- ⁨الملف الذهبي رقم 1+2 Corrected⁩

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‫اﻟﻤﻠﻒ اﻟﺬھﺒﻲ‬

‫اﻟﻤﻠﻒ اﻻول‬

Corrected by Wsayef + Leena

A 20-year-old pa.ent is complaining of Pain in the lower right area. upon examina.on, #47 responded normally
to vitality tes.ng , #46 is signs of a sinus tract or swelling. Radiograph provided (see image)

Which of the following is the appropriate treatment plan for tooth #46?

A . extrac.on

B . hemisec.on

C . apicoectomy

D . non-surgical retreatmen!

A red patch has been present for over 3 month involving the lateral border of the tongue.

ALer removing all possible causes and at 2 follow up appointments no change was noted.

Biopsy taken in the first follow up appointment did not reveal a diagnosis.

Which of the following condi.ons explains the findings?

A . cheilosis

E . leukoplakia
C. erthroplakia

D. erythroleukoplakia

• pa.ent with history of squamous cell carcinoma received radiotherapy. Clinical examina.on revealed severe
dry oral mucosa and white plaques that are easily scraped off. Further ques.oning revealed that his previous
den.st treated him with fluconazole each .me he developed the lesions with cormplete resolu.on. Pa.ent is
seeking a way to prevent this infec.on from recurring.

Which of the following medica.ons would be beneficial in preven.ng the recurrence of his infec.on aLer
trea.ng with fluconazole?

A . pilocarpine
B. Prednisone

C . clindamycin
D . metronidazole
What is the diameter size of 3 Gates Glidden in millimeter ?

A. 0.5

B. 0.7

C. 0.9

D. 1.1

Which of the following syndromes can be accompaniedby rheumatoid arthri.s ?

A. Sjogren's

B . Gardener's

C. Pierre Robin's

D. Von Recklinhausen's disease

What form of .ssue is formed when there is strong carious odontoblasts are

A. primary den.n

B . secondary den.n

C. repara.ve den.n

D . ter.ary reac.onary en.n

Which of the following irrigants has the highest an.microbial ac.vity against endodon.c infec.on?


B . cetrimide

C . chlorhexidin
D . sodium hypochlorite

A radiograph was order to '40-year-old (see image).Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis pf
this radiograph?

A . periapical scar

B . ossifying fibroma

C . dense bone island

D. cement – osseous dysplasia

In which of the following condi.ons there is no need for an.bio.c prophylaxis according to the American Heart

A . prosthe.c heart valves

B. coronary artery bypass graLs

C. unrepaired cyano.c congenital heart disease

D . history of Infec.ve endocaradi.s more than 6 months ago

Guba-percha is currently the standard and universally accepted core obtura.ng material in most of root canal

Which of the following is disadvantage of this material?

A. not easily manipulated

B . difficult to be removed from a canal

C. shrinkage if soLened by heat or solvents

D. Poor adapta.on to canal wall with compac.on

What type of force is likely exerted by a headgear appliance used for growth modifica.on?

A. heavy

B . con.nuous

C . interrupted
D. intermibent

A 29-year-old man came to the clinic complaining of severe pain related to his upper leL molar. He pointed to
tooth #16 that was endodon.call# treated a couple of months ago. The tooth has a crown with a good margins
and no recurrent decay. The tooth has severe pain
with percussion and palpa.on. Probing depths were with normal limits. PA radiograph was
taken (see image)
Which of the following is the next step to know the exact cause Of the pa.ent
A. sinus tract tracing
B . inten.onal replanta.on
C . cone beam computed tomography

Which of the following medica.ons has the greatest risk of an acute eleva.on in blood pressure with excessive
of vasoconstric.on?

A . diure.cs
B . ACE inhibitors
B.calcium channel blockers
D . non-selec.ve beta blockers

Which of the following is the cross-sec.on of the Flax-R file?
A . round
B . square

A 57-year-old pa.ent presented for root canal treatment of tooth 16 upon examina.on, tooth responded
normally to percussion and palpa.on, nega.ve to cold and EPT

Which of the following is the most diagnosis of tooth #16?

A. necro.c pulp with normal periapical .ssue

B. previously ini.ated with normal periapical .ssue

C . necro.c pulp with symptoma.c apical periodon.ts

D. previqusly treated with symptoma.c apical periodon.ts

A 49-year-old woman complaining of sensi.vity to both hot and cold liquids following the placement of a full
crown on tooth #17 which recently became spontaneous. Responses to both percussion and palpa.on were
normal and on applica.on of Endo-Ice the pa.ent experienced pain tha lingere aLer removal of the s.mulus.
Radiographically, there was no evidence of osseous change

Which of the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis of this tooth?

A.irreversible pulpi!is; normal apical .ssue

B . irreversible pulpi.s; chronic apical abscess

C . necro.c pulp; asymptoma.c periodon..s

D . reversible pulpi.s; symptoma.c apical periodon.ts

A 59-year-old pa.ent complaining of a pimple on his gum in the upper .ght are , tooth #17 does not
response to cold and there is no tenderness to bi.ng or percussion. A sinus tract is present opposite to the
upper right molar. Radiograph provided

Which of the following is the recommended treatment plan for tooth #17?

A . extrac.on

B . biopsy of the lesion

C.root canal treatment

p . incision and drainage

A 15-year-old boy was riding hi motorcycle and crushed into a wall higng his upper front teeth, his brother
too him to the den.St s office aLerward for evalua.on and management.

The pa.ent was found to have a displaced dentoalveolar fracture.

How many weeks dentoalveolar fractures need immobiliza.on for?

A. 1-2

c. 10-12

D. 14-16

A 16-year-old pa.ent presented with CL 1 malocclusion and His father did not agree with proposed treatment
of surgically extracted the canine.

Which of the following would most likely be a side effect?

A . transposi.on

B . gingival recession

C . spontaneous erup.on
D . resorp.on of lateral incisors

A 64-year-old man came to the clinic complaing of pain related to tooth #35 Clinically there was a fuctuant
swelling related to In tooth #35. Non restorabl with a periapical abscess.

Pa.ent has diabete type 1, pn high dosage of insulin.

He took his regular meal an Insulin dose.

Which of the following is the most appropriate management?

A. extract tooth #35

B . extract tooth #35, and prescribe an.bio.c

C . give prophylaxis an.bio.c, then extract tooth #35

D. incision and drainage extract tooth # 35 and prescribe an.bio.c

ALer complete excava.on of caries, pulp exposure was noted on toot a 16-year-old boy, direct pulp capping
was decided.

Which of the following material that is currently recommended for this procedure?

A . zinc oxide

B . glass ionomer
C.calcium hydroxide

D . mineral trioxide aggregate

A 50-year-old woman came to the clinic complaining of con.nuous burning feeling of the She report taking an
an.bio.c as prescribed by her physician. The den.st notes diffused loss of the filiform papilla of dorsal tongue
with redness, giving it a bald appearance.

Which of the following is the best method used to obtain and confirm the most likely


A . culture

B . serology
C .exfolia.ve cytology

D . saliva for diagnosis

Which of the following root canal types is the most difficult to instrument?

A . wide curved and short

B. curved narrow and long

C . short, narrow and curved

D . curved, narrow and short

A 36-year-old man came to the clinic with a chief complain of mild persistent pain on bi.ng related to tooth
#15. It has previous endodon.c treatment Bitewing radiograph: shows a radiolucent line below filling margin
indica.ng recurrent decay. Periapical radiograph: shows a short radicular filling, obtura.on and periapical
radiolucency related to the apex of tooth #15. Probing depths are within normal limits.

Which of the following is the cause for failure?

A . root fracture

B . persistent lesion

C . persistent bacteria in the apical lesion

D. poor root canal treatment and cocronal leakage

What does a localized periodontal defect around an endodon.cally treated tooth suggests ?

A . gingivi.s

B . internal resorp.on
C.external resop.on
D .ver.cal root fracture

A 44-year-old man presented for extrac.on of a remaining root using a four-corner flap. There was no swelling
or purulence in the area.

Which of the following is the class of this opera.ve wound?

A . dirty

C . contaminated

A 27-year-old asthma.c woman presents with pain on tooth #24 which is aggravated by touch. The tooth was
endodon.cally treated 2 years ago but the tooth is s.ll symptoma.c.
Tooth #24 is nega.ve to cold and EPT, and sensi.ve to percussion (see image)
Which of the following would be the best management for tooth #24?
A . extrac.on and implant
B . surgical endodon.c treatment
C.non surgical endodon.c treatment
D . prescrip.on of clindamycin an.bio.c

Which of the following is the endodon.c emergency treatment for teeth with symptoma.c irreversible
B . trephina.on
C . direct pulp capping
D. incision and drainage

During clinical examina.on, the doctor asked the pa.ent to show her teeth forcibly, close her eyes forcefully
and wrinkle the forehead.
Which of the following nerves is being tested?
A. facial
B . abducent

An adult pa.ent has periodontal disease that caused moderately severe horizontal bone loss. The periodontal
disease is under control and no longer ac.ve, but the upper and lower incisors must be retracted and aligned
with orthodon.c appliance.

How will these teeth respond to orthodon.c tooth movement?

A . the centre of resistance is at infinity

B.the centre of resistance is at incisal edge

C . the centre of resistance of teeth will be closer to the apex than normal

D . the centre of resistance of the teeth will be closer to crown than normal


Which of the following materials can be used for its root reorp.on inhibi.on property, aLer

replantaion of avulsed teeth?


B .l edermix

C . sodium perborate
D . mineral trioxide aggregate

An adult woman complains of palpita.on immediately aLer inferior alveolar nerve block injec.on using 2%
lidocaine with epinephrine 1:1

Which of the following is the most likely the cause?

A . lidocaine toxicity

B . vasovagal aback

C . allergy to lidocaine
D.intravascular iniec.on

A pa.ent presented to the Emergency Department with massive swelling in the neck with difficulty in
breathing and swallowing (see image).

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A.ludwig angina

B . variant angina

C . Vincent angina

D. prinzmetal angina

A pa.ent with an odontogenic infec.on comes for treatment.

Which of the following indicates the use of an.bio.cs?

A . alveolar ostei.s

B . mild pericoroni.s

C . acute localized infec.on

D . diffuse rapidly progressing infec.on

A 65-year-oid pa.ent complaining of a spontaneous dull pain in the upper right side tooth #17 tender to bi.ng
and percussion. No clinical signs of sinus tract or swelling is present. Radiograph provided (see image).

Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis of tooth 317?

A . pulp necrosis with asymgtoma.c apical peripeon..s

B . asymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with acute apical abscess

C . symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.ts with chronic apical abscess

D.previously treated with symptoma.c periodon.ts

A 40-year-old pa.ent presented with localized swelling in the area of tooth #16. Diagnosis was necro.c pulp
with acute apical abscess. Pa.ent does not have .me to stay for full treatment (see image)
Which of the following is the appropriate emergency treatment for tooth #16?
A . extrac.on
B . an.bio.cs
C.incision and drainage
D . cleaning and shaping

A 64-year-old man with no relevant history complaining of pain upon ea.ng. Tooth #46 responded normally to
cold with tenderness to percussion. Tooth #47was very tender to percussion and palpa.on (see image)
Which of the following would be best treatment?
A . pulptomy for #46
B . an.bio.c prescrip.on
C . non surgical root canal treatment for #46
D.non surgical root canal treatment for # 47

Which of the following is a side effect of excessive listrene in mouthwash use?
A . lichen planus
B . morsica.o buccarum
C . erythrema mul.forme
D.epithelial desquama.on

In which of the following condi.ons can epinephrine impregnated gingival retrac.on cords

lead to an adverse effect?

A . asthma
B. hyperten.on

C . crohn disease

D . infec.ve endocaradi.s

Which of the following is an important requirement for a periodontal ligament (PDC)

injec.on effec.veness?

A . back-pressure during injec.on

B . all four line angles receive the injec.on

C . direc.on of the needle bevel towards the root surface

D . direc.on of the needle bevel away from the root surface

A 44-year-old health woman presented to the dental clinic complaining of food impac.on and bleeding on
probing in the löwer leL side of the jaw. Tooth #36 had a pulpotomy procedure ini.ated last year. On
examina.on, tooth #36 is slightly tender to percussion . A 5 mm periodontal packet was noted in the
distobuccal aspects, along with bleeding on probing (see image)

Which of the following is the most appropriate interven.on to be taken?

A . deep periodontal scaling and root planning

B . root canal retreatment through the PFM crown

C.combina.on of endodon.c and periodontal surgery
D . sec.oning of exis.ng crown and restorability assessment

A 27-year-old healthy woman presents to the dental clinic for check up. Upon examina.on, tooth #16 did not
respond to thermal and elelcrical s.mula.on. A sinus tract was noted in the abaché gingival between #16 an
#17. All upper right premolar and molar teeth responded normally to percussion and palpa.on tests.
Periodontal probing ranged between 2 – 3 mm (image)

Which of the following is the recommended management for tooth #16?

A . tooth extrac.on

B. root canal treatment

C . excision of sinus tract

D . prophylac.c an.bio.c

Which of ht following nerves carries the special sensa.on of the posterior third of the tongue?

A . lingual

B . trigeminal

C . hypoglossal

A 42-year-old pa.ent with history of prolonged use of systemic steroids needs a simple extrac.on for an upper
premolar that has grade 1 mobility with no signs or symptoms of infec.on. She regularly visits the den.st and
is not fearful or anxious. Which of the following would be the best management in prepara.on for the
appointment with regards to her steroid needs?

A.double the dose

B . daily therapeu.c dose

C . increase dose by 25 mg hydrocor.sone equivalent

D . increase dose by 50 mg hydrocor.sone equivalent

Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for a tooth with primary endodon.c lesion and secondary
periodontal disease?

A . only periodontal treatment required

B . extrac.on and prosthe.c replacement

C. endodon.c treatment prior to periodontal treatment

p . periodontal treatment shpu'd be done before endodon.c treatment

A 27-year-old woman presents for dental check-up. Pa.ent men.oned a history of trauma.c blow to the lower
right premolar area received about 4 years ago. Tooth #44 did not respond to thermal and electric pulp
s.mula.on. Palpa.on, percussion and periodontal tests were normal. No swelling or sinus tract were noted.
Pa.ent is keen to save the tooth if

possiblé (see image)

Which of the following is the most appropriate management for tooth #44?

B . apical curebage

C . extrac.on and implant


A young woman was referred from her orthodon.st for surgical consulta.on about her prognathic mandible.

Which of the following surgical procedures is exclusively used for setback procedure?

A . "C" shaped osteotomy

B . inverted "L" shaped osteomy

C.bilateral sagibal split osteotomy

D . transoral ver.cal ramus osteotomy


Which of the following media is most preferred for storing avulsed teeth?
A.low fat milk
B.normal saline

C . ar.ficial saliva

D. hank's balanced salt solu.on

Which of the following is the recommended isola.on method when a root canal treatment is planned for a
maxillary anterior tooth in an asthma.c pa.ent?

A . use cobon rolls throughout the endodon.c procedure

B.apply rubber dam throughout the endodon.c procedure

C . Start with cobon rolls, then apply rubber dam before obtura.on
D . place rubber dam, then change to cobon rolls before obtura.on

In which of the following condi.ons would local anesthesia infiltra.on be less effec.ve?

A . gingivi.s

B , ulcera.on
C.acute infec.on

D . chronic infec.on

Which of the following is an error occurs during obtura.on of the root canal?

B . ledge forma.on

C . broken instrument
D . filling lateral canal

A 38-year-old pa.ent presented for root canal treatment Of tooth #25, at the end of the first visit, calcium
hydroxide was placed. Pa.ent had severe pain at .me of placement. Periapical radiogram was taken, and
showed calcium hydroxide extended beyond the apex.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate management?

A . an.bio.c coverage
B.follow up every 6 months

C . surgical removal of the overextended material

D . non surgical removal of overextended material

Which of the following arteries provides the major blood supply to the floor of the oral cavity?

A . buccal

B. lingual
C. mental

D . inferior alveolar

Which of the following is the best geometric design for a small excisional biopsy to achieve primary closure?

A. circular

C , triangular
D . rectangular

A 22-year-old woman was seen in clinic for a dental abscess in the mandible due to non-#35.

She was treated with oral an.bio.cs. She returned to the clinic with persistent abscess and pain.

Which of the following could have prevented the persistence of the infec.on?

A . prescribe mouthwash

B.incisonaland drainage
C.endodon.c treatment

D . extract the offending tooth

Which of the following maxillary teeth is more likely to cause palatal abscess?

A . canine

B . first premolar

C.lateral incisor

D . central incisor

A pa.ent came to the clinic suffering from intense pain from tooth #46. The tooth showed severe tenderness
to percussion and bi.ng.

What is most appropriate periapical diagnosis?

A . condensing osteo.s

B . chronic apical abscess

C.symptoma.c apical periidon.ts
D . asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

A 47-year-old pa.ent referred to Endodon.c Clinic evaluate tooth #45. U on examina.on, tooth #45 had root
canal treatment 3 years ago and i sensi.ve to percussion see image(

Which of the following is diagnosis of tooth #45?

A . previously treated with normal apical .ssue

B. reviously treated with acute apical abscess

C . previously treated wit symptoma.c apical periodon..s

D . previously treated with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

A 23-year-old pa.ent was referred to the dental clinic for evalua.on of a toothache that started few days ago.
Radiographic and clinical examina.on revealed no dental cause of such pain.

Which of the following condi.ons is the most likely to be interpreted as a toothache?

A . o..s media
B.maxillary sinusi.s
C . migraine headache

D . paro.d gland inflamma.on

A 50-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic for evalua.on of

upper leL premolar- molar teeth. Pa.ent stated that she had a severe spontaneous pain 6 weeks ago while on
holiday. The pain has eventually subsided without dental interven.on. Teeth #24,26 and 27 responded
normally to all endodon.c tests. Tooth #25 did not respond to cold. A sinus tract was noted in the alveolar
mucosa buccal to #25 e image

Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis for tooth #25?

A.pulp necrosis with chronic apical abscess

B . previously treated with acute apical abscess

C . symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical


Which of the following is an AIDS-defining condi.on?

B . oral melanosis

C . squamous cell carcinoma

D . oropharyngeal pseudomembranous candidiasis

A pa.ent has stage four breast cancer and her prognosis is poor. She she has a ques.onable tooth treatment
op.ons are extrac.on versus root canal treatment with post and core and crown.

Which of the following modali.es will you choose?

A . extrac.on

B . extrac.on and implant

C.root canal treament
D . root canal treatment with post and core and crown

A 34-year-old pa.ent presented to the clinic for treatment of tooth #36, which is tender to bi.ng and

What endodon.c mishap is related to tooth 336 shown in the radiograph (see image)?

A . ledge

B . overfilling
B. transporta.on
D.furcal perfora.on

A 47-year-old pa.ent presented to the clinic complaining of a painless swelling in the right mandible that has
been growing gradually (see report)

Radiogarph: showed a mul.locular radiolucent lesions causing root resorp.on in the area.

Which Of the following is the most defini.ve treatment?

A . curebage

B . radiotherapy

C . chemotherapy
D.marginal resec.on

A 36-year-old pa.ent-complaining of sharp spantaneous pain waking him up at night. Tooth 47 responds
Lingering pain and tender to neither percussion nor bi.ng
No sinus tract or swelling present clincally .

Radiography provided (see image)

Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis of tooth 347?

A . REVERSIBLE PULPITIS with acute apical abscess

B , pulp necrosis with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

C.asymptoma.c irrersible pulpi.s with normal apical .ssue

D . asymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with chronic apical abscess

Which of the following is the most common turnour of the paro.d gland?
A.warthin's tumour

B.pleomorphic adenoma

C . adenoid cys.c carcinoma

D . mucoepidermoid carcinoma

A 52-year-old woman on zometa injec.ons for the treatment of breast cancer presented to with a non-healing
extrac.on socket with purulent discharge and pain. The tooth was extracted a few weeks prior(see image)

Which of the following would be the most appropriate treatment of choice?

A . biopsy

B . mandibular resec.on

C . surgical debridement

D . chlorhexidine mouthwash

Which of the following is the most common cause of single

A . amelogensis imperfecta

B . den.nogensis imperfect

C . tetracycline administra.on

D. Improper root canal treatment

A 60 years old pa.ent presented with intermibent pain in tooth #26 that is associated with sinus tract upon
examina.on, tooth #26 is sensi.ve to percussion and palpa.on,7mm probing depth in mesiopalatal area of the
tooth and grad Il mobility.

Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis of tooth #26?

A. previously treate with acute apical abscess

B.previously treate associated wit ver.cal root fracture

c. previously treated associated with ver.cal root fracture

D . previously treated with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

Which of the following is the agent of choice for intracoronal bleaching?

A. sodium perborate

B . calcium hydroxide

C . carbamide perqxide
D.sodium hypochlorite

A 35-year-old man came to dental clinic for restora.on of badly decayed tooth #27. Upon examina.on, a
whi.sh, wrinkled lesion involving the leL buccal mucosa with focal ulcera.on was no.ced. The pa.ent
reported that he has been chewing tobacco for the last 10 years.

Which of the following would be best management op.on?

A . referral for biopsy

B . follow up aLer 6 weeks

C . no treatment is needed for tobacco pouch keratosis

D . topical anesthe.c agent and follow up 2 weeeks

Which of the following is the main drawback related to the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a pulp
capping agent?

A. high acidity

B . inferior seal

C. tunnel defects
D.discolora.on poten.al

During a non surgical root canal treatment of tooth #45, an instrument separa.on occurred in the coronal one
third of the canal.

Which of the following is the best way of managing this case?

A . tooth extrac.on
B.separated instrument removal

C , cleaning, shaping, abtura.on and follow up

D . cleaning, shaping, obtura.on and micro-surgery

Which of the following can be associated with end-stage renal disease?

A . sialorhea

B . hypotension

C .ptechia on oral mucosa

D . hypercalcifica.on of jaw bones

Which of the following cys.c lesions has the highest rate of recurrence aLer removal?

A . radicular
B. Keratocyst

C . den.gerous

D . aneurismal bone

Which Of the following is a sign of panic abach in an apprehensive pa.ent?

A . bradypnea

B . bradycardia

C . dilated pupils

D. excessive saliva.on

A 19-year-old pa.ent came to the clinic With tooth #11 placed in a cup of milk, tooth was displaced 25 minutes

Which Of the following is the recommended dura.on of splin.ng in weeks for tooth #11 ?

Which Of the following medica.ons should be prescribed for analgesia aLer a dental extrac.on in an asthma.c

A. aspirin

B . ibuprofen

C . diclofenac

Which of the following is a probable cause of a ledge impediment?

A . excessive irriga.on

B.failure to pre-curve instruments

C . use of NiTi instruments with 4% taper

D . repeated confirma.on of apical patency

A 42-year-old-healthy woman presents with moderate pain to cold drinks and sweets in the upper leL side of
the jaw. On examina.on, Applica.on of Endo Ice to tooth #25 elicited a sharp, momentary pain. Tooth #25
responds normally to percussion, while #26 is percussion posi.ve (see image)

Which of the following is the source of pa.ent complaint?

A . pulpal .ssues of tooth #25

B . pulpal .ssues of tooth #26

C . periapical .ssues of tooth #25

D . periapical .ssues of tooth #26

A 16-year-old girl presented with a deep carious lesion on her molar teeth (see report)

Radiographic examina.on: showed the presence of a well circumscribed radiopaque lesio in

rela.on to the roots.

Which of the following apical condi.ons is the most likely diagnosis?

A . apical cyst

B . osteomyeli.s

C . apical granuloma
D.condensing ostei.s

Which of the following best describes the consequences of the overprotec.ve parent on child's dental
behavior during treatment?

A . no effect

B.worsen child' singular behavior

C . improve child's dental behavior

D . make the den.st uncomfortable

Which of the following inves.ga.ons is used in pa.ent who needs extrac.on and have liver


A. D dimer

B . calcium level
C. prothrombin .me

D . blood urea nitrogen

A 63-year-old pa.ent complaining throbbing pain in the upper leL area, tooth #26 does not respond to cold
and is tender to both percussion and.bi.ng No clinical signs of swelling or inus tract are present. Radiograph
provided (see image)

Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis of tooth #26?

A.p ulp necrosis with symptoma.c apical periodon..s,

B . symptoma.c irreversible pylpi.s with normal apical .ssue

C . (äsymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with chronic apical abscess

D . previously ini.ated therapy with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

A 40-year-old man with day.me sleepiness snoring while sleeping was referred to the clinic to construct oral
appliance for obstruc.ve sleep apnea.

What would the lowest level to establish a diagnosis of obstruc.ve sleep apnea on sleep study__?
A.5 event/hr

B . 10 events/hr

C . 15 events / hr
D . 20 events / hr

A young woman with history of heart disease came to the clinic with complain of jaw pain, her exam showed
impacted upper and lower wisdom teeth with pericoroni.s.

Which of the following condi.ons will require an.bio.c prophylaxis according to American heart associa.on

A . pericaradi.s

B . mitral valve prolapsed

C . aor.c valve regurgita.on

D.prevous history of endocaradi.s

A ver.cal root fracture was confirmed on an endodon.cally treated single rooted tooth.

Which of the following is the recommended treatment op.on for the thooth?

A . curebage

B . surgical repair

C . non surgical endodon.c retreatment

D.extrac.on and prosthe.c replacement

Which of the following is th worst storage

A . milk
B . water

C. Saliva

D . physiologic saline

Which of the following is the most likely cause of linear, sharply demarcated horizontal grooving involving
buccal-cervical surface of the lower/upper teeth bilaterally?

A . erosion

B . abrasion

C. abfrac.on
D . resorp.on

Exposed den.nal tubules in area of denuded cementum may serve as communica.on pathways between the
pulp and periodontal ligament.

Which of the following are the possible cause for the exposure of den.nal tubules?

A . ver.cal root fractures

B . post space prepara.on

C . developmental defects
D.den.nal hypersensi.vty

A 43-year-old pa.ent presented to the dental clinic with severe •ngering pain related to the mandibular right
posterior teeth. The pain was tolerable un.l last night, which was severe interfered with ileeungXlinically, all
teeth were nega.ve to percussion and palpa.on,

periOdontally sound. The cold test revealed an exaggerate lingering response in the firs! molar. while a sharp
momentary response disappeared aLer s.ryulus removal on the second premolar and second molar (see

Which of the following treatments would resolve pa.e symptoms?

A RCT of the first molar

B . RCT o f the second premolar

C . direct pu!p capping of the first molar

D . indirect pulp capping of the second molar

A pa.ent presents with oral erythrema mul.forme (EM) of the oral cavity and reports that

he usually gets 5-6 episodes per year. Each .me EM presents a couple of weeks aLer a

recurrent herpes labialis episode and usually manages the EM with topical steroids un.l the

lesions resolve completely. He wishes to know if there is anything else ha can do to prevent

the recurrent episodes.

Which of the following would be best con.nuous daily prophylac.c management to prevent

future episodes?

A . topical steroids

.B.systemic steroids

C.valacyclovir therpy
D. diphenhydra Ine solu.on

A 64-year-old man presents to the dental clinic complaining that he cannot chew on the lower right side of the
jaw. Pain started 4 weeks ago and has intensifies over the last 3 days_ .

On examina.on, applica.on of cold to tooth #46 elicited an excrucia.n

in that lasted for about 1 minute. Tooth tender Adjacent premolar and

moalr teeth responded normally to pulpal, periapical and periodontal tests (see image)

Which of the following is the endodontal diagnosis for tooth #46?

A . pulp necrosis with acute apical abscess

B . reversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s

C. asymptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s

D.Symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical periodon..s

Which of the following are 2 terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve?

A. Mental and incisive

B . mental and mylohyoid

C . incisive and long buccal

D . mental and long buccal

Which of the following diseases will present with strawberry gingivi.s?

A . sarcoidosis

B . bechets syndrome

C . orofacial granulomatosis
D.wegeners granulomatosis

Which Of the following is the most common facial skeletal deformity in pa.ents with cleL lip

and palate?

A . maxillary excess

B . mandibular excess

C. Maxillary deficiency
D. mandibular deficiency

A young man was seen in dental clinic for management of dental abscess in rela.on to tooth

.13# The den.st did pulp ex.rpa.on and started the pa.ent on oral an.bio.c. Next day, the

pa.ent called the clinic to report sudden onset ofiacial edemaNand difficulty in swallowing.

Which Of the following an.bio.cs is the most common cause for allergic reac.on?

A. amoxicillin

. B.doxcycline

C . clindamycin

D . metronidazole

A pa.ent represented for surgical extrac.on of the third molars. The pa.ent has been taking

aspirin 4 .mes a day for a week to ease the pain.

Which of the following blood test results should be reviewed first?


B. Bleeding .me

C . coagula.on .me

D . par.al thrombopais.n .me

Which of the following devices can be used to measure the oxygen concentra.on in the pulp?
A.pulse oximetry

B . electric pulp tester

C . electronic apex locator

D . laser Doppler flowmetry

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(1)A 14-year-old boy has recently started orthodon.c treatment using fixed appliances. He was referred to the
periodontal Clinic for improper oral hygiene and generalized gingival inflamma.on.

Which of the following is the most effec.ve brushing technique for this pa.ent?

A. Bass technique

B. S.llman technique
C.charter's technique
D. Modified bass technique

-26year-old man presents to the Dental Clinic with acute necro.zing ulcera.ve gingivi.s.The pa.ent had poor
oral hygiene, mul.ple caries and par.ally erupted lower 3rd molars.

Which of the following are referred to as primary incuba.on zone this case?

A. Dental cavi.es

B. Pericoronai flaps

C. Periodontal pockets

D. Pre-exis.ng chronic gingival disease

A pa.ent presented to the clinic complaining from clicking sound when the dentures contact during speech
and ea.ng. The dentures are new and were recently inserted.

What type of denture teeth would cause this clicking sound?

A. Gold
D. Acrylic with gold occlusal surfaces

A 38-year-old man came to the dental clinic saying "l am feeling pain during opening and closing my mouth,
and my jaw catches when I open wide". Clinical examina.on confirmed a limited range of mouth opening with
a slight devia.on to the right side. However, a clicking sound is present during opening and once again during
closing the mouth.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Closed lock

B. Internal derangement

C. Func.onal disc disloca.on with reduc.on

D. Func.onal disc disloca.on without reduc.on


Which of the following is the func.on of the instrument -bands for space maintainers ?

A. Ini.ally to push the band by the den.st t the end for final posi.oning of th nd by den.st
B. Ini.ally to push the band by asking the pa.ent to bite it
C .At the end for final posi.oning of the band by asking the pa.ent to bite on it

6- Which of the following systemic condi.ons can result in gagging in old denture wearers?
A. adenoids

B. diabetes mellitus

C.vitamin D deficiency

D.hormonal replacement

An edentulous pa.ent presented to the clinic reques.ng the replacement of his upper and lower dentures. The
dentures were worn for 25 years and during this period they fractured and were repaired several .mes. On
examina.on, the dentures had worn down teeth, the mandibular teeth hada flat occlusal plane and dentures
were unstable. The soL .ssue
Covering the residual ridge was mobile and flabby the plan was to replace the exis.ng prosthesis .
Which of the following defina.ve impression techinques would be preferred in this case ?
A. Admix
B. Mucosta.c
C. Plasrter stent
D. Applegate controlled displacement

A 9-year-old boy abended for dental check-up. History and clinical examina.on revealed defini.ve posi.ve
behavior, mul.ple restora.ons on primary teeth and fully erupted sound first permanent molars.

Which of the following would be the preven.on provided in this case?

A .prophylaxis and topical fluoride gel applica.on

B .prophylaxis and topical fluoride varnish applica.on

C .prophylaxis, topical fluoride applica.on and unfilled resin fissure sealants for permanent molars
D . Prophylaxis topical fluoride applica.on and glass ionomer cement fissure sealants for permanent molars

ALer abemp.ng a pulpotomy procedure in a primary molar the bleeding con.nued.

Which of the following is the probable cause?

A.necro.c pulp

B.coronal pulpal inflamma.on

C.radicular pulpal inflamma.on

D. intra-canal abscess forma.on

Which of the following is a clinical characteris.c feature of Class I ,malocclusion?
A .calculus deposits
B .interproximal caries
C . dental malalignment
D .perfectly aligned teeth

A 27-year-old man presented to the dental clinic complaining of severe pain related to lower leL area. upon
examina.on, an inflamed fluctuant swelling covering par.ally mandibular leL third molar was no.ced with no
regional lymph node involvement (see image)

Which of the following would be the ini.al management?

A. drainage
B systemic an.bio.c
C.debridement and irriga.on
D .extrac.on of the 3rd molar

A periodon.st is performing a scaling procedure.

Which of the following instruments is the operator using (see image)?

A . scaler
B .chisel
D .bone file

A 34-year-old healthy woman presented to the clinic seeking crowns at her upper anterior teeth. Clinical
examina.on revealed generalized bleeding on probing, probing depths range from 3-4 mm (see report)
Radiographs: show no bone loss

Which of the following is the most likely treatment of choice?
A .proceed with crown prepara.on
B.scaling and root planing polishing and revalua.on visit aLer 6 weeks
C.polishing of teeth oral hygiene instruc.on then proceed with crowen prepara.on aLer healing
D .scaling and root planning every 4 weeks, polishing of teeth, and oral hygiene instruc.ons Click image to

24 – year old man came with a fibro.c thickening in the gingiva that needed to be surgically reshaped and
contoured The pa.ent had no gingival pockets (see image)

Which of the following is the name of the needed procedure for this pa.ent?
A. gingvoplasty
B. gingivectomy
C. gingival curebage
D. gingival augmenta.on

A-52year-old man came to the dental clinic for periodontal treatment. Upon examina.on, he has severe
inflamma.on of the gingiva. The pa.ent gave history of smoking cigarebes for the last 30 years.

Which of the following does smoking cause?

A.affect periodontal vasculature

B.decrease surgical wound infrc.on

C.reduces prolifera.on of periodontal pathogens

D.promotes immune response to the invading periodontal bacteria

Which of the following signs is a strong indicator for implant failure?

A .implant mobility

B.ver.cal bone loss

C.soL .ssue swelling

D. bleeding on probing

A 14-year-old girl went to the dental clinic. On examina.on, the den.st found potruded maxillary central
incisors incomplete lips nd maxillary molars are in anterior rela.onship with mandibular molars.

Which of the following is the angle classifica.on of this malocclusion?

A .class I

B class ll. Division1

C. class Il, division 2

D.class Ill

Which of the following periodontal probes has a 0.5 ball at the .p?

A.WHO probes

B.nabers probes

C. William probes
D .marquis probes

A 19-year-old man is complaining of bleeding while brushing his teeth. Clinical examina.on reveals normal
probing depths and no abachment loss (see report)
Radiographs: show normal bone levels

Which of the following is the main e.ologic factor of the complaint?


B.dental calculus
C.occlusal trauma
D .bacterial plaque

A complete denture pa.ent came back for post Upon examina.on, there was soreness on the crest f the
mandibular ridge on the leL side.

Which of the following is the most likely the cause?

A.hypersensi.vty contact
B.pre mature occlusal contact

C.poor final impression record

D.incomplete polymeriza.on of the denture base

How can xylitol-containing chewing gums reduce caries in children if used rou.nely?
A.altering the forma.on of enamel crystal
B.enhancing the process of reminaliza.on
C.decreasing sreptococcus mutans levels in saliva and plaque

D .increasing the resistance of tooth structure to demineraliza.on

A 45-year-old healthy woman presented to the clinic complaining of bleeding on brushing. Clinical examina.on
revealed generalized probin depth that ranged from 5-7 mm, generalized bleeding on probing horizontal 40
bone loss, hin .ssue

Which of the following is the most likely treatment of choice?

A.polish the revaluate aLer 4-6 weeks

B.graL site connec.ve .ssue graL
C.scaling and root planing then revaluate aLer 4_6 weeks
D .do not do any treatment as it wilt induce gingival rescission

A 43-year-old man, medically fit, came for replacement of missing upper right central incisor with an implant
supported crown. Clinical evalua.on was done for the implant site followed by radiographic evalua.on
including CBCT also upper and lower primary impressions were taken for fabrica.on of diagnos.c casts
mounted on a semi adjustable ar.culator.

Which of the following is essen.al missing inves.ga.on?

A .complete blood count

B.magne.c resonance imaging

C.use of a fully adjustable ar.culator

D.diagnos.c waxing and surgical template *?

A 43 yaer old man medically fit came for replacement of missing upper right central incisor with an implant
supported crown clinical evalua.on was done for the implant site followed by radiographic evalu.on including
cone beam computerized tomography also upper and lower primary impressions were taken for fabrica.on of
diagnosi.c casts mounted on a semi adjustable ar.culator .
Which of the folowing is essen.al missing inves.ga.on ?
A. Complete blood count
B. Mange.c resonance imageing
C. Use of a fully adjustable ar.culator
D. Diagnos.c waxing and surgical template !


A 44-year-old woman presented to the dental clinic, she is a known case of hypertension and she is takin
nifedipine .Clinical examina.on revealed that she has generalized drug gingival enlargement.
Which of the following is the best subs.tute medica.on that has no influence on gingival enlargement in this
A .cardizem
B .feladipine
C .verapamil
D .isradipine

A pa.ent wearing a denture with extremely resorbed mandibular ridge complains of pain and paraesthesia öf
the lower lip.x

Which of the following is the most probable case?

A.denture stoma..s

B.vitamin B-complex deficiency

C.pressure on the mental nerve by denture base
D. irrita.on of the lower lip from denture flanges

A den.st plans to provide implant-supported fixed complete denture following 2-stage surgical protocol. To
start with 4 implant were surgically placed in the inter-foramina region of the edentulous mandibular arch.
Before suturing the flap, the implant openings were closed with small metallic components supplied as part of
the implant packet. The implants and the components were allowed to remain buried under the gum un.l
their exposure at the second surgical stage.

Which of the following could be these metal components?

A . healing - cuff
B.cover screws
C. abutment screws

D .healing abutment

An 8-y -old boy is brought to the dental clinic with a trauma.zed leL maxillary central inciso months aLer a •c
injury. Upon clinical and radiographical examina.on, the pulp was found to non-vital with no periapical lesion.
Which of the following will be the best management?

A . root canal apexifica.on treatment

B .conven.onal root canal treatment

C.calcium hydroxide direct pulp treatment

D.calcium hydroxide indirect pulp treatment

Which of the folloing is contraindicated in pa.ent with sickel cell disease ?
C.nitrous oxide / oxygen seda.on
D.local anesthesia with vaso constric.on

A 54-year-old woman is complaining of enlarged gingiva involving most of her teeth. The medical history
revealed that she end stage renal disease since 4 years ago. The pa.ent is taking mul.ple medica.ons for her
medicalZondi.on. She reports no.cing the gingival enlargement a few months aLer her transplant surgery.

Which of the following medica.ons is most likely associated with her gingival enlargement?
A .phenytoin
D.cyclospoine ( taken with renal transplanta.on as immunosuppressant medica.on )

A periodon.st is performing resec.ve osseous surgery for his pa.ent. during the procedure, interproximal
bone level varied horizontally, with areas of one-walled interproximal defects (hemiseptal defects being
observed. Consequently, the had to correct these areas during the procedure.

Which of the following is best describes the correc.on step?

A .ver.cal grooving

B .radicular blending

C .gradualizing marginal bone flat

D. .gradualizing marginal bone

Which of the flolowing would be the most common extrac.on pabern for a camouflage treatment for an adult
lass Ill pa.en with no crowding?
A .extrac.on of upper 4s
B.extrac.on of lower 4s

C.expansion in both arches

D.extrac.on of upper 4 s and expansion in lower arch

Which of the following is the basic type of curebe?

A.langer and gracey

B.gracey and Columbia

C.mini fives and aLer fives

D. universal and area specific(gracey)

There are clinical instances in which simultaneous bone resorp.on is increased along the mesial surfaces of the
teeth, and new bone is formed along the distal surfaces of the same teeth.

Which of the following is an example for such instances?

A .orthodon.c tooth extrusion

B .physiological mesial migra.on

C.orthodon.c widening of distema

D.tooth in infra occlusion due to root ankylosis

Which of the following periodontal phenotypes is associated with thinner mean of buccal bone thickness?
A .thin flat phenotype
B.thick flate phenotype
C.thin scalloped phnotype

D .thick scalloped phenotype

Which of the following landmarks will best guide esthe.c arrangment of maxillary anterior teeth in comptete
A. incisive papilla

B.midline of the nose

C.median pala.ne suture

D.anterior maxillary ridge

A 64-year-old pa.ent presented with severe occlusal wear of his maxillary single complete denture, which is
opposing a mandibular, class I metallic par.al denture. The lower denture rests on the mandibular canines
only. The pa.ent did not see his den.st for the last 5 years and reported that he was using the prosthesis for 8
years. Clinical examina.on revealed epulisfissuratum and bone loss around the anterior mandibular teeth.

Which of the following will be the clinical presenta.on of the anterior maxillary ridge?

A .flat
C .knife edge

D .hyperplas.c

A den.st is performing periodontal char.ng. He is trying to calculate the clinical abachment loss in the
distobuccal site for tooth #11. In the concerned area, the gingival margin is 2 mm coronal to the
cementoenamel junc.on and th probing depth is 2 Which of the following is the clinical abachment loss is that
A. 0mm
B. 2mm
C. 4mm
D. 6mm
Pseudo pocket / 2-2=0

Which of the following areas is gracey curebe no. 11-12 indicated for?

A anterior teeth labial

B .posterior teeth distal
C .premolar teeth lingual

D.posterior teeth mesial

Which of the following is the rate of slow palatal expansion?
A . 0.5 mm in two weeks

B.1mm every other day

C. 0.5 mm every other day
D. 0.25mm every other day

A 32-year-old pregnant woman walks in the clinic complaining of a large swelling in the gingiva. Clinical
examina.on revealed poor oral hygiene and a large pedunculated purplish red nodular lesion between teeth
#12 and #13.

Which of the following is the best course of ac.on?

A .extrac.on of #13 and #14
B.oral hygine instruc.ons

C.scaling and excisional biopsy

D.root canal treatment of #13 and #14

An 11-year-old presented with a Class II It skeletal malocclusion due to a retruded mandible.

Which of the following appliance can be useful for enhancing mandibular growth in this pa.ent?
A. head gear

B. func.onal appliance.
C. protac.on face mask
D .fixed orthodon.c appliance

A 32-year-old man is complaining of changes in his gum line. The clinical examina.on revealed gingival
recession around tooth #44, with obvious cleLing in the gingival margin around this tooth (see image)

Which of the following is the most likely the reason of the change in the gingival margin around too(K #44?
A. allergy


C.gingival inflamma.on

D.improper use of dental floss

Which of the following is the most important .local e.ological factor in periodontal diseases ?
A.local anatomic factors
B .subgingival restora.ons
C .excessive tooth mobility
D.Dental plaque biofilm and calculus

A radiograph of connected crown is showen in the photograph
Which of the floloing is the expected clinical presenta.on aLer using the design seen in the radiograph?
A.healthy radiograph
B.low gigival inflamma.on
C.incrased gingival inflamm.on
D.easy oral hygiene mangment

A 17-year-old man is complaining of enlarged gingiva involving most of his teeth. The medical history revealed
that he is epilep.c and is being treated with phenytoin.
A .changing the drug

B surgical correc.on
C .oral hygiene instruc.ons
D .consult physician and non-surgical treatment

Which of the following instruments is used to detect inflammatory gingival bleeding?

A. nabers probe
B.periodontal file
C.dental explorer
D.pèriodontal probe

A 56-year-old healthy man is presented to the clinic seeking implant treatment for missing lower right teeth.
Clinical examina.on revealed missing 451 and 46 probing depth range from 3-5 mm, generalized bleeding on
probing (see report)

Radiograph: revealed generalized horizontal bone loss 20%.

Which of the following is the most likely treatment of choice?

A .request cone beam CT then proceed with implant treatment

B .requestperiapical radiographs then proceed with implant treatment

C .request orthopanotomogram(panorama) then proceed with implant

D. scalling root panning oral hygine instruc.ons then wait 4 weeks for the revalua.on visit

Which of the following is a characteris.c of chronic forms of plaque induced gingivi.s?
A .vesicle forma.on
B.gingival sloughing

C.firm and leathery gingival consistenc

D.diffuse puffiness(edematous) and soLening of the gingiva

A 10-year-old pa.ent came to the den.st following dental trauma. On history taking step, the father did not
give enough details to the den.st.

In which of the following situa.ons the den.st should expect a child buse?

A .if the father is above 50 years old and not medically fit

B .if the story is consistent with the severity of the trauma

C .if the loca.on of the trauma was at the pa.ent's school
D.if they came to the den.st at the same day truma happend

A 34-year-old healthy man presented to the clinic for scaling and root surface debridement. He was diagnosed
with generalized stage Il periodon..s.

Which of the following should the den.st tell the pa.ent to expect following the treatment visits?
A .he will get root caries
B .he will no.ce tooth discolora.on
C. he will experience root sensi.vty

D .he will feel his teeth becoming loose

Which of the following happens to the supracestal planning in deep pockets?
A. increases
B. decreases

C.remains constant

D.retracts then extend

Which of the following is the consequence of placing asmall diameter implant in a molar area from a
restora.ve point of view?

A. The ceramic will be undermined and may fracture

B.the emergence profile of the crown will be compromised

C.the prosthesis will be easier to clean then with awider diameter

D. The soL .ssue healing will be more favorable leading to beber esthe.cs

Which of the following periodontal phenotypes is associated with anarrow average of kera.nized .ssue
A .thin flat phenotype

B .t hick lat henot

C.thin scalloped phenotype
D .thick scalloped phenotype

When do neonatal teeth erupt?
A .before birth

B .between 0-30 days
C . 3 months of age
D . 6 months of age

pa.ent with prognathic mandible presented to the clinic. On examina.on pa.ent shows 6 mm CL Ill
malocclusion and anterior crossbite. The pa.ent main concern was his facial aesthe.cs.

Which of the following would be the best treatment?

A .growth modifica.on
B.orthognathic surgery
C . dental arch expan.on
D .orthodon.c camouflage

A 42-year-old woman came to chq dental clinic for dental check-up. Clinical examina.on shows that the pa.ent
hase mul.ple restora.v treatments done in the past, -which include mul.ple full crowns and mul.ple class Il

Whish of-the following is considered a an iatrogenic facto rthat predispose to periodontal inflamma.on?
A. supra-gingival crowns
B .well-contoured dental restora.ons
C .subgingival residue of ental cerneR
D .a highly polished subgingival fixed par.al denture

which of the following is an indica.on of alveoloplasty?

A .increase the ridge height

B .eliminate soL .ssue undercuts

C increase the depth of the ves.bule

D .elminate sharp residual ridges and remove bony undercuts

A 20-year-old woman visited the clinic to enquire about her gum health. Her gingiva is shown in the abached
photo (see image)

Which of the following is the gingival status?


C .lost s.ppling

C. deficient abached mucosa

Which of the following are the predominant immune cells in stage I of gingivi.s "ini.al lesion?
A.nutrophils / ( THEY are PMNS)
B.plasma cells

C .lymphocytes
D .macrophapes

-12year- old boy presented to the dental clinic with high grade fever generalized malaise. Oral examina.on
showed diffuse erythematous involvement of the gingiva and spherical gray vesicle in the lip and tongue, which
appeared 2 days ago (see image)

Which of the following will be the most appropriate management?

A .systemic an.bio.cs

B .periodontal therapy
C.an.viral therapy and suppor.ve care

D .chlorhexidine mouthwash prescrip.on

Which of the folloing applinced can be used to treat a deep im bite in teenager?

A. Protrac.on face mask

B. fixed func.onal appliance

C.a removable func.onal appliance

D. aremovable applaince with anterior bite plate

A 45-year-ì)old man is seeking periodontal treatment. Upon examina.on, the den.st no.ced mobilty of the
mandibular *** .periapical radiograph was taken (see image)

Which of the following best describes the bone level ******* from the radiograph?

A.slight bone loss

B .sever bone loss
C .normal bone loss
D .moderate bone loss


Which of the following is the implant component shown (see image)?

B.cover screw
C. implant fixture

D .impression coping

A 45-year-old smoker pa.ent presented to the dental clinic seeking replacement of missing teeth with dental
implants. The pa.ent is healthy and had no underlying ac.ve dental or periodontal diseases. His oral hygiene is
acceptable, the plaque index is 12% and the bleeding on probing was very minimal; less than 6%. The pa.ent is
smoking 1 to 2 packs daily for the last 8 years.

Which of the following should be considered prior to the placement of dental implants?

A .regenera.ve procedure is very predictable in smokers

B smoking has no nega.ve impact on the long-term outcomes

C. cassa.on of smoking should be recomended befor implants
D .healing of dental implants in smoker pa.ent is faster than non-smokers

Which of the following areas of the jaw exhibits the thinnest cor.cal plate walls ?
A.buccal aspect of maxillary molars
B.labial aspect of maxillary incisor ?
C.buccal aspect of mandibular molars
D.labial aspect of mandibular incisor

Which of the following defects in impression for a complete denture, when present necessitates the re-taking
of the impression?

A .avoids that could be corrected on the model

B .small areas of the impression tray show through

C.distor.on of the impresion due to movement during segng
D incorrect posi.oning of the impression tray with capturing all anatomic landmarks

A 35-year-old man presented to the dental clinic with an acute periodontal abscess related to tooth #33d. he
previously had deep pockets and heavy calculus deposits and just completed scaling 2 days ago.

Temperature 37 oc

Which of the following is the appropriate line of treatment?

A .extrac.on
B. rescaling of affected site

C.reinforcement of oral hygiene instruc.ons

D . systemic an.bio.c for 1 week and reevaluate

A 23-year-old pa.ent presented with CL I malocclusion and decreases varjet. Pa.ent started

V shaped
orthodon.c treatment usin Il ceramic appliances and coated wires. Couple of months later, the den.st no.ce
tri.on on her upper incisors.

Which of th following is the most likely cause?

A steel .es
B .coated wire
Ceramic brackets .A
D .chewing on incisors

Which of the following solu.on might be used to measure the width of kera.nized .ssue?
A .silver nitrate

B .melzers solu.on

C .methylene blue

D.schiller's potassium iodide

The orthodon.st decided to move 2 teeth apart as listed of his treatment plan.

Which of the following happens to the gingiva in between the 2 teeth?

A .the interdental .ssues become fibro.c

B .the adjacent marginal gingivae form the interdental papilla

C .the two adjacent marginal gingivae invert and form gingival pockets
D. the gingiva becomes firmly bound to the inter dental bone with absence of interdental papilla

Which of the following are the predominant immune cells in stage Ill of gingivi.s established lesion?

B.plasma cell
D .macrophages

A 47-year-old man required non-surgical periodontal treatment as part of his ini.al plan. His probing depths
ranged between 3-6 mm. his radiographs showed subgingival calculus.

lowing is the instrument of choice for ini.al therapy on the mesial surfaces of his premolar ?

C .gracey curebe #13-14

D .gracey curebe #11-12

What does lack of space between deciduous teeth predict in the future?

A. increase in the over bite

B .decrease in the over bite

C .crowding in permanent den..on
D.spacing in the permanent den..on

A 14-year-old pa.ent came to the dental clinic for the extrac.on of lower retained primary mola

Which of the following is the most appropriate pa.ent posi.on during extrac.on?
A .maxillaryocclusal plane is parallel to the floor

B . Mandbular occlusal plane is arallel to the floor

C.maxillaryocclusal plane at 45 degrees to the floor
D.mandibularocclusal plane at 45 degrees to the floor

How can a periodontal abscess be definitely differen.ated from an endodon.c abscess?

A .loca.on

B .pain source
C.pulp vitality
D .radiographic appearance


A healthy 48-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic complaining of generalized gum bleeding associated
with brushing, despite her current oral hygiene prac. es that include

brushing twice daily and flossing at least once daily. She received full crowns on most of her teeth 1 month
ago. Upon clinical examina.on, minimal plaque accumula.on was observed, bleeding on probing was about
65%, probing depth was 2-3 mm, and no clinical evidence of clinical abachment loss (see image)

Which of the following is the most likely cause of this pa.ent's problem?
A self-inflected trauma

B .compromised immunity

C.non-plaque induced gingivi.s

D.en croachment on the supracestal abached .ssues

Which of the following is the best treatment for moderate to severe hypermobile ridge?

A .use of sclerosing agents

B .fabrica.on of dentures with balanced occlusion

C.surgical improvement of the dentuer bearing area

D. fabrica.on of dentures that are retained with denture adhesive

Which of the following is the histological term used to describe the result o a vital pulp procedure allowing the
con.nued physiologic development and forma.on of the roots' apices?

A .pulpectomy

B .apexifica.on

D .Cvekpulpectomy

During the fabrica.on of a maxillary complete denture, the dental surgeon examines the palate for recording
the posterior palatal seal. Howeve he is unable o iden.fy the exact loca.on of the pterygomaxillary notch.

Which of the following instruments is the best to locate the posterior palatal seal?

A . T-burnisher
B. inedibepencil
C.pkt instrument
D. william's probe

Whic following is the most important factor when planning treatment with a func.onal appliance ~r a

A .gender
B.skeletal age
C.body weight stage
D.dental developmental stage

Which of the following is the recommended amount (ounces/day) of fruit for a preschool child according to the
American Academy of pediatrics?
0 .A
3_1 .B
D .up to 10

A -29year-old pa.ent came to the dental clinic with a chief complaint of impacted tooth #38.

Which of the following is a consequence of surgical extrac.on of impacted third molar?

A. crea.on of ver.cal defect

B.crea.on of periapical lesion

C.crea.on of horizontal defect

D . crea.on of furca.on involvement

Which of the following cephalometric measurements helps to determine the anteropsterior posi.on of the
mandible rela.ve to the cranial base?



Which of the following is the most appropriate posi.on for the radiographer(doctor) without a shield, in case
of obtaining an intraoral radiograph for a dental pa.ent?
A . 1 meter away and behind the x-ray source
B. 2meter away and behind the x ray source

C 1 . meter away and in front of the x-ray source

D 2 . meter away and in front of the x-ray source

Which of the following types of malocclusion foundin DownsYSyndrome pa.entsis the result of a large tongue?
A .deep bite
B. teeth sapcing ( so that’s why he is low caries risk)

C .teeth crowding
D .posterior cross bite

Minocyclin microspheres are locally-delivered into periodontal pockets to treat certain cond.on

How many days do they maintain therapeu.c drug concentra.ons within the pocket?
2 .A
7 .B
D. 30

A 55 years old man suffers from periodon..s in which the microbiological test revealed the presnce of black
pigmented bacteroids and spirochetes.
D.metronidazole( treat anaerobic bacteria)

How deep (in mm) do tooth brush bristle penetrate below the gingival margin?
A. 0.5 to 1.0
B 1.5 to 2.0
to 3.0 2.5 .C
D.3.5 to 4.0

A 35-year-old woman visited the dental clinic complaining of mul.ple episodes of discomfort and swellings at
site of dental implants that are restored 8 months ago, a peri-apical radiograph was requested (see image)

Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnosis based on the clinical presenta.on?

A .cracked crown

B. Peri-implan..s


D implant overloading

Lateral occlusal forces during mandibular eccentric movement, func.onal or para-func.onal, exert forces that
could lead to non-restorable fractures of root canal treated posterior teeth.

Which occlusal parameter from the following would expose posterior teeth to more lateral occlusal forces?
A.grupe func.on
B. shallowcuspal inclines

C .canine-protected occlusions

D .edge to edge occlusal rela.on

In a mandibular kennedy clõil, th usable undercut is located at the middle of the facial surface of the most
posterior abutment.

Which of the following is the clasp of choice?

C . Ring
D . Back ac.on

A 55-year-old woman presented to the clinic complaining of hypersensi.vity from her teeth aLer scaling and
root planning visit done 2 days ago. Clinical examina.on showed localized ulcers on the buccal mucosa of teeth
#35 and 37, with excellent oral hygiene.

Which of the following is the most likely treatment of choice?

A .prescribe systemic steroids

B apply topical an.bio.cs at inflamed sites

C .do another round of scaling and root planning

D.apply desnsi.zing agent then and assure the pa.ent

Which of the following is most accurate when comparing the crowns of the primary molars teeth to the crowns
of permanent ones?

A. More bulbous

B .largerocclusally

C .widermesio-dital

ALer making the impression for single implant interocclusal space was found to be 4 mm.
Which of the flollowing prosthe.c op.on is the most ideal treatment ?
A.screw retained crown
B.cement retained crown
C. Submerging the implant and fabricate FDP
D.extract implant and place it at deeper level

A 7-year-old girl came to the clinic accompanied by her mother. The girl complained about teeth sensi.vity.
Clinical examina.on showed that all first molars and central incisors are hypoplas.c.

Which of the following is the probable diagnosis?

A fluorosis
B.dentainal dyplasia
C.den.nognesis imperfect
D.molar incisor hypominerliza.on

A 42-year-old healthy man is unhappy about dark areas near the gingiva facial to his nterior prosthe.c crowns,
which were done about 6 years ago. However, he is pleased abou their shapes and color. The pa.ent said that
the dark areas were no.ced a few months a o. The pa.ent has a low smile line and does not show those areas
when smiling. Upon ex mina.on, recession and recurrent caries related to the prosthe.c crowns were noted
(see i age)

Which of the following is the most likely the reason for gingival recession?

A .excess cement

B brushing with a hard toothbrush

C .trauma from the retrac.on cord
Viola.on of the supracrestalabachment .D

Which of the following helps in reaching a defini.ve diagnosis of gingival allergic reac.on to red pepper?

A.analysis of complete blood count

B.immunological examina.on of gingival biopsy

C.histopathological examina.on of gingival biopsy ??
D.resolu.on of gingival inflama.on removal aLer the allergen

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