English SSC-I (3rd Set)
English SSC-I (3rd Set)
English SSC-I (3rd Set)
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Answer Sheet No.____________
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Section – A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on this page and handed
over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.
Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part. Each part carries one mark.
(1) “Went from dawn to dusk…. “This poetic line has an example of:
A. Antithesis ⃝ B. Simile ⃝
C. Metaphor ⃝ D. Enjambment ⃝
(2) My dog enjoys being bathed _________ hates getting his nails trimmed.
Fill in the blank with correct transitional device.
A. Therefore ⃝ B. But ⃝
C. And D. So
(3) Some birds build their nests in inconspicuous spots, well hidden by
leaves. Deduce the meaning of the underlined word with the help of the
contextual clues.
A. Unnoticeable ⃝ B. Prominent ⃝
C. Isolated D. Discrete
(4) Which one of the following sentences has the use of infinitive verb?
A. He played hockey brilliantly. ⃝
B. The dragons fight fiercely. ⃝
C. I made him learn tenses. ⃝
D. They have been playing since morning. ⃝
(5) They bought the tickets and boarded the train. This sentence is:
A. Simple B. Compound
C. Complex D. Compound complex
(8) He wanted a pair of puppies. The underlined part of the sentence is:
A. Noun phrase ⃝ B. Adjective phrase ⃝
C. Adverb phrase ⃝ D. Verb phrase ⃝
(9) As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple and oak leaves
overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers
to see her. In the above lines, the word “frozen” means:
A. Very cold ⃝ B. Visible ⃝
C. Not moving ⃝ D. Not melted ⃝
(10) He sits beside the wall. The underlined word works as:
A. Adverb ⃝ B. Preposition ⃝
C. Conjunction D. Noun
(12) The book, which he gave me, is very informative. Identify the sentence type as:
A. Simple ⃝ B. Compound ⃝
C. Complex ⃝ D. Compound-complex ⃝
(13) Which one of the following transitional devices is used for adding information?
A. Likewise ⃝ B. Therefore ⃝
C. Furthermore ⃝ D. As a result ⃝
(14) Which one of the following sentences has correct order of adjective?
A. He has a big old beautiful silver ring. ⃝
B. He has a beautiful old big silver ring. ⃝
C. He has a silver beautiful old big ring. ⃝
D. He has an old big beautiful silver ring. ⃝
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Federal Board SSC-I Examination
English (Compulsory) Model Question Paper
(Curriculum 2006)
Note: Answer the questions in sections „B‟ and „C‟ at the place specified for it therein on the
separately provided E-Sheet. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
b. Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end: (6)
I. I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o‟er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beside the tree,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
i. Identify and write any two poetic devices used in the stanza. (2)
ii. Which two things have been compared in first two lines of the stanza? (2)
iii. Write the rhyme scheme of the stanza. (2)
II. And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I‟ve heard it in the chilliest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
i. Identify and write any two poetic devices used in the stanza. (2)
ii. What does the storm do with the bird? (2)
iii. Write the rhyming scheme of the poetic extract. (2)
Q.6 Write a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words on any ONE of the following: (6)
Pakistan Day Celebration OR My Country
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Student Learning Outcomes Alignment Chart
(Curriculum 2006)
S Q No.
Cognitive Level **
Allocated Marks in
Student Learning
Standard No.
1. Q-1 (1) 1 2 1 Read and recognize literary techniques such K 1
as repetition, personification and alliteration
2. Q-1 (2) 1 1 I Identify and recognize the functions of K 1
Transitional devices used for coherence and
3. Q-1 (3) 4 2 1 Enhance and use appropriate vocabulary and K 1
correct spelling in speech and writing:
► Deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words
from the context using contextual clues.
4. Q-1 (4) 4 3 I Illustrate use of infinitives and K 1
infinitive phrases.
Knowledge 1-1(1), 1-2(1), 1-6(1), 1-7(1), 1-13(1), 1-3(1), 1-4(1), 1-8(1) 26 31.3%
Based 2-v(3),3-b-(I&II)-i(2), 3-b-(I&II)-iii(2) 1-10(1), 1-11(1), 1-12(1),
1-15(1), 4-b(7)
Understanding 2-ii(3) , 2-iv(3), 2-vi(3), 2-vii(3), 2-iii(3) 3-a-(I &II)(3), 1-5(1), 1-9(1), 1-14(1), 4-c(3), 41 49.4%
Based 3-b-(I&II)-ii(2) 5-(4) 7-(6), 4-a(5)
Question No-Part No. (Allocated Marks)
Note: (i) The policy of FBISE for knowledge based questions, understanding based questions and application based questions is approximately
as follows:
a) 30% knowledge based.
b) 50% understanding based.
c) 20% application based.
(ii) The total marks specified for each unit/content in the table of specification is only related to this model question paper.
(iii) The level of difficulty of the paper is approximately as follows:
a) 40% easy
b) 40% moderate
c) 20% difficult