Advertising Testing

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MA , Semester IV


Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti
School of Communication Studies
Panjab University
Topics Covered
• Advertising testing: importance & objectives;
• Objectives as related to functions of an ad
campaign and step models;
• Need for & uses of pre-testing & post-testing;
• Important testing methods.

Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti, School of Communication Studies , Panjab University

Advertising testing: importance &
• After an advertising campaign has been
designed and launched in the market, it is
important to know how effective it was vis-
à-vis the objectives

• Measuring effectiveness of an advertisement/

Ad campaign in light of established objectives
is understood as Advertising Testing

Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti, School of Communication Studies , Panjab University

Advertising Testing: importance
• To justify the cost of advertising
• Accountability (what objectives achieved)
• Avoiding mistakes (Pre-Test)
• Learning from Mistakes ( Post –Test)
• Return on Investment
• Contributes to advertising research
• Insights into consumer behaviour
• Determine saturation level of advertising budgets

Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti, School of Communication Studies , Panjab University

Advertising testing: Objectives
• Generate insights to build future campaigns
• Achieving maximum sales by gauging the factors
that affect sales (Copy Testing)
• Measuring Communication Effects
(Communication objectives like establishing brand
awareness, improving recall, increasing brand
recognition and bringing about an attitude change
etc can be measured)
• What to TEST ? – The copy, concept, choice of
media, receiver response.
Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti, School of Communication Studies , Panjab University
Objectives as related to functions of an
Ad Campaign and Step Models
• The results of an advertising campaign are measured
to find out its effectiveness in light of the
‘established’ objectives or the ‘functions’ that an ad
campaign was expected to fulfil.
• Any evaluation of an advertising campaign will
depend on the objectives of the campaign.
• STEP Models can help in testing ads vis-à-vis the
functions of a campaign

Dr.Bhavneet Bhatti, School of Communication Studies , Panjab University

Evaluation and Step Models- AIDA
Presumes that a consumer follows through these stages before purchase

Attention/Awareness : Since initially the consumer is unaware of the product, the

advertiser needs to build campaigns that will have the objectives of creating
awareness about the existence of product. Evaluation would involve measuring the
awareness levels. (Hutch- Vodafone)

Interest : Here the marketers need to find out how the consumer feels about the
product. Interest can be generated by demonstrating the usage of product and
evaluation can be done on same lines.

Desire : Once the customer is aware and interested, the objective is to get them
positively inclined towards the product, and create a desire, this can be done by
catering to specific needs

Action : while in most cases, action refers to purchase action, in some cases it could be
building of a favourable image or promotion of a product. The Evaluation here deals
with looking at if the advertisement campaign led to fulfilment of purchase action.
Evaluation and Step Models –

• DAGMAR model given by Russell Colley stands for

Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising
Results. The major thesis of DAGMAR model is that
communications effects are the logical basis for
advertising goals

• Colley proposed that communications task be based

on a hierarchical model of the communication process
with four stages – awareness, comprehension,
conviction and action.
Evaluation and STEP Models :
Hierarchy of Effects model
Awareness , Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction & Purchase
• Advertising must move consumers through the above psychological
stages before it can lead them to purchase . This model is often
used in objective setting and the measurement of advertising
Innovation Adoption Model
• Based on the theory of Diffusion of innovations Looks at how
consumers act as adopters of new innovation
• Decision making process involves – awareness, interest ,
evaluation, trial and adoption.
• Ad Effectiveness can be measured keeping in mind the steps to
gauge where the adoption process fails
Evaluation and Step Models –
Information Processing Model
• This model explain consumer behaviour in response to a
persuasive message such as advertising
• Persuasive message should be COMMUNICATED to the
receiver, who must ATTEND to the message, COMPREHEND
the message, be CONVINCED with the arguments and YIELD
to the message.
• The model suggests that advertising will fail if it is unable to
convince the audience at any stage.
• Thus, each stage must be measured through consumer
surveys or other mechanisms to provide feedback regarding
advertising effectiveness
Need for & uses of
pre-testing & post-testing
• Testing can prevent costly errors especially in judging which
advertising strategy or medium is most effective besides
giving a measure of the campaign’s value

• PRE- TESTING : To increase the likelihood of preparing the

most effective advertising messages , companies use PRE

• POST TESTING : Also known as AD Tracking, it provides an

advertiser with useful insights and guidelines for future
• Markets :
Advertisers may pre-test an advertising strategy or
particular commercials with various audience groups
representing different markets. The information they
gain may cause them to alter their strategy and target
the campaign to a different market.

In post test, advertisers want to know if the campaign

succeeded in reaching its target markets. Changes in
awareness and increase in market share are two
indicators of success.
• Consumer Jury Method
- A jury of consumers is made by selecting a panel
representing different classes of consumers
- Members select the best ad copy from the ones shown to
(a) Order of merit test – jury members rank different ads
individually and then scores are combined and averages .
The ad with highest rank is selected
(b) Paired Comparison – Here the jury members rank the ads
as one –to-one and each ad is compared with all other ads
in pairs and scored. Later the ad with highest score is
• Advertising Concept Testing
This test is done while developing the ad –copy and respondents are asked
questions regarding copy elements like which is the most appealing
headline, visual, color scheme etc.

E.g. Craftsvilla Advertisement

With Text

Without Text
• Trail Area Test
- This test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of in a
limited marketing area before it is released to the full
- In this test, two cities are selected with similar
economic and market conditions. Advertisement is
released only in test city and not in control city.
- Increase in sale in test city indicates the effectiveness
of the advertisement.
• Eye Movement Camera Test : Adopted for
outdoor ads. Eye movement camera are installed
in the signboards and areas of interest and
attention in an ad are recorded.

• Direct Mail Test: Ads are sent through mail and

respondents are expected to place order.
Number of actual orders are calculated. AT times
different ads can be sent to mailing lists and
orders placed can give idea fo best ad.
• Recognition Test – This test considers the degree of
memory as the basis of ad effectiveness. Respondents
are shown an ad and asked if they have seen it earlier

• Gallup and Robinson Recall Test – This is an aided

recall test to evaluate advertising effectiveness.
Respondent is shown a magazine and asked if he ahs
read it and asked qualifying questions to confirm
same. Then he is shown some cue cards with brand
names and asked to pick the one’s that are advertised
in the magazine. If he names out the advertised
brand, the advertisement is considered to be effective.
• Association Test : Any idea, clue, slogan or phrase
from the advertisement is provided to the
respondent and he is asked to associate a brand
name with it. If the phrase is correctly related,
the campaign is believed to be successful
• Sales Result Test : In this test, past sales before
the ad campaign and the sales after the campaign
are compared and if there is a good increase (that
justifies the cost of advertising) the campaign is
believed to be successful
• Split Run Test : Two ad copies are prepared and
released in same media in a way that 50% of the
media carries ad 1 and other carries ad 2.
redeemable coupons are attached to both and ad
copy which gets more coupons is believed to be
• Rating Scale Test : This test evaluates the
effectiveness of the ad appeal or theme. A
statement is given and respondents are asked to
agree/ disagree with it.
• PORTFOLIO TEST : Portfolio of various
advertisement copies is made. One ad copy is
actual which others are dummy. If the
respondent is able to identify the real ad, then
its believed that it was effective.

Concurrent Testing Methods – Telephonic

Survey, Interview Test, Customer Diary Test.
• Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
(SIE), BELCH, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

• ADVERTISING and PROMOTION, SHAH, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

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