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RMT Danfoss

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Danfoss Remote Management Tool (RMT)

Version 4.1

User Guide
Document history
Document Notes
USCO.PI.R1.D1.02 First document release
(based on version 3.0 RMT)
USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 Updated for AK-SM 850

Document history..............................................................................................................2 Address Book.......................................................................................................................6
Introduction.........................................................................................................................2 File Management...............................................................................................................7
System Requirements.......................................................................................................2 Transferring HTML / Web files from your PC to the Front End HTML
Installation Requirements...............................................................................................2 folder......................................................................................................................8
Other References................................................................................................................2 Transferring EDF and device.lst) files from your PC to the front end
Logging on to the Front End with RMT.....................................................................3 EDF folder.............................................................................................................9
RMT Overview.....................................................................................................................4 Offline Programming......................................................................................................11
File..........................................................................................................................4 Front End Database management ...........................................................................16
Data........................................................................................................................5 Remote Updating – Front End Software .................................................................18
Tools.......................................................................................................................5 Translator.............................................................................................................................20
Help........................................................................................................................5 Using the Graphics Editor..............................................................................................21
StoreView Desktop Application..................................................................................30

Introduction System Requirements

The Remote Management Tool (RMT) is a PC software application RMT version 3.0 and newer requires minimum, a PC running
that provides several useful functions in support of the Danfoss Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 with a minimum of 1GHz or faster
front ends (AK-SC 355 and AK-SM 850): processor, 512MB of RAM. Screen resolution 1024*768 minimum
is suggested.
• Offline Web Programming - Launch a web simulator to allow Note: Depending on PC security configuration, you may have to
full offline Front End database programming. The user interface run the RMT under ‘Administrator’ mode.
is identical to actually being connected via the internet and
navigating through the system. Installation Requirements
The RMT software requires Adobe AIR ™ environment. Download
• Program Simulation - From within a web browser session, and install the free Adobe AIR ™ application (www.adobe.com/
simulate the configured program in an offline environment products/air) before loading RMT.
prior to real time commissioning of the system. The program
can be saved and later transmitted to the Front End . Load the Danfoss RMT application and follow installation steps
Run the RMT application on your PC and check for correct instal-
• System Graphics – Manage custom images (Jpeg & bit map), lation.
allowing you to map system data points to these images, pro-
viding graphical overviews of your site, both on the Front End Note that some PC's will require firewall changes in order to allow
local and Web screens. RMT data exchange. If connection issues occur please check and
define your firewall as shown below.
• File management - Connect remotely, load and access system
files and software

• Address Book - Save all of your remote sites details to allow for
one click connections

• Software management - Load databases to the remote Front

End , save the database from the site, or update the software
version/application in the remote site.

• StoreView Desktop - When installing the RMT, you can opt to

add the StoreView Desktop application. This is simply a desktop
application, which when opened allows the user to enter an IP
address and make a quick connect to a store. This application
is typically used on dedicated store PC's or where slow network
connections are found. It also includes an address book to save
multiple site addresses. Once installed, the StoreView Desktop Other References
icon can be found in the ‘Start’ / ‘All programs’ Front End Quick setup guide (USCO.PI.R1.B1.22)

2 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool
Logging on to the Front End with RMT
Shown here is the RMT ‘Welcome’ screen that appears once you
start the program. You can select not to show this screen the next
time if desired. Alternatively you can show this screen again by
using the ‘Help’ drop down box at the top.

Making a connection to your Front End allows various functions

to become available. In order to remotely save, load software or
databases you will need to connect (log on) to the Front End. In
addition, any custom images required for Front End display will
also require a log on connection.

TIP! You can connect to both a physical Front End in a store or a

simulated Front End which is running on your PC. For units con-
nected to an IP connection, enter the valid IP address for the unit
in question. If you are running an offline programming session
(simulated databases) you will need to use the URL 'localhost' and
the port which reflects the simulator (i.e.8081).

Click the ‘Log On’ button on the ‘Welcome’ screen and you are
then presented with the view as seen where you enter the
Authorization Information.

Host IP/URL = Front End IP Address.

The last address you entered here will
be retained.

Web Server Port 80 is factory standard.

User Name (Factory Default) =


Password (Default) = ‘12345’

Notice that RMT attempts to establish contact with the system

immediately after you enter the IP address. Click in any of the
fields to force RMT to refresh the connection. If working with
offline programming the URL will be localhost and the web port
will be 8081 (see below for example).

Notice the error message if the connection to the unit fails. Re-
check the IP address or the Ethernet connections and settings in
your ‘front end .

Here, a correct IP address was entered and the communication has

now been established. Enter the log on information (user name
and password) and press ‘OK’.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 3

RMT Overview
Configure database offline File Management
(view / manage files) Log on Status – e.g.
Build Graphical screens ‘Supervisor logged on’
Select desired Language
Language Translation
(used for RMT phrase translations)
IP Address – Network
connection status

Log on / Log out

from the unit

Software version of the

Front End. Select to run
AK-SC 355 = G03.xxx
AK-SM 850 = G08.xxx

Running simulators
Databases already configured are
shown here. The path on your PC is
selectable where to save these files.

‘From time to time beta simulators will be issued by the Danfoss

factory, in accordance with product development. Use the
‘Cloned Simulators’ folder to add these simulators.’
All simulators Factory Installed simulators

Cloned Simulators

Drop down items – File, Data, Tools, Help

New project – open up files to create a new graphical overview
Open project – select from previously configured projects to edit.
Load Language files – send altered language files from RMT to
the Front End
Save project – save your changes to an existing or new project.
Download projects to unit – send project files from RMT to the
Front End
Address Book – edit your list of installed front end systems for
easy connections.
Exit – exit RMT program

4 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool


Retrieve Data points – Used when creating graphical layouts,

pulls back all inputs and parameters from attached modules and
controllers. These will then be available from a list to select from
when configuring your graphical overviews

Preferences – Used for mapping datapoints in the custom

graphics. ‘snap size’ alignment preference.

Tools (available once logged in)

Controller Upgrade Manager - used to update the ‘firmware’

installed in the Front End . Best to always pull back the database
before a firmware upgrade.
Controller Database Manager - transmit a database to the Front
End , or upload a copy from the ‘front end to your PC.
Copy EDF files from flash disk – used for viewing all EDF and
device files which are currently installed in the ‘front end .
Delete flash disk files – once viewing of EDF and device files is
completed, you can then remove them from the flash disk. This
does not remove them from the front end file system, only from
the viewable flash drive.
Reset Unit - After transmitting EDF and device files from your PC
to the ‘front end, it requires a reset


Show Welcome screen – Presents the welcome screen (as shown

on page 3)
About Danfoss RMT – Version /Date information for this copy of
the RMT program.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 5

Address Book
Keep all of your known sites in the Address Book for easy access
and connection:
Enter the IP address of the controller.
Web Port – default = 80
Description – free text, can be used to describe or name of the
remote site.
Export / Import Address Book – to share or copy to other PC’s
using RMT.

The exported address book can be then later used by StoreView

Desktop application.

Upon logging on, press on the box to the right of the Host IP/URL
Address which presents the Address Book from where you can
select from your programmed list of sites.

6 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

File Management
Built in to the RMT tool is an FTP service, which is located under
the File Management tab. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for
exchanging and manipulating files over a TCP computer network.
FTP is used when updating files (HTML / EDF) to the Front End
. The following overview highlights the key areas of the File
Management screens.

FTP Connection status

Local PC Remote Path – (Front End)

Remote front end Path

= ‘E’

Double-click on the folder

you wish to view

If after connecting to the front end, you cannot
see any folders under the remote path, it
suggests there is a firewall issue. Check with
the local IT support / local PC firewall settings

The PC’s local path shown here is a directory containing --> To download files from PC to Front End
EDF files.
<-- To upload files from the Front End to PC.

The ‘edf’ folder – contains all EDF‘s and device list

files which have already been loaded into the front

The ‘html’ folder – contains the web browser

application files

The ‘test’ and ‘csi’ folders are for development use


RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 7

Transferring HTML / Web files from your PC to
the Front End HTML folder
Your Front End comes pre-installed with all available web support
files. If there is a requirement to update, add or remove, please
refer to the following section.

From the file management tab, double click on the HTML folder
(remote path – front end file system) and you will now see its
contents. On the local path (left side) notice that the view was
changed to a folder containing front end web files

As shown, highlight the files you wish to transfer from your PC

to the front end file folder ‘HTML’, then hit the right arrow in the
centre of the screen or right click your mouse on the highlighted
files. Press the ‘ok’ button on the pop up box to proceed. (or
cancel, to terminate the process)

Insure the files you want to send from your PC to the front end
are ok to be overwritten in the ‘front end . (Meaning, the files
being sent are newer)

Progress is displayed.

Transfer complete

8 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Transferring EDF and device.lst) files from
your PC to the front end EDF folder
Your Front End comes pre-installed with all available controller
support files. If there is a requirement to update, add or remove,
please refer to the following section.
From the file management tab, double click on the edf folder
(remote path – front end file system) and you will now see its

Remote path now

is the EDF folder

Here, the local path was changed so now in view are the EDF files
in the front end. Also, on the right, the user clicked on the EDF
folder. However, you’ll notice that the EDF folder is empty for
the front end. In order to conserve memory allocation the user
will need to navigate up to the Tools menu and select the option
‘Copy EDF Files from Flash Disk’.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 9

In order to conserve memory allocation the user will need to
navigate up to the Tools menu and select the option ‘Copy EDF
Files from Flash Disk’.
‘Copy All of the configured EDF files from Flash disk ‘– only copies
the EDF’s which are currently in use in this unit.
‘Copy all of the EDF’s from Flash disk ‘– copies all EDF files that are
resident out to the view folder. This selection is more commonly

Progress bar of the EDF files being copied

File copy completed

Files can now be seen in the EDF folder. There may be rare instances where the front end has newer EDF
To transfer EDF files or device list from the PC to the front end , files than the local PC. In this case, use the left arrow in the center
simply highlight the files on the local path and click on the right of the screen to ‘upload’ the files from the front end to the PC.
arrow in the centre. Files will now be copied.
Note: After loading EDF’s or device list files, the front end must be
reset. Once the reset is completed, the files will be stored in the
flash memory of the unit, but again won’t be visible until another
copy command is performed as shown earlier from the Tools
menu. (There is no need to reset the front end after loading web/
html files however.)

10 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Offline Programming
When working with web enabled controller products it is often
difficult to perform offline programming as a physical server
/ client connection typically needs to be made. The Offline
programming feature in RMT allows the user to fully program an
Front End database offline, without the need to be connected
to a physical Front End unit. This offers major benefits as offline
programming can typically save commissioning time and adds
significant convenience to the commissioning process. The
Offline programming feature is facilitated by built in simulators,
which serve the Front End web environment. The following
section highlights the main elements to offline programming and
describes the process in launching and managing offline web

Offline programming tab

Select the location for your Factory Installed simulators

saved databases
All simulators Cloned Simulators

Used to open simulator web browser

List of simulators by version Launch selected simulator

All of your saved
databases are shown
here Check box to select front end software type and
Select G03.xx for a AK-SC 355 database
Select G08.xx for a AK-SM 850 database

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 11

This section will describe how to open an offline web
environment, to facilitate the programming of your Front End
database. Once your database has been configured it will be
saved for later deployment in the Front End , thus saving time on
site during the commissioning phase.

1/ Select a suitable simulator version. Typically, each new Front

End software update will also include an RMT update, which
adds the new simulator engine for that particular release
version. Be sure to use the correct version of simulator that
matches the actual Front End software version on site. Select
the simulator version by clicking on the small box to the left.
Notice that the ‘0’ in the box to the immediate right will change
to ‘1’, which denotes that 1 simulator was chosen for that

2/ Right click this line or press the ‘Launch’ button to start the
offline web environment
Note that depending on your PC configuration, Windows
may issue a Security alert. Press the Unblock button to

Multiple simulators can be launched in one session. When you

press Launch button, a pop-up box is presented in order to pick
the required ‘License’ type or to select an existing database. A ‘new
database’ presents a factory default ‘empty’ configuration, which is
identical to the ‘out of the box’ state.

Please note that the AK-SM 850 front end is a

Refrigeration only license. Ensure 'Refrigeration
only is selected if using a G08.xx simulator

Upon ‘Launch’, the progress bar and Danfoss logo is presented.

12 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

3/ Enter the User Name ‘Supervisor’ and Password ‘12345’ to ‘log in’
and commence programming via the offline web browser.
The simulator version will be displayed in the upper section
of the web browser. Continue to program your Front End
database as if you were connected to a live system.

Note: that when running offline simulators the local IP address

will be shown as ‘localhost’, meaning your PC is acting as the
web server. If multiple simulators are running each will be
differentiated by a differing web port (i.e. 8081, 8082, 8083..)

Begin here

Upon entry to the offline simulator, you are first presented with
this screen showing an active alarm for ‘Database Cleared’. This
is simply a default status before a ‘store name’ is programmed in
Configuration- System –‘Store Name’.

Click on the Configuration tab

Save program to
your PC when done

Now, using the tabs under configuration, you are able to fully
configure your ‘front end program ‘offline’.
Please refer to the Front End User Guide for complete details on
configuring your system.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 13

You can save the program to your PC either to resume later or
upon completion. Click on ‘Save Database’, as shown in previous

14 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Verify the desired location to save the database is correct. Use the
right hand box to change the path.

The name of the file must

have the extension ‘.S55’
and be 8 characters or less

Once saved, this database will be shown in the list with the other
already saved databases, since the path selected for all were the

Note: Multiple simulator instances can run at the same time. If you
have launched multiple simulators of the same version you will
see a consolidated web view (known as ‘Store view’). In order to
configure each simulator, simply select the appropriate unit from
the drop down list (see below)

If at any time you wish to return to the RMT environment, click the
‘Back to RMT’ button. Conversely, if you wish to return to the web
simulation, click the ‘Open Web browser’ button

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 15

Front End Database management
(Controller Database management)
Your Front End has a database that contains all configuration and
application settings. Using either a USB Flash drive or the RMT
tool you can save or load a front end database. A typical example
would be where an offline database has been configured and
saved. This database then needs to be loaded into a front end
in the store in preparation for the commissioning phase. If a
remote connection is available it is possible to load this database

The Controller database manager can be found under the tools


The database manager allows for remote database save or load

to your Front End unit. This example will describe how to load a
database to a Front End unit. Before starting this process ensure
you have logged onto your target Front End unit via the RMT.
Select Controller Database Manager

Select desired operation:

Loading Database from PC to the unit.

An automatic check is performed

If your connected Front end already has a 'factory Fail Safe'

application installed the line will have a green check mark.
However, if the RMT tool detects that factory fail safe is not
Load Database to
present it will issue a warning. Whilst the RMT does not block the
the Unit is selected.
continuation of loading database or software, the user should be
aware that there is an increased risk of being unable to recover
the system if a remote download gets corrupted or power fails
during the process. Refer to the following section 'Remote
Updating software' for more details.

Once all green check marks appear, press ‘Proceed’.

Example of RMT
detecting no factory fail
safe application code
installed in front end

In the event of no FAI being detected the user action is a site

visit to install FAI via a USB Flash drive (and any corresponding
bootloader software).

16 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Use the option to save the database from the ‘front end in order
to update an older copy that is on your PC. This insures that a
current back-up copy exists in case needed later.

Locate the database file on the PC to load to the unit.

Press ‘Start Download’

Press ‘OK’ to continue if disclaimer is accepted

Once database download is done, the front end will now reset.
This allows the process of updating the program to complete.

Note: Any new databse which contains different IP address

configuraiton may break your connection to the front end. In
addition, any change of user name and password will also be

Saving the database from the unit to your PC (Upload)

Use the option to save the database from the ‘front end in order
to update an older copy that is on your PC. This insures that a
current back-up copy exists in case needed later.

Select the ‘Save’ option under Database Controller Manager and

the process from there looks identical to the Download option.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 17

Remote Updating – Front End Software
Your Front End has the ability to be upgraded via USB flash drive vides a ‘fall back’ state, if at any time a later remote upgrade fails or
or a remote connection and the RMT. The table below highlights gets corrupted. Rather than leave a unit in a unstable state in the
the different file types and method for managing software up- event of a corrupted remote upgrade, the factory image ensures
dates. you can always make contact to re-install code again. In addition,
Upgrading via remote offers several advantages, the obvious one the FAI contains the MAI, which also contains all relevant web and
being time saving. However, there is increased risk when preform- EDF files. If your RMT connection detects no FAI is present, Dan-
ing remote upgrades (i.e. quality of connectivity, power..). The FAI foss recommends that the latest FAI (for your front end version) is
(Factory Application Image) software file contains special code installed.
designed to support remote software upgrades. The FAI file pro-
File type / Description Method of loading
Boot.csi / Boot Loader file (required for system file management) USB Flash drive only
CSI / Compressed Application Image code for your front end. Includes all system EDF files USB Flash drive or RMT tool
MAI / Master Application Image code for your front end. Includes all firmware, EDF and Web USB or RMT tool
FAI / Factory Application Image. Includes factory fail safe code and MAI USB

The FAI is a new software application, and may not

be already present in your existing AK-SC 355. Danfoss
recommends loading the latest FAI file for units which are
known not to have FAI already installed. If upgrading the
software on site, consider the use of the USB flash drive option.
Application software can be loaded via the USB flash drive port.
The Controller upgrade manager can be found under the tools

The Controller upgrade manager allows for remote software

update. As previously described, the RMT will perform pre-checks
and will validate the presence of the factory fail safe code (FAI).

Note: If updating the application using the ‘csi file, you would
still need to load any EDF or Web files separately using RMT’s File
Management. However, loading of the ‘mai’ file includes these so
no separate steps required.

Use the following steps to update the front end unit:

- Under ‘Tools’, click on ‘Controller Upgrade Manager’ (not

accessible unless logged in)

- The IP address, port info. and the current version installed is

shown. Hit connect button.

A Pre-Upgrade check is performed. Continue by clicking


18 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Locate the folder where the software to be used is stored. Verify
the version. Click ‘Start Upgrade’. If you had not saved a copy of
the current database, you may do so here by clicking on ‘Backup
Database?” This is always recommended when updating the

- Disclaimer – click OK to Proceed

Transferring Software – Progress bar shows percentage status

Depending on the speed of the IP connection this file load may

take some time.

During this transfer the unit continues to operate normally.

Transfer complete – down load finished – now Overwriting


Overwrite finished. The unit will now reset to process the update.


After completion, insure the software version is correct.

If you’ve only loaded the ‘csi’ application, consider updating the

EDF’s and Web files using the File Management (FTP Transfer) if

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 19

The RMT has a built in translation tool, designed to reflect the
correct local language in the system tabs and menus seen in the

The changes made in the RMT will subsequently get downloaded

to the Front End
Select Language to translate. In the
screen below, French has already
been chosen.

Once translation is
complete, Save to Unit

Copies of the translated language ‘xml’

files can be saved to your PC using
‘Export’ button.

Enter the translated text for each line item

Ensure that after translation is complete, click the ‘Save to unit

button’ before changing another language - if the translation
is not saved first, all translation will be lost if selecting a new
language from the drop down list.

After translation and saving, the language file (frermt.xml, for

example) is saved under the HTML directory of the Front End .
Each time a user connects to the Front End the translated file will
allow the user to see the custom language in the RMT.

20 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Using the Graphics Editor

The Front End can support a total of 5 web graphic views (Jpeg’s)
for the web browser and 5 ‘Viz’ (custom bit maps) for each
front end local display. In addition to a graphical image, system
parameters can be mapped to display current temperatures and
status. This may serve as an easy means to display critical data on
the local and web screens. If no graphic is loaded, a factory logo
will be seen in the system view screen.

Select "Graphic Editor"

Tool bar options

- Open a new graphics project

- Open a previously saved project

- Save project

- Add files to current project

- Down load projects to the unit

- Retrieve data points from the unit

- Open Web Browser

- Close project

It has been detected that depensing on PC configuration and version of Windows there may be spurious issues when creating
custom graphic folders and files. Danfoss recommends the use of a USB flash drive to store your graphical files

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 21

Use a suitable image processing application to design your
custom image, complying with the following specifications;

Properties AK-SC 355 AK-SM 850

File size for local screen 632x408 pixels 792x528
File format for local screen bitmap (BMP) bitmap (BMP)
Color depth 240 240
File size for Web graphics view <1Mb <1MB
File format for the web Jpeg Jpeg

Open a New Graphics Project

- Before proceeding, it is suggested that you have already created

a folder (the name of which will be the project name) on your PC
which contains the graphic files for your project. In this folder,
copy the BMP and JPEG files, as well as a copy of the database for
this particular Front End

- There are two methods available: Offline or Online connection.

- Click on to open a new graphics project. The following

Project Wizard is presented.

Creating custom graphics- Tips

When designing any custom graphics for the front end local
screen, be aware of the size limitations - see above table.

If you intend to have both a custom graphic in the web and local
screen, start with the web file first (this should be a Jpeg), then
convert to Bitmap and correct file size for the local screen

Use open source graphic editors to manage your files, there are
several options available on the Internet

When designing graphics for the front end web (Jpeg file) try and
limit the file size as this will ensure quick download (bigger file
sizes will take longer to download when connecting).

Up to 5 bitmaps images PER front end controller

Up to 5 Jpeg images for web browser

Use a USB Flash drive, create a unique folder in which to contain

all your original images.

22 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

- Use the Browse button to navigate to
the working folder for this project that
contains your ‘jpg’ and ‘bmp’ files. The
‘Project Name’ will automatically be
assigned as the name of the selected
directory. Therefore, you won’t be able to
change the Project Name here.

- Click ‘Next’ to continue.

- Select the number of Front End units for this

site, and unit type (AK-SC 355/AK-SM 850). In this
example ‘1’ was chosen.

- If you wish to start the offline simulator (I.E. Offline

Programming), place a check mark in the box to
the right. In this example, this was left unchecked
(typical when connecting to a live system).

- Click ‘Next’ to continue.

- Selected 1 web graphics file in this example and

path to containing folder on PC. Select your jpeg
for the Web graphics

- Click ‘Next’ to continue

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 23

- Selected 1 screen graphics file in this example
and path to containing folder on PC. Select
your bitmap image(s) for the screen graphics

- Click ‘Next’ to continue

- Summary of the Project information as entered.

- Click on the ‘OK’ to proceed.

- The project has now been created.

Current view is the Web

Graphics – FLP (jpeg)

24 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

- Click on the box to the left (Select to View Screen Graphics File)
and now you are shown the bit map (bmp) for the local ‘front
end screen.

- Click on the download datapoints button from the tool bar

to retrieve data points from the Front End you are connected to.

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 25

- All of the points configured in the ‘front end unit are now ‘pulled NOTE:
back’ and listed here. Shown is the open list of analog sensor Use the delete button to remote any unwanted graphic files
inputs. Click on each of the other data point types (e.g. devices)
to present any points which may fall into those categories.
Points from ‘Devices’ would be parameters from EKC / AKC
controllers, etc.

- When viewing the local screen graphic only datapoints from the
target front end will be shown. Only local datapoints from this
unit can be mapped.
When viewing the Web graphics window, you will see ALL Front
End units (if connected). Under the Web graphics screen you
may map ANY datapoint from ANY front end controller.

26 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

Drag and drop the desired data
points into your graphic for the
front end screen – Site View

Drag and drop the desired data

points into your graphic for the
web browser view

- Save Project when done

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 27

- Down load projects to the unit – The project needs to be
loaded from your PC into the front end unit. Click on this icon
from the tool bar to proceed. If you are not yet logged on, do so

Press ‘OK’ to continue

File(s) Transfer complete.

28 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

- For the AK-SC 355 you can toggle between local screen images
via the ‘F3’ button (at the local front end display).

The use of the F3 button is being phased out in latest

front end software versions. Use the Prev and Next keys
to toggle between multiple images.

The AK-SM 850 uses the Prev / Next key navigation

Local front end

Screen – Site View

Web Browser – Graphic View – Floor Plan

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 29

StoreView Desktop Application
StoreView is an application that is designed for fast connection
to your store. Typically a fixed PC is in the store and the use of
the StoreView application allows authorized users an easy way to
connect and view system status. The resulting web screens are
exactly the same as if the user would have connected via a web
browser. The StoreView application only differs from the browser
in that it has some preference settings, designed for the store PC.

The StoreView application is part of the RMT installation. If

checked during the RMT install process you will have a application
icon. Double clicking this icon will launch the StoreView.

With the address book visible, enter the system IP address and
user name and password.

Once connected, under the FILE menu, a preference option is


Home Screen options:

System View
Graphic View

If any miscellaneous items are

configured, you can show/hide this
panel in the dashboard
Enable alarm sounding from PC
If the StoreView Desktop is designed
Fill the full screen with the
to run 24/7/365 then check this
StoreView window
option to avoid accidentally closing
If you require any users to be logged
down the program
off after a period of inactivity, check
Allow the StoreView Desktop this box. Any user will be logged out
application to automatically log on after 5 minutes of inactivity
to the front end system. If checked
enter the system IP address and
suitable user name and password

30 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

RMT Tool User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 31

Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products
already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.

32 User Guide USCO.PI.R1.D3.02 © Danfoss 07-2013 RMT Tool

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