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ANSI-AISC 358-20 - C7SA - Inglés

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Bolted flange plate (BFP) moment connections utilize plates welded to column
flanges and bolted to beam flanges. The top and bottom plates must be identical.
Flange plates are welded to the column flange using CJP groove welds and beam
flange connections are made with high-strength bolts. The beam web is connected to
the column flange using a bolted shear tab with bolts in short-slotted holes. Details
for this connection type are shown in Figure 7.1. Initial yielding and plastic hinge
formation are intended to occur in the beam in the region near the end of the flange

Bolted flange plate connections are prequalified for use in special moment frame
(SMF) and intermediate moment frame (IMF) systems within the limitations of these

Fig. 7.1.  Bolted flange plate moment connection.

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
9.2-40 Systems [Sect. 7.2.

Exception:  Bolted flange plate connections in SMF systems with concrete structural
slabs are only prequalified if the concrete structural slab is kept at least 1 in. (25 mm)
from both sides of both column flanges. It is permissible to place compressible mate-
rial in the gap between the column flanges and the concrete structural slab.


1. Beam Limitations
Beams shall satisfy the following limitations:
(1) Beams shall be rolled wide-flange or built-up I-shaped members conforming to
the requirements in Section 2.3.
(2) Beam depth shall be limited to a maximum of W36 (W920) for rolled shapes.
Depth of built-up sections shall not exceed the depth permitted for rolled wide-
flange shapes.
(3) Beam weight shall be limited to a maximum of 150 lb/ft (223 kg/m).
(4) Beam flange thickness shall be limited to a maximum of 1 in. (25 mm).
(5) The clear span-to-depth ratio of the beam shall be limited as follows:
(a) For SMF systems, 9 or greater.
(b) For IMF systems, 7 or greater.
(6) Width-to-thickness ratios for the flanges and web of the beam shall conform to
the requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions.
(7) Lateral bracing of beams shall be provided as follows:
Lateral bracing of beams shall conform to the requirements of the AISC Seismic
Provisions. To satisfy the requirements of Chapter E of the AISC Seismic Pro-
visions for lateral bracing at plastic hinges, supplemental lateral bracing shall
be provided at both the top and bottom beam flanges, and shall be located a
distance of d to 1.5d from the bolt farthest from the face of the column. No
attachment of lateral bracing shall be made within the protected zone.
Exception:  For both SMF and IMF systems, where the beam supports a con-
crete structural slab that is connected along the beam span between protected
zones with welded shear connectors spaced at a maximum of 12 in. (300 mm)
on center, supplemental top and bottom flange bracing at plastic hinges is not
(8) The protected zone consists of the flange plates and the portion of the beam
between the face of the column and a distance equal to one beam depth, d,
beyond the bolt farthest from the face of the column.

2. Column Limitations
Columns shall satisfy the following limitations:
(1) Columns shall be any of the rolled shapes or built-up sections permitted in Sec-
tion 2.3.

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
Sect. 7.5.] Connection Detailing 9.2-41

(2) The beam shall be connected to the flange of the column.

(3) Rolled shape column depth shall be limited to W36 (W920) maximum when
a concrete structural slab is provided. In the absence of a concrete structural
slab, the rolled shape column depth is limited to W14 (W360) maximum.
Flanged cruciform columns shall not have a width or depth greater than the
depth allowed for rolled shapes. Built-up box columns shall not have a width or
depth exceeding 24 in. (600 mm). Boxed wide-flange columns shall not have a
width or depth exceeding 24 in. (600 mm) if participating in orthogonal moment
(4) There is no limit on weight per foot of columns.
(5) There are no additional requirements for flange thickness.
(6) Width-to-thickness ratios for the flanges and web of columns shall conform to
the requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions.
(7) Lateral bracing of columns shall conform to the requirements of the AISC Seismic


Beam-to-column connections shall satisfy the following limitations:
(1) Panel zones shall conform to the requirements of the AISC Seismic
(2) Column-beam moment ratios shall conform to the requirements of the AISC
Seismic Provisions.


1. Plate Material Specifications
All connection plates shall conform to one of the following specifications: ASTM
A36/A36M or A572/A572M Grade 50 (345).

2. Beam Flange Plate Welds

Flange plates shall be connected to the column flange using CJP groove welds and
shall be considered demand critical. Backing, if used, shall be removed. The root pass
shall be backgouged to sound weld metal and back welded.

3. Single-Plate Shear Connection Welds

The single-plate shear connection shall be welded to the column flange. The single-
plate to column-flange connection shall consist of CJP groove welds, two-sided PJP
groove welds, or two-sided fillet welds.

4. Bolt Requirements
Bolts shall be arranged symmetrically about the axes of the beam and shall be limited
to two bolts per row in the flange plate connections. The length of the bolt group shall

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
9.2-42 Connection Detailing [Sect. 7.5.

not exceed the depth of the beam. Standard holes shall be used in beam flanges. Holes
in flange plates shall be standard or oversized holes. Bolt holes in beam flanges and
in flange plates shall be made by drilling or by sub-punching and reaming. Punched
holes are not permitted.

User Note:  Although standard holes are permitted in the flange plate, their use
will likely result in field modifications to accommodate erection tolerances.

Bolts in the flange plates shall be ASTM F3125 Grade A490, Grade A490M or
Grade F2280 assemblies. Threads shall be excluded from the shear plane. Bolt diam-
eter is limited to 18 in. (28 mm) maximum.

5. Flange Plate Shims

Shims with a maximum overall thickness of 4 in. (6 mm) may be used between the
flange plate and beam flange as shown in Figure 7.1. Shims, if required, may be fin-
ger shims or may be made with drilled or punched holes.


Step 1.  Compute the probable maximum moment at the plastic hinge, Mpr, in accor-
dance with Section 2.4.3.
Step 2.  Compute the maximum bolt diameter to prevent beam flange tensile rupture.
For standard holes with two bolts per row:
bf ⎛ Ry Fy ⎞ 1
db ≤ ⎜⎝ 1 − R F ⎟⎠ − 8 in. (7.6-2)
2 t u 
bf ⎛ Ry Fy ⎞
db ≤ ⎜⎝ 1 − R F ⎟⎠ − 3 mm (7.6-2M)
2 t u 
Select a bolt diameter. Check that the edge distance for the beam flange holes satisfies
the AISC Specification requirements.
Step 3.  Assume a flange plate thickness, tp. Estimate the width of the flange plate,
bfp, considering bolt gage, bolt edge distance requirements, and the beam flange
width. Determine the controlling nominal shear strength per bolt considering bolt
shear and bolt bearing:
⎧ 1.0 Fnv Ab

rn = min ⎨ 2.4 Fub d b t f (7.6-3)
⎪ 2.4 Fup d b tp
Ab = nominal unthreaded body area of bolt, in.2 (mm2)
Fnv = nominal shear strength of bolt from the AISC Specification, ksi (MPa)

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
Sect. 7.6.] Design Procedure 9.2-43

Fub = specified minimum tensile strength of beam material, ksi (MPa)

Fup = specified minimum tensile strength of plate material, ksi (MPa)
db = nominal bolt diameter, in. (mm)
tf = beam flange thickness, in. (mm)
tp = flange plate thickness, in. (mm)
Step 4.  Select a trial number of bolts.

User Note:  The following equation may be used to estimate the trial number of
1.25 Mpr
n≥ (7.6-4)
ϕn rn ( d + t p )

n = number of bolts rounded to next higher even number increment
d = beam depth, in. (mm)

Step 5.  Determine the beam plastic hinge location, Sh, as dimensioned from the face
of the column.
Sh = S1 + s ⎛ − 1⎞ (7.6-5)
⎝ 2 ⎠

S1 = distance from face of column to nearest row of bolts, in. (mm)
n = number of bolts
s = spacing of bolt rows, in. (mm)
The bolt spacing between rows, s, and the edge distance shall be sufficiently large to
ensure that lc, as defined in the AISC Specification, is greater than or equal to 2db.
Step 6.  Compute the shear force at the beam plastic hinge location at each end of the
The shear force at the hinge location, Vh, shall be determined from a free-body dia-
gram of the portion of the beam between the plastic hinge locations. This calculation
shall assume the moment at the plastic hinge location is Mpr and shall include gravity
loads acting on the beam based on the load combination of 1.2D + f1L + 0.2S, where
D is the dead load; f1 is the load factor determined by the applicable building code for
live loads, but not less than 0.5; L is the live load; and S is the snow load.

User Note:  The load combination of 1.2D + f1L + 0.2S is in conformance with
ASCE/SEI 7-16. When using the International Building Code, a factor of 0.7 must
be used in lieu of the factor of 0.2 for S (snow) when the roof configuration is such
that it does not shed snow off of the structure.

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
9.2-44 Design Procedure [Sect. 7.6.

Step 7.  Calculate the moment expected at the face of the column flange.
Mf = Mpr + Vh Sh(7.6-6)
where Vh is the larger of the two values of shear force at the beam hinge location at
each end of the beam, kips (N).
Equation  7.6-6 neglects the gravity load on the portion of the beam between the
plastic hinge and the face of the column. The gravity load on this small portion of the
beam is permitted to be included.
Step 8. Compute Fpr , the force in the flange plate due to Mf.
Fpr = (7.6-7)
( + tp )

d = depth of beam, in. (mm)
tp = thickness of flange plate, in. (mm)
Step 9.  Confirm that the number of bolts selected in Step 4 is adequate.
n≥ (7.6-8)
ϕn rn 

Step 10.  Check that the thickness of the flange plate assumed in Step 3 is adequate:
tp ≥ (7.6-9)
ϕd Fy b fp 

Fy = specified minimum yield stress of flange plate, ksi (MPa)
bfp = width of flange plate, in. (mm)
Step 11.  Check the flange plate for the limit state of tensile rupture.
Fpr ≤ ϕn Rn (7.6-10)
where Rn is defined in the tensile rupture provisions of Chapter J of the AISC
Step 12.  Check the beam flange for the limit state of block shear rupture.
Fpr ≤ ϕn Rn (7.6-11)
where Rn is as defined in the block shear rupture provisions of Chapter J of the AISC
Step 13.  Check the flange plate for the limit states of compression buckling.
Fpr ≤ ϕn Rn (7.6-12)
where Rn is defined in the compression buckling provisions of Section J4.4 of the
AISC Specification.

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction
Sect. 7.6.] Design Procedure 9.2-45

User Note:  When checking compression buckling of the flange plate, the effective
length, KL, may be taken as 0.65S1.

Some iteration from Steps 3 through 13 may be required to determine an acceptable

flange plate size.
Step 14.  Determine the required shear strength, Vu, of the beam and the beam-web-
to-column connection from:
2 Mpr
Vu = + Vgravity (7.6-13)
Lh = distance between plastic hinge locations, in. (mm)
Vgravity = beam shear force resulting from 1.2D + f1L + 0.2S (where f1 is a load
factor determined by the applicable building code for live loads, but
not less than 0.5), kips (N)

User Note:  The load combination of 1.2D + f1L + 0.2S is in conformance with
ASCE/SEI 7-16. When using the International Building Code, a factor of 0.7 must
be used in lieu of the factor of 0.2 for S (snow) when the roof configuration is such
that it does not shed snow off of the structure.

Check design shear strength of beam according to the AISC Specification.

Step 15.  Design a single-plate shear connection for the required shear strength, Vu,
calculated in Step 14 and located at the face of the column, meeting the requirements
of the AISC Specification.
Step 16.  Check the continuity plate requirements according to Chapter 2.

Step 17.  Check the column panel zone according to Section 7.4.

The required shear strength of the panel zone shall be determined from the summa-
tion of the moments at the column faces as determined by projecting moments equal
to Ry Fy Ze at the plastic hinge points to the column faces. For d, add twice the thick-
ness of the flange plate to the beam depth.

Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames

for Seismic Applications, 2016, incl. Supplements No. 1 and No. 2
American Institute of Steel Construction

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