3rd Syllabus

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Module- I (10 periods)
Introduction: History of java, C++ Vs JAVA, JAVA and Internet
and WWW, JAVA support systems, JAVA environment.
JAVAprogram structure, Tokens, Statements, JAVA virtual machine,
Constant & Variables, Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Scope of
Variables, Symbolic Constants, Type Casting.
Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical Assignments, Increment
and Decrement, Conditional, Bitwise, Special, Expressions & its
evaluation. If statement, if…else… statement, Nesting of if…else…
statements, else…if Ladder, Switch, conditional operators, Loops –
While, Do, For, Jump in Loops, Labelled Loops.
Module- II (10 Periods)
Classes & Methods: Defining a Class, Adding Variables and
Methods, java class attributes, Creating Objects, Accessing Class
Members, Constructors, Methods Overloading, Static Members,
Nesting of Methods, this pointer. Inheritance: Extending a Class,
Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Methods, Final Classes,
Finalize Methods, Abstract methods and Classes, Visibility Control,
super key word, java inner class.
Module -III (10 Periods)
Arrays: Arrays: One Dimensional & two Dimensional, String
classes, Math class and methods, Vectors, wrapper Classes,
Package: creating package, System Packages, Using System
Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes. Threads:
Creating Threads, Extending the Threads Class, Stopping and
Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of a Thread, Using Thread Methods,
Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization, Implementing
the Runnable Interface, Daemon thread, deadlock situation.
Module –IV (05 Periods)
Interface: DefiningInterface, Extending Interface, Implementing
Interface, Accessing Interface Variable, interface versus abstract
class, Exception Handling: Definition of an Exception, error versus
exception, Exception Classes, Common Exceptions, Exception
Handling Techniques, java file handling.
Module –V (05 Periods)
Local and Remote Applets Vs Applications :Writing Applets, Applets
Life Cycle, Creating an Executable AppletDesigning a Web Page,
Applet Tag, Adding Applet to HTML File, Running the Applet, Passing
Parameters to Applets, Aligning the Display, HTML Tags & Applets,
Getting Input from the User.


Module- I: (08 Periods)
Compiler Structure: Model of compilation, various phases of a
compiler. Lexical analysis: Interface with input parser and symbol
table, token, lexeme and patterns, difficulties in lexical analysis, input
buffering. Specification of tokens. Regular grammar & language
Module- II: (12 Periods)
Syntax Analysis: Grammar, Parsing, ambiguity, top down parsing,
top down parsing, recursive descent parsing, transformation on the
grammars, predictive parsing LL(1) grammar, Nor LL(1) grammar,
Bottom up parsing, operator precedence grammars, LR parsers (SLR,
Module- III: (10 Periods)
Syntax directed definitions: Inherited and synthesized attributes,
dependency graph, evaluation order, bottom up and top down
evaluation of attributes, L- and S-attributed definitions. Type
checking: type: type system, type expressions, structural and name
equivalence of types, type conversion. Run time system: storage
organization, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing
symbol table, dynamic storage allocation.
Module- IV: (10 Periods)
Intermediate code generation: intermediate code representation
techniques. Intermediate Code generation for control flow, function
call, Boolean expressions and procedure calls. Code optimization:
source of optimizations, optimization of basic blocks, loops, global
dataflow analysis, solution to iterative dataflow equations, code
improving transformations, dealing with aliases, data flow analysis of
structured flow graphs.
Module- V: (10 Periods)
Code generation and instruction selection: Issues, basic blocks and
flow graphs, register allocation, code generation, DAG
representation of programs, code generation from DAGS, peep hole
optimization. Symbol table management: Data structure for symbol
table organization. Error Handling and recovery.
MODULE- I (10 Periods)
Introduction to Soft Computing: Evolution of Computing - Soft
Computing Constituents – From Conventional to Computational
Intelligence - Machine Learning Basics
MODULE- II (10 Periods)
Genetic Algorithms: Introduction, Building block hypothesis,
working principle, Basic operators and Terminologies like individual,
gene, encoding, fitness function and reproduction, Genetic modelling:
Significance of Genetic operators, Inheritance operator, crossover,
inversion & deletion, mutation operator, Bitwise operator, GA
optimization problems, JSPP (Job Shop Scheduling Problem), TSP
(Travelling Salesman Problem),Differences & similarities between
GA & other traditional methods, Applications of GA.
MODULE- III (10 Periods)
Neural Networks: Machine Learning using Neural Network,
Adaptive Networks, Feed Forward Networks, Supervised Learning
Neural Networks, Radial Basis Function Networks, Reinforcement
Learning, Unsupervised Learning Neural Networks, Adaptive
Resonance Architectures, Advances in Neural Networks.
MODULE- IV (6 Periods)
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Relations,
Membership Functions, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning, Fuzzy
Inference Systems, Fuzzy Expert Systems, Fuzzy Decision Making.
MODULE- V (4 Periods)
Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems,
Coactive Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling, Classification and Regression Trees,
Data Clustering Algorithms, Rule base Structure Identification,
Neuro-Fuzzy Control – Case Studies
MODULE-I (8 Periods)
Introduction: What is Internet of Things (IoT) : History of IoT, About IoT,
Overview and Motivations, Examples of Applications, Internet of Things
Definitions and Frameworks : IoT Definitions, IoT Architecture, General
Observations, ITU-T Views, Working Definition, IoT Frameworks, Basic
Nodal Capabilities
MODULE-II : (8 Periods)
IoT Mechanisms and Key Technologies: Identification of IoT Objects and
Services, Structural Aspects of the IoT, Environment Characteristics, Traffic
Characteristics, Scalability, Interoperability, Security and Privacy, Open
Architecture, Key IoT Technologies, Device Intelligence, Communication
Capabilities, Mobility Support, Device Power, Sensor Technology, RFID
Technology, Satellite Technology.
MODULE-III : (8 Periods)
Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID): Introduction,
Principle of RFID, Components of an RFID system, Issues
EPC Global Architecture Framework: EPCIS & ONS, Design issues,
Technological challenges, Security challenges, IP for IoT, Web of Things.
MODULE-IV : (8 Periods)
Wireless Sensor Networks: History and Context, WSN Architecture, the
Node, Connecting Nodes, Networking Nodes, Securing Communication.
WSN specific IoT Applications and Challenges: Security, QoS, Configuration,
Various integration approaches, Data Link Layer protocols, Routing protocols
and Infrastructure Establishment.
MODULE-V : (8 Periods)
Resource Management in IoT: Clustering, Software Agents,
Clustering Principles in an Internet of Things, Architecture, Design
Guidelines, and Software Agents for Object Representation, Data
Synchronization, Identity portrayal, Identity management, various
identity management models: Local, Network, Federated and global
web identity, user-centric identity management, device centric identity
management and hybrid-identity management, Identity and trust.

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