.

I have choen the latter for the folloing reaon: 95% of ite
viitor never return again. In m mind, I ould rather have the
reader’ email addre o I can have a real hot at elling to them
tomorro and the next da and the da after… veru tring to
ell to them toda and potentiall loing them forever.

o, ith that aid, let’ talk aout ho ou can create a good
email opt-in page that convert reader into ucrier.

Unlike mot marketer, I don’t offer a free eook or ome free

incentive for igning up for m email lit. In fact, I ould
recommend mot folk avoid doing thi.

The cop on m email opt-in page i imple et enticing…

“The cloet ou’ll ever get to omeone emailing ou gold: Paper
airplane delivered right to our inox containing marketing &
copriting ecret to help ou ell like hell (ithout loing our

Your email opt-in hould ta true to the “greater olution” e

dicued in tep one of the 2 lead generation trateg.

Once ou’ve created our email opt-in page. prinkle our article
ith link to it. Put it everhere.

A riter, e never kno exactl hat’ going to convince a

pecific peron to take action. o, e mut drop a link to our email
opt-in throughout our article(). You can alo do thi ith an email
pop-up form ut I find that hit to e annoing and I imagine mot
reader do too.

2 Lead Generation trateg tep Four:

Create an email equence that turn lead into

Creating an email equence ou can thro on auto-pilot for our

cutomer i eential. I uuall recommend a 3-5 part email

If ou’ve ucried to m email lit ometime in the lat ear,

ou’ve received thi equence. ut, if ou haven’t… ucrie here
and ou ill e taken through thi equence.

ut, hat doe thi look like for ou?

Let’ a ou’re a freelance graphic deigner that create logo

and 1,000 people ucrie to our email lit after reading one of
our dozen or o article.

You might end thee ne ucrier the folloing email


mail One –– An introductor email elcoming them to the

neletter ith link to our mot helpful article on logo deign.

mail To –– A tor aout ho ou helped a tartup uild a

uper ada logo  pulling inpiration from the mot unlikel of

mail Three –– A claic ale letter outlining the perk and

enefit of having a killer logo ith a hard ell to ue our ervice
at the end.

mail Four –– A curation of our dozen or o favorite logo of all


mail Five –– A limited-time deal on our logo deign ervice

(mae the can tr ou out for 25% off).

You get the idea.

That a a lot, o let’ do a quick recap on thi

2 lead generation trateg.

tep One –– create the greater olution ou’re hoping to achieve

ith our article and then rite out a ver clear io of the reader
ou’re riting to.

tep To –– raintorm a lit of a dozen or o O-poered

article to tart ith, ue tool like Mruh to make thi much
much eaier.

tep Three –– create a damn good email opt-in (a page ou can
direct all of our reader to).
tep Four –– craft a 5-7 part email equence ou can thro on
autopilot, e ure thee email are extremel valuale to our
cutomer and conit of a nice mix of free helpful reource,
cutomer torie and of coure a ale email or to.

The TL;DR…

Once ou have a lucrative freelance uine ith enough client

ork to pa the ill and then ome, egin putting into place a
lead generation trateg that find and land uine for ou.

– fin –

Ho to actuall get hit don hile

orking remote.

When ou’re forced to ork from home a a freelancer, ou learn

prett quickl that time i mone. I don’t ant to get too
productivit hack-… ut here are ome a to get more done in
le time hile orking from home.

Repond v. React.

If ou ere a patient receiving treatment for omething or another

and a doctor tell ou that ou are “reponding” –– thi i good.

ut, on the contrar, if he tell ou that ou are “reacting” –– thi
i generall not good.

ffectivel orking from home or remote –– hatever ou ant to

call it –– come don to keeping ourelf in a reponive mode
rather than a reactive mode.

A reponive mode i a mindet here ou are proactivel orking

through prolem, drilling through ork and creating omething at
the end of the da that ou can e proud of.
A reactive mode i a mindet like a aet hound covered in ra
riee tuck in a cuicle ith arming quirrel… ou can’t
focu, ou can’t get anthing done, ou can’t help ut refreh our
email for the fourteenth fucking time in an hour and ou leave the
orkda feeling like the orld rode ou hard and put ou aa

To avoid the latter, ou mut come up ith a to control our
time on email, LinkedIn, Intagram, Titter, Faceook and thoe
goddamn group meage that e kno are o ildl

Here’ hat ork for me…

I fight deperatel to hold off from checking m email (and an

ocial) until noon each da. When I do thi effectivel… I, for lack
of a etter ord, fuck hit up in the et kind of a.

On thee da, I can hell out to article, end out a neletter
and knock out client ork.

No, I undertand that not everone ha the luxur of not

checking email until noon. M father i a real etate agent and
he’d e committing a cardinal in if he eren’t activel reponding
to email, text and phone call to field intereted (at time,
puh) homeoner.

If ou’re omeone that need to e in email, I ould encourage

ou to do the folloing…

Find a 2-3 hour indo each da here ou aren’t checking it.
Thi indo hould e pent focuing on our deeper ork.

The hugel popular riter, Neil trau, ill literall lock hi phone
in a afe-like device to give himelf a indo each da to do hat
he get paid to do: rite.

Tomorro, tr thi… gra our phone firt thing in the morning (or
during the indo of our chooing)… alk our a don to
our mailox, tick our phone in the mailox.

(You on’t have to orr aout it getting tolen ecaue, at the

moment, everone i inide cared to death of reathing ithin
cloe proximit of another living human eing).
I can promie ou that hen ou have the urge to croll through
Intagram or end that meme to the group chat, ou ill think
tice efore lipping on our hoe and alking don to our

In fact, ou’ll onl head don there hen it’ time to get actual
ork done on our phone.

Take the right kind of reak.

There are good reak and there are ad reak.

reaking ever hour to croll through Intagram in’t hat I ould

call a good reak. Again, thi et ou into the “reactive” mode
e’ve een dicuing.

Hoever, reak are ildl productive hen e ue them to refill.

Here are ome example of good reak…

• Graing an apple and going for a 15-20 minute troll outide.

• Ling on our ack and reathing ilentl for 10 minute.

• Taking a hort nap mid-afternoon to relax.

• Throing on the neaker and going for a mile jog.
• Jumping in the hoer for 5 minute to refreh.

• Whipping up ome egg and a it of avocado.

• Reading a fe page of good fiction.

Notice, none of the aove included technolog. Mot American

pend eight hour of their da (if not more, that’ honetl
conervative) taring at a goddamn creen.

Your reak houldn’t include taring at a goddamn creen.

atch the ullhit.

verone’ career ha ullhit the have to do. I conider ullhit

fielding dozen and dozen of email, reminding client for the
third time to pa their invoice, jumping on the phone for
meeting, the lit goe on.

The reaon thi i ullhit in’t ecaue I don’t necearil like

doing thee tak ut ecaue the keep me from doing the tuff
that I’m ver good at and ultimatel get paid to do: rite.
One mitake I ee a lot of people make i to leave their calendar
ide open for call, email, etc.


Chooe to to three da each eek, in the afternoon or morning,

and make thee the indo here ou take our client call.

For me, thi i Tueda and Thurda afternoon from 1 p.m. CT to
5 p.m. CT.

Thi i called atching and atching i extremel effective for

getting hit done.

Think of it like ahing dihe.

You ould never ah a couple pot, go jerk off then come ack
and ah a couple plate, go kick rock, then come ack and ah
a poon or to, go gra-a, then come ack and finall finih the
ret of the tuff in the ink.

No. When ou ah dihe, ou ah everthing.

Thi i ho e need to e treating the ullhit, the light ork, etc.
If ou have to jump on ten client call each eek, atch them into
an afternoon or to and then pend the ret of the eek focuing
on doing the deeper ork that ou get paid to do.

Open and cloe our door.

Perhap the et non-fiction ook I’ve ever read a ritten  a
novelit ho rite almot entirel fiction, tephen King.

In hi ook, On Writing, King gift the reader’ ton of gem from
hi fift-ome-odd long riting career. One of hich applie o
incredil ell here…

“Write ith the door cloed, rerite ith the door open.”

While thi piece of advice i ovioul intended for riter. It’

plendid advice for the million of American no orking their
career from home (and hopefull uilding freelance uinee in
the proce).
For our ork that can e decried a “deep”… ork ith our
door cloed. Thi, trangel enough, create a deeper level of

ut, hen it come time to aner email, knock-out admin tpe

tak or do an kind of ork that could e defined a “light”…
open up the door to the outide orld and let that potif plalit
ounce off the all of our room, out the door that’ no ajar
and don the hall of our home.

The TL;DR…

When orking from home… repond veru react, take the right
kind of reak, atch the ullhit and kno hen to open and
cloe our door.

– fin –

The freelancer’ toolox.

There’ no need to get too long-inded in thi ection.

I reall jut anted to create a lit of all the tool I ue in m

freelance uine. I ill rite thee in the order that I think ou
ill need them…

Firtl, get ourelf a profeional email addre over at G uite. If

ou ant uinee to take ou erioul, don’t end them a note
from our 7th grade AOL addre. Get ourelf a good
profeional email. If ou don’t have a name for our freelance
uine, it can e a imple a [firt name] @ [firt name, lat
name] dot com.
No, for cold emailing, ou ill ant to create an account over at (hich I linked to earlier in thi guide). The onl thing to
rememer here: don’t pam people.

A ou land client and put out great ork, tart uilding a
portfolio that ou can quickl link to in our email. Here’ hat
m portfolio look like. I ala (ala) recommend that folk ue
quarepace. It i, in m opinion, the eaiet and et-looking
eite uilder on the e.

A ou land gig, get ourelf ome olid invoicing oftare. I

reall like Frehook. I recommend thi for a fe reaon. One,
receiving check from client via nail mail i like atching paint
dr in hell. The take forever and often time get lot in
tranlation. To, Frehook let our cutomer pa ou directl
in the invoice ith their credit card. Alo, the oftare allo
ou to ee hen our client have opened the invoice ou’ve

Finall, once ou’ve created a freelance uine that’ ringing in

$3,000 - $5,000 month, ou ill definitel ant to egin looking
into O. Again, I reall dig M Ruh.

Oh, and lat ut not leat, find a good email marketing oftare.
Again, thi can come further don the road. Right no ou need
to e focuing on landing client. Take a look at aa Mule. The’ll
help ou find a damn good email oftare.

The TL;DR…

Ue the right tool. Period.

– fin –

It’ goode… for no.
Well, thi a jut a damn riot… an’t it?

efore I let ou go, I ant to leave ou ith one lat quirt of
mutard. If ou learn to ecome a damn good freelancer, ou can
make 2x, 3x and even 10x hourl hat ou are making no.

Let me explain.

The reaon rand can get aa ith paing a graphic deigner or
a videographer or a riter or a e developer $40,000 a ear i
ecaue the’re ringing them a tead conitent pacheck and
the’re alo the one ringing in the uine.

ver reaonal right rand ha omething called PP (or Profit
Per mploee). Thi i the amount of profit a rand i making per
emploee that ork for them.

Faceook’ PP i $599,000.

Apple’ PP i $393,000.

Goldman ach PP i $215,000.

Man time, emploee forget that the are eing hired on to

make the rand the are orking for mone. And, hile the
graphic deigner in’t making Nike mone directl, Nike ha a
prett good idea of the monetar impact it graphic deigner()
have on it uine.

Mot of the time, rand are looking to 2x their invetment on an


When ou egin to undertand thi, ou realize that uinee

are “marking-up” our kill.

There’ nothing rong ith thi. It’ mart uine.

ut, hat emploee need to rememer i that thi give them

poer if the are capale of elling their kill on the ide.

Wh? ecaue the’re cutting out the middleman and going

directl to the client.

o, hile I don’t think everone hould quit their da jo… not if
the trul don’t ant to… I do think everone hould e orking
a a freelancer outide of their da jo (and conider quitting
once the tart making ome eriou moolah).

ut I digre.

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